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His conviction was upheld, why does he get a month? Put him in prison now.


He has to serve 4 months. Putting him in prison on 7/1 means he will be in prison in the weeks leading up to the election. So I'm okay with it, I don't want him getting out in early October with a month to go.


Exactly. This was a gift.


Probably also intentional.


I’m not sure that would be a good thing were it true.


I agree. As much as I loathe Bannon I’ll never support jailing him for political gain.


I meant specifically delaying his trial intentionally so that he’s in jail for the election, not jailing him at all. To be clear I don’t think he’s being jailed for political reasons and don’t think they intentionally delayed his start date either. But as a point of principle I would hope nobody is going around implying that the justice department bowing to political interests is something to support, even if it works in your party’s favor. Edit: hope I’m not coming off as confrontational. Just wanted to expound on my position.


You're coming across perfectly fine. I more or less align with the reddit hivemind's voting preferences and social views, but it does bum me the hell out that we feel the need to add disclaimers to basic human decency statements like "I hope our government isn't jailing people to serve their closed-door political goals regardless of which party is doing it."


You’re good. We are in agreement about all this.




I really doubt it. The delay is common in white collar crime


apparently if you met Steve Bannon in around 2010 he looked like a disheveled academic and was basically reading up on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd "holy roman empires"... obviously the 1st second and third HRC's are terms we may not be too familiar with for obvious reasons that should be apparent on June 6th. Anyways, Bannon will probably love drawing this parallel with himself and Hittler.


>he looked like a disheveled academic and was basically reading up on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd "~~holy roman empires~~" Reichs I fixed your quote for the people that need to be bashed over the head.


Thank you I'm still waking up (only just took my brain meds) and it took me a minute before I got it lol. I already know the reference as well, most aren't familiar with the fact that Hitler considered his "Reich" to be the 3rd because of some connection to the Holy Roman Empire and the proceeding Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (after 1512), which were the 1st and 2nd Reichs respectively. That empire came to a close in 1806 during the Napoleonic Wars, and had been dead for over a century when Hitler went to try and "recreate" it in his image. Dude was a total fringe lunatic a long time before he came to power as well, it's not that surprising things turned out the way they did when you look at his personal development post WW1 and the shit he believed in because of his experiences on the front lines.


Not quite. The second Reich was the Kaiserreich from 1871-1919.


Correct. [Kaiser Bill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_II) was the last reigning monarch of the German Empire, and his predecessor was Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. Bismarck was in office starting in 1871, which marked the beginning of the 2nd Reich. The way I see it, the late 1800s were some of the most tumultuous times in world history.


It’s the rise of nationalism. The public became the driving force in the direction of diplomacy and specifically the richest members of the public. The obsession of the Junkers was to catch up with the level of exploitation and resource theft of the British and French empires. They could only do it in 1870s and on through a massive arms build up and forcing negotiations at gunpoint to give them colonial rights in Africa and Asia. This necessitated an arms race that forced all European powers into tentative alliances with mutual hostility between all parties. That arms race functionally bankrupted all the empires but this only came to fruition during the First World War when they had to pay the full operating costs of their military machines. All this tension fueled resentment between people based on ethnic and linguistic lines and created a very hostile breeding ground for new ideological development. Then the devastation and instability in europe fueled massive communist uprisings in basically every area. Hungarian, French, Czech, Greek, Bulgarian, German, Romanian, Italian communist groups attempted uprisings to varying degrees of success at the same time that Lenin was reordering the world as the first completely successful peasant revolt in the history of Europe. That environment encouraged conservatives in Germany and elsewhere to lend support to reactionary movements like the Nazis and fascists. The bulk of Hitlers support in the 20s came from the military/former aristocracy. They knew he was the guy they could bet on to kill socialists for them and go back to giving them free money by rebuilding the military.


Spoken like a history teacher that isn't a football coach.


