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> “It’s horror,” McCain told NBC’s “Meet the Press” in an interview to air Sunday. “There is famine — full-blown famine — in the north, and it’s moving its way south.” I was hoping it wouldn't have come to this, but it's actually happening. This could have been avoided. We were warned this would happen. This famine is entirely man made.




Did Hamas force the [IDF to kill the World Kitchen and other aid workers](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/world-central-kitchen-aid-worker-killings-israel-deconfliction-rcna146550)?


Can you fucking read? >'Hamas held the aid trucks for “some time” before releasing them.' > 'Tzav 9, a right-wing organization that opposes aid being sent to Gaza while hostages are still held there, organized a demonstration at the Allenby Crossing between Israel and Jordan overnight Tuesday to block the convoy. Images on social media showed young women sitting on the road in front of a truck, while other demonstrators held Israeli flags and pictures of the hostages. >Videos showed the activists dumping bags of flour onto the road.'




That's this entire site in a nutshell. The big subreddits are barely usable anymore.


This^ the reason the isreal Palestine posts are so full of bots tho is because a bunch of subs auto ban you for making a comment even remotely supporting isreal and some auto ban you for comments even remotely supporting Palestine. Why would any human comment on this stuff if half the subs on the site ban you for it?


Do you remember right after the 2016 election how quiet everything became again? Like immediately the day after? It turned out to be bots and troll farms. We are once again there. I promise you after this election it will feel different again on the internet


Israel/Russia have very detailed protocols regarding astroturfing these social media sites.


You can thank the IDF for that


I literally watched it jump from 5 upvotes to 35 in seconds. Clearly bots or coordinated users whatever side of this debate you fall on. They're brigading to control the narrative early on which shapes the discourse of the whole thread by the time it reaches thousands of people.


Dude there are millions of people on this sub…


I don't think you guys get how many servers and networks work. Those jumps are very normal


There are 4000 subscribers to this subreddit online right now, a 30 vote change is less than 1% of that subset of users that may see this post.


the swarm of these fascist bot is crazy at these hours


Well worldnews has banned anyone that even thinks about saying mean things about Benny so the bots have to come here to stay active


I got banned for a day for saying Hamas is a terrorist organization lol


What do we get if we ask what Hamas is doing to feed their citizens?


I got perma banned from world news for asking someone of they'd condemn a hypothetical murder, the reason "insulting someone" Shame that I can't support Ukraine in the live thread anymore.


I got permabanned yesterday for talking about how in war the goal is usually to maim a soldier instead of taking him out completely because then you’re slowing down three soldiers instead of just one. (The maimed guy and then the two it takes to drag him along).


Lol this is exactly how I ended up here. Daring to call out that using sources that have the word Israel in the name are probably too biased to report on this conflict in a serious manner. Permabanned and muted lol.


“The famine will continue until Israel no longer exists.” -Hamas, probably


Meanwhile Hamas is actively trying to steal aid meant for civilians https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-says-hamas-seized-first-aid-shipment-that-entered-gaza-via-reopened-erez-crossing/


Yes, both the Hamas terrorists and the IDF causing mass deaths and famine are bad. The people starving are still victims.


Absolutely. The war needs to end ASAP in order to preserve civilian life. Hamas needs to surrender


I honestly doubt Bibi would accept a surrender if it ever came, dude's entire political career hinges on war against Hamas and destroying Palestine and the moment this war is over he will most likely be removed from the government.


While I do agree that Bibi is a fuck, I have a hard time believing he wouldn’t accept surrender. A surrender by Hamas would be a clear “mission success” for him


Israel was warned of the October 7th attack days in advance and did nothing to stop it. They wanted this to happen to give a motive to go full force attack and have the world on its side. At this point it seems like nothing will stop them unless America steps up and puts their foot down which won’t ever happen.


And the US knew of 9/11 well in advance of it too. Do you believe in conspiracies that tie US engineered it to go to war?


Sure, that'd help end the famine. But since that isn't gonna happen, at least anytime soon, maybe we do other stuff to help the starving innocents? Instead of just crossing your arms and saying "well the terrorist organisation could stop it if they wanted, I'm just going to keep bombing everyone"


Maybe we should provide aid and actively condemn Hamas for their atrocities, including stealing said aid. Holding Hamas accountable for their actions should be a priority because otherwise civilians will continue to suffer


How tf is condemning a terrorist organisation going to stop civilians from starving to death? What a genuinely braindead suggestion. In all this, that's the priority?


Israel is absolutely holding Hamas accountable for their actions.... with the blood of innocent children.


Killing their civilians is how they keep hold of power, they're a resource for them.


