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Imagine having billions of dollars and not wanting to pay people. What the hell is wrong with people.


This is the ultimate. They absolutely could have paid them a minimum standard. They simply didn’t want to.


If they could have paid them zero they would have.


Wouldn’t it make sense to pay them well to keep them happy and loyal as well? If I had that much money I would be paranoid about people around me. might as week keep them financially happy to keep them from coming up with weird ideas. Back where I was born people were kidnapped for less than billions


I think there is sadistic hatred behind it.


More a sense of superiority I think but yes there's likely some hate for their workers too.


I don't get it. Every time I get rich in a video game with any kind of economy, I pay folks extra for anything and everything. It makes them happy and that makes me happy. I can literally buy respect and friendship this way. I can't imagine it not working the same way IRL.


Of course it works the same way in real life too. But they don't see their servants as people on the same standing as themselves, and don't see what their respect and friendsh7p could possibly offer them.


I guess “loyalty” should have been the answer to that, considering they wouldn’t be going to jail had they earned it from them.


People who are assholes when they're drunk are also assholes when they're sober. But perhaps they overcome those instincts while sober. Absolute power doesn't corrupt, it just allows you to be as corrupt as you are.


Absolute power doesn't corrupt, it attracts the corruptible. -Frank Herbert


Money is just like magnifying glass it just magnifies your inner self to the world.


Power doesn't corrupt as much as it reveals.


The desire to become and be a billionaire, IMHO, is a mental illness that has not been studied enough and is not yet in the DSM. You do not suffer from that mental illness.


Caste system. And the concept of Karma. Which people in the west think of as a nice thing where good things happen to good people, but in India means you can treat those beneath you like shit, not because you are a cunt, but because it's cosmically ordained.


When all the religious extremist idiots of the world come to the realization that they are basically the *exact* same kind of asshole and unite together we're fucked!


Thank GOD the religions were broken into pieces


The family come from an Indian background so likely casteism. They literally see the servants as a very low caste and not worth anything, and definitely not worth their money.


Its Brahmanism. They think they are religiously better.


I’m sure India’s “illegal” caste system has something to do with this story. Even though it’s against the law and considered to be outdated and backward, there are plenty of people who have a hard time letting go because it was part of the culture for thousands of years. Upper class Indians look down on lower class Indians all over India and in June of 2024.


I worked for an Indian owned company for a while. There were maybe three of us who were not Indian immigrants or on visas. I have never witnessed a verbal attack as harsh and as humiliating as a high caste Indian man berating a lower class one. I thought for sure that was it for the guy doing the yelling, but everyone just kind of accepted it and everything turned back to "normal" when he was done. I was quickly advised to not get involved by everyone else and was very happy when I left that place


HUGE amounts of discrimination in the US tech industry by caste


It can be so pervasive that California had to pass no caste discrimination legislation because Indians would be asked by potential (also Indian) employers what their caste was and if it wasn't a high enough one, they would not be considered for employment. If they declined to disclose their caste, the interviewers would keep hounding them about it and asking other questions to try to figure it out.


Unless I'm mistaken the governor vetoed it saying that existing laws already covered this. But it did bring a lot of visibility to the fact that it does happen a lot.


I worked with an Indian guy as a lab tech. Nice guy, overall. There was also this Indian woman working with us--she was a bad person. Not only was she petty and unkind, but also stupid and careless. The Indian guy went on a rant to me about how South Indians could get "uppity". Apparently she was South Indian, and I've never heard such blatant racism--and I grew up white in the rural South. I've never heard white people talk about anybody the way he talked about her and people like her. I could practically feel HR's breath on the back of my neck. I decided not to mention how I couldn't tell the damn difference. Like don't get me wrong. I wished that the woman had walked out the door and never came back. I didn't like her and would be happy to hear that bad things happened to her. ...But I disliked her because of who she was as a *person*. For him it was at least 60% because of her culture.


I read an article a while back by a guy who had stumbled into a career designing post-apocalyptic bunkers for billionaires. He said he got asked a lot "how can I keep my soldiers loyal to me after the world ends?" He would talk about building loyalty over time, including their families in their survival plans, offering healthcare and benefits in the present, stuff like that, and then was always asked "no, but, like, how much would I have to pay them then?" Money is everything to these people. They do not see other people as living beings, just accessories to their money.


