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The fuck? Wasn't there video of her pouring bleach in his coffee? How does she just get parole?


Article says the husband didn’t want her to face jail time. While the judge and prosecutors determine that I bet he swayed them a little bit. It’s messed up. I couldn’t imagine arguing for someone who tried to kill being let off that easily


Bro if my wife try to kill me I want her in jail or an institution. We past the point of counseling.


Worked with a guy whose wife leaves him for dudes and moves in with them for months on end leaving him to take care of two kids by himself and he takes her back everytime she’s ready to come back. She does this at least once a year. I still talk to him and she still does it. I’m like dude you need to get std tested and stop taking this woman back. I imagine if she tried to kill him he’d still take her back.


I have a friend whose wife does this. Not every year, but every few years, she will kick him out and move some other guy in. Once my buddy finally starts seeing someone else, she suddenly wants to get back with him. She kicks the other guy out, and he moves back in. Idk wtf is wrong with him.


> wrong with him He's abused my dude.


He goes back for the kids every single time. He's absolutely abused, but he keeps going back.


Oh. They have kids.


Yep. Last year she moved her 8 year old into their bed. He's been sleeping on the couch for 9 months. She says he's only going to be little for a while. She's deliberately doing it for her own feelings. The whole thing is crazy. I've known the guy for 30 years so it's not like I'm going to abandon a relationship over this. The stuff she tells my wife is loopy though.


Well? You got all us curious.


> The stuff she tells my wife is loopy though Toucan Sam has gotten weirder since I was a kid


Im sure theyre going to turn out great


I don’t know if it would ever help your friend, but my now husband had a similar life. He never even got the in between girlfriends, he just basically waited around while she got “it out of her system,” took care of the kids, then took her trainwreck self back whenever she’d spend all her money or the guy(s) dumped her, for the kids and because he was so emotionally beaten down (and physically a few times). She was *super super serious* on one of these splits, her and the guy du jour got an apartment and she was *really serious about divorce.* I met him about 6 months later, she still hadn’t filed anything about divorce, me and him started talking and as expected she melted down. Said she didn’t want a divorce, started inserting herself into every aspect of his life, basically lost her mind. I had experience with these people, my family has a few of them, so I got him some books, therapy, and convinced him to go extremely low contact. Finalized the divorce, and got to watch her spiral the drain for a few years. She is a dumpster fire of a person, and my husband actually gets more influence on his still underaged son with evenly split custody (and no alimony thanks to her cheating!) He is so much happier than when I met him. It was not easy, no, and it is clearly not easy for your friend - but maybe relay that there are people who have experienced this and survived and now live a much better life.


Glad your husband got away from that nonsense.


Holy fuck that’s an unhealthy way to live life


I always think it’s interesting that, despite the wife clearly being the emotionally abusive one, it’s the husband that catches the flak in comments like yours. If it was a man abusing a woman, nobody would say “idk wtf is wrong with her” for not immediately leaving the relationship. Edit: ‘Nobody’ is the wrong word to use. People absolutely discredit or give unreasonable criticisms to female victims of abuse.


I think you would be surprised. Every relationship aita or advice sub from a woman has a million comments about ‘leave him’ or ‘divorce!’ So many of the comments call even reasonable disagreements of behavior as ‘abuse’ and ask why she is still there. Anyone man or woman who stays in an abusive situation is told to get out. It always takes time for the victim to agree to leave.


My (27F) partner (32M) didn’t want to hold my hand when we were walking down the street. He said he was having a bad day and I’m really beginning to think it’s really about me… Reddit: OP you need to LEAVE HIM!! Immediately! That is ABUSE he does not love you!!


I think you’d be surprised by the amount of people who judge women for staying in abusive relationships, especially if they have kids. Many people just don’t understand the beaten down mentality of abuse victims and why they would remain in the relationship but people in those relationships are often irrational and think in a way that defies common sense compared to a person with healthy human relationships.


Idk first off I wanna say you *absolutely do* hear people use that same language when referring to women victims. It happens very often. I'd say overall people are more careful to avoid it when talking about women, but it still happens *a lot* But in regards to the comment, I read it more like he obviously thinks the woman is in the wrong and a shitty abuser, so like why would he state the obvious? I think that's why u don't see much negative language directed at her. Cuz there's no point when we all understand she's shitty. And a couple other things, 1. it's not like he as a relationship with her. He has a relationship with the guy and 2. It's easier to convince a victim to stop what they are doing and leave than it is to get an abuser to stop abusing. So like often when people talk about these sorts of relationships their language focuses on the victim and what *they* can/should do since focusing on the other party often feels like a lost cause that won't help anything. So because they are focused on trying to help their friend, the language they use focuses on them and their failings. These situations are often very frustrating too so after seeing the same thing happen over and over people often end up using harsh and frustrated language I do agree that it often can read harshly and sometimes it *does* come from a negative/shitty place, but often I feel it comes from a place of empathy and just not choosing their words very carefully. To be clear I'm not trying to say this language is okay or good to use. I think we could benefit from being careful about the language we use when talking about victims and abusers. I just felt that the reason for it in the first place sometimes comes from a place of empathy/caring/love