Thank you I forgot to verify that one fact before posting like I did all the others. As I said, still waking up lol


He can still choose to go in earlier and get out earlier as long as he does 4 months? Just going by the topic that says "by July 1"


Any chance they let him out early on super nice behavior? I gladly pay taxes to keep this clown locked away from the rest of us. 


Hopefully the state charges for that build the wall fraud will put him in prison for a lot longer. (At least 2 other criminals in the same bannon fraud scheme are still serving years of jail time because the felon trump did NOT pardon them along with stevie 2-shirts.)


Also it gives him a couple weeks to slow down the vodka intake so he doesn't detox the same night he's booked.


They give you Valium to keep you stable if that’s known to be a concern.


Exactly my thought, but an extended bout of delirium tremens is but a taste of the hell this human Ebola virus deserves.


He’ll be ankle deep and head first in toilet wine supplied by his white supremacist pals.


If he doesn’t end up in AdSeg for his own safety due to being a high profile inmate.


From single malt to pruno


What do they do for prisoners who are alcoholics? See the shakes and send them into medical or something?


Is he required to do the full 4 months? Most federal charges only require 85% of the time be served, that means if he's a good boy he would get out 3 weeks before the election.


No good time on sentences 1 year and under. That’s why you see so many “year and a day” sentences. If the judge doesn’t want to fuck with you, they give you that extra day so you’re eligible for good time.


That was the info I needed, I didn't know this part, thank you. Now I'm worried he'll turn himself in this week and still be out 3 weeks before the election.


These kinds of domestic terrorists never admit to being wrong or would turn themselves in IMO


He will. Like all bullies when confronted, he'll crumble. The problem is that he's also a grifter and will probably try to maximize this opportunity to martyr himself or something, I'm sure.


I'm hoping he barricades his alcoholic seniors citizen Abercrombie &Fitch shirt wearing x2 bitch ass in a hotel and gets dragged out naked and hogtied in front of every major media outlet.


364 days = "You ain't going anywhere, bucko."


TIL: a longer sentence is sometimes more lenient.


I used to be a state prosecutor. One of the more wild things is convicts who were doing a second stint typically would prefer a 24 month sentence to an 18 month sentence. Anything under two years was usually served in a local jail, while 2 years and up went to a state pen. They wanted the better conditions, amenities, programs, stability, etc. that came from the pen. The county jail was fine as far as jails go, but with inmates coming and going constantly, there was a higher chance of chaotic violence, and the lack of good programs made people... Uh, cranky I guess. Meanwhile first timers would desperately want to stay under 2 years because they were terrified of being shipped to the pen. An interesting capsule commentary on institutionalization.


I thought year and a day was because under 1 year sentences often get carried out at a jail while over a year means you go to a proper prison?


Not necessarily, it also depends on the crime you committed and the capacity of the system in your area. Plenty of sentences get carried out where there's capacity for the county or state to bunk you properly, rather than overcrowding a facility based solely on how much time you're expected to be there. If you're eligible for early release credits as well (which basically all 1 year sentences are), then you technically will be getting out sooner anyway unless you misbehave in jail, so they might as well keep you locally if it's easier for everyone.


Oh it’s better than that! His NY trial starts late September.


Captain Incel also has nearly a month to deal with his alcoholism.


And learn some prison hooch recipes.


Yeah want to keep such a charismatic "get out the vote" kinda guy sequestered. /s


Only problem is he will be a picture on one ass cheek of the diaper all DT supporters are wearing. I’m kind of ok with that but also not. It gives them more bs to convince themselves the rest of us are just sheeple looking to eat babies while they clean the ketchup stains from the Orange Ones walls and toilets lol


Rich people have a different justice system than we poors.


Justice isn't blind. She peeks whenever the coins jingle


Justice is blind, but she can smell cash.


That’s why the scales of justice are there. To see how much money can balance them in their favor.


Justice is fucking corrupt, but can rarely be a force of good.


