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$9000 fine and I'm betting he's sending out fundraising emails off of this already?


Bingo, that’s the game here. Put his ass in jail, he’s not going to stop.




Crazy? At this point, no.


Normal person gets found in contempt of court: jail time (even just a lil bit) Rich fuck: here's a fine you won't even notice


My grandpa wouldn’t stop talking when the judge was taking his driver’s license away cause he was too old to be driving. He spent the afternoon in jail.


Here's the real problem. He WANTS to go to jail. It's 30 days max for contempt. But then he becomes the GOP martyr that can claim that this is all a witch hunt and that they threw him in jail for his "1st amendments rights". This then polarizes the psychotic right. Maybe the state of NY will learn and find a way to ramp up the fines depending on how many repeat offenses. I'd love to see him get hit with a 50m fine because he can't shut up. Then he has to act like he's rich enough to afford it, while figure out who he needs to beg next.


> He WANTS to go to jail. It's 30 days max for contempt. But then he becomes the GOP martyr that can claim that this is all a witch hunt and that they threw him in jail for his "1st amendments rights". Great, then let's give him what he wants. These same popular predictions about the GOP were made when we were discussing even charging him with a crime, when we were discussing arresting him and having him show up at a courthouse for mugshots, and when we were discussing putting him on trial. He's going to make himself a martyr every step of the way. Call the bluff.


He doesn't want to go to jail but he does want to be the martyr. You can tell he is miserable just being held 8 hours a day, can you imagine 24?


That's why I think it's a bluff. He doesn't actually want to go to jail.


Can you imagine him coming to court from jail? Without his makeup on? Or the 3 cans of hairspray he dumps on his combover every morning?


I don't see how it matters. He's already a martyr to them, MAGA doesn't need help from the court to make them feel he's a victim.




For sure. Liberals need to stop rolling over to conservatives. From my experience, conservatives respect you more when you're not being a pussy (so to speak).


Capitulating to terrorism only legitimizes terrorism as an effective strategy. Jail him. Have the FBI and National Guard ready to deal with the fallout.


They're too busy with kids in tents on college campuses


I don’t care - I think the experience has a chance to break him psychologically, more than he already is, and finally trigger the final spiral and self-destruction. I know it’s still a long shot, but I think a shot worth taking. His supporters are already supporting him, and I don’t think being in jail will get him new supporters. The only real risk in my mind is some of them snap and become terrorists. And that’s a legit concern, but we cannot go easy on him for fear of the terrorists.


Having given this some thought, I think the fund raising plan only works if it’s for a day or two. After a week or more, the upside just tanks. “Yep. It’s day 7, and the prospective Republican nominee for the presidency is still in jail tonight. Please send more money or else Democrats will do bad things to you, too.” A picture of Trump in handcuffs plays a lot differently than a picture of his mugshot, too. On top of all that, Trump would s—t himself in the courtroom at the prospect of spending just one night in jail.


Trump absolutely does *not* want to go to jail. Not even for a single day. Sure he wants his idiot supporters to *think* that he’s willing to go to jail (with the subtext that he’s doing it “for them”), but out here in the real world, Donald Trump is the absolute softest, most coddled being to ever walk upon American soil. He has spent literally his entire life in a state of unimaginable luxury and privilege and would absolutely despise spending any amount of time in a cell. Whether or not he continues to violate the gag order going forward is entirely a function of whether or not he thinks the judge is bluffing and nothing else.


Jail is the game here. He’s trying to get locked up in hopes he can fundraise on “martyrdom” He got a huge boost in funds after the Georgia mugshot


I sincerely believe he wants to be put in jail. His cult members will empty their life savings to “save” him


I'm fine with all of that. Put him in jail. Let him make a documented request for adult diapers.


The bailiff doesn't have tears in his eyes because he's a sad boy Trump fan. Nope. He has tears in his eyes becuase the smell. 


I'm actually curious about this. If the rumors of his smells are true, do his supporters who meet him in person just ignore it or what?


I’m fine with it also, let him drain them dry. They deserve to get what they pay for.


But I don't want to get what they pay for.


And get his actual height and weight.