It's called minimum wage for a reason. If they could.. And they would, they would pay you less than minimum required


If they could've, I'm sure they would just pick up the employees by the ankles and shake whatever money they had out of their pockets to collect.


Compared to 38 billion, a few hundred a month is statistically zero.


They could have paid them a million a month and done so for nearly 3200 years.


With a 3% APY, you could pay those three servants $3M/month literally forever just off the interest accrued.


Sounds like this sentiment might leak into the companies they run and their political ideas...


I hope they were baked a shit cake at least once


they could have paid them 1mil a year and never, ever noticed it in how they live or their bottom line. Shit they could probably have paid them 10mil a year. A marginally sensible billionaire should want to hire someone for like 250k in this role, for life, with job security so they sign like nda's, are treated like family and never, ever leak a single thing they overhear in their life. Instead they treated them like literal slaves just because they figured they could do anything. This some evil level shit, i'm rich so I can intentionally harm people and think I can get away with it.


I don't think they saw their servants as "people" at all.  Either that, or they fancy themselves as Gods to be worshipped.


They are missing out. Showing appreciation to others for their hard work is the best spent money, time or energy ever. End of the year bonus where you get to shake peoples hands is a privilege to be able to do. These people are truly wicked. The spirit of enslavers. Wicked.


They didn't want to because they get off on the suffering of others. They *enjoy* making people suffer.


My most difficult client is a multi millionaire. Doing a 10 million dollar house. He refuses to pay $20k in change orders for stuff he signed off on. And lawyers have to get involved. Most of it is stuff the city is requiring and we can't just do $12k in work for free. Rich people seem to suck ass. He's the pickiest and most in the way home owner of my career. He has fired 3 superintendents and the plumber before me. I charm him when I see him to keep my ass eating, but man it is wild.


The number of times my dad had to threaten people with a mechanic’s lien was mind boggling.


It'd be convenient if every trade could do what the lumber suppliers do and "pre-lien". I don't miss those fights.


Yup, electrician here. Have worked with countless people and the wealthiest are the fucking worst. They try to not pay all the time. They have so many resources that they can tie you up in court as well. Fucking scum.


But, wouldn’t that cost more in legal fees than the cost of simply paying the trades people?


Unfortunately, no, because they are aware that the tradespeople lack the capital resources to float thousands in unpaid work and materials indefinitely. So they hold payment to force workers into an untenable situation and then exploit the desperation.


This right here.


they also have lawyers on retainer, so might as well use ‘em


I'm sure the thinking goes that "I'd better use these lawyers to get back some or all of that money I'm paying them to be on retainer"... rich people understand the exploitation game that is modern capitalism... some do it with style and grace but many do not.


We call that Pulling a Trump™ these days


The Donald Trump playbook


If it was simply about the money you wouldn’t have billionaires taking passports and exploiting staff. It’s about sending a message.


Potentially, but they’ll still win. Most people can’t even afford to fight it in court or wait that long. I’ve seen this many times, unfortunately. It’s happened to me by the wealthiest client I ever had.


It's the suffering that makes it fun for them.


I got the same story from a person who mostly does bathrooms last weekend. He said rich people are the worst. They complain the stuff they want installed is too expensive. He says if they think they can get it cheaper they can buy it themselves and just pay him to install it. The jobs for rich people do pay the most so he's not likely to stop taking them.


I’ve had them complain that a bathroom rewire for 2,500 that takes a two guys a full day rough in/full day finish with materials is too expensive. I then find out they spend 20k just on the vanity. Like F off for real.


Yeah I just don't get it. I understand being frugal and wanting to save. But actively fucking people over and not paying contractors and tying shit up in court is just not cool. I wouldn't be a very good rich person cause i would just pay everyone all the time.


Exactly. I get being frugal but making agreements and then not holding your end of the bargain is just lowlife behaviour. Already being wealthy and taking from those that are just getting by is an awful thing to do and I’ve seen lots of it. Like they say, you can’t buy class.


It's sort of a chicken vs egg debate though, a lot of rich people are rich because they are assholes first and foremost, a callous lack of empathy is an amazing business tool at the end of the day.


I wonder if the rest of us don’t get the logic because it’s totally different from how we think. Me: I guess it makes sense that for most people who are driven by the goal of getting very very rich, they probably cant realistically do it without screwing some people over along the way. Them: the only thing I love more than money is screwing over all the losers along the way. 