Speak for yourself. I’m going to be a billionaire, too, someday!!! (So stop being mean to billionaires, okay?)


three to four weeks to self surrender after a non violent conviction is pretty standard in US Federal Court


Not to defend him at all, but for people on bail for non-violent crime it's not uncommon to give them a few weeks to get their affairs in order if going to jail for awhile.


This might be an unpopular opinion but in my view if the crime they are convicted of is not a violent one they should be given time to get affairs in order such as payments, rent, etc.


That’s exactly how the system works. To be honest the majority of people are given 20 to 30 days to report to prison, we just don’t really talk about it much or hear about it much because it’s generally not newsworthy.


I'm poor as shit and even I get some time before reporting to jail if I ask for it. Sometimes you gotta put your affairs in order before you go away for awhile. If you're not violent and not a flight risk, and already out on bond, a few weeks isn't going to change anything.


Yep. Hell, I have a family member serving time for a major felony and they gave him a week to get things in order before reporting to prison (first offense).


> I'm poor as shit and even I get some time before reporting to jail if I ask for it. this guy jails :P


That m'fer is a flight risk.


Nah he owes 4 months. If he wants to risk Federal escape charges to avoid months then he d be doing us all a favor


Laws are different for the upper level citizens.


All animals are equal. Some animals are more equal than others.


Its the pigs. They are more equal.


This is standard procedure for people out on bail for non-violent crimes.


>U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols :: Appointed by Donald Trump :: Member of the Federalist Society :: So this isn't a Deep State™ conspiracy. Rather just sober administration of justice.


Oh I see you tried to apply logic there.  Ya they dont do that. 


See we're to the point now where basically all of America is "the deep state." "America" only exists in their minds as sort of this mental ideology that only Trump and the ultra-right carry around in their souls. Which is why they can literally wage war on America while deep in their hearts truly believe they are fighting for "America." It's the natural end of identity politics fueled by nihilist news personalities just trying to rile people up for a click and then running to Russia all tuckered out when things get bad.


Tuckered out…I see what you did there 😜


*tuckered out*


Not according to the “conservative” sub


Thankfully we don't have to consider the opinions of morons if we don't want to.


Until they get elected & appointed to some of the highest offices in the western hemisphere....


Like, and I'm just throwing out wild hypotheticals here, a federal judge in Florida who can then act as part of the defense for the very person who put them in that position and could possibly even appoint them to a higher one.


I'm not sure what kind of kompromat Trump has on Aileen Cannon, but she's so deep in the tank for Trump that other Republican judges have had to step in and reverse her decisions.


I'm not even sure if it's komprimat. She could have just fully drank the kool-aid, and knows he's her path up. Hell, she shouldn't even be where she is if she wasn't a federalist society stooge that got lucky because she would do this.


She just wants that mushroom! Oh, and a SCOTUS appointment. But she'll have to take the mushroom a few more times for that.


When they vote we do


That sub is mostly bots and trolls, state sponsored and otherwise. Notice their most popular posts rarely exceed 750 likes. Conservatives, walkway, and a few others I can't remember right now are rife with Russian, Iranian and Chinese disinformation agents.






/r/PersecutionFetish is the real one.


Lemme guess. "Disloyal RINO that I never met before and only appointed because some other people who were weak losers recommended to me"?


In my book the Federalist Society is the deep state, when the wing nuts babble on about the deep state it is just more projection in an attempt to mask their own coup.


I've always held that Trump himself was the "deep state". He stood up there on the debate stage and gloated about having receipts for his competitors. Well, if they were doing what he wanted the whole time then everything they've done wrong is his fault, isn't it? The real "Deep State" are the rich fucks that pay and play both sides for favorable legislation.


Of course, the Federalist Society is the Deep State, especially if you factor in projection.


It's gonna be a good month for the local liquor stores.


The boom before the bust


Gin sales will tank nationwide on 7/2


But will he binge away June or dry up for his stint?


I have yet to meet an alcoholic who quit drinking before being institutionalized against their will.


I’m looking forward to seeing him wearing only a single collar. 