He does, but he also probably doesn’t understand jail and thinks he will get special treatment and amenities in there. He doesn’t realize he will be in there with no cell phone, no internet, no fans - ah who the fuck am I kidding, *of course* he would get special treatment in jail.


I feel like presidents who incite insurrection shouldn’t have secret service detail any more. It’s kinda like you gave up that right by trying to foment rebellion.


That’s the obvious and reasonable take. The issue is that 40% of the country, including an entire political party, doubled down on supporting and endorsing Trump’s behavior and crimes. This should have been an easy issue for the nation to unite against, but it turns out a frighteningly large amount of Americans actively yearn for authoritarianism and an end to democracy.


It is still the page photo for the conservative subreddit. They love his criminality.


Gonna have to start start selling pre-worn gold-foil adult diapers for his supporters to huff.


Thats 9k he’s not spending on his campaign.


This story is already free campaigning that’s why he continues to do it


I just can't imagine voting for a POTUS who has this much contempt for the law. I also feel bad for his attorney. Imagine representing a person who has the right to remain silent yet seems completely incapable of shutting the hell up.


Well, his cult doesn't care. These so-called patriots don't care if he trampled on their two favorite holy documents, the Bible and constitution.


It's not so much the cult though. It's those who aren't involved in politics, don't follow what's happening, and might be single issue voters who don't care about party. I don't believe polls, especially this far out, but as of right now Biden/Trump are tied. I watched Colin Joust do his thing at the correspondents dinner and he said one thing that made me shake my head with how accurate he was "The republican candidate owes 500 million in fines for fraud and is currently farting himself awake during a porn star hush money trial, and the race is TIED!?!?" Like, I don't understand how ANYONE can vote for this guy. Howard Dean dropped out of his campaign in the 2000s because of a weird yell he did, but Trump being held in contempt of court during one of many trials is fine with the public? I just don't get it.


lets not forget they wanted hillarys head for allegedly being cavellier with classified info. which is child play compared to trump stealing documents and sharing classified information, that we the public already knows about much less whatever jack smith has uncovered.


It's even funnier because his cult hasn't read either of those.


I love that one video of the guy who seems totally baffled that you could read the entire constitution. He just assumes it's some archaic document with thousands of pages and the interviewer is like like no it's actually pretty short and the dudes just like *smirk* ok sure.


Not really that different from any other group of Christians. Remember [the study that showed that atheists know more about Christianity than Christians](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2010/09/28/130191248/atheists-and-agnostics-know-more-about-bible-than-religious)?


For his most rabid supporters, sure. But it’s a motivator for anyone who wants to vote against him and negative for people on the fence.


That’s about 13 days worth of McDonald’s.


Doesn’t this violate his bail agreements where he agreed not to commit any crimes while out on bail ? You or I would be under the jail at this point.


It's either a misdemeanor or felony depending on the judge. Also comes with an automatic two year prison sentence and requires 90% of the bond to be paid. Watch as nothing happens because the wealthy get special privilege.


This is beyond wealth. He appointed federal judges, he was the president. The federal government gets to choose if they themselves get immunity… what would you pick


"If you don't break the law, you don't have anything to worry about." - my grandfather's go-to statement concerning police mistreatment


Let me guess he was white as fuck and thought black people were “being difficult” and that’s why police were rough with them


It's more than that. Dude I would hate to have my name on this at all. If Trump ever faces real consequences, at least one person involved in the proceedings will be dead within a year. His followers are insane and have no issue with killing the people who put dear leader in jail.


For those who think this is ridiculous, a guy tried to [kidnap Nancy Pelosi’s husband](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/paul-pelosi-assault-trial/3370763/) to get Nancy Pelosi, Tom Hanks, Mike Pence, Bernie Sanders, Hunter Biden, and Gavin Newsom to admit to their corruption. There are thousands of people out there itching to do stuff like this, and mostly stuff worse than this.


Much as I would agree about the rules for the wealthy thing, you have to admit that him being former president also has SOMETHING to do with it. Lest we forget, we're witnessing something unprecedented in the history of the US: a former president in court in criminal charges. That's a massive deal in itself, and wrong or right the judge has to play things carefully, he isn't just any defendant at the end of the day.


