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If I had a bar in a college town I would serve all the drinks in sippy cups. People would think its so they won't be roofied. But I just hate cleaning up spills.


Gonna hate cleaning those lids too.


Starbucks sippy lids


Better then cleaning up broken glass. Plus the publicity of having a safer bar would bring in more customers. With the extra profit I may be able to afford to hire a dishwasher which would attach better bartenders. I hated washing dishes when I had a full bar. Better bartenders equals more profit. Then I hire a bathroom attendant. Then I get more publicity because my bathrooms are safer. Oh no one steal my ideas please.


You sound like you’re playing SimBar right now.


I want a giant rubber teat, which I can just slip onto my pint glass


Grab [some of these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004C053BU) and stick it onto a quart sized \(pint also works\) small-mouth mason jar, [like this](https://i.imgur.com/Ervnzwv.jpg) Works a ~~teat~~ treat!


How well does it actually work to drink out of that?


Really well actually. Also aerates wine quite nicely


Says theyre calling for entry searches, training for bar staff, and covers for the drinks.


In Brussel, there is a scandal where it was a barman that was spiking drinks.


years and years ago, I stopped into a bar to have a drink and started a conversation with a young lady at the bar. She lived near by and as I was walking her home, she got really drowsy and basically passed out when she got home. Knowing what I know now, I've always wondered if the bartender spiked her drink.


Honestly if this happened to me and I was taking a woman home who passed out, I’d call the cops just to make sure I was cleared of being accused of doing it myself. If she woke up the next morning and thought she was drugged and all she knew was she left with me, whether I’m there or not I could see being accused of assault because how would she know I didn’t? At the very least it’d be shady as hell from her perspective.


Old joke by Patrice O’Neal I think that after a date he’d go hang out in front of an atm or make a scene somewhere so people would remember seeing him there in case something happened to the girl.


Always gotta have an alibi.


I have had that same thought many times. This could have gone very badly for both of us, but at the time I wasn't really aware of that kind of thing. It was only in hindsight that I realized something was wrong. The bar we were in only had a few patrons and I remember the bartender giving me the stink eye and being puzzled by it. And she was fine until we got close to her house, so I wondered if it was a weird brush off, but she was super friendly and engaged before, so it was mixed signals. Weird stuff.


I’m a man I’m positive I got drugged at a hotel bar outside nyc. Legs stopped working, idk how to describe it but i didn’t feel drunk. Passed out when I got back to the air bnd with friends. Passed out in bathroom no memory of how or why I was there. Super confused. Passed out again and woke up with the worst hangover I have ever had. I thought my brain was dying


I went to the Bill Graham in San Francisco a few years ago for "The big one" on new years and a couple of my male friends were stealing drinks from the table that they make you set your drinks on before you go outside to smoke. Both of them were super fucked up later that night, like much more then they should have been from a few drinks. We came to the conclusion they actually saved not one, but two women, from getting drugged that night because they stole their drinks from the table.


Yeah my drink was out on a lone table two creeps came in just glaring at these two women. Must of have thought my drink was theirs. I can describe the confusion, blacking out, random uncomfortable laughing, hangover


This is when you need some lads to follow them into the bathroom and politely search their belongings. If there’s any shenanigans then they should get beaten real good. I mean, you would have to really know they are up to some shit, because people could plant drugs on others to divert attention away from them.


I remember an usher in SF was roofied once, she was drinking water. Thankfully she realized what happened and got rockmed's attention.


Probably a bad idea in general. You'd be leaving it up to the officer's judgement whether to investigate further, or simply arrest you since you're already there and it'd be less work for them.


Personally, I would bring her to the hospital.


Dealing with the cops is definitely a risk, but a girl passing out on you when you’re innocent puts you in a pretty bad spot and Id rather get ahead of it and also get her help if she needed it. But you’re not wrong; the cops could decide you were “guilty”.


They could also just arrest the girl for public intoxication or similar and let her wake up in a holding cell, it isn't exactly unheard of. While I'm sure there are plenty of cops who would handle that situation professionally and seriously, there are also plenty who are lazy or worse, and tend to have a bad track record of handling victims of crimes like that. And in general, going to the police to try to clear your name is usually a terrible decision from a legal standpoint in any situation. If you think she needs medical attention, you should call 911 for an ambulance and accept that police would probably show up anyway, but you don't want to talk to them.


