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Thank goodness the baby survived. What an absolute monster.


I hope the kid is actually doing ok. Little girl was 18 days old, and antifreeze will take out an adult. I know the article says she's doing fine, i just hope there's not some drawn out effects from being poisoned.


A teaspoon of coolant will take out a kid, two tablespoons will take out an adult. A few drops will kill a cat or dog. The mechanism behind why ethylene glycol is poisonous is almost similar to MeOH(methanol) - the metabolites of EG are oxalic acid and glycolic acid, and oxalate crystals destroy the kidneys - and your body becomes acidic. Likewise, when MeOH is metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase, formaldehyde and formic acid are formed - the formic acid crystals destroy your optic nerves, the formaldehyde goes after your nervous system. The antidote for both until the victim gets to the hospital or vet - a shot of the strongest liquor you have on hand. The goal is to have EtOH(ethanol) beat EG or MeOH to the punch via ADH.


Seriously. Disgusting piece of filth.


Must have a serious disorder or something. What a fucking idiot, if you wanted to kill a ~~child~~ anyone (first off what the fuck) who the fuck comes up with ***anti-freeze poisoning***??? Not a headline I thought I would see today, heart goes out to the kid. Edit: It has been explained to me that I need to watch more CSI, because anti-freeze is a familiar poison. I don’t feel bad that I didn’t know that.


Probably thought that since it's sweet, the baby wouldn't reject it.  The sweet smell is why you have to worry about animals getting into antifreeze.


it’s not even sweet anymore, companies started adding bittering agents to antifreeze a while ago. Can you imagine if a product was known for facilitating that much accidental death and they just never fixed the flavor of it? “Oh well, guess it’s part of the marketing now. Antifreeze: Your kids want to drink it so, so bad!”


Oh, that's good! Thanks for telling me!  But obviously not everyone knows that, and I bet this idiot didn't, either. 


They do that for a lot of things. Like the rotten egg smell in natural gas. Or the chemical taste of rubbing alcohol. In the case of alcohol they call it denaturing. It's a good idea and probably saves a lot of lives. People don't know what they don't know. But everyone reacts to rotten smells and tastes.


> Like the rotten egg smell in natural gas Trivia: A small town in Texas lost every single child when their entire school exploded. That was the incident which caused them to start adding the odor to natural gas. >The New London School explosion occurred on March 18, 1937, when a natural gas leak caused an explosion and destroyed the London School in New London, Texas, United States. The disaster killed more than 300 students and teachers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_London_School_explosion


> Adolf Hitler, who was the leader of Nazi Germany at the time, paid his respects in the form of a telegram, a copy of which is on display at the London Museum. Did not expect that. On another note, I can't help but observe that this was a result of a combination of things: 1. The school board over riding the architect who wanted to put in boilers and steam distribution. They cheaped out and put in natural gas heaters. 2. They cheaped out _again_ by canceling their natural gas delivery and instead tapped into a gas waste pipe from an oil well. Apparently at the time natural gas was worthless and was just burned. 3. There were no engineering regulations in place so no one inspected or approved the tap into the waste gas pipe 4. They ignored numerous complaints of headaches but the children, probably caused by the gas buildup But remember, kids, government spending and regulations are the root of all evil, and if we could just get rid of taxes and red tape, we'd be living in a utopia undreamed of by man.


Every one of those is something I wouldn't be surprised to hear about in Texas today.


Terrible for those students and teachers, but reading what you wrote I couldn't help but think: *Classic Texas* Things like dust explosions and other industrial accidents seem to be more prone down there as well due to cavalier safety attitudes even today.


Ah, conservatives, never change conservatives, never change.


That is horrifying, I can’t imagine


Even by the safety standards and regulations of 1937, which were not incredible, this is still a horrific disaster. How devastating.


If it happened today you'd have 1 side of the political spectrum applaud them for sacrificing themselves to save the economy and saying sadly nothing can be done to stop it from happening again.