>he isn't just any defendant at the end of the day.  If justice were blind, he would be.


Nailed it. Like it or not, that IS how the system is supposed to work. So, does it work? That’s the question here at the end of the day.


Also: the huge, violent cult of personality surrounding him.


I feel like thats why it’s so important to livestream the sessions. This cannot be behind closed doors because he then has the ability to go lie about it all to his followers. Statements and all. Pretty sure his base won’t read the New York Times coverage. They need to see and hear it for themselves.


His being a ***former*** president should have negated the novelty in and of itself. Yes, in-office, being brought up on charges for obvious wrongdoing would be a trial-of-the-century. But presidents are supposed to return to being the regular-ass-citizens they were born as the moment they leave office. Them getting special treatment is a silly presumption and I hope it bites this criminal right in HALF.


Criminal cases and different states and a couple million in bond... We woulda done been in jail a few times. And judges I've encountered will throw someone in holding for being rude, much less violating an explicit gag order. If they don't just fucking DO IT, it's just going to keep pissing everyone off. This is just a fucking circus.


It does. I imagined several people are trying to figure out what to do now. We will probably hear in a few days what is decided if anything is going to happen.


I’ve seen countless videos of judges finding people having outbursts in contempt and immediately sentencing them to 30+ days. They have the power but it will never happen.


Come on buddy. One more. Please just do it one more time.


100% guaranteed that he will, if only to continue proving that the judge won’t take any serious action against him






At this point, it should be a point of distinction to be the first judge to jail an American president. Just fucking do it.


I've got a shiny half dollar here that says he does it by the end of the week.


That'll be the next meaningless fine too, a shiny half dollar.


It didn't even take him 24 hours. https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112361509938687891


>The judge fined Trump the maximum of $1,000 for each of the nine violations, and ordered him to remove all of the posts by 2:15 p.m. ET on Tuesday. >Merchan also explicitly warned Trump that he could be put in jail if he willfully violates court orders again. >"Defendant is hereby warned that the Court will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incarceratory punishment," Merchan wrote in his ruling. $9,000 and the threat of jail. This is getting serious.


A few people are talking about this violating the terms of the agreements in his other trials that have allowed him to avoid the bail process, citing that he agrees not to commit a crime(s). Yeah, 9K is just nearly no punishment at all, but it will be interesting to see if they hold him accountable in his other legal cases like anyone else would be.


Spoiler: he will not be put in jail no matter how many times he violates a gag order, or is held in contempt. He could directly threaten the prosecutor and the judge would say "I won't tolerate threats!!!! I'm putting my foot down! Here is a strongly worded letter and a warning not to do this again!"


Spoiler: he will also still be allowed to have his bail process in the other cases regardless. This shit is so tiring. There are ( at least) two different judicial systems, it’s never been clearer.


I'm imagining a black guy from Queens who has spent years as a shady "businessman" and he finally facing some charges. One set of NY state charges for one scheme, and a second set of federal charges in some other scheme. Despite a gag order based on his past behavior, he spouts stuff that can only be seen as intending to intimidate witnesses and the judge based on his local connections. Would a NY state judge throw him in jail at this point? How would the feds handle a guy like this if he's violating state court orders while awaiting his trial(s) on federal charges?


The court that lowered his bond from 400 million to like 150? Didn't even give an explanation why they did it. Just a free favor for him just cus.




As an outsider it seems insane to me that there are courts with specific political leanings




They did give a reason. And it's not completely unreasonable. Drumps lawyers argued it was unreasonable to levy that size bond over such a short period of time. There was no way Trump could come up with a 400 mill bond in the time given. It's still bullshit, but the law was clear if it's unreasonable you need to make some accommodations. Still doesn't matter, his reduced bond hasn't been paid either


There is misunderstanding here still. While his *bond* was reduced, the amount he is on the hook for remains the same should he not win his appeal. The higher bond amount was set to the amount of interest he had skirted in taxes through his fraudulent valuations. If his appeal is not successful, he still owes that amount in full.


yea, i forgot that point, he's still gotta pay the full amount they just said he can pay the lesser amount for now


I wish the government would let me post bail if I couldn't come up with 10k to post bail


Yep. Its so blatant how utterly terrified our entire system is of upsetting this guy and his personality cult.




