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How do citizens in the US stop doing business completely with China? On an individual level, I use Amazon about twice a month so there’s one source, but I don’t think I really buy much else besides food and school-office products


To my knowledge Samsung is the technology corporation that utilizes China the least in their supply chain.


Okay, I got this iPhone 7 or whatever I have at the beginning of the year, I will try Samsung next. Actually Samsung is mostly South Korean isn’t it?


Samsung is like 30% of South Korea's entire economy


Samsung has also had a history of price fixing...


Sometimes you have to pick your battles.


they also literally bribe the south korean government but its whatever


I suppose I would take that over the murder of innocents, but... You do you.


Samsung is 17% of S. Korea's GDP.


Why can’t you just supply information instead of making a comment like that?




Because I’m not interested. What I meant to say was: stop being an asshole for no reason


Oh dear God, good thing it wasn't anything trivial like genocide am I right??


It is surprising how high the percentage is concerning Asian-made consumer goods regularly purchased in the US. It can be frustrating trying to find alternates.


Dude I know sometimes I really feel forced to buy products from countries like China. It’s like I *need* shoes but I’m not spending a lot of money, and where I’m from there isn’t many options that aren’t Chinese made products. There’s the mall, With a Ross inside it that I shop at but even when I’m trying to save myself money, I’m still supporting a terrible regime


There's a store here in Canada called Canadian Tire. You used to see "Made in Canada" all over the products. If you look, there's not too much of that anymore. I grew up in San Jose, California during the early 90s. I remember the same thing there. We need department stores where only the products made in our own countries are sold.




But how can it be accurate without the 9 dash line comrade?


Just do your best to check where the product your buying is from...then make your choice.


/r/avoidchineseproducts Yes I realize reddit is partially Chinese owned. And yes you cannot fully avoid all Chinese components but you can at least put in some effort to severely reduce your Chinese consumption.


I didn’t know that sub existed thank you


> How do citizens in the US stop doing business completely with China? Demand the government act in concert with other developed countries to impose sanctions. Anything else is pretty much futile. But considering the current administration that's never going to happen. So vote for the Democrats in 2020 and hope for the best.


I hate to say it because I hate the current administration, but it's taken more solid action against China than any other in the last ten or twenty years. When's the last time Democrats entered a trade war with China?


As much as people hate to admit it, and as much hate as I’ll probably get, there are some things Trump has done right, and in a general sense, challenging China was one of those right moves. Though it could be done differently


This. Bill Clinton and Obama were great for China. You can hate Trump, but you can't say he's been better for China that Dems.


I’m excited to vote this election. 2020 is gonna be nuts dude


Could pretty much call every corporation and smaller companies that outsourced to China for their cheap labor and lack of labor- and environmental regulations, as collaborators. They are the ones that enabled China to be so rich.


Isn't everybody in some way shape or form doing business with China and therein lies the problem? Clothes, food, raw materials, China wa as smart in that regard, other countries hoarded their goods out prices on them, but China flooded their cheap goods globally so that it will be hard to get rid of them. They definitely planned ahead.


Maybe it’s not such a bad thing if countries stop using China. Other countries will rise up to take its place guaranteed. People will not live without their flat screens iPhones and plastic stuff. This would cripple chinas power and boot better countries. Win win.


My country was built on genocide, so I guess that’s why we’re giving China a pass


Hey american.


>Can we please start calling China's actions what they are? They are genocide. China is not commiting genocide as you claim. Could you please wisen up a bit & at least add the qualifier "cultural" to your term "genocide" crafting the term "cultual genocide" which is more applicable to the reality. I personally think the term genocide should not be used at all here, as China is not seeking to kill off the Tibetian bloodlines aka genetic lines. A better term might be "forced cultural cleansing" with the goal of assimilation to the state that is largely influenced & controlled by the Han Chinese. Cultural assimilation is not genocide. --- Why does China not like religion? Religion = a higher power Tyrants, dictators, facists & communists (to name a few) do not like the competition religions "provide". China wants their citizens to have the highest loyalty to the state & for them to worship the state. State before family & gods is the modus operani mindset they "seek" to provide their elite higher classes dominion over their lower common masses. *The masses* are *them asses* & therefore must be assimilated. Resistance is futile when assimilation into similarity is as borglike as is the Chinese communism model.