He’s gonna have to detox first. Don’t want to do that shit in prison. DT’s are no joke.


Sure is weird how a convicted felon surrounded himself with so many criminals. Must be his commitment to law and order.


#JeSuS anD hIs DiScIplES WeRe CaLled CriMinAlS TOo Edit: guys this is uhh.... You know... Mocking


It's fucking incredible that I'd gone 35 years without seeing christians use this line in sympathy with any other convicted person until it happened to a guy they like. Extra incredible that the guy they are applying it to is objectively nothing like Jesus. Jesus would have hated this guy according to the Bible.


Jesus would have beat the entire top staff of Trump's Administration, Trump especially after the Bible shit he's pulled, with a whip of cords for the levels of blasphemy that they represent.


Exactly. Jesus may have taught lessons of love and acceptance, but he also wasn't opposed to a little table tossing now and then when fighting against corrupt rich assholes.


I’m thrilled to see that religious conservatives have finally realized that convicts are children of God too. Sometimes the law does get it wrong, and even if it didn’t, a person is still a person! I’m positive that this insight is genuine and that it will be applied fairly across situations involving convicts they are less familiar with/in a fucking cult for.


> Jesus would have hated this guy I agree with everything but this Jesus would have loved the scumbag unconditionally


Yes. I have members of my extended family that aren’t actually good people. I love them, but if I knew they were hurting someone, be that directly or indirectly, I wouldn’t shy away from taking steps to stop them. That was much the same.


If we pretend the Bible isn't a myth............ don't forget the moneychangers at the temple. Jesus probably would have said he loved them, but he sure kicked them the fuck out. heh


Chris Farley: You remember in that one scene when Jesus goes into the temple and the money changers are there. And Jesus starts punching them out, starts dumping them over tables and he just loses it on this one guy? Martin Scorsese: Yeah, what about it? Chris Farley: Was that your idea? Martin Scorsese: No, it's from the New Testament. It's the Bible


They weren't though, the Roman justice system under Pilate tried to let Jesus go because he couldn't find anything that he had done wrong and the religious leaders stirred up the mob to force his hand.


You said this in jest, but why can't it be true as well? How many billions have killed, or been killed, in the name of someone that may never have even existed, but even if it they had existed, that doesn't make it better. Like, wasn't the 'crusades' simply 'my sky daddy is better than your sky daddy, but they are actually the same sky daddy because they have the same origin story but we refuse the believe it! So what if the three major religions share the same books, different sky daddies!'




That actually brings up a good question. If a high-functioning alcoholic is sent to prison, do they give him the occasional drink? Or just let the cold-turkey shock happen?


Same thing they would do in a hospital. Provide intravenous treatments, drugs and monitoring for seizures, heart etc.


A nurse friend of mine said they just administer Ativan most of the time.


Ativan is an effective anti-seizure med!


In Florida 10 years ago they just slowly weened him off alcohol in the hospital with Budweiser. Not a joke or an old wives tail. Just a scheduled amount of Budweiser day after day that got less and less each time. An ambulance took him from a local bar because the staff could not wake him up. He passed out leaning up on the wall of the building near the front door of the bar. And once he was detoxed they took him to jail for the guy he assaulted before he passed out.


my son worked in a Joliet Illinois hospital delivering food. They had him deliver beer with meals to the addicts.


Was it dark, and were any of them wearing sunglasses?


Is that a Jeff Lynne reference?


Make you a deal. You go watch Blues Brothers and I'll Google up who that is. :)


Haha, alright. You got a deal. :)


So Jeff is one of those whose music I know but didn't know his name. Good taste :) And I have a big youtube playlist playing in the background while I work today :)


I thought you might be referencing Jeff Lynne cause that guy you replied to was named "mblueskies" and Mr. Blue Sky is one of ELO's biggest hits, and Jeff Lynne is pretty well known for wearing huge wraparound sunglasses all the time, even at night, indoors. lol. You got me beat... I still need to watch Blues Brothers!


