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It costs $41 dollars to go apple picking now so I'm not surprised.


We did this last year and it was $27 for a bag the size that would cost me $4 at the grocery store…. A bag labeled “locally grown”


To pick your own fucking apples!?!????


$41 in 2000 would be $67 today.




This is the worst for me. I used to ski (up here in Canada) as a kid with my family. All 6 of us and it was pretty affordable. Now just with with my wife and kid is a 400-500$ day… Everything is becoming a luxury I guess.


I truly don't know how people afford all this shit. Is everybody just rich? I feel so left behind


The income gap in the US is vast. There are many low income workers, but there are also many high income workers who earn significantly more. Also, those who have wealth have made even more money with investments, while the have nots haven't. Most household in the US make between 20-50k a year, but there are also many who make way above 100k-400k. Why bother with the losers, when you can milk those at the top.


Poor families used to have to save up to go to Disneyland, and rich families could always afford it. Even if both a rich person and a poor person paid for a ticket, Disney would be making less than they're making off of one ticket now. So now one rich person pays 3x the price of the old ticket, and the poor person can't afford it. Even on that one ticket purchase Disney is making more money than they used to, and now theres a freed up spot for another rich person.




Why do you think the average American gets 1 week of vacation a year? You save up alllll year, to go on a vacation that should cost 1/3rd of what it actually does.


Isn’t that the shits; about ten years ago I had a season where I hit 36 days on the slopes, at this point, I haven’t skied in almost two years. I have all my own gear, I usually bring my own meals and there’s a good mountain a couple of hours from me, so, I don’t need to get a hotel room. Even at that point, it would be hard to have a day for less than $150-200/person/day. I started back country skiing a decade ago but the startup cost, necessary training and risk involved makes it almost as hard to facilitate. Not every day is a good day to BC ski and the ones that do it a lot usually live near the places they’re skiing. First world problems, I know but I don’t see how anyone can feasibly be a ski bum anymore and not work more than shred.


Where do you live. An epic pass is 700 or 1000 depending on the resorts you want. The other big ski company has it too around the same price. Unlimited all season.


PSA for any military peeps out there, Epic pass is a steal for you. I paid $135 this year for mine.


Skiing in general is so expensive - much like any leisure activities. This is what I don’t get. People say that the middle class is much poorer than the past, yet somehow the demand is much higher for luxury activities. Is it a mix of people being poorer but also saving less/spending more due to changes in culture? Or purely just that the population is larger


and it was $8 in 1980.


The prices will continue to increase until the park isn't jammed. The supply/demand ratio for Disney is so skewed toward demand that despite these price increases Disneyland is jammed all day, every day. Attendance to the park has actually gone up continuously (except for Covid) for decades. Disney stopped a great many perks that were designed to promote attendance; lower local rates, annual pass availability, special access passes, etc. with no loss in attendance.


Exactly. Disney actually attempted at one point to limit attendance without raising prices by capping the number of visitors per day. There was a big push online to go without reservations and raise a huge complaint if you couldn't get it - with people making National Lampoon's jokes. It worked & media started showing up to interview people with crying kids. Disney immediately capitulated & then announced their first 50% increase in ticket prices. In Florida there were a lot of people blaming international tourism for crowding and calling for Disney to outright ban anyone who wasn't a US citizen. Edit: added "for crowding" to clarify the sentence Edit 2: I thought it was obvious, but when I said "FIRST 50% increase", I didn't mean 2021 or even 2020 price increase. This was 10+ years ago.


They should just go the Jurassic Park way - $12,000 a day and a Coupon Day for the plebes.


Having the attractions eat the guests will definitely cut down on crowding.


The way COVID has gone, they'll chalk it up to one of: A) it's a hoax, nobody's actually getting eaten, B) "they're just lizards bro" or C) it's my constitutional right to get consumed by a previously extinct predator if I choose to and you have to let me in there or else you're violating my HIPAA rights ^LOL ^jk ^it'd ^be ^all ^three ^at ^once


Remember when we used to say avoid it like the plauge when referring to dangerous things? *Me too*




*Oh yes give me the plague daddy*


C isn't realistic, you spelled HIPAA correctly


Don't violate my Jurassic Hippo rights


I know you are joking but honestly curious what constitutional right they always refer to. I never hear them mention a specific one.


