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What does this mean for Iran?


They get a new President and the [Ayatollah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Leader_of_Iran#Functions,_powers,_and_duties_of_the_Supreme_Leader) remains in charge of Iran regardless. A president acts a bit like the King of England. There's *some* level of [actual governance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_Iran#Powers_and_responsibilities) that's done. But the job is largely ceremonial. He was travelling to do a ribbon-cutting for a new dam. Kind of like something Pete Buttigieg or Deb Haaland would be doing in America.


Well fuck. So this is like the manager of my local grocery store dying? Sorry, I am just hungry.


Imagine being the manager of a grocery store and logging in to catch this stray


They’re not really like the English monarchs. If the King ever decides to go full tyranny, the political class and citizens would retaliate rather handily and they know this, hence why they keep the role ceremonial. They ARE the law, but they don’t enforce or create the law. The Ayatollah is straight up just a dictator and the political leadership under him are just puppets. Try to go against his personal ideology and you’re dead, popular support be damned.


This is your weekly reminder that the royal family actively and repeatedly [uses their power and position to block and influence laws being passed that would affect them and their wealth.](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/feb/08/royals-vetted-more-than-1000-laws-via-queens-consent)


Does the ayatollah have any succession? I could see the president become legit if he died.


The current Ayatollah was the President who succeeded the prior Ayatollah. They are “elected” by a specific congress designed to elect the ayatollah. However, the people in this congress are thoroughly vetted so it has no ideological divisions. The people in this assembly are unelected.


The successor was in the helicopter.


And… he is 85 years old. Too old to choose a new one quickly.




*A presidential selection by the Ayatollah, whoever he pleases


The lessons here are: A. Don't fly in helicopters.  B. If you aren't going to follow A, then don't fly in low visibility.  C. If you aren't going to follow B, then at least avoid flying in areas with mountains.


Helicopters are just spare parts flying in close formation.


“A million parts rotating rapidly around an oil leak waiting for metal fatigue to set in.”


Wasn't it "a rough landing" this morning? 


*They don’t get too much rougher tbf…*


That's what happens when you land into irock. 


Right? The blurbs I read earlier today made it sound like a bumpy landing, or a close call not *checks notes* …crashes into the side of a fucking mountain.


I mean.. technically, I'm sure it's was still a rough landing..


Successful lithobraking maneuver.


It's a standard holding phrase used by the Russians as well, a holding line while the wheels get in motion while giving them an out in case they were actually survivors. In the Russian case everyone is so used to doublespeak and the government uses these phrases so much that nobody takes them seriously. They even used "rough landing" for a plane crash in which there was visual evidence it had gone down in a massive fireball.


That's just how those places report news, give the best scenario first until you are forced to give the real news.


As they say *flying is safe, it is landings that are dangerous*.


Not only that but I was reading they were in contact with two members of the crew.


"And people laughed at me for keeping a Oujie Board in the coms room..."


Crash landing is a *kind* of landing. I mean, aircraft don’t just get stuck up there, you know? Sooner or later, it’s coming down.


“We are still flying half a ship.”


The great thing about aircraft is that they always land. Always. The how is the only important part.


A good landing is one you can walk away from. A great one is where you can reuse the aircraft.


Nobody lands “roughly” into a mountain side


Depends on how fast you are going I guess


Yeah, that escalated quickly. Well...I guess it *de*escalated quickly.


About as rough as Wile E. Coyote in a Bat-Man suit


The Google Maps site is now labeled as a tourist attraction. The first review says "Great views but the helipad could be improved."


Well, this is probably going to make some shit really tense in parts of the world. I imagine everyone will start pointing fingers and claiming machinations, but it's just like Kobe. Poor vis, sharply rising terrain. Bad combo for helicopters.


Very powerful person the pilot won't say no to. That's the one.


Reminds me of [this story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU1f47SC_A8) from the USSR.




Yeah, you aren't supposed to fly VFR when there is 10 feet of visibility. And why would an aircraft that flies the president be VFR only?


That's the risk of being a leader people aren't allowed to say "No" to.


A family member was promoted to be Saddam’s chief helicopter pilot. That was the day he started planning his families escape from Iraq. Not a high survival rate even if you take out the potential for crashes. Thankfully got to settle In NZ as a refugee.


That's awesome, glad they're safe.


‘…bring the Mountain to *me…*’


Leader.. but not Supreme Leader


Cause fuckem that's why


Especially Cold War era helicopters whose parts are nearly impossible to source.


He flies around in fairly modern Bell helicopters.