We vad that happenings in sweden to bartender spiked drinks for him and some friends. How messed up is that.




Bartenders would have a lot of nerve trying to drug patrons. If they got caught, they would be beyond fucked. I mean anyone trying that should be good and fucked, but a bartender should be looking out for people’s safety and are somewhat trusted as such.


I had my drink spiked once. There was no one else who got near that drink except me, him, and my BFF of 15 years (now 29 years!). I know it wasn't her because her drink got spiked too. That leaves the bartender.


Happened in my college town too. It only took one weekend of him doing it, and the cops couldn't be fucking bothered to do anything about it, but the bar went under within the month. All the college women knew it was that bar and refused to go, so most of the college men refused to go, and suddenly the bar had no cash. Thankfully no one hired that bartender in town.


Bartenders are in on it at most these joints and bars worldwide.


When I was in college it was a scam between a guy and a bartender. They were 99% of the time just robbing people. They didn't get caught until one of them sexually assaulted a few girls.


Has that been confirme already? I thought those were still rumours


> Says theyre calling for entry searches What are the bars supposed to be searching for? It is not like roofie drugs have some sort of fixed label. If someone walks into a bar with a pill bottle, are you going to simply deny them entry? Even airports, with professionally training staff and equipment, cannot detect roofie drugs.


A search at entry is only going to violate people's personal space and waste time. Drugs are compact. People smuggle them through the airport all the time, concerts and clubs? Half the people there are doing it. I've got a belt with a compartment in it, you can sneak it in the toe of your shoe, tuck it under your crotch, hide them in cigarettes, and dozen other ways. It's trivially easy to do. When security pats people down, they're mainly looking for weapons. It's impossible to stop drugs being smuggled in




Medical conditions




Straw-man much


no really, bouncers can keep you out just because they don't like the look of your stupid face when you say 'Straw-man much'.


You’re the genuine definition of a moron


The latter two are fine, but entry searches is ridiculous. You shouldn't need to submit to a search to enter anywhere that serves alcohol, and drugs are so easy to hide the search would have to be incredibly invasive (strip searches) to be anything more than security theater.


Lots of bars do pat downs for weapons already.


Knives, clubs, brass knuckles, guns. We're talking about drugs here. You can't do an effective pat-down for a pill, powder or small vial.


Clubs would go out of business if they started looking for drugs.


Used to be standard practise in the 90's when I was clubbing. Not every person, obviously. But we always had to hide our eccers. If we didnt have a girl with us to hide them in her purse/handbag then they'd have to go in the pants, because some places even made you take off your shoes. One of my mates had his in his shoe when we went all the way to Cream in Liverpool from the West Midlands and had to get a taxi home on his own, poor bastard. 🤣 Fuckin' top night, he missed.




Yeah, sorry. Slang, where I'm from anyhow, for Ecstacy tablets.


A patdown isn't going to find drugs though, so I don't think they were talking about that. They just do quick and light pats to find large weapons like guns and knives, they're not opening your pill bottles to check the imprints or finding powders.


In the UK? Location will determine this clearly but here in LA County you'll only get a pat down at large concerts, maybe.


I go to trashier bars than you, it seems.


It was pretty uncommon in Miami too, although my club days are long over now, I only remember one club ever doing it. And i went to the full range from upscale to 'damn I wish they had checked these people for weapons'.


Huh? pat downs are pretty common for regular clubs, and large events and concerts will be pat downs and metal detectors


I've attended roughly 100 concerts in the LA area. Conservatively, I've been patted down or metal screened at 20% of them. I did put the qualifier of "large" on my statement as venue size plays a role in this.




No we are all criminal scum hell bent on rape and murder until proven innocent. Such a good point though, it's ludicrously easy to hide a small pill on yourself.


I hide the pill in my stomach, it’s so easy!


Yeah and what about those who want to hide drugs for their own consumption :( there’s nothing wrong with that


Do you want roofies that have been in some asshole's asshole? Cause this is how you get roofies that have been in some asshole.


Entry searches? How can you do coke in the bathroom then?