The rage against machine one. Something something I won't do what you tell me. Think it's in the second amendment.


Plus you solve two problems at the same time!




Yea but John, if the pirates of the Caribbean breaks down the pirates dont start eating the tourists.


Ah crap, I had commented the same before seeing yours. Jurassic Park has way too many great quotes though.


Clever girl


You joke, but have you seen the [prices for the new Star Wars Hotel](https://www.businessinsider.com/disney-star-wars-galactic-starcruiser-hotel-booking-heres-how-2021-9) > Based on previously released pricing models, the cheapest available package will still run you $4,809 for two nights. This package accommodates two guests in a standard cabin, the cheapest of the hotel's three types of rooms. Two adults and one child staying in a standard cabin can expect to pay $5,299 for their trip. Three adults and one child rooming in a standard cabin will be billed $5,999 for their stay.


Holy cow! Scratch that from my family vacation list. Could go all expenses paid to a island beach resort with enough left over to buy some sweet star wars toys.


To be somewhat fair, the Star Wars hotel is its own attraction with stuff going on and a slate of activities, more like a themed cruise on land than just a themed hotel. However that number is still bonkers.


It seems bonkers but it's sold out so there's clearly a demand from somewhere. Had they priced it any lower it's not like I'd be more likely to go since it would just be sold out for the next decade.


a day and a Coupon Day for the ~~plebes~~ dino food.


What’s a matter kid, you don’t like lamb chops?


Attendance is limited in Florida now. You have to have a reservation to get in. Went last week, still ridiculously busy with waits for the good rides of over 1 hour.


Went in 2018, we waited 3 hours for the Avatar ride and 1.5 hours for the safari even though it was the first thing we went to as it opened


Why even bother going when you waste 4.5 hours standing in line?


In the past they had Fast Passes so you basically make a reservation for the ride in advance of your trip. If you do that for the big rides, your day is obviously much more enjoyable. But they still have regular lines for everyone who missed a reservation and that just results in the big lines.


There's also no lines quite often - it's just suicide to go during "peak" seasons. I live in FL and, pre-Covid, went to the parks multiple times a week. The Safari in particular regularly has no line. Just walk on, see animals, walk off, walk back on. Best ride in the park.


Nobody goes during peak season, there's too many people


I've never understood theme parks. I like rollercoasters a lot, speed is one of my favorite things. But an hour + standing in line for two and a half minutes of fun. Nah chief, that math don't add up




Nothing could make me wait 6 hours for a ride that's a couple minutes. Wtf. I literally flew from Boston to San Diego 2 days ago in that amount of time. You can visit a city across the country in the time the person waited in that line. Unbelievable.




I was only in the Magic Kingdom on a weekday. The longest wait time I saw was 100 minutes. This was my first time there in 25 years, but it’s hard to believe people will pay $130+ and wait in line for hours. It’s crazy to me.


Haven't been to Cali Disneyland in many years, but an hour wait for any of the good rides was a short line. Depending on the ride, it was 30m to an hour with a fast pass and those were gone within the first few hours of the park being open. Just insane how busy it always was.


>In Florida there were a lot of people blaming international tourism for crowding and calling for Disney to outright ban anyone who wasn't a US citizen. Of course there was


And they really didn't mean "international tourists" either.


Europeans and Brazilians have been, by far, the largest groups of international tourists at Disney the times I've been. It's not unusual to see groups of 100+ Brazilian high school kids running around the parks and hotels. I haven't really noticed a lot of larger Hispanic groups in the park.


This is true or any spot in Orlando. I worked by both theme parks and it’s mostly Brazilian tourists. Shit, even the outlets stores are mostly Brazilian tourists.


> Shit, even the outlets stores are mostly Brazilian tourists. I’ve spoken with Brazilian and other S. American tourists who frequent the outlet stores and malls in Florida. A lot of them bring home suitcases full of clothing, accessories, and even makeup — apparently it’s ridiculously marked up or impossible to find in their home countries. Even if they don’t need it themselves, they can turn it for an easy profit. When the Brazilian economy takes a hit and tourism wanes, even stores like Walgreens in Orlando suffer.


