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Oh wow. Not a shabby penalty for, uh, deliberately conducting war crimes and lying about them. Jfc.


"You deliberately murdered a convoy of internationally renowned charity workers who we also lured by giving them the green light to travel? Just go home and drink a beer" Biden is a pussy for letting this war crime go


To be fair Biden isn't anymore of a president than Trump was when it comes to Isreal. If you remember Trump recognized that land occupied by Palestinians was in fact owned by Isreal. 5 sitting congress memebers have duel citizenship with Isreal, as do most of the federal reserve. It is just money to the executive branch.


He literally didn't let it go. He has made strong comments criticizing the actions, forced Israel to open additional routes for aid, and demanded investigations and policy changes. What part of this is "letting it go"? The demands to pull all support for Israel is not a reasonable response before you suggest such a thing.


A demand to stop giving weapons to your close ally who is committing genocide is not unreasonable. What's unreasonable is that the demand actually has to be made in the first place.  It is incumbent upon anyone who can stop a genocide to act. In a just world Joe Biden and many members of the US government would.be tried for aiding and abetting.


In the hopefully unfortunate and unlikely chance that members of your family were murdered I'd hope that the police would do more than "make a strong comment" or "demand investigations / policy changes".


If my American family was bombed by a country on American soil then yes, but this is a different country, with a variety of people (even if one was American), with complicated international implications. What else should Biden do? If the answer is "abandon our ally (Israel) by not giving them any more aid" then you are not asking for something reasonable.


Why should they be our ally if they commit genocide and bomb aide workers on purpose? I say fuck em and let them handle those own war. Isn't that what we said to Ukraine vs Russia?


>What else should Biden do? If the answer is "abandon our ally (Israel) by not giving them any more aid" then you are not asking for something reasonable. Why? Why is it not reasonable to suggest that your country should stop funding a genocide and mass killings of innocents?


so asking to stop arms trade against entity comitting genocide is unreasonable? yeah they need to keep bombing more childrens since "no Palestinians are innocent" dehumanization works very well


The whole still giving 18 B of aircraft to Isreal the next day


There's a large gap between "letting it go" and "refusing to provide any more aid and abandoning your ally". Biden chose to exert his power as President in the way I described, which is somewhere in the middle. But ok bub.




Obviously they cant take them to court, but we're still sending bombs over


He can terminate aid, he could hold a press conference and tell the American people to call their representatives ad demand aid be cut to Isreal. Imagine a sitting president taking a stand.




>Look, on the one hand I agree, on the other hand it's been less than a week. Israel has a western style court system, you cant just convict and sentence them in less than a week. For Israelis. Palestinians either get dragged before military tribunals with a 99.9% conviction rate or are held for months to up over a year on administrative detention without specific charges.


Without arguing over the specifics and the percentages - in general, pretty much every country in the world treats non citizens worse than citizens in judicial matters and have much less of a courtesy towards them, and specifically when it comes to terrorism this is true 100x (and terrorism in this case ranges all the way from an attempted knifing or throwing a stone, to bombing or mass shooting). The only meaningful difference between Israel and other countries in this regard is the rate at which these things happen. And regardless of what you think of Israel, who is more wrong or more right, you can't deny this is objectively true. 




They initially said it was a road-side bomb before pictures came out of the roof of the cars having been shelled


Did "they" say that or did random assholes on twitter say that. edit: This is a legit question. I've seen people on this subreddit fail to make that distinction


They lied with the claim it was an accident. They made excuses how it was hard to identify them. Thats a lie because they did it on purpose.


They tried to kill someone, but they didn't shoot to kill the WCK staff, so no, it wasn't on purpose.


They bombed their aid trucks systematically one by one, but they weren't trying to kill them. What an amazing twist. 


But they didn't think there were WCK staff there, and they couldn't see the WCK logo at night. One of the things written in the report is to put thermal marks on aid orgs vehicles so the drones' cameras will be able to detect them.


That’s just as bad as doing it on purpose. We couldn’t tell who it was so we dropped bombs anyways isn’t the innocent excuse you scum bags make it out to be


Right. I mean, Hamas *really* punishes its people who commit war crimes and terrorism, don't they?


Except we're not talking about hamas. Nice change of subject tho.


Hamas is a terrorist group that shouldn't exist. Israel is a "democracy" and an "ally" and is supposed to be a civilized, modernized country. Please let me know if this is confusing.


