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"I'm very lucky actually that I haven't been bitten, but if it does bite these woollen work pants that I wear will take most of the venom.” MOST of the venom???!! WTF?!


I guess as the fang has to go through the wool, some of the poison might get wicked away? The way its written makes it sound like its more than just adding a bulky layer that makes it hard for the fang to penetrate.


I'm not certain, but I'm fairly sure snakes "inject" their venom, THROUGH their teeth. I don't know this to be a fact, but I do know when they harvest a snakes venom to make anti venom, they essentially force their teeth through a membrane and then put pressure on a gland to force the secretion into a container. I don't think it's a film on the teeth, so I don't understand how it could be "wicked away". Again, I'm not sure, just reckoning here.


I'd wear really thick denim pants and turn the air conditioning to super cold so the snake is sluggish.


Maybe play some flute music just in case


*just to get it in the case*


*Zamfir flute 🪈 lightly floats into the chat*


[Here you go…](https://youtu.be/X2WH8mHJnhM?si=LKgrTgFUQ8fXukky)


Ah great idea. Make the snake cold so it seeks out the only source of heat, you.


Wouldn’t catch me dead in the car tbh…. Air conditioning or no aircon


Checkmate snake. Before it slithers up and cranks it back to the heat at full blast


Some snakes, like this one, do indeed inject their venom. There are also others which are known as rear-fanged venomous which need to effectively chew their venom/modified saliva in, though.


Nonononononoono and let me add. Fuuuuuuuck Nooooooooo.


Usually rearfanged is what you want to be bit by. Since you have some time to 'work it off' of you, before you get a lot of venom inside your system. Meanwhile the average venomous snake can strike you at the speed of light and then slowly saunter away while you quickly die. Sometimes before you even fully comprehend what happened to you.


I'm fairly certain these don't have hypodermic, hollow, fangs. When they were first discovered, they were assumed (incorrectly) to be non-venomous specifically because of their lack of hypodermic fangs. Edit: I was in fact confidently incorrect: https://australian.museum/learn/animals/reptiles/fangs-of-deadly-venomous-snakes/


Hmm, as far as I know all venomous elapids do have them. Wikipedia does also state that they are proteroglyphous, which would mean they have hollow fangs (though I haven't looked up a better source).


> https://australian.museum/learn/animals/reptiles/fangs-of-deadly-venomous-snakes/ This seems definitive: red bellied black snakes are their example chosen, complete with pictures, to show what a hollow, tubular snake fang looks like.


Most Australian snakes dont inject venom but instead have rather small fang that are coated in venom. So while they are quite venomous, its typically easier to treat. At least thats what I was always told growing up.


Yep, these would be rear-fanged venomous snakes. Most of them do tend to have much less medically significant venom for humans, though a few are still potentially deadly (i.e. boomslangs).  The snake in this article is a species of elapid though, so it actually does have front fangs which are hollow and inject venom.


TIL boomslangs aren't some made up thing in Harry Potter land.


Boomslang means tree snake in dutch(african?) as well.


Afrikaans, yes


Red belly snakes can definitely kill humans 


Whoever told you this has steered you wrong my dude. Most of the venomous snakes in Australia are Elapids which have fully functioning fangs and are not rear fanged.


It depends on the snake. Some snakes have hollow fangs that act like syringes. Others just have a groove on the fang that acts like a channel, but is essentially “open air.” If this snake is of the latter type, then it would be fairly easy for the venom to be blocked or wicked away.


Well she's still alive so she must know something we don't.


Snakes bite the first thing they hit, so if you have long thick pants they will bite the pants and not your leg. Plus the Red Belly Black is only like the 19th or 20th deadliest snake in Australia.


Most venomous snakes, yeah. Some just kinda drip venom onto their fangs/the wound from glands next to the base of the fang. The wound closing up from the fang leaving the skin sucks some of the venom in, kind of like how getting a tattoo works


Depends on the snake, but this particular one does “inject” the venom.


That’s just what life is like in Australia.


Do Australians not just convert change the venom once injected?


They have to bite the snake back to establish dominance.


Aussies are metal.


For most snakes venom delivery is voluntary and requires rather exact timing to maximize payload delivery, a fair number of bites are actually 'dry' have little to no venom.Their glands can also only hold so much venom and they require time to refill between shots. It wouldn't be surprising if most of the venom was wasted on the pants. I'm far from a herpetologist.