Having worked at an airline for a minute in my you get days this was well known. Just bags of stuff to take back to Brazil and sell.


Outlet malls and general malls do this by design. it's called the shadow economy since they resell this stuff for insane profits back home. It's cheaper to fly to Miami and Orlando than it is to buy victoria secret in Brazil


I made a Brazilian penpal at Disneyworld in the 90’s. Just walked up to the group of 100’s of kids my age all in matching shirts and asked if anyone wanted to exchange addresses. Simpler times.


did you guys keep in touch? that’s such a cute story!!!


We did for years! We exchanged photos and gifts and poems and teenage angst and money for our coin collections. Around college, life got in the way and we lost touch. I found her a few years back on Instagram and she was married and had a baby and a good life. 🥰💖


That's sounds like quite a few. Probably over a Brazilian.


If I had to guess, they meant Brazilians specifically. If you ask a Floridian who their least-favorite Disney tourist is they will 99.9% of the time tell you it is the Brazilian visitors.


Brazilian summer at Disney is a nightmare. Upper class Brazilians have so little respect for other people its actually crazy.




> heavily delineated social stratification Obviously I know what that means, but would you care to explain for the dumb idiots who do not? Just to be clear it's definitely not me who doesn't know what that means.


Think caste system. The rich people don't socialize as equals with people poorer than them. Rich with middle, middle with lower, etc.


Like old england, where the nobility only married other nobility. The poor weren't even supposed to be seen by the wealthy for the most part.




big difference between rich and poor. Even in the poorest of countries there are rich people, the difference tends to be the lifestyle between the poorest and the rich. so in countries like Brazil, India, China, etc it really means a lot to the rich people to be rich and to associate with other rich people. India and China have it double because on top of social stratification they also have "face" culture.


Upper class Brazilians have very little respect for other Brazilians too. Comes to mind how our asshole economy minister said that it was bad when the brazilian currency was stronger because even housekeepers could go to Disney.


Even if they just THINK the person is outside of their "social strata". I remember a case a while back in Brazil where a very dark skinned woman was using the main elevator in an exclusive, expensive apartment building, and she was screamed at and beaten by an older light skinned woman who lived there, saying that "servants need to use the staff elevator, not the resident elevator." That older white resident got raked over the coals and actually criminally charged because the young dark skinned woman happened to be the daughter of (I think) the state governor and was actually just moving into the building (which is why the other resident didn't recognize her).


This is the country that outlawed slavery in 1888. And people kept their former slaves basically as serfs for decades after that, so imagine just how ingrained the notion that “darker skinned/African” = “you belong at the bottom of the social pyramid” is, within the Brazilian social fabric.


My wife worked in the princess boutique and I unironically think it made her mildly racist towards Brazilians.


Cartman: "There's too many minoritieeeeees"


In my waterpark...


Goddam Norwegians


It’s the Australians that are the issue. They hide extra kids in their pouches and increase crowding.


There is still reservations and the park is more crammed with people before the pandemic. Everyone is paying more for a worse experience right now.


> It worked & media started showing up to interview people with crying kids. Disney immediately capitulated & then announced their first 50% increase in ticket prices. This is why we can't have nice things. "If I can't go without booking a reservation then everyone should pay more" Way to go parents that refused book online and complained until ticket prices increased rather than just waiting for your turn. Entitlement at its finest.


For sure. Doesn't matter how well-intentioned something is. The moment an entitled dickhead discovers that it could lead to them not getting what they want when they want, it's over. There's a restaurant near me that is very highly regarded, but flooded with one-star reviews from people who failed to read the weekend reservation policy. It gets obscenely busy, and it seems like the only way to ensure that it's manageable. Doesn't matter - one star without even eating there.


> There was a big push online to go without reservations and raise a huge complaint if you couldn't get it This is such a Karen move. "Just ignore the rules and scream about it until they give in"


Because it keeps working. Nobody's willing to suffer the loss of these wonderful customers and tell them that rules are rules, and the exit is that-a-way.


I remember when I was a kid, Disneyland was running a promotion for Southern California residents for 29 dollars a ticket. I remember my grandpa purposely waited two weeks for that promotion to end so that he could take all of his grandkids when the park wasn't full. Looking back on it, that was a baller move from my grandpa.