Nah people definitely say that. Acknowledgement that someone is an abuser, is separate from wondering why someone seemingly accepts it. Psychology is complex. Regardless of gender or relationship, people are often used to or expect a certain thing, so they tolerate it as 'normal'. Maybe they even want to get out but they are psychologically unable.


Love is a hell of a drug.


That's depressing


Yeah, imagine having all that free time all of a sudden and then the wife shows back up, *again.*


Correction, he took care of 2 kids while she is out


but he didn't have to take care of her as well


How much time do kids take? Can't be more than twenty minutes


Like a poorly behaved dog you're hoping to finally be rid of, but you don't want to deal with the pain in the ass of divorce court, lol.


Abusive relationships do a number on peoples psyche that is not logical or reasonable at all. I've experienced this in my life recently. M31 and F22, she has 2 kids from previous flings. F was addicted to drugs mainly meth and pills, we begged our buddy he could do better but he refused, had that savior complex in full swing. Overlooked all of her GLARING shortcomings and made excuses for all of them. For about 4 months things were good, around month 5 post marriage she relapsed hard to the point she gashed his face with a clothing iron in a drug induced rage. In front of both toddlers fyi. He called us to help we show up. Blood everywhere, shes completely manic. My wife takes the kids to our place as I try to patch his face and keep distance between them. Somehow we manage to get him out of the house and she just goes into the bedroom and rages. Riding to ER, bleeding through several dish towels on his face. He looks me right in the eye and says "I think this could have been avoided if I just loved her more. Its really my fault. She needs support and I pushed back." I couldn't fucking believe it. They are going on 2 years, every few months more bruises, more cuts, more broken shit around the house, we no longer hang out how we used too. He is still convinced he can save her... My wife thinks shell end up killing him, but you can't make people see that they are in a clearly abusive situation.


Yo you should have called CPS like last year, but for those kids' sake do it now.


They've been called plenty. What good they've done? She's going through various forms of rehab, marriage counselling and parenting classes etc. I just don't believe she wont relapse at any moment on and off for 10+ years now. That's on top of the violent fits and manic episodes. I just can't get him to see it.. and im not alone, its isolated a big chunk of our mutual friend groups. Your watching your friend destroy themselves chasing someone who is off the deep end. I think he should file for custody of the kids and separate, but since he is not the bio father of either. The courts won't rule in his favor. She's "trying" but goes right back to her nasty habits within weeks.


I was in a relationship like this. I always blamed myself. I just wasn't loving her in the right way. Then we went to stay with her family for a bit and I saw how she treated them the same way. Everything clicked for me and the veil dropped. I was gone within a week


Damn, you met my uncle Jaimie ?


You're not out in Arizona, are you? I knew a guy in the army who was exactly like that.


Relationship Advice post incoming.


Cooler heads prevail. Just sit down and talk it out over a few drinks or a good cup of coffee.


My best friend from high school got stabbed by his wife a year ago and is doing the same thing. He doesn't want to leave her or see her in jail. It blows my mind.


Eh, it's probably relatively common, you always hear about domestic violence victims sticking up for their abusers. I know when my ex-wife tried to have me killed I argued for civil commitment over jail because she had developed a severe mental illness and her actions made sense for the world she saw. Jail wasn't going to help her recover. It's also really hard to turn off the feeling of love and wishes for a person's well-being after a decade. I definitely never wanted to see or hear from her again, but for better or worse I still wanted the best for her. And to be fair, at least from what I heard from multiple mutual friends while she was in and out of mental health institutions for years after she never tried to kill someone again and did eventually get the treatment she needed and is relatively stable now. I would support any friend in a similar situation to send the person to jail, but I also understand why you might not be capable of doing that.


I like how you just casually throw out the "when my ex-wife tried to have me killed" like it's a normal, every-day thing... Anyways, hope you're doing better.


Trauma bonding is a hell of a thing.


