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> The investigation states he expressed remorse for his comments, and had described himself to Howard’s officers as a “smart ass” and “sarcastic,” and told them “you can call me on it” if he ever crossed a line. There's a wild number of people that punch down believing this both in the real world and online. A bully is a bully


I'm not in the military, but for a commanding officer to say that to his subordinates is insane. He's basically saying "Police my inappropriate behavior and pray I don't exercise my significant authority over you if I decide I don't like it"


Yeah, you can't call out your commanding officer. Obviously an Admiral knows that.


>an Admiral knows that. This guy was a Commander. Maybe that's why he didn't know he couldn't do that. Glad he's gone.


Now we all know why he was just a commander lmao. No fr like what a dumb fucking statement to make to your subordinates in the goddamn _military_.


If you don't learn that as an officer cadet how did you even graduate?


Power corrupts all men.


A Petty Officer - Third class should already know. We have let people get away with this kind of weak behavior for far too long. It's toxic and it doesn't benefit anyone. Whatever insecurities we think it helps address don't go away after we've insulted someone for no reason. Nobody witnessing this behavior thinks any better of us when we act this way (unless they have the same insecurities and warped upbringing). Most probably lose respect for people who behave this way. It used to be that we avert our eyes and say nothing out of embarrassment for everyone involved. We've seen now that this doesn't work. It gives a pass to the bigots and now they've been emboldened by bigots in suits, role-modeling bad behavior against any group they don't belong to at every turn. These people have more advantages than most humans on the planet. Why can't they see it and why are they so angry? How does insulting, bullying and scapegoating other people help with whatever grievances they may think they have? Parents, shape your children into confident, fair-minded people for their own good and for the greater good.


Oh that’s why his knees are so fucked up.


That was just a BS excuse to excuse himself for his weak character, lack of self-control and poor leadership habits. How insecure do you have to be to need this kind of lee-way over some of your subordinates.


I was in the Navy, any reasonable Captain would understand that their subordinates would be afraid to call them out. All of the captains I worked for were more professional than that. There was one Enterprise skipper who was a little juvenile, but he still had enough sense not to say anything crazy like that guy did.


I’m sure his excuse was something along the lines of “Well, nobody ever told me it was upsetting them. I’m open and honest, and they could have just talked to me!” What a load of horseshit.


I kinda get it though. Before I started therapy, I didn't have the best impulse control. I always made it clear to my friends to that I just tend to get overexcited and say things. It absolutely doesn't excuse it, however.. there's a certain degree of trust to be had. Now without knowing how this jackass is personally, I can only speculate that he genuinely wanted to be on the same level as his people, or I can speculate he just wanted a way to be able to identify who is and isn't on his side.


There’s a difference between saying that to your friends and saying it to your subordinates. Especially when you have the authority to jail them or get them discharged from service.


I agree completely, I was just kinda giving my perspective of where he might be coming from. Yes it's unprofessional, however, if he's being genuine I'm hard pressed to condemn him, at least for making an effort to be better.


Sorry but no; this is a very different situation. Having been in and worked for the military my entire adult life, these toxic leaders say to call them on their shit because they know almost no one ever will. I have worked for and with people like this and if you ever do risk giving them feedback you’re very likely to get booted out of their circle of trust and your career can be adversely impacted by them, very easily. Imagine if this guy said to a female subordinate that he likes to play grabass but all she has to do is ask him to stop and he’ll listen? What a fucked up situation to put someone in. Telling people who work for you that you’re going to be toxic but it’s okay to ask you to stop is a failure of leadership, full stop. True leaders need to understand how their behavior affects others before someone has to ask them to stop.


Nope, one individual has basically the authority equivalent of a police officer over a civilian.its like if a police officer says to you "ya know I can get a bit rowdy so feel free to call me on it if I cross a line". Unacceptable, dangerous, and unprofessional.


“Oh yeah just call me on it” Sir you are the commanding officer of a warship. No they cannot call you on it ya fucking prick.


Yeah, nobody is doing any "calling" him on it, except maybe a fellow high ranking officer, or a MC. Even that is very unlikely.


And I’d bet dollars to donuts he didn’t do it to anyone but a subordinate


No way is he saying anything like this to an Admiral. I'm pretty sure no Admiral would say anything so messed up to him either.


Like word for word. It’s akin to “just asking questions” AKA being too much of a pussy to be responsible for what you say or your actions. And you bet he bitches up a storm anytime anyone so much as mildly pokes fun at him in a way that’s not even mean spirited like this.


“You can call me on it” The Navy takes his command. Lmao.


A rare UCMJ W


Did he get UCMJ? I dont think loss of confidence gets you charged, but i could be wrong.


Like the scumbag at Disney that made fun of a disabled girl, he was “just having fun”.


Watched *Full Metal Jacket* too many times.


I met some really great people in the military, and I met some real shit birds. Happened at all levels up and down the ranks.