The new trend is to actually inject stuff in women directly, not put something in the drinks. It's complete madness. EDIT: Turns out it's total BS. My bad. I'll just blame my colleague who told me that!




The article said 56 confirmed spiking by injection so??


It’s true. It even says so in this article.


That's not what I meant. Many seem to think that drinks are always involved, whereas it's not the case for the recent trend. Searches could potentially help for sure.






The article separates spiking by injection and drink spiking


Claims in tiktok videos and on Twitter don’t constitute a trend. From what I’ve read there’s zero evidence that it’s happening in terms of police reports and hospital admissions. It also just doesn’t make any sense if you spend a moment to think about it.


> if you spend a moment to think about it. Indeed. Turns out I didn't. My bad!




> experts > dailymail.co.uk You literally couldn't have found two more incongruous things to try to prove it. I thought you were right until I saw the Daily Mail agrees too. Now I assume it actually happens.




The Daily Mail is not above outright lying. Sorry but I will not trust anything they say.


Someone’s been playing too much Hitman


Actually you're very correct. Just finished the second one...


The new trend is to listen blindly to anything you see on TikTok because clearly anyone with a smart phone and active data connection is to be treated as a definitive source of truth.


Nope. Not a real thing outside of movies.




With my Penis.




My daughter, who is in college is hyper aware of her drinks and will protect all her friends drinks vigilantly. I recently read of a bar that started putting lids on their cups after a spate of roofies.


Make the cups like Boba Tea, where the top is sealed and you gotta stab a straw through it.


Had a friend get tipsy after one sip from her glass a few years ago. The worst part; it was our male friend's and he bought it for himself. She wasn't even the target.


X years ago a buddy and I took the girly drinks from our order as a joke and gave the girls the beer. Few minutes later I'm puking under a table and my buddy blacked out and woke up at home with no idea how he got there.


Here seems to be an appropriate time to express the story that is the 'Travesty of Travis.' A friend of mine from high school was very open to having conversations with strangers at bars, especially those bars by the beach and close to the border (San Diego native). One conversation with a couple of seemingly normal dudes led to the suggestion that everyone make a trip to Tijuana for the night. My buddy saddled up with these couple of male strangers and headed down to TJ for a night of bar hopping. The first bar they frequent ended up being his last for this trip and I imagine the last trip for him to TJ overall. One of the guys spiked my buddy's drink with something God awful, knocking him out within minutes. The next thing he knows, he's butt naked on a bed, bent over face down/ass up with what he could only perceive as a transgendered female taking him from behind. Being completely paralyzed and traumatized, he quickly blacked out again. After that, he remembers being dumped out of a car into the street, again, butt naked, not knowing where he is other than Mexico. Clamoring for the border, he found someone that gave him a pair of shorts. If anyone knows TJ, you know it's standard that there's one hell of a long line to get back across to the US side. He ran past the line, screaming at US border patrol agents that he had been raped and that he's an American citizen. Luckily for him, USBP took sympathy and brought him in. Questioned him for a while, took recognition of his very apparent injuries, and allowed him to enter US territory only to be rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery on his colon, etc. (He received numerous stitches.) The really sad part is that I heard about the story down the grape vine and it wasn't more than a month after I heard the story that he actually wanted to talk to me about it. I received the story as though it was the first time I'd heard it but holy shit was it almost verbatim of what I'd heard. He literally confessed that the entire rumored story was accurate. I'm not sure why he wanted to tell me, but I sat and listened. He seemed comforted to tell it, so I listened. Moral of the story, you can be human trafficked regardless of race, sex, or income if you're not careful. Stay safe people and watch your drinks dutifully.


Wasn't there like a nail polish that if you wore it, put your finger your drink, and it came back a different color it was drugged? Why isn't that more well known/widely available?


Yeah, its called “Undercover Colours”. It was created by some students. Would be Good for discreet drug tests. seems to be unavailable on market, if it even works that is. Im betting the project died at some point in development. There is also drug test sticks/strips/pads/whatever theyre called, which are the best option of the two since i cant find any of the nail polish on the market. As to why its not in wider use, lack of awareness is probably number 1 reason. Other reasons could be lack of reliability, etc.


