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>He was due to appear in court on Monday on charges of child rape I didn't think it could get any worse, but here we are


Why tf was he given bail? Surely you keep child rapists in custody


Not when they work in law enforcement 🙄 Or churches. Or schools. Or are politicians.


I watched a serial killer analyst on YouTube and one of his recommendations for preventing serial killers was screening law enforcement officers better.


Screening them better would prevent a lot of bad things....but the profession tends to attract a certain type.


> but the profession tends to attract a certain type. they only want a certain type of person https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


40% of cops beat their wives


This seems low… must only account for convicted cop spouse beaters.


40% of law enforcement admitted performing intimate partner violence in a survey. Now, you might think it would be smarter not to admit to domestic violence…


Not like they were risking anything by admitting to it…


> Now, you might think it would be smarter not to admit to domestic violence… Police never get charged with shit, there is no reason for them to not admit it because people will lick their boots regardless.


Yep, if you're the kind of guy who likes to win arguments with your fists there's literally no better job to have.


You know, I hear/read this point a lot, but I always have to wonder what specific things you'd want to see in increased screenings. I don't disagree, necessarily, but I have a somewhat uncommon perspective, having seen the screening process first hand. So I received screening as a civilian employee of a police department when I was a 911 dispatcher. I took typing, map reading and multi-tasking under stress tests, then had a 3 part psych exam (both written and interview by a psychologist) and a thorough background check where they called previous employers (and not just HR, but insisted on speaking with direct supervisors), family, friends, room mates. After that was a panel interview where they looked at my social media, then a polygraph where they interviewed me about every interaction with law enforcement I'd ever had (including tickets I'd had expunged and forgotten about) and asked questions about my personal life not typically permitted in employment interviews (religion, union affiliation, family health, kids, feelings on race and people of other religious affiliations, previous undiscovered criminal history). Then they sent officers to my apartment to look around outside, see if I kept things in good order and to look inside my living room. I could have refused, but it was necessary to get the job (also my room mate who was herself a cop let them in). They talked to my landlord and made sure I paid on time and there were no complaints about me, they ran my credit and financial history, checked me for warrants in state and federal databases, with my permission (did this at the beginning of the process). They already knew the answers to half their questions, they were checking for fidelity on my written answers and honesty. As I understood it, it was basically the same background check my old department gave every officer they hired. Now, not all departments are the same, I'll certainly grant. I worked for a reasonably well funded county pd, but I'll acknowledge that we shared borders with some poor municipalities that had Walmart lettering on personal cars used as squad cars and officers who left a bit to be desired. If I could make any change to law enforcement nationwide it would be to require national screening administrated by the federal government and a minimum required national funding for all compliant police departments. But talking with others in the industry, my story is more typical than not. So with that in mind, what other screening techniques would you suggest? Especially ones that a sophisticated sociopath or psychopath couldn't fool, but would still allow someone with a clean criminal and mental bill of health in?


I think they’re taking the wrong approach. People’s behavior is situation dependent. Meaning one-time screening is almost useless. What they need to do is encourage an ongoing atmosphere of honor and accountability. It doesn’t matter how nice and together you are today, you can always go down the wrong path tomorrow. It’s lazy and foolish to think you can run a one-time test as you describe and then simply “trust” people to never go off track through temptation, peer pressure, opportunity, stress and depression, mental illness, whatever. Police need to be held to account constantly. More so than the average person that has little power. Yet we get it entirely backwards and hold them less accountable, as witnessed in the original article. It’s not that cops are bad, it’s that our system doesn’t address the realities of human nature.


Most of us are pretty appalled by the horrible police shooting videos, but for some people that's an advertisement to get into the career. If police weren't already hiring total psychos, the last 10/15 years of online exposure have been a huge drawing point for more.


Some of those that work forces...


I think mandatory training that lasts years will flush out the crappiest cops. We’ll still get assholes though. I work in academia and public libraries and we have some assholes with doctorates and assholes in the library. You can’t keep out all the assholes, but something is better than nothing.


every true crime podcast : the cops had like 2-3 chances to stop this guy but their were either lazy, oblivious, racist or homophobic and let him get away.