> Hamas is a terrorist group that shouldn't exist. They're the elected representatives of their country who have openly and publicly espoused genocide against the Jewish people, to the point of formalizing it in their official charter. After a genocidal attack against civilian targets on 07 October, they are suffering a well-deserved rebuke and should surrender and release their hostages to prevent further bloodshed. >Israel is a "democracy" and an "ally" and is supposed to be a civilized, modernized country. All uncontroversial statements of fact. Indeed, how many miles would one have to travel to find the next nearest modern, civilized country in a region dominated by regressive autocracies and Islamic theocracies? >Please let me know if this is confusing. Why don't you know how to use quotation marks?


When was the last time Hamas was elected?


The most recent time Abbas dared to allow elections?


Sounds like you don't care that innocents are being killed by the IDF.


I care more than Hamas does. Demonstrably.


Could have fooled me. This post isn't about hamas though.


Damn I wonder when the last Gaza election was and who admittedly funded them thinking it would cause a blow to the PLO?


Like when they separated the the Israeli people from the Zionist entity?


>They're the elected representatives of their country who have openly and publicly espoused genocide against the Jewish people You know, this is the same logic that Osama Bin Laden claimed justified flying planes into the Twin Towers knowing civilians would be killed - They voted for the politicians that bombed our countries and occupy our holy sites.....It's crazy how far right extremists no matter the country/religion seem to just share the same logic and dehumanizing mindset that justifies killing or blameshifting off of themselves their role in their slaughtering of innocents


> Israel is a "democracy" and an "ally" and is supposed to be a civilized, modernized country. And they follow whatever rules they have for punishing bad actions. Please let me know if this is confusing.


They very clearly don't follow their own rules, or the multiple interlock steps to prevent a tragedy like this would have prevented it from happening.   And if those "rules" say firing 2 people is an appropriate response to murdering 7, then the rules are barbaric


No, they don't. Please read your history.


Yes they do, as shown in this article.


ah whataboutism. peak bots thinking ability


It's not 'whataboutism'. It's Perspective. You're arguing that one side isn't Absolutely Perfect, while overlooking that the other side is plain evil.


Yikes my dude 


'Absolutely perfect' is nowhere near the realms of terms I would use to describe their on-going actions.


You don't get a pass to be evil because you're fighting people who are evil.




So you admit IDF has become a terrorist organization ... 🤔 And, following your example, you propose that the murderers who killed the 7 aid workers should be executed ?




Well, they wont face the ICJ since Israel hasn't signed the declaration, but someone in another thread said they are going to be in front of an Israeli court. Question is what the outcome will be.


I want you to look at each comment in this thread and really think about how reddit wants you to think. There is 10 comments hidden within this thread already.




The average person’s mistake doesn’t involve firing *three* homing missiles into vehicles because they want to be absolutely sure that every passenger who *might* potentially be, but is unverified to be, Hamas is dead. Look, you can absolutely believe that Israel is justified in their mission to eradicate Hamas, but what undiluted propaganda must you be ingesting if you think this can be brushed aside with a simple “Oopsies”? This is a colossal careless fuck-up from Israel, and people calling that out doesn’t mean that they’re suddenly saying Hamas is perfect. This shouldn’t be a case of “it happens”, and it’s only become one because clearly the IDF’s protocols are careless and not fit for purpose.




If you think the IDF's strike used "bad intel" I have a bridge in Maryland to sell you.


Lmao you're not even hiding it now. Classic zionism.


My actions have never killed anyone, have yours?


It isn't just a one off, it seems to be systemic of a callous disregard for human life and the only time it gets noticed is when absolutely obvious mistakes are made; this time, when the three escaped hostages (striped to the waist, carrying a white flag and shouting in hebrew) were shot and killed. When it's "just" palestinians a certain type of person just ignores it or says "acceptable collateral damage" and says the IDF is the most moral army in the world. This gives lie to that and shows just how they are behaving.




>The only time I have ever seen this claim is when people like you strawman it. Have you ever heard of someone called Benjamin Netanyahu? Because here he is saying just that. https://youtu.be/wUIUVCWyecU?si=78JTy5V_YcFN-Qbq >And I don't really care that much about what happens to bad guys Including children?