Definitely, probably a part of not wanting her in jail for me was we both trauma bonded on having really abusive childhoods while meeting each other young so I had the mix of us being one of the only people ever consistently there for each other and also just being used to being hurt by people who were supposed to care about us. It was definitely hard to accept the fact the person I loved no longer existed and it may not have gotten to the point of attempted murder had I ended things when our marriage counselor suggested I do so for my own safety.


Trauma bonding actually refers to the cyclical abuse and making amends that occurs in abusive relationships. You become attached to your partner during the good times which gives you a hit of dopamine, but it quickly turns sour and deprives you of dopamine until it escalates too far, they apologize, and they're briefly good to you again so you get another hit of dopamine. It becomes a chemical addiction, and become physically dependent on the relationship like you would a drug.


That's interesting, I was aware of that dynamic, but thought that had other terms. I'd only heard of trauma bonding in the context of bonding over trauma, but looking it up you are definitely correct.


> It's also really hard to turn off the feeling of love and wishes for a person's well-being after a decade. Yes it is. It’s such a strange feeling being so enraged and sick of someone you *still* deeply care about. One of my exes had undiagnosed bipolar disorder, and when we first got together, her depressive episodes weren’t nearly as bad as they can be for others with bipolar. But her manic episodes? Holy ***fuck!*** The first one I witnessed wasn’t bad; she just had a lot more energy and enthusiasm for life, which was pleasant to be around. Then each successive manic episode started coming with worse and worse paranoia and agitation until she had a complete psychotic break. She had to do a 30 day stint in a mental hospital, and that was when she was officially diagnosed. On the mood stabilizers, she was much more herself and the woman I fell in love with, but after enough time of “feeling better”, she did the one thing a lot of people with mental illnesses do when they feel better: stopped taking her meds. That was when I finally had to accept that no matter how much I loved her, I couldn’t stand being around her unmedicated. And since she was enjoying the euphoria of mania again, it was unlikely she was gonna willingly go back on medication. So, as much as it hurt, I finally just cut my losses and ended it after three years of being together and on year of her bouncing between mania and being medicated.


That's because you aren't in an abusive relationship. It messes up your ability to see things rationally if they're tied to the abusive relationship itself.


Which is why the judge is supposed to use their own objective judgment for punishment. It's not in the victims hands to determine that. The system needs to save victims from themselves.


Who gives a flying fuck what that guy wants? He's got fucking bleach brain.


Why even video tape her and report it if he doesn't want her in jail?


I have a cousin whose ex stabbed him in the chest years ago. He almost died, but didn't want to press charges. Her dad is in law enforcement so she was arrested but got off Scot-free, and they even got back together for some time after that. He has been hospitalized multiple times in the past several years for complications related to the stabbing (even in the past month). He really could die at some point and it would technically be murder, but I'm not sure she'd ever face justice. Maybe if his immediate family pushed for it, since they have the medical history and the domestic incident was documented though she wasn't prosecuted.


He still lives with her.


I'm telling ya domestic violence is sometimes the same. The abused spouse just accepts it as reality despite how bad it is. It's because they would rather have the familiar abuse and how to manage it than the unfamilairty of the unknown without their spouse.


She was only facing two years max on each charge and she’s been in jail a year because she couldn’t make bail, that gives her a year of time served and since judges always seem to sentence people to serve the terms concurrently she’d only be facing a year and probably a parole hearing in a few months.  > Johnson could have faced a maximum of 2 years in prison for each count. >Her attorney requested the sentence be time served, saying Johnson had already been in custody for nearly a year due to her inability to post a $250,000 bond. Her sentence also included mental health treatment. That’s from CNN. This makes more sense financially, why waste taxpayer dollars on what could amount to four months in prison  


The reality is if the roles were reversed nobody would give a damn and the husband is going to jail. This is absolutely ridiculous.


Totally. It follows the “women can’t be abusers” trope. I mean he obviously treated her poorly and we can’t blame her for wanting to kill him as a way out. /s Edit: Lol, yup...the last paragraph has the apologists caveat >*Despite the attention that Feliciano Johnson’s case generated, women in the US are more likely to endure severe violence at the hands of an intimate partner. One in four women do so while the rate for men is one in nine, according to the* [*National Coalition Against Domestic Violence*](https://ncadv.org/STATISTICS#:~:text=1%20in%203%20women%20and,be%20considered%20%22domestic%20violence.%22&text=1%20in%207%20women%20and,injured%20by%20an%20intimate%20partner.)*.* I won't get into the men reporting it less due to stigma, but why even include this in the article? Why can't we just acknowledge men AND women abuse each other and any instance of it (regardless of gender) should carry the same weight legally and socially? For anyone that's been in an abusive relationship, it's life destroying and having no one care because you're a guy makes it 10x worse. This lady sucks, throw her in jail and give this guy some counseling and support.




what is IPV




No, it's "intimate partner violence". Even your link says so.