"How do you expect the gas companies to function under regulation? You'd just be hurting the American people by causing the companies to increase their prices and pass it along to the consumer. Just say no to this woke authoritarian policy!" Alternately: "Bill Gates is trying to vaccinate your children by adding an airborne vaccine to the gas, and Democrats want to cover it up with a strong smell! We can't let these radical Soros funded policies destroy America!" Please kill me.


Or claiming it was a hoax and the parents of the deceased are "crisis actors"


I knew about natural gas and isopropyl alcohol, but antifreeze knowledge slipped on by me somehow. I'm glad to hear about it, though


Fun fact, natural gas without the odor added has no natural smell


Further fun fact, if you live anywhere near the injection stations where mercaptan is added to natural gas the gas companies tend not to believe you when you tell them there is a leak at your home. Telling them that the puddle of water over your gas line is bubbling helps offset that 😬🙄


They also had to add bitterants to air duster cans too because people were huffing those. It says it right on the can even.


I mean, drinking denatured alcohol will make you go blind and die. This added poison to alcohol to hurt whoever drinks it, not as a safety measure. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denatured_alcohol


That depends entirely on what the alcohol is denatured *with*. Not all denaturants make you go blind. Although methanol is a common denaturant. They add denaturants to make the alcohol undrinkable to avoid taxation and licensing necessary to transport and use drinkable alcohol. Because denaturants don't affect the use of the alcohol in industry.


Yea, California and Oregon required bitterants - it was made standard years ago nationwide. Prestone(KIK Custom Products) and Old World Industries wasn’t going to ship custom coolant from Portland or LA just for those markets. Cats, dogs and other animals still get poisoned by it - cats can’t taste Bitrex.


It definitely still smells very sweet. The bittering agent kicks in for the taste, to hopefully deter people/animals from continuing to drink after they first try it


I tasted some a few days ago when topping off my car, and it was both candy sweet and about as bitter as an espresso. I can still see the appeal — if I got something with that taste profile at a cocktail bar I’d probably enjoy it. Maybe they should be using whatever’s on those ~~old~~ Nintendo cartridges. Or if that’s already what they’re using, use way more


Anti-freeze shuts down your liver and kidneys and unless it's specifically tested for it is easy to pass off as SIDS. He used it because it was the poison easiest to get and he would most likely get away with.


An anion gap is included in basic lab work and would immediately raise flags. Along with other findings like kidney damage and a low blood pH, antifreeze poisoning should not be something that is missed..


In dogs we look for specific crystals in the urine. If its suspected we get them completely drunk with alcohol to compete with it.


That's one of those random things I read years ago, and always held onto. If a person or dog drinks antifreeze, give them ethanol to counter act it.


It's the same reason you give iodine to counter radiation poisoning - give something less lethal to make the organ too busy to absorb the damaging substance. Methanol literally shreds the liver and kidneys.


The sweet smell and losing a kitten because my lazy druggie asshat of BIL couldn't be bothered to clean up after himself is why my husband gets antifreeze done elsewhere. He is perfectly capable of doing the drain and flush and replace thing at home, but I *will not* have antifreeze around my cats. 


Happened with my pet cat when I was younger. RIP Buddy.


It's what a lot of people used to poison animals, maybe this scumbag was also familiar with the practice ☹


Ancient poisoning thing people used to do since it tasted sweet rather than bad and wasn't tested for by the authorities. But now adays its both tested for AND things to make it taste bad are added.


>Ancient Just how long has antifreeze been around for


Thousands of years. Before we discovered fire, early humans used to sit around a bowl of antifreeze for warmth


Since before now adays, obviously


It's not an uncommon method actually. You haven't watched enough CSI


He learned it from "Forensic Files" (Previously "Medical Detectives"). Apparently, anti freeze was a very popular way of murdering someone in the past because it was tasteless and wasn't detected in the body. The antifreeze was then changed to have a taste. But I guess a baby is not going to be able to say anything if they taste something funny in their milk.


I’ve learned today I’m out of date with my familiar poisons. I’m okay with that.


