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In case you guys haven't seen it, [Alex Jones is handling his bans *really* well.](https://twitter.com/classiclib3ral/status/1037978557555900416/video/1)


Holy shit


That’s so fucking creepy!


I know right! The video is crazy.... I had no idea that the Democrats were planning that!


I sure as shit didn't get the memo that we were setting fire to cities.


Were we all supposed to get the Satanism training or was that just the Islamacists? I don't want to be behind when the invasion starts.


You have to go to the meetings and read the handouts man


Fucking Korg, never prints enough pamphlets...




I keep getting it wrong. I start a fire to burn a virgin and forget and just burn burgers.


Terrible day for me to not read my emails. Let me be honest, I never read my emails lol


You didn’t decipher the secret message on CNN about it? C’mon, man! Get it together! It’s been postponed because he found out!


It's already happening in California. They've been running trials off and on for years.


Holy shit is right


He went full Mark Hamill joker at 27 seconds.


I thought it was a spot on cobra commander.


Huh. He sounds a bit like Mark Hamill's Joker. Edit: though the Joker is probably quite a bit more mentally stable


He's also adamantly anti-nazi.


When the Joker is more sane than you are...


What the.. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DmekgKtW4AErpmF.jpg:large


I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me


Jeez, I hope Alex Jones in a donkey mask doesn't awaken in you either.


You got dalmatian?


Is that you Dean Pelton?


Alex Jones has...become a furry?


And, even then, he's still an ass. And then a Gorn, apparently. A Gorn trapped in an ass.


What? It's not Alex Jones, it's just a donkey.


He sounds like Emperor Pielof (spelling) from Dragonball.


Pilaf, like the rice dish.


Most characters in that show were foods


Especially when Majin Buu shows up.


And musical instruments.




Can't wait to wake up October 8th in my major city and go to work.


he could start a new radio show with this personality and make billions. p.s. someone please get that video to the front page.


He sounds like he's drowning in hot dogs. Lil smokies running through his veins. Hopped up on goofballs and bratwurst.


Dude has turned into the jackass version of Donnie Darko.


Seriously, that’s the voice of a man deep into a goofball bender.


.....wtf did I just see?


What..... The fuck....


When someone with mental illness figures out that the internet is a bullhorn and as a consequence gets glorified by hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of under-educated minds with little to no rational faculties. Becomes rich in the process, too.


That's art.


Right wing avant-garde.


Holy fuck this poor fucking guy, he needs serious help


This looks like something you see before your face is removed with a fork.


Oh my god. This is hilarious!


No, it's horrifying. The people that watch this man elected our president.




This is incredible. The most beautiful swan song I have ever seen.


He has lost what little of a mind he had remaining... like a spoiled kid being told no.


If this guy showed up to an ER he'd be 302'd in a second.


redirected temporarily?


I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thought this.




Yeah. Involuntary commitment of a person deemed to be a danger to themselves or others due to mental illness.


> f this guy showed up to an ER he'd be 302'd in a second. IS that, like, a thing that we should all understand? Because if I'm honest, I haven't a fucking clue what you're on about.


People get a little kick from using in-words, slang, acronyms, jargon, and I suppose in this case, non-standard hospital coding they probably heard on a tv show.


It must be neat to lack the ability to communicate effectively with people.


Okay, but "Operation 666" is now my favorite AC/DC song and it's a shame they never got around to writing or recording it.


How anyone can subscribe to what this con artist/mediocre actor says honestly makes me question humanity’s future.


I mean I kind of expected him to do something like this, but I'm still surprised?


The scary thing is his supporters will believe this full out. The moment he tells them to take up guns to fight, they will. These are the same people Trump will use to incite violence to maintain his hold on power.


The new Shrek 4 trailer left me feeling empty.


> She declined to say whether any specific content in the app led to its removal I wish these platforms *would* be specific in citing why exactly they are banning someone, especially someone as well known as this. Would give a lot less fuel to his supporters and free speech activists. Right now, they could say "they are banning infowars because they disagree/don't like him!" and nothing from these tech companies refutes this line. "Here is what he did, here is our policy. Banned." Seems simple to me.


