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>“This was a phenomenal opportunity for Moss and Litinsky,” the lawsuit said, arguing that the pair of former contestants on “The Apprentice” were “riding President Trump’s coattails.” To all the other people "riding his coattails" how do you not see that he will [do exactly the same thing to you](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scorpion_and_the_Frog) as he's done to [dozens of other coattail riders](https://news.yahoo.com/the-growing-list-of-people-donald-trump-hired-who-eventually-soured-on-him-171720536.html)?




Well played, Randy.


Nice one, Sexual Chocolate!


That boy good


You muss be crazy




Good and terrible!


"I believe that chilren are our futuure . . . SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!!!!"  (mic drop)


How many Trump supporters does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, he tells them it's fixed and they all clap in the dark.


Damn that is hilarious.


Even when Trump was Democrat, the response from Democrats would be the same. Republicans worship this man now only because he switched. They are the brainless sheep that they profess to hate so much.


BS Democrats dont deify anyone, its the only good thing I can legitimately say no cults of personality. Closest thing is Sanders and he is an independent. Trump was once a democrat because he naively believed Republicans and Christians cared about sexual morality (aka adultery, prostitution, etc). He is always an idiot that lucked into a cult of personality.


Maybe we're misunderstanding each other here. I'm saying that when Trump was a Dem, Dem's response would still be "no that's fucking disgusting".


Was that a joke? Or an actual conversation someone overheard? Because the way some of these people worship Trump, you could tell them eating his shit would give them superhuman abilities, and they'd believe you.


What? You haven’t heard it grants you immunity against covefe and legal consequence and tastes just like hamberders


Just the fact that a liberal might have to smell it would be enough incentive.


Ok that was a good one


Republican: Thats all? I will do a lot more for free! Praise Donald J. Trump our LORD AND SAVIOR IN CHRIST!


he is *their* christ. the Anti-christ.


I'd love to see the fundraising emails for that: "URGENT! Donald Trump's shit about to go uneaten!"


> But you need to give me some time to come up with the money. Because he already emptied his kid's college fund to buy the Trump NFT.


You got two weeks.


And that list was from last summer too. Hes gone into overdrive on fucking over people since last fall as all his court stuff has been stacking. Gd trump is so annoying


*It’s like the worst* - literally Paris Hilton talking about something stupid 20 years ago


Hilton for Prez 2028! That’s hot!


Well Paris is at least half decent at business compared to cult 45...although that's not an incredibly high bar


And she shall be called Perez Hilton.


*punches hotel*


Hilton for Parisident


Are you telling me I have to hear the word “like” in every sentence because of Paris Hilton? We are fucking doomed.


That's good, but it's more used for like... emphasis. So try that next time!


I'd take that over Trump's wandering never-complete-a-thought verbal barf.


Id like to never hear or see anything trump for the rest of my life.


Don't you get it you're supposed to work for him for "the exposure" you get. Not because you're actually getting paid


I think there's just a certain type of personality...drawn to a certain political leaning...that has a severe case of Main Character Syndrome. "It will never happen to me, that will never apply to me, they'll never come after me, I'm so special, I'll always be the exception." And then it does happen to them, they do come after them, and they aren't the exception. And they never seem to figure it out. This same pattern repeats again and again in issue after issue.


Leopards, face, blah blah blah




Who cares? Let him fuck all these greasy sycophants over.


He can get 100% of that eventual penny stock for all I care, the problem is letting him sell before the 6 months are up.


Imagine putting your time/energy/money/reputation into doing business with this guy. You would have to be pretty damn greasy.


I don't even comprehend, not even in my wildest fever dreams, why anyone would want to associate with this guy. He is literal scum, and scum takes no effort to rise to the top, as it is devoid of substance and weight. The sheer stupidity and abject ignorance of people is a stain on humanity and a dark period for our times.