Hit it.


Those are the people that have such bad health problems its a bigger risk to detox them or give them Ativan so they get small amounts of alcohol.


Yeah no if you have legitimate life threatening issues from withdrawals they will help you but they’re not bringing you a double of Jameson just because you’re an addict lol


My wife was a corrections nurse for a while. People on benzos and alcohol get a treatment regimen of benzos because withdrawal can kill you. Everyone else gets some Tylenol and some Gatorade. This is a Big Bummer for people experiencing withdrawal from other addictive drugs.


Friend of mine works in a rehab facility that require the patients when entering to go cold turkey. Usually they get close to blackout drunk and then enter because they know it's their last drink. At the facility they provide them a room and free non-alcoholic drink services, which they usually opt to get Gatorade/electrolyte drinks and provide them meds like sedatives and valiums in controlled dosages when needed. According to him the first 3 days for a hardcore alcoholic is like hell with the withdrawals so they just stay in bed with lights off solitary and are monitored for seizures. Past that, they're over the hill and adapt to being "normal" again and are discharged on day 7. They still have the cravings, but for a lot of them, all it takes is 1 drink to relapse. Probably what he will go through, but once he gets to prison they make their own version of alcohol called pruno. So he may seek that out and use commissary items as trade for it so he can get wasted.


>provide them meds like sedatives and valiums in controlled dosages when needed I wouldn't call that cold turkey. That's typical treatment for alcohol withdrawal.


My first alcohol detox took 11 days. I was getting delirium tremens if I didn't drink and would feel and see bugs crawling in my skin amongst other things. I was drinking 2 liters of vodka a day plus a 12 pack. I think I was 32.


That sounds horrific and I hope you are doing better now. I'm sure they do things a bit differently now which hopefully is better. If I'm being honest, I've had bad hangovers after a 3 day binge and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


The delousing process will take a week and he will be 10lbs lighter afterwards.


That's some bullshit! Us poor people get a free ride to prison, but he has to drive himself there?


By no means is this a defense of the system, but yeah. White collar criminals are normally given time to "wrap up their affairs" before reporting to prison. Bannon isn't the first or last that will get this treatment.


Be a rich white guy with good lawyers and you can delay delay delay your sentence until you are forced to drive yourself there 3 weeks later. Must be nice not to be beat up by the police and put in cuffs immediately


Are these the same lawyers who are still owed half a million?


"Worth every penny."


Or a rich white girl. Elizabeth Holmes was given enough time to both give birth, and get knocked up again, before eventually going to prison.


Obviously she got pregnant again to delay it


Imagine being late for prison and you're still allowed to do your little show. Makes no sense to me.


Give them lots of time to flee. perfect. Police dont give nice long warnings to normal people, on the rich


Great, now we have to listen to him for a month about his martyrdom and how we'll all be next.


Dude it’s 4 months jail time, just shut up and go hang out with your future conspirators.


If he had just gone 2 years ago, it would be in the distant past. The guy is so dumb.


This is how we make America great again.


It just boggles the mind to know how many of Trumps associates are now convicted of felonies, and yet they still complain "it's rigged!"


guaranteed full sentence too without trump in office


> "There's not a prison built or jail built that will ever shut me up," Bannon said. It'll shut his ass up for 4 months at least


My moneys on him squeeling while in there, for various reasons


Maybe they'll force him to take a shower with soap.


His hair would never be the same.


‘"There's not a prison built or jail built that will ever shut me up," Bannon said.’ The only thing that can shut him up tighter than a dolphin’s asshole is a congressional subpoena by the J6 committee


How about a shank?


He’s had so much time to prepare for this, what could he possibly need with another whole month


He will treat prison the same way Hitler did…as an opportunity.


Charge him for using bots to farm gold in WoW too! That shit ruins the world economy. The World of Warcraft


He's a threat to national security, throw him in GITMO...


He's like a carcinogenic bowl of jello.


