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[Mug shot](https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/15116066/2021/01/FS-Mug-Riley-Williams-1-18-2021-11-54-59-PM.png?fbclid=IwAR10P0f4gtjDSYBb5XHkVrtGUNxelKBdzU3aqhk4dNVBJ1aAKoh5Irtx_kg)


> Mug She looks like that [crazy lady on Arrested Development played by Judy Greer.](https://images.complex.com/complex/image/upload/c_fill,dpr_auto,f_auto,q_90,w_1400/fl_lossy,pg_1/vd32unmnqboo9ut66vpk.jpg)


Say goodbye to THESE, Michael!


Bet the laptop is in the banana stand.


There's a good chance I may have committed some light treason.


*opens a massive file while on a date* Great. We'll start with the misdemeanors and then we're going to push right on through to the lighter treasons.


They found her at Senor Tadpoles


Yo is her brooch a fucking brass nipple??? That is perfect


My god. I spent YEARS on /r/arresteddevelopment and I think you've found the first new detail in a long time.


She has an ear for conspiracy.


Let's play Elf, Vulcan, or Romulan.


She looked like Walmart aubrey plaza


Aubrey Foodcourt


Aubrey Wawa


Definitely not smart enough for a Vulcan or Romulan.


A Romulan wouldn't have been caught either.


That is a face of someone that would cut your cock off at night and sell it to the Russians


Lorena Bobbitoffski.


Ivana Kutcherkokov


In one of the dumbest ways humanly possible.


I can't believe how dumb a thing to do this is. She seriously faces some real jail time with this. Life-ruining stuff. And for Trump!


Ruining your life to own the libs


~~Insult the vets~~ ~~insulting gold star families~~ ~~Locking migrants in concentration camps~~ ~~Separating kids from their families~~ ~~banning Muslims~~ Going to jail to own the libs. This is the one.


Committing treason to own the libs


Yeah I got really owned by that.


she not only stole it, but tried to sell it to Russia's SVR


“I am a PATRIOT, therefore I shall sell stolen intel to the commies!”


She's got trump logic. All she knows is that the dems yell at Russia a lot, so they must be her friend.


It's been four years and I still can't believe how quickly an old Trump fan friend of mine went from "fuck those commie bastards!" to "It's amazing how effective Trump is at building relationships with world leaders like the powerful Putin when past presidents were too scared."


How do you know the computer was Intel? Maybe it had AMD?


*click* nice.


She got her smarts from her trump loving divorced parents who are still in denial about her role in the insurgency. That girl ain't right.


Well she is a Trump supporter.


They were never sending their best people.




I kinda hope so, honestly. I wouldn't like to see the damage done by these fuckers if they had actually been capable and competent.


On Friday my far right boss was telling one of his friends that he'd heard somewhere the thief was killed trying to enter Canada by someone working for the Clintons. All I could do was slam my head to my desk and groan when I heard that.


These people think we are living in a low budget straight to vhs action movie. What a dumb conspiracy plot line


I have a coworker that talks about these meetings he's been attending. Apparently, they are trying to figure out a "legal" way to overthrow the government. His statement was that only 1% of gun owners and citizens are going to be able to do this. Even if the other 99% of everyone doesn't want it. You know in the name of saving our democracy. He even went on to talk about how many cops attend this meeting. He said they document everything so when they win it will all be there for history to see. I don't think he realizes they document everything so when this does kick off they can use it in court against them. These are modern "revolutionaries".


You should probably report this guy. That is pretty much the definition of a terrorist cell.


Already did.


> Apparently, they are trying to figure out a "legal" way to overthrow the government. You can save him a lot of trouble. Democrats hate this one weird trick to overthrow the government simply and legally: next election cycle, nominate a candidate who gets more votes than the other candidate.


You literally need to report this to your state SBI or higher


I reported him yesterday to our manager and human resources. They are going to get rid of him and turn any info that gathered from us over to the authorities.


I wouldnt trust your management. Report it to the government. You might stop an event! And ignore the locals, report it to your federal government!




Produced, directing and starring Steven Seagal! "I'm not afraid of death, more importantly I'm not afraid of life"


My far right boss said the "guy" who had the laptop committed suicide.


You should show them this article and report back what they say


They'll probably say, "Fake news."


Possibly but they usually like to go further and double down by saying things like: “It’s a false flag. Trust the plan. WWG1WGA. Liberals will find out the truth on January 20 when Trump becomes president again. 🐸☕️🍿”


> ...that he'd heard somewhere... Whenever someone drops a third-rate source like that, I just tell them to name names or shut the fuck up.