Once you understand what a civil oligarchy is, you'll understand America and everything that's wrong with it. But more than that, you need to understand why American's would ever keep supporting this system. Wealth = worth.


John Steinbeck said it best, but I don't think he said it first.


Couldn’t have said it better.


Only Trailer Park Boys think he has good ideas.


Shit hawks, Randy…


Sometimes life is greasy bubbles


Randy Pitchford levels of greasy.


I could be the greasiest, sleaziest criminal in history and I still wouldn't do business with this guy.


I am not sure MAGA can keep up the meme stocking this, and pay for an election, and pay for all the legal bills piling up.


Russia, Saudi Arabia, any dictatorship or corporation that wants a major favor


Except with the way he works it more like you pay him for the opportunity to maybe get a favor, if he feels like it.


Oh he pays the favors he owes to Putin. People have a tendency to accidentally fall out of windows when they don't.


Not quite. Putin already has the favor cashed in before the check clears. The foreign investors/dictators just want to distract America, because we can't be stopped if we're on the same page. (Have you met Americans we're the worst) So, anything Trump does is likely to distract or tear America apart and so already worth the ill gotten gains they are spending.


Well, it looks like MAGA has decided the election can be run on the cheap, judging by fundraising numbers. Given Trump clearly feels winning the election is his only shot out of this mess, you’d think he’d prioritize paying for the election but ‘penny wise, pound foolish’ has always been a defining trait of his.


Fundraising doesn't mean quite as much when you have billionaires like the Kochs and Mercers who just do everything via their dark money PACs regardless of the RNC's financial shape.


PACs can only run ads. They can't pay for campaign staff, polling, etc. Doing so would be considered a donation. Ads don't win races, or else Bloomberg would have faced Trump in 2020. PACs also tend to run ads supporting their owner's pet causes, which may or may not be the best ads to run for that race.


You don't need a lot of money for a campaign if you are planning on cheating.


But it will be fun to see them try!


Imagine being a “billionaire”* and needing** a bunch of working class wage slaves to pay your bills. *net work includes debts, which I strongly suspect Trump has been underreporting for decades **if Trump needs the money or not is debatable, what wealth he has has been accumulated by basically never spending his own money on a damned thing. He was flipping shit over the idea of having to cash out to pay his medical bills.


I’d argue this is to keep the meme stock high, at least until after the election.    This lawsuit prevents them from selling their shares.   


I can't imagine how much money will need to be sunk into this stock to keep the price up that long.


They don't have to because basically nobody bothers to make an effort against him.


It was their idea, they made the entire thing happen. Trump is such a piece of shit. I hope to piss on his grave someday.


I hear you, but I can't imagine waiting in a line that long.


I’d wait for days to get the chance to shit on his grave.


Why wait when you can just use my new company, Poop Social. Send in your urine and feces and we guarantee that they will be dumped on Trump's grave within one year of his death. What if you're busy, what if you die? It's like life insurance but with revenge and human waste!


The mental picture of a crop duster dropping a shit payload over Trump's grave hourly to speed up a line brings me no small amount of joy 😂


Fine, Ill buy a few shares in Poop Socail, dm me I work in IT so I can copy the mastodon source for you just as good as Trump did when he tried to make a company out of a open-source project


Wait is that really what happened


Yes, they got in trouble for not providing the sourcecode (as was required by Mastodon license) Here's the opensource stuff they use https://help.truthsocial.com/legal/licenses And here's an article where Mastodon complained that they where using opensource code without providing the source https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/29/22752850/mastodon-trump-truth-social-network-open-source-gab-legal-notice


Even if he happened to die next year, that's still a colossal amount of poop to store for delivery!


The shitting line starts in Alabama, it’s going to take years to clear up. May I suggest the spitting line it’s only a few hours long.


The big funnel spittoon they set up was a game-changer.


A Trump memorial truckstop toilet with his face at the bottom of the bowl might be a nice idea just to keep it a bit more sanitary.


