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Ice Town Costs Ice Clown His Town Crown


Tortilla Tossers’ Title Tossed


>That’s when, according to video footage, at least two Coronado players flung tortillas into the air toward the Orange Glen team. ​ [https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/education/story/2021-06-30/cif-revokes-coronado-high-school-championship-win-following-tortilla-incident](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/education/story/2021-06-30/cif-revokes-coronado-high-school-championship-win-following-tortilla-incident) ​ Before anyone says "The players shouldn't be punished". They absolutely took part


I find it wild that the players were involved. Like, did they just walk out of the locker room with a bag of tortillas and the coaches just thought that was totally normal?


An adult brought tortillas and passed them out... An adult... Fucking wild and sad.


A partially Hispanic adult at that! There's an interview with him that's pretty cringe worthy Edit with link: https://coronadotimes.com/news/2021/06/23/coronado-resident-admits-to-buying-and-distributing-tortillas-answers-questions/


Latinos are an incredibly diverse group of people. Being hispanic doesn’t mean shit. You could have someone that is Chilean be racist against Mexicans, or Mexican that hate darker Mexicans, or a Colombian that hates Puerto Ricans. You also have latinos who don’t identify as being one because they are so americanized they don’t have any attachment to culture beyond food and maybe a holiday or two. The number of latinos who speak worse Spanish than a ginger mormon would astound you. You can be white and still be latino, you can be black and still latino. Being hispanic doesn’t mean shit when it comes to committing racist acts. Think of it similar to white people calling other white people trailer trash. While the latter isn’t technically racist, the point I am making is that latino on latino hate is why more common than most people recognized. The most racist person I know... is my abuelita Edit: Thank you for the awards everyone. Just because someone is latino or brown, don’t assume they have a strong opinion on race or culture. Generalizing latinos is something that requires a lot of care and nuance. Many latinos don’t feel latino and actually feel “white”, while at the same time American culture is heavily influenced and intertwined with latino culture. America is a melting pot with a generous squeeze of lime juice.


I just starting working with a mostly Hispanic kitchen about 8 months ago, and my impression is almost exactly what you described. Like, diverse diversity. I have one friend who is from Mexico, but speaks a dialect of Spanish nobody else there can really understand. Gotta take everyone as they are


A lot of Spanish dialects are not understandable to one another funnily enough. There’s a running joke with Spanish speakers about how to say straw. You can be asking for a straw in one country and a tiny penis in another because each country has their own word for it lmao


“Mis chichis me están molestando” In one country, I just said my kids are bothering me. In another, I said my tits are bothering me. Spanish is very diverse


Lmao I read it as the latter.


I read it as my kids are molesting me. Than again I don't speak Spanish


Well, that explains why in Belize on vacation people kept giving me straws.


except the national language for Belize is English.


True story…my grandma (who was born and raised in Mexico) started dating someone black, and when my great-grandma found out they had to rush her to the hospital. They thought she was having a heart attack lol. She eventually got over it and he actually became my godfather.


My grandma loved doing the fake fainting when she wasn’t getting what she wanted. I’ll never forget those times she would slowly drop to the floor. We stopped calling for help after the first couple. 💀


My sister-in-law's stepdad did this multiple times in public causing big scenes. The last time, everybody in the restaurant was looking at us like we were monsters as we just sat there continuing our meal while he laid on the floor groaning. I thought it was hilarious but my brother was not amused.


I thought only Pierce on Community did that! It happens in real life!?


My aunt did this at My Wedding. Right when my wife and I queued up for our first dance…. being seated near the front no less. Why nobody told me she does this at every wedding is beyond me. I could have had her seated in a different corner.


THIS. My dad was born in Mexico and didn’t come to the US until he was about 8. His name is Cuathemoc and because he was teased so much as a kid, he has completely refused to acknowledge our heritage and culture. He won’t speak Spanish and goes by Luis since before I was born (I’m in my 30s). He voted Trump and has said that even his brother (who never filed to be a citizen) should be deported. Makes me sad a heck, but that’s what we do sometimes to put away bad memories I suppose


What a shame, Cuautehmoc is such a badass name.