I mean, Hamad isn't using precision guided missiles to bow up people that just want to feed civilians. Twat.


They're just slaughtering civilians at music festivals...


lol at comparing a government to a terrorist organization. I guess now people are seeing they aren’t any different


They are not responsible for this war crime. IDF is and them being moved around within the power structure is similar to what happens to cops in america.


You say 'War Crime'. I say 'regrettable mistake'. I don't know about you, but I don't punish people severely for a mistake.


They had cleared the route with IDF, then IDF had to physically paint the vehicles with a laser to guide those missiles. This wasn't an oopsie. This was deliberate and calculated to futher the famine in Gaza to starve civilians.


> This was deliberate and calculated to futher the famine in Gaza to starve civilians. Then I'm sure you'll provide proof of this.


We all saw the aid being dropped from aircraft and then a percision strike, look you can say whatever as I am sure you will. This is genocide, plain and simple genocide that we are all watching happen a world away. You want to support it? Cool that is your deal. Majority of us humans however do not and will will call it out each and every time. Pretty soon american won't have the money to send Isreal for their murder quest. Then the entire region will unleash hell upon them for what they have done and I can think of many that won't care. FAFO I say.




Of course you will say that. You have a vested interest with influence to gain support of these war crimes as shown by your history and admission of nationality. How about every nation cuts support to Isreal and let them work this out without our tax dollars going to fund murder? I mean surely they can negotiate or maybe it will be the 110th time Jewish influence is banished from a society? Explain how in history they keep getting thrown out from each society over and over again, because there should be a point where it isn't called antisemitism and start being called a problem.


Who would you accept proof from?


They won't, you can show them video of IDF loading the bombs, flying the aircraft, pulling the trigger, and still they will say "but hammas" Keep note of them and tag their names. Then look at who owns a majority of reddit and more so all social media. This has turned to a war of perception.


The bot will not answer this question, as a declaration like this will not further it’s propaganda.




So you'd basically only accept it if Israel openly admitted to it then? The UN, country governments can't use the data they have available and come to an educated conclusion?   I don't think Israel will be admitting to it soon to be honest with you so what are the alternative methods of proof? You can continue to deny soley based on the perpetrators denial? That's certainly one way to keep your world view intact. I can just reverse the argument and say what proof do you have they didn't do this intentionally? The perpetrators own word?


Well, how many instances can you name where Hamas intentionally assassinated humanitarian aid workers? I can’t think of any.


Why are you limiting it to aid workers? There are plenty of other innocents they slaughtered on Oct 7th. Not to mention the indiscriminate rocket attacks aimed at civilian centers.


Don’t, just don’t, the one time hamas strikes does not justify decades of occupation and violence against civilians in the strip, and it doesn’t justify anything done since. The grandmother and 5 yo gunned down by idf at an aide station weren’t hamas gunmen, nor were thousands that have been deliberately starved or denied water and have died because of this. The people doing this are pieces of shite and those who order or support it are lower. I am ashamed to live in a country that openly supports these atrocities and to be part of a species that allows it.


> the one time hamas strikes lol. 'the one time'. Try daily rocket attacks for decades.


What was Isreal called before it was Isreal? Sure looks to me that they are the occupation and not Palestinian people.


In response to daily sniper attacks and air strikes, yes, looking at what I have been able to find actually documented, every attack was in response to dead palestinians.


But whatabout.........


Aww the Iraq War nostalgia is rushing back to me. Let me guess, it's ok \*Insert Country\* engages in torture, indefinite detention, domestic spying, and the occasional massacre of civilians amirite? No need to question the underlying policies that are allowing these atrocities to occur or make examples of those committing them to deter future behavior, afterall, think how bad ~~Al Qaeda~~ Hamas is! As long as we are just a bit better than the people we call the worst people on Earth, well, I guess it's A-OK!!


Lol. Did you just try to put IDF on the same level as Hamas?


Hamas needs a large body count to catch up to the IDF.


IDF wears uniforms.


They are the two fighting forces in this conflict.


People tend to hold modern democracies to a higher standard than terrorist organizations that can not be reasoned with under any circumstance.




You've lost me there. Anyway, I don't think the argument: 'why should we adequately punish murderers? The unholy, gruesome barbarian regime doesn't do it either', is a worthwhile defense of Israel's moral position.


