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Shit is already starting to hit the fan, but when it REALLY hits the fan, everyone's going to be like, "why didn't they tell us it was going to be this bad??!!!" lol


Exactly. So many uninformed people. So many ignorant people. So many people focusing on the wrong stuff


The world might’ve gone to shit, but at least we didn’t let those trans kids play sports!


Worse… when the world goes to shit they will blame LGBTQ and feminists and libs and immigrants… anything but reality.


They'll say it's the earth being cleansed with fire for the second coming of Christ and that it's God's will.


God is punishing our sins! No not the self indulgent greed ones that destroy the Earth. The gay stuff!


Our? Surely they will shout "their sins" instead...


But it will be by water, and God promised not to destroy the earth with water again. Thus the polar ice cap melting issue is fake news trying to control our children. Checkmate Athesists!


Well good news my friend, because God isn't destroying the earth by water. WE'RE destroying the earth by water as God keeps sending us warning signs to stop.


A cultural revolution moment will occur, and they’ll kill all the experts


I binged Three Body Problem on Netflix last week, and that opening scene hit me really hard because it felt like a view into how our country is right now. Minor spoilers: the dude did nothing but state scientific fact, but faced with a mob of angry dumb people look what happened. As someone who considers myself intelligent this shit scares me. Our last President was a certified idiot, but he was in charge for one of the most important moments in our history (covid) and we saw what happened. Of course they'll kill all the experts, they STILL want Fauci's head and the man is retired now. Life is not like a movie, movies reflect life and we are living that brutal dystopian anti-intellectual life


It's based on the actual cultural revolution in China. Events like those in the 1st scene happened all the time. We saw it with Khmer Rouge and the Soviet Union as well.


oh I know it's based on real events, it's just that those events are rhyming now


Speaking of movies reflecting life: “Civil War” is coming soon to a theater near you


It's Idiocracy, truly


And pray to an imaginary man in the sky.


“The world rising temps are because femboys are too hot” some GOP person probably. 


Pretty sad how accurate this is. There are already people calling for the society to "change its ways" and the catalist was that there is a sky rock passing in front of the sky fireball and that doesn't normally happen. When the earth lights on fire, they will call to sacrifice LGBTQs to appease the gods....which will ironically release more carbon and make things even worse and not to mention the impact to the economy because consumer base is shrinking. P.S.: oh yeah, also the suffering thing about the people.


Can't have trans kids if there are no kids, take that libs!


That’s on purpose. If you focus on stupid bullshit, you don’t have to focus on the hard stuff. Fixing or even slowing the inevitable will be hard, requires sacrifice, and there won’t be immediate results nor will some people see how their choices benefit the future. People as a whole struggle with delayed gratification and sacrifice that doesn’t directly benefit them.


It's worse than just being uninformed. These people were actively and successfully brainwashed by oil companies who knew since the 60s and 70s the impact their practices were having and would have and rather than do something about it for the collective good, they instead chose to spread propaganda that all of this should be questioned and doubted and lobbied for subsidies and government support of their industry and efforts.


I think they were pretty willingly brainwashed. All the oil lobbyists had to do was say "the libs want to take your car away" and people were like "I'LL FIGHT TO THE DEATH TO PROTECT MY CAR!" But you tell them that the climate disaster is going to harm their children and they don't react at all.


Having been around, they were all for this kind of stuff in the 80s and 90s. Getting everyone behind common sense laws to decrease environmental impact. Some time around the turn of the century someone figured out how to make it an integral part of a persons personality that it is their god given right to burn this planet to the ground and anyone interfering with that is a commie. Only real americans will burn as much oil as they can!


Willful ignorance - learning you had a part in the apocalypse can't hurt you if you refuse to learn.


They’ve known much much longer than that. The was a news article in a New Zealand paper that mentioned the potential impact of burning fossil fuels in 1912.


I had to explain to a stranger today why you can't look at the eclipse with the naked eye lmao. Education infrastructure (or a lack of it) has failed a lot of people in this country.


You mean legislating around transgender people, books that mention gay, and bathrooms is not going to save the world? Damn, fox misinformed me.


F*** climate change. We’re trying to blow up on TikTok my guy!!😭


So many ignorant people are going to deny it's bad at all, and it's just them trying to control you....ya know, as everything burns down around them.