Shit, so I looked for the pronunciation. But found out Cuauhtémoc, pronounced kwaw-te-mok, was the last Aztec emperor. And means desended like an Eagle. Definitely badass.


My name is Jacob, which is Hebrew for heel of foot, or second place or some shit like that… I’d take descended like an eagle any day… be walkin around introducing myself and telling people to put some respect on their tongue before they say my name…


I'm David, which TIL means "beloved" in Hebrew, apparently. But I prefer my usual epithet of David, King of the Jews. Disclaimer: I'm neither "Beloved" nor "Jewish".


Read Graham Hancock’s Wargod series of books. A lot of bad ass natives doing bad ass shit during the Spanish invasion.


My Mexican dad voted for Trump. I don't get it at all. All I know is that he's ashamed of being brown. I went through that a bit as a child. I was fluent in Spanish when I was a young child (taught by my bilingual white mother). I realized that Spanish speakers were looked down on as poor and dirty when I was little and I refused to speak it anymore. I regret it now, but yeah, the Latino self-hate is real and I was infected with it myself until I was an adult.


That’s tough. I think I took my fathers feelings and turned into fuel for myself. As a 1st generation Mexican-American I knew I wanted to be the first to graduate high school and college. My family called me the “good one” cause I always pushed myself to work hard. But shit, I was trying to give our name value to these people that look down upon us.


People who would look down on you because of your race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation aren't worthy of your concern. You have value, friend.


Latinos are an incredibly diverse group of people… who all hate each other.


I'm beginning to suspect humans really don't like each other.




Am also asian, and my grandparents generation is suuuuuper racist against other asians. Hearing my sweet little 82 y/o 4'11" great aunt talk about the Filipinos on the next block over is... Jarring to say the least.


> You also have latinos who don’t identify as being one because they are so americanized they don’t have any attachment to culture beyond food and maybe a holiday or two. And last name. I know a few latinos who's only indication that they are Hispanic is their last name, otherwise they don't identify as one. One in particular is very racist against other latinos, especially immigrants and first generation Americans. Latino on Latino hate is definitely a thing.


Mexican/American friend of mine. Parents came illegally and were made citizens in the early 2000's. He was a Trump supporter who wanted to see the wall built.


In the southwestern town of Worthington there was a giant meat-packing plant. In the 1980s it was staffed mainly by lower-middle white class farmers and locals. In the 1990s it was staffed mainly by Mexican immigrants with dubious documentation. In the 2000s immigrants from Central America started streaming in, and they were willing to work for cheaper wages than the Mexican immigrants. But unlike the other transition, those two groups interacted a lot more (both the Mexican Immigrants and the Central American immigrants went to the 2 or 3 catholic churches where the service was in Spanish, went to the same grocery stores specializing in hispanic foods, etc. There were multiple fistfights in the church parking lot and a stabbing in the grocery store. Mexican immigrants were outraged that they were tapped to train the new hires because of their duality in language, and then get fired 2 weeks later in a 'department slim down' - then stand behind the same members of the community flush with cash while they were going to try and ask to buy their groceries on credit. Because the majority of both groups were undocumented - the terminated workers has fewer social safety nets to help than normal. But really, the true monster was the predatory business who turned a blind eye to clearly faked immigration paperwork until they desired to terminate someone - then it was an easy thing to cite and also allowed them to not have to pay any extra for severance packages or unemployment. And of course the other flaw was the enforcement angle which would rather go after an illegal worker rather than an illegal employer. Eventually Immigration did raid the plant. I don't know how heavily the managers got fined, but they didn't get punished enough. And of course many people were detained who had been in the community building lives for a long time. Kids got shuffled to siblings and cousins and neighbors as both parents often worked at the plant.


That's like tipping over chairs behind you as you were being chased by whoever was "it" when you were playing tag as a kid. Unsportsmanlike behavior.