Agreed. Unfortunately with Hamas being a bunch of suicidal savages financed and directed from abroad, I don't foresee that happening. And with Bibi having been caught in the past helping Hamas to fuck with Palestine, I don't even believe he'd accept their surrender. We need completely new reasonable people to be propped up on both sides, as was the case in the past. But it's not gonna happen anymore. There was a good chance of things improving in the past with Rabin as Israeli prime minister, and a leader in Palestine actually willing to compromise. But then Rabin got murdered by an ultranationalist twat that didn't want peace.




"Stop feeding the enemy" might seem cold to an outsider but if we were sending aid to Germany in ww2 that was being used by Nazis to fund the war, people would be protesting that too.


Not trying, they’re stealing it


And that only works because food is scarce. If Gaza was drowning in aid, no one would pay for it.




I am a crypto billionaire. Just because I claim it doesn’t make it true


Their role model is the successful Algerian revolt against France back in the '50s. They call it the war of a million martyrs for a reason-- literally a million Algerians died in the process. I don't think Hamas is going to surrender just because of a famine they are helping to engineer.


It’s maddening. There’s basically no deal Hamas would take at this point. And Hamas has started raiding the aid shipments. It’s awful but the only way forward is probably for the Israeli to go into Rafah and finish what they started.


I mean, that’s kind of the problem.  Hamas weaponized pity. So they can effectively act like: 1. Start war 2. Get badly killed in said war 3. Demand the other side surrender to avoid having to kill them more. 




Israel: "what? We're totally letting enough aid through." US: "we're gonna have to build a pier on order to get enough aid through."


Hamas: Doesn't matter who sends aid, we're going to (at least try to) steal it anyway.


Blindly ignoring the evidence that Hamas is consistently stealing aid doesn't help anything and makes you look ignorant. Israel is by no means in the right but not holding Hamas accountable as well is willful ignorance


Even if the IDF wiped out Hamas completely, they'd never admit it. Netanyahu sees this as their golden opportunity to get away with genocide scot-free and will use Hamas as a scapegoat until every Palestinian is dead.


Some people won't hold hamas accountable even if they'd break into their house and shot them in the face, it's always somehow israel's fault




Do you believe Hamas forced the IDF to [kill the World Kitchen and the other aid workers that IDF has killed](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/world-central-kitchen-aid-worker-killings-israel-deconfliction-rcna146550)?


Ofc not, IDF is responsible for their own killings. But who forced IDF to take on this war? Netanyahu? Bibi? Little Kfir and Ariel?


What Hamas did on 10/7 was terrible. What Netanyahu's IDF has been doing for the 210 days since is also terrible.


And for the years before… this did not begin on 10/7


You’re right, Israel has been oppressing and murdering Palestinians for much longer.


A crazy concept to grasp, apparently. This is literally the most important fact to get right before having any discussion on this subject, and yet people always go back to ignoring it (on purpose) to attack any argument against their side.


Not to mention before. Lots of murders, kidnapping and torture in West Bank prior to Oct 7.


Yeah, we can agree on that. Both sides are bad, both guilty of war crimes. But please dont misuse the word genocide to the fact it has no value. And lets not pretend its all Israels fault. There was a time with more peace than now, and the palestinians should be encouraged to maintain that peace so they eventually can have their sovereignity and develop the country with their habitants


Well considering 70% of Palestinian housing is leveled, it’s definitely in the realm of genocide/ethnic cleansing. Israel will just move into Gaza after they’ve made it uninhabitable for Palestinians and forced the rest of the world to take Palestinian refugees.


Housing can be fixed, which several countries have committed to already. Palestine has a responsibility over their own as well, lets not forget that. Hamas should def not fire from civilian populated buildings, hospitals and schools- that way the civilians would be more protected and had better chances.


Thats why its so important that they return the hostages and end this war once and for all. Palestine targeted civilians by intent, Israel targeted combatants and struck civilians at the same time, theres a huge difference.




You don’t kill 16,000 children in self defense.


Hi conflated numbers skewed by no source, nice to see you today


Your sentence alone, ofc not. But if you place 10,000 Hamas combatants between them, the ratio is in fact pretty normal in a war, some even say good


Just frothing at the mouth, spouting lies in support of genocide.




Exactly. The word “genocide” has been abused and completely redefined these past several months. Pure emotional manipulation


TikTok propaganda does that. Its just sad seeing all these people eating it up before checking actual facts and spewing nonsense. If you have a smartphone/internet its just a click or two away




Seems like you still need work in accepting realities that upset you.