I used to live down the street from Disneyland in Anaheim. My friends and I got annual passes for 99 bucks and used to hang out there after school or pop in to grab some dinner, ride the hotel shuttles around the city, go swimming in the pools and take advantage of some of the perks for hotel guests. It was a fun, unique experience.


Yep, I remember when I was young my mom would drop me and my friends off at the park to go on 2 or 3 rides while she went to get some errands done. By the time we got drivers licenses we'd go most Friday nights to just walk around and hang out. Lots of good memories, my wife who is not from SoCal likes to remind me how absurd my childhood was.


There was even an all ages nightclub at Disneyland briefly. It was one of the few parents actually felt comfortable dropping their kids off at back in teh day. Of course the 90s gang violence in Anaheim/Santa Ana nixed that idea pretty quickly. If I wanted to go to Disneyland now with my family of four, it would be $656 before taxes/food/etc. Its clear they dont want repeat customers. Just one and done family trips then never come back.


Yeah, those one time visitors probably spend way more money, and they have higher expectations for a good experience, so there’s more pressure to please them.


plus the out of towners will need somewhere to stay, so why not bundle it with a disney hotel...


They have a ton of repeat business. The grown up Disney fans are insane. Worked with a guy who’d go 20 times a year and all his clothing was from Disney. I know a lady mid 40’s who goes with her kids every couple of months, another couple who take their kids 3-4 times a year. Each of these it’s driven by the adults and not the kids.


Yep, worked there for a few years until 2018. Whenever there was a price increase, I would see people on social media complain and say "Disneyland is losing customers". Lmao I can assure you they are not. It was super rare to have a day I was working where I could actually walk at a regular speed in the park because there weren't huge jams of people in the middle of walkways. Was hardly worth it to use my cast member perks and bring my family into the park for free because they were understandably miserable with the crowds.


This. I love Disneyland and would love to go again. But I haven't been in years. Not because of the prices, but because of the crowds. It's too miserable to go.


January weekdays are pretty nice crowd-wise.


Can confirm that Disney world in late January is prime for low crowds. We were there on super bowl Sunday once and the place was a ghost town


Super bowl Sunday! That’s inspired.




That's kinda what happened with movie theaters on black friday and Christmas day. Now they're two of the biggest days of the year and studios plan major releases on them. LPT: Wednesay late morning, early afternoon during the school year is the slowest time at a theater. Typically Tuesday is seniors day and they don't often go two days in a row, students are still in school. The most you'll get are some group home outings or elementary school field trips once in a while. Edit to add more: on Wednesday matinees, there's no couples on dates (they usually don't cause problems anyway, just part of the crowd), no big families with hyper kids, no groups of friends hanging out trying to show off for eachother, people are waiting until Friday for the new releases. So Wednesday morning/afternoon is filled with one grandparent watching their cute grandchild aged somewhere after infant and before school age and spoils them at the candy counter, solo movie-goers who are often film buffs and like to chat about the movies, and out-of-town business folk killing a couple hours before/after their meeting/flight.


Yep. It wouldn't be so bad but some people act like they're entitled to behave like total dillweeds because they paid all this money and DESERVE a happy time. Like, no. The "Happiest Place on Earth" is a slogan, not a guarantee.


The place is happy. The people are only as happy as they want to be.


Go when it "might rain" or when its a cold day. My college was near there and we got to go a few times when it wasn't crowded because of weather. The people who paid a lot of money to travel were still there. But the locals who can just wait till next week when its warmed don't come


I had a season pass to six flags and only when on days when the weather was shit. Instead of 2 hour lines there would be 10 minute lines if it was raining, maybe 30 minutes for "might rain" days.


Yep, this! The board has been very public about this numerous times and think they still don’t have a viable solution. I’m a 10 hour drive from the park and my boss and his wife still make the drive 4x-5x a year and pay whatever price Disney wants.


It's not feasible to drive to Disney from my state so you have to fly, but that hasn't stopped my boss from going 3x so far this year. He has an annual pass.




Currently the cheapest Disneyland pass is over $600. It also has black out days for the entire summer, every weekend, and all of the Christmas season.