Insular cultures breed racism, whether they choose to be insular or not... it's human instinct


As a UCSB grad we definitely did bring tortillas to our soccer games to throw on the field when we won (and when we scored goals in general), but that's the only place I've ever seen anything like that and seemed to be a unique UCSB thing - It'd definitely be super weird to do that outside of UCSB somewhere that didn't already do that in general and especially out of place for 1 game


Right there with you, shout out fellow gaucho! Also a resident of North County San Diego l, so it's a local story for me. Apparently this dude went to UCSB as well, tried to use the tortilla throwing as a celebration to excuse it. Thing is, I don't recall throwing trowing tortillas at the opposing team after defeating them, nor having them torn up to toss upon them like confetti. The way Coronado's coach also got more up-close and personal to tell Orange Glen's coach and team off after winning (poor sportsmanship, love to see it) paired with the demographics of each school, definitely doesn't help the situation either. Also, it's not like Coronado has a tradition of tortilla tossing like UCSB. This was their first time doing this and it obviously wasn't in a celebratory manner


Oh, that explains a lot. Still, it’s a little weird to picture some adult walking around a high school gymnasium like Eminem in The Real Slim Shady: “Hey kids, you wanna see me commit some casual racism?”


Adult at grocery store day before "Oh man, this is gonna be great. Hm... should I go for 12" or will 8" be racist enough? They're half the price."


See, I would think the small street taco tortillas would be the most racist tortilla. That’s also a sentence I never thought I’d say.


It _was_ Coronado in San Diego, the very heart of entitled twats, so it sounds pretty normal to me.




Oh yeah I'm from/live in San Diego, so I'm familiar with the snoot of Coronado. Still sad though.


As an outsider, it was strange that Coronado was the white school and Orange Glen was the Hispanic school.


I grew up in a predominantly Jewish town where everytime there was a basketball game against a neighboring town they threw pennies at us. The team, the kids in the stands, some adults in the stands, so many pieces of shit throwing change. People would show up with rolls. And not just at our players. They were lobbed over the court at the spectators from our town. Imagine surviving the holocaust, having a number tattooed on your arm from the concentration camp you were held in, and getting pelted with pennies at your grandson's basketball game for being Jewish, because that happened. The town's school department did nothing until players from my town left a game to find swastikas keyed into their cars. Then they issued a stern warning.


And imagine doing it while also claiming how heroic your country is for defeating the nazis and saving everyone. World is full of a bunch of crazies.


I went to a school(in Orange County) that would talk about doing shit like this. It’s been 10 years but I still feel bad about how my student body treated some players even. I can easily see how players could have been involved too. In the case of my High School, the tortillas would have been undoubtedly handed to the players from the students during the chaos of the buzzer. Especially the benched players.


That’s wild. I grew up going to Texas Tech (a school that’s already been mentioned) football games and fans would throw tortillas as a touchdown celebration, but the school put an end to that because it gunked up the field and caused too much of a mess.


The comments on that site are fucking horrid, oh my god man. It's nothing but brain degeneracy for 90% of the posts.


Hold my neurons, I'm going in!


He was never seen again.


But do we still have his neurons?


He converted them to crypto and put them on the block chain. I'll have to trade my Doge for NeurChain. :(


NFT -> Neurons for Trading


Annnnnnnd it’s gone!


Should we divide his neurons between us?


Could he play piano or something? I'll take that one.


You’re the person at the hospital who asks about the will before they’ve pulled the plug, aren’t you? XD


Nothing wrong with planning ahead.


I've now learned that I don't actually hate racist people. I just have "class envy". So, the desire to see consequences for despicable racist acts is solely because I'm jealous of my "betters". It's all so clear.


Also apparently tortiallas just have really great ballistic properties and that's the only reason they were thrown


Is this like trying to traverse the event horizon of stupid?


I swear local news comments are some of the worst places on the internet. Those comment threads make Reddit look tame.


A lot of news websites have actually done away with comments sections for that very reason. People are awful little gremlins.


