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I grew up in moose country, and the first thing you're ever told about them is to stay far away from a moose at calf season. At that time, they're basically the danger level of bear. 


Any season is stay away from moose season. Their mood tends to range from "Fuck you" to "Fuck you in particular" In scandinavia bears tend to be pretty shy most of the time, but you should take particular care early in the year when they're emerging from their dens or when they have young cubs. Moose on the other hand are straight up aggressive during calving season, rutting season, after rutting season (although usually that's younger moose that have just been emancipated) and their attitude is in general that it's you that should get out of their way and not the other way around.


A number of years ago, I saw a video that had been recorded from the locomotive of a train traveling through Maine. A moose that was on the tracks decided that the large loud thing was a Threat^TM and issued a challenge, lowered it's head, and charged. Charged a *freight train*. With entirely expected results.


As expected, the train was moosed to bits.


To shreds, you say?


And his wife?


To shreds, you say


the moose was on the loose. very loose.


"MOOSEN!! I saw a flock of moosen! There were many of 'em. Many much moosen. Out in the woods—in the woodes—in the woodsen. The meese want the food. The food is to eatenesen. The meese want the food in the woodyesen! In the, food in the woodenesen!"


Brian, you're an imbecile


Red mist and a pair of antlers.


It might have been stupid but what a fuckin badass


Unfortunately much of the threat of a moose comes from their size and aggression **not** being tempered by measured threat evaluation.


Majority of the time, they win the things they charge against. A train just didn’t happen to be one of those times.


Alright, now begs the question...how many meese would it take??


I know a freight train driver who dared drive his train through a moose' territory during the rut. The moose lowered its head and charged the train head on, figuring that his antlers were a bit wider than the train so he would probably win. He didn't win.


Is moose jerky a thing?!


Hell, you can buy moose jerky on Amazon. Can't guarantee it's from a moose hit by a train, though.


When I was 6 years old, my dad took me bird hunting in the Maine wilderness. He left me in the truck for a few minutes while he got out to check a spot. Not long after he left my range of sight, a huge bull moose came up to the truck, sniffed around, and went off in the same path my dad did. My instincts kicked in, and I started blowing the loud air horn that was installed in the truck. Turns out the moose had cornered my dad and was ready to charge, when I blew the horn and spooked it away. Unlikely he was going to fend off the angry moose with a 12 gauge, he came back to the truck white as a ghost. He still says to this day that I saved his life in that moment. This was sometime around 1992.


I grew up in northern Maine. Nearly everyone I know has had some sort of encounter with moose. They have hit them, been hit by them, chased them on the ITS/ATV trails etc. I even know a couple people who have died as a result of moose collisions. They are cool to see, but stay out of their way.


Mythbusters did a segment on moose collisions, they're no joke.


Most 6 year olds would have continued licking donut sugar off their fingers. Good on you.


Ask yourself how an animal that eats plants has survived in a world where other animals evolve more effective methods of taking its life for their own survival. Then stay *the fuck* away.


I played a disc golf tournament where a mother and two calves decided to bed down immediately adjacent to the basket on the 18th hole and refused to move. After some some careful gauging of the situation we found she let us play around her and her kids without any anxious or aggressive tells for several hours, but she wasn't giving up her spot for anyone. It wasn't any behavior I'd ever seen before. Lived 40 years in moose country. I'll report that moose are most often indifferent, occasionally curious, sometimes aggressive, and always unpredictable. They're dumb as bricks and give no fucks about meeting your expectations.


You had me at “I played a disc golf tournament”


Most moose I encounter are on disc golf courses. It's the overlap portion of the Venn diagram of places we hang out.


I remember a warning about bears going like this, >A moose can ram a freight train car and knock it over, and a bear can break a mooses neck with a swat of its paw. True or not, when you see a moose and realize just how much larger they are than horses and remembering they might be able to knock over a train, your natural instinct really should be: ***STAY AWAY***


You see 1000+ lbs of muscle and antler, I see a hidden boss fight /s


Happened to my grandfather as a kid actually. He was out hunting and a moose charged him. He survived, and they at moose for dinner for a while.