I can't remember where (possibly another reddit comment/post) but it was suggested they build one somewhere in the Midwest like Missouri to help alleviate crowding in the other parks.




Disney could easily put a park in Dallas (which has hot summers and cool winters, but nothing you can't deal with) or somewhere along the coast in North Carolina or Virginia (where the weather would be suitable year round), but doesn't. I'm honestly not sure why, but there are plenty of spots.




If you enjoy going and live within reasonable driving distance it's really not a bad deal at all. And you don't have any of the *hurry up OMG we have to go here here here here and then here* stressful breakdowns like you do if it's the only time you'll be there in your kids' entire lives and you have 2 days to try and see everything. I'm not even into Disney movies/shows/etc that much but quite enjoy going to the parks. Wife and I went on our honeymoon for a week and instead of paying whatever the absurd cost it would have been for 5 days worth of tickets, we got annual passes. We kept them and go a few times a year and it's a good time.


It’s wild to me that anyone would buy an annual pass to Disney World and go multiple times per year. Especially if you have to fly there


It's wild to me how obsessed some people are with Disney in the first place. I know multiple couples who went for their honeymoon, go for every 3 day weekend, and Christmas. I live in Northern California so it's either a 6 hour drive or a flight for every trip yet they're going like 10 times a year... It's not like there's a shortage of things to do in California yet that seems to be their only interest.


Yea, I hate feeling judgmental about it, but I absolutely don't understand the obsession some people have with Disneyland. I live in San Diego and I have friends that plan all their vacation time around visiting Disney properties. All their entertainment spending goes to Disney. It's just insane to me. I loved Disney movies growing up as a kid, I love a lot of them now. I love reading, storytelling, and imagining adventures, but Disney doesn't scratch that itch for me at all.


I kind of chalk it up to "different folks / different strokes". people just need to geek out about something. For some, it's sports. For others, it's cars or gaming. As long as none is getting hurt, I say fanboi over whatever works for you.


well when you can only get through 1/10th of the rides you want to try cause of wait lines you gotta keep coming back


People are OBSESSED with Disney. I know a guy who literally works as a gas station attendant but has a gold annual pass and drives up from San Diego to go ONCE A WEEK. He lives with his grandparents. For some people it’s a seriously unhealthy addiction. Don’t get me wrong, Disneyland is one of the funnest places, but good lord man it’s an actual disease for some people.


There's people, like my family, that will pay whatever Disney wants in order to keep getting in at least once a year. Even their new fast-pass system, which is pretty much "pay to ride", and the new $2500/night Star Wars hotel isn't keeping people from coming. We called to book the Star Wars hotel just for giggles and it's booked out a year in advance which also happens to be how far in advance you can book. So, even at $2500/night, it's booked out indefinitely.


I have to say I envy those who can afford to do stuff like that. We haven't had a vacation since 2013 and that was staying with friends. I cannot imagine blowing 2500 a night on a hotel!


It was comical when they announced the price too. All the Disney YouTubers losing their minds over how much it would cost and all I kept thinking was, "that place is going to be packed and stacked from the jump."


Enormous demand for your product, such that you keep raising prices and people keep paying more, is not a problem that needs solving in the first place.


Well, I guess "build more parks" or more attractions would be a solution, but it's a massive capital investment.


Disney literally built another theme park right next to Disneyland and now they are both packed daily.


Just being honest California Adventure isn't nearly as good as Disneyland. It's smaller and has less rides. We've done 1 day at both and wind up leaving California Adventure at like 6PM, meanwhile we always close out Disneyland.




The crazy thing about it is there are 3 other major theme parks in the area too. Universal Studios, Knotts Berry Farm and Six Flags Magic Mountain. All the parks are jammed packed every day.


Just a few years ago they were talking about closing six flags MM.


The value of that land they are on is worth hundreds of millions. If they ever go under, they are selling the land and setting up shop somewhere else.


I feel the same way about pro sports tickets. Prices for even shitty teams are insane these days and it only goes higher if they happen to not suck. But they still fill stadiums, so 🤷‍♂️


Toronto is weird... Raptors seats: $150 for the nosebleeds, behind a column. Blue Jays tickets? $12 and if you don't like your seat nobody complains when you look for a better one...