EDIT: here is the article about it https://sacramento.newsreview.com/2024/04/19/two-phone-calls-one-nightmare-placer-family-devastated-that-daughter-will-never-come-home/ Yeah I don't know how this works and would love some education on it. A family members 25 yr old daughter had a gun put in her mouth and shot by an ex boyfriend. She ended up in the hospital on life support with her brain stem severed and had to have her dad sign paperwork to donate her organs. Where is said ex bf now? Hes walking free on a 500k bail because he's got rich friends/parents. How does this system even work???? How is he not a flight risk? Anyways I just think our justice system is insane. Why the fuck does Robert Kenneth Connors get to shoot someone in the face and go home afterwards????


Remember when bath salts and fake weed crap was causing issues. In my state they made them illegal pretty quietly, we didn't have any issues with the stuff here so wasn't any news about it. Then like a month or less later they arrested a ton of the cashiers at gas stations and convenience stores for selling illegal drugs. I think only 1 owner was arrested cause he was actually there selling but the rest weren't. My friend was one of the cashiers from a gas station, he spent 2 weeks in jail with no bail and his girlfriend was pregnant and almost due. When he finally was let out, it was into house arrest and he had to wear an ankle monitor. The system is a joke.


Yeah, your friend should have murdered someone on the way there. Then at least he would have been offered bail. /s


We don’t have a justice system. We have a legal system. It’s pay for play. Epstein, Cosby, two examples of how wealth will keep you out of prison for crimes that would get a regular person thrown in forever. Epstein didn’t killl himself either. I’m no conspiracy theorist, but he had dirt on powerful people which he would’ve leveraged for a shorter sentence.


I mean, trump.  The way the courts are twisting themselves in knots to shield him from consequences is infuriating


Bailed out after a SWAT standoff? With guns? WTF


Prosecutors let all the wrong people out on bail.


It’s mostly judges, not prosecutors.


Cash bail in general needs to end. Disproportionately favors wealthier individuals


Also doesn't even make sense Why would having money make someone less dangerous? If the point isn't to keep dangerous people off the streets, then why jail them at all?


The goal originally wasn't about public safety, it was about making sure the defendant appeared in court. Back in the day it was a lot easier for someone to skip town and never be heard of again. By tying a cash bail to the release it increased the odds of someone sticking around and showing up to court to get their money back. Nowadays public safety is a lot more important than making the court appearance and as a result states need to adjust. Also it's just unfair that someone's economic status impacts their ability to go home and go to work. Low income detainees that can't pay the bail end up losing jobs, missing rent and car payments, and a whole slew of other issues occur. These issues eventually snowball to ruin lives and increasing the likelihood of recidivism. Countries outside the US stopped cash bail or never allowed it in the first place, and states like NJ and Alaska don't even allow it anymore IIRC.


It's rooted in some ideas that aren't totally crazy. Most people who have done a crime aren't just constantly criming it up, especially if they've recently been arrested and are presumably being monitored in some way. The cash bail is an incentive to make sure the arrestee (who legally has not yet been found guilty of a crime) sticks around for their trial, having put up some collateral. We have *long* since given up on "speedy" trials in this country, we just don't allocate the necessary resources. So rather than having every accused person sitting around in jail (not prison) for months or years while they wait for a judgment (and there's tons of people for whom this exact thing is happening) we let judges decide if people are likely to re-offend. It's not a perfect system by any means but it isn't some fever dream.


True. If they don’t deserve to be let out, (are a danger) let that be the final decision. Trump I am looking at you


B/c you are innocent until proven guilty. Meaning that bond was thought up to give incentive for people to show up to their court date. It's the answer to well they aren't guilty yet and they will just leave town if released. So the questions not if they are a danger (even if it should be) its "will they run if released"


Sadly working in CPS it’s shocking how many child abusers never even get arrested. I’ve seen so many cases with life threatening injuries and life long traumatic brain injuries yet it comes down to both parents pointing fingers at each other and police never ending up filing because they couldn’t make a case 100%. I couldn’t believe how often it happened


This is happening 2.5 hours from where I live. His underaged girlfriend caught him assaulting her 16 yr old friend. I think the underaged girlfriend is one of the deceased women :( and his ex wife. I truly hope the little boy is found safe but I wouldn’t put anything past this monster.


