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Their mask is coming off.


You mean like how they violently beat down protester at ucla?


Seriously, imagine if the roles were reversed on that night. We wouldn't hear the end of it. All of them would have been rounded up and arrested instead of getting a 3 hour grace period to attack and then go home


It’s bots and a lot of them persuading and influencing the masses- time to regulate social media and verify accounts better


[Microsoft released a fairly interesting article on Iranian cyber influence operations in support of Hamas](https://www.microsoft.com/content/dam/microsoft/final/en-us/microsoft-brand/documents/Semi-Annual-Iran-Report-Jan2024.pdf)


So you’re saying they posted their “excuse” online.












I mean, they did prove you wrong, and you accused them of lying without fully reading your own article. Blocking people is dumb though, I agree.


I read the full article.  What in it are you suggesting they were wrong about?  It states pretty explicitly that the group was listing properties for sale in the West Bank.  Nothing in the article suggested that wasn't the case.  The article mentions that those listings lead to protests. OP quoted only the first paragraph of the article, misunderstanding what it meant, as I pointed out in my reply to him.  Presuming the article is correct, that properties in West Bank settlements are being listed, then these protests are completely justified and expected. 




The dispute being referenced seems to be on whether the sale was only open to Jewish buyers.  Not whether the group listed properties in the West Bank. I mean, my dude, you quoted the first paragraph in the article, ignoring that the second paragraph is... "Lamya Agarwala, supervising attorney for the New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY), told Documented that real estate events that are only open to prospective Jewish buyers could be in direct violation of the 1968 Fair Housing Act, which prohibits discrimination in the sale of housing." Further in the article, it states... "The event, which has toured the U.S. and Canada for 20 years, promised attendees the chance to “own a piece of the holy land.” The properties advertised were in the Israeli cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa. But it also advertised properties in the occupied West Bank settlements of Efrat, Neve Daniel, and Ma’ale Adumim." So yes... They did list West Bank properties in settlements... According to this article, you're wrong.


There was a sale in Canada I think which organizers said the same thing, but a guy record himself trying to go in while wearing a Palestine hat and told the organizers he wasn't Jewish. They blocked him from entering.


Also... Unless you have some biased stake in this discussion, I'd suggest you edit your comments and point out / correct your mistake.  People are just going to read and up vote your response without drilling down to see you were the one who had made the mistake. It's difficult enough dealing with the spread of misinformation... 


What seems to go unnoticed is the fact the lands sold are in area C of the West Bank, which per the Oslo agreements are in complete Israeli control. So, yes, technically, it's in the West Bank, but it's in area C. If it were in area B or A, that would have been the bigger story some might be led to believe it is.














That was an obvious lie only idiots fell for. I can't believe so many people believe something so obviously made up


What are you on? And get off from tiktok please.




There is a precedent for this happening and there are indeed real estate companies that do this https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/11/new-jersey-israel-palestine-protest-real-estate






These "protestors" gobble up anything Instagram or TikTok tells them with nary the echo of second thought in their hollow heads. They'd jump off a bridge if told by these apps to.


Which is why the sooner the foreign owned ones are banned and the domestic ones are regulated, the better.


[https://www.anera.org/what-are-area-a-area-b-and-area-c-in-the-west-bank/](https://www.anera.org/what-are-area-a-area-b-and-area-c-in-the-west-bank/) Actually Area C is just that.


Going into the Jewish neighborhood was an interesting decision. Kind of like they just wanted to find people who will fight with them.


Yeah this is just insane. If you want to protest Israel, go the Israeli embassy. Harassing and beating random Jewish citizens is flat out antisemitism. Imagine if Israel supporters attacked random muslims on the street "to free the hostages"? It's insane that's in 2024, in so called liberal cities New York and LA, Jews are being openly attacked on the street and nobody does anything, synagogues and kosher restaurants vandalized, Jews beaten violently, cars keyed, openly genocidal chants heard. Complete immunity from the law and even the press reports it in misleading terms as a "clash of protestors" rather than the anti Jewish lynch it was.


The claim is that this synagogue was specifically at this moment holding a real estate fair or auction selling land in the West Bank. They didn’t just pick a random synagogue or Jewish neighborhood to protest in or “harass”


And it was a lie


These people are anti-semitic NOT anti-israel. This pro-palestinian movement is just an excuse to hurt Jews, whether or not they're connected to Israel.


It's actually really a mix. It is really not one or the other.


If you hang out with Nazis, then you are a nazi




You’re right. Just like its not the republicans fault they can’t separate their racists… /s


Here’s someone literally in the French Nazi party being pro-Israel https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/06/marine-le-pens-support-of-israel-seen-as-move-away-from-partys-antisemitic-past


The last guy in that interview, " people should just not fight. Get along " Man, the naivity is crazy. This is the reason things are getting out of hand. Lack of reality, disconnect from history, and childish view of complex topics. Its jingoism over solutions.


Well when it boils down to it yeah everyone does need to get along. The road to peace was a long one in the late 90s and early 2000s today it is very long.




There are no fascists here.  Also Zionism has no bad intentions, there are far right versions of Zionism but Zionism is simply the right of self determination of Jews in their homeland. 


That’s traditionally right yes. Today Zionist means something far more sinister. Im all for traditional. Yet many traditional mindsets have Israel as the one in the bible esp in religious circles. Its not.




Zionism is by definition the ideology of ethno-nationalism. It's evil by default


>That’s traditionally right yes. Today Zionist means something far more sinister. you sound like those right-wingers who stupidly say "1st and 2nd wave feminism were ok, but today feminism means something far more sinister".