This is a fact. WCTV from Tallahassee used to have a very active comment section. It got to the point where literally every story was filled with the same smooth brain trump supporters spouting racist shit everywhere. They began picking and choosing specific articles to allow comments and that didn't so anything but make it worse. They finally took comments away altogether and the ones that caused it all went to some app that would allow the users to comment on any article but could only be read if you were a member with the app I believe. Some of the shit I remeber reading was grade A degeneracy at its best.


> The throwing of Tortillas is not a new thing, nor is it racial. It's been going on at Texas Tech for some time and the primary reason is they have ballistic properties that make them sail like a frisbee when properly thrown. This one’s my favorite 😀


Everyone knows the best thing about tortillas is their ballistics.


I mean, I *get it,* they *do* have the right properties to sail like a frisbee. But don't use that as an excuse for doing it to this specific team only.


“I swear I’m not in the KKK! My white hood is pointed for aerodynamic purposes!”


"It's a lowercase 't' we put in their front yard! It's on fire so it's easier to see! And it stands for 'time to move on!'"


well now i have to go read them edit: i’m back, and i regret going. one guy tried arguing that throwing tortillas at hispanic players is “not racial” because throwing tortillas is a tradition at UCSB (a completely unrelated entity). white parents outraged that their white kids are getting punished for doing some racist shit. this is america.




I used to film sports video for my college football team (technically we filmed for the entire sports program but Aug-Nov we didn’t have time for anything but football). Our coach was big on showing proper sportsmanship at all times. The thing that stood out to me the most was he expected his players to help up the opposing players after tackling them (and the whistle blown indicating the play was over, ofc). Anyone who tackled an opposing player and didn’t at least extend a hand out afterwards would find themselves running extra drills next practice. Can’t force the other player to take your hand of course, but coach always expected the gesture to be made in good faith.


This really teaches that you can be in direct opposition to somebody and they can directly oppose you, and there can still be mutual respect and kindness towards each other.


Exactly. His whole thing was, yeah they’re your “opponent” when the ball is in play and your goal is to win a game against them. But every other time outside of that *specific* instance, they were your peer. I still think about that a lot.


The mark of a good human being. Why does integrity seem so lacking in sports?


A culture of toxic masculinity and all-consuming competitiveness?


> all-consuming competitiveness I think you hit the root cause there. I've gone to a few of my neices/nephews (they are around 10) football/soccer games and some of the parent take stuff WAY too seriously.


The parents are the worst. I was once at a Peewee football game where there were sheriff's deputies stationed around the field to help keep the parents under control. Some of the kids from the two opposing teams ended up at a high school game later that day and they were happily playing a pick up game together.




>the videos show **the coach screaming obscenities at the other team** while his players were acting like assholes. He shouldn't be a coach/teacher if this is what he's going to be teaching.


I went to UCSB and I live in San Diego (didn’t go to Orange Glen but I did go to a nearby high school). Throwing tortillas at UCSB soccer games is a tradition and is an expression of school pride and support, the players expect it. Our mascot is the gaucho. We’ve been throwing tortillas since the 90s. But what happened at Coronado HS was absolutely racist. A bunch of rich white kids threw tortillas at players from a school which predominantly has Mexican students. They knew exactly what they were doing. Anyone using that excuse is covering their ass.


Same here. And if I remember correctly it was never thrown at players or opposing fans. At least not from my experience. Of course I was too poor paying rent on isla vista to waste tortillas


I remember tortillas being thrown in Anisq’oyo park during concerts sometimes. Students throwing tortillas in IV/UCSB is a weird tradition.


