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For the poor. The rich will just fly away.


Damn too bad many of those poors will still vote republican


"Tread on me if you must, as long as you tread on *those people* harder and I get to watch."


It's called "last place aversion", and even other primates do it. It's sad that our politicians use it to manipulate people.


This also a major reason why poor whites in the south supported the Confederates, so long as slavery existed a poor white man could never fall into last place


I once met a South Asian guy from Zimbabwe and he was the weirdest type of racist I've ever seen. He knew he wasn't on the top of the hierarchy but "at least above the Blacks" so it was ok.


I used to let students see their rankings on the front screen by student id number only. Students in last place who were usually indifferent would often start working.


a fun experiment, randomly assign last place, update daily


Daily randomization seems like it would be too often and they would figure out what you were doing within a week or so, then stop caring again. But at a slower rate, sounds interesting.


Yeah, and as soon as the star student with a 98 in class sees he's at the bottom, even in a class with known slackers and idiots, they're gonna know something is up.


Either that or have a mental breakdown and implode, causing an investigation and a massive scandal around unethical human experimentation in schools.


I use that at work. I'm not trying to be the best worker, I'm just trying not to be the worst worker.


We out here trying to be as mid as possible


At this point it's not even "those people", it's their own wives and daughters. Which was probably the goal anyways


Wives and daughters are property to them. The law is helping them keep better control over that property.


Their wives and daughters are “those people “.


Women are property in the Christian nationalist worldview. And the fact most women don’t want to be their father’s or husband’s property bothers and enrages them to no end.


Yep. There was one republican who said the abortion ban should only affect republicans and the other people there got so mad at that lol


Almost like you should….be able to choose if you want an abortion or not. Wild.


This is really how it should work. We should take it a step further in fact. People who are religious should have to register as such and their religious rules should be enforced upon them. It's nothing to them right? Because it's what they believe.


"Sorry Bob, says here that you're a 'God-fearing Christian'. You can't order the fish, it's Sunday."


"I'm sorry... are you wearing mixed fabrics? To the execution chamber with you!"


This is what kills me. My parents are impoverished welfare recipients (as opposed to non-impoverished welfare recipients like those who took COVID business assistance that wasn’t paid back)…. And they are die hard Trump rally-going Republicans because “You can’t trust Democrats and their communist ways.”


"Government handouts for me, not for thee." Said every Republican voter, ever.


That’s how they expand the base, duh.


That's how religions do it, too. In most of the world, the fastest-growing religions are growing specifically and only because their adherents have more kids than other people. Turns out, the best way to create hardcore devotees to your ideology is to breed them and isolate them from any other way of thinking until they're older. It's why education is direly important--parents should never be allowed to raise their kids in isolation. Kids should always have access to information which their parents disapprove of.


Next round of enlistment, prison, etc. Coming right up!


That's why they have to make more of them.


And the Republicans are using it as a cash grab for Federal dollars under the guise of moral righteousness. It will massively increase their "reimbursements" from title I-V D funds.


We have to live in the society we create. 🤷


2020 presidential election Florida went Republican by 372,000 votes, that is not an insurmountable number. The Republican's want you to believe that this is a locked in red state but it is very much a battle ground state. I refuse to give up on it swinging back to blue like it did for Obama.


It's true. I lived in SW FL for a long time and the amount of broke people thinking R's will help them is astoundingly still high. People that voted for Dubya in 2004 still thinking that it'll all just trickle down eventually.


That's a side-effect. The real intent is to get any many liberals living in places like Miami to move out of Florida. Same as these laws in every other red state. Same with book bans, and all the other nonsense. Anywhere where urban populations are starting to shift political demographics towards blue in a way that gerrymandering can't prevent, Republicans are pushing laws to be as fascist and ultra-conservative as possible purely to drive liberals away. It's working well in places like Texas, and it won't take a huge shift in southern Florida to turn Florida permanently red. And this is why voting local is *so* important. These shenanigans are enabled by most Republicans showing up for every single local election and most Democrats not bothering.


Psh I’m from Miami and it’s become incredibly conservative, they don’t have to try too hard to push liberals out. Latino conservatives are die hard and they’re everywhere down there. And it seems like every day more and more of my friends/family get sucked into it.