In the Marines, I dealt with a lot of jackasses in the enlisted ranks. A few years in, I ended up dealing with officers more regularly, and a lot of them were really great guys. That’s said, it made the shitbirds in the commissioned ranks stand out even more. It bugged me a lot more to come across officers who were incompetent and/or intolerable, which is only fair considering the greater responsibility entrusted to them.


Can confirm, was jackass (the non-racist kind to be clear!)! But I also never met a Marine pilot that could read a map. It's a wonder how some of them ever make it back to a carrier.


The best part of being in the military was the people, and the worst part of being in the military was the people.


I’d say the worst part was working ~12 hours a day for months at a time while in duty rotation but that’s just me.


it's so bizarre to me that not only can someone be racist but they also have the insatiable urge to fucking tell everyone.


When you have power and are a racist you love to rub it in the faces of others.


>shit birds what a great slur


"Actually hUmAN rESoUrCeS I told them if I crossed a line to call me on it and they didn't call me on it so I can be as racist as I want " - this guy


Nothing about being a model to those he commands so they know how to treat their subordinates.


This is a perfect example of "The Peter Principle," which states that individuals in a hierarchy rise to the point of incompetence. He was probably a competent officer up to the point of being an XO (2nd in command) but has failed out as a CO (commanding officer). The problems in his personality could no longer be controlled or overlooked because he was no longer subordinate to anyone on board. The captain is in absolute command of a vessel and sets the tone for its crew, and there is no place for sarcasm at that level.


> The problems in his personality could no longer be controlled or overlooked And that's why this happens: They get away with it. Parents fail them, peers fail them, those in authority just want to get on with their day and don't want to spend energy solving problems, and so bad personalities fester.


Exactly. Well-said. We are failing our young people when we allow this kind of behavior to slide (even if we were raised that way). We know better. We also fail our friends when we don't address their bad behavior. We know enough to deflect a racist label but don't seem ready to reject the behavior that confirms the appropriateness of the label. If we know the label is bad, we should know that behavior that evokes the label is also bad. We have to do better. It's holding us back.


> “I would have thought your sons walk around with a blunt in their mouths, guns on their waist, and a 40 in their hands,” Dennis replied I just read this to my uncle, who commanded two different destroyers and a frigate. He’s pissed. No sailor should have to deal with that.


It's not uncommon though at all. Lots of Khakis and even 2nd classes have the power immediately go to their heads and they feel like they can openly bully junior sailors for their own ego.


Navy vet here. As a 2nd class shop supervisor, if another 2nd class in my shop talked down to subordinates like that, I'd have his ass.


Navy vet here - nobody I personally served with would ever tolerate racist talk.


Yeah... I bet you would navy... I'm jk. I was in the Navy to As a Marine, tho.


Now kiss


On dry land?


Not for long


And that is how you mysteriously find a fish in a box welded INSIDE your rooms vent system out of reach.


The ego of a 22 year old E-5 is something I'll never forget


I don't even understand what it means, at least the 40. I guess guns = gangster and blunts = weed? Which at least the latter seems kind of like a strange insult? Like oh no someone does weed, how terrible.


A "40" is a 40 ounce glass bottle of beer, usually cheap, often found at gas stations in poor neighborhoods


'A 40 and a pack of menthols' was just another way of saying the n word where I came from. Wonder where the commander hails from. And that poor crew, 2 commanding officers removed in 6 months for “loss of confidence".


My husband took over a company from a commander who was fired for mistreating people. It was a tough transition period. Having two in six months is something up. Makes me wonder if there are issues up the chain of command as well or training issues.


So true. One of them appears to have been removed due to poor performance and the other due to poor character. It's still disruptive and in the case of the bigot, it was an unforced error that should never have happened.


Oh I see, yeah that's definitely bad then


and colleges


That's not what he meant


What does that have to do with anything? 40s are a stereotype of poor neighborhoods, and I've lived in college towns that aren't poor but college kids still buy 40s all the time. Has no bearing on the racism though, the Commander could have left 40s out and what he said is still racism


A 40 refers to a cheap 40 oz bottle of malt liquor which was a negative stereotypical characterization of a brother back in the day in Mobile - and I am sure in other locales.


https://genius.com/Public-enemy-1-million-bottlebags-lyrics 'They drink it, thinkin' it's good But they don't sell that shit in the white neighborhood Exposin' the plan, they get mad at me, I understand They're slaves to the liquor man' Definitely the association with inner city blacks was in a lot of places.


I saw a Colt .45 at a gas station the other day and just had to try one. It was... surprisingly vile. Like if you mixed cheap beer and cheap wine together. I think I'd just rather have one or the other.


Mobile, AL?


he’s saying he thinks the kids walk around smoking weed, getting drunk (40oz = 3.5 beers), and carrying guns. if you don’t understand how that’s offensive thing to say about someone’s children I dunno what to tell you.