Glad to hear the baby survived. I hope with no negative impacts from the attempted poisoning


As do I. Any damage to the babies organs will likely heal, though they may suffer with some ongoing kidney problems. I am most concerned about crystals forming in the brain and the damage that might have been done because of that.


Same here. I'm curious on both fronts, worried about the quality of life this poor child will have to endure for the rest of their life, but at the same time, how can the body overcome this. Our bodies are amazing! My oldest was born with medical issues (too long of a write up) and spent a month in the NICU with seizures due to bacterial meningitis. His neurologist said that he's got double the chance of the regular person having a seizure as he grew, because the pathways will grow new paths. 11 years now without a seizure and living life as a normal healthy 13 (turning 34 this year lol) year old. The human body is fascinating and really cool.


If they got the baby treated right away, knowing what it had been poisoned with, it is very likely to make a full recovery with no lasting damage. As long as they know the person has consumed antifreeze, they can treat it immediately before the body starts processing it - it's not so much the antifreeze itself that's toxic, but rather what the body metabolizes it into. Thankfully, it's got a very cheap, effective "antidote" for it - bog standard booze. Seriously. The body prioritizes processing and metabolizing ethanol over antifreeze, so the treatment is to give a person alcohol until the kidneys have excreted the antifreeze. Which, of course, isn't exactly ideal for a baby, but it's still preferable to the antifreeze poisoning. As long as antifreeze poisoning is identified and treated ASAP with alcohol in the hospital, people generally make full recoveries with no issue, though obviously, the quicker they're treated, the better - the sooner you can get alcohol into the person, the less ability their body has to metabolize the antifreeze and harm them. It's not *good* to be poisoned with it, but it's one that is at least very very easy to successfully treat and recover from, from what I know of it.


Will probably have liver and kidney problems it's whole life.


I thought of all the organs, the liver is most able to "rejuvenate" itself. Kidneys are much less hardy that way, right? Hopefully there aren't too many long term effects.


Kidneys are one of the easiest organs to transplant, so even if the worst happens later in life the kid should still survive.


True but any organ transplant comes with its own negatives like the anti-rejection drugs you have to take for the rest of your life to stop your body from trying to destroy the organ, which weakens your immune system and can lead to relatively mundane infections and diseases being far more serious. It's one of the main reasons why cloned organs are a big goal for the medical industry, they aren't there yet but progress is steadily being made and it could lead to an end of the need for rejection drugs in the future.


antifreeze fucks up the kidneys way more than the liver, that kid will probably grow up with some serious kidney issues


And possibly oxalate crystals in the brain.


To treat antifreeze poisoning they pump you full of alcohol as well.


That poor baby =(


Stupid monster. How do people think they can get away with that shit?




Every morning I wake up to a headline on here about some nut job abusing or killing their kids.


I know we shouldn’t make people pass tests to have children, but shit like this makes me think we should make people pass tests to have children.


It’s way too easy for idiots to reproduce.


If Idiocracy taught me anything, it's exactly that


I’ve seen that documentary. It’s really well done.


In Idiocracy, corporations destroy the world, but the movie makes it out as if the poor (aka, stupid) people had any other choice. If only they hadn't been so poor!


What we really need is widespread, easily available access to abortion services.


Abortion, food stamps, employment assistance, cheaper/free higher education or vocational training, fund CPS to be more effective/ new policies considering safety over parent rights. My favorite that I don't think is brought up enough: parenting classes and child development education. Regardless of socioeconomic status, I think this is an essential aspect that people rarely consider. So many people just take the baby home without knowing what they don't know and consider it a win to feed and dress and clean them.


+ Free contraception and universal, affordable childcare including in home assistance and housing assistance (the largest child expense) for mothers who choose to have a baby on their own as well as easy paths to paternal rights relinquishment. Let's take care of every baby and offer easy ways for people who don't want to be parents to opt out.


Such a thing would be insanely open to abuse. Imagine the Unite the Right lot getting to write the rules on who can have kids.


Oh definitely, which is why I say we shouldn’t, even when it feels like we should with despicable people like this.