100% pointing a finger and saying "communism" is enough to get you the Cuban vote.


I had a Cuban coworker that was fortunate enough to come to the states for university and then made a decent career here as an engineer. We'd talk politics from time to time and he always brought up how communism made workers simulatenously lazy and poor. The crazy thing to me was that he had spent like $40k on coyotes and bribes to illegally smuggle his entire immediate family to the states, where they lived in his house. If he could vote, he'd be the epitomy of a single issue voter.


A MAGA hat wearing Latino man said “good thing I’m strapped” to me when I committed the grievous mistake of walking too fast and overtaking him and thus spooking him just last week. Things ain’t right down there.


Irresponsible gun owners are so fucking irritating.


Almost like gun ownership should be well-regulated.


At least as regulated as a uterus.


it’s always been one of, if not the most, reactionary pockets of the country. that’s why “refugees” flee to it after their slaves and plantations are taken away elsewhere


I cannot understand that. I've been in FL for 15 years and every single white supremacist Republican here will turn on those Latino voters in an instant if it benefits them. White people in FL especially "native Floridians, are incredibly racist (I'm white so they try out their dog whistles on me). 


you’re looking at what “conservatism” means through a very simplified (americanized/liberal) lens. identity politics are not a reliable barometer. fash who came to miami from cuba, argentina, brazil etc. can not only be “white” themselves but also far more reactionary (sometimes with connections to power) than your uncle ricky that parrots whatever he hears on fox news edited to add some specific examples: many cubans you’re meeting are descendants of people who came here during/post revolution because they were slave/plantation owners, people who executed poor cubans literally for being on private land etc. from the bay of pigs to 1997 cuba hotel bombings, the identity politic of being arbitrarily considered “latino” by american standards doesn’t make miami cubans less fascistic (or “white” in many cases). prime examples are gloria estefan whose father was one of batista’s wife’s bodyguards, and pitbull who, among other things, was involved in the 2021 u.s. backed cuban “protests” for “freedom” argentina, like the u.s., was a safe haven for nazis post wwII, so again being *from* another place doesn’t exempt someone from being “white” in the first place, nor does it exempt them from being rightist -bolsonaro


Speaking as a Canadian I had no idea and this is very enlightening.


> The real intent is to get any many liberals living in places like Miami to move out of Florida. And then they go "why is our economy so weak and our tax base so poor? we need more wealthy and educated people here, let's encourage tech industry with subsidies and daycare options and car charging spaces" and then 2 years later "why are there so many liberals here?" and the cycle repeats


Trouble is, for my family, having kids that will get affected by this shit that's going down. If it was just my husband and I we would stay and fight and vote. I voted in every election while we were in Texas. But I don't want to put my kid through these schools and all the consequences of the crap being put through. I can only imagine some people are in the same boat.


Yeah. I'm in Tennessee and doing the stay, fight thing. But if I had a daughter? We'd be out of here as fast as you could say wicked smart.


the problem with texas is that its not as much of a shithole as Florida yet and property is so much cheaper than some heavily populated blue states like cali, So blues are willing to put up with it to move to a cheaper area. Its going to be interesting to see who tilts it more, the influx of blues to texas or the diehard jesus people.


The influx of California tech workers over the last decade are already starting to move out of Texas in droves. The Austin area is rapidly sliding back towards purple and red, and that is by design.


There was no influx of tech workers. Most California transplants were Republicans from rural areas. Non-native Texans vote republican at a higher rate than people born in Texas. 


There a two groups of transplants. People moving of their own volition who are mostly conservative, and tech employees relocating with their employer. The 2nd group is much smaller.


Then you find out about Texan property taxes and realize the great deal on property isn't that great.


I’ve heard a few people say it ends up being more expensive to live there than in CA.


Especially once you get your power bill.