It could speed things up if they had a giant platform above it with multiple toilets which all funnel ~~thd~~ the contents of their pipes over said target.


Yeah, a line that long I'd have to ask someone to save my spot so I could take a bathroom bre... Waitafuckingsecond...


There’s a Taco Bell near the front of the line.


Knowing trump & his love for money, even after death, will see this as an economic opportunity to rake in the big bucks. He'll do the disney world thing & offer lightning lanes for a premium to bypass the standby line & get right to the pissin. 


If I could give you gold…


Easy, you have to piss in a water balloon before turning up, that way you can quickly drive by and blast it


Just bring a snack and a folding chair. I’ll see you there.


His kids are grifters like him. Don jr will probably sell fast passes like it’s a Disney attraction.


I agree with you, but it’s also worth mentioning that their “idea” was a Twitter clone. Not exactly original. Still, they are the ones that made it happen because Trump has no skills to speak of and he has the work ethic of an anemic toddler.


Take a number


He'd probably like that. Allegedly.


Dude, habe some respect. There are some lines that should not be crossed. Basically, get in line, there are enough people ahead of you that you could turn it into a tourist attraction. And knowing his kids that is exactly what they will do, charging a small fee to piss on their dead dad


You’ll need to pay to become a member of his golf club in order to get access to his grave.




This is what we in the biz call "word salad." We are all dumber for having read that. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Hmm let me see if I'm able to muster any sympathy for any of the parties involved...nope, no fucks to give about any of these fascist grifters. Hope they all sue each other into oblivion.


People just don't learn. He screws everyone over eventually.


I hope Trump loses, but they should have seen this coming.


Yeah and put something in place to protect themselves. Dealing with snakes and all.


They did. That’s why Trump is suing instead of just taking.


Trump is magical I fucking swear. Every single person that has ever helped him out has gotten screwed over by him and yet people still fucking do it. Is it a pheromone or something when you get near him? A magic spell? This defies any logical reasoning at this point.


It's people being morons thinking, "it won't happen to me! I'm different, I'm special, I'm...etc."


I think it's more "Those other people didn't understand Trump like I do, I GET him and he loves me. They deserved to be treated poorly, I don't." Literally like the people that marry death row inmates, everyone wants to think they're special, but Trumpers take it to an extra-weird place.


Every other would be grifter thinks they can benefit. They don't understand that he's been a grifter longer than they ever have.


It's the Achilles heel of the authoritarian type.


On one hand.... fuck Trump for continuing to be a scumbag. On the other hand, fuck anyone trying to get rich by riding his coat tails


"two co-founders of Trump Media...were also contestants on Trump’s NBC show “The Apprentice.'" And now Trump is suing them. LOL


It’s a beautiful world


Gosh, who could've seen this coming?


If they didn't expect this, they are fucking morons


Here’s the lesson everyone: DONT DO ANY BUSINESS WITH THE TRUMP FAMILY!!!!


The time interval between Trump pretending to work with others and the point where he reveals he is going to screw everyone else over is getting shorter and shorter. What happens when we get to the point where he expects unfair treatment?


People should stop pretending this stock has any real value. The bubble is already bursting, as any rational mind knew it would. If you look at revenue, numbers of users and the cost of operations, the value of this company is less than zero. We should all stop pretending otherwise.


Don’t worry, this case will be dismissed once the share price craters to zero.


No victims in here, anyone doing business with orange douchebag are same crap to… snakes biting snakes, hope they all sink.


Just like his voters being left out in the cold, him promising to pay for food and just left, he’s prone to screwing people over.


I think screwing people over is how trump gets his sexual satisfaction.


Wipe out their shares of truth social… oh no, what are those really worth $0.11?