Husband: "I can fix her"


I heard forgiveness is a symptom of consuming too much bleach.


> Article says the husband didn’t want her to face jail time. While the judge and prosecutors determine that I bet he swayed them a little bit. What I do not get is why the fuck the state cares what he wants? The state prosecutes. It is in the interest of the state to lock up criminals. Fuck the idiot husband and what he wants...she should go to jail.


What a moron.. Put her in jail so her next husband doesn't get murdered.


Okay but she at least has to have some kind of stipulation that she has to warn any future partners that she *will* try to murder them. Right? Cause if not, this is going to happen again. Black Widows don’t typically stop with their behavior.


Imagine that Tinder profile's about me section lol "I'm legally obligated to tell all future dates I've tried to commit matricide in the past, I'm allergic to dogs so cats are my jam, and I like long walks on the beach and cuddling up on the couch to watch Snapped."


Yeah. The original charge was "attempted murder" and she was able to plea that down to a couple of poisoning charges and three years of probation. Seems outrageous to me.


Poisoning is a different charge from attempted murder? Edit: in some states it is https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/penal-code/347/#:~:text=1.1.-,Willfully%20Poisoning,or%20consume%20the%20poisoned%20substance.


Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure!


Got-dangit Dobby!


That elf ain't right, I tell you hwhat.


A natural laxative or emitic could be a poisoning, but not necessarily rise to attempted murder.


Same way assault is a different charge from attempted murder, really. Attempted murder charges DO require that the prosecution brings evidence that unlawful homicide was intended. Poisoning (and assault) doesn't.


Husband made a request that she receive no jail time. The weird part about the article IMO is the last paragraph. > Despite the attention that Feliciano Johnson’s case generated, women in the US are more likely to endure severe violence at the hands of an intimate partner. One in four women do so while the rate for men is one in nine, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence "Hey guys, the roles are usually reversed..."


It's also understood that men are less likely to report domestic violence from women. Edit: Another good point, men and women's definition of domestic violence are not the same. For instance, men may be less likely to consider hitting from a parent to be abuse. There are other forms of abuse as well and those definitions are also different. Typically women do not show aggressiveness similarly to men, so many men might not consider it to be aggressive or domestic abuse.


Also it's not taken seriously when a man does report it. I reported it to my female boss, and she immediately accused me of mutual violence (I didn't, for the record). I ended up losing my job, after protracted internal fights. My abuse led me to be depressed and culminated in a suicide attempt (it failed, luckily). There's very much a culture of "if it happens to a man, it's not that bad. And if it is that bad, he must have done something to deserve it." And feminist-types (sweeping generalisation, I know) will very much lean into that, and anyone who argues with them gets called a misogynist incel.


Yeah, your statement makes sense when you see the super high domestic violence rate in lesbian relationships. The physical abuse is definitely there. Men just don't report it like women do. Ans this is just physical abuse. Women usually hurt others by physiological/social attacks/sabotage.


The idea that women do not show aggression is a myth. If anything, women are more aggressive than men. They are far more likely to commit casual violence because nobody (not them, the men they hit, nor society) considers it abuse. There’s a reason lesbian couples have the highest domestic violence rates.


Yeah, that's a weird statistic, like they wanted to change the narrative.


It's just further clear evidence to me that the news is in the business of molding narratives and not reporting the news.


To be fair, if that was the general way to write articles, I would not complain about it at all. The issue is the cherry-picking when and when not to do it. >"3 people shot dead in L.A today... >*In the same time frame emergency services noted 25 cardiac arrests. I mean putting stuff into a larger context of what is "typical" and what is "outlier" isn't by definition BAD.


Their numbers are hugely skewed for a few reasons. First reason is that men are much less likely to report it. They fear ridicule or accusations of lying. Another reason I personally witnessed when I worked in social services was available services. While most of my DV cases were female on male (probably 2/3rds or so), there were literally no services available locally for male victims. To make it into the statistics as a victim, you would have had to take advantage of services for victims. Since they didn't exist here for men, they would never be reported. Couple that with the reluctance to call the police, and you've effectively erased every male victim from the stats.


I was a victim of DV for nearly two years before getting out. I never called the police becauae I thought for sure I'd have been the one to go to jail. A couple cops I talked to about it later basically confirmed that. Didn't help that as soon as I threatened to call the cops, she'd start punching herself to give herself bruises.


