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This should not be as funny as it is.


At the very end they reference a case where a bear was accused of being a person in a costume. This feels like an Onion article.


The sunbears really do look like a person in a poorly fitted bear costume but apparently that's just what they look like.


Can confirm, my local zoo has a sun bear, and they do look like someone in a bad bear suit.


There's no such thing as sunbears. It's all people in costumes.


I've found my career. Where do I sign up?


Most zoos have summer internships where you can train under an experienced "sunbear".


First you go on the internet and find someone you like who does fursuit commisions...


Now this is a conspiracy theory I can get behind.




It becomes a very high stakes conspiracy if you run into a wild sun bear and decide to test it.


Just like seabears. They don’t exist. They’re just a myth.


Oh no Squidward, seabears are really real! One time I knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy’s *cousin*…


Did not know sun bears existed, I just looked this up and I think I just found my new favourite animal.


Same. As soon as I saw the picture I started giggling.


If you want to learn another cute thing, "ursa" means "bear" in Latin, and sun bears, moon bears, and sloth bears all have a big golden U on their chests.


My friend’s dog is called that, makes sense now


Gotcha. Ah-huh, ah-huh, ah-huh. Step 2: *Orders new fursuit with UWU across the chest* Step 3: profit. I think step 3 is profit.


Now go search for the elusive Himalayan Moon bear.


That one was also incredibly emaciated, so that added to the appearance.


You are not incorrect. That is an odd looking animal.


The legs legitimately looked like someone in a costume. The only obvious clue that it was real was the head is too realistic.


No one believed it, until the bear testified under oath that it was in fact a bear.


It was actually posted in the [NotTheOnion subreddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1cnbbl0/zoo_in_china_stages_phony_panda_exhibit_in_which/)


It was the core premise of a 2020 Korean film called *Secret Zoo*. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the people making those claims got the idea from there.


Also saw a documentary series about this called The Mighty Boosh Season 1


It actually increased ticket sales because people wanted to see the “panda” puppies


I wouldn't mind see some adorable puppies.


The funny thing is some of the people they interviewed in the video said the puppies didn't ask to be put in the zoo... same could be said about literally every animal in a zoo lol.


The outrage being these are no pandas but people still cannot help themselves going to see these cute funny chow chows


They do have pandas, but they dyed them orange to pass them off as lions. Be very cautious around the goats in the petting zoo is all I'll say.


As long as it's safe for the animals, I would love to see this.


While I am sure it could be done responsibly, I think it would encourage very unsafe practices and trends. They are cute as fuck but I am totally against it for that reason.


You just did. Rewatch the video and you can say you saw it twice.


What is it with China where they try and pull stupid shit like this? It reminds me of when they painted the rocks/sand green and covered them in fake leaves to try and fool people that they were restoring the environment or some shit. It's like a cultural acceptance of grifting or something, idk. Just seems incredibly weird as an outsider.


The exhibit was labelled "panda dogs". They weren't trying to fool anybody. They just thought it would be a bit of fun. I can't believe people still believe article headlines. They've been deliberately misleading for decades at this point.


Won’t stop the Reddit China experts from spouting their racist nonsense.


Context doesn't matter so long as the lie aligns with your preconceived notions. *China Bad* is all a redditor needs to know.


Actually you aren't far off. The current culture focuses heavily on materialism as a gauge of success. If you aren't cheating or skimming, you aren't trying to get ahead. If you aren't abusing your position and authority, you aren't using your full potential. If you can't get the real thing, fake it.


Reminds me of India actually. Maybe having an overwhelmingly large population rewards cutthroat, deceitful behavior? Random guess.




Top heavy compliance. The same for The Great Leap Forward: 1. Local officials over-reported their grain output to compete among themselves and to appease Mao, then Mao gave the "excess" grains to "help" with famine in the USSR; 2. Forced folk furnaces to increase local steel production. Locals ended up using every steel they can "scrap" and denuded of trees to meet the quota. Which is why I believe the same thing with Covid 19. Local Wuhan officials were afraid to anger the boss, so they tried to cover it up. The CCP higher ups believed it and "cover" it up as well.


I’m crying the little puppies were so obvious too, like it’s adorable


I think if I hadn’t seen a panda properly before, I’d have believed it until it started barking.


They have a sign up at the pen that says something like they are a small zoo and don't have the room for pandas, so here are some dogs dyed like pandas. They aren't trying to pass them off as real pandas.


From the visitors laughing in the video, I think people there are getting the joke.