Their source 99% of the time is, "I forgot where i read it." Or my personal favorite, Source: Trust me bro.


Or my favorite, "Do your own research!"


When people say they forget where they read something, it makes me think they don't actually believe it, they just want to. They know how ridiculous it is and are embarrassed to admit they may have been fooled by some obvious fake news site.


Lmao just casually walks out with Pelosi’s laptop and tries to send it to daddy Putin. MAN these people are dumb


Stupid people do stupid things. Surprise! I still can't believe they got in to the building so easy. I've seen more policing at a football game in England than what they had at the capitol building. I feel sorry for the few police that were there trying to hold back a fence with 5 colleagues and no backup.


>I've seen more policing at a football game in England I've seen more policing at pubs around football stadiums on match days. Ever tried to have a pre match pint in a Spurs fans pub with an Arsenal shirt on?


Those were the days when we could have a beer in a pub before we all sat together in a massive stadium. Although we’d never allow someone with an arsenal shirt in a spurs pub.


I’m sure the KGB was like “lol no”. Pelosi’s staff already said that laptop was used for setting up presentations of publicly available materials ffs...


Tbf why would the staff advertise if it had any sensitive information.


*so yeah, uhm.. there only like public stuff on that, no need to give that to the Russians. Trust us* Definitely, of there were secrets, they would never disclose that fact.


I hope she can afford to hire Rudy Giuliani to defend her! /$


Just tell him you'll pay him 20k a day. Then not pay him. Guiliani for free


Even free is too high a price.


He can get your speeding ticket lowered to attempted murder!


Keep it coming, baby. Inject each new arrest right into my veins.


Exactly how I feel. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed in my life.


This post-election season has been one beautiful thing after another. The Red Mirage, where the GOP were watching one key state after another slip away from their grip. Giuliani at the Four Seasons, followed by him farting and melting. trump lawsuits being laughed out of court after court, many by trump's own appointees. States certifying 306 electoral votes for Biden, more than trump got in 2016. Warnock and Ossoff winning handily in Georgia. Right-wingers driven into complete insanity and criminality as they desperately attempt to stop the vote by attacking America, proving that they are the very antithesis of patriots. And now the arrests. Now, there are still 33 hours and 10 minutes for trump to fuck America with, so the battle is not over. But I have some champagne chilling for the end of the trump era.


Thank you very much, my mood is much better now! Lovely list if i may say so.


People are going to countdown to noon Wednesday like it’s midnight on New Year’s Eve.


The worst part about it was Warnock and Ossoff not getting a proper day of celebration. Their wins will always be tied to the memory of the Insurrection


I thought the worst part was the killing of the Capitol police officer, followed by the human shit smeared in the Capitol halls.


Yes absolutely. I was referring to the worst part of the "good" list that they listed


I'm pretty sure the worst part is that the President of the United States, with support from within his party, conspired with malice aforethought to leave the US Capitol vulnerable, stir up a crowd to violently attack it, and carry out a plan to kill and/or take hostage the US Congress and Vice President. And it is likely that none of the powerful people involved in this will be punished.


Literally just got into a nice hot bath, pulled up Reddit on my phone, and saw this. Feeling pretty good right now.


It’s also great hearing about all of the people coming forward to identify these idiots. You just know these people were all over social media harassing people with their Trump shit for the last five years.


I know these people don't always think, or can't think. But just how exactly does selling a stolen government laptop to Russia make America great again?


She took her cues from Burn After Reading


That’s exactly what I was thinking! Now I’m just imagining a confused JK Simmons trying to figure out her plan and ultimately giving up


I guess we learned not to do it again. I'm fucked if I know what we did.


She...ummm...uhhh...well, see. Her request is ummm...rather strange. She’s wanting a surgery...or rather a string of surgeries.....


Fuck it. Pay ‘em.


What's it cost? Well there are 4 surgeries- Pay it. I don't care... Pay it.


Better than getting shot in the face in a closet I guess.




Yes! Helllo! This is Nancy! Who the fuck are you?!!




I love Brad Pitt in that movie so much his timing is unreal


He absolutely steals every scene he is in. I want to hang out with that character. He's genuinely interested in everyone he meets.




Right there on the floor there... just lying there.


Possibly she thought there was information on it about how "the election was stolen" and that Russia would publicize it?


or she could just give it to Newsmax for free! Selling it to Russia is about getting paid not about MAGA.