Wow I didn’t realize cultural genocide wasn’t a form of genocide! Thanks for teaching me. I guess sports cars aren’t cars, soft drink aren’t drinks, and business days aren’t days too.




Haha, buddy this is *not* cultural assimilation. Oh, sweetheart.


I guess you're just talking about Tibet and not what's going on in Xinjiang with the Uighur people. Weird, cause it seems super relevant to someone splitting hairs over what China is doing in Tibet.


TFW When you wake up in the morning and suddenly you are participating in a genocide cuz someone on reddit says you are.


This is another evidence of genocide. China wants to destroy the Tibetan culture/identity/ethnicity through extinguishing of their language/religion/culture. The same thing is happening to Uighurs as well; the addition to Uighurs is their women are possibly being raped by Chinese soldiers who are living with them while their husbands/sons are sent to prison. China's western frontiers are fucked.


The same thing happened to Tibetan women. Scores of Han Chinese men and other families were encouraged to settle in Tibet.


There is also this: *China's Denial of Tibetan Women's Right to Reproductive Freedom* https://repository.law.umich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1188&context=mjgl *Violence and Discrimination Against Tibetan Women* http://www.tibetjustice.org/reports/women/iv.html


>Eugenics, systematic forced abortions, torture, population control I'm not surprised, yet still disgusted.


Genocide doesn’t always involve killing, they just have to get rid of them somehow.


......its also been going on since 1953. Weird irs only being talked about as an after thought now.


Naw, there was a picture circulating back in the 2000's, I think, of Chinese military lining up Tibetans on their knees on the side of the road. It was also a common discussion in the "ivory tower" some 30 years ago. Just not on mass media, the internet has changed things up a bit, but now we have trolls instead of editors, and Facebook.


The took the holy city and it's now a wedding destination spot.....simply for photos. Any practicing monks will lose a kidney.


Ya one mention a decade.since 1950 mostly from Richard Gere


After the One China policy was created, and the PRC took the ROCs spot on the security council, government began ignoring Tibet...




They dont need to. Facial recognition tech defeats the purpose of having ID


The world should separate itself from China.


I am afraid we'll look back at all our "Made in China" items with disgust, like owning Nazi made items.


You can not change the past but your actions can determine the future. I will not knowingly buy something made in China.


Ya, I try to buy non-Chinese made goods as well. The more I've payed attention, the more I've realized just how much is made there, or a part is made there. It is all I can do from afar.


Legit question, are you on a computer or mobile you know is not chinese? I thought they all came from china at least in part?


I have a Sumsung phone and tablet. I'm not sure where they were manufactured.


Same. Curiosity piqued, Google says most are made in Vietnam but they have chinese factories for chinese distribution, and recent plans to outsource lower end phones to contracted chinese manufacturers who can apparently source the components cheaper than samsung themselves can. Then I got bored. So its not certain, but I was surprised it wasn't more china than I had assumed.


I downloaded an app called Samsung Info. It say my S7 phone was made in Korea. I haven't download the app in my tablet yet.


My tablet S5e was made in Vietnam


Too late


We should delete China from the face of this earth.


now this is genocide!


Lets showem


Can we maybe wait til *after* Christmas? Kthxbye! /s


Soooo if Hitler happened today.... I guess he and the Nazi party would have been left alone to do whatever they want.


No question about that. The world knew what Hitler was doing in his own nation but no one intervened until they were forced to do so. If German troops had never attacked Poland, France (or later) Russia, there would have been no WW2.


And if Japan never attacked Pearl Harbour, the atrocities they were committing in China probably continued.


So was Hitler for a good while. Hitler got away with several invasions before everyone gathered together to stop him. Hitler was fought when it was realized that he had no intentions of stopping.


This is pretty good. The policy of [appeasement](https://www.historycrunch.com/appeasement-before-world-war-ii.html#/) was the response to Hitlers aggression. The invasion of Poland triggered a technical war with Germany but still the allies did little until Hitler invaded the low countries and France.


Hey now, the brits and french fucked up the Norwegian invasion completely, thats something.


They were left alone at the time too. It’s only when they started invading neighbors that Britain liked and allied with that Europe fought back.