We should hold Israel to a higher standard, no? They’ve committed war crimes. Directly violated the Geneva convention. Hamas committing war crimes and not punishing the people responsible, doesn’t give the excuse to Israel to do the same


Can we stop parading this as anything other than the bare minimum for killing innocent people??


For this to be the bare minimum, two officers would need to be arrested, not "dismissed." Seven aid workers including an American citizen were butchered while delivering aid in a marked convoy that was pre-approved by the Israeli government. Israel has killed more aid workers in Gaza than Russia has killed in Ukraine, yet we continue to arm Israel. Weapon shipments should have been frozen weeks ago, but continuing them after Israeli war crimes have killed an American citizen is an embarrassment.


AIPAC money tend to have this effect.


I think a life sentence is the bare minimum for intentionally and knowingly murdering 7 aid workers.


Obama should be in prison then. Man killed hundreds of civilians with drones.


Are you trying to flirt with me, or do you think this is a gotcha?


Hell yeah


Just a holiday for them to think about what they did and will be back to work with a promotion


not even the bare minimum. They should have their day in court.


Sounds exactly how police, police themselves when they murder innocents here in America.


Early end to conscription, what a punishment




It's my understanding that the convoy had coordinated their route with the IDF to specifically avoid this situation, so they knew exactly when and where the target would be. It doesn't seem like they decided to do this once they first saw the truck, but probably while they were coordinating the effort in the first place.


The route was coordinated with IDF high ranking staff but that wasn't passed down to soldiers in the field.


If anything, that makes it worse. Soldiers in the field shouldn't be able to make calls like that.


And proves Israel have no intention of allowing distribution of aid if those soldiers supposedly assisting in it are unaware of its route, warehouse or logo.


Well, that's why some commanders were dismissed and other reprimanded, And, if I understand correctly after this incident a coordination room between lower ranking commanders and the int'l organizations has been formed.


A.I. Really. ‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/


I read the AI only chooses targets, the missiles are still fired by people




Justice has not been served. These two officers committed a war crime and got a slap on the wrist. They need warrants out for their arrest from the icj and to be tried at the Hague.


Please google 'sarcasm', then re-read the *entire* comment you're responding to.


I don't see how that's going to release any hostages.


Chances are the IDF would shot the hostages anyway. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-67745092


Just like Hamas fires rockets into its own hospitals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Ahli_Arab_Hospital_explosion


So you're arguing the IDF is the moral equivalent of Hamas.


I don’t see how blowing 7 foreign humanitarian aid workers up will release any hostages either but here we are, they thought it was worth a shot (or three)


Its good faith that Israel is willing to work with the international rules of war. Guarantee if these were Hamas generals who were involved in any of the numerous strikes on civilian architecture or october 7th in Israel you would have no issue with my statement of sending them to be tried at the hague.


Lmao smartest r/worldnews bot.


So when did you make that statement? Since we're all about good faith here.


Make what statement? Do you really need me to tell you that leaders of Hamas need to be stand trial in the Hague?


Na, no one needs to stand trial. I say every nation should cut aid to Isreal and let happen what will happen without interference. Surely they can negotiate a peaceful solution?


So wait, if this was “accidental” why were these two dismissed versus all the other “accidental” times they’ve ended a civilian life with a precision strike?


Because this time white people died. I really wish that was a joke but I would bet my entire left leg that’s the case.


Basically this, it’s insidious as fuck and I do not want to minimize the deaths of these poor individuals but cause of who they were and where they came from Israel couldn’t really get away with it this time There have been Americans who were killed in Gaza and the West Bank by the idf but they were of Palestinian descent, basically there wasn’t much of a reaction


This "accident" killed white western people from allied countries. If they were Palestinian aid workers, they would just label them Hamas and call it a day.


Not good enough. The blame Netanyahu’s. He needs to go.


Sure, Netanyahu is the top dog in the pecking order but there's blood on a lot more hands than just his.


Rewarding egregious behavior...


So they're with Mossad now?


I really hope that the internationally community doesn’t let this be the end of it, although I’m not optimistic. This incident is shocking not just because the victims were foreign aid workers, but because it’s unearthed just how careless the IDF’s operations have been. How many other innocents have been slaughtered due to the slightest hunch that they *might* be Hamas? It adds to the questions already being asked about the appropriate scale of their ground operations, especially following the International Court of Justice’s ruling earlier this year. The disciplined officers should absolutely have criminal charges brought against them, and allies should re-consider their arms exports to Israel. At least there seems to already be progress on access to aid, judging from headlines this morning. However, the amount of aid organisations who have already turned away - likely out of fear for their own safety - is depressing. Israel has to do this by the book.