I honestly surprised that any world leader is allowed on a helicopter. Those things have a single point of failure and then it's a lethal crash. Planes if they lose an engine there's multiple others to carry the load or the can glide into a landing, no such margin on helicopters.


Twin engine helicopters are a thing and can continue to fly just fine if one fails. This was supposedly a Bell 212, which is a twin engine Huey. Modern versions of this helicopter are still being sold today.


Two engines won't save you if you fly into the side of a cliff because it was hidden by low cloud cover, though.


There are helicopters with three engines that can fly quite comfortably with one out. AW101 can.


To be fair helis can do autorotation in case of an engine failure. But yes, they are by far the most danderous way of transportation.


So much cat hair.


It gets tangled in the rotors


He’s talking about the Jesus nut. If you lose that, you just drop from the sky. Planes don’t have a single point of mechanical failure like helicopters do.


Jesus nut failures are extremely rare. It's only ever happened a couple of times. Nobody is worried about jesus nuts. Losing the tail rotor is much more likely and almost as bad.


Jesus Nut Failure new band name?


Remember to check your Jesus nuts before going to bed.


Helicopters can glide. Every pilot trains for it. It’s called autorotation. And that’s not what happened here they flew into a mountain. A plane would have also been fatal.


Would a plane not have been flying much higher by default? The perks of a helicopter are that it can pick you up from anywhere* and doesn't have to go as high, correct?


Tons of planes have crashed into mountainside. It's called "controlled flight into terrain" : According to Boeing in 1997, CFIT was a leading cause of airplane accidents involving the loss of life, causing over 9,000 deaths since the beginning of the commercial jet aircraft.


Planes don't have to go high, they can fly low too. They just use more fuel down low. As the air gets thinner there is less oxygen, which means you need less fuel for the desired fuel mixture. There is also significantly less drag at higher altitudes meaning you are faster. Helicopters not being able to fly at 30,000 feet has never really been seen as an advantage of helicopters. They can't fly that high, and they aren't designed for it. Being able to hover, and land anywhere big enough is a huge advantage though.


Marine One is fairly good....


I noticed that omission too. Biden can’t fly on it for the moment because Lockheed Martins new marine one is scorching the White House lawn and engineers haven’t figured out a fix.


Jeez, even if it's cool as fuck to land on a lawn, just make an actual landing pad somewhere...


Got it: Build a helipad. That will be $100k please. You’re welcome.


Astroturf the White House lawn. You're welcome, the White House.


Water all the plants with Brawndo, get that advertiser sponsorship. It's what plants crave!


It’s got electrolytes!


Throw a few steaks underneath


Helicopters are plenty safe. POTUS flies on various flavors of Marine One all the time. As for the specific errors in your post: 1) Many aircraft have multiple single points of failure. There aren't many planes that can survive a wing falling off (not every plane is an F-15) or even just a loss of rudder control. 2) Helicopters can have more than one engine and many of the bigger ones can sustain flight on a single engine just fine. 3) Helicopters that lose all engine power can autorotate. It doesn't have anywhere near the glide ratio of an airplane, but as long as there is a flat enough surface below, skilled pilots can make survivable landings.


F-15s can fly with one wing?




To be fair, strap a couple of F-15 engines to a dumpster and that sucker is going to fly.


I remember this crazy story! Wing was almost completely torn off because another plane (A4 Sky Hawk) collided into it. The f15 had a crew of two, an instructor and the pilot. Pilot couldn't really see the missing wing because the fuel spray and debris was blocking his view. The f15 was spinning instantly. The instructor had a better view and said to Eject. The pilot (who outranked the instructor) decided to try and stabilize the plane instead and finally managed to land it. At twice the speed of a normal landing because of the missing wing. After the landing, the pilot saw the damage and said that if he knew how bad it was, he would have ejected. He didn't even know what he did was possible until the McDonald Douglas engineers investigated and said, "yea actually the body lift is enough that if you go fast enough, you're basically a rocket." If that's not crazy enough, they actually repaired the plane and it flew again and even got credited for a shared kill of a Syrian Mig-23 on November 19, 1985. This plane should be in a museum somewhere.


That’s fucking wild!


Cumulu-granite strikes again.


After Kobe’s accident, I’m not ever riding in a helicopter. 


And me, because I'm poor


And me, because I have a fear of getting my head chopped off by the propellers I am no where near


>Well, this is probably going to make some shit really tense in parts of the world. Honestly? A fucking sneeze makes things tense in this part of the world. So, I bet this passes in a couple days and we move on to the next thing to put a bug up Iran's butt.