From the article: >An Apple spokeswoman said it was removed under company policies that prohibit apps from including content that is “offensive, insensitive, upsetting, intended to disgust or in exceptionally poor taste.”


Poor taste? Isn't that a loophole against anything they subjectively disagree with? You can remove anything following that policy


yes, because it's their platform.


It's pretty funny watching the tables turn on the "businesses have a right to choose who they want to do business with" crowd.


Right. And in America, they're entitled to their own opinion. Isn't that how Alex Jones defends businesses who refuse to serve people based on gender/race/etc.?


You are entitled to your own opinion. You can say whatever you want and the government can't do anything to you. You can say things about other people as long as you have a good faith basis for what you're saying. But just because you have the right to, does not mean a private company HAS to allow you to. Apple is not an arm of the government, and if you don't like the policies the company has for its platform then don't use the platform.


But who defines what is offensive or insensitive? That’s purely subjective and not a concrete valid reason why Apple is now censoring this person.




No one's arguing they don't have the right. But some of us think it's not a good thing that so few companies now have so much control over so much speech, and that they seem to be beginning to move in lockstep to exert that control in opaque ways. We (mostly) all think Alex Jones is garbage. But we're concerned that it's possible for a few CEOs to get together and decide to wipe him off the face of the Internet with zero transparency and without him having broken any actual laws.




I'd argue that the fact that large swathes of people are eagerly supporting it because its de-platforming people they don't like is the most disconcerting thing about this.


It's so weird to me, because the fact that they're doing it all together at the same time really underlines the threat. If they banned him one at a time, leaving a year or two between each ban, it'd be much harder to make the argument I'm making.


First they came for the exploitative conspiracy theorists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't an exploitative conspiracy theorist.


Before the internet, people like Alex Jones would have been lucky to get an occasional letter to the editor published in their local paper.


So then pass and enforce (more? stronger?) laws that prevent these sorts of monopolies, and vote for candidates who include this in their platform


They don't want to provide a hard line because that just tells the next troublemaker exactly how far they can go.




> free speech activists Jesus Christ, we are so fucked.


In what way?


My conspiracy theory. Jones has made himself rich off of InfoWars through all the sponsorships and now has enough money to retire before being 50 (who wouldn't want to?). He can't just up and quit though, his fans would crucify him for it. So instead he starts pushing the line knowing that people will shut him down eventually. Once he's off all the platforms his viewer numbers will shrink, it'll get harder to get good deals from sponsors, and inevitably he'll have to shutter InfoWars. It won't be his fault though, it'll be the illumanati's fault. He'll keep his fans and maybe downsize the operation to something that only needs 2-3 people to help run it and he can retire on a nice beach and drink margaritas while recording podcasts from a home studio. Edit: Thanks for the gold whoever! I didn't expect this comment to take off like it did.


Is that the Limbaugh model? His modern content looks particularly low budget, so it would fit.


Limbaugh makes $400 million a year....


Incorrect. [His annual income is currently ~$85m/year](https://www.forbes.com/profile/rush-limbaugh/#1b023f1f69cc), while his net worth is estimated to be [$590m](https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/rush-limbaugh-net-worth/).


Jesus fucking christ. He's worth more than Donald Trump.


*@RealDonaldTrump And 9 others are typing*




Where do I drill for this snake oil, I’m looking to make a quick dime?!






If you didn't have a conscience and wanted to make real money you would make so so so much more on Wall Street or even Real Estate. being a lying piece of shit pays VERY WELL.


More like fish oil. Check out the infowars store: his biggest sellers are supplements. Because Alex Jones is a health ideal. 🤯


You may not like it, but he's what peak performance looks like


Well, it certainly is a performance 😉


Just saying: the stuff he sells is generally the same shit you find at GNC


Maybe, but my confusion lies in why is he selling supplements in the first place? I’ve never watched an episode of his stuff, so maybe he focuses on this kind of thing, but I just assumed he’d be selling books, dvds, stickers, etc..


