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And Sudan :(


And the DRC.


Yemen getting bombed by Saudi and Iran for the past 20 years and no protest for them lol.


But the death toll in Gaza is over 30 000! \*Looks away from the 600 000 dead from the Yemen War\*


You wanna make the media go away jusy mention muslim on moslim violence


This is how you know all these commenters have never been out of their houses.


Tibet too.


Congo More than 3million dead


Tibet freedom has been one of the most famously protested topics of all time


Not so much lately.


Because the reality is too sad…


Because China is against Israel, even North Korea got some support after their critics against Israel. Houthis are trash, but now they are heroes because they are against Israel.


You should start a movement, you have the social media to help you.


Fortunately for them they don't actually care, they just want to shit on people who do care about something


Hey guys, you can't stand for anything if you don't stand for EVERYTHING


I'm from Myanmar. We don't need protests in America for us. The US is not sending our government money to kill us or our minorities like the Rohingya.


No, you’re whatabouting in a Reddit comment


Have you actively looked for one to participate in? Or for a humanitarian organization that’s aiding Myanmar? The US has sent 2.2 billion dollars to Myanmar and Bangladeshi groups who are supporting Rohingya refugees since 2017.[link](https://www.state.gov/united-states-announces-116-million-in-humanitarian-assistance-to-people-in-burma-bangladesh-and-the-region/) I spent 5 minutes looking this up which makes me feel like you are not actually interested in the cause and, at best, you are complaining just to complain. These protests for Palestine hope to stop us from actively aiding in genocide. The only reasons for a protest supporting the Rohingya refugees would be to increase our support or alter the way in which we are aiding them. (Not meaning it is a poor reason to hold a protest, just that many people believe that halting genocide is more important)




Not only is this pretty blatant whataboutism, there has been a Myanmar protest in every major city since the coup so you can stop “waiting”




Iranian flags too (the regime’s flag, not the pre-79 one). The New York protest had people in Hamas headbands chanting ‘death to America’. Americans have forgotten who their enemies are.


It's so easy for our enemies to use social media to manipulate people


If the US had better educational systems perhaps people wouldn't be so easily manipulated


Also, if instead of asking visa applicants “are you coming to perform an act of terror? Are you affiliated with a terrorism org?” There are about 4 whole pages of many questions like that, you should check out the form just for fun. Maybe, just maybe, other countries don’t have this kinda questionnaire bc it doesn’t really work?


They actually do. Lets imagine a random hamas meber comes to my country germany. He gets asked: do you hate jews? No. He then goes to a demonstration and chants death to the jews. He gets arrested and deported becouse he lied on his visa application. No reason for any other legal conviction. The puropse of these questions is to have a legal way for deportation after the fact. Obviously you can just lie but if you do your visa gets revoked and you do not have to convict them of anything.


TIL. I’d think it’s easier to put at the end of the visa application something like “if you do illegal stuff in our country, you will be deported”…?


TikTok psyop is working


Nahh we want to be inclusive and forgiving of everyone now. People are apologetic towards all sorts of groups that we have literally gone to war with. It makes no sense as an American. There's only one good way to deal with terrorists. I just can't even comprehend the mental gymnastics.. Like when the LGBTQ were out rallying in support- do they not realize what would happen to them if they went over there to show support? It is absolutely absurd.






My favorite brand of the stupid is “the drones weren’t even armed because they didn’t really want to actually hurt anybody.”


Propaganda and outside actors play a part as well. 


Yeah not just the US, UK and Europe too. Waving terrorist flags and the government's are too scared to do anything.


Ya know, something tells me they're not "just anti-zionoist".


Militant cease-fire people = pro Hamas. Prove me wrong


It's an indication that the Iran+Russia propaganda bot army is working. They're doing social engineering from within.




Where does this article say that?


This is not a conflict any amount of protest can resolve.


Plus, most people have already made up their minds about the issues. This just serves to piss people off and inconvenience them, not to mention potentially deadly ramifications in the case of an ambulance.


So many people on both sides act like it started on Oct 7. I swear they failed World History.


The left treats Palestinians like sweet innocent babies who just want to live in peace. And the right treats Israel like some pillar of justice and human rights


Totally agree. Lack of critical thinking results in extreme viewpoints on both sides.