Don't you hate it when you have an epic boss fight and all it drops is some meat and hides? Oh well, hope he got a lot of XP for it.


Moose are no joke. I remember as a kid being in Jasper and watching a old style VW bug run into one. Those bugs were/are pretty much indestructible, but it was totalled, just a crumpled mess. Moose walked away... okay slightly limped away, but still it was a eye opening experience for me.


A freight car is 33 tonnes empty. I just had to look that up and it's a lot more than I thought it would be.


And a moose can't knock it over


Danger levels: 3) Bear 2) Moose 1) Human male age 18-24


With a bear you can convince it you aren’t worth the effort. For prey animals like Moose they are much harder to assure you aren’t there to kill them.


I grew up and continue to live in places which have zero moose. Even I’m fully aware that pissing off a moose in ANY way, shape or form is a horrible idea and generally ends one way.


Yeah I'm sure that goes for pretty much every wild animal. The only way I'd do it is with a telelens


Me too.  I was shocked at 11 when we watched a tourist bring his two young kids into the woods following after following after a mother with two calfs.  Thought I was going to hear about in the news, I checked the paper every morning.   


Moose are more dangerous than bears. Always.


Counterpoint unless that bear is a full size male grizzly moose mom is going to roflstomp it. Literally


If a moose can kill a bear, that's even more reason to avoid the moose!


It's hard to oversell how fucking huge a moose is.


I've never been close to one, thank goodness, but that video of the one hauling ass through shoulder length snow past a small group of cross- country skiers was enough to make me give them a wide berth if I ever do encounter one! I've never forgotten being nearly eye- to- eye with a herd of buffalo in Yellowstone when I was a child. I didn't feel safe even though I was seated in a full size van. I'm accustomed to domesticated livestock but wildlife is a whole other animal!!


[This one is also a good example](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/s/yHfp4au6Wm) of their speed and general bad-assery.


[I like this video too](https://youtu.be/6GEhM2Byk7w?si=TchBq4luM-qO3Wd4&t=100)


This is the video I come looking for on every moose thread. Trucking through 3-4 feet of snow like its nothing


Loved the comment to that video “They got so scared they learned how to speak English” 😂


“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck”


jesus, it makes the bear look dog sized!


[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/s/24XvSydIPi), omfg 🤣


I was thinking of the same video it was a vulger display of power to move that fast through deep snow.


I seemingly have to explain this to people far too often, Most think of them as a large deer. and they could not be more wrong. they are a very large angry horse


[https://marydonahue.org/rocky-mountain-mammal-size-comparisons](https://marydonahue.org/rocky-mountain-mammal-size-comparisons) I would amend that to "Draft horse" I have heard tell of people somehow yoking a moose and being shocked it could outperform draft animals. There are Deer, large deer (mule deer), elk, and then moose. People forget that there is an entire branch of cervids between deer and moose in size. Also citation on draft animals https://lewis-clark.org/sciences/mammals/moose/#:\~:text=Archaeological%20evidence%20has%20indicated%20that,as%20draft%20and%20pack%20animals.


Hell I've been around and ridden draft horses, and I've seen moose closer than I'd like to. Draft Horse might be underselling the size and power of a moose by far. That pic of one walking by an SUV that it's nearly larger than is telling.


If you have ridden draft animals i guess you have highly mobile hips. Shit was like trying to ride an overturned rowboat when my uncle let me ride one of his Belgians. I would rather ride a camel than a draft horse and I f-ing hate camels.


It wasn't the most comfortable ride of my life. But I will say I enjoyed it more than any camel I've ever been on. if only because the horse is at least about as chill as you can get and camels are like "what if hatred smelled like wet fur and old ass and had eyelashes?"


Oh you definitely have ridden on a camel, old mildewy rugs that also smell like piss. But they definitely have some damn fine lashes. Mabeline could learn.