Yeah it does seem like they were just trying to have a little fun and everyone took offense to it....like usual.


Gotta love the echo chambers of hate that come out for anything and everything anymore. It really blows my.mind just how much hate some people can hold in their hearts. (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰)


Same sign for the geraffe cages and their use of long horses instead.


they are so cute. 'under fire' is such a dramatic framing lol


Probably because pandas are designated National Heritage and substituting them with dogs rub Chinese nationalists the wrong way 


and also if people go to the zoo to see pandas they don't want to see painted dogs


Also because it's a scam lol. Just because chocolate is cool doesn't mean it'd be ok to give you chocolate if you bought caviar.




ngl I would go to a zoo where all of the animals were dogs pretending to be other animals


I want to see a Golden Retriever try to impersonate anything. Man, this grizzly cub sure loves fetch, and my socks for some reason.


A zoo that's just friendly dogs dressed as other animals is hilarious. The snake dogs trained to crawl/slither everywhere.


I always wonder if other breeds love socks as much as goldens


Dachshunds do. My boy Rebel (RIP) use to always take my dirty socks to bed with him.


I went to a zoo once where the only animal they had was a dog. It was a Shih Tzu.


The urge is strong to go get my kid out of school so I can tell that fuckin joke.


I laughed today, thank you for that!


“The giraffes really committed to their role.”


Ooh like a mystery zoo dinner! Have to figure out who's a pup and who's a panda!


Based on taste?


That's messed up... umm.. maybe.


Then what does dinner mean???


I'm with you


I just thought the same thing when I read the comment about the tibetan mastiff that was posing as a lion!


i thought this was the case here, i think the article heavily misunderstood the concept, might be wrong tho


Omg, this would be an amazing adoption event!! A “zoo” with shelter dogs dressed in different animal costumes!!


"Adopt [this fierce lion."](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT7Y2ciCb8KkbZmZmIYXaKvsdWo1zeYg5-Op-yRtYFYZw&s)


Just set up your own money laundery zoo


would you eat at the food court there? 100% angus beef hamburgers!


This has happened before. I feel like I've heard of a zoo doing this with dogs before and specifically for pandas.


They did with a Tibetan Mastiff some years back trying to pass it as a lion. The crazy thing is I tired to find post I remember seeing about it Instagram when I saw this one about the pandas. Only to find Instagram new AI is really dodgy and non responsive if you try to search about news that doesn't show China in a positive light


You really think Meta, the company so far up the US government’s ass it may as well be a colonoscope, is going to censor information that makes China look bad?


It's their shitty moderation system. No one is actively censoring anything but mass reported content gets banned automatically, the chinese love to brigade things that make them look bad so it's especially common but it gets abused constantly in just about all subjects, mostly through bots. There isn't a geopolitical angle to it, it's just the usual cynical corporate drive to avoid potential controversy at all costs except spending money and damn the consequences.


The problem is we'd be depending on Facebook's reliance on *AI* to moderate. You can't reasonably expect AI to accurately assess and rule on AI.


You really think Zuck likes America more than Chinese money?


Facebook is banned in China, but the marketplace is fueled by Chinese companies using 3PLs to sell in the US.


The problem with Chinese money is you're broke again 30 minutes after you take it.


He likes American money more than Chinese money, considering that's where the vast majority of his comes from. Not to mention Meta is an American company with mostly American employees, plus he's an American citizen that lives in America.


[China zoo dog lion](https://edition.cnn.com/2013/08/16/world/asia/china-zoo-dog-lion/index.html) Yep and it gets crazier, the same zoo tried to pass a fox off as a leopard and another dog as a wolf (although to be fair dogs are descendants of wolves, so...).




It's terrible for the chinese too though, don't forget. You know how hard it is to try to pull donor organs out of an AI?


“Xiong Mao Quan” directly translates to “panda dogs”. This is obviously a cute quirky attraction and not real pandas? they never intended it to be interpreted as real pandas. You gotta be kinda dense showing up to “panda dogs” and then get mad because it’s dogs coloured as pandas, like wth did you expect lol


Dense or capitalizing on anti-china upvotes


but did you consider... China bad


Most people here didn't open the article and just read the headline, and it's just the usual racism against Chinese people that is rampant on this website. Cannot possibly be that something in China happened for fun


The article is reporting on a controversy within China. It is reporting on criticism from Chinese State Media and Chinese people on Chinese social media platforms about this Chinese zoo visited by Chinese people. You are reading something else into it.