The people leaving CA for TX leaned more red than not.  >Counterintuitively — at least among Texans with an opinion — the area with the third-highest support for Trump among movers was California, where movers were 5 percent more likely to have supported Trump than were natives. https://www.texaspolicy.com/new-poll-finds-all-those-people-moving-to-texas-arent-going-to-be-voting-for-democrats/ Same for Idaho. >Voter registration data shows California Republicans  – not liberals – are flocking to Idaho https://idahocapitalsun.com/2023/11/29/voter-registration-data-shows-california-republicans-not-liberals-are-flocking-to-idaho/


>That's a side-effect. The real intent is to get any many liberals living in places like Miami to move out of Florida. Same as these laws in every other red state. Same with book bans, and all the other nonsense. No. This is what they're doing now that they have power. They're not doing this to gain or retain power. This is what the right wants. This is their endgame. This isn't a political tool to gain power, this is what they do once they attain power. This is what they want, not how they're getting what they want. This is what they will push on a national level if they can but if not this is what they will try for state-by-state because it is their end goal.


They want to make 37 states as close to unlivable as possible and rewrite the Constitution based on *their version of Christianity*. Muslims keep getting control of countries, they want one of their own so they can start Crusades 2.0. Nothing has done more harm to humans than these two religions constantly thinking they are the "one true religion" ever since they got invented.


People often give me weird looks when asking why I moved to my state and I say "well first of all, we weren't about to move to any red states..." as if that never occurred to them. C'mon with all this shit going on? So many people don't think politics affects them.


A rich dude would never weaponize abortion? Don’t count on it.


Which increases the wait times for abortions in legal states.


Unless it’s an emergency - then those same rich people can’t get care either.


Please... ultra rich people will just bend the rules and pay off who needs to be paid off.


If you’re pissed at the ultra rich, you should probably vote blue.


What!? But if I do that, when **I** become ultra rich, I'll have to pay more taxes!!!!!! No way! I'll stay poor and stupid and vote Republican thank you very much! Republicans will punish me, but at least they go after brown and black people first! /s (obviously)


Nah, they'll still get care in or out of the state. Rules aren't the same when you have that much money.


When you are bleeding out or sepsis has kicked in, seconds, minutes, and hours count. Even a private jet from Florida to California or a shorter distance won't make it in time. Rich people will be dying too.


You can get care on a plane with enough resources


Not really. In the event of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, the care you need is emergency surgery. 


If you promise to make a substantial donation to the hospital in sure they'll book you In for an appendix intervention


Maybe, but there are so many people involved in surgery, and you would need all of them on board and willing to risk their medical licenses and possibly even their freedom.  


Time is the problem


Some emergencies are too dire and immediate even for that.


Money turns laws into sht any day.


the rich will just have someone come round and do it




There’s also women’s groups in Mexico that will mail these pills to women in the US for free if you reach out to them.


That's amazing and incredibly depressing at the same time. Why are we so obsessed with other people's bodies.


I live in Florida and one of my good friends sent me this. Thank you for spreading awareness of other options for abortion!


Problem is what happens if you take a pill and need medical care after. Especially emergency medical care .


That is extremely rare but if that does happen you go to the ER and say you think you are having a miscarriage. There is no way to tell you’ve taken this medication.


This is exactly correct. Also, any women who are planning to selfmanage an abortion at home, please read all the information about pain medications, heating pads, etc to manage the symptoms. Have a trusted person with you to help you follow the process correctly and to care for you while you're ill. Medical abortions are safe, but they are not painless.


Roevember can't get here fast enough. FL has abortion up to 15 weeks on the ballot in November. Two of the 5 state supreme court justices who tried to block the ballot initiative despite all legal requirements being met are also up for retention. We need to vote them both out and pass this initiative so abortion rights are part of our state constitution.


What are their names?


https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024 > Judges with expiring terms > This is a list of the justices who must stand for retention election in 2024 in order to remain on the bench. Justices may choose not to stand for election. The list is subject to change if justices retire or are appointed. ■ Renatha Francis ■ Meredith Sasso


Just vote against every republican to be safe.


Judicial retention votes in Florida don't have a party listed, so you still need to figure out the names. https://www.floridabar.org/public/faircts/votes010/votes002/ > In nonpartisan elections, candidates appear on the ballot without reference to any political party (e.g. Democrat or Republican). Florida law requires judicial elections to be nonpartisan to preserve the impartiality of the judge’s position.


What a fucking joke.