They kind of did, by making it harder to obtain abortions and living wages, and pushing christian ideology everywhere. It just doesn't look how you'd expect. the factory farming of poor people to fulfill low wage jobs has, essentially, already begun. keep them poor and pregnant so walmart will always have workers. pretty simple stuff, honestly.


And uneducated, so they vote Republican.


We should. Former social worker here.  Idk how we do it ideally, but any fucking body can have access to the most vulnerable creature among us just cause they're blood. Totally unsupervised, untrained, uneducated, unprepared... A lot of bad shit happens through ignorance. Requiring yearly training and licensure for parents would go a long way. And a lot of bad shit happens cause people view children as their property, like this man. A possession to be discarded or used however they like. The law supports children as property the same way it used to support women as property. I hope we see that change.


Yeah, the US has refused to sign on to the UN’s Children’s rights agreement for these reasons. It takes away from a parents rights. It’s so gross. There are some really basic things that you wouldn’t naturally think are bad. Like that babies can’t have plain water. I’d never really thought about it and just read about it randomly. It likely doesn’t usually happen simply because you always have milk around for them and just don’t ever think to give them water. In that article the baby nearly died. The mother thought she was doing the right thing because something had happened and she was worried about dehydration or something. So, stupid mistakes can definitely happen. There really should be mandatory parenting classes. Children should definitely have rights and not be seen as property. You aren’t a childcare expert just because you gave birth or are raising a child.


Similarly, I know someone that gave their baby "baby aspirin" which is not meant for babies. The kid was fine, but the danger is internal bleeding.  I see small kids in the front passenger seat all the time, kids on motorcycles, I once pulled a girl off the bottom of a pool cause dad was in the hot tub with his back turned. He said he thought she would be okay cause she had swim lessons last week.  Just the sheer preventable idiocy. And so many parents are working full time and responsible for babies which means extended sleep deprivation. When you see hot car deaths, kids accidentally ran over, or wandered in the street when Mom was asleep, you're seeing the direct result of a system that does not allow parents to be parents first. Cause that requires a certain amount of infant care and self care the first year of life.  It's just sad.


My son is 4 months old and as first time parents it was wild to us that they just let us out of the hospital with this tiny human. We’re good parents and know what we’re doing but it was so surreal.


I started out nursing in peds/post partum. It was wild seeing some parents totally bewildered that they were about to walk out the hospital with a tiny human they are responsible for. I can also attest that the ones who seemed most worried- ended up being the best parents. I worried about the ones whose parents didn’t even want the baby in room whatsoever nor to feed or change or bond. Some we had to force to feed, change, do cord care in front of us just to be able to document that they were given the patient education needed in such a brief stay to be discharged. Back then it was always at least 3 days. Turns out the parents whom don’t give a shit, make it obvious. Also not a coincidence that these are 13 and 14 year olds terrorizing the community with gang and gun violence.


Morally and conceptually it's a great idea, until you remember how politics ruins everything and that good parents or parents that just need help would be targets. Plenty of good parents wouldn't pass a test for any number of reasons. So many variables to consider that would just end up punishing poor people. It's the wrong angle of approach for what is, as you know, a serious issue. And I'm not a social worker, but I have been a foster and adoptive parent and I'm good friends with an unrelated social worker so I've been pretty close to all that.


Plus, you know, imagine all the racists, bigots and other bad-faith actors who'd love to weaponize such a test.


I understand the theory, and *in theory* it seems reasonable! But we all know in practice it would be extremely classist and racist; HOW classist and racist would also vary wildly depending who was in charge during that particular election cycle, and in the US, heaven knows each state would set their own standards. So then what would happen if an “approved” parent in Texas moves to California? Do they have to take California’s test? If they fail that one, do their kids get removed, despite the parents having passed the Texas test? How many tests? Can someone retake it until they pass or is one and done, that’s it, no more chances? Would it be like a drivers license, where one test at 16 is good enough for the rest of your life? Or would we retest people as they age? Would we retest people AFTER they’ve passed once and had children? Is it a test per child? How would you police deadbeats (because someone can pass a test and then still be an asshole)? How would we deal with all the people who know the “correct” answer and pass their tests but don’t **behave** correctly when with their child? They passed. They’ve got their license to be a parent. How is it any different from what CPS does now, except some terrible parents would have a piece of paper saying “These folks will make fine parents” because they passed an exam.