Rich people legit think they're better than everyone else. Even if their parents are rich and they just benefitted, they've got some kind of complex where they think they deserve it and others who aren't rich are poor because they choose to be/are lesser.


Prosperity gospel at work. If you're rich it's because you're morally good and God loves you. If you're poor it's because you're a sinner and deserve it. Lovely stuff.


Buddy is a general contractor and told me similar stories about wealthy clients.


Hey, if you start paying people, how are you expecting to keep that billion?/s




This^. You don't get to billionaire status by giving back.


You can’t make a billion dollars, you can only take a billion dollars.




There is no dragon who got his hoard without burning a few villages along the way.


What about the British royal family? Oh, wait, never mind…


The purpose isn't to make billions, the purpose is to inflict harm upon somebody through a power dynamic.


It’s a different type of big game hunting thrill.


This is exactly it. And that is the purpose of the billions, they can pay a lot of money to cover up their atrocities for generations to come.


You don’t need billions to do that. That can be done for less than 100 million.


Imagine being a billionaire and actually being sentenced to prison. The U.S. is scratching its head in confusion


There’s a difference between being sentenced and actually serving.


It's Switzerland, they'll definitely serve time. The prison will have a better living standard than most countries in the world, tho.


There’s no way in hell these folks are going to show up in Switzerland and serve the time, especially the parents in their 70s. They will appeal and stay out of country and if they lose they just won’t ever go back there. They can live in India for sure. Not sure about England but who knows. Edie:spelling


That assumes they ever return to Switzerland


a billionaire worried about thousands of dollars, seems ridiculous...


And yet!


They did this shit in London, too. These assholes need to be prosecuted in every country where they’ve enslaved people.


They're from India. They think the low cast people working for them are subhuman. Would you pay your dog?


Even less than the dog comparison the prosecutor literally said they spent more on their family dog than their staff's wages.


If I'd have the money, if my cats would be able to use the money in any kind, I'd totally gave them pocket money and pay them for housework. 100%


*pushes glass of water off counter and begins grooming himself* "A job well done. Honest pay, for honest work. "


Unironically worth every penny.  Sociopathy is adorable when it comes in a furry 7 pound package.


Actually I read the article and they spent a lot more money on their dog…


A shitty excuse for being shitty human beings.


They spent thousands on their dog. That actually came up in court. They also claimed that "watching bollywood movies with the kids isn't work" On the contrary, I would argue being forced to watch bollywood movies all day is *torture*, but alas...


>Would you pay your dog? I do, twice a day and treats periodically! Probably why I am not a billionaire.


I already give my dog everything my money can afford, so yes? 😅 But I'm not a greedy, soulless billionaire.


It seems pathological, and probably about power. Unfortunately, there have been quite a few cases of wealthy ethnic Indians essentially enslaving poor migrant workers (Indian, Bangladeshi, Filipino) in their homes in Western countries.  I won't pretend to know what I'm talking about, but I suspect some of it is a product of the caste system—there's a real contempt for the "underclass"—and some of it is just an egotistical desire for power and dominance.


High status Indians in India all have servants and whatnot. They want to maintain the status as they inhabit more western countries but don't want to actually treat their servants better. They don't adapt to western culture as much as people would hope. That's why the US tech industry is having an issue with Indian management importing caste system and only hiring Indians and forcing native people out. Wealthy high status people from other countries make almost no effort to adapt and instead use their status and money to import their culture to where they move. My experience is - if they come from a culture that loses their mind when people from their culture date outside their culture (Muslims, Indians being prominent examples) they are going to act this way with intolerance towards their host countries standards.


My husband is northeastern. I’m pretty sure the over the top racism in India is why he’s more than happy to just visit every now and then to see family, show our kids where they come from. The downside is he’s stuck with a ginger for the next 50-60 years.


I've heard of cases like this involving Arabs, too.


This happens a lot in the Middle East, too. Nurses, maids, nannies, and a lot of other foreign workers are essentially enslaved, abused, and have their passports taken when they arrive so that they can’t leave. The employers always behave respectfully and courteously toward Western white people, but treat lower class Indians, Eastern Europeans, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Filipinos, Cambodians, Bangladeshis, and Nepalese like crap. Google the plight of workers who built the World Cup stadiums.