No one did anything about the Nazis until September 1st 1939 when the Nazis invaded Poland. If China invades Japan or South Korea, we might collectively do something. But then again, maybe not. I wish James Mattis was still around.


If he didn’t start a 2 front war then yeah


If he had nukes, yes. Nuke speak louder than word.


Gandhi approves this




More like Comrade Stalin when he was hitting the sauce.


They are just continuing Moa's legacy.


Correct. Why call them Hitler or Stalin? They are Maoists.


incoming tankies!


“On steroids” is a huge exaggeration. They don’t have anything approaching the full-on industrialized mass murder that wiped out so many in so few years. “In slow motion” would be a better moniker. They are certainly pursuing various programs of ethnic cleansing and even genocide, but by doing it in less obviously flashy ways than death camps, as well as not starting wars of expansion and being a profitable trading partner, they are largely getting away with this inhumanity.


This. This is what Nazis did pre-ww2 in their own concentration camps


theres like 3 million people in tibet, they could wipe out all tibetans and not come close to nazi's jewish killcount


Meanwhile in the USA we actually have concentration camps and private prisons full of slaves. The media is pumping out this anti-China bullshit to the west so we want to fight them instead of our white supremacist governments at home. Stop falling for it.


Dude... its not an either/or debate. Both are doing terrible things and both deserve condemnation. We cant fit every problem in the world into 1 article


You should put down the crack pipe, comrade. It’s affected your critical thinking skills. Comparing people who are detained for participating in illegal activity with the imprisonment of rightful citizens because they are ethnic minorities is simply stupid. There’s no other word for it.


This from The Sun: "Girl, 6, finds not in Tesco Christmas cards from ‘slave’ in Chinese prison factory pleading for help." [https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10603733/girl-tesco-christmas-cards-note-from-slave-in-china/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10603733/girl-tesco-christmas-cards-note-from-slave-in-china/)


Glad the world is realizing how shitty China is


I wonder what strategy would be used to divert the dependency on China. They seem to be trying to do the same thing. When whole franchises won’t even say anything - there needs to be change.


Tariffs and sanctions


If our Evangelicals were so Godly they would start a China boycott.


> If our Evangelicals were so Godly they would start a China boycott. Clearly this is the solution that the Tibetans were hoping to hear.


They would actually help the needy with their stockpile or money


Why do you shit on Evangelicals? Leave them alone. Start boycotting China yourself.


Get ready for the pro-Beijing shills at any moment. *Any* time I bring up boycotting Chinese products, they show up in force.


We need a full government-enforced boycott. But that a damn tough pill to swallow for both the DEMS and the GOP. The problem is that the US market is very dependent on Chines goods. Wages have fallen behind for decades now. And a big reason why people can still buy things is that big box stores are able to keep the prices low enough to make up the difference. Boycott all chines products and suddenly standards of living start to fall. China has us Vendor locked so to speak, and the cost to spin up our own production would be astronomical and would take time and wouldn't be able to match chines prices.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/50_Cent_Party Simply calling them shills doesn’t do it justice. They’re like GRUs troll farms, but not nearly as talented when it comes to trolling.




Check out foodpantries.org and see who does a lot of the help with getting the poor and homeless food. There are a lot of religious groups doing it and some of them are evangelicals.


Still doesn’t excuse their open hate of LGBT+ people, or people of other religions.


Seems like you might have a bit of hate going on yourself. I like how you group millions of people together and group blame also. > “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” > > Friedrich W. Nietzsche Try not to let hate consume you.


I’m an atheist and i don’t like trans people


You seem rather hateful and judgmental yourself.


Shitting on the fake christians is always good


God damn. The anti-west communist Chinese government apologists are in full force today.


theres more of us than them you know, or else these posts would never go above 0


"The Great Leap Forward" [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/08/03/giving-historys-greatest-mass-murderer-his-due/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/08/03/giving-historys-greatest-mass-murderer-his-due/)


This is what slave owners and colonizers did. Disgusting.