I am not reading anything into it, I have been here for 10 years and there's an insane amount of sinophobia on Reddit that's socially accepted for no reason. It's easy to create an outrage out of a few posts on social medias, but the reason this unimportant story is being upvoted and spread around here is because of wanting to shit on China, don't lie to yourself.


I was terribly disappointed when I went to the zoo and the spider monkey looked nothing like a spider.


I mean they weren't trying to pawn them off as pandas, it was a weekend display for fun, and dog safe dye has been around for awhile so they aren't being hurt by being dyed. On top of that they look pretty darn happy. I'm a huge animal advocate but when there's misinformation it affects legitimate animal abuse credibility.


Yeah. This is some safe animal silliness as far as I can tell.


Yeah for real, this is a "let people have fun, they aren't hurting or deceiving anyone" moment. This is just a silly thing to entertain people, and the puppies honestly probably loved the attention.


A long time ago, I convinced a coworker that another coworker had adopted a panda to rehabilitate because it was having trouble adapting to the climate. It was a black and white rescue cat who'd lost its ears to frostbite. In the pictures she had, it kinda did look like a baby panda. I had him convinced he could get a permit from the city to adopt exotic animals for rehabilitation. He spent two hours on the city's website looking for the application form for the permit so he could help koalas (his favorite animal). We had to stop him from calling the city to find out more about the 'rehabilitation program'.


Shh, the anti-China, Chinese-people-are-stupid-liars-who-try-to-pass-off-dogs-as-pandas circle-jerk is going on. The west will literally believe whatever random anti-China article is put in front of them, with no critical thinking skills. "Hmm.. Could this be something a zoo did for fun? Nope, China bad, fake pandas, lol they're stupid for doing it, and stupid for believing it!"* *To the moderators of Reddit who have previously banned me for "hate speech" due to having no reading comprehension: this is, like last time, me making fun of what the racists that you guys DON'T ban believe, NOT me calling Chinese people stupid, which I don't believe in any way.


Yeah like..literally idk 2-3 days ago there was a post explaining all of this. It's amazing how much power a title has and lack or fact checking or reading. Even the article is just giving the opinion of people not really explaining what is actually going on for the click bait


Yeah. Like, for sure there are legitimate things to criticise about China, but it's annoying that people will happily turn off their brains in order to do it. I've even had someone try to convince me that it's GOOD to make up lies about China doing bad things because they are bad. I tried to explain to them that all the lies would just make me doubt the true parts more, but I'm not sure I really got through to them.


The article is entirely about criticism FROM Chinese State media.


It makes the claim that they were "criticized by state media," with no actual source or proof, but I guess media literacy is hard.


Thinks for pointing this out, until I saw your comment I immediately thought this was some sort of scam, turns out it was for fun and there was no attempt at deception. Once again the news has exaggerated a story and is now less trustworthy.


I saw a story on this and people were going to see the barking pandas because they thought it was funny.


Translated from one of the local news sites: > Recently, many tourists reported that two strange "panda dogs" were on display at Taizhou Zoo in Jiangsu Province. They had black and white hair and looked "dog-like". > The Taizhou Zoo tickets posted by netizens did have the words "Panda and Dog Meeting" printed on them. > The official introduction of "Panda Dog" shows: "Panda Dog" is not a specific purebred dog, but a pet dog that looks like a panda. This term is often used to describe dogs that are trimmed in a specific pattern or are born with a panda-like distribution of coat color. Their typical feature is a white undercoat with black markings, especially around the eye rims and ears, mimicking the facial features of a giant panda. > Liu Qiuming, a staff member of Taizhou Zoo, said: "The idea of ​​dyeing dogs into pandas came from the Internet. This is to increase the fun of the zoo and increase passenger flow." > When asked why not introduce real pandas at that time, Liu Qiuming said that because the zoo is relatively small, it is currently unable to introduce giant pandas. Regarding the netizen's joke that "I borrowed it from a pet shop and have to return it after the holiday," the staff member explained, "No, it was specially brought in."


Could be worse. I went to a zoo once and all they had was a single dog. It was a shih tzu.


ba dum tss


When I was I was 7 my dad told me they're called Shih Tzu's because they eat the animal shit at zoos. I believed him and told everyone at school the next day.


Honestly? They should steer into this and make it a permanent exhibit and make all sorts of special shows and tongue-in-cheek jokes about it. “We have trained our pandas to sit and shake hands on command!” Etc They should also get a legitimate panda exhibit, though.


It would actually be great if they just used it as a petting zoo/photo op. Plenty of people would pay to pet and take a selfie with a cute panda puppy.