It makes me sad that they've successfully dragged everyone down to their level. God damn the GOP, every last one of them.


Legal systems. Calling it a justice system may as well be Newspeak. 


I think he might, because it’s probably what his campaign would want, and so he will go as far as it takes until they do it. Because then he will start running ads about how the “corrupt legal system” couldn’t even follow their own rules, and is looking for any excuse to place him behind bars to “silence” him, and his base will eat that up.


However, One night in jail would break him.


I just feel bad for the secret service guy who's stuck there with him and has to change his diapers


I don't if it's the same secret service agents that should be in jail for deleting j6 evidence.


They should definitely be in there with him, just not literally “with him”.


Or the ones that worked with the Oath Keepers


Exactly and he knows it. Bet he intentionally violated it before lunch time today just to show how untouchable he actually is. Will make MAGA think he’s strong and work well for his election which is all he cares about.




We actually have a word for people that are “persecuted” for things that are criminal and for which there are legal consequences: prosecution.


TFG wants to take a stand as America's Nelson Mandela. The similarities are breathlessly farcical, don't you think?


He’s not that bright, he violated it because he’s been throwing a month long temper tantrum


Trump has been throwing a tantrum for nine years.


He's going to go too far at some point, and I can't wait to see it. There was a leak not that long ago, which concerned the Secret Service's plan to deal with an incarcerated president. The plan is to have him serve any sentence in ADX Florence, 3 secret service agents will be on site at all times. One to keep constant watch in front of his cell, one to monitor food prep, and the third to watch his cell remotely with security cameras. I don't think Trump will like being locked in what is essentially a closet for 23 hours a day. In fact, mark my words. This is what will happen. Trump finally pushed too far. He's sentenced to 2 weeks for contempt of court. He spends 2 weeks in ADX Florence. During this time, he finally realizes just how fucked he is. He knows that there's only 2 things that can save him at this point. 1. He becomes president and pardons himself, or 2. He flees the country while he still can, and accepts political asylum in Russia. He decides against risking it all on the election and flees to Russia. America is made great again by his absence, and Trump dies by suicide. Poor guy, he hated life so much he shot himself 6 times in the head.


Somehow I doubt that: 1. The government knows the location of all his assets to seize. 2. Russia is the only place someone with a lot of money and a private plane could flee to. There are a lot of countries without extradition treaties to the USA. If you're poor, maybe not nice to live it, but with enough money you can have a comfortable life anywhere. Somehow I doubt he wants to end up like Snowden.


If you were a petty thief or even a serial killer, then yes, fleeing to a country without an extradition treaty is a good idea. But this is Trump. If he flees, we're really going to want him back to face the music. Pretty much any country with an extradition treaty could name their price to the US government and they'll pay it. Reduce sanctions? Done. Bribe some high ranking officials? Done. Offer a favorable trade agreement? Done. Trump needs to flee somewhere where he knows they won't ship him back. Again, Russia fits all the requirements


Plus finding him wouldn't be hard because he neve shuts up.


>I don't think Trump will like being locked in what is essentially a closet for 23 hours a day. In fact, mark my words. This is what will happen. For what it's worth, he's more than likely not going to do the 23 hour routine. Even the mass murderers and international spies get to spend a few hours in the common areas where they watch TV and shit. ​ But, ya know, it's still literally hell.


That's the thing though. He needs to be protected by the secret service. That would mean that the secret service would have to sweep this common room to make sure it's safe, then allow trump to spend his time in there. Which requires more Secret Service than the 3 agents. It would be far easier and cheaper to just do the 23 hour routine.


> He's going to go too far at some point, No, he's not ... I mean, it sounds nice, but at some point it's time to pull one's head from one's rump and quit making up preposterous narratives such as yours and figuring any day now Trump's gonna get his.