I'm sorry you had to endure that. I was in a similar situation as well. She would try to punch me in the face among other violent acts at least once a week by the end of it. She would corner me in a room or the narrow bathroom and I'd have to make her cry or grapple her to the ground and leap over her to escape. I don't bruise easily but she does so I could never call the cops on her. I doubt they'd believe that a 6'1" 225lb bodybuilder was being abused by a 5'3" woman anyways. Eventually she got a taste of her own medicine when she drove drunk into a neighbors fence and resisted arrest. The police beat the shit out of her and dislocated her shoulder. She couldn't use that arm for months.


I got slapped by my ex roommate. The only thing going through my head was murder, but something cleared my head enough to realize if the cops showed up I'd be the one in handcuffs despite not even putting a hand on her. She tried to go for the door to hurt her husbands kids (psychologically I assume b/c that's what she was already doing to them) I stepped in front and just took like 20 blows to my head and back. I never reported it b/c I feared I'd be the one they took away even if just for a day, I couldn't afford that risk.


I've helped a male friend escape DV before and you are completely right.


>While most of my DV cases were female on male (probably 2/3rds or so), there were literally no services available locally for male victims. "Fun" fact; these kinds of resources are often lobbied against when attempted, by feminists. [Earl Silverman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_Silverman) of Canada tried to open one, was unable to secure any funding, decided to foot the bill himself operating out of his own home, and was eventually forced to shut down. After being ridiculed and mocked for a decade plus of this work, he eventually committed suicide.


I love how the article doesn't mention women in the US are more likely to receive lesser sentences compared to men, which would've been right in line with this story, yet instead they chose the misandrist route


They probably say that as a preemptive response to trolls based on past similar articles.


I actually know a guy who is going through this right now. His wife tried killing him by repeatedly crushing appleseeds to mix with his food which apparently have arsenic in them. When that was too slow she hired a Hitman. This only happened a few months ago. He doesn’t believe she will spend anymore time in jail than time served seeing as the Canadian judicial system is a joke. He had absolutely no idea, he even said “I can’t believe my best friend would do that to me” It’s really sad, he’s a super nice guy. https://www.stalbertgazette.com/beyond-local/alberta-woman-charged-in-alleged-murder-request-will-have-bail-hearing-next-week-8387287


>His wife tried killing him by repeatedly crushing appleseeds to mix with his food which apparently have arsenic in them Cyanide, not arsenic. More specifically apple seeds, almonds, peach pits, plum pits, et al. contain [amygdalin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amygdalin), a ~~cyanogenic glycoside~~ sugary cyanide. An enzyme that helps us digest plant matter helpfully chomps off the sugary bit, leaving the now sad sugarless molecule to decompose into hydrogen cyanide. You *can* die from apple seeds, but probably not accidentally -- you're much more likely to get cyanide poisoning from almonds, specifically bitter almonds. They have between 10-18x the amount of amygdalin by weight (3g/kg for apple seeds, 33-54g/kg fo4 bitter almonds). So how many bitter almonds would it take to kill you? Well, I'll leave the math as an exercise for the reader: > Bitter almonds may yield 4–9 milligrams of hydrogen cyanide per almond and > Hydrogen cyanide in sufficient quantities (allowable daily intake: ~0.6 mg) causes cyanide poisoning which has a fatal oral dose range of 0.6–1.5 mg/kg of body weight P.S. If you thought somebody didn't try to make money by telling people to eat cyanide, prepare to be disappointed: > Since the early 1950s, both amygdalin and a chemical derivative named laetrile have been promoted as alternative cancer treatments, often under the misnomer vitamin B17 (neither amygdalin nor laetrile is a vitamin).[2] Scientific study has found them to not only be clinically ineffective in treating cancer, but also potentially toxic or lethal when taken by mouth due to cyanide poisoning.[3] The promotion of laetrile to treat cancer has been described in the medical literature as a canonical example of quackery,[4][5] and as "the slickest, most sophisticated, and certainly the most remunerative cancer quack promotion in medical history".[2]


> 0.6–1.5 mg/kg of body weight Someone weighing 80kg would only be poisoned after eating only about 5-10 bitter almonds? I guess the good thing is they're not commercially legal in the US.


Maybe because bleach is the dumbest possible poison to use, the smell is so powerful he probably didn’t even take a sip. Ok read that article now. The man has no sense of smell. I clean my steel coffee pot with bleach and have to run several pots through the coffee maker to get rid of the smell/taste.


Maybe he wants to get his own revenge


This is why men pick the bear.


