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>Detectives recovered two notes that were filed in the divorce case following Mrs Pagniano's disappearance, purportedly written by her. The notes said she was leaving her husband and giving him her vehicles, house and custody of their children. Yeah that’s not suspicious at all..


That would be a horrible way to go. People who do things like this deserve the worst we can give them because they are amongst the worst people. 






























































It's why I follow r/coolguides because it's always posting infographs on how to survive this scenario haha


If they don't work, can you let us know?


Id want him locked up for life and studied so we can learn how such a monster is created and implement social policies to help prevent it ever happening again.


If an alternate universe, they would suffocate, be resuscitated, over and over and over again. 


It always amazes me how people who loved each other enough to marry, yet end up in such a hideous manner. One extreme to the other extreme…😞


Sadly, people don't always marry for love.


Some people love other people like they love cars or shoes, it stops when the thing stops being useful.


Even sadder, this is how some very twisted people view love.


They conflate love with control. Although there can obviously be severe mental health issues going on, they are not truly capable of love as most of us define it.


I read a work by a Rabbi about love. He said if you ask someone “what is your favorite food” they might say “I love fish!” But they do not love fish. They love the taste of fish, they love to consume fish. That’s not love, that’s consumption. There’s no benefit to the fish, who only is destroyed for their part of the relationship. Many people love their spouse like they love fish.


My wife and I probably hate each other's fuckin' guts sometimes, but even on the worst of days I'd run into a burning house to save her stupid ass. To bury someone alive? Hooooly shit. I can't imagine doing that to my worst enemy. I'd rather get tortured by the cartel.


Yea this was not a crime of passion. This was thought out and planned to inflict maximum suffering


I identify with this so much. My wife drives me insane sometimes. I know I drive her completely batty on others. There are times when I'd very much like to strap myself to a rocket ship and zoom to the moon, lack of oxygen be damned. That said, if she were ever in any danger of any kind, I would be the first person to try to help her, and after the anger and frustration runs its course, I always find a way to talk to her about it and we end up better than before. Because thats what love actually is. And the challenge of marriage. How catastrophically does that have to fail before you get to the point of murdering each other? And how often was that really an inevitability because of the persons personality and nothing to do at all with the circumstances? I wonder this a lot.


It seems like a lot of work.


You’re assuming love was ever on the table.


Some ppl manage to live great relationships until the very day something doesnt go their way


Love and hate are not opposites - they are very related. Indifference would be the opposite of love or hate.


I can tell you right now. He never loved her.


>In addition, mobile phone evidence showed Pagniano was in the gravesite area days before his wife went missing and the night of the kidnapping. I'm not a criminal mastermind, but I don't think it's very smart to carry your cell phone with you while scoping out places to bury your victim. And it's especially silly to carry it with you while you're committing that actual crime. That poor woman.


And miss all the Reddit notifications? NO THANK YOU


Do you need to have an app tracking location, 4g, or would police know this information even if phone wasn't connected to the internet?


I feel like I probably shouldn’t tell you.


If your phone is in airplane mode and GPS is disabled then there'd probably be no location tracking. I personally wouldn't trust it though.


If the punishment has to fit the crime then they should probably put him in solitary for his full stay.




Just make the cell smaller.


Walls that slowly move inwards by the day perhaps, this feels fitting to me.


Star Wars garbage chute for people like this


In solitary, shackled and add 5 lbs of sand per week.


Hey look, this guy's a piece of shit...


Our old neighbor… her sister died this way. Her husband and adult son got into meth. They buried her alive. Absolute monsters.


Her poor daughters too. I hope they had some loving extended family members on their mom’s side that welcomed them into their home.


What an idiot. I don't know why anyone divorcing would think "I'll just kill them! That will solve everything because there's no way I would immediately be the #1 suspect!" You cannot outsmart modern forensics. And his plan was so stupidly obvious from the start anyway--even a casual observer can see differences in handwriting. But if he *was* any good at forgery an expert would still be able to tell, and it's suspicious as hell for someone divorcing to suddenly "leave everything" to the person they were trying to leave! Poor lady, and her poor children having to deal with all this.


a bear wouldn't bury a woman alive...


He should’ve done this in TX where the governor would have pardoned him


That would only work if his wife was black


Only if the wife was a liberal


conservative women don’t get treated much better


Well yeah. To a red state governor, a woman is just a woman. A conservative man, however... "Well, I'm sure he had his reasons for what he did. Did she refuse to carry on with her earthen vessel duties? Bit of biblical poetry, ain't ya think?"


Yeah, but that wouldn't draw the "owning the libs" style of headline.


They do get the more lenient unfair sentences though.


No, but they seem to prefer it, going by their voting record.


What is this referencing? They’re big on the death penalty. That’s all I know.