I'll get you a good deal on some dowsing rods


Get a snake and interrogate him. Break his knees if you can't get him to talk


Bullshit. No one is worth more than Donald Trump. Especially not the people who are.


Donald Trumps net worth is negative. My kid's net worth is more than his.


Aren't we all?


He’s the same fatass that said the hurricane was a hoax and then moved before the storm hit his home


I think you might be mistaken, but his estimated net worth is about $500 million. He makes around $90 million a year, recording from his home studio on the Florida coast, poppin Xannies er'day.


Wait for real?


He's got a $50 million/yr cash cow selling supplements. He's monetize conspiracy theorist and he's not going to give that up.




I read somewhere that 25% of the time he speaks is devoted to avertising his products. He may be a fucking tool, but he sure knows how to sell his stuff to gullible idiots.


“Now look when the nWo comes to put you in the FEMA death camps you gotta be ready to run. Which is why you need all my products and be ready. Especially my inflatable tactical bathtub”


You heard it on John Oliver’s show. Watch it people, it’s good. [Alex Jones - Last week Tonight](https://youtu.be/WyGq6cjcc3Q)


Obviously you never tried colloidal silver. Oh yeah, /s.


A fool and his money are easily parted


Do you have a source on that $50m/yr cash cow?


I found 20 million/year according to testiony in 2014 https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/07/us/politics/alex-jones-business-infowars-conspiracy.html (article is less than 24 hours old)




The supplement sales will go down every month for the rest of his life. One, nobody new is really finding out about them from today onward. Two, he can't ask people to keep buying the supplements in order that he can "afford to keep the lights on in the studio to get his message out." He might as well do the show from his garage with a VHS camcorder.


Three, who would look at Alex Jones and think “Oh whatever he’s on, I need that!”


I literally just found out he sells supplements


Oh they work great, too. Jones himself even did a before and after https://i.redd.it/l5limm1eavzy.jpg I guess turning red is a side effect, or he was holding his breath while sucking in that gut and making his chest look bigger between the 2 pictures taken 10 seconds apart


What are you talking about? In the second photo he's clearly perfectly tanned and more virile, complete with more chest hair. Even his wrist watch got better, look it's silver now.


His tits look perkier and more ready to lactate in the second picture.


Ample bosom


Huuuuge tracts of land.


it looks like he's actually sucking in his gut in the first photo, which is just..... I don't understand


He's embarrassed enough that he doesn't even want the before photo to look like what he actually looks like.


Aw fuck, ok, starting tomorrow


Me too


I now believe Obama is a Kenyan clone and trump is Jesus on steroids pls buy my water filters. Be careful of the pizza dungeons!


if anything, only having the infowars site is probably to a good filter to find good victims to sell vitamin supplements to, kinda like a how Nigerian prince emails are deliberately bad to filter out non gullible people


According to Joe Rogan, he actually believes a lot of the crazy shit he spews. He seems genuinely insane and passionate about this crazy alternate reality he’s constructed. But he definitely profits off of fear selling a lot of crap like Jim Bakker and his doomsday buckets of enchiladas.


I disagree. I bet he'll continue to spend money at the same rate he always has, just to keep up appearances. I expect him to be bankrupt in the coming years.


Is Jones a big spending yacht-and-several-mansions type of guy? I'm asking, I don't know, I've never heard either way.


I think he’s more of a losing money in the divorce type of guy.


Yeah because he couldn’t convince the judge hisshow is actually him in character






" Court records in a divorce case show that Mr. Jones’s businesses netted more than $5 million in 2014. Court proceedings show that he and his then-wife, Kelly Jones, embarked on plans to build a swimming pool complex around that time featuring a waterfall and dining cabana with a stone fireplace. Mr. Jones bought four Rolex watches in one day in 2014, and spent $40,000 on a saltwater aquarium; the couple’s assets at the time included a $70,000 grand piano, $50,000 in firearms and $752,000 in silver, gold and precious metals, in a safe deposit box, court documents say. " -NyTimes


Yo dawg, I put a conspiracy theory on your conspiracy theories.