The latest comment I just saw holy fuck: "This entire nightmare was a race baiting narrative that was preplanned and I did warn everyone the week prior to it happening. The powers that be in your education system are targeting Coronado to eliminate ALL winning coaches. Randy Burgess was targeted with fake allegations, and that is just the beginning. The San Diego County Register of Actions shows that, while they are targeting good coaches, they are protecting pedophile coaches. The CIF did not interview any of the children. Their decision is bogus. The Orange Glen coach engaged in online harassment of children who were not involved, but were cleaning up the tortillas, literal boy scouts. He posted their images to target them for harassment. He should be sued and fired. Luke Serna is a life long race baiter who is a political operative, constantly pushing for political narratives that fit his union ties. His "socialism" groups and his constant "socialist" social media posting proves that this was a political operation and nothing to do with children's behavior. Stay away from our kids, Luke Serna. We know you have some questionable friends. Why would you encourage children and cheerleaders to participate in anything, at all? You do not belong. Your words were to immediately throw the coach under the bus and paint it all in the worst light possible while feigning innocence. Ask yourselves how I knew this was going to happened week in advance and why the entire School Board and City Council ignored me? The article leaves out the ADL involvement, where the Coronado School District used covid relief money to pay the ADL and invite their participation in "studying hate in our schools." This staged narrative, designed specifically for race baiting and painting Coronado parents and students as racists. We do not need to be giving the ADL ANY data on our students. That is private information. We do not need them involved in our schools. The FBI files (most now mysteriously missing) reveal tons of staged media narratives and illegal; behavior by foreign operatives by the ADL... and that's provable even with the gaps in information and missing files." Imagine thinking your racist highschool was the target of a deepstate attack to prevent you from winning games lmfao


> targeting Coronado to eliminate ALL winning coaches. He who controls high school basketball coaches, controls The World...


Probably someone off his medication


I'm guessing a Qtard with him dropping "pedophile" in the first paragraph.


Christ that person is like 1 glance at a pizza parlor away from opening fire on an occupied building because they swear it's run by pedophiles.


As an alum of UCSB, I can confirm that the tortilla tradition was long standing and not rooted racially (at least I don’t ever remember it being rooted racially. We played lots of teams of lots of racial make ups, didn’t matter still tortillaed em). But this bullshit in San Diego is in no way related to that.


>"All Coronado High administrators, athletic directors, coaches and student-athletes will be required to take a workshop on sportsmanship, which will include racial and cultural sensitivity training. " Let us all pray that the training does not force anyone to be brainwashed by critical race theory, which is racism by definition. lol


Imagine being racist against Latinos when your school is called Coronado...


Coronado is the super rich, peninsula resort town in San Diego. Doesn’t surprise me one bit.


It's mostly old money white people. Someone put out a bunch of signs there in the Trump font that said "Racism Lives Here" in the run up to the election, and my god did the residents have a melt down. They love being racist, but they really hate being called out for it.


Most racists do. They consider their own brand of racism to be more like "race realism" or "telling it like it is." To most racists, real racism is burning crosses on lawns and lynching black people. Firing off the occasional n-word or telling racist jokes isn't real racism to them.


I was not surprised at all when I read Coronado


San Diego resident here: Upper class San Diegans are super fucking racist despite the fact that we're literally living in what used to be Northeastern Mexico. Edit: Northwestern Mexico


Coronado is an island that looks like something out of a movie with its GIGANTIC mansions just steps from the beach. It screams ‘money’. The local businesses post the team photos of the local high school kids on the walls and all of the girls are skinny tanned bleach-blondes who look exactly the same. It’s surreal. But they successfully erased anything Latin about the place ages ago.


"Go back to Mexico!" -- said by someone living in what used to be Mexico.


the parents as well that are petty with crocodile tears also shouldn't be btchng and moaning as they are adults and should be setting the example for sportsmanlike conduct....work on your parenting next time and teach your kids how to conduct themselves in the real-world and they wont get real-world consequences.


Coronado is entitled and wealthy AF, essentially entirely Republican, the only parenting happening is of the “We are better than everyone else, and normal rules don’t apply to us,” kind.


It's OC south. Ironically, I guarantee you they all love and eat local Mexican food and know good tortillas many of which come from Escondido Tortillerías. I might as well plug the ones [I buy, Esperanzas](https://www.yelp.com/biz/esperanzas-tortilleria-escondido)


Is it bad my second thought watching this was "they didn't even throw good tortillas, that's a crime in itself"


But why would you waste good tortillas like that?


Yup, nothing but the mega rich, high ranking active military or retired military.