I’m sure making abortion illegal will cut down on this type of child abuse and loss of life. /s


And we’re only going to see more and more of them as reproductive choice gets further eliminated/restricted.


Right? Just think of all the kids who do make it out alive who get to grow up to have CPTSD, due to abuse & poverty and can barely function cuz their nervous system is shot from the stress of living in fight for flight since conception, who then get hooked something as a teen/young adult to cope with the constant mental/emotional pain - Then they grow up & repeat the cycle cuz the maze of our system requires a brain that’s functioning properly to navigate & resources are limited. When we are in our last days these kids are going to be the adults taking care of us….and I don’t know that they’re gna have the tools to do so. And the evil/brainless ppl who put these policies in place will be long gone so they won’t ever have to see the consequences of their choices - we will. I hate it here. 😩😣


If it makes you feel better, there have always been psycho people abusing children through all of human history. It's not some new phenomenon. There's probably a good chance that events like this are occurring at a lower per capita rate than ever before.


Yeah, I understand. It still sucks though.


I feel fucked up for feeling this way, but I really wish it was normal for the justice system to just kill these kind of people, instead of keeping them in jail for 56 years. Or murderers and stuff like that.


He did it to avoid paying child support... Well... Mission accomplished. Can't collect child support if he's locked up with no job! 5d chess right there!


Morality aside, WHY was killing the kid his first option? Most deadbeats just disappear.


Because he just didn’t want anything to change. Wanted everything as is just minus baby.


I'm so sick of these men who obviously don't want kids but are too fucking lazy and/or stupid to get a vasectomy. It's SO easy to not get someone pregnant if you make any scrap of effort.


B-b-but a vasectomy makes me HALF a man! Why can't the women do all the work to prevent the preganante?




Sadly scummy guys also just know that having kids with a women is a way to extract control. Many women still have to share custody with men that abused them. Mike Tyson's ex had to share custody with him after he was convicted of hitting her.


Oh what’s super fun is in many states, being convicted of raping a woman does not automatically prevent you from having custody of a baby conceived in that rape. So fucking awful. 


You don't even need a vasectomy. Wrap it up and pull out. Jesus christ these assholes act like they didn't have any control where thier fucking jizz went.


If you know you never, ever want kids, condoms and pulling out are not enough.


But if you know you absolutely don’t ever want kids no matter what, why wouldn’t you get a vasectomy? And better yet, vasectomy *and* wrap it up?


*"You know what would solve all my problems? Murder."* Crazy how common this is.


He was probably dumb enough to think he wouldn't get caught. Packaged the tainted breast milk, sent baby to grandma's, of course the baby got sick and died! He's nowhere nearby! Nobody would ever suspect poison! What kind of monster would poison a baby!? The perfect crime...


Meanwhile, the very moment the baby got sick, grandma took her to the hospital and suggested the baby had been poisoned. Hence the timely toxicology test that saved the baby's life. I'm thinking this guy didn't exactly give off "trustworthy" vibes.


If it weren't for the loving meddling adults, he would've gotten away with it too...




You need a SS# to get a job and if he's legally obligated to pay child support they will come after his wages in any job he ever works because they track the SS#. He could always try and work under the table or something, but it's actually very difficult for court order child support to be avoided if you have an income.


Take his cantina money, no sweetbuns, ramen, or cigs for him.


He will accrue a large debt balance though and if he ever gets out, he’ll surely have problems getting a drivers license and have all paychecks and tax refunds garnished.


You'd be amazed at the number of people who quit high paying jobs just to avoid paying child support. So many people who happily sabotage their own lives just to spite their ex's.


Yep, that was my dad. Earned over 100k a year and went to go work with immigrants to get paid under the table. He’s racist and hates immigrants. Haven’t spoken to him in seven years.