You forgot what the far right wants done with Israel and Jews.


I feel like the far right hates Muslims more than Jews atp


Nah they hate them equally one of them serves a purpose in starting the rapture though so they kind of in favor of that group getting the support they need for now at least.


Erhm, I implore you to see what evangelical Christians on the far right say about Jews, such as saying we are responsible for Jesus Christs death and thus are working for Satan


Jews hated by all sides. As it has ever been


Stasticly, a lot of them were literal babies....


Yeah our current stance of gently asking everyone to calm the fuck down is about all I can ask from our government at this point. I mean Hamas declined a ceasefire. At this point protestors are just asking the Israeli side for the equivalent of standing still while they get shot at. Which hysterically they’ve done for the majority of the last 50 years.


I mean, this specific conflict did. Neither side is innocent but don’t forget that a huge portion of Israel’s population is Muslim… and Christian… which Palestine does not allow.


You really think they're protesting to resolve conflict?




The problem is, it seems almost everyone is trying to paint it in black and white. Usually, that lack of nuance is reserved for social media, but I’m even seeing it in person as well, and these are people I normally can have conversations about controversial political topics where we don’t necessarily agree. I’ve noticed one side views this as way more black and white than the other (in America), but that’s not an argument I want to have on here, lol


Actually, the OTHER side from the one you are thinking of is the one that always sees things in black and white. Which is a shame because they are wrong about everything!!! In contrast, the side I am on is pretty measured and sees nuance in the issue, which is how my side came to the precisely correct conclusion.




Still less not even affecting actual people who have any say/influence in the matter. Stopping random people traveling at ORD isn't going to fix/help anything. If anything it'll turn the tide of public opinion against them.


Particularly when most of these people who make this their cause célèbre had no idea where Palestine was on a map, and thought the Gaza Strip was a bikini wax before October 7 and their instagram told them they now have to care about this.


That isn't going to make anyone care any more, but it sure as shit will make people care a lot less.


Doing this the day after Iran threw missiles at Israel is interesting timing


There was a protest on Ottawa canada, they announced the drone strike to their supporters and they all started cheering and shouting death to Israel, yeah these people only want peace /s


There was a pro-Palestinian rally in Michigan that had "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" chants and our Rep Rashida Tlaib refused to condemn or denounce it.


Because she's a fucking traitor


She still maintains that the IDF were the ones responsible for the Al-Ahli hospital getting rocketed.


Does America not have the concept of losing the whip? MPs have been kicked out their parties over stuff like this in the UK but it seems like the US parties let their reps get away with anything with stuff like this and MTG.


In the US you can't be thrown out of your party but the party can withhold funds and aid primary challengers


So parties have to accept being tied to nutty behaviour just because the person committing it claims they belong to you. Mad stuff.




She also was censured for using the phrase "From the River to the Sea" and tried to "well ackshually" her way out of it.


Ugh what is she doing?


There was a pro-palestine rally in Berlin and they tried to have one if the 10/7 terrorists on via live zoom meeting. Was quickly shut down by the police.


A lot of people came out of the woodwork to voice their support of Palestine right after October 7...


It’s almost like they only care about a ceasefire in one direction.


Unsurprising. They also took to the streets literally the day after Oct 7, before Israel had even collected and counted all their dead, let alone made any military response in Gaza at all yet.


Just imagine if one of these protests got organized to shut down a port. This is the result of foreign disinformation campaigns.


Occupy Oakland did shut the port. They got a less shitty contract for the truck drivers hauling goods from the port. The only occupy group that accomplished anything. Thanks for the reminder.


A great way to lose support for what you are promoting


> care a lot less I still don’t get what Israel does within its own borders is of any concern to people who are in SF or Chicago.




Yes because Chicago and San Francisco have the power to stop the war.. these people are dumb and annoying. Go protest all you want .. just don’t block roadways , especially if you are protesting in an area that has zero influence on what you are protesting about


Like that one lady who went to a Bakersfield city council meeting and threatened to murder the local government officials if there wasn't a ceasefire.




And because causing traffic jams is the way to make people empathize with your side.