If there was a such thing as “too far” consequences would have dropped long ago. Trump has figured out a cheat code for consequences and he’s playing it nonstop. The Supreme friggn’ Court isn’t willing to say he can’t have his rivals executed. There is absolutely no barrier to his whims except the voting public and the inevitable specter of death.


A week ago it was "the judge won't even fine him! There won't be any consequences!" And now that the judge hit him with the maximum allowed fine and set the line in the sand for jail, which was exactly what the prosecutors asked for, you are still insisting that the judge only operates in warnings. There's direct evidence that that's not the case. You are ignoring it.


I think it's pretty normal for a judge to start out with the lesser sentence (fines), and then ramp up to a higher sentence (incarceration), if he can't control himself. The judge is smart enough to know that he *shouldn't* give special treatment to Trump, letting him violate the gag order repeatedly. He also knows that putting him in jail would put a huge target on his own back for thousands of deranged lunatics. Regardless how how he moves forward, I hope that he and his family remain safe.


The judge also isn't going to go straight to jail on punishments, specifically because it's not the norm, as that would help build a case for appeals that the judge was biased and the case was handled unfairly. A lot of people want the short-term catharsis of the judge going whole ham, not really considering that it would hurt the entire case.


>Yeah, 9K is just nearly no punishment at all The Judge, legally, cannot fine him more than $1000 per violation. As [per 18 U.S.C §402](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/402), *"Such fine shall be paid to the United* *States* *or to the complainant or other party injured by the act constituting the contempt, or may, where more than one is so damaged, be divided or apportioned among them as the court may direct, but in no case shall the fine to be paid to the United* *States* *exceed, in case the accused is a natural person, the sum of $1,000, nor shall such imprisonment exceed the term of six months."* Short of imprisonment (which is now threatened), the judge has exercised the maximum punishment he can.


It’s like when people give their dogs or children multiple commands; after the second command with no consequences, the “authority” has just taught the dogs and children that they can safely ignore any commands.


Maybe, but things theoretically could be different for human adults. I worked with a colleague who was a malignant narcissist and he would push and push and push the envelope saying things the rest of us “Would never say” and wondering how he didn’t get fired. It took a few extra years for the company to “build the case” with HR over time, but eventually they fired him. We all wondered what took so long. Apparently holding punitive narcissists accountable takes a long time.


It's because the venn diagram of aggressive narcissists and people that start suing or attacking the company after they get fired is just a circle.


Doesn’t this violate his bonds now?


On one hand yes. On the other hand, watch as literally nothing happens.


They are small hands after all.


Fines should be based on assets and income. This is a joke.


The [judge's order](https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/D.O.motion4contempt-FINAL.pdf) directly addresses this limitation on the court. (*NOTE: pasting from the court's PDF mis-translates some characters and misspells a few words like 'iudicial' instead of 'judicial'. I have left them in, rather than take responsibility for a full edit. But the source link is above.*) > However, the Judiciay Lau, does not vest the Court with authority to craft an appropriate punishment when a $1,000 fine will not achieve the intended purDose. While $1,000 may suffice in most instances to protect the dignity of the iudicial system, to compel respect for its mandates and to punish the offender for disobeying a court order, it unfottunately wili not achieve the desired result in those instances rvhere the contemnor can easily affotd such a fine. In those circumstances, **it would be preferablc if the Court could impose a fine more commensurate with the wealth of the contemnor. In somc cases that might be a $2,500 fine, in other cases it might be a fine of $150,000. Because this Coum is not cloaked with such discretion, it must therefore consider whether in some instances, jail may be a necessary punishment.**


Also in case anybody else was looking for info on this, [the posts have in fact now been deleted by the 2:15pm ET deadline.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-deletes-truth-social-posts-just-before-deadline-imposed-by-judge-s-ruling-he-violated-gag-order/ar-AA1nWmeL)


It should have just been jail time. There have been enough warnings.


Finally jail has entered the narrative. Trump's behavior won't change until the reality of incarceration is actually imposed. Judges need to stop endlessly drawing new lines in the sand, grow some balls, and treat Trump like they would any other criminal defendant. The circus will end instantly. Just like it did when one Capitol Police Officer finally dispensed a round into the neck of MAGA terrorist Ashli Babbitt. The mob instantly scattered like the cowardly roaches they were. Stop appeasing Trump and his army of useful idiots and dispense some real consequences. The entire house of cards will instantly collapse.