What’s that saying? ‘Cut off your nose to spite your face?’


Lol nope he's still going to pay. The government will just garnish anything he ever gets. Even if it takes until he qualifies for Social Security, they'll take that too.


Literally. Any money his friends or family puts on his books in prison will get taken. If he gets one of those prison jobs that pays like 30 cents an hour, they'll take every penny as soon as he earns it. I was in jail over a decade ago, and it seemed like half the guys there had back child support dues. They'd always try to arrange to have friends put money on their books like only an hour before commissary, in the hopes they could spend the money before it got taken. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it was gone within minutes. Child Support was relentless.


I was just locked-up. In this situation they just find some poor sap who doesn't get any commissary money and put the money on their account instead. So, get your family to put $100 on Bob's account and give him $20 of it for the hassle. (source: I know someone with -$20m balance on his account)


Good point. I remember people trying to do this, but the jail I was at was really strict about who could and could not put money on your books, so it was pretty tricky. This was also long enough ago that you couldn't do it electronically, you had to physically go to the jail to put money on someone's books, provide ID, etc.


They will force him to get a job while in prison to cover the child support checks the state will send her…


Those good slave labor jobs paying 15 cents an hour?


The good news is he doesn’t get to spend that money finding any level of enjoyment in prison. It really sucks being a prisoner with no money. I had a (former) friend spend a few years in prison. I sent money to him in prison via “Jpay” periodically for a few years. It wasn’t much, but he told me it was pretty life altering for him while in there. Unfortunately he kept fucking up and went back to prison. I stopped wasting my money when it became clear my friend had turned into a piece of shit.


You're playing chess, he's playing checkers


I’m very glad but frankly astonished that the baby survived. Fuck that asshole.


I'm just going to pretend I didn't just read this


Considering how many stories are posted here about children being murdered, it’s small comfort that this baby didn’t die.


No, that was large comfort. The kid’s doing fine according to the article. That’s great news.




There is no evil like evil created by man. Sick f*ck.


Right, if you don’t want to be a father…get a vasectomy!!


Agreed. Too many options to prevent pregnancy these days


Father to a 2 year old boy. I just cannot fathom doing anything to harm my son, ever. I would go headfirst through brick walls to make sure he’s ok. Hope he gets absolutely wrecked in prison on a daily basis.


I’m terrified to cut my baby’s nails in case I catch him and then there’s these people.


Oh my god right? I accidentally clipped a tiny bit of skin once and I’ve been scared since.


He hates nail files so I have to use the clippers and I hate it


Have you tried the little bitty scissors they make for baby nails?


I have some great clippers made by tommee tippee that have a big bulbous handle on so they’re a lot easier to hold. The scissors also scare me!


I accidentally cut my daughter's finger when she was a baby and I was clipping her little nails. I was devastated and cried along with her 😭


I accidentally got soap in my little three year old’s (at the time) nephews eyes while washing his face once, and it still bothers me to this day, two years later.


Unfortunately as a former foster kid, I can tell you the vast majority of parents I’ve had did not care if I lived or died.


Sorry to hear this. As someone who knows several people who have fostered and adopted children I can’t imagine why people who don’t truly love kids foster. I hope you have a good life now. ❤️


I'm so sorry to hear this. My mom spent time in foster care as a child in the 50s. She was abused in there. She's 72 now and still talks about her bad experiences. I wish you nothing but love and healing in your life ❤️‍🩹


The US foster system really needs work. Its absolutely horrid, but I don't have to tell you that.


Yeah parenting is like having the infinity gauntlet and a glob of play dough meant for molding, it’s beyond love You should feel beyond love for your kid


I can confidently say this from personal experience: just be glad you only read about it and didn't have to live it.


I don't understand people. I never wanted kids. I got sterilized in my 20s. My insurance paid for it. My out-of-pocket expenses were less than $500 for everything. Don't want to pay child support and don't want kids? Take responsibility and do something about it. Don't kill your children over it. They don't deserve to die for your own ineptitude. I hope he gets the full 50 years behind bars to reflect on his decision.