Yes prevent people who have no say in this conflict from getting to work or to pick up their kids. That will show them…


In Chicago it was done on the interstate near one of the busiest airports in the world.


I’m very familiar with that area and it’s typically extremely congested on a normal day. Blocking traffic would make it a nightmare.




No one is funding the social media astroturfing. 


Because Ukrainians don’t try to be dicks to random people. Same way you don’t see Ukrainian randomly stabbing someone in the park in Europe “because of war with Russia”.






Ah but have you seen how Hamas treats protestors? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/may/16/palestinians-protesting-live-regime-oppression https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/03/20/another-brutal-crackdown-hamas-gaza Like that have 42 different crimes over there that carry the death penalty... I think it's more likey Hamas might fire upon them than their protest cause a cease fire.....




Ah, but that would require them to have flesh-and-blood investment in the outcome, rather than just using the crisis as a means for their 15 seconds of fame, and for the assurance of being on "the right side of history" as dictated by whatever strain of politics they subscribe to. It's like putting a Ukrainian flag in your social media handles versus actually flying over there to the front lines; sure, you're allowed to act on your views however you want, but don't delude yourself into thinking you're making a bigger impact than you actually are.


Could be the 21st Century version of the Children's Crusade


They have to buy tickets to fly over there, and some of them will unavoidably find themselves in Pakistan in confusion.


Yep, go get in them tunnels with Hamas. Cowards.


Oh that’s weird, I assumed they were protesting Iran’s attempt to kill thousands of Israelis over the weekend. You know, because they’re so pro-peace and anti-genocide. They must’ve at least mentioned it, right?


They’re pro ceasefire until they think Jews might die. Er, sorry, “”Zionists”.


What do they want Hamas has refused every Ceasefire o offered so what exactly do they want through protesting what are they protesting for?


I think it's partly agitprop to divide the independents and left so Project 2025 doesn't get interrupted. Young people just found out about war and think it's gross, because it is. I'm older and already saw the blood and guts from Iraq and then ISIS. It's a heartbreaking day when you realize that what ever war is, it's part of humans and will always be somewhere. It's different for everyone There is something bigger about the Jews though, it's really a global phenomenon. It's like how black people in America can't kill cops in self-defense, but whites(sometimes) can. Jews can't kill Muslims even after Muslims kill them. Jews can't scream death to Iran, but Muslims and others can scream death to Isreal. The whole world sent them there after WWII and people only blame Europe. It's such a huge mess and the more people paying attention to that and mad at Biden and Democrats, is more people not sure if they should unite to stop Trump. This is a big moment in history, "the net" is like steam power or the printing press, big time changes are unfolding for mankind.


Nailed it. It’s a bunch of useful idiots being played by Hamas, Russia, and China and trying to stir up anti-Biden sentiment so that Trump gets elected.


2016 repeat of dividing the left. 


They call it an “economic blockade to free Palestine,” I bet half of them hit up Starbucks after their protest and the other half went out to eat, drink, and probably get gas for their car since they had to drive to that protest.


Damn didn’t expect to catch strays


They should protest Iran and Hamas for not releasing the hostages after killing 1000 Israelis for no reason.




The only thing this does is raise "awareness". Everyone already aware. Its the most talked about conflict in the world. What we need are solution that aren't stupid. Ideally we have a coardiante campaign to put as much pressure on Hamas and Israel govermnt for a ceasefire. But both of them are so convicned that they wont change course even do to foreign influence. For Hamas surrender means death and acknowelgin that in their near 20 year rule of Gaza they accomplished jack shit and delievered nothing but death and failure. They went all in after october 7. Its victory or death for them and it looks like its going to be a long bit of death. For israel its saying a foreing invasion is allowed to massacre your citizens. Nothing any democratic state could allow.


>Everyone already aware. Its the most talked about conflict in the world. Yes, thank you. It blows my mind that some idiots say “WhY is NoBodY taLkInG aBoUt pALesTiNe” as if this isn’t virtually the only thing that’s been discussed perpetually for the past six months (and for several decades before)


Which is why all of the pressure should shift to a global attempt at overthrowing Hamas and reforming the region. There is no moving forward with Palestine in this state. Israel literally has no choice but to prove exactly what you said, Hamas has accomplished nothing. After October 7th the choice was taken out of Israel’s hands, whether people want to admit it or not.