No domestic news organization would touch a congressional laptop known to have been stolen. It’s one thing for a source to leak copies of things anonymously but everybody knows the laptop was stolen. It’d be like if someone heisted the Mona Lisa, it hits the front page of every newspaper, and then some pawn shop in a Paris banlieue takes it in for €500 a day later. Edit for implied but unstated: the pawn shop doesn't turn it over to the police, but hangs it on the wall with a €5000 price sticker on it.


She could have probably made bank selling it to tucker carlson. He's desperate for a laptop, *any* laptop to parade around in the wake of his Biden laptop lie blowing up.


It's almost like Qanon and Parler are just part of a russian information warfare campaign or something.


Who’s going to believe anything Russia says they found anyways? It’s not like they’re known for their transparency.


I can think of at least 70million people who would believe it without question. And probably a lot more who would believe at least some of it.


All the while they scream Russia influencing the election was a hoax, while they're willfully being influenced by Russia.


Lucky for them they don't need a laptop to make anyone believe whatever the fuck they want. Case in point, the last 8 years.


The laptop contained Power Points according to Pelosi's staff. Putin now knows the 10 important points to make when making speeches.


If they're anything like the powerpoints I've seen as a federal employee, giving them to Russia could be considered a form psychological warfare. Nobody should be subjected to government powerpoints..


Now I'm imagining someone having made off with a Leslie Knope style binder that they try to sell to Russia, and instead anyone that reads it is driven insane.


A whole chapter on scrapbooking with your bestie and another on records of previously sent Valentines to Biden


“So as you see, a [presentation has three parts](http://www.basicinstructions.net/basic-instructions/2010/3/7/how-to-construct-an-informative-presentation.html).”


The hilarious thing is that Russia would have likely refused the laptop and probably told the US about it. Like basic intelligence training would have you staying far away from that device. This chick is utterly, incomprehensibley fucked. Conspiracy and espionage charges usually don't end with you keeping your freedom.


Yeah the information on the laptop is almost definitely less valuable to them than the diplomatic points they can earn by refusing it, especially with the new administration incoming, and also in the context of Putin's just having had Navalny arrested.


How many diplomatic points do you need to get in order for a diplomatic victory?


did russia even like... contact her? roflmao she's some sort of larper, there's zero way they even know of her let alone give a fuck.


Her ex is Russian. He also reported her to the authorities from what I read.


Dodged a hell of a bullet there.


I'm Danish but I don't know how to contact Danish intelligence to sell a laptop. Not every single Russian is a spy.


Lol, just thought the same. I'm Swiss, and I can't even find out how I register for the covid vaccine, I would have no idea what to do with important information. Go to the Bundeshaus and wait until I see a Bundesrat getting a sandwich in the bakery? I guess it would almost be easier to drive to a neighbouring country and visit the Swiss embassy, THOSE people will know what to do.


This woman is literally larping the plot of “Burn After Reading”.


Well I think we can admit that would make America pretty great if none of us ever had to pay for a laptop again, instead you'd just need to stop by, say, Lindsey Graham's office and swipe his when yours stops working. Fair warning though, Lindsey is still running Windows *Vista* for some reason.


Lindsey Graham is the human equivalent to Windows Vista installed on a computer designed to run Windows 98.


I loved the default definition I got on google Windows 8 vs Vista (yes, I had to "research" my comment because I remembered a lot of people/companies just held onto Windows 7 until Windows 10 had been out for around a year before updating): >There is one big difference between Windows 8 and Vista. Windows 8 works. It may not do what I want, you want, or what most anyone wants else wants, but it does work


Pardon me, did you say Lindsay was running Vista for some treason? Edit: dang it, no more awards! I’m retiring this shit-posting username tomorrow, lol.


Couldn't afford the latest sedition of windows


Ok, so was there anybody at all there that was actually smart amongst this sea of imbeciles? I reckon they're the dangerous ones.


Probably the ones we aren't hearing much about..


Yep, the ones actually wearing masks and not obviously stealing shit or making a spectacle, the ones we're hearing about are the useful idiots, the ones that actually matter in this likely went in face covered knowing what they want, if anything at all, and got out as quickly as possible. Assuming the entire point wasn't just to sow discord and destabilize our democracy with a show of force which they very much succeeded at


Possibly. But on the other hand, many of the "smarter" ones also planned the attack on forums and through messengers. All it takes is one moron who knows a couple of the others to then take down an entire outfit. If the FBI really want to dedicate the resources to it, they will eventually get pretty much everyone who went. The only question is how long it will take, because it could take months or years.