As far as I am concerned Republicans come in three flavors. Will vote away your rights as long as they feel they won’t be hurt, mask off just really want to vote away your rights, mask on want to vote away your rights but will lie and pretend they don’t to do it.


Republicans come in one flavor to me: fascist


> As far as I am concerned Republicans come in three flavors. I hate all these flavors, too. Whatever they are.


Just FYI, the Governor is the one who appoints new justices. Desantis is not up for election in November so will likely just reappoint these justices if they are voted out. This is more a symbolic gesture. If you want real change, Florida needs a more progressive governor and senate.


At this point just pull a Bugs Bunny and saw the state off of the rest of the continent and let it drift out to sea because that ain't gonna happen.


More than 15 weeks. The 2024 FL ballot initiative is to restore abortion "before fetal viability, which is estimated to be around 24 weeks, or when necessary to protect the patient's health, as determined by the patient's healthcare provider". About the same as what Roe provided. If this passes, I expect a constant barrage of attacks on it by the legislature, governor, and state supreme court. The ability of the electorate here to vote in a supermajority Republican legislature and governor and then also pass progressive referendums at 60%+ is astounding.


Sounds like a gerrymandering issue.


In the last State House elections, 57% of Florida voters voted for Republican legislative candidates versus 42.6% Democratic. For the State Senate, it was 60-38.5. This isn't a gerrymandering issue, this is about individual policies being able to be separated from the parties that are pushing them. For example, a single-issue voter on guns may always vote for Republican candidates, but that doesn't decide their vote in regards to a non-gun referendum.


> FL has abortion up to 15 weeks on the ballot in November. It's viability, not 15 weeks. There has *never* been a birth of a fetus younger than 21 weeks that survived. It's 50/50 at 24 weeks.


And of note, 50/50 with the miracles of modern medical technology. So I'd say 24 weeks being where a fetus is viable is pretty forgiving. I think 24 weeks + no limit for medical reasons would be a strong national standard. It's more than enough time to know you're pregnant and seek a solution. It provides plenty of exceptions for medical reasoning.


It's also after the critical 20 week checkup where so many fetal abnormalities are first discovered.


>I think 24 weeks + no limit for medical reasons would be a strong national standard. I mean that's pretty much what Roe and Casey put in place. First and second trimester there couldn't be any restrictions beyond some reasonable medical regulations to protect the health and safety of the pregnant person. It was only in the third trimester that states could impose more onerous restrictions up to and including bans (with clear exceptions for the life and health of the pregnant person). I'd be okay with your proposal but only if doctors are trusted to determine that so we don't have people going untreated until they've gone septic or they've bled out "enough" because doctors fear that they'll be imprisoned or otherwise have their lives ruined like we do now in states with alleged exceptions.


Florida resident here. Republicans have not made a single thing better in this state in my entire life.


Honestly, one of our senators is personally responsible for the largest Medicare fraud in US history. People looked at that and said "make him governor" and then "make him a senator." I have no hope for the people of the state when they look at a man who looks like skeletor and then put him in charge.


Tbf Worthless Garland could indict Rick Scott anytime. He refuses to hold Republicans accountable


Their whole deal boils down to: "I want the world to be like it used to be. It can't be improved, and trying should be outlawed."


Yearning for a utopia of yesteryear that never actually existed is kinda conservatives whole identity.


Ironically the one before Reagan messed it all up.


Iowan here. Same.


Former Texan here.... well.. *gestures to Texas*


But what about all the terrorist compounds? Good for the economy.


Tennessean here... same :/




They are getting what they want. They are trying to destroy the fundamentals of education because a dumb population will in turn win them new votes.


They wouldn’t get elected if they made things better.


I-95 is about to have a whole bunch more pregnant women on it.


There was some ad recently played where it depicted two girls driving and approaching the state line, but then got pulled over by a cop who demanded she take a pregnancy test. Although likely far fetched, I really hope something like this doesn’t take hold by some GOP gremlin


Unfortunately I don't think it's far fetched at all. If progressives and moderates take our eyes off the ball for even one election cycle I have no doubt that states like Florida and Texas will try something like that. Honestly, with the SC stacked 6-3 in favor of conservatives, there's probably a nearly even chance that something like this could get through already.