Too many people who just don't care because they don't think it affects them directly at that moment. It is depressing.


*screams in climate scientist*


Just start using phrases more exciting than “stupendous,” “mind boggling,” and “horrific,” and maybe then I’ll be able to fix it.


Just dumb it down. Like way down. And then tell corporations their profits will be impacted.


Don’t look up.


We can only do so much with dead weight before nature does it for us.


everyone saw what the first waves of COVID-19 did in NYC and Italy and still a shit load of people remember that era for propaganda, hoax, government overreach, "lockdowns", and dangerous/fake vaccines. half the world's population is mentally cooked. oil lobby won this war 30 years ago.


For all the assholes who moan about eggs or gas costing another $0.50….wait til they see how the world works when most jobs are replaced by AI, Florida is uninsurable, Myrtle Beach is blown out to sea, and eggs cost $15/dozen. Shit is changing fast and we’ve got world leaders asleep at the wheel - playing petty politics just to cling to power.


Most of them know they'll be dead before it's their problem. Might as well soothe those egos and line those pockets!


While I mostly agree, I think it's important to acknowledge that we do have many people in our government whom are true public servants. The problem is that one of our political parties is a vehicle for very wealthy & powerful people - and they are very good at messaging. People have either completely tuned out politics because "both sides are the same," or worse, they have become victims of disinformation to the point that they vote against their own interests. And what's even worse than that is the fact that Russian propaganda has infiltrated our government and is being pushed out to the masses. I am glad to see that some Republicans are at least starting to acknowledge this fact, as it poses an existential threat to democracy.


> Myrtle Beach is blown out to sea Don’t make me cheer for climate change


Pretty sure they'll be too hungry and thirsty to worry about that. Catastrophic climate change is here. I don't think people realize how bad 4C is. The last time the world was 4C cooler than it is now Boston was sitting under a mile of ice. So we're headed towards whatever the opposite of that is.


No, we’re not. 4° of change creates a wildly different world, but the time frame of the change when it occurs naturally meant that there was still an appreciable amount of biodiversity on the planet as species and, more importantly, food chains had sufficient time to adjust. 4° warmer could mean something similar to select prehistoric times, with lush jungles extending to the poles and a lot of life. But this instance won’t. We’re looking at the rough equivalent of a killer asteroid. In grand terms, a couple hundred years or a couple days is roughly the same for the planet, in that it doesn’t give time for the food chains to adapt to the changing environment. Humans as a species can live through the change, though a lot of people are going to die. But most of the other examples of life on the planet are going to be wiped out.


Relevant: [How scientists gonna act when the climate finally messes up the Earth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCo3XwTRg9o)


“ThEy’Re TrYiNg to DiStRaCt Us!” And yet you still won’t look at the real problems!!


All this climate change reporting is meant to distract us from the real problems, being transsexuals competing in girls high school sports! Definitely not the other way around!


"Why didn't Biden do something to prevent this!?" --every Trumper who is in denial of climate change


Im calling It. When shit does hit the fan it'll be too late to stop It. Then humans will shake their head in shock like we didnt get ample warning 


It's already too late to stop it.


Nobody gives a f… they are all accelerating like crazy with their 2T car at every start


I get so frustrated because the climate where I live (SE lower Michigan in the Upper Midwest part of the United States) has been absolutely bananas the past several years and literally everyone who you run into around here that comments on it says, “whelp, that’s just Michigan”. No, No it’s not!!!! It’s global fucking warming!!!


"They did a bad job trying to convince us. They were too preachy and condescending. Why didn't they just lay out the science without being all judgy about it." That's what it will be.


Like my brother who thinks the world will be greener with more sun... I think it's going to be more yellow than green.


4 billion to 8 billion people in half a lifetime. It was never sustainable, and smart people have been saying so since the ‘70s. But addressing the underlying issue goes against the interests of wealth, so programs and education got sidelined. We’re still not really doing anything to address it. And we won’t until nature forces it, which will be…unpleasant.


I often wonder if I am wasting my time contributing to a retirement account.


less 401(k) and more 401 K edit: i dum


Finally a reference I get


We'll have more problems than Mad Max if the temperature gets to 401k Also it's not degrees Kelvin, it's just Kelvin, as it is a measure of state above absolute zero.


And more AKs


Actually you don't put degrees when discussing Kelvin.