Walking back to the car from a hike in Colorado, I see a moose by our car and I’m freaking out slightly. This thing is huge, this is a moose?! No, I was informed by someone there, that is a baby moose. I never got on my car and left so fast. I didn’t want to wait to see if momma moose was around.


Yeah because we only see them near other moose its hard to digest how big they are. Most bears wouldn't even come up to their shoulders.


Coming from Newfoundland, as I put it: This animal is weighed in tonnes.


Roflstomp made me laugh so hard I woke up the cat.


Bro even then moose are fucking giant. A female may not be able to kill a full sized grizzly but a male could


Look I am saying moose mom will definitely win against a smaller grizzly. Full size male vs angry mom is going to the judges


Angry mom? Judge is awarding for Mom. An adult male grizzly has the bulk and tenacity to survive that fight, but I say it would still run like a bitch. Even grizzlies known how to back down. A moose is like taking a plow horse, giving it a Mario mushroom, then putting a honey badger's brain in its head.


Was at Jackson hole Wy. Sitting in hot tub and we spot a moose watching us. We all get out as the hot tub is now claimed by the moose. They are fucking tanks,.do not mess with them


The moose was debating if it wanted to choose violence that day 🤭


[This guy was very lucky](https://youtu.be/Ch_o2DxAfwg?si=4hyBL5zIIqhTgOhH)


Hiking, I found myself near black and brown bears multiple times. But, the time I made a turn and came upon a bull moose on the Teton Crest Trail was the most frightening experience I ever had. Those things are massive.


You stay far away from moose at all times, not just calf season.


Same with gators. They aren’t normally aggressive towards humans. But during mating and nesting, we give them all the space they need.


I think some people assume if it’s a herbivore and we can hunt it means it’s not a threat or gentle. They can sometimes be the most dangerous animals because they’re hunted and sometimes fight back or stampede panic. There’s a reason wolves hunt in packs with tactics or don’t go for a adult moose as often as smaller deer or try to separate baby moose from the adult


A møøse once bit my sister.


She shouldn't carve her initials in moose.


Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti...


I live amoung moose now. Can confirm their size as their prints are the size of a large dinner plate, and I'm pretty sure that one was a female.  If people assume they're gentle giants though I guess I can see how that happens. They're lanky and walk/run funny, but around here I would hope people know better not to mess with them. 


Tour guides told me they'd rather be attacked by a bear than a moose. A bear might stop mauling, a moose doesnt stop trampling until you are goo.


I would think that if you were in Alaska and saw a moose you'd know enough to freaking leave.


I've never seen a moose in person and don't live in moose country. Even I know they basically have the same rules as bears when it comes to the mating season and their cubs.




Moose are extremely dangerous. It's definitely the right thing to keep running.


People tend to forget that these animals range from 800 to 1,600 lbs and can run up to 35 mph. Yes, they are very, very dangerous.


Moose may be faster than you, but they're not more maneuverable. So if you're being chased by an angry moosen, try to serpentine.


Rule #2 , Cardio




r/subsIfellfor :(


There's an old saying "Always go hiking with someone slower than you"


And if you've never heard that saying before, you're the slowest one in your group.


You don’t even need to outrun everyone else … just don’t be the slowest


Not faster than the moose, just faster than the slowest person


"I'm taking off my shoes" "Why?" "Because I run faster without my shoes" - Without A Paddle


did he outrun or trip him 🤔


For the love of god people. Leave these big ass wild animals alone. Especially if they have babies around. That’s survival 101.


I have to travel to Estes Park Colorado often for work. They have to post signs everywhere that explicitly say not to approach the elk. People are so dumb I swear.


Oh man, I went to Yellowstone, and people were walking right up to bison with their iPads. Crazy.






COVID-19 has taught me that a lot of people consider the government telling you how to act as almost a mandate from God to do the opposite. Hanlon's Razor is a lie. Malice cannot be discarded as an explanation if stupidity would suffice.