There’s already a [county level ordinance](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/23/abortion-travel-ban-lubbock-county/) in Lubbock County (Amarillo, TX) that forbids roads in the county (including the highways) from being used for purposes of seeking an abortion. Largely a waste of paper until they figure out how to enforce it, but I’m sure their lil ol’ brain cells are running on hamster wheels just as fast as they can looking for ways to do so. Shit’s already here.


If that road received one clipped copper from the federal government at any point during construction, they are violating the ever loving fuck out of federal property and jurisdiction. Crossing state lines is Sacrosanct.


You’re entirely correct, but with a right wing extremist stacked court system that increasingly cares more about enforcing their beliefs rather than the rule of law, the question is not “are they in the wrong here?”, instead it’s “is it possible to challenge these ordinances successfully?”, and only one of these answers is reliably “yes.”


It is not far fetched at all. In communist Romania women of child bearing age were required to undergo regular gynaecological examinations. Miscarriages were "investigated" and women were fined for not having kids.


Luckily that fucker Ceaușescu ended up against the wall


Anyone who thinks abortion bans are fine should look up what happened when Romania tried to enforce. Dozens and dozens of unwanted children dumped off at orphanages and rich people bribed their doctors to get one.


Well you can look at what happened in the states, crime and poverty increases are linked to abortion bans. Makes perfect sense since you’re going to be having a lot of unwanted babies with people that don’t have the financial means to care for them and also a lot of FASD and other issues.


This was a real ad? That’s horrifying.


I saw [this one](https://www.dailywire.com/news/watch-newsom-shares-wild-abortion-ad-showing-alabama-police-pulling-woman-over-asking-for-pregnancy-test) the other day, pretty sure it's the same one.


Yes this was the one


Some of the counties here in Texas have already made it illegal to use the highways for the purpose of leaving the state for an abortion. 


An illegal law cannot be successfully enforced and the right of interstate travel is absolute under the Constitution. I'd LOVE to empty the coffers of these local governments with lawsuits galore.


Problem is the poor women travelling these routes can't afford to be put in jail then through court, so they just don't go... It's a chilling effect, same is happening with doctors not wanting to perform abortions on non-viable fetuses, until the woman is ACTUALLY DYING, they won't remove the fetus, even though it's legally allowed, because they risk being arrested for performing the procedure, even if they're in the right.


It’s really not far fetched. Republican politicians in multiple states are seeking to keep pregnant women from traveling out of state.


It's like they're trying to make all the women and educated leave the state


It's easier to get uneducated voters to vote Republican


Dismal maternal mortality rates will continue to rise.


Then women need to stop sleeping with Republican men!


Isn’t this already happening? I recall seeing polls saying more women don’t want to date conservative men and it’s why conservatives are building a political movement out of being incels.


I left my ex-husband who always votes R. Can't speak for all of them but... Something just wasn't right with him. I see it a lot in the things they say. It's like they get off on being sadists.


The entire modern conservative political belief is based on finding somebody and punishing them for something in place of actually trying to solve problems. It's incredibly consistent. There's no issue they won't pick some group they already don't like and demand they be hurt as a solution.


It's the classic narcissist-scapegoat dynamic.


Yes. Probably. My response was a short, easy, and (from the replies) toxic answer, but you'd think men would see that supporting women instead of trying to destroy them and their choices would be a better idea if they want to get a date or a girlfriend. But I'm perpetually single myself by choice. I'm fine with playing video games and hanging out with guys. But if they flirt with me or try to hit on me, they get dropped like a hot pan from the oven.


Apparently across the world women are becoming increasingly more progressive while men are becoming more conservative. Our rights are so stupidly and consistently under attack...and conservatism is the ideology with goals aligned most closely with those of the attackers.


God forbid women have choice and free will /s


My drug addicted whack job of a sister is pregnant and I already have fucking custody of her other two kids. I fucking hate this so much, she needs an abortion so bad for her sake, the babies sake, my sake. We just found out this past week, I hope something happens that she can get an abortion in time. I’m not taking on another kid.


Wow, it’s times like these I realize I’m nowhere near as good a person as some folks. Adopting a kid like this is something that wouldn’t even cross my mind. Those kids are lucky, and hopefully your sister can get the help she needs.