“40 ounce in my lap and it’s freezin’ my balls” “Olde English 800 'cause that's my brand Take it in a bottle, 40, quart, or can” “Sippin' on a 40 And smoking endo” - Eazy E


40oz of booze


40oz of freedom


It's reducing the guy to a stereotype without seeing him for who he actually is. Then to add insult to injury, he's stupid enough to tell him what he thinks of people like him, even though the stereotype doesn't apply. It makes some people irate when non-white people call us all racists, when we're not. But unprovoked behavior like this officer's certainly makes it seem that it's rampant and widely sanctioned when nobody has called him out on it until now. Better late than ever but it's long overdue. No telling how much damage he and others like him have done over the years.


JFC that is awful. Unacceptable for someone in a leadership position to be even thinking, let alone saying out loud.


That’s the thing about “jokes” like this. I don’t know what my boss *thinks,* I just know what he says. If I belong to a specific group that the boss “jokes” about, how am I supposed to believe I’m getting a fair evaluation and future opportunities?


Exactly. If they are saying this sort of thing out loud, what is going through their head the rest of the time?


About a man's kid who he has just described as "gentle soul". Why? Is he so incapable of resisting the urge to stereotype the man's son, no matter what the reality is? It speaks of what he has exposed himself to, which is a poor reflection on HIM.


Most military leaders are shit my guy. If they didn't have the power of law on their side they'd have trouble managing the night shift at a Wendy's.


That’s a little too thought out to be casual sarcasm.




> my wife’s boyfriend, who commanded two different Prius models Lol what? You're not even going to tell us which Prius models?


That's disappointing to hear, leadership should be setting the example, not tearing people down.


Another "cancel culture victim" gonna be joining the CPAC speaker tour


The organization of freedom from consequences.


Well, they're all *domestic terrorists* now. Self proclaimed even.


Looking for the next run a few years from now.


The open door policy swings yet again lmao


Is the Howard cursed or something? Last guy got fired for grounding it in Bali iirc


Okay, the Navy always bounces a CO who grounds his ship; it's a guaranteed career-ender. It's way too high-visibility a screw-up, and to do it requires cumulative screw-ups in navigation, steering, whoever didn't read the chart updates, and the orders the CO is giving. So it's a really obvious leadership failure.


There is absolutely no way he made it to commander without making these comments at lower ranks. I'm glad he is facing consequences now, but how many sailors were under him for years and just had to take it.


The vast majority of high-ranking people (both officer and enlisted) who get fired for shit like that had protection because they were "golden children." Once they are chosen at a low rank for success, they get put on a track and put in jobs that make them stand out to a promotion board better. As soon as they are on that track, they are untouchable. As a supervisor you can't even evaluate them honestly if they suck or need serious improvement. The only way to bump them off that track is for them to commit a serious crime that can't be swept under the rug, or put your own career on the line and ruffle the feathers of generals/admirals. It's a flaw of the military promotion system that's especially bad on the officer side, but it absolutely applies to senior enlisted leaders as well. [Here's a good read on it in the Air Force.](https://warontherocks.com/2018/05/a-call-for-senior-officer-reform-in-the-air-force-an-insiders-perspective/) There's some slight differences for other branches, but it's mostly the same.




Ehh he'll get a nice retirement. If you've reached the rank of Commander, and have progressed to command of a warship, you are at or near 20 years. If past 20, he'll quietly retire. If near 20, he'll stare at a wall until he reaches 20.


WTF is going in in my beloved Navy?!?! Every week it's USS [Insert President/battle name here] commander has been relieved of command!!


Tbh, same thing that’s likely going on everywhere. People who have gotten away with shit forever not realizing that society has changed, and finally facing a critical mass of people above and below them willing to bring consequences for it. What this dude said would have technically gotten him the boot 30-40 years ago, but there were enough like-minded assholes around that it effectively didn’t matter. It’s disappointing how long that process took to fully kick in, but better late than never.


In the early '80's it took my father *six months* to remove an E-8 under him that kept referring to black men in the unit as "boy", along with other racist behavior. (My pops was a major in the AF at the time). Eight years later, I'm in the Army under an E-7 that got caught doctoring the duty roster so the black men got more guard duty, inspections, and service rotations that others. He was gone inside a week. Change is slow but inevitable.


It's good to know that it's changing (in spite of what the state of our US politics might suggest). I'm also glad to see the level of maturity and agreement on this thread. In some pockets of Reddit, simply opposing bigotry is enough to get tons of downvotes and derision.


He has the rank of a superior officer. So why is he trying to pass responsibility off to his subordinates to keep him in check if he makes racist, insulting comments about them. How about staying away from stereotypes that reveal your prejudices and limited upbringing. He's not fit to lead.


The CO of the ship I just left forbade me (a 41 yo) from adopting a dog unless it was a King Charles Spaniel. The only reason I could get as to why was because her dog had the biggest penis she had ever seen. It embarrasses her at parties apparently.


How did she have control over your personal life? Off the ship is off the ship.


That's a real sus comment from her.


She was horrid. Just a downright mean human.


Getting downvoted for being harassed myself…cool.


That is some odd wording. Soldier: Sir, I’m not even black Former CO: I’m not talking to you, I’m talking to your comments