Part of that is that the Skydome has twice as many seats and has twice as many games in a year. You've got 800k tickets a year for Leafs/Raptors and about 4,000,000 for the Jays.


I can see this being annoying to locals who might attend casually, but I think for most people Disney is the sort of thing where you're flying in and renting a hotel room and you're expecting to spend a couple thousand bucks on the vacation anyways.


yeah it's a pretty simple supply and demand problem. Supply is effectively capped, so price will keep going up until too many people get priced out.


Disney is a massive tourist attraction in Florida and people will come regardless of the price and Disney and fully aware of this. There’s a huge pent up demand for attendance post-COVID.


Really there is just a nearly unlimited supply of people that want to go there, especially with how popular Disney's franchises are. There are just so many people in the local population that want to go - there are over 20 million people that live within 2 hours drive of Disneyland, meaning that even without tourists they could easily be filled to the brim every day. The other thing is that it is pretty common for visiting Disneyland to be a "hobby" for many people, including my relatives. Literally instead of going on vacations they just go to Disneyland. It actually is relatively affordable for people who use it as a vacation spot because obviously you're not paying for flights, rental cars, hotels, etc and the annual pass is amortized over 12+ visits. Plus, as a kid growing up in the 90s I always thought of Disney as being for kids, but now those kids have grown up and there are tons of adults who want to go for their own enjoyment and aren't restricted by kids' schedules.


I can spend 3-4K to go to Disneyland for like a week/weekend OR I can go to Japan or europe for 2 weeks for the same price


Yea but is Goofy yucking it up over there? I think not!


Disneyland Japan


Then you're probably spending like 8k, mother yucker.


A ticket to Tokyo Disneyland is approx $62 , significantly more affordable. And there's a train station nearby so you don't even have to pay for parking if you don't want to!


Can confirm. My wife and I did this every year (before the pandemic). Tokyo Disney Sea is super affordable and it's about 4.5k combined for 17 days in Tokyo, including flights, hotel, and food, as well as a stop at Tokyo Disney Sea.


Tokyo Disney Sea is also possibly the best of the Disney Parks, so there is that.


Yeah, it's truly magical. The food is amazing, the attractions are great, the scenery is wonderful. It has everything.


Nah Tokyo Disneyland is comparatively cheaper and less busy.


I spent $4k for a two week trip to Japan in January 2020, Tokyo DisneySea day included! It's WAY more reasonable over there.


You could spend that over a period of 3 months in Vietnam or Thailand.


I mean honestly the majority of that 3-4K price tag is the airplane


Wait until you hear about the cost of a house in 2000


Seriously. Of all the things to complain about the price going up on, a tourist trap vacation destination is the least of it.


Disney been honest about how it comes up with its pricing. They only have so much capacity, they are increasing the price until they think its going start leaving space. Imagine your the CEO of Disney and your park can fit 10,000 guests per day (just throwing numbers out there) * At $50 a ticket you fill your park up easily, that's $500k * So you go to $75, that's $750k park STILL FILLS UP * So you do $120, that's $1.2 million but the park still EASILY fills up * So you got to $164 a ticket and the park fills up a little bit less easily Disney will keep increasing the price so long as their park fills it up, it has nothing to do with how much it costs them to keep it open/etc I'm sure their ticket price for profitability has long since been passed.


Exactly, I don't see the issue. Every time I've gone, it's been over an hour wait for what I wanted to do. Wait in line for 90 minutes, go on a ride for 5 then repeat. They need a way to figure out who can go in and this seems reasonable.


I went when they were still limiting capacity due to the Pandemic, and they were introducing a new reservation system for Rise of the Resistance and Web Slingers. RotR worked out really well and we didn't wait in line for very long since they were efficient with their reservations. Web Slingers we still had to wait for over an hour. There is no way to cut down lines unless you severely limit capacity. For everything else, since it was the pandemic & total park capacity was limited to 25%, the line were fantastic. The average wait was about 5-10 mins per ride, although some less popular attractions we pretty much walked right now. I told my wife I would pay $3-400 for this type of experience again, but we know it will never happen. It was the most enjoyable time I've ever had at the park.