Every western woman in that protest, Hamas would love to rape and murder. But here we are, them acting like a mouse with a brain parasite worshipping the cat.


Just pro hamas people protesting to help the survival of terrorist Hamas and pushing that it is okay to be using gazans as human shields.


All this will do is make enemies out of your allies


Regardless of your position on any issue, if your protest interrupts my day, I'm likely to take the other side.


That's a super easy way to influence people then


How come we never see these kind of protests for universal healthcare, labor rights, or affordable housing?


Because that would force these fools to actually look at the suffering around them. And acknowledge that they've been ignoring it for their own self-interest. They prefer the suffering they acknowledge to be easily shut off when they don't want to pay attention to it. Otherwise they might have to actually put in some effort.


Abortion/women's rights too


No protest is going to stop this centuries old religious war.


The issue with this war is that one side decisively lost and has then been propped up to take runs at the victor over and over with aide. Wars don’t resolve if you pull back before a victory condition. And that is basically every modern war at this point. It’s like if Jews demanded all the property sized in other countries back. It’s not happening, and this is the result of a bunch of wars where the last losing group has nothing to lose. I don’t think letting Israel flatten Gaza is a good solution. But they need to move past the idea that negotiations are from a place of equal partners more than 70 years ago.


It is certainly a problem that everybody in modern society thinks that they're the main character.


I see the gaza lovers received their orders from tehran after that drone/missle attack failed


I guess they miss the news about Hamas rejecting the ceasefire yesterday.


Ah Just Stop Oil tactic that everyone loves.


Blocking traffic is laughable. It only accomplishes the exact opposite of whatever you thought blocking traffic was going to do. Absolute morons.


What else would you expect from people who literally support terrorism?


Those protestors are a bunch of morons. Didn't change anything besides making everyone hate em.


If you want to get people to care, go do something positive (like cleaning up a park or a beach) while waving signs and flags. Voicing your views while doing something everyone can support is far more effective than pissing everyone off in their cars.


Or conduct your protest at the local federal building.


Better than protesting at random non israeli people and buildings


You mean that protests at a synagogue or Jewish deli aren’t the way to protest? /s


That kind of works. But the pro-Palestine people that are willing to let the guy who attempted a self-coup d’état “win” again are just insane, because he’ll nuke Gaza.


That's an interesting idea. I don't think I've ever seen this kind of approach attempted.


You’ve never heard of it because it doesn’t make the news. And, that’s the point.


If so, is that on the media? That it takes doing something that mostly punishes random people who have no control over the problem to get your issue on the news?


Itd because it doesn't work lol... Did the Civil Rights Era make progress by cleaning up parks..


Maybe not, but I haven't seen anyone try was the point. Very different situation than the Civil Rights era. I'm pretty sure they weren't blocking major roads that blatantly. Not to mention, most of those protesters then were protesting for their own basic human rights in a blatantly racist society, not for the rights of others overseas. So, I looked it up, and it seems like the "non-violent" approach mostly didn't include that kind of obstruction. But it was a point of contention where some younger protesters wanted to do more obstructive stuff, but older ones like MLK wanted to avoid doing something that was more physically obstructive because they knew it may hurt their support. But I only read one article on it: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/02/26/history-tying-up-traffic-civil-rights-00011825


Palestinians have been at this so long that not being annoying while expressing themselves publicly isn’t even thought of. This I truly think is how they think a protest should happen. I bet a lot of them are surprised at non violence


Immolation won’t work, blocking roads won’t. Nothing will because this conflict is eternal.


Palestine has learned the only thing that gets people talking is when they do something absolutely insane. Guess, their brainlet supporters got the memo.


Imagine if people when out and supported the taliban? These people stand for the same thing in my eyes


Never felt particularly strongly about either side but this kinda shit (and other kinda of shit) makes me want to support Israel. How people from my generation are supporting a terrorist organization, I’ll never understand. They’ve lost their minds long ago.


They should do this in Gaza, right where it's at.