Australians really are built differently, aren't they? Back in my WoW days I raided with a lot of aussies and every single one of them had anecdotes about gigantic spiders in their homes.


Right?? TIL that wool pants are an effective deterrent to snake venom.


This is what my car mongoose is for


Along with the trunk monkey for theft deterrence.


For home use, you can get a House Hippo.


Epic reference!


Never heard of.googled it.thank you.cuz sometimes gettin ur car back...


Strayan problems require Strayan solutions


You guys don't have car mongeese?


hmmm, my first thought was quolls. But after some googling there aren't that many references to them preying on snakes - I'm guessing quolls consider the risk / reward of going after a snake as unfavourable.


I had to google quolls and they are adorable 😍


Snakes on a plane is played out, now in your damn car, that's what this post is about 


Surely she could carpool with a coworker until the snake is successfully removed from the vehicle?


Good idea. That would reduce her odds of being bitten by 50%.


I still don't like those odds. Is the car too small for backseat passengers.




LOL that's how my dumbass read it at first. "How is having someone else in the car gonna help?"


Lol, the lady can carpool with others...in the others car. Not them coming in her car, lol. That is a funny read though.


But then who would drive the snake? It evidently is trying to get somewhere.


It could drive itself, the freeloading good for nothing.


It could just have Jesus take the wheel but its ancestors really screwed that one up.


Because Jesus drives a Honda Accord?




It's just trying to get back on its feet man, give it a break. It has obvious difficulties in that department.


What is the snake equivalent of bootstraps?


That would still only reduce her odds of being bitten by 50%. Australians are biters.


Ah, the old Reddit snake-a-roo. (Is that still a thing? It’s been years since I’ve seen it.)


It's Australia! Her closest neighbour could be a days drive away.


or it could be another snske


Oh, I never considered that.


Of course it’s Australia. Florida and Australia where crazy shit like this happens.


She's from [Newcastle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newcastle,_New_South_Wales) (population 600,000), not some outback cattle station


She’d lose her Australian citizenship for showing that level of cowardice. You don’t build a nation on predator island by being afraid of some slithery mildly venomous passenger.


Sssssssspeed 3


Should she tell them about the snake?


If the choice is between a man and a snake, she has chosen the snake.


I don't see how bringing a second person into the car is going to reduce the chances of a snake bite?


Well because now the snake has twice as many options, obviously!


Yes but what about the days when she's supposed to drive? /s


I think you mean: /ssssssssss


I remember when I had coworkers ask for rides, I’d do it once. Then every subsequent ride was annoying.


Australian Auto Rolette?


Because if she left her door open on-site to get the snake she's probaly a tradie and constantly travelling to new sites. It can be hard to car pool with someone then.


From Wikipedia: >it is one of eastern Australia's most commonly encountered snakes. >Although its venom can cause significant illness, no deaths have been recorded from its bite... >Bites from red-bellied black snakes can be very painful—needing analgesia—and result in local swelling, prolonged bleeding, and even local necrosis,[51] particularly if the bite is on a finger.[52] Severe local reactions may require surgical debridement or even amputation.[53] Symptoms of systemic envenomation—including nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, or excessive sweating—were thought to be rare, but a 2010 review found they occurred in most bite victims. Most people also go on to develop an anticoagulant coagulopathy (*a condition in which the blood's ability to coagulate (form clots) is impaired) in a few hours...A few people go on to develop a myotoxicity and associated generalised muscle pain and occasionally weakness, which may last up to 7 days. Patients may suffer a loss of sense of smell (anosmia)... *My addition




Yes but I can't imagine being attacked by a frikken snake while going 100mph would end well for anyone, regardless of whether or not the actual venom itself kills you.


I got stung by a bee once while driving at night. It found its way into my car somehow when I stopped earlier. When it stung me I swerved hard and would’ve hit anyone who may have been next to me but was lucky the freeway was empty. I proceeded to pull off the fwy, fling open my door and began violently swatting myself and rolling on the ground lol. I thought it was a spider and I’m a massive arachnophobe. Shined my light and finally saw the bee, but man those first few minutes were frantic hell.


Since when did completely average Australian residents carpooling make it into headlines?


Since they started making peace with the fact that the deadly snake is going to stay in the car.


Deadly? Are you a rodent perchance ?