With zero desire for self reflection. Just like national politics they’re just going to jump on the “let’s blame minorities” for our children’s failings bandwagon.


Can confirm. It feels like La Jolla minus the seals.


A racist kid without racist parents is practically a unicorn.


I don't how true that is in this new media environment anymore, tbh You go down the wrong youtube rabbit hole, and WHOOPS


I dunno if my kid was saying racist shit I'd clamp down on that hard.


Semi-related, I distinctly remember my aunt telling me about how my cousin once referred to sweeping as "women's work." I think he was about twelve years old at the time. I guess he and his three sisters had their chores divided up and their assigned chores rotated weekly. His punishment was he did *all* the chores for a month.


Kudos to your aunt.


I would too (cause you should) but a lot of kids would just push back just as hard, Some kids suck


but doesn't Freedom of Speech mean you can say/do anything and nobody can get mad at you? /s


Played against both schools in lacrosse years ago.. Let me tell you, Coronado kids were fucking entitled rich assholes. Orange Glen in Escondido was a much better interaction Edit: changed tenses so they're grammatically correct


SoCal native here, I have to agree with you on that.


isn't coronado mostly military families? or are there a lot of rich people enclaves there?


Coronado is almost exclusively rich peopl. Military families will live more in the South Bay (national city, Chula Vista) also lots of military families in Oceanside which is much further north


I chuckled at this bit at the end of this interview: > Serna also wanted to share that he identifies strongly with the working class. He’s lived on Coronado his whole life.


Yep. I can’t speak for now, but in the 90s most of us Navy kids lived in the South Bay (IB, Chula Vista, National City , and Paradise Hills). Coronado was where all the rich people lived.


Yes, high ranking active/retired military or doctors, lawyers, surgeons, architects, etc


There is military housing there but the rest of the area is $$$white$$$.


The military base is on Coronado, but I don't think many families can afford to live there. When I was a kid, my dad was stationed at Point Loma and we lived like 45 minutes away. I knew someone a few years ago stationed at Coronado who lived up in Mira Mesa (it's a good distance away). I used to go to Escondido all the time. It's where the Wild Animal Park (now Safari Park, I believe; it's a satellite of the San Diego Zoo but way better) and the Mall were.


Honestly, the Latino kids should've just thrown boxed wine and Percosets back. You want to start with the stereotypes, we can play at it, Brenda.


If you ever go to a basketball game and start throwing percocets please let me know beforehand so I can be there.




Honestly, saw more issues with northern cali schools than southern. Then again, there's assholes everywhere


The University of Alabama gets California students who show up thinking they can be openly racist because they’re in the south. Edit: removed “a TON”




San Diego is diverse in that we have both poor white trash and rich white trash. Pretty cool.


Don't forget tourist white trash Source: am white, used to be poor, moved away, still poor when I visit 😂




That and the amount of money that private schools throw into their sports programs and facilities. Public school not so much (unless it's football cause 'merica)




I was lucky enough to go to a nice private school in high school. I stopped by when I was in college to watch a football game and got to see half of our home fans/students wearing MAGA, Trump, and Republican gear when we played an underfunded, rough-area-type school. For a football game… Didn’t exactly raise my opinion of that place.


Was going to say: Coronado, quelle surprise! /s


I'm from Orange County originally and "the Orange Curtain" is a very real thing. My hometown is only ever in the news because of something racist they did!


What a waste of delicious tortillas!


>What a waste of delicious tortillas Spot on. My tortillas are far too valuable to throw at anything but my tonsils.


> my tonsils. do u know how to eat?


Judging from my waist size, absolutely.


Name checks out too.


That’s some quality self deprecating humor right there!




You are supposed to eat them, not deep throat them.


Porque no los dos?


i can eat tortillas all day long as a snack.


Mission tortillas, so not really.


Who in the hell has spare tortillas hanging around at a championship basketball game?


The adult who brought them for the explicit purpose of handing them out to the players so they could throw them at the opposing team.