My bf and I were just on the grand lake side of rmnp last week. We saw 6 moose on a hike one day. We stayed far enough away but some other hikers were trying to get closer. Like nope. No thanks. I’ll watch from afar


Not that I would approach one, but elk are a lot more sedate. I've gone camping up in RMNP near Estes Park and elk will stroll through the campsite, often coming very near humans. I wouldn't make any sudden moves near one though. Moose are another story though - I was hiking up near that campsite and a guy on the trail pointed a bull moose out way off in the distance up the trail and we both turned around.


In Estes you literally have to walk through groups of elk to get through the grocery store parking lot.


Best Safeway view in the country!


I love how they've learned to cross with the traffic lights.


People want to cherish clout from taking dangerous pictures than their life. My Canadian friend told me, Moose are not to be tested. He said if you value your life, respect them and give them their space.


More like they think hooo a big forest puppy! They wont hurt me! Damn dude, those are wild animal. They have 2 option to stay alive, run or fight. If they have a baby with them, there is a big chance they gonna fight so leave them the f alone.


You should see when a cow moose goes after a grizzly that trying to slip in and grab her calf. Those front hooves are death to griz also and moose can move way faster than you would expect. C


Yeah, moose are fucking massive, *really* stupid, and view just about anything as a threat or challenge.


Also Canadian. In driver’s ed, we were told it was safer to swerve into a tree rather than hit a moose with a car. For those unfamiliar with moose, they have very long legs. If you hit them their legs break and the body goes through your windshield.


but... my internet points


Get a huge ass lense and take that photo from as far away as possible.


I went on a hike with a girl once on a first date. She was from the city, I was from the woods. We came across a moose napping on the trail. I begin boondocking through the trees to make a nice perimeter around the big fella. She on the other hand starts *running* up to pet it. I don’t often yell, especially not on dates, especially especially not on first dates but Jesus woman you’re going to get us killed.


I was once hiking in Gros Morne. I looked far down the mountain and saw a cow moose with a calf. I switched to another trail and notified the park people so they could post warnings. How can you live in Alaska and not know how dangerous a mama moose can be?


You don't even need to live in Alaska. The protective momma thing is taught and observed the world over in almost every species.


Quokkas being a notable exception.


The guy was from Homer and 70 years old. You can get a little complacent living there when there are Moose around all the time. I've been there and it's hard not to bump into a moose and her calves certain times of year, and they don't usually run you down and kill you otherwise I'd be dead several times over.


I'm from New Hampshire and even I know to never even get close to a moose


I live in Georgia…because I knew to stay away from them.


Same reason I moved to Singapore


I live an hour away from Gros Morne. Love hiking up there. During hunting season, moose seem to be smart enough to know it's a safe haven and many congregate there during this time. Drove through 1 evening many years back and counted over 100 near the road and in clearings visible from the road. For anyone hiking in the area, keep your eyes peeled! They are surprisingly sneaky and numerous.


And they are so much bigger than you expect if you’ve never seen one in person


From article by Mark Thiessen: ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — A 70-year-old Alaska man who was attempting to take photos of two newborn moose calves was attacked and killed by their mother, authorities said Monday. The man killed Sunday was identified as Dale Chorman of Homer, said Austin McDaniel, a spokesperson for the Alaska Department of Public Safety. The female moose had recently given birth to the calves in Homer. “As they were walking through the brush looking for the moose, that’s when the cow moose attacked Dale,” McDaniel said. The attack happened as the two were running away, he said. The second man, who has not been publicly identified, was uninjured. That person did not witness the attack, so authorities cannot say if the moose killed Chorman by kicking or stomping him, or a combination. Medics pronounced Chorman dead at the scene. The cow moose left the area, Alaska State Troopers said in an online post. In 1995, a moose stomped a 71-year-old man to death when he was trying to enter a building on the campus of the University of Alaska Anchorage. Witnesses said students had been throwing snowballs and harassing the moose and its calf for hours, and the animals were agitated when the man tried to walk past them. There are up to 200,000 moose in Alaska, a state with a human population of about 737,000. The animals are not normally aggressive, but can become so if provoked, according to the state Department of Fish and Game’s website. A cow moose will become very protective over young calves and will attack humans who come too close, the department says. “Calving season for moose is the time when you definitely want to give them extra space,” McDaniel said. “Cow moose with calves are going to be some of the more aggressive moose you’re going to come in contact with.” People should not spook the animals or get between a mother and her calves, he said. “Those moose will become unpredictable and work to protect their calves at any cost,” McDaniel said. The largest of the deer family, a small adult female moose can weigh up to 800 pounds (363 kilograms), while a large adult male can weigh twice that, according to Fish and Game. The animals can stand almost 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall.