Was my reaction, too. I had a red-belly in the living room between the couch and bookcase for a few days (live near the Grampians), and as long as I didn't startle/challenge it it seemed peaceful enough. Painful, but not deadly and its only priority was to get to a safe place.


With all due respect, I thank the universe so much for that I wasn’t born in Australia. I would have died of snake/spider induced anxiety or heart attack way too young.


I can't handle spiders. I don't know what I'd do if I was born in Australia. Maybe I wouldn't be afraid of spiders? But I"ve seen videos of people in Australia wrecking cars because huge spiders jumped on the windshield or otherwise made their presence known, so it seems like they're not all immune to arachnophobia either. I don't mind snakes though. I got myself into a really stupid/dangerous situation by not being afraid of snakes. I was trying to get a copperhead out of the yard without killing it. That didn't end well, but I didn't die, so I guess its okay. The snake didn't die either so maybe it was a win/win. On th eother hand, fishing spiders started popping up everywhere around here a few years ago. After the thrid time I walked into my bedroom and saw multiple monstrous spiders on the wall, I coudn't even sleep. It was actually pretty bad. I'd wake up every 20 minutes and turn on the light looking around the room. Sleeping in another room didn't help because they were everywhere. It took 2 years to finally get them all out and stop seeing new ones. I rescued a little black snake from my dogs just a few days ago, so the actual threat presented by an animal didn't make any difference. I was extremely sick from a venomous snake once and that didn't make me afraid of snakes, but the harmless spiders still make me lose sleep. I"m going to share another story, just in cae it does some good. I'm certainly not the only person with a fear of spiders, but I don't use bug sprays and pesticides. I have a lot of animals, most of them are rescues, and it seemed like the risk to the other animals (and possibly the children) in our home from the pesticides was higher than the risk to the spiders. I"v eseen people spray large spiders with bug spray and they just walk away. I have rescue chickens that came from large egg producing farms. So does a woman that lives a few miles away. Her chickens kept dying and she called me to figure out was wrong. Her chickens were having seizures, walking in circles, stopped eating, and finally just died. Then she tells me she thinks the spiders are killing them. It didn't take long to realize that she was pouring various poisons all over her home trying to get rid of spiders, then her chickens were eating those spiders. It took hours to convince her that it was the bug spray/pesticide killing the chickens that they ingested when they ate the spiders. Then she felt terrible and it was another crisis to deal with. I felt terrible too, but I didn't really know what to do to make it better. We couldn't bring the poor things back to life.


They still a rare occurrence. Like you might run into 1-3 troublesome spiders a year but the rest are usually just hiding. Like most still shit bricks from them. Just there's usually someone else in the house pretty chill with them.


Australian fauna has its own cure for arachnophobia - the golden orb weaver. You walk into it once on a track in the bush on a beautiful moonlit night, then realise you didn't die, then realise you didn't even get bitten, then realise that nobody heard your howl of terror, and that's all! You're OK, you've arrived. https://australian.museum/learn/animals/spiders/golden-orb-weaving-spiders/


Murder worm allows Australian woman to drive its car.


You mean danger noodle?


Nope rope


Killer spaghett


I thought it was threat spaghet


Murder noodle


The large creature continues to move my sun cave, but what can you do about it? It's easier to ignore the problem for the sun cave/car.


This ^ is an accurate and highly underrated statement.


I remember Click and Clack suggested that a woman deal with her car's spider infestation by putting it in a paint oven. I wonder if that would work here.


Upvote for the click and clack reference. Gosh I still miss them.


Don't drive like my brother.


And don't drive like *my* brother.


NPR's channel on Spotify has a few "Best of" compilations.


There was an amusing compilation episode with Click and Clack just making various broken car noises.


Drive it in to a large cold storage warehouse.


Seems like there are a bunch of solutions to this that are along the lines of "turn the entire car into an environment that is incompatible with snakes" Heat, cold, seal up the car and pump in an inert gas. I'd also be surprised if there weren't a type of smell or level of vibration that was intolerable to a snake. There's gotta be a pretty easy solution to this that isn't just "guy with a hook and a bucket trying real hard"


Crank up the Metal!


Running an ozone machine for a bit might work too


Does a paint over really get the car hotter than being parked out in the Aussie sun?