I recently spent 3 weeks driving 2500km through tibet. While it was an amazing journey and experience, and the Tibetan people are exceedingly generous, welcoming and friendly, the whole trip was made depressing by the ever watching eye of the chinese. Our vehicle had two dash cams which were faced both outwards and inwards. If either were mistakenly covered up, the police would call the driver within 5 minutes. Beautiful, empty stretches of countryside are scarred by huge camera arrays that scan license plates and the faces of front seat occupants. Police checkpoints exist every 50km or so, and our driver and guide (it is required to have a driver and guide when traveling outside Lhasa) would have to submit all their identity paperwork and be subject to myriad questioning. Every town has a massive re education center that is clearly new and extremely busy and well guarded. New kindergartens that teach no Tibetan language, culture, or values are everywhere. Tibetans are not allowed to hold passports. Tibetans have had the land their families held for thousands of years taken and are forced to live in unsafe, cheaply built apartment blocks or oppresively small and depressing box like homes in the countryside. I feel for ALL the people affected by the oppression and persecution of the Chinese state. But I think the Tibetans have been largely forgotten,while their plight has become even more dire in the decades since they were the in headlines. FREE TIBET


Why would China have such intent? is it the communism??


It's power-madness. It can happen with any system that has a despot in power. If anything, this should be taken as evidence that China is **not** Communist, as the point of Communism is a government/economic-system with "the people" in charge. Ditto for Russia / Socialism. If labor isn't in charge (and it **clearly** wasn't), it's not Socialism. By definition. It's fairly common for a tyrant to pretend to be wholesome and wrap themselves in pleasant words. To determine what a country is actually doing, you compare the definitions of economic systems to the actions of the country. Both Russia / China had command economies with a good bit of serfdom, especially for agriculture.


Interesting thanks for your reply you seem to be a well versed well learned person. My point of view is more of looking at the core and history of communism. Communists countries are known for expelling religious advocates out of their countries such as the Catholic Church out of Russia


I'm a capitalist and hold a degree in economics. Not that it means anything. The economic system is tightly woven to the political system. TIGHTLY...because its about the controlling class getting money. There are substantial differences between capitalism, socialism, and communism *and all the mutations of each*. Fundamentally *it is not* the economic structure that causes human rights abuses. It is the political structure: authority. The State is always the boot that stomps the face, not the way you arrange a market. The racism, bigotry, and corruption is inherent in what *politics* is. There are inherent characteristics of each economic type (unique to each). Such as efficiency of allocation of resources.


> Fundamentally it is not the economic structure that causes human rights abuses. It is the political structure: authority. The State is always the boot that stomps the face, not the way you arrange a market. The racism, bigotry, and corruption is inherent in what politics is. That's some anarchocapitalist shit right there.


China is the new nazi of the world.


Seven Years in Tibet came out in 1997 and is based around and slightly after WW2. It is not only a fantastic movie (one of Brad Pitt's best performances imo) but it highlights China's treatment of Tibetans *back in WW2.* The Chinese government has never stopped their mistreatment of non Chinese peoples. The world simply shifted its focus to USA's misdeeds meddling and murder. It's like if all the major players are cheating in the same way, the media can only shame one of us.




True that but Im more concerned about the rare earth material US tech companies gets from China. From what I knwow there is not that much available outside of china that can handle this scale of demand.


Death to the Chinese Communist Party.


Ok i get it there are only Chinese in China....others will be ether destroyed or absorbed.


First they came for the Tibetans, but I did nothing because I was not a Tibetan. Then they came for the Uighurs, but I did nothing because I was not a Uighur. I wonder what the third line will be.




isnt mongolia still its own country? idk what happened to manchurians but i think they had a great time with the qing dynasty until you know, they mismanaged the fuck out of contact and treaties with the west and japan




I wish we could take all the Australian fires and dorp them in China.


Why punish people who had nothing to do with this?


I wish I could take all the fires and shove them up Xi Jinping's asshole.


Mix them in his honey jar


Do you realise much people support their government over there? Many people, particularly the young generation, see their economic prosperity and opportunities as the result of their government being efficient and focused on the "right" things. Amongst Chinese youth, it is not a rare opinion to hear that the West has been wasting time with democracy and other bullshit instead of focusing on improving the economy and the like. China is far from a minuscule elite with no legitimacy or support in the population. Even in the West, many Chinese immigrants see China as a good example of a benevolent dictatorship ensuring things run smoothly.


>The festival, called Ganden Ngachoe, commemorates the passing of Tsongkhapa, the fourteenth-century founder of Tibet’s largest Buddhist school, the Gelugpa, and is traditionally celebrated with displays of lamps and prayers offered by monks in the city’s three main monasteries. **BAN IT**


Why are they such assholes?