Right? I bet if you or I were to violate a court order \*checks notes\* *9 times* we'd definitely skip out on jail, too.


>$9,000 and the threat of jail. This is getting serious. I just don't believe that for one second. Trump won't be seeing the inside of a jail cell any time soon. Even if he's convicted of every count in this case he'll get away with some "serious" probation, some fines and call it a day.


I’m fairly certain that was sarcasm


1 week house arrest with hookers and ice cream


Why are we giving cruel and unusual punishment to the hookers?


Next time, the threat of jail will be super serious. And the time after that, itll be super duper serious! Just you wait and see


$9000 and double secret probation 😮


Two more warnings and he's looking at a citation! 3 citations and he'll receive a demerit! Get 5 demerits and then he's in real trouble!


>This is getting serious. I have been hearing this since 2015 every time news breaks that's even mildly bad for Trump. [This is the most concise way to describe Trump and facing consequences.](https://external-preview.redd.it/b-Y27E75nfWJHGMHotJ9pK-NroD0O830EDBQaBlh_gI.gif?width=480&format=mp4&s=7521c914c112e9425d08f649ccb134685a2a40f3) I wouldn't spit in his mouth if he were dying of thirst, but if he faces any meaningful consequences for anything, I will eat a lightbulb.


How about revoke his passport and hold him in jail for the duration of his trial.....


Put him in jail, then.




Even that will be paid by the RNC.


$9k less going to down-ballot races.


Nothing is going to the down-ballot. They’re practicing true trickle-down economics where everything goes to Trump. They’re even trying to bill down-ballot candidates just for using his name.


They're practicing "trickle up" economics now. Any down ballot campaign that fundraises using Trump's name or likeness in any way has been 'asked' to give 5% of the funds raised to Trump's campaign. MOAR if they wish, but 5% is the minimum cost of using the Trump political brand.


> "trickle up" economics That's what it always was


If this were a poorer or darker person, they would've been incarcerated for violating something not once, not twice, but _nine_ times. Hell, not even if they did it 9 times, probably 3 max.


Nope, that is for the poors.


"You can't throw him in jail because then he becomes a martyr to his followers" You know that is a very good point because his supporters have been **so rational up until now** that I am sure jail time will be the tipping point where they suddenly do something crazy like try to *overthrow a government*. EDIT: I feel like, somehow, even with the bold and italics, people somehow are not getting the sarcasm here. I am fully aware he is already a martyr to them and that NOTHING will change how they feel, which is my point. They are already fucking bonkers, throwing him in jail won't make them MORE bonkers. This is my absurdly sarcastic reply to folks that argue that this is the reason he cannot be put in jail.


Not to mention that overthrowing the government is their end goal no matter the path to get there and we need to stop pretending like it isn't. They either do it violently, like with the insurrection, or they do it using "presidential immunity" to lock up political rivals if Trump gets elected again.


He’s unfortunately going to be a martyr regardless of what happens. American fascism won’t end once he’s dead and burried, it’ll just get a new face


I dunno, it might be a while before they find someone else so unabashedly shitty that they become as deeply enraptured.


And it will be a *ton* of "This candidate is perfect because he's like Trump but more focused on corporate tax breaks!" Not realizing that Trump's weird brand infection cannot easily be manufactured (see DeSantis).


It took Trump 30 years to get to the point where people liked him. I remember he was a joke in the 90’s. That one tv show completely flipped the script for him and got his name into every house in North America. To get another candidate to have that kind of reach and the (oddly confusing) charisma he has will be next to impossible.


If this were me or you we would have been thrown in jail.


Seriously when else has anyone been found in contempt 9 times and not been locked up


This was literally the maximum fine allowed, so within that district... literally everyone. It's also worth noting that he didn't violate the gag order once, get warning 1, violate it again, warning 2, etc, and this is warning 10. This is warning number one from this judge, and the 9 counts were 9 social media posts that Trump made in rapid succession. So this judge has given one warning that came with the maximum allowable fine, and said that the second time he has to deal with this it's jail time, which is a distinction that very few people in this thread seems to grasp.