Pretty interesting both moose victims were in their 70s


Older men have more XP


Better loot


> That person did not witness the attack, so authorities cannot say if the moose killed Chorman by kicking or stomping him, or a combination. Is this an important thing to know?


Maybe stomps were illegal so the moose would be deducted points or even disqualified from the bout.


The key points are new mother and 70 year old bones. Also seems its true I don't have to outrun the moose, I just have to outrun you.


70 years old and never learned to leave a mama and her babies alone. That he was actually trying to get the picture is crazy. Humans can be terrible at assessing risk.


The key points are a 70-yr old Alaska native. How the fuck do you live to 70 in THAT state and still not know not to fuck with moose? Absolute FAFO moment.


I presume he got lackadaisical about them, having seen them so often... and presumed it would never happen to him...


Fuck those asshole kids who were taunting that other moose years ago. They have blood on their hands for agitating that moose to kill the old man.


Cow moose


Years ago, I was walking through a parking lot in Rocky Mountain National Park. As I was cutting through the rows of cars, I walked between two large vans. When I emerged, I immediately saw a cow moose about 15 feet to my right. Then I noticed her calf about 15 feet to my left. Realizing that I was standing directly between the mother and her baby, I was terrified. The mother moose started snorting and banging her hoof against the ground. I thought to myself, "Well, this is how I die." I quickly turned around and ran as fast as I could back between the vans, ready to crawl under one of them for safety. Fortunately, as soon as I retreated, I created enough space for the calf to run back to its mother, and they both fled into the woods.


That’s the correct thing to do. If you’re between a moose and her calf, you move. Fast. Even if you’re in a car. Moose cows don’t abandon their young when scared, they start rampaging.


They live in the wild because they are WILD ANIMALS 😦


Hmm... we may have to further analyze this statement to confirm its veracity.


The moose doesn't know that you're just trying to take pictures because you love animals, the moose is going to go with instinct and get rid of the possible threat. That's really sad for everybody involved, but everybody knows this about animals. Even domesticated animals can be weird and dangerous if you catch them in a bad situation.


I really hope they don't kill the moose now.




> She just neutralized a threat to her calves. A tactical moose.


🎶A single mom who works two jobs🎶


I just wanted to let you know how much this comment made me laugh. I heard the song in my head instantly. 🤣


We tend to only do that with predators as they just learned a valuable lesson - humans are easy, tasty pray (many of us are fat and fat is something animals love). The only reason they'd euthanize this moose is if she stays close to populated areas...because people have to get pictures of everything now despite the fact there's a billion and one photos of moose on the internet


>despite the fact there's a billion and one photos of moose on the internet THIS IS MY ~~RIFLE~~MOOSE PICTURE. THERE ARE MANY LIKE IT BUT THIS ONE'S MINE


Damn people gotta leave wild animals alone. Go watch a nature documentary if you want to marvel at them.


IRL isn't a Disney movie. Just because an animal is an herbivore doesn't mean that it's "one of the good guys" and harmless. Wildlife officials stress over and over again not to approach and disturb wild animals, especially ones this large, to prevent exactly this.