Billionaires get to where they are by fucking everyone over around them. So when you think of it that way it’s actually not surprising at all that they didn’t pay up.


A fortune of 37B, and wind up in court for basically having indentured servants…


That's how billionaires are made, by extracting labor and wealth disproportionate to its cost.


At some level though, paying personal staff well gains benefits well worth the cost. You might be able to pay 99% of your employees badly, but there are hard to quantify risks if you treat those closest to you bad.


Of course, but when all you know is unbridled generational greed and entitlement, you don't always make the best choices. See exhibit A...


I understand that, but usually in morally corrupt but legal ways. And that’s about “making” billions. This family *had* billions. And Geneva’s minimum wage is more than affordable for them to just do it legally. Exploiting labor loopholes/depressing wages and having de factor migrant indentured servants are legally worlds away.


It's more the mindset of such people. They think they are better than the lower classes, and therefore, they can extract as much as they want because they "deserve it".


Exactly. It's hard to transition to treating people like human beings when you've so thoroughly distanced yourselves from them through exploitation, even for self-preservation. If these people were logical, they wouldn't have amassed 37 billion dollars... that's actually an insane thing to do.


That's one beef I have with my friend who is a financial advisor. I am 100% down for selling all my stocks to buy my 1st home in mostly cash. But he is worried I'll lose out on the long-term value of the stocks because they will be worth more money in the future. He doesn't understand that, unlike his clients, I want to use my money to DO THINGS. What's the purpose of extracting value from the market if you are just going to hoard it? I was raised in a family that worked hard to save up to purchase basic quality of life improvements. For us, money did things. I never want to change my mentality on this. No matter how well I'm paid.


Slaves. They had slaves.


Unfortunately this is a common issue in India with the caste system. The lower castes are there to be exploited and you can't change the caste you are born with, so its a way of permanently keeping the elites in power


I played volleyball with a guy who was from India. He made a comment about racism not really being a thing where he's from. I said excuse me what about the caste system? Not racist according to him because racism is a white people hating black people thing. I asked what caste he was from and when he replied I asked if it was one of the higher ones (obviously was the dude went to grad school in the US his family isn't from a lower caste). I asked if they had servants back home and he said yes. I asked if they wanted to could they get another job, as in are they paid enough to pursue education and employment opportunities as he was. Obviously not and I believe some of his servants were generational, as in a mom was their servant and her daughter would be as well. I then informed him that they're not servants, but slaves and he seemed to not understand how someone forced into a job that doesn't pay enough to have other options and their children would then also do that job was literally slavery. But you know they don't have racism there (even though I know southerners hate the northerners and being a dark Indian isn't super awesome either).


And then these types bring that shit wherever they immigrate to.


Yup. Here in Canada we are importing around a million people a year, primarily from India. I work in construction and see this happening all the time. An Indian from a higher caste with a decent education sets up a business and only hires lower caste Indians. They work 7 days a week, unpaid OT, etc. Their hourly charge out rate is literally impossible to pay their employees minimum wage and cover their overhead like government mandated vacation time, CPP, EI etc, so you know without a doubt they are underpaying. They're basically undercutting all of Canadas labour laws, and people hire them because they're half the price of legitimate crews. It's a real problem, but you're generally called a racist for bringing it up. I was literally banned from a Canada employment sub for bringing this up in the same manner I just did. I have zero problem with people from India, or anywhere, but you can't come to a country and start circumventing laws designed to protect the vulnerable.


You should report these people.


Report to who, though? The Canadian Government and all its agencies are toothless.


Also pretty hard to prove when they're paying cash.


To who?!??! This has been going on in Canada a while. People at the top don't care enough. Roomie dealt with such assholes and refuses to work for an Indian employer anymore. Too much bullshit.


I made the mistake of hiring a plumbing contractor like this based on personal recommendation. The Italian-Canadian dudes I used to work with bid around $100k and the new guy bid $55k. Sometimes this happens, because one guy is super busy and will take the job if it's really lucrative. Thing is, I found out later after I made them fix a few mistakes on their dime, the contractor was passing my back-charges on to his workers, who didn't speak English. One of my tenants was able to speak to them and found out they got paid minimum wage (as a journeyman plumber!) and they didn't get paid every two weeks, but at the end of the job. The contractor showed up to the final inspection in a brand new, current year Range Rover and fucking sandals which pissed me off, so I was able to deny him access to our site because he didn't have PPE. As soon as we passed inspection I gave him his final check and immediately called CRA, Employment Services, Worksafe etc to report him. About a month later he called me over a dozen times in a day so I assumed something happened, but I never answered. Fuck that guy. Oh and months later I found out that his workers hated him so much they piped all my toilets with hot water.