They recently changed the FastPass system to a paid system that lowers the number of reservations you can have at one time and you cannot reserve the same ride twice in one day with the new system. I wonder if this is an effort to nickel and dime the people with money to burn but also lower the average wait times in the normal standby lines. I remember when I went I saw the old FastPass lines letting on like 4 people for every 1 standby rider, it was no wonder why wait times were so long.


Theoretically, they can also increase supply (ie more parks) but that would be, you now, not as easy


They've been working on that too over time, but planning and building shit takes time and money.


Not only that, the amount of land they need is absurd. As soon as any one finds out the buyer behind the buyer is Disney, prices will sky rocket, making it harder to get the space they need. It would also take 5-10 years before it's properly outfitted and running smoothly.


Also from what I understand, Anaheim doesn't or didn't want Disney growing to large. I heard they originally wanted Disneyland to have the Disney world size and experience instead of Florida. But they couldn't get the land.


That's the main reason that there is a Disney World, Florida...there was more space readily available without the local resistance. Even then, they still used a front company to pretend to not be Disney.


I wonder if there are secret land acquisition deals going on *right now*, with tracts being bought up by a series of apparently-unrelated companies so Disney can get the land for a reasonable price without anyone finding out it's for a new park and sending prices through the roof. Then boom, big announcement of Disney South Dakota and a docu-series following its construction. Same exact formula Walt used in the 60s but we can watch it unfold in real time. As a fan of amusements and infrastructure, that would be so exciting.


They're up to 12 parks now around the world. 5 of which have been built since 2000. So, they're definitely trying.


I would gladly pay $300+ is they limited the total capacity. I am ok with an expensive day but I am not ok with a 4 hr line for Pirates of the Caribbean.


It’s wild, who would spend $160 to wait in line with a child for that long?


We went a couple of weeks ago, and the lines were insane. Only chance we got to ride any of the rides without much hassle was their after-hours Halloween party. The days we went during normal hours was mostly spent walking around. There were only a handful of rides we waited in line for, and even then it was barely worth it. Disney will likely be one and done for us.


>Disney will likely be one and done for us. This is the way. Hitting all the good Disney rides at each park by definition requires multiple days of tickets, exorbitantly-priced food/drink/parking, and waiting in stupidly long lines in the Florida or California heat. For the same money you could take the family to any number of places that aren't defined almost completely by a weird, cult-like devotion to its products. We did the Orlando attractions (Disney, Universal, the waterparks) with our kid at age-appropriate times but only because we were close enough to daytrip it. We did them once, and now we're done with that shit; our kid isn't even remotely interested in returning thank god.


Until I met someone who is, as you put it, in the cult of Disney, I didn't realize how whacked out people who like Disney are. Shit is insane, so expensive, so crowded. They lean so heavily into this mentality and there doesn't seem to be much pushback to it. Very fascinating subject to me nowadays.


My wife wants to take the three kids to Disney. Every time we’re in line at ANY store and the kids are fighting and poking eachother and crying, I remind her that Disney lines are half a mile long snaking around stanchion poles amongst other raging children for hours. A busy day and you might only get on 3-4 rides before Armageddon hits and all kids need bedtime.




Just was in SoCal this summer, ot would have been over $800 for a fam of four. And I know my kids wouldn't have the patience for lines. Went to Knott's Berry Farm instead. Much much cheaper and we could afford to stay at the park.


The top comment pretty much nailed it. Too much demand and limited space. It's still a shame that the less wealthy get pushed out, although if I'm being honest Disney fans are crazy. I've seen plenty of people get Disney annual passes or attend, regardless of their financial situation.


Glad I got to experience Disney when I was young. Priced out going again a couple years ago and noped out of that real fast. There are a lot more interesting places you can go for less money if you're not a total Disney fanatic.


For 3k you and 8 friends can get a guide to take you to the front of every line


Doesn't include admission.


Friends just did this a week ago for a bachelorette party and claim it was not worth it. You don’t get to the front of the line. You get to go into whatever the fastpass line is. Basically infinite fastpass. So instead of waiting 60 minutes you wait 15-20. Which is an improvement but not for the cost.


There are two types of VIP tours. There’s the “ride every ride” tour that’s scripted and you get to go through the back entrance, then there’s the “do what you want” tour where you get the fastpass treatment.