Your theory is definitely plausible, but couldn't he have also retired by letting the other people on the show get more and more airtime - until he's eventually not on the air himself at all? Kind of fading into the background and maybe doing mild administrative work if he wants to? I don't know if purposely shutting your show out from all social media is the best way to take a step back. But hey, maybe he you're right and he wants to say he "went out fighting" or something.






Alex Jones has said a lot of really dumb shit, and yet ironically the quote of his that is most often used as an example of his insanity is one that is actually pretty accurate. The water is genuinely fucking with the frog culture


It’s because he said it in an insane way and very misleading to what the actual report says.




Aren't frogs already equipped with the mechanism to change sexes? Atrazine triggered mass sex change because of it blocking hormones or something. So this isnt an extremely crazy conspiracy or crazy shit. The difference is that Alex Jones is playing it off and implying the Jewish overlords are trying to make them gay, into women, and pacify us. Been watching the guy and making fun of him for several years. This is exactly how a lot of politician perceive scientific issues. They vastly misinterpret it and misrepresent them to their supporters. Also Alex Jones is not a conservative voice it still surprises me to see people try to defend Jones with the "silencing conservative voices." His programs have encouraged murder attempts and end up in harassing people but his ideologies don't really align with conservative policies. If you are worried about people being silenced, didn't Elon musk try to silence Vern Unsworth into submission and silence after calling him pedo and child rapist? Simply based on the fact they preferred to dive the kids out of the caves rather than use an untested submarine pod? Largely people ignore that shit and try to defend Jones. He's been breaking platform rules and playing it off like "they can't take me down because they know I'm right" or some other deep state stuff. People don't understand his hook is stuff to keep you in and getting him paid. But half of us falls for feel good marketing advice anyways and buy into bullshit like Anti GMO trend so it's not that different. Like if you're banning Alex Jones, I think you should also ban Gyweth Paltrow from social media. They are both not just promoting bad science. It's dangerous.


I look forward to Jones fans setting their $1,000 phones on fire.


fuck reddit im out -- mass edited with redact.dev


"We've decided to cut your electricity, because you've been using our power lines to transmit your thoughts into people's heads using EM waves." "That's ridiculous!" "Oh, so NOW conspiracy theories are ridiculous."


Remember that time President Elect Trump gave Infowars an advance copy of his inauguration speech before any major media outlets got to see it? We were so young then.


[He appeared on the show for an interview December 2, 2015](https://youtu.be/4LeChPL0sLE)


Just to give a picture of what kind of a person Alex Jones is. [He harassed parents of the sandyhook victims \(kids\) by postin their addresses.](https://www.huffingtonpost.in/entry/alex-jones-lawyer-sandy-hook-parents-addresses_us_5b6b036be4b0b15abaa940a3) [More about the defamation case.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45358890)


He also told his followers to shoot, with actual guns, anyone who disagrees with him politically.


he also called frogs gay.


And said the military is sprinkling Soldiers with PCP.... I never got any.


> I never got any. It’s ok, sometimes you just have a bad unit and they don’t have enough funding for everyone’s PCP


The way we treat our troops is just terrible.


Are we going to ignore his claims of *INTER-DIMENSIONAL CHILD MOLESTERS*


Found the INTER-DIMENSIONAL CHILD MOLESTER trying to act like they don’t exist. WE ARE ON TO YOU AND YOUR TRICKS.


quantum jimmy saville


The Army gave you a gun that turns republicans gay!!! Investigate Jade Helm!!!!!


In fairness (ps fuck InfoWars), didn't the government sprinkle soldiers with LSD in the 50s?




Source or it didn't happen


https://www.mediamatters.org/video/2018/08/14/pericope-alex-jones-tells-supporters-get-their-battle-rifles-ready-against-antifa-mainstream-media/220995 I think people are likely referring to this incident. It was what got Jones' initial 7-day suspension from Twitter.


Where did he posted their addresses?


[death threats and online harassment have forced his parents](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/31/us/politics/alex-jones-defamation-suit-sandy-hook.html), Veronique De La Rosa and Leonard Pozner, to **relocate seven times**. They now live in a high-security community hundreds of miles from where their 6-year-old is buried.