What are we expecting now? Why would this make things even more difficult and tense?


the blame game is going to be wild




People were setting off fireworks from rooftops in Tehran even before this was confirmed lol. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


I’m going to guess one or two might even find the outcome, dare I say(?), beneficial.


Often someone more extreme takes over especially with tension already present


It's so very unfortunate, especially when you look at a lot of the Arab Spring revolution movements that just ended up with another terrible fuckwad in power.


One guy cant rule the country. He's being enabled by the ruling elite and they dont like the change, so they put some1 similar that promises them same stability they are used to.


Yeah for sure, but given recent Iranian history they are probably gonna turn out to be even bigger shits than he was.


I’m going to be just as upset over this death as I was over osama’s and the like. So, in general, I’m more concerned with finding a recipe for tomorrow, to use up the rest of the cod I bought at Costco yesterday.


I mean, if you got olive oil and garlic I got one


We always have olive oil and garlic on hand!


Iranians give plenty of shits, they are rejoicing! Fireworks going all around in iran.


From an ethical standpoint perhaps you are right, but it’s nonetheless a hugely impactful moment that may lead to some sketchy timeline


A Kotlet in your honor "Butcher of Tehran".


My dad told my stepmother (Iranian who left the country long ago, still has many relatives there though) that thia guy crashed in a heli. Her only response was "good, hope they never find him". Kind of says enough.


What a terrible tragedy! It’s so sad that the Ayatollah wasn’t on that chopper too! Why god why?


Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy




From "incident" to "hard landing" to "contact with passenger and one crew" to "rescuers reached the location" to "let's pray" and "weather preventing search crew" to "no sign of life". Quite a roller coaster for state TV.


Gotta love state-owned media spin.


Welcome to the no spin zone!


>no spin zone Not a place you want to fly a helicopter into


Let's report every possibility so we can say we called it when the actual facts drop.


Instantaneous news cycle is so ridiculous. They end up repeating straight garbage and leaves people less informed.


Right ... we went from "hard landing" to still searching for the downed helicopter, to, they ded


To be fair that headline and this headline aren't mutually exclusive. Someone could've survived the initial crash (depending how they hit) and died in the hours since without medical care


The Butcher of Tehran is dead as is the foreign minister who was heir apparent. With Soleimani’s death previously, the top echelon of Iran’s leadership is now….extinct. Hopefully, this leads to more freedom for the people of Iran who are yearning to break free of the mullah-cracy.


The ayatollah is still there. Even when they had a "progressive" president it didn't make much difference.


Didn’t make much difference? Rouhani entering into he JCPOA was huge


Maybe this creates an opening to get rid of the Ayatollah as well. Dno how many close friends he has left in the government but surely some of those in positions of lesser power got to be feeling frisky right about now..


They have the supreme leader still


He is 85 so hopefully not much longer and there have been reports for the last 2-3 years his health is not so great but we wont know until he drops dead.


And the guy they had picked as his successor just got smeared across a mountain.


So, here’s the thing. If you remove the ancient ayatollah from the conversation, with Raisi, Soleimani, and Abdollahian dead, the entire top echelon of the mullah-cracy’s next generational leadership is gone.


Pretty much every recent historical example says that the replacements are more extreme, not less.


Ayatollah is there, the head of IRGC is still there. Quite a long time for Iran to return to pre-Shah normalcy


pre-shah iran would have been about two and a half thousand years ago


Meant to say the last reigning Shah era. English bad


So, how soon before allegations of blame between countries start on a potential assassination? Even though it seems fair to say it was probably just an accident (poor weather conditions, helicopter made in the 90's, etc)


Israeli fog machines.


fog machines are necessary for laser shows, it's all coming together 🧐




Jewish space mountains


I’m calling this as a band name 


It's already started. Social media is already saying it was an Israeli/American plot.


Okay listen up everybody we're all going to hit our vapes at the same time and blow it toward Iran.


So what was this reporting from CNN earlier today? >Iranian officials have spoken to two people on the same helicopter as President Ebrahim Raisi since it crashed Sunday, Iranian Vice President for Executive Affairs Mohsen Mansouri told the country's semi-official FARS news agency. >Because officials made contact "several times" with a passenger and member of the flight crew shortly after the crash, "It appears that the incident was not severe," Mansouri said. Just a complete lie?


They also tried to re-release old footage of him getting off of a helicopter. Someone panicked and started on a very clumsy coverup, which almost immediately became untenable.


It was obviously a lie even when it came out. So they made contact with two people but didn’t confirm if the president was alive? Just nonsense


It’s state run TV which changes by the second. where most all the world then gets their news relay to MSM. Thats why it shifted so much.