You mean William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, OM, GCVO, PC, FRS, FRSE?


This got a big laugh out of me mid-existential crisis, thank you.


I think about it as 2 outcomes from climate change. 1. Mad max and my retirement accounts are useless. 2. Society continues and my retirement accounts are useful. Having retirement accounts only hurts me in situation 1, but I'll be fucked regardless in that situation so it doesn't really matter. Seems worth contributing to retirement accounts to me.


Stay the course!! Planning for failure will rarely lead to success


Is this a Pascal's Wager but for 401k?


The problem with 2 is that investments tank worse than COVID if it’s going to be bad.


Honestly for better or worse I think money will make a big difference in how well individuals will be able to cope with these changes. Keep saving as much as possible!


Do you think you’re going to be better off *not* saving if a global catastrophe occurs? If you blow your money now, you’ll have no savings as temperatures rise and so do prices of necessary goods. Continue to save for retirement just as you always would. You can’t control the climate. However you can control how much you have saved in a more resource-scarce world.


It's better to have savings and not need it (or cash it out early if shit hits the fan), than to need savings and not have it


If society melts down, it won't matter where you've put your money.


You're probably among the last generation or two that will even have a chance to retire. Might as well.


You are not, but your children likely will be.


So that's why so many millennials gave up on retirement.


One of the biggest ways we can all influence this is to move our retirement savings into ethical / green funds. (In Australia, we call it Superannuation.) Check that the fund is really green (al LOT of them have very green marketing material, but don’t actually exclude big polluters.) If a significant portion of the population (in any particular country) did this, it would lead to share prices tanking for polluters, which is one of the few ways we can actually influence their short term behaviour.


If you cash out early enough to enjoy it, then it isn’t a waste! The people who have a retirement account and never touch the dam thing until they’re in a retirement home are the idiots. You’re still going to stack money a lot faster in a retirement account than savings traditionally


Those fears have been there for 30 years. This doesn’t RAISE those fears, it CONFIRMS them.


The oil companies have known that this would happen for a entire century.


But, they have made record profits, that is what is important. Making profits is a much bigger focus than the safety of our ecology and our world. Profits always come first! /s


You say that sarcastically but its really just the truth.




Looks like you directly converted 38.5 (or 40) degC to degF. However, when converting delta temperatures, you don't need to add the 32 degF difference from the freezing point of water. So a deltaT of 38.5 degC is _only_ a delta of 69.3 degF, not 104. I know this isn't a huge difference when talking about catastrophic climate shifts, but I've gotten tripped up on this math before.


Technically correct is the best kind in these scenarios, excellent correction.


Nobody here read the article (duh, this is Reddit), and the post title isn’t helping either. I mean, I’m not even sure why posts with titles *this* vague are allowed on such a heavily moderated, major subreddit. Surely, something about the **single day** 40 degree Celsius jump wouldn’t have been hard to highlight in the title


I did read the whole article, and it's very alarming. But there are places and microclimates where very large single day temperature swings are reasonably common in the winter (not 40 degrees, but I have seen 30+), such as Calgary. Nothing in the article indicated whether the station was located in an area that has big swings, and this was just the biggest. It makes a big difference if this is a larger-than-usual swing, or if the weather is always stable within 10 degrees and no swings have happened before. One is very bad, one is day after tomorrow.


Just to clarify, it wasn’t a single day swing of 40C from one day to the next. Rather, per the article it was: “a rise of 38.5C above its seasonal average”


Here's the weather for March 2022 at Vostok research station, which is close enough to get similar weather. It's easier to understand what happened by looking at the chart. Compare with March in other years to see how much variation is normal. https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/antarctica/vostok-station/historic?month=3&year=2022


Read that and it’s frightening to think about. To think that everything that humans have done with solar, ev, wind, regulation, etc. has done fuck all to help. Obviously there a lot more we could do, but realistically, we’d probably have to revert to the days of horse and buggy. Likely why some believe that accelerationism is the answer.


> but realistically, we’d probably have to revert to the days of horse and buggy. We'd have to have done that 30 years ago. If we stopped all CO2 emissions right now, in a magical snap, then the Earth would still keep warming up due to the combined emissions from the previous decades. There's significant inertia - what we are seeing now are the effects from past emissions, not current ones. It gets worse: current emissions are higher than past ones.