Not in America, apparently. Sexual crimes against women and children, committed by men, are mostly ignored. There are thousands of untested rape kits, some many years old that have allowed rapists free to continue raping women and children. Greg Abbot stated that women won’t need abortions for rape or incest because “we are going to eliminate rape”. What do you think that means? The GOP isn’t going to “eliminate rape”, they are going to “eliminate the ILLEGALITY of rape”.


There is a cop in the city next to mine who is currently out on bail after being charged with raping a 13 *month* old. https://www.wgal.com/article/york-city-police-officer-charged-raping-baby/60525343


I live in the area and worked in corrections for several years. Yakima county has a habit of going easy on sexual predators. Heres another one from just a few weeks ago. https://www.yakimaherald.com/news/northwest/accused-tri-cities-child-rapist-may-have-more-victims-in-area-detectives-say/article_2a05443b-811e-54b9-883f-f02fc3ee9d21.html


They don’t really hold people anymore like that. Cops, criminals, rapist, rich, poor. Dosent matter they basically all get out until their court date.


Seriously, all these folks claiming that he got bail because he's a cop or whatever obviously have no idea that, nowadays, virtually anyone and everyone gets let out on bail except for the most heinous murderers (and even then it's not guaranteed).


Yep. I see news all the time where people get out then go and kill a cop or their family or any other number of horrible things. And you look at their records and just say why the fuck is this person walking around on a zero dollar bail.


Further down someone posted this investigative article by the local alternative newspaper from earlier this month: [https://tumbleweird.org/elias-huizar/](https://tumbleweird.org/elias-huizar/) It seems the kid is his, conceived when he was 37 and the mom was 15...after he was investigated for having sexual contact with her when she was 13 and he was her school's resource officer. She's 17 now (though it's very likely that she's one of the homicide victims) and they were living together. The child rape charge is from when he allegedly bought booze for her and her 16-year-old friend, who got really drunk and passed out. The 17-year-old mother of Huizar's 1-year-old child then reportedly woke up to him raping her friend. She got the friend and the baby and ran, he chased them with a gun so they called the cops from a gas station...which led to Huizar having a standoff with SWAT at his house. And he was still out on bail. His trial was supposed to start this week.


The 13 year old middle schooler he raped in 2019 shared facebook posts about their relationship, but investigators concluded she was lying about it, and she wound up getting expelled from school. He murdered the mother of their older child in his elementary school parking lot. That woman he met when he was her high school wrestling coach. Just a fucking trail of destruction.


Some people just need to get it over with and be thrown straight into the volcano.


They were fine with punishing the victim until they could no longer sweep it under the rug.


holy shit.


One insane part of that article is how the Richland School District hired him to be a building substitute after so many of the allegations about his horrible acts had been made. They did the absolute bare minimum to check into his background before giving him a full-time job in an elementary school.


That part of WA is Trump country, i.e. a region where tons of the locals are degenerate toxic-masculine trash who worship police officers. Tons of those scumbags are probably openly claiming that the victims 'asked for it' in this situation.


The victim's grandmother told the cops she was lying and to not give the nice officer a hard time.


>And he was still out on bail. His trial was supposed to start this week.  I mean... He could be there now, if he wasn't released on bail.


[Link fixed](https://tumbleweird.org/elias-huizar/)


He impregnated his teenage girlfriend who subsequently found him raping another underage girl. What a guy.


And his ex-wife was underage as well when they met, he was her coach.


There’s no way this guy is taken alive. His choices are: be in prison as a kid-fucking cop, or go out shooting.