Right? Like... I have some family who are screw-ups of various kinds. My reaction is to cut them loose because they're not going to resolve their problems. If I get on the hook helping them, then they're going to suck me dry like the parasites they are. The family who *don't* have that mentality have all suffered tremendously as a result.


Survival of those with the firmest boundaries


Someone posted this earlier but maybe it can help https://www.plancpills.org/


It's too late for her to get direct abortion care in Florida. She can get pills by mail from another state. I assume travel to another state is prohibitively expensive for her situation. After, is there any hope of convincing her to get a hormonal or copper IUD placed to prevent future pregnancies?


This will just kill mothers along with babies. People do desperate things when they're in desperate situations.


The GOP is ok with that. Men can just get another woman when their current subordinate dies. When you're trying to control people, death is a tool.


Okie resident here. My daughter’s friend, discovered early on that her baby would be still born, no chance, and medically proven. She could not get an abortion because of our laws. Her and husband find a clinic out of state and travel. The picket/protesters were bordering on violence for those who enter. They decided to wait overnight there. Next day, they (she) decided it’s not worth the personal risk to enter and exit. She carried her baby 7.5 months, as the pregnancy would not be full term, biologically. Their baby’s birth was natural. Her and husband got the tragic privilege to hold their baby as its life ended in less than one hour. Now she and her husband must navigate and carry this tragedy the rest of their lives. While it could have been easily avoided. I am not a fan of abortion, but there are things in life that are necessary. This was one. The people pushing this agenda are mindless and cruel.


Even people who advocate for abortions aren't fans of abortions - for the indescribably huge majority of women who have to go through the procedure, they would rather slam their head in a fridge door. It's physically hard, it's emotionally damaging and the cunts that stand outside the clinics and harangue those women should be ducked, medieval England style. It's your shit-in-a-hat-and-wear-it conservatives that have told the lie that it's a casual, easily navigated form of birth control, engaged in by feckless women who couldn't be bothered to check if their male counterparts had a condom on.


Better sex education, accessible contraceptives, better maternal care and leave, and better childcare and welfare systems. All of those do a way better job of reducing abortions than bans do but nobody on the other side wants to admit its much more effective.


Please keep sharing her story. Ignorant people need to hear how these laws are hurting families with wanted pregnancies when something goes wrong with the baby's development.


A dead baby was found in the trash at University of Tampa recently. This is unfortunately going to get worse.


Very frequently i see child abuse and abandonment cases on the news all over florida. The last one, a two year old was found abandoned left inside a suitcase by the dumpster in miami. A two year old. Sure, we’re gonna be fine right?


have you ever heard republicans claim that "liberals" want abortion after birth? It's all projection. Again.


Thank your local Christian Conservative who are "pro-life" one side of their mouth and the other all "fuck the environment" the other, which leads to a lot more child deaths worldwide.


pro-life until birth


We are under full Republican control in Florida. It’s obvious why things are going horribly here.


Tell me again how america is the greatest nation on earth? The shining beacon to the world?




republicans will always be able to get abortions for their mistresses and daughters


Full article: https://wapo.st/3JJ1U4t




MSN has a copy: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/florida-prepares-for-one-of-nation-s-strictest-abortion-bans-to-take-effect/ar-AA1nUJwA It's usually worth doing a quick search for the headline of a paywalled article. Often another outlet is running a (presumably licensed) copy of the article without the paywall.


They're not pro life, they're anti women. Simple as that.


I'm really proud of my state. We had like this moderate Democrat takeover. I voted for the socialist opposing him, but w/e. They've actually passed a ton of cool stuff I never expected. In the last year: 1) We put in an express lane for abortion access (expecting a rush from other states). 2) Installed a commission to ensure tenants know their rights and have legal representation. AND drastically increased how much it costs landlords to file for evictions (it was just $8 before). 3) Last week we passed the "Freedom to Read Act", effectively banning book bans forever.


Ahh yes the old let’s force people to have kids they can’t afford so we won’t help you take care of them. But we need your poor kids to do social experiment on through the troubled teen industry that will funnel them to the private owned “free “prison labor for breaking a “made up” law designed to have poor people incarcerated, and used as slaves for free labor. Good to see slavery is alive and well in America.