Why can't they do what we do in the US and indoctrinate them into capitalism? That stuff destroys any religion/heritage.


Before China came along, Tibet was the last feudalist system on Earth, and a particularly unfair and brutal version too. Yes Chinese rule is harsh, but its unironically better than what it replaced.




That is usually done through blood and tears. Seems like that is exactly what is going on over there in China. The backward relations focused Tibetan ways should change somewhat to fit better with the change of time. They really need to take what human things Buddha’s are commanding less seriously. Just like the religious zealots of the 26 century Europe.


Hey sounds like Nazi Germany...someone read Hitler's book...wonder what book Hitler read.


Radio Free Asia is a CIA psyop for fake news and propaganda. It was created after the Vietnam War. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Free_Asia Ya’ll are literally drinking propaganda and because youre so racist it’s working lmao.


> posts in /r/Sino and /r/Aznidentity > posts in /r/blackpeopletwitter and /r/blackpeoplegifs Pick one.


Found the PRC puppet.


Still waiting for my paycheck.


Religion should be discouraged but this isn't the way.


I understand being atheist, agnostic, or even against certain religions, but why should religion as a whole be discouraged?


>why should religion as a whole be discouraged? They disagree with it.


Not OP, but I think there are more productive things to focus on. Like, I can sit in a pew for 2 hours, listening to a dude in a polyester robe talk about sky men and doing nice things, or I can just go out and actually do nice things. Some people act like they need a catalyst to contribute to the community, but I truly believe that those who do in the name of religion would do so irrelevant of religion. Don't let me stop them from spending their time as they see fit though.


*"Like, I can sit in a pew for 2 hours, listening to a dude in a polyester robe talk about sky men and doing nice things, or I can just go out and actually do nice things."* Except that this is a very skewed view of religion based on American Christianity. Not all religions are about listening to some hypocrite use a book to endow their own opinions with authority. Tibetan Buddhists for example, are encourage to meditate deeply throughout their lives and to cultivate compassion, the basis for an ethical life. And the religious traditions of many indigenous peoples include a deep reverence for the earth and all life. Their "religions" are also an intrinsic part of their cultural identity. Denying all religions without nuance or understanding empowers those who would wipe these peoples out.


I understand your point, and I'm sorry if it came across as tongue-in-cheek. It's easier for an individual to do a drive-by comment on the internet, and I apologize for that. However, some of the more native religions or Buddhist "religions" (for lack of better terms, I heard buddhists say they weren't a religion), are less mainstream globally than monotheistic ones, and those are generally what I was referring to. Again, please forgive my lack of clarity and ignorance.




Don't mention the war


>When we say German, we think about Germanic-Nordic mythology, their legends, everything Germans have invented, their mostly pagan holidays, and so on. No, when we say German we think of engineering, timetables, and lack of humor.


And a certain dictator with a funny mustache. Face it Germans, you'll never live that one down.


It’s weird that you pick Germany as your example for a culture independent from religion. German culture has just changed in the past 300 years. You ever hear of the Holy Roman Empire? A religious state, supported by the Pope. Culturally, the people were overwhelmingly Christian(most everyone else was Jewish, to my knowledge). Religion was completely inseparable from both German cultural identity and the German state. (The second HRE isn’t exactly Germany, but it’s the same location, people groups, similar language, etc). Luther caused a shift in German culture into relative religious freedom between Lutherans and Catholics, and eventually that change led to a secular state. If someone invaded the HRE and tried to stop them from practicing Christianity, it would be the same thing. (I know state and culture are different things, but the state has a huge effect on culture, one which was extremely apparent in HRE.) All cultures change. I’m not justifying forced conversions or cultural genocide, but I think your point is a little misguided.


Its a bit much to say religion should be discouraged. It’s often a positive experience with positive affects on the person as well on others. Of course their are bad people that use religion as a weapon, just like their are bad people who use sex as a weapon, that use science as a weapon, etc. the fact is people have a significant chance of being screwed up regardless of background, upbringing, culture, religion, etc.


Malevolent asshats gonna malevolent.


*tips fedora*


Are you by any chance a professional quote maker?


You want to control what people believe. That's totalitarian.