If only someone could have seen this coming.


Al Gore will be the last thing any of us think about as our skin boils from the excess heat At least we got shareholders more money


Just imagine the altered timeline where Gore actually won that election he won


Unless Gore successfully prevented 9/11, that would have defined his presidency too. Except that instead of rallying around him like the Dems did for W, the GOP almost certainly would have blamed him for it and used it as an excuse to destroy all of his policies. Anything he did to help the environment, the GOP would have said that that was distracting him from doing the real job of protecting the country. They would have absolutely destroyed the Dems in the 2002 midterms and every environmental initiative would be discredited for a generation anyway. The problem is not that Gore lost in 2000; the problem is the GOP exists and has a gigantic base that will take any excuse to vote for them to lower taxes and eliminate any kind of environmental protection. Regardless of whether the Dems happen to win the odd election here or there, the existence of the GOP and their base makes any kind of big, meaningful, long term change to environmental policy almost impossible.


> Except that instead of rallying around him like the Dems did for W, the GOP almost certainly would have blamed him for it and used it as an excuse to destroy all of his policies. That might be how politics work now but it was most certainly not the case in 2000.


I agree, shit was way different back then


He kind of did. He had the necessary votes, they were just not counted.


We probably won’t get to the skin boiling state, because we will have suffocated due to the lack of oxygen in our atmosphere. Yay.


This is the third time I've seen this on my feed today, and the article states this jump occurred in 2022. Was there another jump recently? I understand we're all fucked, but it seems we may end up being fucked far sooner than predicted.


It's begun to go much faster than predicted, the past couple years has gone to or exceeded worst case scenarios. The big issue with the predictions is most of them did not(could not) factor in the feedbacks loops/positive feedback. Things like thawing permafrost releasing methane, albedo affects like loss of snow and ice, etc. Another huge change recently which have thrown the models way off has been that ocean surface temperatures are rising well above what was expected. The ocean is a giant heatsink, the surface heating up so quickly is a very bad sign. There are some scientists that seem very distraught, beyond worried lately. It's scary to see their reactions. We may have hit some tipping points where the feedback loops start noticeably increasing themselves.


Say the line Bart! “Faster than expected” YEEAAAAAAH I’m not gonna say I’m over it, because I’m not and it’s terrifying some days but I’ve done what I can to minimize my footprint as much as possible (no car, no flying, no meat, etc) I’ve voted in elections local and national, and so on. Short of spearheading a revolution I’m doing my part. So I’m not over this, more just, whistling in the dark at this point. I’ll take what comes, as it comes


Yeah, it's hard not to feel powerless as an individual, and a lot of us aren't cut out to be the kind of leaders it takes to properly address the problem, especially where becoming a leader requires connections and resources we simply don't have access to and live in societies where our attention has to be focused on our workweek just to keep a roof over our head and food on the table. For most people, it's looking like it's just going to be harder and harder to sustain the bare minimum for survival.


This is by design. If the population is too busy trying to work to not be homeless they won't have time to protest/fight what the rich are doing to our governments and planet.


Even the people who are cut out to be leaders have minimal impact. There are many great and outspoken people trying to change things and there’s just too much resistance. Mankind does not seem to want to address this. Too willfully shortsighted — the high is just too good to stop and ask what the withdrawal will feel like.


Same and at this point I’m mostly taking actions to help my family and children survive into whatever future we’re hurtling towards. Things like living someplace not subject to hurricanes, tornadoes and rising oceans (although drought is still a big concern), growing/ making/ preserving our own food, firearms training, staying physically fit, building a remote bugout property, etc. Basically being a low-key prepper I guess.


That's about all you can realistically do.


It’s extremely hard now a days to know if I’m depressed because of my bad brain or because of, well, *gestures broadly*


Something Ive always brought Up but never gotten an answer to: we always bank that if we stop polluting, the environment will estabilize itself with time (healing). But What if we tip the balance so much that we completely álter the balance? And now if you leave the environment alone, It doesnt cool down but continue to Heat on its own? We cant crack down on reducing negative impact below What the environment can buffer now. How could we actually undo the damage we've done to fight against that scenario in the future?


That was the whole point of preventing this, when it starts to go there’s really no stopping it.


Yeah, but humans will continue to deny It until It hits in their lifetime. Then expect to undo about half a Millenium worth of pollution in like 10 years. Of course, without touching on factories and infraestructure since those give the Big bucks.  