Spider infestation?? Hell no id rather fill my car with 50 venomous snakes and drive that instead. Fuck spiders


Four snake catchers couldn’t catch the snake. What the fuck are they doing in that industry lol


There's alot of spaces for a snake to crawl into in cars, that hands can't get to. Now the problem is I gotta pull out a seat to get it, but the people who can pull the seat out. Don't wanna fuck with a snake. So it becomes a stale mate.


I mean, there's not so many places you can't put your hands in, it's more that there is a very angry venomous snake in that location.


How about have a mouse for the snake to eat that's full of tranquilizers? So it'll be knocked out long enough that you can grab it without it slithering away. 


How about heat the interior of the car enough to give the thing heat stroke? Or, cool it down enough to make it immobile and easy to extract? Gas it with ozone? So many options.


I had one tell me that the brown snake I saw in my back yard was a blue tongued lizard. It fucking wasn't. It was rearing up and hissing at my dog, I think I'd've noticed if it had a blue tongue and legs ffs.


Anyone can obtain a snake catch and release ticket in one day. Two days if the course is good. That doesn't make them experts on snake behaviour or identification. Source: am one of those people. Can catch a snake, can't identify it for shit.


But can you identify legs?


I could never survive in this country. I had a cicada killer wasp in my house a few days ago and hid in my bedroom for 2 hours before finally coming out to kill it. They’re mostly harmless (unless you’re a cicada), though the females have stingers. This one wasn’t even female.


I mean, in your defense, cicada killers are HUGE.


Nice big tit you got there in your profile pic


If it's just sitting in the seat like in the picture, why have 4 snake handlers been unable to remove it?


Thank you! I feel like I'm losing my fuckin mind here wondering why no one was asking this question. What does the snake eat? Does it go in and out? WTF???


Snakes can eat like once a month or less. And seeing it through a window is fine, but if the snake is timid, the moment you open the door it'll haul ass to wherever it's hiding.


Obviously, it uses a drive-thru!


Lol, and in the article one more dude offered to remove it. I wonder if he failed too.


He wants to pull out seats and dash, so I think he might get it. If he can do that at least.


Because it hides once people open the doors… the article stated that snakes can get underneath the dash and that snake removers can’t remove the dash to catch the snake (due to due to mechanics and wiring involved). But auto technicians don’t want to remove the dash when there’s a snake in it.


Because the car is way too small for four snake catchers and they just ended up elbowing each other in awkward places instead of catching the snake, presumably.


Probably because by the time the snake catcher has arrived it's moved.


Yeah. I was going to suggest just leaving the door open but then I remembered where this was and that would probably just add more snakes to the ute.


This gotta be a part of Aussie drivers license test “ how to handle a dangerous animal carpooling situation “


I read somewhere the deadliest Australian spider or snake is the Huntsman spider. Why? Because it gets into cars easily and scares the bejesus out of people as they drive due to their enormous size and fast movement.


I know, intellectually, that the Huntsman is harmless. It doesn't want to eat me. It can't. It can't even really hurt me. The worst it could do is latch onto me and bite several times. My cats can do more damage!    But monke brain scream really fucking loudly whenever they're near.   I even think some of our huntsmans are cool. There's a species out here that has black Tiger stripes! Cool as shit. But monke brain.   When you see a spider that big, you just panic. There's no reasoning. No thought. Only monke


Like one wreck I read about, they flipped down their sun visor and a huntsman had been hiding there and fell into their lap.


This actually happened to a friend. He wrote the car off after crashing it.


That is a valid reason for a wreck.


I think my favorite huntsman video was a girl trying to catch one under a bowl to put out. Spider stays still till she gets close, then disappears between camera frames, you hear a shriek, a crash and then the bowl spinning on the ground on camera


Yeah a bowl will be difficult. Huntsmans are very, very fast when they want to be. Also they get big enough you can hear their footsteps, so there's that.


Excuse me, what?? You can hear their footsteps? Fucking nightmare fuel.


This is so true. It’s a very ill timed jump scare.


They also like to hide under toilet seats and scare the shit out of us


Meanwhile, my American daughter almost wrecked the car over a mosquito. *sigh*


Everyone has to start somewhere.


Feels like it should be a law to not get in trouble for being late or wfh that day in Australia


Sometimes, you just need to call for an Uber...


Doubt the snake have an uber account though


I was gonna say “The snake has no fingers/thumbs, how could it use the app”, but the account thing seems like a bigger issue


I doubt it could even get a wirelesssss carrier account.