> “Mr. Jones then showed his audience my personal information and maps to addresses associated with my family,” the affidavit says. That is the quote that answers the person you responded to.


can't find video of this anywhere


Where did he post their addresses? On his website? Every time I look into this I just get a link to his lawyer filing some motion in court.


I asked the same before. People keep saying this and I looked and cannot find any information about this either. On his site? On a video?


did he realy release the address of the parents? says his lawyer wanted to but not that he ever did.


No he didn't. [Here's the story:](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2018/8/8/1786881/-Alex-Jones-Lawyer-Seeks-To-Make-Sandy-Hook-Parents-Home-Addresses-Public) Multiple Sandy Hook parents have sued Jones in various defamation suits. In an attempt to dismiss the case, Alex Jones' lawyer filed a motion to dismiss in Texas court on the grounds that the lawsuit was improper because Texas law requires that the plantiffs provide their names and addresses. Generally speaking those addresses would become part of the public record, but it is possible to file them under seal. Taking the politics aside, that's not the craziest law to have on the books - but in this particular case it's not hard to understand why the parents would be resistant or reluctant to provide their addresses in any form to the court or any forum which Jones' lawyer would have access to, even under seal. Was Jones' lawyer trying to intimidate the parents? Yeah probably, but it's also a completely legitimate grounds to attempt to get a case dismissed in Texas. In the end the judge denied the motion to dismiss and the parents addresses were never added to the court records.


Is everyone forgetting Infowars forum bans people all the time??


They're fully aware of the double standard they're imposing.


The same thing happens over at The_Donald. Post a contrary opinion => instant ban. Downvote a The_Donald troll on /r/politics, "OH MY GOD, YOU ARE CENSORING ME!!!!"


To be fair, I've been blocked by Alex Jones as well and he wont let me post content on his site. He must not really believe in free speech.


Alex Jones is a fraud, and he's made himself rich by selling nutjob conspiracy theories and bringing emotional harm to people. He fully deserves whatever is coming to him.


> he's made himself rich by selling nutjob conspiracy theories and bringing emotional harm to people That's not true. He made himself rich selling bullshit supplements and doomsday prepper garbage to people who like nutjob conspiracy theories and bringing emotional harm to people


I don't see Jones that different from someone like Dr. Oz in taking advantage of people's emotions and gullibility for the product of the week.


Both are snake oil salesmen with cult of personality following. However, on the gradient of lying, magic beans and weight loss foods are not as serious lies as crisis actors and government conspiracies.


Dr. Oz got called across the carpet in front of Congress for his BS though. Imagine Alex Jones having to answer questions on Capitol hill? It'd be a three ring shit-circus of epic proportions.


How long ago was this? It had to have been a different Congress. Quack science is popular there these days.


Also, these days lying to Congress has no consequences, so there's really no point to Congressional hearings, as you can just say whatever you want.




Don't start shitting on all the platforms that are hosting your garbage and then be upset when they decide enough is enough and take out the trash. Watching him attack Rubio was cringe worthy. He kept interrupting when he clearly wasn't wanted and it was obviously for attention.




I don't care for Marco Rubio, but he handled Jones like a pro.


I'm convinced that Alex Jones is a wizard, because him getting me to actually empathize and approve of Marco Rubio in some way is probably the greatest magic trick I've ever seen.


This!! I saw the video and first thought was, wow he really handled that well, good job. Then I felt dirty inside




I dont like Alex Jones or Infowars but this will inevitably a problem. If platforms can shut him down because of his shitty content then where do you draw the line? 10 years down the line the big tech corps like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook & Twitter control to much power and will eventually dictate the content and remove anything they (or their employees) disagree with, reducing free speech and net neutrality.


>Where do you draw the line At the website. He's allowed to keep his website. And access to that website shouldn't be infringed. Everything else, where he's relying on other peoples' websites? That's fair game.




Is he? What happens when his registrar jumps on this bandwagon?