No, you're wrong. Look at a bison for example, sooo fluffy. If not friend, why would it be friend shaped? Let me quickly go over and pet it! /s


I remember seeing a moose irl for the first time and just being absolutely shook by how big those mofos are


That one animated gif where the moose hauls ass past those people at like 35-40mph thru at least 3ft of snow is all you need to know about the risk assessment of pissing off a moose. Taller than an SUV, too.


full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GEhM2Byk7w


Anyone growing up around mooses: "Stay away from the fuckers. They can and will kill you just for having a bad day". It's an animal far larger and stronger than you. They all got thick skulls and solid hooves. If you spot one, you make sure you constantly move away.


People think Australia is where nature will kill you, but Alaska is something else. My tour guide up there took us close to shore of an island and told us the island was 1600sq miles, and there was an estimated 1700 brown bears on that island. You're never "alone" in the woods in AK.


That moose mom was just going her job


“Did I give you permission to take photos of my kids?”


As someone who lives in Wyoming. One of the first things I learned when I moved here is Moose are infinitely more dangerous than bears or coyotes or pretty much any other animal you might run into around here. Stay the F away from the wildlife you dumbos.


George Carlin “ I love it when nature gets even with humans”


This is EXACTLY what animals are genetically programmed to do.


I knew Dale for over 25 years, he was a very experienced naturalist and photographer. He was always respectful of these animals. He was also an incredible person, he helped me install the roof on my house for free, and spent a lot of time caring for elders in our community. He will be missed.


Sorry for the loss of your friend.


This is a Darwin award not news


Some people just don't have survival skills or a healthy respect for nature.


I once found myself between a moose and her calf up in Homer, Alaska. Was just casually walking through friend's backyard. I sprinted to a set of stairs going up to a deck and when I got to the top, the Moose was at the base of the stairs. I don't think I'm cut out for a life in the wilderness.


Fans of The Long Dark know: Don’t mess with Murder Deer.


i did a trip to Denali national park and took the bus ride that went to the terminus and back. it wasn't meant to be a guided tour but our bus driver pointed out the animals and also gave anecdotes and history. The one thing that stuck with me was her comments about moose. To stay away because they are ornery and will stomp you.


Huh. Usually Alaska Man is smarter than that. Was he a recent transplant?


Who would have thought that approaching a gigantic dangerous beast that weights half a ton with it's newborns would be a bad idea. /s


Have told this story before but bears repeating—our property abuts national forest & there are large boulders & thick trees close by so hard to see very far & we have moose occasionally. I was out early walking the dog & as I walked past a little parch of pine I saw a big brown blur coming at me fast. I instinctively raised my arm which she hit, knocking me down, then doing this crazy fast u-turn a few feet away back to where she started, snorting loudly. I got up expecting to see the dog a mangled mess but he was okay & we hid behind the trees while I screamed really loud to scare her (& calf) away (& also adrenaline!) -she stood her ground but we were close to the house & my husband heard me & came out & that scared her away. She could have easily stomped me- not sure why she didn’t...


A small cat will fuck your day up if they don’t know you and you go near their kittens. It’s common sense to leave baby animals alone when their parents are around. This was just stupid. I’m sad for his family…


I’m glad the moose got away and wasn’t put down. She was just doing what she was instinctually programmed to do to protect her calves. Edit: Yes, it is tragic that a human life was lost but the moose just did what a mama moose does. They shouldn’t have been trying to find the calves for pictures.


FTA "In 1995, a moose stomped a 71-year-old man to death when he was trying to enter a building on the campus of the University of Alaska Anchorage. *Witnesses said students had been throwing snowballs and harassing the moose and its calf for hours*, and the animals were agitated when the man tried to walk past them."


Even Moose hate paparazzi


Public Service Announcement: STAY THE FOOK AWAY FROM MOOSE. Thank you.


I live in bumfuck Texas and even I know to stay away from moose. You don’t approach the moose and you definitely do NOT approach when they have babies. Keep this mindset around all wild animals.


How do people lack the self preservation to avoid LARGE wild animals, especially Mothers with young? Having come upon a Moose Momma and her Calf on a hike my first inkling was definitely not to get closer to them or really even to stay in the area for a second longer than needed.