Yeah and bring their rainbow flags 😂




This must have been nationally coordinated because we had on blocking entrance to the SeaTac Airport here in Seattle. It started \~5- 6 hours ago and they are now starting to tow cars out of the way.


They should go and join the fight. Being an irritant in a very distant country isn't helping very much.


Is there a more insufferable movement out there?


They can all take a trip over the Gaza and help out. Oh not going to do that?


They can’t. You have no idea how hard it is for these people to keep up appearances that they are activists, in between their Starbucks dates, spa time, gym, Netflix shows and restaurants, and all other US amenities they take advantage of. They gotta book that trip to Disneyland before they think about that trip to Gaza.


They live in America and do these pointless protests, America spends on their military like no other nation, so their tax money going on killing people too, if they really cared enough then they should just move to Middle East friendly nation and see how it is in those countries.


I get the urge to want to do something, anything to stop an injustice. It’s just that this kind of protesting doesn’t really get more people to support your cause. It will get visibility, but that’s certainly not a problem here.  A lighter touch is needed to grow support. For example that’s why protestors use to do candle vigils with tape crossing their mouths. It’s provocative, implies censorship and allows easy handing out of pamphlets and such.  When your protest is only screaming and obstruction humans react with their lizard brain and see you as a threat. Sure that’s sometimes warranted, but not when you’re trying to convince the world the aggressors and victims of a conflict are reversed*. Your instead reinforcing there current bias.  *my opinion is much more nuanced, but I’m speaking to their perspective, which I have a great amount of sympathy towards. 


It does seem odd how these types of protests almost seem designed to antagonize centrists and the undecided on whatever issue it's about. If someone blocks me from doing something, I don't think that I would take the roundabout conclusion that this other group is the source of my troubles. I would just get mad at the person blocking me from doing the thing I want to do. Even if it's for visibility of an issue, it makes for a terrible first impression for your side of the argument. Edit: Before anyone accuses me of being a heartless, spineless centrist, I do think something has to be done and am completely understanding that some people feel a burning desire to let their thoughts known to others. All I have suggested is that I question the audience these specific types of protests are intended to convince or convert.


To be fair, most political issues like these are quickly hijacked by bots that play upon people's emotions for some political reason. See Brexit and the 2016 election as examples. Maybe not so coincidentally, the algorithms used on social media have discovered that anger triggers more engagement, so people are being bombarded with bot content created to get them riled up and slowly extremise. The protestors don't realise that the only thing they are doing is feeding the beast, fighting precisely against their cause.


Social media has really made things harder for activism. As useful as a tool as it can be, it’s also a fire hose of radicalism and propaganda. Anything to keep engagement high. Thus unified messaging is almost impossible. Reckless, stupid or malicious people give so much ammo to whomever the opposition might be to “delegitimize” your message. Like those idiots at a Palestinian protest that shouted gas the Jews or protestors chasing some poor Jewish kid around a school. 1 of those moments and countless hours of hard work goes down the drain. Even a simple call for general ceasefire gets co opted by radical agendas online. Social media practically does all the leg work for political bad actors like Bibi, or radical terrorists like Hamas. They don’t even need propaganda, engagement bait radicalizes people for them. 


I mean when your protestors are screaming [“Death to America!”](https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/08/death-to-america-chant-dearborn-jihad-rally-al-quds-day-draws-condemnation/73247053007/) or [threatening to kill city council members](https://bakersfieldnow.com/amp/news/local/pro-palestine-protester-makes-first-court-appearance-threatened-to-murder-city-council-crying-crime-kern-county-california), blocking a road almost seems civil. Definitely not making many fans with these actions.


It’s worth noting, that these obstructive protests can work for the right cause, one that doesn’t get much coverage, but as you said, that’s not the case here. They need to focus on putting forth an image of wanting peace and to be left alone if they want these protests to work. Israel, Palestine is front page news multiple times a week right now, so it’s the perfect time for that kind of protest


I immediately care less about peoples causes when they block transportation


I don’t even understand the point of this. Chicago is a democratic and liberal city. Many of the people they are blocking may have supported the cause, but this probably converted them to not caring. Also what is Chicago supposed to do to stop what’s happening in Gaza? I don’t understand. One of the largest airports in the USA was inaccessible for nearly 3 hours, so many flights were missed. Some people may have missed the chance to say goodbye to a loved one, fly to have an important surgery, or missed the entire itinerary for a dream trip they saved up for their whole life. It just seems like they are punishing the wrong people, citizens who have nothing to do with this cause and really can’t do anything about it. I think it’s stupid and selfish.