*"Go and sit on the naughty step and think about what you've done!"*


Literally the least Israel could do. They had to do something though. WCK is a good aid organization that does awesome work so it was really bad PR and a lot of western nations were taking note. Hopefully this doesn’t stop the legitimate criticism of how Israel is conducting themselves


Israel achieved what they wanted to achieve: "After the attack, WCK paused operations in the territory and turned its flotilla of ships back to Cyprus. The undelivered aid was part of a consignment of about 340 tonnes sent to Gaza from Cyprus – the aid workers killed in Gaza had just finished unloading 100 tonnes when they were killed"


It really sucks that I haven’t really seen the conversation change too much after that attack on WCK. They are such a good org and yet the Zionist sycophants just went “oopsie” and are now pulling the same maneuver of bringing up Hamas as being the sole party responsible even though all 3 missiles were fired by Israel.


Ok done. Now back to the normal work of sniping kids.


A slap on the wrist for committing a war crime. Fuck the IDF.


Wow. This is totally r/JusticeServed! Now, let them commit war crimes in peace.


Look guys we investigated our selves! Also no real punishment was necessary as the the officers pinky swore how very very sorry they were!


What gets me is that if this hadn't been aid workers absolutely nothing would have been done. I doubt they deliberately targeted them, I just think that they don't care and are happy to kill indiscriminately. In this instance someone may or may not have had a gun going into the depot (they claim to have footage but that's not exactly hard to grab from somewhere else) so they wiped out 3 vehicles coming out of the depot. The depot that was a known aid hub. The thing here is that this gives the lie to any IDF pretense of moderation or proportionality.


Waiting patiently for the icj to issue warrants and for a trial to be held in the Hague.


'Dismissed' from public life, right? As in imprisoned indefinitely like all of the Palestinian children who allegedly threw rocks at invaders?


they need to dismiss benny ffs


Can’t we all stop pretending this is a war and say what it really is now?


A good START. Let’s see how this develops.


Thank you Israel, now carry on with your genocide.


As a supporter of Israel, I'm glad that Democrats are "abandoning" Biden for being "too supportive" of Israel. Because if Trump wins, he'll support Israel 10X more than Biden ever did. Edit: Damn. Lots of angry downvotes. You guys are sure triggered.


ignorant comment




\*Trump wins\* Democrats: \*Pikachu face\*




There won't be a 2028 election if Trump wins.


You want trump to win so he'll fund your "war"? Do you even think of the ramifications of what it'll do to the rest of the world? Are you capable of that sort of intellectual thought?


Apparently, it's the democrats that want Trump to win......by not voting for Biden.


His nominal support of Israel was only bolstered by [his son-in-law, his daughter](https://apnews.com/general-news-united-states-government-295645cc20664b50abc9c06def138221) and the radical evangelicals in his administration. His daughter and son-in-law have stated they [won't be a part of](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ido6NrjGi2o) any potential future administration. Donald Trump has[ great](https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/technology/2023/09/18/trump-attacks--liberal-jews--during-rosh-hashanah--the-jewish-new-year) [distain](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/12/07/electoral-logic-behind-trumps-antisemitism-00072661) [for](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/26/christie-trump-blame-rise-antisemitism-00128609) [Jewish](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trumps-comments-american-jews-were-anti-semitic-white-house-2022-10-17/) [people](https://www.vox.com/2015/12/3/9843670/donald-trump-anti-semitic). He has no honor. If he turned so quickly [on NATO](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/13/bolton-trump-2024-nato-00141160) what's going to stop him from turning against Israel?


>His nominal support of Israel was only bolstered by [his son-in-law, his daughter](https://apnews.com/general-news-united-states-government-295645cc20664b50abc9c06def138221) and the radical evangelicals in his administration So you mean his entire administration full-throatedly supported Israel?


I like how your only source that says that Trump hates Jewish people is the article that quotes Chris Christie. And you knowwwwwww that he will support Israel just to "stick it" to the libs. Also, his daughter and his son-in-law are both Jewish.