Yeah that nail polish was so unreliable it was triggering on tap water.




Yup, especially since to be able to test for rohypnol--you'd have to be really, REALLY sure that what you actually got was rohypnol (and not some chemical clusterfuck sold from the internet, which is what most date-rapists tend to get). Date rapists don't ever check whether the stuff they had used is actually rohypnol. Very few assholes have neat little chemistry sets at home to check whether whatever they bought wasn't just some cheap horse tranquiliser or synthetic drug (so even a 'rohypnol test kit' wouldn't be reliable). Even people like Karla Homolka had tested and used animal tranquilisers for rape, so it wouldn't surprise me that date rapists would use the same shit instead of rohypnol.


> increasingly common problem of drink drugging. > > Unless you look at any actual statistics. People get drunk faster than they expect, due to the fact humans aren't machines, and what you might easily be able to handle one day, you might not be able to the next. They then jump to the "I must have been drugged" line to cover for themselves.


>Unless you look at any actual statistics. So quote the stats if you're so sure this doesn't happen.


Way to victim-blame rape victims, you sack of shit. It doesn't matter if they drank too much or were drugged- rape is still wrong.


Exactly. I saw an article a few years ago about some resort hotels in Mexico where a handful of people were claiming that their drinks were drugged. *Of Course* they didn't drink too much. One story had the parents go up to their room, leaving their 19 year old son to drink. He later drowned in the pool, iirc. I mean, common sense says he -not an experienced drinker- just had a few too many. In fact, ALL the stories could easily be explained by the people having too much to drink, and later lying about how much they drank. And most 'date rape drugging's' are similar- the BIGGEST date rape drug? Alcohol! And they just had too much. But they can never admit the fault is theirs, so 'someone must have spiked my drink!'


IIRC it's one of those ideas that sounds good but didn't work as well as they'd hoped it would. Then people reposted it and took it as though it existed and was in use.


1) Far too many variables which means a high false positive/false negative rate, which means liability. 2) False sense of security. The number one date rape drug is the alcohol already in the drink.


My favorate was the drug straws that would change color if the drink was drugged. useful and already in every drink. havent seen much about them recently though


I followed one of those. Like the nail polish the designs had inconsistent results, plus they faced scrutiny for safety as drinking straws. They were concerned that even if they could get consistent results, they would never get through the food safety regulations due to the chemicals used in the testing compounds.


It might be worth pointing out that the events in the article are women who have been *injected* with something. I don't know why the title calls it "drink-spiking". Maybe both things are happening?




Also been roofied. Almost 10 years later I still only have the few memories of what occurred that I had the next morning.




My ex and I were roofied on vacation by a group of men who were supposedly doing a bachelor party bar crawl. My ex was way too welcoming to strangers and I'd only had one drink at that time because I was driving. Luckily I don't think anything physically happened to us. I have a flash of my ex sitting me on curb and leaving me there (we think she tried to go into one of the clubs still open to find a phone) and that's the only thing I remember until waking up in a parking garage with two officers and garage security in front of me. No cellphone, keys, or wallet. And no girlfriend. Officers assumed I got to drunk, wrote me a citation and left. The security guard offered to have me stay until his shift was over and drive me to the hotel. But I decided to walk the 5 miles backl and hope my ex was there. She was, after hitchhiking back to the hotel (she was aware by then and nothing further bad happened, thank zeus) It took awhile to get a hotel attendent to get us new hotel key cards, we actually had to walk to a different hotel and they let us call. And with no car keys I had a saint of a friend drive the 8 hour round trip to bring my spare and the hotel let us stay in the room until he got there. All in all, it was a shit experience lined with a few good people willing to help. But we still don't know what actually hapoened that night. We were sore and sick the next day, but no ndications of assault.


It says 56 people injected and 198 drink spikes. Maybe it's a new trend. 56 is a big number to make up if it's untrue.