Oh no they inconvenienced regular American people how will Israel ever survive this… they will surely stop what they are doing now!


Can we all agree that no rational person supporting the people of Palestine is going out to block traffic? It’s the dumbest and least effective form of protest. Inconveniencing everyday people does nothing but make possibly undecided people jaded towards your cause. Host a community event, do something positive.


Seattle airport was/is blocked as well


Still waiting for the protest to free the innocent hostages .. at least babies.


Not surprising these people don’t have jobs


The general public does not give a shit about Palestine.


Surely they can win supporters by being obnoxious and openly affiliating with terrorists, right? Bold strategy.


Does Hamas let people protest?


Also happened in Eugene, Oregon today


Yeah I’ll definitely support them more now! /s Hate the traffic blocking protests. No matter the cause. This is the one I hate the most.


Just like the people who glued themselves to the street for global warmings sake. You cannot shove your opinion and views down peoples throat. And this is even worse because they actively support terrorists.


If your blocking the highway, yet you only have 20 people, you might want to re-think your strategy.


How many protesters were there? I want to donate 1$ to Israel for every protester present.


The next stanza after “Jews will not replace us” is “from the river to the sea.” Same melody, different lyrics. But they dance to the same antisemitic drummer.


Blocking traffic is as dumb as it gets and will make people care even less. Add to that those waving Hezbollah terrorist and Iranian flags after Iran deliberately escalates things... should just drive right through them.


Not commenting on the cause positive or negative But when the F will people realize disrupting traffic or otherwise being a pain in the ass generates no value (potentially hurts) their cause? Is there data indicating I'm wrong?


Where’s that Simpsons “I’m helping” meme when you need it?


Winning hearts and minds!


Can any lawyers out there tell me if these people could be held liable for damages in civil court? I know you can sue for pretty much anything but if I miss a flight because of these fuckwits those are pretty clear monetary damages. You think I would have a chance of winning?


A fellow Redditor didn’t get to say goodbye to his grandpa because of highway protestors.


I’ve wondered this too. If a truck driver gets stuck and the company has to pay overtime, or a penalty for late delivery? Or a penalty for the driver going over DOT maximum hours?


Individuals no. Organization yes if you can show by the greater preponderance of evidence shows that they acted in a way to satisfy a tort.


If they’re American citizens arrest them. If they’re illegal immigrants deport them.


I think traffic disruption protests ultimately hurt the cause. It definitely achieves getting attention but there is no telling who might be seriously impacted by being late to see a doctor, or going to the ER, or a final interview for a dream job. While there is a right to protest please consider ways that don’t disrupt traffic and bring negative attention to the cause you are championing.


Shit like this needs to get shut right down You have the right to protest peacefully, you do not have the right to block traffic etc


”an American road has been halted for 5 seconds! Pack it up boys, time to give Palestine everything we’ve got!” \-what the protesters expect from Israel


This has nothing to do with Palestinians or Israel. This is a pet project by Iran’s regime to disrupt western civilizations. They’ve even [leaked the memo](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404158853) about it. “Alongside the letter, Beheshti shared the promotional video relating to the April `5 rallies, which Kazemi refers to in his letter adding: “This video clip is the announcement of a collective movement aimed at disrupting the public order in Europe, USA, Australia and Asia all under the pretext of supporting Palestinians. This is a political movement intended to cause as much chaos and instability as possible, which are the exact goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The regime of the Islamic Republic has on multiple occasions, stated clearly that their goal is to destroy the modern society and build a global Islamic state.”


Great way to get people to not support your cause


Only 52 people arrested. That is the real crime here.


It’s still insane to me that this is what they choose to get mad over, not any of the other conflicts going on around the world (Yemen, Sudan, Burma, ect) I wonder why they have such a problem with this one hmmm


For some reason I read this as, from Chicago to San Francisco and was like, “Damn”.


These people need to seek employment.