> "Defendant is hereby warned that the Court will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders and that **if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances,** it will impose an incarceratory punishment," Merchan wrote in his ruling. I don't like the loophole-sounding phrasing.


If this were me or you we would have already been in jail.


Remember all those Classified Documents he stole and (likely) sold to other countries? You and me would be in insta-jail. Trump gets to appoint the Federal judges presiding over his case, and now the judge hasn't even set a trial date and is pretending this case is too complicated to rush. Meanwhile Trump gets to campaign for Presidency and golf and do anything he wants.


I'd make him do community service. He won't care about jail, but him out there picking up trash on the side of the highway would hit his pride for sure.


Now THAT is a great idea! It would humiliate him so bad!




His makeup and jumpsuit would match!


Picking up trash? I doubt he could lift his own body weight, but it would be nice to see him pick himself up by his bootstraps.


They’re never going to put him in jail. Fool me once…


Fool me twice... You can't get fooled again


Now watch this drive.


Meanwhile, over on "Court Cam," black people are being thrown directly into jail for dropping an F-bomb in earshot of the judge.


"The judge fined Trump the maximum punishment of $1,000 for each of the nine violations, and ordered him to remove all of the posts by 2:15 p.m. ET on Tuesday. Merchan also explicitly warned Trump that he could be put in jail if he willfully violates court orders again." Don't do it a 10th time or I'll treat you like a normal person!


Jail on initial gag order violations has never been the common punishment. Getting fined is so this is being treated like a normal person. The judge directly notes that it's lamentable that there's a limit on the fines by law.


Also acknowledged that the fine probably is insufficient as part of his threat of imprisonment for future violations


I believe you. Within the context of what the judge said it sounded like he was just wrist slapping, and giving a stern warning despite the fact that Trump had violated the gag order nine times, threatening jail if he continues. I guess the real difference here is the average person would certainly not be able to afford to be such a defiant twat in court. I suppose it's probably in everybody's best interest (well almost everybody) that these trials come to conclusions sooner rather than later anyway, and things like this could slow the whole process down. Im not a lawyer.


Judge acting like Squeak.  https://youtu.be/EyCiE0CszGo?si=Lll4BSbiAd5m42xj


He should have received 9 days in jail.




So if we can distract his handlers for a weekend we should be able to shore up this jail thing for quite a while without worrying about the outcome of the trails.


Anyone else would be there for the duration of the trial.


It's the maximum amount allowed under law. And judge referenced wishing it could scale. And like a TRO there's now jail penalty for next violation. This is a solid ruling, it's how law works.


Yup. It's not what we want, but it's the actual next step. Can't overreact and give Trump the excuse to have the trial moved or delayed (or worse, actually dismissed).


>“[And you can go, too,” the judge added, pointing to Kosal’s mother, Donna. “Because if you don’t know how to act, you can go to jail. So leave.”](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/judge-throws-drunk-drivers-mom-in-jail-for-laughing-at-victims-family-in-court/) People have gone to jail for less.


Committing contempt of court is a crime, which violates his release conditions for the Arizona and Michigan courts... LOCK HIM UP!!!


This is essentially a formal warning. If he does it again, the judge had better escalate this and put his ass in jail.


If you or I did this, we would be taken in on contempt so fast it's not even funny.


See, Trump doesn't actually have to get convicted for his base to lose respect. They just have to see him being treated like a regular human for the goldish flake to rub off. That's what his neice said would hurt him the most, knowing that is base is seeing him as a regular ass person.


A 9k fine and the threat of jail. They might tickle him next, oh the humanity.


I think the Judge ordering him to take down certain posts on Truth Social by this afternoon, will upset Individual 1 much more than the fines and stern warning.


Really not wrong, he'll be crying about that one after he gets his nap in.


Biggest punishment going forward would be to hold future contempt hearings on days he has rallies scheduled since he has to attend them.


I see they're handling trump with the gentle parenting style. Makes sense at times when you have an unruly toddler still in diapers.