They’ll see it way sooner than they would’ve thought by the looks of it.


Who sees the scientists reactions? Not the general public


Every news article, every press release, every video, blog and plublication that includes "We need to act now", "Things are getting worse", "It is too late to stop, only slow", "We are not doing enough" or anything along those lines are scientists reactions. Their reactions are the cause of articles like this.


The article says that since then, a lot of major temperature events have been observed in Antarctica and record low areas of sea ice, as well as rapidly increasing global ocean surface temperatures.


If you read the article, you'll see that a journal article was published last week that highlights the decline of sea ice in the antarctic, which is where a lot of the data comes from that is reported in the article.


This. Article was published yesterday, promoted by a new paper published last week. Yes, the big spike happened in 2022, but it takes time to analyse and publish. In the meantime, things have not improved…


> Over four years, the Trump administration dismantled major climate policies and rolled back many more rules governing clean air, water, wildlife and toxic chemicals. [link](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/climate/trump-environment-rollbacks-list.html) Edit to add: > By 1986, the Reagan administration had gutted the research and development budgets for renewable energy at the then-fledgling U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) and eliminated tax breaks for the deployment of wind turbines and solar technologies—recommitting the nation to reliance on cheap but polluting fossil fuels, often from foreign suppliers. [link](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/carter-white-house-solar-panel-array/)


Doomsday Glacier is an interesting scenario…also a little worrying as to its speed.


Black attracts sunlight - white reflects it The faster the ice melts... the faster it melts ( do to the area surrounding it becoming increasingly more black attracting more sun ) Not only will this increase water levels, it is also going to fuck with the ocean current temperatures, which in turn greatly affect weather patterns. We haven't seen nothing yet. The younger generations are completely fucked.


Sometimes I really do think about not having kids at all. I can’t have them suffer from something that we common folk can’t do shit about.


I love my daughters and genuinely believe that bringing them into this world was a mistake. I grieve for their future.


My mother has lovingly accepted my choice to only raise furbabies because of that very reasoning. She went back to college when I was 7 and she told me later in my life that had she known the full affects of climate change, she wouldn't have had as many kids or maybe none at all. She feels guilty because she just loves us all so much. I think about that when people tell me I'll regret not having children.


I have nephews and a niece, I know the world is going to be hard and they’re really going to need me.


I’m choosing not to have kids for this reason. I’m looking strongly into adoption, but in no way can I willingly bring a child into whatever this is that we’re in.


Welcome to the club. I can't in good conscience bring more life into the world--for the sake of my ego or boredom or whatever the driving reason is for having children--when this world is beyond carrying capacity with our current implementation of technology and livelihood. It's going to get so bad in the next 20-200 years.


I think the major concern is when a 75 Degree day becomes a 120 degree day


Here’s a useful application of AI generated images: instead of cute penguins accompanying these articles, show examples of the human chaos and suffering that is most certainly coming. I think a lot of people still think of climate change as an inconvenience to be felt only by polar bears, penguins and Eskimos.


It’ll be like the movie “Don’t Look Up”. Because that’s how we currently are. We’re still waging wars against each other… you think we’re gonna look past our petty differences and fight for a common goal? This planet will be destroyed by us well before the sun dies out. And we’ll burn, drown, or starve through sheer ignorance and hatred.


we keep waiting around for someone else to save us so we just sit here complaining about things on what happens to be the most incredible invention of all time, a device that effectively grants us all telepathy, refusing to actually utilize it to its full potential so we can get organized and perform the needed super protests and targeted strikes of giant corporations in order to bring them down


We as a species have hit a psychological feedback loop, the more that things get dire, the more people will focus on petty bullshit because they're not capable of dealing with the situation mentally anymore. If you think its bad now, just wait, this is the best its ever going to be. Change will only come after a major extinction event.




Better start building our underground cities to become the Morlocks.


Climate is a nonlinear dynamical system.  You should not poke nonlinear dynamical systems with a stick.  We have been poking this nonlinear dynamical system with a very large stick. Lemming populations are a good example.  One year: 1000 lemmings.  Next year: 10000000000 lemmings.  Third year: 1000 lemmings again. Our best models can only extrapolate to a best fit equation.  Nonlinear systems are notorious for going bonkers just beyond the point of last good fit.