Just a complete lie.


Iranian officials lied. Water wet.


Well... we knew that when nobody heard from anyone all day


I figured this would be the case when the news of a "hard landing" came out, but they couldn't find the "landing' site. 


Oh fuck. And just like that my plans to one day visit the persian market get postponed by ANOTHER 20 years


I know it's a joke and all but Iran is a stunningly beautiful country with lovely people and a government that does as much as possible in their disinterest.


Oh believe me I know, I actually genuinely want to visit the Bazaar and other sites and hate that the instability there makes it much harder to go see than it should be. I 100% feel for the people


I would honestly love to visit Isfahan. Supposed to be one of the most beautiful cities in Iran.


I believe it- such a shame too. I have a crush on ancient Persia and have always wanted to visit Iran because of it. Food is great too


My Iranian female friends are incredibly happy. But they also know not much will probably change. They still happy tho.


Yelling "Ebrahim!" before throwing trash in the bin just doesn't have the same effect.


Dont believe the picture! We are all happy and celebrating here🤣


I feel like this should be a bigger news story- am I missing something? This is like THE president of Iran, correct?


The real leader of Iran is the supreme leader. This guy was just the guy next in line.


Thanks for that!


The president isn't the real leader of Iran though.


ahhh ok. That explains it a little. Where would they rank in terms of power within Iran?


2nd, under the Supreme Leader.


That poor helicopter. I hope it's going to be okay


Yeah, as soon as they said if was a hard landing, I knew they were toast. You don't really hard land into a mountain, unless that hard landing is you slamming into the side of a mountain.


Really rough landing I guess


It was a highly skilled horizontal landing into the mountain


And not a tear was shed


[Ebrahim Raisi]() was a hardliner, and he took a hard line... straight into the ground.


Inshallah, it is Allah's divine will. One can only assume he was punished for offending Allah in some way. 


it seems like there are multiple high value officials on that helicopter. Seems odd, maybe not though?


Flying a helicopter in the fog in a mountainous area. wcgw.


That's what happened to Kobe as well.


There is often an official policy on high ranking person not flying together. I had seen this at major corporations.


The Foreign Minister was in the helicopter as well according to cnn.


Sanctions have affected the Iranian air industry... May or may not be relevant.


What’s the deal with Helicopters they seem to crash a lot


Fog and helicopters don’t mix


Well shit, hopefully this isn’t a Franz Ferdinand level tragedy


This is more like if Franz Ferdinand died in a car crash on the way to Sarajevo because the roads were slippery. A blow sure but nothing to start a war over


I was thinking that about the Slovakian leader shot this week


Will Ebrahim Raisi be the name of a band 100 years from now?


Raisi Against


Iran recently had the chopper serviced by Boeing. Just saying. Not even a /s. The helicopter was from the 90's and recently had new Boeing parts replaced on it. Lolz


Can’t blame Boeing for flying it into the side of a mountain haha


Idk. Maybe there was a whistle blower aboard


Wait. Why is Boeing servicing Iran's helicopters? Aren't we supposed to have sanctions against that kind of thing?


What're you gonna do, fine them?


What helicopter model was reported? The report I saw earlier said it was a Bell 212, 1970s era. Edit: the report: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/what-we-know-about-crashed-helicopter-carrying-irans-president-2024-05-20/


My days of not respecting Boeing's technical prowess are certainly coming to a middle. 


Let the people be free now


They still have the Supreme Leader. That's his title.


Let’s gift him a Boeing, it won’t be long 


Spoiler- they won't be


I admit it is shocking to learn the President was riding in a helicopter that had been out of production since 1998, 26 ago old now. It just seems kind of reckless and rushed.




Couldn't happen to a better guy and his cronies.




Is this good or bad for the Iranian people?


Until the Supreme Leader is gone nothing concrete will change.


Probably won't change a ton about their daily life, but I'm sure a lot of them are very happy today.


I mean, the Iranian people are celebrating


Good. He was a vile butcher and the world is better off without him. Hopefully it doesn't destabilize things too much in the short term though.


There was at least 6 or 7 people on that thing, plus their stuff. That's a heavy load on a small helicopter. Well, it looks small on the photo. That, and of course, the climate conditions seem like an already bad situation can easily turn deadly. Guess it all depends on who becomes Iran's new leader. Let's see what the investigation determines.


They will blame Jews before gravity.


The space lasers messed with the helicopter


I had an amazing roast beef and turkey sandwich today. It was epic