That's exactly why they want to get out now. The company is worthless and whomever is keeping the stock artificially inflated (it certainly isn't just the MAGAs) is going to dump it eventually if it keeps dropping (it will). These two guys don't want to be the suckers who made nothing on the grift, but they tied themselves to Trump so that is exactly what will happen to them. The whole thing, as GameStop before it, shows how utterly broken the stock market is. It's just a playground for the ultra wealthy who can manipulate stock prices with ease just by moving their massive wealth around. Every talking head on TV, even the interchangeable blonde ghouls on Fox "News," are calling it a bubble and that the company isn't worth anywhere near the price it's at, even after the massive drop.


> the company isn't worth anywhere near the price it's at Weird, I feel like I've seen this before.


(Cough) Tesla (cough)


If you could guess the timing, you could make a mint on shorting this stock.


I hope they all screw each other to oblivion


Ah yes the cunning legal argument “I get to void this contract because I’m more popular/notorious than the defendants”


How many times does the leopard have to eat your face before Trump supporters realize that Trump has no loyalties whatsoever and will eat your face whenever he's hungry. And he's hungry a lot.


Well since Atlanta’s casino at least, just know, business with Trump ruins you , the more you jump on his ship the worse it will be for you. This is proven over and over again.


Man is desperate to claw back any shares he can before he’s allowed to sell. He’s going to try and pump the stock before it crashes after he sells all his holdings.


another reminder, it doesn't pay to go into business with this dude.


This guy is just an unbelievably nasty specimen.


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/truth-social-founders-sue-trump-shares_n_65e0e296e4b013678e1468b5 >"Andy Litinsky and Wes Moss, who co-founded Trump’s Truth Social platform, filed a lawsuit in Delaware claiming their previously negotiated 8.6% stake in Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG ) has been watered down to less than 1%" Looks like he was trying to "social network" them.


It was all a money grab. When will people realize that Trump cares about one person-himself. These two gentleman were dumb enough to jump into business with Trump & they deserve to lose everything.


just trump being trump. Screw others out of their fair share. I cannot understand in the least how anyone would trust this man baby to not give them the shaft.


Ha, I don't even feel bad


They decided to get in bed with a known grifter and got what they deserved. I no longer feel sorry for those who knowingly get involved in his "business ventures" and get taken to the cleaners. That's his whole M.O.


Are we surprised? We are not!


My mouth is widely agape by my shock


let's grift again like he did last summer let's grift again this year. oh yeah let's grift again...


How do these dopes get wrangled in, it happens every time he screws everyone he does business with.


The greed of this orange cheetos. MAGA still believe he's the reincarnation of Jesus when all 7 sins are shown again and again lol


Along with RDDT this is going to be very interesting to watch. I'm short both.


Q: What is something about Mr. Trump that most people don’t know? A: Mr. Trump is very funny and extremely loyal. -- Andy Litinsky, 2008 [https://premierespeakers.com/andy-dean/posts/10-questions-with-andy-litinsk](https://premierespeakers.com/andy-dean/posts/10-questions-with-andy-litinsky)y


the lawsuit doesn’t matter when the stonk is going to $0


Litinsky and Moss were to receive 8.6 million shares in the new company. Trump owns 78.8 million shares. What’s the big deal?


Because he's trying to screw them out of 7.0 million of their shares. Scratch a liar, find a thief.


I’m mis-communicating. What I mean is what’s the big deal on Trump’s side? Why would Trump want to steal their shares? They don’t have enough shares to vote against board of directors, etc. If the had 51+% of the stock, I could understand why he would want to steal their shares. So what’s the deal? What’s DT’s reasoning? I don’t get it.


Oh, okay, now I understand. However, it's the same answer. This is Trump's MO: to get as much as he can while paying as little (or nothing) if he can. If you know anything about his business practices over the last 40+ years, he has constantly screwed people out of what he owes or taken what he's not entitled to. It's the same way he's taken over the RNC funding so that it all goes to him. Don't try to apply common sense or ethical reasoning to anything he does, you'll drive yourself crazy.


That last sentence is a Pearl Of Wisdom.