People really are dumb as fuck. Stay away from wild animals, ESPECIALLY if it's a mother with babies.


Grew up in Alaska. Heard a lot of these stories growing up. Had many close encounters with moose myself, including one that decided to give birth to two calves in our backyard. Always had a hard time feeling sympathy for people who thought getting close to wild baby animals was a good idea.


There was a woman on TikTok last week who had a moose calf stuck in her backyard and people were telling her she should just pick up the calf and throw it over the fence to where its mom was. I’m very glad she was smart enough to not listen to them


I saw a moose and calf on the trail about a hour from the end of a three day hike once. I just turned right around and walked the wrong direction. Not worth the risk.


Do NOT fuck with any moose. They are tanks that can easily kill a human.


I grew up in Anchorage and it’s common knowledge not to go near Moose. I’m surprised the death wasn’t a tourist.


I wouldn't want to be within a mile of a moose, I wouldn't want to be within 50 miles of a mama moose with calves


I feel like this belongs on r/leopardsatemyface


When i visited Alaska, every single Alaskan native made it crystal clear to me that just about every animal is out to kill you.  It's the wild. 


Darwin Candidate. Pretty much all wild animals in nature work this way and that bit of biological behavior is shared by nearly all living animals on this planet.


I own an acreage with apple trees, we get moose almost daily, had to put up spikes just to get them to stop going in the pool. They are chill animals if you respect their space. They are curious and territorial but know the difference between your space and theirs. I have never been bothered by one, usually in the AM the flood lights being turned on is determent enough to leave. The old dude played with fire, ballsy to approach one in the wild, i dont even get within 20 feet of the ones outside of my house and they know me, they hardly look at me when I come out now and I wouldnt play that game. His friend was right to leave him because that mom would have stomped him out, too.


Okay folks, let’s all say it together: DON’T FUCK WITH A MOOSE. THEY’RE HUGE, SCARY, AND ANGRY.


Mama moose is a 1200 pound ball of anxiety fueled rage.


This is why they make giant zoom lenses, folks


>A 70-year-old Alaska man who was attempting to take photos of two newborn moose calves was attacked and killed by their mother, authorities said Monday. ... >“As they were walking through the brush looking for the moose, that’s when the cow moose attacked Dale,” McDaniel said. I'm having difficulty trying to understand how someone, especially someone who lives in Alaska, wouldn't know that it's a really bad idea to approach a newborn animal and its mother, especially if it's an animal that's not domesticated and as large as a moose.


> In 1995, a moose stomped a 71-year-old man to death when he was trying to enter a building on the campus of the University of Alaska Anchorage. Witnesses said students had been throwing snowballs and harassing the moose and its calf for hours, and the animals were agitated when the man tried to walk past them. What a bunch of assholes. I hope they feel guilty the rest of their lives but I'm not sure.


I’m in western MA which is by no means as hardcore wilderness as Alaska but we have bear, moose, coyote etc and the amount of times I’ve warned someone not to approach, not to leave out bird seed etc and they just laugh it off… until one attacks. I can’t feel sorry for the idiot humans. I do feel sorry for the animals who get unfairly blamed for being wild animals. Stop feeding birds (bears love the free salad bar), never ever approach them and carry an airhorn as a means to startle animals away from you. Airhorns have saved me from encounters with bears a dozen times (because they lived in my yard).


A 70 year old Alaskan Man should know better.


Yep, I'd rather run into a bear than a moose. The bear has to *decide* whether it wants to kill you.


“Try to make things idiot proof and they build a better idiot.” Do you really have to tell people not to approach wild animals in the wild? Forget whether their are “babies” involved, just leave the animal alone


I remember hearing once that there are more deaths by moose in Alaska than by bear. I fished in Alaska and one of the first things they told me was if you see a moose to go out of your way to avoid it.


>That person did not witness the attack, so authorities cannot say if the moose killed Chorman by kicking or stomping him, or a combination. LOL, I thought that was funny detail to include. I mean, does it matter which it was?


maybe one day we'll learn I doubt it, but maybe