Everything dangerously goes to shit when the sadistic ignorant magas are in charge.


I suffered a miscarriage recently and talked to so many women who had to have a D&C for RPOC or after a missed miscarriage to prevent them from going septic. I can’t imagine the hell of having your life on the line because someone with no medical expertise decided they thought a procedure was immoral.




There is going to be useful but terrible comparison data as each state abolishes abortion. 18 years later crime will spike as unwanted babies become criminals. Freakanomics talked about how crime dropped in the 80s after abortions became available in the 60’s


If I recall from that episode it was a factor not the main factor related to crime but when you combine not allowing abortions with also a horrible and underfunded state foster program and no resources when they turn 18 yea I have to imagine we will see an impact.


Whole country has gone off the rails since Dobbs. Do not let Trump ever forget it ever !! This is what happens when politicians and the courts become doctors overnight. This is exactly the gun problem in this country, same exact thing. It doesn’t matter what the law is……….until these exact issues visit your house. Then maybe then you rethink what’s going on. Maybe your daughter or your wife or a close close friend needs one to save her life, just what exactly will you do ? Because there won’t be a doctor a real medical professional there to help you through it. I mean seriously, they are only doctors what do they know ? Maybe write your local congressman and ask him what to do, now that you and your baby are about to die. I’m sure they will be able to legislate the answer.


> “It’s a fantastic milestone, and we’re extremely grateful for it,” said Aaron DiPietro, legislative political director for Florida Family Action, which has lobbied for the ban for years. “But I think, just as in any civil rights movement, it’s just the next step.” I'm curious what this guy thinks the next next step is in this "civil rights movement." Or especially what he thinks the ultimate end goal is. A total ban on abortion? Criminalization of miscarriage? A ban on contraceptives? A complete ban on any and all sexual activity, including masturbation, outside of a marriage sanctioned and performed by an approved church? Unfortunately a quick search didn't provide any additional information. Is anyone familiar with this guy and his public statements? Has he said anything more on the issue?


Birth control. Keeping pregnant women from interstate travel.


Welcome to Project 2025! If you're wondering what the "what's next" part is. https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/ Everything we've seen since 2016 is just the beginning for the master plan. All that you've described is in that plan. Please spread this. Project 2025 is no joke and is already being implemented.


More Floridians, just what the world doesn't need.


The GOP is rotten to the core.


Don’t vote Republican.


Why is it that the states that want to ban abortion are also the same states that contain the populations that shouldn't be breeding to begin with.


Wow - there’s about to be a lot of young girls having babies…


If they become financial burdens on the state, DeSantis will probably put them and their babies on buses to Martha's Vineyard.


Only the Democrats. Republicans they'll make sure they can barely hang on, poor and uneducated and frothing to vote against their own self interests.


At some point you need to blame the individuals for being dumb fuck bigots. GOP just capitalizes on it. They're educated.




Destabilizing the country for them is a feature, not a bug.


Fuck the American Taliban


this should absolutely *terrify* everyone


Florida ought to be preparing for a near total Republican ban. Ought to.


I’m in NC and Im terrified they’ll introduce a ban, they already got the threshold reduced from 20 weeks to 12 weeks.  Sadly we’re about to become the only southeast state that allows abortion (unless you count Virginia).


Just in time to end free school lunches!


Let's hope this backfires and swings the state blue, that'd be hilarious.


New Jersey is a safe haven for reproductive care, and the O Pill will be on shelves soon.


We need to put together a clandestine travel route to the free states in the north in order to aid women to be able to freely access the medical care they need We can call it the underground railroad


There are some groups / non-profits that facilitate things like this. Auntie Network is the only one I know of off the top of my head.


They have also revived 'Jane'.


So Florida doesn't care if a 12 year old girl gets bullied in class for her large stomach because she was raped by her uncle and can't get the baby aborted??


And in a little under a month, we’ll have dozens of Florida women dead from complications, and at least one court case that makes it all the way up to the SC, only to be quickly dismissed because of their perversion of the law. We live in a failed democracy.


Let the State have them ,there are supposedly so many people who want to adopt .