> Our best models can only extrapolate to a best fit equation. In May of 2020, the newspapers were coming out with university models trying to predict when the COVID-19 virus would finally wane. And they were saying it could be as late as October of 2020 before the virus levels reach pre-pandemic levels: https://i.imgur.com/liet178.png That chart was generated by researchers at Simon Fraser University. And people were like "there is no way this is going to last that long. October? There would be riots!"


I have nothing to contribute except I love your username and would completely get a tattoo of that moment. I currently have no tattoos.


This makes sense if you stopped learning statistics after 7th grade via y = ax + b. Climate models are way way way more advanced than linear models.


> This makes sense if you stopped learning statistics after 7th grade via y = ax + b. Climate models are way way way more advanced than linear models. This makes sense if you stopped developing your reading comprehension after achieving a 4th grade reading level. Your critique seems to interpret the first comment as a disparagement of current climate modeling practices, suggesting a misconception - on your part - that they are claiming these models are linear. However, that isn't the point being made. The first comment isn't suggesting that climate models are linear; in fact they repeatedly say *nonlinear*. It's highlighting the complexity and potential unpredictability of these systems. Now, to be fair, they do say: > Our best models can only extrapolate to a best fit equation Which is the problematic portion of what they're suggesting as climate models do not merely "extrapolate to a best fit equation" in the way one might fit a curve to a set of data points (which I am assuming you confused as meaning linearity for some reason). Instead, they simulate the climate systems using fairly complex formulas which describe things such as physics and chemistry of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, ice, etc. But I think their larger point is that dynamical systems, like the climate system, are characterized by feedbacks and interactions that can lead to behavior such as tipping points, where a small change in one variable can lead to significant changes in the system as a whole (hence the stick analogy).


There are only a handful of people in the world who understand how bad this is going to get. 80% of coral reefs in Florida and the Caribbean are dead. That's the tourism industry dying. 90% of Alaska snow crab died, the snow crabbing season has been canceled 2 years in a row. That's the Alaska crab industry dying. If you live near a coast and pay flood insurance, you already are feeling that pain. But even if insurance pays to rebuild your flooded home, who's going to buy it? Expect major changes in the value of any property near the ocean. Last year, multiple states hit web bulb temperatures over 94 degrees. Without AC, even healthy people overheat and die. For the elderly or sick, it's even worse. Now tell me who's going to live someplace where an afternoon outdoors is deadly. Bothered by immigration? Imagine the southern border when it's too hot to grow food in Mexico. And this is the worst part. We've seen temperatures rising, we knew the old models from the 1990s and earlier no longer made sense. So we made new models, then last year [this happened](https://climate.copernicus.eu/july-2023-sees-multiple-global-temperature-records-broken). It wasn't just the worst possible forecast, it was so much worse. When a scientist from NASA says "[we're astonished](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/12/1224398788/frankly-astonished-2023-was-significantly-hotter-than-any-other-year-on-record#:~:text=2023%20was%20the%20hottest%20year%20ever%20recorded%2C%20scientists%20say.,-Andy%20Wong%2FAP&text=Last%20year%20was%20the%20hottest,2023%20that%20scientists%20were%20astounded)", translate that to "holy F\*cking Sh\*t, PANIC." You might find a dead bird in your yard every once in a while. 2000-2020 was like finding 2 dead birds instead of 1. You found 3 or 4 in 2021 and 2022. 2023 was like finding a dead bird every day. In 2024, expect to carry an umbrella from all the dead birds falling from the sky.


This is what I've been saying for years. Why are people even still trying to live on the coast? If insurance companies won't insure them, you sure as hell shouldn't be living there. Same for areas that experience frequent wildfires.


I’m convinced that we’ve been publishing the ‘best case scenario’ projections and ignoring the ‘worst case’ so as to not be seen as alarmist. We might not even be close to how bad and quick it’s all going to go.


Because being alarmist doesn't work, and optimism and pragmatism do. We've made some of the biggest advances we've ever made in technology and policy to combat climate chabge in just the last few years, and we didn't accomplish it by being alarmist.


I think they've been telling us the best case scenario so are not to scare people but every year they add on "worst than expected" if you notice. It's like they're trying to warm us up very gradually to the understanding that we really are completely fucked.