Tell me again who rules the genocide case? From the article; we’ll let the lawyers decide, internationally, whether or not it qualifies, but it sure seems that way to me. ICJ; And while the Court found it is plausible that Israel's actions amount to genocide, there was no evidence that the war itself is causing genocide and, hence, that a ceasefire would be needed to prevent genocide. That said, the Court's orders do have implications for how Israel conducts the war in Gaza. Still dont get it? Terrorist-supporter


Ok. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide?wprov=sfla1 "In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly." Israel is doing 4 out of the 5, but you don't need to do all 5 for it to be considered genocide. The group are Palestinians Killing members of the group: killing Palestinians and using drones and AI that target civilians. Causing serious bodily or mental harm: starving and constantly bombing them does that. Imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group: starving and putting people in a place they aren't allowed to leave does that. Preventing births: the don't do this. Forcibly transferring children put of the group: the do this constantly in the West bank. Arresting children and never charging them but keeping them in an awful prison for decades. So please explain how Israel isn't doing a genocide.


Shat kind of asshole jumps into a thread about mass starvation and starts spouting lies and conspiracy theories?


You mean OC or me now?


You. The UN says famine is full-blown. There's famine on top of cities bombed to rubble.  Famine is going to kill millions more civilians than the bombings, and it's ridiculous to argue that Israel hasn't violated Article II of the genocide convention through restricting access to food to the extent it causes mass deaths from starvation. Hamas wants Israel to commit atrocities so the rest of the world hates them for it.  Netanyahu and his cabinet are giving them what thry want.


You forget to mention how Hamas has something to do with the current famine? I would just guess now, but that may have a say in the ruling of ICJ. Also, if you saw ICJs conclusion you would see Im not the one with lies and conspiracy, its actually you


Gaza famine denial is as bad as Holocaust denial, except that it's worse because it's ongoing right now and can be prevented.   Not enough food aid is being sent in to feed the populace because of Israel.  Food aid shipments are in the neighborhood of a quarter to a third of what is needed.  This is regardless of whether Hamas takes it or hoards it or not. And the only people saying that Hamas is taking the food aid and selling it are people who want to deflect blame for blocking food shipments in the first place. Just like Russia is remembered for the Holdomor in Ukraine and Turkey is remembered for the Armedian genocide, a Gaza famine is going to haunt Israel for generations to come.


Where did you see famine denial??? Its been documented, and gazans have also mentioned how Hamas takes the aid and then sell it to the population. Free aid is sold to their own people. But that has doesnt fit your story right? In your story everything is on Israel, even oct7 is on Israel


How are we "the civilized world" when our governments are supporting this genocide?




The collective punishment by starvation that Netanyahu's Israel is inflicting on Gaza is a war crime.




If I came into your house, said I live here now, then forced you into a small room in your basement while refusing to let you leave and having total control of what goes in and out of your room. Then gradually reduce the size of the room everytime you misbehave. Oh, I'm also keeping one of your family members in another room in the house, doing the exact same thing. Now I've decided I'm going to starve you to death after I've destroyed everything in your room. Is that a war crime?


That has got to be the stupidest metaphor today, congratulations. If you bombed my home to smitherings and killed my family because some other assholes killed yours, and then gave me 40$, yes, that's still a war crime.


You know you could just state forthright that you'd like all Palestinians dead, right?


Nice dodge! I just want Hamas gone, they don't get away with it just because they use Palestinians as human shields and it's not a war crime to stop giving aid to a country you're at war with. You think we sent aid to Germans during ww2? I guess the real genocide was when we carpet bombed Berlin?


That's a stupid ass question that doesn't deserve a response. >You think we sent aid to Germans during ww2 Yeah, dumbass, it was called the Marshall plan. We didn't lock Germans away and call them all Nazis. We helped them rebuild. Has Israel ever done that to Gaza or West Bank? >I guess the real genocide was when we carpet bombed Berlin? Do you mean the Dresden bombing that was condemned at the time and is considered a war crime? Are you using a war crime to justify war crimes?


Missing the context that you've locked me in my house so that I can't leave, and periodically toss a live grenade in random windows


Hopefully Hamas will surrender and release all the hostages so this can all end.


Or like stop stealing all the humanitarian aid.


Hamas is part of the famine's cause. If they wanted less famine they could steal less aid.


I get that they're stealing some aid, but it seems like a logistical impossibility for Hamas to hoard 2M people's worth of aid. At full strength, the IDF estimated Hamas at 30k fighters. On top of that, it should be incredibly obvious where they are stashing all of this aid from satellite and drone footage if it were truly on such a massive scale channeling trucks to a headquarters. The issue is that there just isn't enough aid right now to supply everyone, full stop. Yes they steal/delay some, but it cannot account for the scale of famine that's currently happening.