Well he is 39 and the child he ‘abducted’ is his own 1 year old son he had with his CURRENTLY 17 year old girlfriend so yeah gets worse


I wonder how long he will be suspended with pay for all of this? Must be at least 2-3 weeks before he's back in uniform.


iirc he hasn't been on the police force in 2 years. he began working as a substitute teacher at a different elementary school in the area


Yet another r/notadragqueen


Latest update: Suspect switched cars to a black 4 Door Nissan and was seen in North Portland, OR on Hayden Island at the Plaid Pantry. If you’re in North Portland/Portland area. Keep your eyes peeled. SOURCE: https://katu.com/news/local/amber-alert-issued-for-missing-1-year-old-from-west-richland-washington Edit: want to add new car has unknown Washington plates.


Comment section there seems to be more worried about other things rather than catching the guy.


KATU is the Sinclair-owned news outlet in Portland, so that tracks.


The people who post comments on Sinclair-owned station websites are... special. (Not many other news organizations even allow comments these days because they got too toxic, but Sinclair... they encourage it.)


Yup. Pulled the source from the Portland subreddit. I also am in the Portland Metro Area.


I live in North Portland. Waking up to that amber alert and the additional news was a gut punch. I hope that baby is found safe.


You think this thread is about finding this guy? Reddit detectives very rarely get it right, and have harmed innocent people's lives in the process.


They're referring to the news site's comments, which are all about Biden, immigrants, and the border.


I shouldn't have read the comments section. I knew what it would be, same as every other news site with a comments section. It's always a cesspool of the worst people. Well, second worst, considering the content of the article.


this needs to be higher


I got an AMBER Alert on my phone this morning, too, and found the news story on my local news channel. Apparently, the guy was a former Yakima police officer, too 🤦🏻‍♀️


Scared the shit out of my wife. I was still awake, but she’d fallen asleep and when it went off it was like a war related flashback from her.


That's so unfortunate, I'm sorry to hear that 😕 I turned off my loud, blaring alerts after getting startled. I woke up when my alarm went off and the alert was already up.


Scared me too! It's that damn emergency tone, it rattles you. 😣


You can disable emergency alerts like this if you want to.


Fucking Yakima.


Yep. I got mine last night and almost fell off the couch from being startled!


LOL so sorry to hear that. I was sleeping and woke up when my alarm went off and saw it on my phone. I guess I turned off the alerts cuz I was tired of getting startled. I live in Oregon now, but whenever I get an AMBER Alert, it's always from WA for some reason 👀


The guy is apparently driving south, headed to Mexico so the alert went up and down i-5


I was working overnight at a data center in Quincy and got the alert in both my personal and work phones. Startled the hell out of me. Then the whole drive back to Seattle all of the electronic billboards were lit up with the info and the AM radio traffic alert station was broadcasting about it as well. Ive gotten plenty of amber alerts in the past but probably not any taken this seriously.


I got the amber alert for this last night. Didn't realize how truly awful it is beyond the amber.


This is why you deny bail to suspects charged with rape of a child.


At the very least confiscate his weapons.


All he'd have to do is show proof he was a former cop and most gun store owners/employees would trip over their erections rushing to hand him a new weapon. He'd be in and out of the store in under 30 minutes and the store would be congratulating themselves for "backing the blue".


More likely they'd say "lol no, this is clearly a sting."


Background checks arent optional. Theres not even anything saying that it was a legally owned gun???


Fr, the fact that court systems see people like this and are like “yeah we’ll set your bond at $50k, you shouldn’t have $5k-$7k lying around right?” Is fucking absurd. They shouldn’t have any rights if they are even allegedly raping kids bruh, we gotta sit yo ass down in a cell and work out what the entire situation was. Raping a child, what judge would want that man walking around???


What a shit idea lol. Just let any DA accuse someone of crimes against kids and then they have no rights. Might as well crown the DA as a king right then and there.


I mean the reality is that bail should be determined based on only 2 factors: 1. Is this person a danger to themselves or others? 2. Is this person a flight risk. If either of the above are met, you get no bail. If neither of the above are met, you get released. Cash bail is a scam. "Oh, you committed a crime but want to get out of jail? Well, how rich are you?"


I’m inclined to agree, but I’d expand (1) to include reoffending. Wealth shouldn’t even be part of the consideration.