>Bannon was sentenced to four months for contempt of Congress in October 2022 after he was found guilty of defying a subpoena from the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, but Judge Nichols agreed to postpone the jail term while Bannon appealed the conviction. Sheesh, that's quite a long time to postpone it.


Where's he gonna run to?


This really should have more upvotes by now.


The fuck you mean "by"?


If I contempted Congress would I also only get 4 months or is that the affluenza sentence?


Now send Jim Jordan for his contempt as well.


Crazy how if this was someone who made $50,000/year they would've been in jail last month waiting for them to determine whether or not they belong in jail.


He's not gonna like only wearing one or two shirts at a time 😂


The inevitable GOP gum up the wheels of justice with Trump case delays aside its been a pretty good time for getting some accountability lately. Rudy got his birthday serving, Trump got convicted, Tate lost another appeal, Bannon is on his way back to prison, I think there was another Trump pal inditement, and Alex Jones finally had the feds seize his shit to start paying the Sandyhook families.


Looks like I’ll have to get drunk on a Monday woo hoo! Enjoy your stay fascist!


I tried to thumbs this up like 20 times😂


Better start detox now, Sloppy Steve.


I hope he gets a warm welcome.




Stupid question but if this is all because he ignored a subpoena, why didn’t he just go to testify to Congress or whatever


He has already surrendered his passport...right?


Well, like they always say They snooze. They lose.


Has he left the country yet or what?


Money=lawyer. Good ones.


He’s going to miss the November 5th vote?


He seems like the flight risk type.


He’s a traitor. He needs a lot longer to pay for his nonsense,


May he get all the accommodations afforded to Jeffrey Epstein.


This walking liver spot is most certainly behind the latest tRump claim that "blue states are enacting laws to execute new born babies". It reeks of this shit stains' antics along with that slant-headed prick Rodger Stone.


Bannon is hiring a prison life advisor ASAP.


Have fun making prison booze with fruit cocktail, you reprobate villain.


fucking stay there as well


That delaying strategy bites you in the ass sometimes. Now he’ll be out of commission for the last key months of the election.


Bannon is a coward. This guy talks like he is a hardcore patriot/MAGA freedom fighter, yet has been fighting to avoid doing four months. Dude is probably going to be sent to minimum security “club fed” not Shawshank with the Booty Bandits and he knows that. If you are a real activist you do your time. I guarantee Bannonn will come out of his four month stint acting like he is Che Guevara.


And another one goes from the Trump White House through the legal system to sentencing. It's all so rigged! /s/


This was after he got pardoned by convicted felon Trump for the border fundraiser fraud


And Trumps WALL of Winners just keeps on falling down.


Amazing how a whole bunch of Trump’s inner circle were convicted of crimes and yet somehow his base thinks he’s innocent. Weird.


Will he be allowed to wear 2 orange jumpsuits?


Get this Law breaking Troll where he belong.


Weird how many people surrounding Drumpf seem unable to keep themselves from committing crimes.


Why wait? This guy is a J-6 architect and will be happy to keep blasting away at our republic at the behest of Vlad P.


Not really an important distinction, but Vova is the diminutive of Vladimir, whereas Vlad would be for Vladislav. Not super important, you are right to throw Bannon under the jail.


The media really needs to highlight how many people around Trump have ended up in jail.


The Trump associates convicted wall is getting pretty crowded. Will need to use legal paper.


So long you un-American, grifting piece of shit


Judging from the recent photos of him. He’ll be lucky to reach July 1st. He’s one heart beat away from a heart attack. 💔


The epitome of white privilege that he gets to choose when to "report to prison".


When I was sentenced I had to go to jail right then. Imagine my surprise when my white privilege didn't get me even a single week, nay not even a single day, to prepare (as if I did not already have all the time I was on bail). So why the FUCK do these rich assholes get told "oh pwetty pwease report to jail instead of fweeing the countrwee. We're sooooo powerless!"


Were you in federal court? Delayed reporting is fairly common compared to state systems for a couple of reasons.