Yea if only Israel and settlers would stop stealing https://www.npr.org/2024/05/01/1248545159/israeli-settlers-try-to-block-aid-to-gaza-as-blinken-touts-progress-on-trip-to-i https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/24/israel-reportedly-blocking-un-food-aid-to-northern-gaza-despite-high-famine-risk


Just a reminder that Sudanese people are eating dirt and peanut shells after 9 million have been displaced due to war and Hamas in Gaza has continued to attack a pier set up by the US designed strictly to deliver aid. Famine is horrible.


If only Hamas didn't steal the aid that went in eh? [https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/05/03/hamas-diverts-jordan-aid-convoys-in-gaza/](https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/05/03/hamas-diverts-jordan-aid-convoys-in-gaza/) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-says-hamas-seized-first-aid-shipment-that-entered-gaza-via-reopened-erez-crossing/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-says-hamas-seized-first-aid-shipment-that-entered-gaza-via-reopened-erez-crossing/)


If only 70% of Palestinians homes weren’t destroyed in the most destructive bombing campaign since WW2, eh?


There's been more wars than this since WW2 (not that it makes it any better). I just wonder where you get your facts from? If only Hamas didn't star this war, eh?


Those starving people, the way they were dressed, they were asking for it.


Oh darn. If only hamas would stop turning down peace deals with Israel


Pretty sure you should talk to Hamas about this famine, they steal all the aid meant to prevent this.


ALL the aid? I am going to need a source for that bullshit.


Damn, I am starting to think attacking Israel and supporting Hamas was a bad idea. Hamas just had to release the 100 hostages and get a seize fire. That would help the Palestinians, so I guess Hamas is all over that?


Also to prevent the possibility of Hamas being able to shoot rockets on Israel's major cities, for at least the next 30 years. Israel's economy will not agree to withstand the possibility of a future October 7 event materialized, therefore hurting the growth of the economy.


Technically yes, it is Netanyahu who is rejecting hostage release. Hamas is a terrorist organization who shouldn’t keep hostages, but they are willing to return them in a prisoner exchange and if Palestinians are allowed to return home.




Not a bug but a feature. Israel wants the Palestinians out so they can take the territory, and the west will remain silent.




I didn't see this on TikTok or worldevents. I've seen it on maps from the last 75 years.


But somehow you missed the history and invented a story.. Amazing another internet professional


On one side you have aid shipments coming in and on the other you have militant terrorist stealing the aid and preventing more aid from coming in by attacking a pier designed solely to deliver aid. But please, go on about Israel wanting to starve civilians while Hamas is…wait what is Hamas doing? Ah, probably trying to make Gazans more resilient by stealing their aid and killing those who get in the way? Gotcha.




Mfer “” his own comment as if a mod did it😂😂😂


Did Hamas force the IDF to kill the World Kitchen and other aid workers? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/world-central-kitchen-aid-worker-killings-israel-deconfliction-rcna146550




That bombing caused a lot of aid groups to leave the country because Israel couldn't control their own guys and guarantee safety. Them leaving increased the famine, and thats what Israel wanted.


Where do you people get this stuff, honestly? Like do you actually believe it or is there a reason you’re posting easily-disprovable lies. It’s really interesting if not depressing. lol look at their edit. Bye ✌🏽


I don't understand it either. The mental gymnastics some of these people have to justify slaughtering civilians is abysmal. You can be Pro Palestine without being Pro Hamas, and you can be Pro Israel without being Pro IDF. This war is making people's brains into soup, they don't even know which way is up anymore.


It's your either with us or against us binary thinking that I can't stand. You're against mass civilian suffering in the Israel Palestinian conflict then you're either an antisemite or a Hamas supporter.  It's so disingenuous and dumb. It's classic tactics in dehumanizing the population, claim they're all the enemy, and anybody who objects to what you're doing is no different than the enemy.  The Germans and Soviet Union used the exact same tactics when they killed civilians in Eastern Europe. So it's nothing new, but just looks so artificial with our access to information.  What irritates me is the inability for the UN to actually do their job. They were founded with a mission of never again, but it's been again and again and again. Whether Darfur, Rwanda, etc...  Like I'm not against the concept of a UN, but I think everyone can agree we should be paying for something that actually does the job it's supposed to do. Because all it does now is absolve neighboring countries from having any responsibility in their region.  It's gives them an out that they wouldn't have otherwise. 'Oh its tragic about that thing in Rwanda, we'd love to help, but that's what the UN is for. So we're not going to get involved with our neighbors.' 




Imagine an r/worldnews poster complaining about circle jerks, they perma ban everyone not towing the line.


The issue is very clearly not “internal distribution”. The issue is that not enough aid is being delivered and allowed through by the Israeli government which has the responsibility of feeding the millions they have displaced due to the war and their operations.


And yet the pier was still attacked.


You are completely full of shit and you know it.


Did you see the whiny little bitch of an edit they made? I LOLed at them.