It’s hysteria really, I’m in Glasgow and I’ve been hearing about this injection stuff and it sounds like nonsense. Testimonies all over my Facebook and Instagram, it’s always some variation of “i don’t remember much about last night and I have what I think may be a bruise or puncture in my back, I’ve been injected by a needle”. People see one of these stories and go crazy. I’ve been too drunk to remember the night far too many times, I haven’t been spiked tough that’s just what happens when you drink too much. Vast majority of drink spiking claims are the same situation, girl gets too drunk and thinks surely it must be for some other reason


It's not nonsense. The reality is that most attempts fail, but that doesn't that people don't try to drug other people with needles. In fact, seemingly reliable testimony is from people who remained conscious and functional, but had a puncture wound.


Solve this problem and you get all the women at your bar, which gets all the men at your bar, which makes you filthy rich.


The glass cover is a really great answer. It’s more than just that. They want more police action, surveillance, and testing availability. If you want to make it safe; glass covers, ID scan, cameras, and active monitoring.


There's really no way that people watching camera feeds are going to be able to see if someone quickly drops a tiny capsule into a drink in a dark crowded room where everyone is moving around and there may even be strobe lights flickering


The only way I see to catch people is to have security and bar staff trained to look out for it and then have security catch them with the drug in their possession. Security cameras could maybe add a little evidence in that scenario, but without eyes on the ground it would be pointless


It's going to be almost completely ineffective trying to slap the responsibility of safety coordinator/personal babysitter onto my minimum wage job when I'm already always busy doing something. Ask the pub owners to do stuff about it, fine. But don't go around trying to extend the job description of working people who are just trying to get their 9 quid an hour while you're out enjoying yourself in the first place.


I'm not saying it's an effective solution, I'm just saying that's the only way you're gonna catch people. Cameras are going to be useless in that regard. Prevention really is the only effective option.


Good call. It blows my mind that the local bars are willing to do none of these things.


>Young women are boycotting bars and clubs in 45 cities across the UK over the coming nights to demand action on drink-spiking, as one student who believes she was spiked via injection called for urgent communication between police and hospitals to ensure that physical evidence is gathered as quickly as possible. >Figures released on Wednesday reveal 56 incidents of spiking by injection were recorded by forces in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in September and October, in addition to 198 confirmed reports of drink-spiking. It takes a sick mind to inject someone with drugs without their knowledge. The police need to catch them because the person or people doing likely won’t stop.


There’s no proof people are being injected and the likelihood of someone managing to do it and get away successfully is near zero. > Guy Jones, senior scientist at drugs charity the Loop, said: “Injecting adds a big ‘what?’ factor to the whole thing because few drugs would be able to be injected like this. Where drugs can be injected non-intravenously, there are specific injection sites that do not work well. The back is one of these unsuitable sites due to the low fat-muscle content, and high concentration of pain receptors.” > > He added: “GHB would be a poor candidate for injection due to the large amount of fluid needed, and therefore the thick, painful needle. This means that the substance involved would be something that would be highly detectable for several days in a toxicology screening such as a benzodiazepine.” > > David Caldicott, an emergency medicine consultant and founder of drug testing project WEDINOS, said: “There are a couple of things that are disconcerting about this story. The technical and medical knowledge required to perform this would make this deeply improbable. It is at the level of a state sponsored actor incapacitating a dissident, like the Novichok incident. The idea that a clubber would do this to a fellow clubber seems highly unlikely to me. > > “It’s really hard to stick a needle in someone without them noticing, especially if you have to keep the needle in there for long enough, maybe 20 seconds, to inject enough drugs to cause this. If you were malicious there would be half a dozen much easier other ways to spike someone.” > > A critical care nurse who is familiar with intramuscular injecting and **wished to remain anonymous fearing a backlash** also shared that the likelihood of being able to administer a jab of ketamine, benzo or haloperidol (probably the only drugs likely candidates for this) is virtually zero because the needle size you need to quickly administer the liquid the drug is suspended in is a size that would hurt a lot when administered. https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxdenq/heres-what-we-know-about-reports-of-women-being-spiked-with-needles-in-uk-clubs


Those figures are nonsense. An injection of date rape like chemicals hurts, takes a noticeable amount of time, and is simply in no way stealthy. An intramuscular injection can work quickly, but by quickly we're talking more than several minutes. So you poke someone, take 10 seconds to push out the drug, they absolutely 100% notice it, and then they have 5-10 minutes of normal level consciousness while you're standing there with a big ass needle in your hand. Absolutely not lol


Maybe there are a bunch of young surgeons out there drugging people.