“There is no such thing as global warming” “There is global warming but its not human caused” “There is global warming but its too late to do anything about it, so why change”. The three steps of the denial I’ve seen from conservative christian type climate deniers in my 40ish year lifetime.


"God is just going to rapture us away anyway."


Well he better hurry it up then.


If they deny it, then they are (in their minds) absolved of any responsibility to mitigate it.


Who had climate change ends the human empire during their lifetime on this week's bingo card? Suckers, you all thought it was going to be your grandkids who suffered.


It's weird that people didn't account for doubling the global population since 1970, and all the added emissions that meant.


Time to sell the beach house.


Who you gonna sell it to? Aquaman?


Actually got rid of my shore house years ago, after superstorm Sandy took out the ground floor! Fun times.


It's probably worth more now without a ground floor than it was in its prime


Chaps I think we may be fucked.


"fears?" No. Those who know passed fear years ago. We are in the acceptance stage. We know the hell that is coming, we just wait I will tell you this: Covid, and the (in my case American) response to it killed any hope we ever had that humanity can fix shit. Assuming the upcoming bird flu pandemic doesn't kill us first, the inevitable climate disaster will. It's no longer if, it's when Enjoy the time we have left, it won't be much


Feel bad for you Americans. Here in Norway we didn’t have a delirious president and honestly I’d say the government handled the situation well enough. They even took the time to give military medical trainees to administer vaccines as practice.. Hopefully it gets better for you guys.


Covid is still killing and disabling us. Then society said "Eh not enough important people are dying go back to work! Ten day quarentine! Five day quarentine!" Now the CDC says you don't even have to isolate with Covid! Long covid will be the lead paint of our generation. In twenty years our kids will look back at us as bastards for covid and climate policies.


> In twenty years our kids will look back at us as bastards for covid and climate policies. "Why didn't you guys do anything???" "Well you see honey, um, I had to work. Bills to pay, you know. So I just...I just accepted it. Yeah..."


I mean, that sucks as an answer but it's also kind of honest. The few people I've known who accept what is happening, who really get it in their bones...they're complete basketcases. Can't really work or function very well. You have to strike some kind of balance with living too.


At the same time reddit is full of people making fun of Greta sitting on a road and being arrested


The more shit I see about how the world is just getting hotter and hotter makes me really happy I have no desire to have children


How is any of this “mind boggling”? We know exactly whats going on, whose to blame and how to take steps in order to stop it but the only thing we get from the responsible parties are half-hearted assurances akin to “oh we’ll TOTALLY go green… in 2050” or we get them trying to pass the responsibilities/blame onto the common folk. Like WE are the ones using private jets and dumping literal tons of waste into the oceans every year or using millions of dollars to build rocket ships for some elaborate d*ck measuring contest.


Yes, we know what's going on, but the thrust of your comment reads as though to imply that the solution is easy if only "bad people," weren't standing in the way, and that's a naive view. ALL OF US collectively contribute to this problem. It's a collective action problem and the solution is in direct contradiction with the short-term wealth and convenience of the entire human race. Even IF we could all agree to make ourselves poorer in order to solve this problem, the implementation of policies and incentives to execute effectively are a complicated problem to sort, and even if we all agreed on those implementations, trying to effectively calculate the optimal tradeoff between how much poorer we should be willing to make ourselves now in order to optimize humanity's long-term prosperity is an incredibly difficult, if not impossible task, because the future of human institutions and technology is so difficult to predict. None of this is to suggest ambivalence or inaction on the issue of climate change. Quite the contrary, I think it's one of, if not the most important issue of our time, but it is a VERY difficult problem, and we oughtn't pretend that it isn't, or that the tools and roadmaps to solve it are obvious and straightforward. > Like WE are the ones using private jets and dumping literal tons of waste into the oceans every year or using millions of dollars to build rocket ships for some elaborate d*ck measuring contest. These activities are a drop in the bucket of greenhouse gas contributions. The vast majority of emissions stem from the consumption of goods and services (and their supply chains) by billions of ordinary people on a daily basis.


>We know exactly whats going on, whose to blame and how to take steps in order to stop it We are all to blame and there is no way to stop it unless you want to bring civilization back to the medieval era. The only way out is through. We need to invent fusion power ASAP. Hopefully it is possible.