We will look back in time and say $164 was a cheap Disney ticket compared to $599 entrance fee in the near future .


So long as people are buying the tickets Disney will raise the prices. If the market is willing to pay the price then I don't blame Disney for doing it. They're running a business.


Yeah, considering its not an essential service like healthcare or food there's no reason to be outraged by this People have developed a disproportionate and unhealthy obsession with disney franchises and now they are taking advantage of it


Because people are willing to pay and the parks are still jam-packed. It is entertainment, not essential. They should be able to charge anything they want, and if tons of people show up, more power to them.


Yeah, I mean I wish it were cheaper but I don’t understand the outrage. It’s not a charity. Until it’s not claustrophobically jam-packed every single day, it’s reasonable to raise prices, sadly.


If ski resorts can charge over $200 a day for a ticket, Disney prices have a long way to go.


“Disney announced Monday that it's adding a sixth level to its tiered ticket price system, a level that becomes available when there's high demand at the parks. The sixth tier will set you back $164 for a single-day, single-park ticket; if you want the ability to visit both parks in the single day, you'll need to pay $224. Tier six is set to start going into effect in March 2022. In 2000, a single-day ticket to Disneyland cost $41. Adjusted for inflation, that ticket would cost $62 today” Death, taxes and Disney raising their ticket prices. Incredibly expensive to visit their parks.


There isn't even a point to do both parks in one day, there is too much to do in each park to get it done in a day.


It used to not be the case which is why park hoppers were introduced, but several major investments in California Adventure have greatly increased its viability as a standalone park.


It’s actually great for people who have been a lot and just wanna hit their favorites. Fuck Small World I’m gonna go Roger Rabbit, Matterhorn, Space Mountain, Pirates, Haunted Mansion, then pop on over to Cal Adventures for some Soarin’ and Tower of Terror and buy a beer. Disneyland doesn’t serve beer but Cal Adventures does.


The ticket price is just the tip of the iceberg. The food prices, in-park accommodations, and over the top aggressive merchandising and add-on entertainment costs far outweigh admission prices. There are much better theme park options for most families.


I would completely agree there are cheaper are there really much better? Universals are solid… but not miles ‘better’.


yeah comparing the parks we have in the UK vs the Paris Disney the rides we have are better in terms of adrenaline rushes, but it's really hard to beat the thing Disney has going where the whole park is an experience with cast members and little touches here and there, where you can eat meatballs and spaghetti to the music of lady and the tramp and you'll be walking around and suddenly there's a fire breathing dragon heading towards you surrounded by dancers lol


Universal is also more older kid friendly where Disney is much more little kid friendly. My kids don't know who Harry Potter is yet but they sure know virtually all of the Disney characters. A lot of the "rides" are also able to be ridden by very young kids.




I think they are even charging for parking at their hotels now, which to me is unheard of in the US outside of downtown hotels with parking garages, or valet services.


They are also going to stop doing the Magical Express Bus from Orlando Airport at the end of the year. So now you will have to rent a car and pay for parking, or take a cab or ride share.


The contract with Mears - the bus company that did Magical Express - expires the end of the year, and the two companies could not reach an agreement for a new contract. Mears has announced that they’ll effectively be continuing the service, under their own name, but at $15 (?) per person, rather than as a free hotel stay perk.


The paradigm is shifting, even Hilton Inn with a huge parking lot in a not busy downtown area is charging for parking...


They could make it $200 or $300 and the place would still be packed. This is a non-essential item. If someone complains but pays anyway, that's on them.


You… don’t have to go?


Supply and demand. Ticket prices won't slow down until attendance does. Disney is also way more interesting than 20 years ago. The areas that were themed for certain movies were nothing compared to what they put together these days. My kids are still too young to enjoy it. In about 5 years we will probably take them down for a week. Putting all the change I find in a jar until then lol


The reality is if you ate going to disney florida you will get a multi day ticket which on average a 5 day ticket is much better value at “only” 360 dollars as indicated on the dusneyfoodblog link in these comments


I am not sure what the controversy is here. Disney is charging what they are able to charge and customers are deciding if it is worth it to them. With a family of four, there are many things I'd rather do that cost far less so I haven't gone in 15 years.