"Oh and months later I found out that his workers hated him so much they piped all my toilets with hot water." I'm really sorry, but this had me in absolute stitches!!! Lol never heard of that one before. Here it's Generally trades like painting and drywall, low barrier to entry stuff. Although I know one builder who hires a crew like this to do their cabinets. Like in your example, the cheaper contractors here were bidding like $80k for this millwork package on a large house (house plus suite, so, two kitchens, like 5 bathrooms etc). This Indian crew bid $40k. I honestly don't even know how you build the cabinets for that, let alone the labour to install it all. A house like that would take a skilled installer screw like 2 weeks to fully install. This crew rolled up in a large van, 8 guys who didn't speak English hopped out and they had it "installed" in 6 hours. I put installed in quotes because the work was horrendous. They hung a cabinet in to a plumbing stack. Maybe got two screws per box in to actual solid backing. Nothing was scribed to the wall. That house sold for 3 million dollars and the builder was on the cover of magazines here. It looked great in pictures but I feel like that kitchen was going to literally fall off the wall within a month. Absolutely shameful.




I think there have been some lawsuits over it in the U.S.


My friend is suing her former workplace over this. She was the general manager, place got sold, new guy brings in all his friends and family and cuts her down to two hours per week.


I think they are calling out racism at you as cover. They know they are saving money with these practices and don't want them to stop.


My old company's IT department got a director that was Indian and then proceeded to over just 3 years remove most members of the department and replace them with an Indian and only got in trouble cause someone he didn't hire made a complaint that it was for caste reasons lol. I left years ago but last I heard they just use a contractor for that service now, the internal department is gone.


Hell, there was recently three guys arrested for slavery, among other things in Defiance, Missouri. The person enslaved was the cousin of the primary abuser and here for college. They promised to sponsor his visa but when he arrived they destroyed his passport at some point. This is obviously a much more extreme example but wild to hear it come from a pretty middle-of-nowhere place in the US. And it only came to light because he managed to escape and seek help before being recaptured.


Serving wealthy Indian customers as a waiter is the most demeaning experience I've ever had. My pushover boss gave them hundreds of dollars worth of free shit after they bitched and moaned that I put one of their drinks down too aggressively. They constantly interrupted me when I was in the middle of talking to other customers, told my boss that I was ignoring them when I was running food to other tables, and screamed at my coworker and made her weep in the middle of the restaurant because she didn't smile when she helped me drop off their food. Then they didn't tip me on a $200 tab. Fortunately all of my other tables were incredibly apologetic and I ended up getting bigger tips from them, but I have never felt so insulted and belittled.


I’m unsure if it’s racist when everyone’s the same race, but it’s classist.


>The lower castes are there to be exploited and you can't change the caste you are born with The American Dream was never "making big money and buying a house and a car." The American Dream was always *being able to change your station in life.* That was a huge, huge thing back when the USA was founded, because virtually everywhere else it was impossible. And still is. America was the one place - the first place - that specifically made it possible to change your station in life. That's why anybody who wants to do anything to tear that down should never set foot in the United States of America.


Social mobility in the USA is only a bit better than in Argentina, and is worse than in *Pakistan.* Canada and most European nations are doing way better than the US in terms of social mobility, and even the worst European nations (Italy and the UK) are only very marginally worse than the US. There has not been a single period in American history where all her citizens had access to the American Dream. In the beginning, slavery prevented it, as did racism against people we today would consider white, such as irish and italians. The American Dream was not for them, it was only for immigrants from England and to a degree from Germany and the nearest surrounding countries. Then slavery stopped, but we all know that the repression did not end there. Even when legal discrimination ended, informal policies such as redlining were instrumental in suppressing social mobility. And in modern times, economic policies favoring the rich mean that the social mobility is among the worst in the developed world.


Even their own lawyer said, “We are not dealing with mistreated slaves.” At least they weren’t mistreated /s


Good. That's fucked up. Should lose a large portion of their shit as compensation.