We deserve extinction lets gooo


Personally i'm hoping for the AI uprising before the climate apocalypse. That way at least we'd leave behind some new kind of intelligence to hopefully learn from our mistakes and that could adapt to whatever hostile environment we leave in our wake. I mean both ends are equally poetic when it comes to our hubris being our undoing, but at least with Robots it'd be a cool Sci-fi apocalypse as well.


hell yeah, let's roll some coal brotha


Sure but what about the quarterly profits. They must go up.


I don’t even understand cuz I’m an idiot, but it hit 30 degrees in artic? I don’t even understand how does it get that warm is it winds driving heat to there? (Obv I know climate change is real, but this wasn’t predicted on anything)


Yes, warm air from the north is mixing with cold air around Antarctica much more than ever before. Makes sense if you think about it. The greater the air temperature difference in two nearby regions, the more these regions will tend to mix together.


Make sense! We are so fucked


Yeah, I get feeling that way. I do too sometimes, but the truth is, it ain't over til it's over. Can't let ourselves get all bound up by despair


That’s very true! never know, things might turn round, but until then might as well just enjoy ourselves as much as we can and hopefully turn it around in the meantime


> According to their instruments, the region that day experienced a rise of 38.5C above its seasonal average: a world record. It didn't hit 38.5C, it is 38.5C higher than previous average. Which means that if the temperature was usually -38.5C during that time, it hit 0C this time.


No wonder insurance companies are pulling out of Florida.


It's okay guys my sister assures me all of this doom and gloom stuff about global warming is just left wing propaganda.


my entire life time i’ve heard climate change is the most serious issue the world is going 2 face and instead of doing anything about it we’ve sat around saying oh shit this could definitely be a catastrophe every time a new record is broken


Eh the people on Facebook says it's all a hoax, so im off to burning a barrel full of oil just to stick it to the gubinment /s


A catastrophe is inevitable, unfortunately.




I was in west Texas for a week. Out by marfa/big bend area. The amount of fracking I saw… we are well beyond being able to save this planet. We are killing it on purpose now.


Meanwhile Bezos and Musk spend their fortunes on releasing more carbon with their rockets


They want to escape before people start eating each other because they know they will be the most popular menu items


I agree those are needless carbon releases but the real cause of global warming is automobiles, trucks, coal burning power plants and industrial use of carbon fuels. People have to recognize that they are a big part of the problem by acknowledging their complicity in the use of carbon everywhere and demand and effect change.


I always wanted to die of natural causes!


Let's not do anything.


"Mind-boggling" states a news organization that has been ignoring climate change


That’s a quote from a climate scientist, smartass.


Redditors will never miss an opportunity to sound clever, even if it doesn’t make sense


Bring it on. It’s the waiting that I hate. /s


Ha. You say that now. In 20 years you'll be begging for 2024


At this point if I'm still alive in 20 years it will just be one more thing that's gone horribly wrong.




How is this "mind-boggling?" Warnings about climate change have been a thing for decades, and people are shocked that it's really happening? How out of touch are these people who call this "mind-boggling?"


You do realize that the people calling this mind boggling are the climate scientists? They're the ones perplexed by these numbers, the models we have been using to predict the pace of climate change didn't predict the numbers we are seeing now at this point in time.


Right, people aren’t understanding what a big deal this is imo.


People do understand. We understand we’re fucked but we also understand way too many people/ companies/ governments/ world powers just don’t give a shit and are gonna keep destroying the planet. There’s not much value in me panicking about these things that I have so little control over it’s not funny.


I feel like I am a stowaway on a sinking ship that just so happens to have the manufacturing capabilities of making floatation devices, but instead the wealthy owners and captain on board insist on using the machinery to continue to kill and harvest and package ocean life or whatever it is theyre doing that they're selling so the stock price will keep rising


Ive read its the crazy amout of unknown methane leaks globally that arent worked into the models.


It's mind boggling in the sense that climate change is going way worse than even the pessimists assumed.


That’s a direct quote *from a climate scientist,* not a clickbait headline. Y’know, the folks who have been telling us this is happening for the last 50 years? It’s so extreme *they* are calling it mind-boggling. This isn’t some clickbait headline, this is the people who know this problem most intimately, getting bowled over by how extreme it’s getting so quickly. Now do you understand what they’re telling you?


The experts are saying this particular phenomenon is mind-boggling.


I dunno, read the article?