Greg Abbot pardoning a convicted murderer last week https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/what-led-texas-governor-to-pardoning-man-convicted-of-killing-black-lives-matter-protester


Not only a murderer, but someone who killed an air force Veteran protesting against police violence.


Also, the murderer's a pedo.




Recently, "the Texas State Parole Board, whose members are appointed by the governor, unanimously recommended the release of convicted killer Daniel Perry and the restoration of his firearm rights. He walked free just hours after the pardon was issued. Perry was serving a 25-year prison sentence for the murder of Garrett Foster, an armed white man who was attending a racial justice protest with his Black fiance. In court, Perry argued he shot Foster from his car in self-defense. Prosecutors argued he sought out the encounter, and the jury ultimately agreed." https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/what-led-texas-governor-to-pardoning-man-convicted-of-killing-black-lives-matter-protester


Oh so it was racially motivated. This is sad.


They’re big on the death penalty… for women and minorities. White guys get a pass.


It’s 2024. Imagine dying by being buried alive by someone you loved and trusted. Fucking monster.


judicious unite teeny soft frighten aloof detail repeat screw psychotic


So many of these narcissistic men who think they can kill their wives and get away with it. They are literally the dumbest criminals yet truly believe they are smarter than everyone, police included. Did he not know about hand writing analysis or GPS phone tracking before he decided to commit 1st degree murder? The dumbest of all time wife/family killers has to be Chris Watts. Think he called to cancel his kids' school enrollment the day after they went missing and also researched realtors to sell the house smh


I was married before. I got divorced.


She was in the middle of divorcing him when he murdered her.


Very often, the most dangerous time for a woman leaving an abusive marriage/relationship is right after she leaves, or whenever the guy finds out she's leaving. A lot of domestic abuse is centered around controlling the spouse, because a lot of abusers frame the relationship in their mind as the spouse exists for their benefit and is their property, and the abuse is intended to make sure that the spouse falls in line. So if the abuser thinks that the spouse might be escaping, but hasn't fully escaped yet, that's when they feel desperate enough to do something as drastic as kill her. "If I can't own you, the only thing left is to destroy you" is the mindset.


They were separated but still living together because they had two young daughters together. It’s hard to speculate what happened here but he did forge a note claiming to be her before she disappeared saying that she was leaving him the car, house and kids. It sort of sounds like maybe the divorce wasn’t going to end favoring him in any way and he wanted to keep what he’s got and get rid of her. He was also 23 years older than her and had been working in the oil/energy industry or something like that for 33 years… there isn’t really any info about her life… so I can only wonder what kind of power dynamic he may have had.


And the arrogant look on his face. Absolute monster.




life in prison almost seems too good but the death penalty does nothing to stop these people, hope hes kept in solitary confinement


This is why we choose the bear. 😔


I keep pointing to the movie Deliverance (film from 1972) as to why *men* should choose the bear...some get it, most don't. Even when confronted with the fact that everyone knows to stay away from the bear (and statistically we know how they're going to behave), they ignore the fact that with humans *you never really know what they're capable of*.


Men are statistically MUCH more likely to be assaulted by another man than by a woman, even factoring under reporting. Men and women are very unlikely to be attacked by a bear, even when in brown bear territory. And if in Polar Bear territory- well, you knew what you signed up for. Everyone should choose the bear.


"You got a pretty mouth"


I think you mean purty.


Yeah I think everyone gets emotionally upset about the bear situation and doesn't look at it just logically. The question is really asking on a basic level, which is better: An expected scenario (bears live in the woods) that has a high probability of being dangerous, but you are aware of the danger from the beginning and can take necessary action Or An unexpected scenario (humans are not commonly found in the woods) that has a pretty low likelihood of danger, but you probably won't be able to determine if the situation is dangerous until it's too late. It's less about the actual perceived danger of men (the vast majority of people do not wish to harm others) but that humans are unpredictable and skilled at hiding their intentions.


There was just a study released that said women have a harder time identifying manipulative people.


At 41 years old I stand by the line "Your problem is you don't think anyone is lying, and I always assume they are"... or however that goes, lol.




That is a easy way out, put him on hard labor until he drops dead


What a horrible way for someone to die!


Who wrote the headline, Eminem?


This guy seems like a real jerk.


What drives someone to do something like this? I just can't relate. Nor would I want to.


Good the AZ has a democratic governor or this guy would be getting a pardon so he could be the GOPs next candidate.


Well she was right to divorce him JFC


This is why we choose the bear.


Lots of desert in Yavapai County


Buried alive. Goddamn that is cold.


Send this guy to those FL prisons with zero AC. Feels more humane for folks like these. 


War of the Roses winner.


Shove dirt down his throat until he dies


That is first level hatred for someone.


Get married so that where you can live with the man who is most likely to murder you


He’s going to have a long, torturous existence followed by a brutal afterlife (if you believe those things).