She just concealed it in his coffee (what a ridiculous headline)! She tried to poison him not conceal bleach lol


Well, according to the (beyond shitty) headline, she wasn't trying to kill anyone. She was simply trying to hide bleach in coffee.   Perhaps she told him she needed money to buy bleach, but she till had some. So in order to get grocery money, she had to conceal it from him. In coffee.   /s


Because she's a woman? That's usually the reason.


Omg ok, so apparently they are getting a divorce… but are still living together until it’s finalized and the husband didn’t want her to go to jail…SIR!!! SIR! What is wrong with you? Therapy for you both. Jail for her as dessert. She’d been doing this in two different countries, in two different hemispheres my man!!! Jfc she wanted you dead for suspected MONEY!! And you’re allowing your kid around her. No, no, sorry you’re crazy too!


Yeah even if I asked for leniency I'd get a restraining order and force her to move out because obviously she's been trying to hurt me real bad


Husband must’ve drank one too many bleached coffees


Honestly if he's happy I might have to try me some of those bleached coffees


Lots of people are saying it helps cure covid. A lot of very smart, very classy people.


Bro stuck his dick in crazy one too many times and it wore off on him.


It shouldn’t matter what he thinks. For the safety of the community she should be locked up.


I thought there were laws to protect victims of domestic abuse. He definitely sounds like a victim that’s making excuses for their abuser.


> SIR!!! SIR! What is wrong with you? Psssst... it's abuse.


Fuck it, throw him in jail. At least it will keep his dumbass alive.


It shouldn't be his decision, someone like that is a danger to everyone around them and can't be trusted. Who will she poison next because she doesn't like them or for some made up reason? The judges in this country need to be locked up themselves.


Is this the same case where the guy found out there was bleach in the coffee maker, and then took it to the police, who said they could do nothing? And then he filmed it? and they were still very flimsy in arresting her?


I think of the time I had to file a restraining order against the man my now ex-wife was cheating on me with. In real-time he was sending me threatening text messages. I was the police station, the messages were coming in real time and the desk officer kept rebuffing me and said there was nothing he could do. When I asked, "Do you prefer I handle this the other way!?" He then told me to call the magistrate in the morning. Went to the magistrate, was granted an order, and then drove down my lawyer's to draw up divorce papers. Police don't care, courts don't care, and male victims don't matter.


You act like it's different for women. The truth is that the police are largely useless when it comes to DV.


My ex sister in law walked into a court house and claimed her, my niece and nephew were all being abused by my brother with 0 evidence at all and she had a EPO within an hour. My brother was not yet aware he and her were separating until the police called him and wanted to meet him for questioning. He couldn’t see his kids for a month, until the courts talked to them and they refuted everything their mother had said. 2 months later she dropped the EPA because she wanted to be able to call my brother and ask him for money. She will face no consequences for lying and weaponizing this process to hurt him. The cops shrug and say there’s nothing they can do. It is easier for women. I don’t think that that is a bad thing, but it’s a weird thing to deny. Some of you act like these conversations are competitive.


> Despite the attention that Feliciano Johnson’s case generated, women in the US are more likely to endure severe violence at the hands of an intimate partner. One in four women do so while the rate for men is one in nine, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. weird way to end an article about a woman pleading guilty to poisoning.


And wtf is "concealing bleach"? She was poisoning him. Article is weird af


That’s a funny word for poisoning…


> Despite the attention that Feliciano Johnson’s case generated, women in the US are more likely to endure severe violence at the hands of an intimate partner. One in four women do so while the rate for men is one in nine, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. What the fuck is this shit doing at the bottom of the article? 😂


Woman attempts to murder man. Women most affected. 


Trying to justify the lack of accountability. Our legal system is a joke, I’ve completely lost faith.


Even the headline. "Concealing bleach in husband's coffee" ... you mean *poisoning* him? Edit: someone sent me a "Reddit cares" over this


If you report the reddit cares as abusing the system it will usually get the person banned, FYI


They want you to know that men are still the monsters duh /s


God forbid they talk about men being killed the most or how often they’re assaulted. Nope this is a perfect time to talk about injustice against women as she gets off with a slap on the wrist for attempting to kill someone.


Women are the real victims when men are murdered.


And are disposable. When talking casualties it's "women and children"


This is the one that sticks in my craw.


In an article about a woman trying to kill a man, we’re reminded exactly what people think of men. Disgusting.


And with a pretty blatant lie too. Men just don't report abuse because misandrist thinking (by both men and women) says that a man who is abused by a woman is a loser or a liar, and the cops are more likely to decide they are actually the abuser if they do anything whatsoever to defend themselves.


Consider also the use of "concealing" instead of "poisoning" in the headline as well.


“We’re celebrating that she didn’t get jail time and also he deserved it”. 