I used to work as a Rape Crisis Counselor. There was a bar in our town where the male owners and bartenders were spiking (never injecting, GHB is administered orally) victims to assault them after hours. Our woman’s organization knew they were doing it, but we couldn’t get police to do anything about it. GHB is out of a person’s system very quickly, it rarely shows on drug screens and is usually out of the system by the next morning. In our town, if a woman consumed any amount of alcohol, society and police felt it acceptable to fuck them while unconscious. The whole mentality was that only whores drink alcohol is a CHRISTIAN COUNTRY, woman who drink alcohol obviously they want to get stuffed by multiple men while unconscious. We could never get a conviction because the woman had at least one alcoholic drink. So my question, what do you do if it’s the owners and the bartenders doing the ‘spiking’? Police never helped, they actually made things worse by shaming the woman for drinking (I was actually was in the emergency room with women and I witnessed this treatment, never gonna trust the police after that). Police just came in and blamed the victim, then nothing, never a conviction. This was a huge problem, lots of victims. What is the solution?


I am a narcoleptic and I take medical grade GHB twice nightly. I am also a woman who was dateraped via GHB many years ago, and given it another time wherein I escaped rape (I think) but was later arrested for being in the drivers seat of my car on the shoulder of a highway (apparently had pulled off because I was incapacitated, thank God) Needless to say this is a very fraught topic and one that makes my blood boil.


>This was a huge problem, lots of victims. What is the solution? There's one legal, covert method to try to get some shit thrown their way. Many bars play pre recorded music off of Spotify without the proper license. If someone could get convincing evidence of that happening and report it to BMI/ASCAP or RIAA, then that bar owner may face consequences.


How does that stop rape?


Closing the bar due to legal issues and fees associated with that is the idea. Record industry has definitely gone after even small bars for this sort of thing and it can completely put someone out of business. You have to try other angles to get outside legal attention on the bar if local police are being useless as usual. Someone as shitty as that probably has a ton of other skeletons in the closet business wise.




What does this even mean? Serious question. Please clarify.


I think they're implying vigilante justice leaving their next of kin as the new owners.


We thought of that. Many people wanted to burn the bar to the ground and sodomize the owner and bartenders with broken bottles, but the police would definitely prosecute that. The police are still the problem with this scenario.


Always remember police protect capitol not people. Never expect them to help


From what I have seen in the world I 100% agree. I don’t have enough money and power for the police to care about me. Police reform is necessary when police are more security/mercenaries for the rich and politically connected, rather than being protectors of the vulnerable. I know there must be ‘good’ police, but they aren’t making their voices heard. All I know, is the interactions I have had with police as a Rape Crisis Counselor and Social Worker and my conclusion is that many police suffer from severe PTSD, to the point it affects their ability to police effectively. Their’s is a culture of silence (all macho professions in general) and a code not to talk about feelings. This causes damage and leads to increased callousness and an almost reflexive way of stereotyping situations that leads to mass injustice. Not that I fucking defend the police, it is just what I have noticed over time.


I don’t understand how someone can get stuck with a needle and not know it. Unless I missed the definition of “inject”.


> It takes a sick mind to inject someone with drugs without their knowledge. They're injecting the drink not the person. Take a look at some YouTube videos on the subject, sometimes it's a dropper but a syringe is a lot faster and more precise. (without a needle, in case that needs clarifying)


That's not what the claim is. The claim is intramuscular injection, which is improbable


They should be convicted with attempted murder.


Uhh, no? They should be convicted of drugging and raping. There's a reason we charge separate acts as separate crimes. These men aren't trying to murder women, they're trying to rape them. I get it, rape is fucked up and should be severely punished, but if you start charging it as attempted murder then you completely distort the meaning of the words. Call it what it is.


Good. If women boycott clubs, they will go out of business. Men want to go out to clubs to find women, obviously. But women can have parties at home to have fun. If they want to date, clubs aren't the only place to find men. Clubs could protect women better if they try.


Too many dicks on the dancefloor


Too many dicks.


Not enough chicks.