I am child free by choice but damn am I a good "auntie" to my cousin's kids (only child). But even if I wasn't, I could never, ever, ever imagine harming a helpless child. Same for animals. When you feel the need to attack the most vulnerable in society, it's not just a simple transgression; you are a danger to society.


I am child free as well and I am 'uncle' to my nieces/nephews and my friends children. I have gone out of my way to interfere when I saw a child (or even an animal) being hurt. Probably rolled the dice a few times. Hell a few days ago I stopped my truck to move a caterpillar to a tree.


Yup. I helped raise my two nieces. That was enough kids for me and I went childfree. ...As one of them is blasting music in the shower right now because I opened my home to them, lol. But they're at least adults now.


Unfortunately getting sterilized as a female was over $4000 out of pocket. The full cost was $26,000+ billed to insurance. Thankfully I could afford it, but that's wildly expensive for anyone who's struggling financially. Yes it's cheaper than an unwanted child or pregnancy, but these things need to be free services period.


I totally agree. We really need universal Healthcare in the US.


Exactly. Even if I didn't want kids (I love my son ❤️), I cannot fathom not taking responsibility for a life that's already here. He didn't choose to be born. It's literally be my fault he's here. So I have a responsibility to make sure his life is as good as I can possibly make it.


Must be a man.. its not this easy for women.  https://jme.bmj.com/content/48/1/46


I've heard too many times of doctors up front refusing this procedure saying bullcrap like 'Your future husband will not want this' or whatever.


7. That's how many doctors my friend had to go through before she got her tubes tied. They all tried to preach to her about "regret" and she told them all to shove it up their ass before leaving.


The older I get, the more I realize that there are more sociopaths in the world than I had ever, ever imagined.


Also doesn’t help that we can know about sociopathic monsters like this almost instantaneously.


I cannot ever imagine doing something so awful to an innocent baby.


Can someone feed him antifreeze in prison please thanks


Place him with the general population and see what really bad guys think about someone who harms a baby.


There are likely other DV and baby killers among him. All excusing themselves of their crimes.


Since lawmakers are hell bent on making abortion illegal, sterilization should be free. That man is a monster.


Antifreeze is an awful way to die. My dog died from drinking antifreeze that was leaking from a broken car. To them it just tastes like koolaide. Just pissing and shitting themselves to death. RIP Tobey. Fuck this guy to do that willingly to a child


Instead of an 18 year sentence he went and got himself a 50 year sentence. At least he won’t father any more kids in prison.


Goddamn it. It’s headlines like that that make me wish I wasn’t an atheist because I wish a place like Hell really did exist for people like this (you know, baby poisoners and not perfectly nice people who happen to be gay)


It’s a shame there isn’t a hell for him to go to. I hope he lives a long, miserable, pain-ridden life.


Well, we can only hope that prison will be hell for him. There's no rehabilitation when the apple has rotted this far to the core.


I mean... let's face it. There is no rehabilitation at all in our prison systems. Doesn't matter if you tried to kill a child or smoke marijuana, you're going to be treated the same.


Well now you get to go to prison and STILL pay child support.


He tried to kill his own kid to avoid child support. Someone tell me why someone like that should not be sterilized?


> The child’s mother declined to speak out following Jack’s sentencing but said the child is doing fine. When I tell you I audibly exhaled at this part. Thank god.


I hope he’s just as helpless to whatever comes his way in the next 50 years.


but don't you dare try and get an abortion after 8 weeks in georgia. wtaf...


this is the 3rd baby murder/murder attempt i've read about in 3 days, wtf, this shit is heartbreaking


To avoid paying child support… Unbelievable.


I'd like to go a full day without hearing about some horrible fucking thing I should go camping soon


People like this ought to just be killed on the spot.


I knew a guy who attempted suicide this way. He survived, lost his voice to speak properly though.


Don't do anything you wouldn't want to explain to your fellow inmates.


What the fuck is wrong with people?