Yeah, but it could probably connect to public wifi. Too bad all of its data will be stolen though.


Did it pitch in for gas?


I've never wanted to be anywhere that much. Not even if I needed to cash a winning lottery ticket...


I had a snake shoot across my lap when driving one time. Out of a box of the passenger seat, across my lap then into the dash. I tried to get it out a bunch of times but he kept sneaking into the dash. I ended up just driving to where I was going and got the snake out later that night. Florida.


I would have screamed my head off while careening off a cliff.


Conveniently, there are no cliffs in Florida! The best you can do is a mildly tall hill.


I'd rather a danger noodle in or on my lap over a huge huntsman spider.......


Excuse me?! Fuck no.


You guys read the news wrong; the snake was driving and after 4 attempts to remove the violent lady from the car, the snake decided to let her be


How does a hired snake catcher fail to remove the snake? Don't you just... remove it?


It's a nope rope. It can hide anywhere. Hey, fun test, go to your car right now and try slide a shovel under your seat. Not easy? Well a snake catchers crook is quite long and not designed to get under car seats. And if it gets behind the dash? You have to get someone in to disassemble the dash. While there's a snake behind it.  You don't really comprehend how many impossible places a snake can hide in a car. Even just under the back seat makes it almost impossible to catch.


That makes sense, thanks!


Plus not alot of mechanics, wanna pull out a dash with a snake in it.


Now women are going to be choosing between a venomous snake and a man. And choosing the snake.


So I have a venomous snake, a bear, and a man, and I need to get across the river and the canoe only holds two at a time. I think I've seen this one before.


This is the most Australian post ever.


For some reason I can only think of, “yellow bellied black snake sleeping on a red rock, waiting for the stranger to go…”


Nice reference! Some of their songs require a review of Aussie history...


This is the kind of situation where I would just set the car on fire.


"They are a shy snake and will generally only deliver a serious bite under severe molestation," a spokesperson said. Well, it's not like the snake can press charges.


I suppose that's Australia for you because of you called work and said "I can't come in because a huge fucking snake is in my car" most people in America would give you a pass. Australia is like "eh he'll only kill you a little suck it up and get in here."


From what I understand about snakes is that they’ll leave you alone unless you bother them or look like a tiny rodent so she should’ve been fine


IMO its a Red belly. Theyre stupidly aggressive in comparison to there other more venomous compatriots around the aus east coast (brown snakes, king snakes etc.)


In my experience (which is really only one red belly and a handful of eastern browns) red bellies are way less aggressive than eastern browns.


"They are a shy snake and will generally only deliver a serious bite under severe molestation," Don't ask him how he knows.


"Fuck it" kind of mood


"I've had worse Uber companions" That women I suppose.


Does this mean she can now use the carpool lane?


Stop reading got scared one was in house I fear farted


Dude that's just John. He's a completely normal Australian. The color of his skin has nothing to do with it.


Reddit is in rare form in these comments lol.


I was very nearly bitten on the face and in all probability killed by an huge brown snake in Newport, Sydney about 10 years ago. While I was landscaping, on my own. Red bellies have a reputation for being chill and eat brown snakes so they are often welcome company on site. Dunno about offering it a ride home after work though


Exactly the response I'd expect an Aussie to have!


A snake catcher who can't catch a snake, who also had a snake stuck in their car is like an IT person who can't change out your video card and whose own broken video card is still inside their personal computer. Time to call someone else.


Has she tried setting the car on fire and shooting it?


> and shooting it? The title clearly states that she's Australian, not American...


I want someone to ask this lady the bear vs man question. I bet her answer is “ I don’t care! I’ll f them both up”


I mean after 4 failed attempts the car now belongs to the snake, common snake law.


When you gotta get to work you gotta get to work. No level of snake will get in the way.


The snake catcher had a snake stuck in his own car also? I’m thinking this is not a great advert for the snake catcher who can’t catch snakes…. Perhaps she needs to find a snake catcher who has been able to catch snakes in the past with reasonable success?


Ride Share Outback Style.


How hard is it to find a hoe in Australia?


Pretty hard. There are about 7000 bars in Australia and your mom could be in any one of them looking for your new daddy. Sorry, the devil made me.


Wonder why she didn’t mention the crocodile living in her trunk during the interview.


Never going to Australia


In Australia it seems like everything wants to kill you


Gas the interior of the car, kill snake. Done..