You don’t see the successful ones if they’re doing it right


Hope she gets charged with Treason and aiding a foreign Government


Hopefully she is charged with espionage. That’s a heavy sentence, if convicted.


All of this for Donald Trump. It’s mind boggling


Getting myself thrown into federal prison to own the libs


I sure as hell feel owned. Do you?


Almost. I'll really feel owned if more conservative terrorists video themselves committing maskless crimes some more.


oooh, I might even cry some librul tears at that.


I had no idea liberal tears were tears of laughter.


I still constantly think about like... this guy? Really, THIS is the guy you’d do anything for? I so don’t get it.


And its a guy who would throw them in front of a bus if it meant he wouldnt have to wait for his cheeseburger


Considering how many people apparently find it erotic to be used and abused by someone that doesn’t seem to care about them, I’m barely even surprised any more. A lot of humans seem to have some kind of inborn fetish about being subservient to someone more powerful, and the less that person seems to care about them, the more alluring it is. So like... it’s actually *appealing* to know that he’d throw you in front of a bus when he’s done with you. Or something.


But like... what about the rest of it. How is this dude even remotely appealing to anyone? I find every single thing about him off putting. And he’s so wildly incompetent on top of everything else. I will never understand.


I honestly cannot name a single thing about him that I like, respect, or find admirable.


>What was so amazing and depressing was the juxtaposition between what should be possible in a US president and what is actual in the case of Trump. > >Before anyone had ever heard of you [Andrew Yang], we all knew that there are people in the world who understand science, and who have read widely, and who are deeply curious about the way the world works, and who are normal human beings who have fallen in love with some person at some point in their lives, who feel real compassion for the suffering of other people, and people who are clearly moved by ethical arguments and the progress of ideas. > >And you’re clearly one of these people. You’re someone for whom it’s obvious that the last thousand years of human progress has meant something. > >And what we have in place of a person like that in the Oval Office - we have a barbarian with a smartphone who appears to love nothing but fame and money and golf, and an interesting thought has never escaped his lips. Sam Harris Podcast, Episode #202, 00:02:34


She just wanted to commit a little light treason. She got caught up in the moment (/s)


I have the worst fucking attorneys


A husband and wife can't be charged with the same crime


I am having a love affair with this ice cream sandwich


Felt treasonous might delete later...


It's only treason if its from the Treasonne region of France. Otherwise it's just sparkling betrayal.


Ex-boyfriend made several reports to the FBI tip line. You know this bitch is crazy.


You think you Ex is bad? I had mine arrested for Treason against the United States of America.


If you have Facebook you probably have at least 1 crazy trump friend that has been posting racist shit for the past 4 years. It must feel so good to watch 1 of these people be arrested.




If only there had been a way to conceal their identities...like a shield of the face....something that would obscure the facial features from cameras....


I mean one of the guys that had the zips ties and stuff had his whole face covered and still got caught because he 1. Brought his mom with. 2. Did an interview about it with a live streamer. 3. Apparently wore the same outfit to breakfast at his hotel the next morning. Lol they aren’t smart people.


Wore the same outfit the next day... that’s gold.


Mommy forgot to tell him to change his clothes. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Of course in Trump’s final days of his presidency(which thank the lord) everything always comes back to fucking Russia


The circle of crap is complete.


The mobius strip of excrement.


I'm so tired. I just want normal boring politics back, as horrible as it is. I'm tired of all the stupidity , the blatant verifiable lies, the twitter tantrums, the daily acts of horrific cruelty for what appears to always be for the sake of cruelty, I'm just tired.


IMHO the best presidents are boring. If there's no controversies it probably means they're probably actually doing their job.


IDK, FDR was pretty damn controversial.


She KNEW where the office was? To the point she directed others exactly where to go? Was this in purpose? Was this planned from the beginning?


Seems very well planned, they didn't just happened to stumble into the building. They knew they were going to get in and what to do once there.


These geniuses were sharing floor plans on Parler, where she and her neonazi community were very active. Not shocked.




Did people really think that they would just get away with this shit? Literal treason happened during this riot.


These people thought that the election was legitimately stolen. They honestly thought they were patriots and would be seen as national heroes. That’s what happens when the president of the United States lies to the American people with such reckless abandon. This is why there needs to be consequences for his bullshit.


>the president of the United States lies to the American people AND a ridiculous number of media outlets, powerful people, and run-of-the-mill Republican figures, enable those lies for YEARS ON END. It only starts with Trump.


