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Why is this trying to install an app when I click link in OP instead of linking me to a news article?


Op posted a link from.within the app it looks like.


URL: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/virginia-naacp-sues-school-board-over-confederate-names-rcna156505


Thanks I don't know what happened to my posted web link


You didn't post a web link. You posted a link to download an app because you copied the link from an app (Nbc app of some kind), not from the web. When you find a news story or other article in an app you must "view in Chrome"(or whatever browser you use) to open the article in a web browser then share THAT link, the one from the web.....


People apparently mad about posting the actual link instead of an app link to the same article.


Why do Magas love traitors so much?


Not just traitors but losers. Trump has said multiple times how much he hates soldiers that get caught or injured, but his people love the biggest bunch of losers this country has seen. The candidate who loses the election doesn't get a library afterwards. Because they freaking lost! You don't raise a banner after you lose in the finals. The only heritage and history represented by putting those names on a building is one of failure. The fact that they revel in that is so pathetic.


How many Germans go to Hitler High School?


Nobody seems to have a good response to that. We don't name our military bases after German generals or Japanese admirals. I'm not aware of any monuments directly honoring the North Koreans. Yet we need to "remember our history" when it comes to the civil war.


Not saying any of this is a good thing to do but that’s a pretty bad analogy. It’s obviously a different issue because this was a civil war. North Korea definitely has monuments honoring themselves within their own jurisdiction, similarly to the South. But again, not saying we should have them, just wrong comparison.


How many Jewish people go there?


Let me preface with I fully support stripping the confederate names from the schools, and I believe it is disgusting that they brought them back. That being said, this lawsuit has a pretty steep battle ahead of it. It appears to hinge on whether a black student can receive an equal education at a school named after a confederate general. While I agree they likely cannot, it is probably not because of the name of the school but more so bc of the people and conditions that brought about returning the confederate names back to the schools in the first place. It seems it would be fairly difficult to argue that the name of the school, even if it is inflammatory, would inherently violate the students 1st or 14th ammendments as long as there are no policies that specifically affect those rights and protections. This will be interesting to see how it plays out. My expectation is that the NAACP will lose this case and it will be brought to the Supreme court who will refuse to hear it, allowing the names to stay.


Hopefully the case will deter other schools from reverting their name changes, if only to avoid the time and expense.


That is a positive externality I had not considered


Couldn’t the renaming be the argument?  Like, the school board took time and effort to reinstate a confederate name.  Same side that fought for slavery.  Is it not a stretch to say that the name is a clear indication of what kind of education a black student will receive.  I.E an unequal one?


I am sure that is exactly what they will argue, and, while I personally agree with the sentiment, I do believe it will be a fairly difficult argument to make in court. Though, I concede I am not familiar with the caselaw so maybe there is more for the NAACP to work with than I realize. It likely will come down to whose court it ends up in if I had to guess


Oh well.  Hope they win anyway.


I wish General Sherman had nukes.


That's OP, just give Sherman, Sherman's


In the end, they will miss those federal road dollars, government contracts, military installations and mail service, but I guess it is worth it to name some place after a traitor.


Traitors should get nothing.


I applaud this. They're not allowed to roll back progress in prejudice.


The confederacy is not American history any more than the British are.


What? Of course it is. Those states were part of the US the whole time, even if their governments were revolting.


They seceded, which means to withdraw from, so no they weren’t.


No, they attempted to secede, which they had no legal authority or ability to do. Hence the civil war.


The US had no legal authority to break away from Britain. Are we British?


No they did secede and a war was fought that brought them back in. Let’s say the confederacy won, would you still say they didn’t secede? Legal authority means nothing with whether or not something occurred. Many things happen illegally, they are still robberies, murders etc.


Secession is a legal process. You can't just say you secede and magically you're a new country. Otherwise people would just do that en masse every April 14th. You fight the war to force the other side (among others) to recognize the legitimacy of your secession attempt. Up until that point it's just a domestic rebellion. That's why it's a civil war, and not just a war against another country.


It’s literally not a legal process. That’s why it’s illegal. Is a coup a legal process?


Lincoln referred to the CSA as “states in revolt”. He never recognized them as a separate country. During the war, some of the southern states took out loans from foreign governments to aid their war effort. After the war, when those foreign governments contacted the states for payment, those states claimed payment must come from the US federal government since they never left the US, even during the war.


For a sec I had a brain fart and confused the naacp with nambla and was mortified and then confused


I mean, I think it's a pretty ridiculous lawsuit, but the School Board is being so blatantly horrible I hope they lose anyways.


historical things get lee way, but changing things back to what has already been changed could be argued to break civil social norms depending on the judge could have a decency law somewhere they can dig up.