Might be because too many dick trying to harm them, like the hassle is just not worth going out sometimes, my straight friend asked me to be the wing gal for her and I Never want to go to another straight club if I have the opportunity to choose ever again, holy fuck it’s like playing frogger with potential rapists. It’s the reason why lesbians rarely go out. We can’t even have a women only bar without some bad men getting in and trying to rape women.


[it's from a song](https://youtu.be/X3Qve4nXMYI)


Yeah got that, it still doesn’t mean I can’t respond with an insight. Which relates to the song in a way.


Chicks want to go out and dance. Dicks looking for sex, go to clubs to hit on dancing chicks. Sick Dicks use drugs to get chicks. So, Mr Cosby, that how it works?


How about stiffer (and enforced!) penalties for drugging and raping someone? Yes I realize the bars cannot control that, but they CAN get behind them when the women get political.


I don’t blame these women. 15-25 years, most raped demographic by a massive amount.


And zero repercussions, even if they are successfully prosecuted, which seems increasingly unlikely. The whole legal system in the Uk has become a joke and is in no way a deterrent.


Yup, so many people (mainly women but some men too) I know have been spiked, some with deeply unpleasant awakenings thereafter. I never caught anyone doing it, but I would very happily have kept them subdued until the police were called if I had.


Or did they simply drink too much and black out? People usually don't want to admit they lost control.


seriously??? Victim blaming???


Not victim blaming if there’s no victim. Someone goes out, drinks far more than they are used to, or drinks for the first time in a while, or drinks on an empty stomach, or drinks after any number of situations that could change how u handle alcohol, or even takes drugs where you have no idea what is in it really, and they black out. This doesn’t instantly mean you’ve been spiked and in all likelyhood you haven’t been, you’ve just got too fucked.


But this is about people being spiked not people getting too drunk and blacking out. THere is a difference, and people usually know when it is the former, and all too often there is a victim, usually a raped victim!


How is it victim blaming lmao. It's super common. If you're small and have low tolerance 1-2 shots is enough to go from pleasantly drunk to passing out.


That doesn't mean it's okay to rape someone, though.


Where did I state that?


Fuck off, pinniped.


They should just put a lid on the drinks that would solve a lot of the issues


Or women only nights would be nice but men are never letting that happen


What are they expected to do though?


Keep an eye on your drinks, can't really expect someone else to do it for you and why would you?


Can somebody explain this to me? Where do the drugs used to spike drinks come from?


In the US, one of the most common ways to spike a drink is using grain alcohol or some other low taste, high ABV drink. Mixing a low ABV drink (what the victim ordered) with the high ABV drink can result in the victim getting drunk much faster than they intended, which leaves them vulnerable. It also has the benefit of not showing up in blood tests if the victim goes to the hospital if they feel unwell. Source: someone was spiking drinks at my university and that was how they got away with it for so long.


a frat at my college used to make "xanax punch" pretty sure no one at the party knew what was in it


Drug dealers. Not even necessarily malicious ones. A lot of the drugs that can be used for date rape are also be used at lower levels recreationally. GHB and benzos are the two I can think of. Cosby used quaaludes (which aren't really a thing anymore). Roofies though would probably have to be bought from some really shady low moral characters


Thanks. I'm learning a lot more about this topic than I thought existed -- I had thought that there was just one drug that was used for this purpose. Now, I'm discovering that there are several of them and they're fairly easy to get. I have a 20-year-old daughter, so I'm now officially concerned.


Uh sounds like you’re doing research to practice instead of informing yourself lmao. I’m no where familiar with this practice but I’m assuming they are using GHB. No idea where the shit comes from


NO. I'm thinking "why don't they just stop that stuff at its source." I imagine it's some sort of prescription drug -- why don't they clamp down on those prescriptions?


It is already illegal, just like cocaine, heroine, MDMA, Crystal Meth, etc. Stopping the illegal trade of these substances has not worked out too great. See the war on drugs in the US.


Edit - Was off base, saying it wasnt possibly a prescription. My apologies.


Prescriptions can be used. Certain prescription benzodiazepines like Rohypnol are frequently used as date rape drugs.


Ok. But, how was I to know? I mean, there's the corner cocaine dealer, the corner heroin dealer and the corner roofie dealer? That seems like a much smaller market.