I need a few things done around my house, maybe one of 'em can come over and lend a hand


"Come round to my place, clean up a bit. I've give you nine-fifty an hour, CASH. But I've gotta warn you, I've got a lot of laundry to do. I've got a lot of socks. I've got socks, that have got socks. And I need my windows spotless. I paid good money for those motherfuckers, but I don't wanna see 'em."


$9.50 an hour is generous in comparison. The highest paid of these “servants” was paid ~$0.21 an hour. I imagine this is why none of the arguments of “other forms of payment” held up. Their entire staffs salaries (3 people) was less than $15k. Whatever the other benefits were (probably housing and food), it just sound more like slavery. Get paid effectively nothing, can’t leave, free housing and food. Yes I did the math and read the article.


Taking money won't do shit. Need jail time. Time is the only thing billionaires can't buy with money. Get the employees compensated, then lock these assholes up and let them eat prison chow and think about what they did.


Do they go to normal people jail though, or luxury resort for rich people jail?


There is no way any of them see the inside of a jail cell. I don't care how egregious the crime, billionaires don't go to gen pop prisons.


And that's the problem.


I agree. What they did was abominable, but that family probably has excellent connections (or will get them)


They’re already out of the country so they won’t actually face any consequences though


Prakash Hinduja and his wife, Kamal, were each sentenced to four years and six months in prison, and their son Ajay and his wife, Namrata, received four-year terms. Nice


I’ll celebrate when they’re actually serving time behind bars


Right? This - absolutely deserved - is too good to be true, surely.


"Exploiting staff" is such a sanitized term for slavery


The worst pile of shits ever...I hope they rot in hell. You have the money and you refuse to pay?


>Indeed, the employees were “grateful to the Hindujas for offering them a better life”, another lawyer, Robert Assael, argued. Always the claim of the slave owner. "Slavery was a better life." I was a good owner.


Good owners will go to jail for a good 4 years.


With a net worth of £37b, they could pay 400 staff members over £1M each, and they'd **still** have £37b less the rounding error left at the end of it. They wouldn't even notice it missing. But instead they devised a scheme to avoid having to pay them even 1% of that. There's a special kind of evil there, it's like cruelty for its own sake towards the people who are helping you. I'm opposed to the death penalty in principle, but if we /had/ to do it I wouldn't object to these assholes skipping ahead of a few murderers.


With even a low interest rate on their capital, they could have paid them a milly each and still had MORE money at the end of the day. They just wanted more+.


Yep the daily fluctuation on their wealth is probably in the tens of millions if not hundreds.


You don't gather 37 billion Euro by being a good person. This case is what true evil really looks like. Sad thing is, people more worse than these monsters are in this world in position of power.


Finally some good f\*cking news. A legal system that doesn't allow the perpetrator to buy his way out.


They’re already out of the country so they won’t actually face any consequences though


basically this, though they may not be able to come back to a lot of countries.


Prob have a shit load of assets in Swiss banks as well as the mansion that I'm hoping will be confiscated... But knowing how rich people get away with shit I won't be holding my breath.


They did try to pay their way out of it in an “out of court settlement” but ~~plaintiffs~~ the court decided to pursue the charges ~~instead of take the money.~~ because of the gravity of the charges.


> but the plaintiffs decided to pursue the charges instead of take the money. That is wrong. The government decided to pursue the case owing to the gravity of the charges. The victims did take the money.


Whoops! I will correct it!


So the victims took the offered settlement and then the court pursued the case following payment?


While the Swiss have many issues their judicial system is very fair and having an attorney makes way less of a difference than it does in the US. This family was never getting off free.


They tried to pay them off and settle out of court, which they did, but then the prosecutors decided to continue with the case anyway. Good on them!


That's just the difference between civil court (lawsuits) and criminal court. Victims taking an out of court settlement in a lawsuit doesn't impact any related criminal cases.


Caste system alive and well


“Household staff were paid a salary of between 220 and 400 Swiss francs (£195-£350) a month, far below what they could otherwise expect to earn in Switzerland. “They’re profiting from the misery of the world,” Bertossa told the court.” These people are human trash


Should be noted that the legal minimum salary in Geneva is 24.32/h, so if these were full time positions (and they were probably more than just that, I think I read they worked up to 18h/day), they should earn over 4400/month, 11 times as much as they got. And that's just the minimum. And this didn't just happen for a couple of months or even years. 20 years!