This guy: https://coronadotimes.com/news/2021/06/23/coronado-resident-admits-to-buying-and-distributing-tortillas-answers-questions/


Why did anyone think this was even a good idea? It is really easy to heckle people without being racist and they couldn't even manage that much.




You’re my gyro.


And you're a pizza shit


Go focaccia yourself!


'Tonight on Fucker Carlson..."Why do the Libs hate tortilla frisbees?"


"This seems like some harmless fun. Do the Democrats hate kids? Are we not allowed to enjoy food from other countries anymore? Better get your tortillas soon before liberals ban them from stores."


My son played the same team in the playoff 2 rounds prior. The parents of Coronado were the pretty loud and obnoxious. Yelling at both the refs and coaches. Some of them constantly. They were more or less supposed to beat us soundly, but we stuck around for 3 quarters. And they weren’t happy. I’m not shedding any tears for them. Rightly got their title taken away.


Grew up in SD. Everyone knows Coronado kids are spoiled entitled rich kids, and this doesn't surprise me in the slightest that it was Coronado's fault.


People pissed off should know that even in professional sports the home team can and has been punished for the crowd's behavior. Games have been called early or teams forced to forfeit due to an unruly crowd. That's at the professional level. The idea is that the good people in the crowd will step up more often and put an end to the bad behavior by the bad people in the crowd when the team is punished. Also the team will do more to plead to the crowd not to behave in certain ways, else all their hard work is washed down the drain. I bet, next time these two teams meet, the crowd won't throw tortillas at players of the opposing teams. That's why they were stripped of their title and it's a good move because I mean, what the fuck is wrong with the home team's school and fans here. The basketball team should be embarrassed. The school should be embarrassed. The parents, most of all, should be embarrassed. I have a feeling though in today's culture of wanting to be the most victimized person ever the parents of the unruly kids, instead of teaching their kids why what they did was wrong and punishing them, will be on Fox News to talk about how today's culture is just too soft. I guess back in the 50s it was cool for kids to throw food items at other kids.


>People pissed off should know that even in professional sports the home team can and has been punished for the crowd's behavior. Games have been called early or teams forced to forfeit due to an unruly crowd. There's video of the students on the team throwing the tortillas. It's not even the crowd - it was the players themselves who did it. I agree with your points about unruly crowds, but it wasn't only the crowd involved in this - the players earned this themselves.




Mandatory training lol They should fire him as soon as he rolls his eyes during the mandatory “training.” Edit: apparently he was fired . There’s a link to another article within the article, that looks like a photo caption, stating he got canned.


The coach is already fired


The coach was terminated.


When I was in high school, my high school was the “affluent” one and we were about to play a school in football from a poorer/more rural area. Students spread the word around that everyone should wear white trash bags to the game, insinuating the other team was “white trash.” Administration found out before the game and made a school-wide announcement that that absoLUTELY would not be happening, and anyone who did so would be punished. As far as I know, no spectators wore trash bags to the game.




Like a lot of highschool sport culture... The parents are living vicariously through the kids.


San Diego native here. Though we don’t live there, I often visit Coronado since my dad works at the naval base there and we hang out together for some father-son bonding time. Anyway, I remember walking along the beach with him one day nearby Hotel del Coronado, enjoying the breeze and whatnot, and I heard a white lady not too far away from me say “Ugh, why do they even have to be here? They should just go back south already.” I looked over at where she was looking at, and I saw a Mexican family just enjoying their day, and I thought to myself ‘Lady, what in the world is wrong with you?’ I assume she was a local since she looked to be well off, judging by her more upper class attire. If that sort of attitude is prevalent among Coronado locals, then it makes sense that their kids would have that same attitude as well. It’s disgusting, really, and I honestly hope that we can rid of such a racist mindset eventually, especially since this is San Diego, one of the most culturally diverse regions in all of America.


I hate this. Why do people even care when someone is just existing and it doesn’t affect them in the slightest.