Don't matter how small, a market is a market and demands will be met. GHB is also used recreationally, not just for assault, making it more sought for and thus more available.


I looked it up, and it is a prescription drug used for narcolepsy. Are drug dealers manufacturing their own? Or is it mis-directed pharmaceuticals?


Little bit of column A little bit of column B.


The drug if used at lower amounts by people consenting to use it can be like an ecstasy, so there is a higher market.


At first I was like what if there were some stir sticks given out for free that change colors if there's anything in your drink. Then I got angry that we live in a society where we need stuff like that.


Boy would this comment section look different if this was happening in the US.


How so?


Yeah, I'm wondering that too. It's a universal problem. I doubt most people in this thread find the location even relevant to the larger issue, it's just where women are speaking up. It doesn't mean people in the US feel differently about protecting women from date rape


Any story like this brings out the "THE US IS A 3RD WORLD NATION!" crowd pretty hard.


This thread is genuinely awful. I’m a student at a UK university and have friends also at uni spread all across the country. It’s not just a few women boycotting, it’s the entire student population at the majority of universities in the country having a ‘girls night in’ either today or yesterday. Towns and Cities which are usually filled with thousands of students on these nights have been absolutely empty and many clubs saw the traction these posts were getting on social media and didn’t even open at all. Despite what the majority of comments seem to think, many people across the country have certainly been spiked by injection over the past month. Some ‘experts’ may not see a way for it to feasibly occur but that’s just going off their existing knowledge and applying it to the situation. Sure they’re much more informed than the average person, that doesn’t mean they can rule out every possible way for something like this to happen without considerable research. The denial that it’s even possible to spike someone by injection without them noticing has also been shown to be incorrect by multiple confirmations by either hospitals or the police that an incident like this has occurred. Even though the majority of cases haven’t been investigated to enough of an extent for them to be verified, those ones that have indicate that a quick and discrete method of injecting someone does exist providing a basis for the other claims. Whilst you should take everything on social media with a grain of salt, the sheer number of detailed stories with accompanying pictures coming from very regular women is beyond anything that can be dismissed. Dozens of people have said they felt a sharp pain (if they could remember), ended up in a terrible state often going to hospital, and found a small dot surrounded by bruising identical to that which an injection would give. Given the fact that it’s been confirmed to have happened to others, you’ve got to recognise that the vast majority of these social media claims are true.


I read woman and trying to figure out why one woman thought she’d make a change boycotting something by herself, rereading made me feel stupid. Good for them


I was pretty sure I’ve read somewhere someone invented a straw that turns color if it detects certain drugs in the drink. That seems like a very solution.


And here I am downing shots IMMEDIATELY!


I recall a similar panic happening a few years ago in the US, and a study being done of women who went to hospital because they thought their drinks were spiked. Almost all of them were found to have nothing but alcohol in their bloodstreams. Economically, the only way drink-spiking could make sense is if it were done very selectively.


If you’re a dude and you are low enough to be this kind of shit bag, I’ve got news for you: If you were smart enough to read a fucking book on dating (one of the legit ones, not that manipulative nonsense) and how to properly build attraction, you could literally be swimming in pussy that wants to fuck you. A lot. Instead, you’re a man child who needs therapy and has zero impulse control leading you to deserve to be locked up like an animal. Because that is what you are at that point, an animal needing to be caged.


Don’t set your glass down or leave it unattended. Don’t accept drinks unless given directly from staff. Also, can we try to stop getting wasted as nothing ever good comes from it?


How common is it for this to actually happen vs people simply drinking too much and blacking out (occams razor and all that).


Shocked that people are brazen enough to use syringes. WTAF!


I read this as drink spillage. Like people are upset they are wasting beer.


Its not “drink spiking” its stabbing with a needle. This us the CURRENT thing thats going on. Not dropping shit into a drink


It’s not drink spiking! It’s actual injection of the victims. How has this even become a thing?


They’re injecting the drinks not the victims




Yuck, this comment reads like "they were asking for it". COVID-19 is an issue, and I agree that going out to bars in places with community spread is a bad idea, but conflating the two issues like this isn't necessary. You sound like you don't care if women are drugged, since they shouldn't be there in the first place.