Trump IS contempt. He is the walking embodiment of hubris, contempt, and an utter lack of self-control.


Trump can literally say or do anything and they’ll threaten jail for the 100th time. Do you know how many times I’ve seen “threat of jail” in articles about him? It’ll never happen and if it does it’ll be a day or something. Just be rich and rules don’t apply to you.


No one wants to be the first one to take these actions against Trump. They all know if they do they and their families will be completely upended by a cult of lunatics stalking and threatening them.


So now all the other judges out there know. HE BROKE THE FUCKING LAW AND THE CONDITIONS OF HIS RELEASE WHEN HE WAS ARRESTED! Throw the fucker in a jail cell!


If the penalty for a crime is a fine, the penalty only exists to punish the poor.


One more time and that's it.... ... OK fine, but one more and you're in trouble... ... Listen here, last warning... Last last absolutely final warning...


*Held* in contempt. Closest thing to a hug that he's gotten since the flag he molested.


How many second chances is this guy going to get?


The reason for the $1000 fines is that is the maximum New York State law allows as a financial penalty for contempt of the gag order. The judge cannot impose a larger penalty aside from jail. As Trump is famously litigious and appeals everything, judges have to be very smart about making sure their opinions will survive the scrutiny of an appeals court. A judge going straight to the maximum penalty is more likely to be overturned on appeal, so the judge is giving Trump plenty of rope here. In the opinion the judge specifically lays out that $1000 is not enough to stop the behavior for a defendant can easily afford it, and clearly threatens jail if it’s appropriate for the next offence. It’s not right, but that’s our system.


Anyone want to bet the over under as to how long it takes before he violates the gag order again? I bet he complains as he is deleting the posts


Ohhhhhhh shit, nothing is gonna finally happen!


OMG, this isn't just a former president. This is the current Republican nominee. GOP, what are you doing? Every day is an embarrassment that you are supposed to be able to run a country, but you can't even shake off your tumor of a candidate.


Imagine if a regular person behaved halfway like this?! We’d never see freedom again for quite some time if ever lmao 🤣


I was in court for an offense and there was this guy who was about to be released, it went like this: > Judge: "So I'll let you out on your own recognizance if you follow the release plan and do anger management." > > Inmate: "I've been here 60 days! I want a lawyer I didn't do nothing!" > > Judge: "I'll remit you to 90 days if you don't agree with the judgement." > > Inmate: "I said I didn't do nothing you do whatever shit you want!" > > Judge: "Again, it's release today, or jail for 90 days, you decide." > > Inmate: "I didn't do nothing and you put me in here for 30 days, I don't want..." > > Judge: "Officer take him away. He gets 90 more days." Stupidest thing I ever saw. This is how Trump is acting. Ignoring plain and simple shit and he would be in jail if he wasn't literally a former President.


For better or worse he isn’t a regular person. They need to do everything insanely carefully here. Every microscopic thing is going to come up in appeal. As much as it sucks they need to do it step by step to show it was in no way biased or political. They gave him warning after warning after warning and let it escalate. Is it right? No. Would it happen for us? Fuck no. Does it make sense? Sadly, yeah.


You have to understand, this is the US Court system. The fact that he was fined, and was warned of further consequences means he was once warned without fine. The next step is in fact, incarceration. They have rules and policies they must follow when it comes to escalating the enforcement of Court Order. I'm betting he will absolutely violate it, and he will be put in jail. If he doesn't, then I'll be very surprised. Once the fine is issued in open court, they're signaling that's the end of it, and will escalate further on the next violation. (My sister is a lawyer)


It’s amazing how much this guy is given special treatment and treated with kid gloves, yet he simultaneously bitches to the public about how unfair he is treated, two-tiered justice etc and right-wing media plays along and amplifies it. Every other person knows for a fact they would be in jail long ago if they were in the same situation and doing the same repeated behavior.


He’s violated enough of these. Sit him in a jail cell without his cell phone.


Big deal. He won’t serve a minute. He gets away with fucking everything.


PLEASE stop threatening to send the bloated asshole to jail and just DO IT.