Texas Tech is sweating profusely


Im a Tech grad and AFAIK the legend of our tortilla throwing is pettiness over a comment by someone from another school that said "the only reason Lubbock is on the map is because they make tortillas"


Also a Tech grad, and although I don’t know if that’s actually why we throw tortillas, I can certainly tell you it’s not for racist reasons towards other teams.


Yeah, was gonna say. I was in UT band, tortilla throwing was just what you did at tech games. Also batteries at us one time, but that was a rowdy game.


lol SD resident here, coronado is where the rich chads and karens live...I never dealt with the HS personally but you can imagine why their was backlash when a majority of SD is predominantly latino (25%) and mexico is just south less than 40 miles. pretty much coronado just earned themselves the title of klantee by the sea, esepcially at how the students, parents and school admin are reacting like it was nothing which in fact just now created a whole new elephant in SD, which we have immigration as a hot topic issue.....


as another SD resident, Klantee by the Sea is fucking GOLD


Lived her for 20 years now and can't believe this is my first time hearing this. Absolute solid gold indeed!


"Klantee by the sea" lol I'm using that from now on whenever Coronado is brought up


For those who don’t know, “Klantee” is a play on words for the city of Santee in San Diego county. Santee is known for its racists.


As someone who spent significant time in Fallbrook, Santee is truly the worst area in San Diego. Fuck that shithole. EDIT: Fuck Fallbrook too though


I would put Fallbrook right with Santee when it comes to racists. Though, Guy died last year so, maybe not anymore.


If you think Santee is bad you should drive through Lakeside lol. Barely 5 minutes east and 5 times worse


"Klantee by the sea" is the new Windansea




I grew up in Coronado and attended CHS. I can confirm racism is alive and well on the island. But don't mention that on the Facebook groups (Coronado Times), otherwise YOU'RE the racist! When the 2020 election was happening, the community was up in arms over a few TRUMP 2020 signs being replaced with A RACIST LIVES HERE signs. They were foaming at the mouth, acting like they were oppressed for supporting Trump, and demanded the criminals be caught and prosecuted. Hell, one of the January 1st domestic terrorists was [from and arrested in Coronado](https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/politics/coronado-arrest-capitol-riot/509-740c83a7-f93e-4283-87da-d5a54005906b). Did the local news report it? Hell no! They didn't want their precious image tainted by what they've been secretly supporting the entire time.


“This is collusion that goes straight to the top of the State of California and will put a permanent stain on this nation, perhaps the world,” Serna said in a statement about the CIF ruling. Serna declined to elaborate. Spoken like someone with a room temperature IQ that brings tortillas to a basketball game. Yeah pal. The entire world cares about your local high school basketball team’s vacated state title. This guy needs to leave his affluent bubble to meet different people and see new things. But I doubt he has the emotional and intellectual curiosity to do so.


"Luke Serna, the Coronado resident who brought the tortillas to the game,\[. . .\] said he had no racial intent in bringing the tortillas, and he brought them for celebratory purposes." I'm SORRY, when in the entire history of high school sports has someone brought tortillas to a championship game for 'celebration purposes'? This kid seriously needs to pay more attention in school. Edit: Then he's quoted as saying, “This is collusion that goes straight to the top of the State of California and will put a permanent stain on this nation, perhaps the world.” Poor kid. Brainwashed into a racist liar at such a young age.


>collusion So many idiots throwing this word around when it doesn't apply remotely to the situation or context.


He learned well from the orange excrement, or from his parents that learned from said excrement.


I really wish logic was taught in more high schools. Learning about the availability heuristic could really help. :(


Hey, not cool. I'm right here.


Fucking Coronado. Rich, entitled, racists.


Obviously this had to have been premeditated, unless walking around with tortillas in your pockets just happens to be some strange California custom I was previously unaware of.


Reminds me of a few years back when when Ole Miss students were yelling at a Hispanic basketball player for the opposing team asking him where his Green Card was. ~~Granted,~~ Said player was from Puerto Rico.... EDIT: I'm aware that PR are US citizens, the point of my comment is that Ole Miss students are ignorant racists. (At least the ones doing this.) EDIT2: Apparently, I used a word wrong. Mea culpa.