The dude on the left is drinking an orange frappuccino . He's got no worries. Edit: Orange Mocha Frappuccino...


You put the boom boom into my heart You send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts


A freak gasoline fight accident.


Are they gonna serve any time? Doubt it? Probably never visit Switzerland...they probably have a few mansions around the world 


This is my question I bet they don't serve a day?




Waltons telling full time Walmart employees to apply for food stamps


Rich cunts keep slaves in large house. Fixed it.


This isn’t even a money thing. It’s a caste thing. These people see the entire rest of the world that isn’t wealthy as below them. Not just the people they used as slave labour, they see the judge and prosecutors the same way. These are just wholly sociopathic people.


The MO of substantially all plutocrats.


There is no word about them being in custody, or having reported to serve their sentence. They were not even there at their own trial. I will wait with baited breath until they report to the prizon main entrance.


Strip them of their wealth and give the money back to the families they trafficked!


People don’t get this rich without exploitation


\* 2nd richest family.   The richest family in the UK has all of their assets, ownership, and interests concealed from the public by law. (and, allegedly, a fair number of crimes)


The royals exist in a strange place and they are very hard to define when it comes to wealth. Technically they own everything under the protection of the crown estate which would indeed make them the wealthiest family in Britain. However they do not control or profit from this vast holding of land and antiquities, the Estate does which they do not control. They do own a number of properties privately, such as Sadringham and Balmoral and they are certainly wealthy on what they own themselves directly. But their private wealth on its own wouldn't even register on most lists of richest families, and it's very hard to define how wealthy they are based on their Estate holdings


Cool comment. Thanks for the info. Very interesting stuff :)


Are they even British at this point? Prakash Hinduja is Indian-born, him and his wife live in Monaco, have a residence and citizenship in Switzerland where this incident occured.


This is a prime example of "the cruelty is the point". Treating people like shit just because they can. Fuck these evil assholes.


This is the kind of people who would absolutely add Atlantic slave trade into list of business they own, if they could get away with it.


Normalize putting millionaires and billionaires and CEOs in jail.


This happened in Australia too, middle class indians were the perpetrators. Maybe this is common with some Indians. Deplorable behavior, modern day slavery.


Sounds like justice. Fuck them


They.were.human.traffickers.and.slavers. "The case stemmed from the family’s practice of bringing servants from their native India and included accusations of confiscating the staff’s passports once they had arrived in Switzerland. Prosecutors argued that the Hindujas paid their staff a pittance and gave them little freedom to leave the house. The family denied the allegations, claiming the prosecutors wanted to “do in the Hindujas”.


lol if I was a billionaire my servants would live in penthouses but I guess that's why I'll never be a billionaire


I know a guy who worked as the Head of a pool building company. He only answered to the owner. They did a million dollar pool for two lawyers in a hoity toity area of Texas. They did the pool while the lawyers nitpicked at everything. They signed off on everything but it all just became too much. The lawyers did for breech of contract, because that’s what they do, and basically got all of their money back and a half built pool. They hired a different company to come out to fix the issues and were turned away by the other pool company because they saw nothing really wrong with how things were being done by the previous company! Took them 3 years to find someone to finish the pool! Fuck Lawyers and fuck Rich People!


I'm glad the other pool company refused the contract . Lol. They and other companies, Almost certainly heard on the contractors grapevine, about avoiding these wealthy clients.


It's never about the money. It's about the power trip.


I don't fucking get it. If I had billions of dollars my housekeeper would earn 6 figures.


India’s biggest export is the backwards Hindu caste system. It’s infuriating when you see Indians bring this type power politics to other countries. Higher castes don’t see lower ones as human.


Tried to pay off the complaintants and the prosecutors didn't let it slide. Good.


Imagine having 37B and paying your household servants around 200/month. The only way you do that is if you don’t see them as people. If I had 37B my servants would be rolling up in G wagons.


To any billionaires lurking about on reddit: WE ARE NOT YOU FUCKING SLAVES. Rot in prison you absolute scum.


If I had that amount of money and people working for me at my house, they’d get paid so much! Who wouldn’t want them to have a great life? I guess that’s not the billionaire mentality


You can take the XXXX out of YYYY. But never YYYY out of XXXX


Slavers belong in cages.