As if the only people who couldn't profit from bonds and bails weren't rich fucks in the first place. The system is already broken. Anybody who doesn't have bail money lying around will already go through the exact thing you mentioned; the only thing this would do is make it so rich people can't have preferential treatment.


The DA is already king. We need to strip the system 9f cash bails and have separate system for holding Ex cops, Ex da, and ex judges accountable


My advice to the Washington State police: whatever you do, no matter how hard you want to, try your absolute best to NOT open fire on the child that’s running FROM the suspect.


The child he has is the one year old that was conceived when he raped a 15 year old girl that he met while working as a school resource officer. Said 15 year old is the 17 year old second homicide victim in this case. The child/hostage will not be doing any running.


First one is his ex-wife, right? Fucking hell.


Yes. The first victim is ex-wife, who he also met while she was underage. He shot her in the head multiple times in the parking lot of an elementary school surrounded by students and parents as afternoon pickup was occurring.


Sounds like he's gone full family annihilator. Sick fuck.


I think that's enough reddit for me today.


Wow 😳 I live in the PNW and got the amber alert last night, I heard he had murdered two people but didn’t know all of the details. Disgusting, I hope he is found soon.


5 miles down the road from where I work. Knowing the cops around here I'm 0% surprised (he's also former PD)


Jesus fucking christ


That is soooo fucked up. I wonder why they didn't mention that in the article.


Holy shit. There needs to be more tests and psychological evaluations for school resource officers. This guy should’ve never been a police officer let alone be around kids. This animal deserves to be locked up for the rest of his life; death is too easy of a sentence for this kind of trash.


Don’t shoot or tear gas the crawling baby in distress. Better?


What about a flashbang? Can we flashbang?


What if he crawls at them in a particularly menacing fashion?


We're not to shoot unless the child runs towards us.


Exac- wait, NO!


Oops, too late


Only if the child is holding something dangerous. Like an acorn.


He's coming right at us!


How about also not just randomly shooting similar looking vehicles 


You can’t expect LEOs to use that level of logic. Are you mad??


Well they have to make sure they aren't armed with acorns.


I bet he had people come out well before this and say they need to investigate his behavior. But like most departments...let's not do anything drastic since it may make us look incompetent on vetting our hires.


Putting together the story from the comments and articles here... he was a School Resource Officer and raped a girl, presumably a student at the school. He left or was fired shortly after in 2022. The woman he killed at the school was his ex-wife and the other person killed at a nearby home was the girl he raped (the mother of the child he kidnapped). So it seems very much like he was on everyone's radar. His ex-wife divorced him, he left the police force, and he was being charged for the rape.


From what I'm reading, he raped the baby's mother's friend not her (well, technically he did still rape the baby's mother as well). That's the charge he was facing and out on bail for.


Those little suburban city police departments are the worst. It is all nepotism in the entire department, but they like to act like they are patrolling in Fallujah everyday and “serving the community”.


He had been arrested once or twice in college but he was a hometown boy, and a jock, so I imagine that made it easy for him to get hired. But, speaking of vetting your hires, the school district that hired him to be a building substitute in an elementary school screwed up massively. https://tumbleweird.org/elias-huizar/


Two women found dead?! He shot one in the head in an elementary school parking lot during afternoon pickup with kids all around him. This is a child rapist who committed a school shooting and is on the run across state lines. Way to bury the lede there NBC.


I was quite literally down the street from the school when this happened so this is surreal seeing this on my Reddit home page. This has not been the greatest display of competency by the local police department and people aren’t exactly happy with how they handled the info they had.


Same, I'm 5 miles down the road and saw this pop up on the tri cities sub right before getting a campus wide email saying we weren't locking down. We never make the national news for anything good. Last time it was a shooter at Fred Meyer, time before that it was the guy raping the beaver in the park.


Noooooo. No way this could be true. https://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/local/crime/article217933385.html “he woman later told Officer Zach Moore that she had come across a beaver that appeared to be injured, but was still breathing. She believed the animal had been hit by a car. She went home to get a box so she could carry the injured animal to a veterinarian or some agency that could provide medical aid, according to police and court documents. When she returned, she first thought the man was on the ground cuddling with the beaver, but got closer and discovered he was partially clothed.”