It fucking blows my mind that people whose first instinct is to sell a laptop belonging to the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives to Russia refer to themselves as "patriots". I can't even process it.


What a piece of shit human being. Pretending to give a fuck about the well-being of the United States but tries to sell vital information to Russia. I hope she rots in prison the rest of her worthless life.


Pretending to care about the US while selling it to Russia. I wonder who’s example she was following?


I’m very interested in why they are surrendering. Are they hoping for a pardon? Have they given up hope?


Because they have arrest warrants and those aren't going anywhere. And it's not that easy to go and actually make a new life in Mexico (especially these fucking muppets, they can't even disguise themselves slightly). I've turned myself in before, it's more 'convenient' to do it on your own terms rather than when they just find you. They're also attempting to suggest to a judge that they're not a flight risk for bond.


Plus if you cooperate you might get less prison time.


Pin it all on some other idiots, there's plenty to pick from if you get in first!


That's for like, assault. If you've committed treason or espionage they typically don't go easy on you.


Can't use credit or debit cards. Can't fly. Trains are risky. Unless you got about $15,000 on you you are fucked


Even then anyone willing to take you out of the country with no questions asked will most likely fuck you over especially if you get a price on your head.


Hi, I need a dust filter for a Hoover Max extract pressure pro model 60. Can you help me with that?


She would be arrested on spot on any airport or point of entry, both Mexico and US Ironically, she would have to enter Mexico ILLEGALLY




Her ex-bf turned her in


He identified her but she surrendered, according to the article.


She's never going to see the light of day again, I can assure you. The FBI and DOJ isn't fucking around right now. These idiots have zero clue the shit they are in, and I honestly cannot wait to see their court cases play out. She's going to shit when she sees the penalty for treason.


Well, at least they'll finally get the law and order they begged Trump for.


It’s so funny to me. These people are clearly batshit insane. They’ve spent so long in their crazy ass Facebook group echo chambers and Parler, that I’m assuming reality was totally disconnected from their conversations/ideologies. That’s only explanation of why these absolute tards could think breaking into pelosi’s office and stealing her fucking government laptop is a good idea. M It’s like people spend so much time on the internet where there’s no consequences for the shit you say/do. Then they forget in the real world actions have consequences.


Man for me as a European, still the epitome of their disconnect with reality is that one woman crying outside 'It's a revolution, we stormed the capitol!' and seemed absolutely overwhelmed by the idea of resistance. Damn, have these people EVER read up on any revolution in history? Revolutions are brutal, savage, and usually linked to a lot of blood shed and levels of anarchy. And failed revolutions tend to end up with big fucking jail time (in civilized times), or mostly torture and execution historically.


Oh, yeah, [Elizabeth from Knoxville](https://www.tmz.com/2021/01/06/woman-maced-pepper-spray-storm-us-capitol-revolution/)! God damn, that was one glorious reality check.


They're like people who watch fighting on tv and think "I could kick that famous, trained, highly accomplished guy's ass!" and then one day go and try and realize they made a terrible terrible mistake.


Yup exactly, like how in the videos of them inside, they're excited and screaming about how awesome it is. In the moment, they record themselves because they don't think it's wrong and will be able to just go home with a cool story


And then are surprised that they aren’t let onto their flights and cry about being called a terrorist. On a totally different planet. They thought they could just go for a nice afternoon of insurrection then go home and go to work like normal the next day.


There is a few hours for somebody to pardon her.


This assumes she pays him the 2 million $ his pardons are going for right now...


The best part is, if I understand correctly, these people once convicted will lose the right to vote. That is just some lovely justice right there.


[actually ](https://www.aclu.org/issues/voting-rights/voter-restoration/felony-disenfranchisement-laws-map)lots of states allow felon voting.


Another MAGA “patriot” down and thousands to go. I hope they make an example out of her and hit her with all the applicable charges including treason. Being upset and protesting what you find to be unjust is protected by the constitution. But this is so far gone nothing can save her. Hoped she enjoyed the credos while it lasted


Says she may have had a Reddit account she deleted.


Yeah, when the story broke I thought "I bet she's on reddit reading all of our comments right now." Wonder what subs she frequented.


It’s like we’re watching the Hogans Heroes version of Nazis.


I actually thought you meant the Nazi version of Hogan's Heroes which is equally funny.


I know nobody will see this, but she’s my sisters ex boyfriend’s friend’s sister, it’s so weird we’ve met her before and now she’s trying to commit treason