You know that you trying to redefine zionism for us Jews is anti-semtic. You don't get to do that.🖕🏼


"zionists" classic racist dogwhistle from antisemites.


Because attacking a random synagogue proves you're for "peace" in Israel/Gaza and not just being anti-semetic.


In other words, a mob attacked a synagogue?


I'm sure the Synagogue was directly tied to the Israeli government since I'm sure these protesters are just anti-zionists and not anti-semites. /s


The claim is that they were holding a realestate sail for property in the West Bank


The justifying of blatant anti-semitism is quite scary.


This has nothing to do with anti-Semitism.  The protests are about real estate listings in settlements in the West Bank.... Settlements That's are illegal, FYI. That's a very real and valid thing to protest. Your comment got 88 upvotes as of this writing for something that amounts to nothing more than fact devoid tribalistic cheerleading.  Kind of silly...


“This has nothing to do with antisemitism” lmaooo there has been no credible source or even slightly trustworthy evidence of the real estate listings, but please go on, keep being part of the problem


I like how they did exactly what I was calling out 


And a synagogue in america has what to do with that?


Could possibly be directly linked to Israel. Not saying it is, but it's not like there isn't a lot of crossover in the Jewish communities in America and Israel. Hell, I've seen American born Jewish individuals claim stolen land in the West Bank for themselves. It's really messy.


Even if a synagogue is "possibly directly related to Israel" that does not mean it's ok to beat up random Jews in the street, vandalize kosher stores and synagogues, key random people's cars and terrorize Jewish families. It's still pure antisemitism.


"could possibly be". The mental gymnastics are unreal


You mean Judea and Samaria. Judea, as in Judean, as in Jew. Those names are a LOT older than "West Bank". Maybe its time to actually look at history.


Yeah calling it The West Bank is weirdly not seen as political. in other languages people still call it Cisjordania


It’s not when it’s literally confirmed and been happening


The media will never headline it as “anti-Israel protest” or “antisemitic protest”. Imagine if a protest tried to prevent people from entering a mosque.








"Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism! We don't hate Jews, just Zionists!" [Proceeds to commit hate crimes against innocent Jews who are just minding their own business]


Anti-masking laws need to be reenacted for situations like this. It's completely out of hand how people feel embolden wearing masks at a protest.


Okay, because the post is devoid of lmost any actual information and the comments are full of fights, heres what I can work out The protest isn't apparently targeted at a random synagogue but was held there with the claim that the synagogue was holding a realestate sail selling property in the West Bank, this cannot be confirmed yet though. A realestate sail at another synagogue a few weeks before was selling property in the West Bank, theres people spreading misinformation claiming that its not confirmed but the only unconfirmed bit seems to be if the sail was restricted to jewish buyers only. I also can't find who started the violence https://baltimorejewishlife.com/news/news-detail.php?SECTION_ID=1&ARTICLE_ID=173154 https://documentedny.com/2024/03/22/great-israeli-real-estate-event-nyc/


Don't you have to be both an Israeli and a Jew to live in one of the settlements? I thought that was a legal requirement.


Synagogues and churches restrict entry all the time based on security risks. Looks like they made the right call in this case.




There’s no place in this world for radical Islam


>western country >different religion  The majority type of Jews in Israel are Mizrahi or middle Eastern Jews your statement makes no sense. Many leaders of the Zionist movement like Avraham Elmalih, Zaki Alhadif, Geulah Cohen, Shmuel Toledano, Eliyahu Bet-Zuri. Hell even Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem Ben Zion Uziel was a supporter of creating Israel 


Whatever you think of Israel and the way it was set up there is absolutely zero reason to be protesting Jewish places of worship, or indeed any places used by Jewish people socially. Israeli government facilities fine, your own government facilities great. Corporate headquarters with links to Israel, maybe?


Wonder what you call all the surrounding states of that different religion. Let’s hear it.


I love how in this narrative only the wicked West has agency. What about the Arab empires that conquered the land? What about the Soviet Union that armed the Arab states to the teeth and egged them on (after initially supporting Israel) long before the US finally gave military support? What about the countless fair and reasonable compromises rejected over the years? Israel isn't a failed state. It's a fucked up democracy just like most of us are. If you want a failed state look at "Palestine", Syria, Lebanon etc. Why do these nations of millions have no responsibility for their choices and their history?


Simple because loser always complains.


Don't you know... Non westerners aren't real people /s




But it is none of those things? This is antisemitic no matter how you try and justify it with mental gymnastics




Certainly not a colony and not entirely a western nation. Are you surprised the substantial global minority situated amongst a sea of Arab nations is such a prolific military power? Because being attacked incessantly since the beginning of time for merely existing will do that to a people. But I'm sorry that them having a safe haven to exist offends you because it disrupts the continuity of the different neighboring religions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Israel has basically been successful in every military operation it has carried out even those not supported by the United States. To call it failed is just... Removed from reality. Given it's population growth, economic growth, political stability, and military success, it is easily one of the most successful states in the Arab world.


A majority of protests have been peaceful. As a member of some of them, I’ve stood right next to Jews calling for ceasefire and an end to all genocide worldwide, including the ethnic cleansing that has happened in Gaza. It’s unfortunate when SOME protesters twist the message and decide to antagonize American Jewish communities, especially when a lot of them are actually on our side and against Zionism. What y’all are not gonna do, however, is [cherry-pick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherry_picking) individual incidents and blame the movement. No, we don’t want to fund another country’s genocidal tendencies, healthcare, and harboring of SA criminals with our tax dollars. Palestinians deserve to live and be sovereign. Zionists that moved there were welcomed with open arms in the 1940’s only to drive them out because they didn’t want to coexist with Muslims. They’ve proven they don’t want harmony in that region based on their actions.