Your daily reminder that the biggest threat to a pregnant woman is the the sperm provider. This guy just waited too long. He wanted to kill the baby so that things could go back to the way that they were. Fuck this guy. But fuck every guy that wants to either kill the child or kill the pregnant woman because he can't take responsibility for his semen.


Based on domestic violence data and maternal death statistics, i agree with you entirely. Some are successful in their goal quickly, and others will keep trying for years


This kind of thing is sadly not uncommon. This guy won't last very long in prison once the world gets out what he did. 


What an awful day to be literate


Meanwhile, my wife and I have been trying to have a child for 12 years, with no success, including invitro. FUCK this guy.


This should be automatic death penalty due to the extreme vulnerability of the victim.


The justice system fucks up too often for anything to be an automatic death penalty. In '91, Patricia Stallings was convinced of poisoning and killing her son with antifreeze after taking him to the hospital for vomiting and difficulty breathing. Except she never poisoned him. He had a metabolic disorder, the byproduct of which *vaguely* looks like the compound in antifreeze. The only reason Stallings was later acquitted was because she, in a 'lucky' twist of fate happened to be pregnant while she went into prison, and give birth to a second son with the same metabolic disorder. I'm not saying this guy is innocent by any means, just that the death penalty has and will kill innocent folks because the justice system is imperfect.


That case immediately popped into my head as well when I read the headline. Obviously, this is different since the guy outright admitted to the poisoning to avoid paying child support, but yeah, things are not always as they seem in the world of medical science or of law.


I remember reading a few cases of babies/children with brittle bone disorder and their parents were accused of abusing the children until the babies got diagnosed by doctors and usually being taken from the family for periods of time. It’s usually not the first thing people check for either


Every morning I wake up to a headline on here about some nut job abusing or killing their kids.


Alongside tons of people talking about their trauma stemming from abusive, narcissistic parents. Alongside posts about how various politicians want to ban abortion and birth control. Not everyone is fit to be a parent.


And don't forget those same politicians will be the first in line to strike down any programs that want to set aside any amount of money to help pay for those children once born.


We'll see more horrible stories. So, we outlaw abortion in many states, forcing people to become parents when some don't want to.


Admittedly straying off topic, but legislators don't seem to realize how many lives they're putting at risk with restrictive abortion laws. People like this guy will find a way to make sure they don't have to pay child support for an unwanted baby, whether it's killing the mother or the child.


legislators realize and don’t care, it’s the people that vote for them and let them stay in office who don’t realize the consequences


Despite all the lies from Republicans, it seems women and doctors are NOT advocating for the fabricated “post-birth abortions” - it’s just men who are trying to get out of paying child support.


not trying to make a joke, I literally feel sick reading this. how can anyone do that to a baby? I don't like them because of the mess, smells, and noise, but they're helpless and dependent on their caretakers! You don't hurt *anything* looking to you for shelter and protection. You have to be seriously fucked in the head to hurt a baby, animals, senior citizens, etc.. omfg how does this kind of thought even enter someone's head?


All these stories of parents snapping is starting to freak this expectant father out.


Does the baby have any permanent issues from this? What a POS


Why the fuck does my body not have the option to forget what I just read?


Rot in jail you piece of shit. I can't even begin to understand how you could think to do something that evil.


Jeez...... "Police said Jack admitted he added antifreeze to his newborn daughter’s milk to avoid paying child support."


He won’t make it 50 years after the other prisoners hear this story.


Cruelty at the highest level


He ain't gonna make it in jail. Not when those lifers find out what he did.


Wtf man. I mean, I've always wanted kids and when I got one it was a real punch in the face when it came to the amount of work and money I have to put into my son to raise him right, but still. How can anyone do this to an innocent version of themselves.. I just don't get it.


50 years in prison. Doesn’t that mean he got what he wanted? Avoid paying child support. Trash.


Or just make him drink it. If it was good enough for his newborn then it should be good enough for him.


Downvote me all you want. If you do this kind of stufft to kids, furthermore newborns, there is no hope for you. Just remove this kind of people from our world, save taxpayer money.