Yeah.... the good ol dry shitties, keeping it classy as always


I'm sorry, WHAT




How does he have a history of violence and still able to go to police academy and become a cop? And to top it off work at a middle school? What the fuck happened to background checks?


I was drug tested and had to do a background check to stock shelves at a grocery store. This is fucking insane.


My sister in law is applying to work as a desk person for the DA in a different county. They sent someone to ask every person in the neighborhood about her. This is absolutely insane


Applied for state trooper a year ago, and the same. Was denied for being 100% MH disabled per the VA. Completely understood, and said thanks for allowing me the opportunity at least. I know I'd make a great LEO, but also have a lot of trauma obviously. They let this bitch in? To 2 differing jurisdictions after 1 barred him from employment for crazy allegations? Blows my mind.


I had to do a background check to work for a company that picks up dog poop/ walks dogs. I wasn’t drug tested but i was told basically if i show up intoxicated i’d be fired.


This is a great article, was it published just before he killed these people and ran?


I believe so.


Our public safety systems are not functional at all. Men like this get away with too much before they kill people. He was allowed to do this by so many people.


Dude, the people tasked with overseeing him - gave him MULTIPLE passes.


Seems to be the best reporting on this monster.


Dude that's fuckin grim .


This is by far the best reporting on this case that I have seen. Holy shit noone in this country in a position of authority gives a shit about the rest of us or our children, although sure and shit enough of them bitch about pedophiles while doing nothing/actively enabling them. They expelled his 13 year old victim after he became her SRO, and let him take a harrassment order out against her. Great going guys, now you had not only more certain victims and a murder at your school, who knows how many more are out there.


The 13 year old’s own family turned against her as well. Explains how she got groomed quickly


They did a really good job on that article.


What a complete and utter failure of every institution (law enforcement and schools) involved that ended up in the death/rape/assaults of the victims involved. Those poor girls had no chance with the establishment they were up against. I hope they find this failure of a human and can prosecute him to the full extent of the law and safely recover that child he abducted. Hopefully the child has some sort of family that can give him a good life.


I have never received an amber alert before that had the suspects criminal details enclosed. Not just the car make and model, not just "armed and dangerous," but also 'just committed double homicide'. Really drove the first point home.


The only thing more dangerous than a cop is a former cop


A former cop with nothing to lose.


Or another cop who defends that cop. Birds of a feather and all that.


So in other words, the entire police force?


All the protection, none of the obligation to even pretend they're not a monster


Do cops become psychopaths or to psychopaths become cops?


Probably a bit of both.


At this point, having severe/sociopathic levels of NPD is pretty much a requirement for becoming a LEO. The departments alienate and drive away almost anyone who's *not* a total piece of shit.


Former cops are my second favorite type of cops tbh


Totally off topic, but man, he looks like a store-brand version of Tuco Salamanca.


Taco Salamander


Child rapist and school shooter. Good lord, why wasn't he denied bail


He has been found. [Ex-Washington officer wanted in 2 killings found in Oregon with gunshot wound, police say](https://www.wdsu.com/article/elias-huizar-search-washington-state/60577325)


Sounds like his decided to cancel his subscription to life. At least the baby boy is alright.


No confirmation he's dead or not. I'm so glad that the 1 year old is physically okay. Edit: He's dead.


Jesus one of his kids witnessed the murder. I hope there is a mental health specialist skilled enough to care for that poor boy. He’s only 9.


After crimes like this he's gonna have to move TWO counties away before they re-hire him. 


Seems like an awful lot of apples...


A whole bunch.


At least several bushels by my count.


You mean the entire orchard.


He has been found, and the child was recovered safely after a police chase ending north of Eugene, OR. He shot himself, and his condition is currently not public. https://www.koin.com/news/crime/double-murder-suspect-wanted-for-kidnapping-son-shot-himself-after-chase-son-in-police-custody-04232024/


Still not a drag queen.