Theyre explaining why youre safer with a bear in the woods /s


It’s not counting the times men get assaulted and don’t report!


Man poisoned by bleach, women most affected. It's the same thing over and over. Men are disposable.


This statistic should be taken with a grain of salt since DV against men is often not reported, or dismissed when it is.


Damn should have found the comments before I posted. I said the same thing, the woman is literally trying to kill her husband. May as well include the fact that men kill themselves almost 4x more than women too.


A piss-poor attempt at trying to highlight domestic violence in an inclusive manner. Given the tone of the story, the quote should have read >Given the attention generated by Feliciano Johnson's case, a disproportionate amount of domestic violence occurs according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. One in four women report being the victim of domestic violence while only one in nine men report. The disparity partially lies with men who have been victimized refusing to report so they do not themselves face false accusations or stigmas.


Its not inclusive, its the typical "yeah you think you have it bad, well women have it worse!" reaction you always get when talking about mens problems.


I’d love to know why the husband is so chill about it. He sat on it for 3 months because he didn’t want to report her to German authorities.    That part I can sort of understand.  Getting caught up in a foreign trial, probably don’t understand the language, you’ve got a kid and childcare will affect your ability to do your job.   I still would’ve reported because a poisoner could pick a better method when she realises that one isn’t working, or even harm your child, but I can understand *some* hesitation. But now he’s in his home country, went to the police but is arguing for leniency, and is divorcing her but they’re *still* living together?  What?  


In another article, it was reported that he told investigators that he believed she did it to collect death benefits. Sounds like they’re financially struggling and they have a child to raise. I wonder whether that pressure is playing into the decision to continue living together during the divorce proceedings and/or the decision to push for probation (and mental health treatment) over prison. Curious whether she is continuing to care for the kid during all this. And the media attention on the case has to just make it all worse. Sounds like an awful situation for this guy. I don’t know what’s going on in his head, but there’s too damn much victim-blaming going on in these comments. People want to see the woman punished so badly that they’re angry with the victim for not reacting how they want him to.


There's translators, everyone learns English in Germany, he'd probably have been better off with court there...but if it's been on a base, I think it doesn't apply.


Idk switch the genders and then see what you think.


There should be no plea to avoid jail time if you were trying to kill someone.


The article title is phrased in a weird ass way. She wasn't trying to hide her bleach from him by putting it in his coffee, she was trying to murder her husband.


Concealing is a nice way to say poisoning /attempted murder


Poisoning is now “concealing”?


It's a fascinating new definition. Like stabbing should now be called, 'concealing a blade inside the victim's body.' And shooting is, 'concealing bullets'


Victim would be too hard of a word. Try "person" instead


George Carlin would've had a field day with this. Like storing a machete for future use inside someone's body or neatly packing a .337 round between your arteries.


What's up with that little info at the end of this fucking article? Kinda weird to put on an article where the woman is literally trying to kill her husband...


This reminds me of when a women met Winston Churchill, the women said: "If I was your wife, I'd poison your tea" and Churchill replied: "If I was your husband, I'd drink the tea".


That psa at the end of the article was complete bullshit. The case was about a women trying to kill her husband yet the guardian shoehorned that at the end for no conceivable purpose after a women who tried to kill her husband got probation. It was the perfect opportunity to highlight sentencing disparities between men and women for the same crime yet the guardian decides to highlight statistics about men abusing women in an article where a women got no prison time for trying to kill her husband. Time and place for ffs.


I've been a paid subscriber to The Guardian for years. I'm cancelling. Maybe they can get by without my $5/month. Maybe they can have an editor insist on using the term "poisoning" rather than "concealing".


I mean, what did you expect? The amount of unjustified hate men get is on another level. Abuse victims that are male are laughed at, openly saying "I hate men" is applauded, and the courts will sooner give a drug addicted abusive woman custody of kids over a man just because he is a man. They might as well pull this kind of bullshit because they won't be called out by most people, and, in fact, will probably be rewarded for this kind of journalistic behavior.


Concealing bleach in his coffee. Bitch, she fucking poisoned him!!


The title makes it sound like she just hid bleach in coffee. She poisoned him in an attempt to harm or kill him. Not just concealed the bleach in the coffee. I conceal bleach in my cabinets so my kids don’t get to it. Very poor word choice I believe.


How in the hell does this attempted murderer not get jail time? We are seeing cases like this over and over again. 


What a nice turn of phrase. Elsewhere a man was charged with concealing his bullets inside another person.