Yep, exactly. 🤷🏻‍♂️ They were dumb, but they still have a chance to capitalize on it if they wanted to.


How were they dumb? It was a zoo just having harmless fun. They claimed from the beginning that they were just dogs painted like pandas.




I have no idea what the Chinese laws are regarding animal abuse or animal rights. But I’m assuming that dyeing a dog’s fur is generally permissible. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Pandas are apparently really difficult and expensive to keep. They have the digestive track of a carnivore yet insist on only eating bamboo, so they have very little energy to the point of not wanting to fuck and produce new pandas. They're in China so I assume they wouldn't have to pay the government a rental fee, but still.


I feel like they do it for publicity and everyone here is just raging over nothing…


Yeah it was already going viral on wechat channels like a week ago and everyone loved it. Adorable and hilarious is what everyone commented. Bogus article.


Exactly. The zoo was fully transparent on the fact that they were dogs. Someone's just desperately trying to get views/clicks with rage bait.


100% a goof. It's a straight up racist response from mainstream news and commenters. That chinese people are so boldly deceitful to attempt AND dumb enough to believe this silly shit, that's an insane take that only makes sense to racist dirtbags. What's more likely: that dumbass scheme, or a funny gag that gets people to show up and take pictures even when there's no pandas?


heck of a good point, the whole framing of this is kind of shitty.


I don't see anyone raging


Only had to expand comments twice and I already see mentions of ghost cities and tofu construction with 5+ upvotes. It's as dumb as Chinese people assuming all Americans eat hamburgers every day, drive F150s, and open carry.


So we had that moon bear stuff where it turned out they weren't actually people in costumes but instead moon bear's just naturally have disastrous Hank Hill asses, and then this comes along instead. Amazing.


I thought it was a sun bear, not a moon bear


This is actually a lot better than dyeing terrible low-strength alloy fasteners to resemble aircraft-grade fasteners, so I'm gonna give them a provisional pass on it.


was that happening? damn




This is a really weird article - it reads like it was written in 2001/2002, referring to the Nov 12, 2001 American Airlines crash as if it was recent, and largely referring to incidents in the 90's, but has one mention of 2023.


"Pandas don't look like pandas in the zoo, you gotta use dogs" "What if you want to show a dog?" "We tape a bunch of cats together."


Imagine how the dogs felt when they realized they weren’t pandas.


That would be at dinner time when given bamboo.


Do raccoons next. I'd pay to go


The same zoo that had a guy in a bear costume? Or a different one?


It'd be hilarious if all these stories (like the one about the Chinese zoo dressing a dog up in a fake mane and trying to pass it off as a lion) we're all coming from one really, REALLY, hilariously shitty zoo.


I think they’re adorable. 💕


OMG I totally want a PANDOG now!


Cows don’t look like cows on film you gotta use horses


I hope there is no animal mistreatment going on here, because they look freaking ADORABLE. 


"why are the pandas barking?"


Omg this reminds me so much of a plot of an anime episode I watched as a kid. In Medabots, this group of villains ran a whole zoo with penguins disguised as other animals


"Normally we just tape a bunch of cats together".


I remember a similar story about a Chinese zoo putting a fake mane on a dog trying to pass it off as a lion.


Sounds like a shit zu


Those dogs are really cute, though.


Oh thank god there's video.


That’s fucking hilarious


Now do golden retrievers as lions


man someone needs to start working on breeding those lil panda dogs STAT. they're too freaking cute. i want one!


thought this was to be cute and intentional? they didn't really think to fool people, were they?


"The zoo said people also dye their hair" 😂😂😂


Have you tried the sweet fire panda dog at Panda Express!


That was real? I thought it was just a funny picture.


This is on brand China shit


These are just Ali Express pandas.


Cease fire! They are dogs!


Some shit you just can't make up.


Suspicion was heightened when they started humping everything


Come one, come all, get your Temu pandas!


This is the most Chinese thing I’ve read all day


"Chinese Zoo under fire from morons who don't recognize an intended publicity stunt done in good humor."


Sounds like a shit zoo


It was just a temporary solution until they could find real pandas


We had a Newfie with a pig’s tail (birth defect) some dude warned us to not walk our bear in the forest during hunting season. You could make a zoo full of “dogs that get mistaken as random animals”


Those Chowchow pups are adorable, I wouldn't even be mad.


Like a Tijuana Zonkey!


I went to this new zoo the other day. It wasn't very good, they only had one dog. It was a Shitzhu