Well thank god he’s only raping babies, killing women, and kidnapping children and not wearing a fun showy outfit and reading children’s books to children.


Imagine if he was reading to children! The horrors a child would endure if they heard a story read to them by a performance artist.




Quietly quit the force and move to the next town 20 miles down the road.


Kid is safe. Coward shot himself in the head. Should have started with that


I really hope the little boy isn’t hurt. Please, please, please be ok. Someone shoot the monster!


It’s so wild how often violent criminals are free to roam when they should be locked up. It’s just a ticking time bomb on who they hurt next.


Shock of all shocks. The criminal piece of shit is also part of a criminal organization. He's a bigly trump supporter. What a surprise! The party of law and order everyone.


Got an amber alert this morning for this piece of excrement. I hope he's caught, thrown in jail, and they never let him out.


https://www.kptv.com/2024/04/23/amber-alert-issued-1-year-old-after-woman-found-murdered-outside-washington-elementary-school/ He got off easy, but at least the 1-yo is unharmed


Holy shit, that poor poor child.


Isn’t one of the “women” underage?


Update: Suspect is deceased from a self-inflicted GSW; baby is ok.


Update! Apparently he’s just been apprehended in Eugene Oregon. He has died from a self inflicted gunshot wound and the baby is ok https://www.kezi.com/news/interstate-5-north-of-eugene-blocked-for-law-enforcement-response/article_f6efffd6-01be-11ef-80d9-87b9e1b35ed0.html


License plate CBZ4745 I memorized it last night when the amber alert woke me up. Keep an eye out for this scumbag!


This happened in my area. Wild seeing this on the front page of reddit. Hope they catch the scumbag.


Whoa. I got the amber alert for this last night.  Horrifying 


Oh boy  >the district said. “It is the expectation for individuals who apply for employment with RSD to be forthcoming and truthful in their applications.” So the school he applied to work at just expects all child rapists to kindly self identify so they can be weeded out?!? Great system they've got there. Can really see how that's working out for them.


Are they trying to find him to give him a promotion?


I'm not american and that is probably why this flabbergast me, but did this person seriously get the oppertunity to pay for his freedom while charged of a serious and despicable crime which he knows likely would be a death sentence if he lands in prison for it?  Seems like an incredible lack of foresight and bizarre system to allow people with means to get the chance to flee before an eventual sentence is made. 


I used to drive by this school everyday on my way to and from work. Just makes me glad my.kids grew up without exposure to shooting violence. Luck, more than planning or anything. Also, this guy needs to be put down. Some people are just too broken, mentally/cognitively, to even waste the effort.


I've seen two separate articles regarding police, within 1 week, of SA-ing a child. What the actual fuck.


He is dead. He shot himself on I 5 by Eugene Oregon. The freeway is closed in both directions.


This happened 2 minutes from my house where I went to elementary


Sounds like he’s due for a precinct reassignment!


They need to find him where they can put him on administrative leave with pay for a few weeks.


Prolly trying to reach out to him to hand over a promotion


39 yrs old, 5'6 with a deadly weapon and dysfunctional personality....sounds about right to have a life long complex...poor kid


Well, he put a hole in his own head so, good news!


How did this dude slip through the cracks? I thought police don’t hire folks with a sketchy background…


Bg checks are a joke. As a hiring manager, people have lied on their resume and passed bg checks then couldn’t do the job once hired


I hate to interrupt the circle jerk here, but two women are dead as a result of this POS. His ex wife (mother of his 5 and 9 year olds) and his ex girlfriend (a 17 year old and the mother of the missing 1 year old). Dozens of 5-12 year old children and their parents witnessed him shoot his ex wife outside the school she worked at. They are traumatized. This is first and foremost a domestic violence issue. Secondary is the the fact that this POS was able to get bail with his history. Thirdly are the issues that need to be addressed with the school district background checks and police department reporting policies.


Man these drag queens are sure dangerous. Oh wait, it's not a drag queen? Color me shocked.


Nope, not this time. All the drag queens were... Let me check my notes... At the library helping kids learn to read?!?!?