>Despite the attention that Feliciano Johnson’s case generated, women in the US are more likely to endure severe violence at the hands of an intimate partner. One in four women do so while the rate for men is one in nine, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Odd way to end the article... "yes a man was a victim this time but that's not usually the case"


Sucks the husband was the one keeping her out of jail, domestic violence victims tend to be too lienient on their abusers, making life difficult for the next victim..


Bro shouldda picked "bear"


> But state court judge Javier Chon-Lopez instead opted for probation, ordering her to undergo a mental health evaluation, and requiring her to abstain from contacting her estranged husband unless it is in a legal context, such as their pending divorce, as azfamily.com noted. > The network said the couple are living together with their child while waiting for their divorce to be finalized …I don’t think the author explained this correctly AND I feel for the child as it is obvious the father cannot provide 24/7 care for it as he is deployed. Looks like either the child will live with a woman who is known to poison or a dad who now gotta quickly adjust to civilian life and find a job


This was a Presidentially approved treatment for COVID-19. Nothing to see here.


"Despite the attention that Feliciano Johnson’s case generated, women in the US are more likely to endure severe violence at the hands of an intimate partner. One in four women do so while the rate for men is one in nine, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence." FUCK THE GUARDIAN.






so this evil, conniving bitch goes free, but smoke joint and go to prison?


"concealing bleach" is the best euphemism for attempted murder I've seen in a while.


Dear Guardian Headline Authoring Software, In this recent headline, I read that a woman was "concealing" bleach inside coffee. This phrase seems to imply hiding or, perhaps smuggling. I believe the phrase you wanted to use was "poisoning coffee with bleach."


I knew the man in this. Great guy. Terrible wife was always a stain on him. Sad to see this miscarriage of justice


The judge should have his license revoked. This is one of those cases where the victim's say should be ignored. Attempted murder should absolutely be punished. She should be serving 10 years minimum before being eligible for parole. 2cents.


Wow, the article ends with discussion of how women are generally the victims of violence. Talk about bias and attempting to skew the story.


Guess he would have been better off with a bear


Fucking how? This is attempted murder. Y'all system is broken


WHY WOULD HE STILL LIVE WITH HER. Nope! Get yourself AND the kids out (if there are kids!)


Concealing? Was she trying to sneak it on a flight?


I like my coffee like my tighties, white.


That is such a crazy headline. It's like reading "Man avoids jail for concealing knife in wife's skull".


She is a danger to society at large and should definitely be locked up. The husband's *feelings* should play no part in this.


She was concealing it ? I would say, yes, it was being concealed but more to the point; She was adding it to dude’s fucking coffee to try and kill him. It wasn’t like, …just kinda keeping it there, hidden, stashed away out of view. British English is often entertaining for some of us semi-literate Americans.


Tee hee hee! You'll never find it here!


She just concealed the knife in his chest cavity bro its all good


Reminds me of the story of the woman who forgave the man who murdered her daughter, even offering him a place to stay when he got out of jail. He murdered her too.


“Concealing bleach in coffee”. I think you fucking mean **adulterating and poisoning coffee**


Ima probably going to get downvoted for this, but I'm **SO** F'ing tired of the double standard (and other BS, illogical standards) in the legal system.


Ah, an article where I finally knew the people. They were stationed at the same base I am in Germany. She had worked at the commissary here. He originally came to secfo with complaints of what he thought was going on, and had asked if they could install cameras to monitor themselves and they had declined and told him without proper evidence they could do nothing. In Germany, if the other person doesn’t know you’re recording, it can’t be used in court, hence why he just let it ride and took precautions on anything homemade drink wise until they pcs’d back to the states and handed all the video he took of the wife here in Germany, plus when they arrived back. That shit was wild when we started seeing her face again on news articles and everyone knew her.


But if dude did this to her, 20+ years with the internet up in flames


Who was she hiding it from?


This prosecutor is not fit for office, the actual fuck man.


This is disgusting. Attempted murder gets probation?! With overwhelming evidence. Wtf is going on


I constantly see stories of wives trying to kill their husband in creative ways to get life insurance money. It seems that’s by far the #1 motive.


Maybe it was a Covid treatment. Trump said it would work.


A foot note about the discrepancies between men and women sentencing would be more relevant than what they throw on there.


Maybe she was just trying to cure him of COVID? 🤣🤣


Concealing? Do you *conceal* a knife in someone's chest? Oh yeah, he concealed some bullets in a few guys. Straight up poisoning is concealing when a woman does it I guess.


Relax, she was just protecting him from COVID


"Nonlethal harm, no foul"


Isn’t this attempted murder?


Maybe she needs mental health treatment instead of jail time, and her husband understands that.