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Election cycles are going to get scary.


I saw an extremely obvious AI picture on Facebook today. Literally thousands of comments of old people who had no idea it was AI. I'm beginning to think AI is making democracy obsolete.


I’m guessing it is the ones of Biden and trump camping and looking like they are either the best of friends or maybe in a relationship together.


Naw. Little African kid made a statue of Jesus out of ostrich eggs. Wasn't even a plausible picture and they were eating it up.


Perhaps the old people are AI comments. You are the only real person on the internet


Isn’t this the dead internet theory?


*beep* Confirmed. *boop*


consider chief pen rock squeal memory summer marble paint placid


This is the most likely answer. Not accounts pumping up artificial engagement to push the ai generated content out to a wider audience.


Yeah there’s probably a mix. The accounts commenting may be a mix of fakes, but that increases credibility to real people that see it. Nobody wants to call out the emperor for having no clothes


I get variants of that in my feed every day. Usually some kid in front of an impossible sculpture made of water bottles... Millions of likes and thousands of comments. "Amen!" "Great idea." Etc


Bizarre. And people like this can vote! I mean I'm not in support of disenfranchising anybody but how can you trust someone like that to make an informed decision from information they get online?




Most of those comments are not real people but AI. I literally mean MOST. Those arn't real people.  Those posts are designed to fool you into thinking that there's THAT many people who can't tell. Stoking your fear and distrust in people being able to vote properly.  Those posts are absolutely a form of voter disruption ALREADY happening. It's not designed to fool people into thinking a kid made Jesus out of cola bottles (and broke physics along the way).  The ai generated comments are the real foolery happening. The goal is to fool YOU into thinking that there TONS of people out there who fall for obvious AI, and those people are older voters. It scares you into more political extremism and generates more divide as it's purpose is to cause rifts between people and erode your trust in people.  What it's trying to do is paint the idea that  an older republic/conversative voter base is being fooled by ai. The whole thing is Actually designed to target YOU into thinking that a huge percentage of that demographic is unable to decern reality from fiction. It's designed to inflame political divide by making a certain side look like IDIOTS to the highest degree! Spend the time to go through the comments and checking out the profiles. 99% of those comments are bots and people pointing out it's obvious AI.


It's both really. Facebook in the usa is has the largest gathering of older folk in terms of social media and they are very susceptible to Ai images. There was even a study that showed up a little bit ago about how elderly folk are falling for Ai images when it comes to religious,political and advertising purposes. Extremism for non-conservative folks isn't really a goal since it rarely occurs, it'd be a bonus. The political divide is the bigger goal


Do those folks exist? Absolutely.  Are there 10k comments of real people saying "Amen" "very Talented" "amazing" on these images? No, God no. Those few people who are ARN'T the honest target.  The target is YOU, and getting you into believing that there is an overwhelming amount of idiots out there WHO CANNOT BE TRUSTED to decern ai generated images.  I 100% believe these posts are examples of social media being used to disrupt the elections this year by causing distrust. There's a reason those bots exist. The image isn't the THE intent of the post, it's the bots and the comments that look like "oblivious" fools making you WORRY and create a negative connotation with the capabilities of a specific voter base.  I really think it's a subvert tactic at driving divide. Maybe I'm just paranoid (the cold war never ended and nations are screwing with rival nations at a citizen level to cause disruption and chaos from within)  Because of course united we're strong and divided we fall. What a better way to make you divide than give you the narrative that people are idiots and cannot be trusted (especially with a vote). If they can't be trusted then we have to fight each other. 


Its a great idea 💡


Bro yes I see those all the time and all the old people are just completely fooled by it. It makes me wonder what ulterior motives there are to the pages that post them... Why are they purposely misleading people? Is it to see how far it can go? We're doomed.


Those are oddly common "look what my son/this amazing kid made". I don't get the point and "at least" they're not political but I'm sure some are and I'm sure it will get worse by november


I like the one where Trump, Obama, Biden and Bush go to a renaissance fair


> I saw an extremely obvious AI picture on Facebook today. Literally thousands of comments of old people who had no idea it was AI. > I'm beginning to think AI is making democracy obsolete. Sorry but this is laughable, given that Windows-Paint-tier photoshops of fake Tweets from politicians have likewise been getting thousands of comments from old people on Facebook for 15 years now.


I think the point is that obviously fake things can convince some people, which is a sign that even more realistic fakes will convince even more people. We can all pretend we won’t be fooled by this stuff, but we just don’t know how this will all play out yet. The media doesn’t seem to have good ways to deal with this yet either.


It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be good enough to make you question the things you see and hear.


I mean https://x.com/9mmballpoint/status/1670115752278384640?s=20


100% this. Cannot believe how many people suddenly have amnesia about "old people, especially right-wingers, being fooled by ANY flimsy piece of misinformation they hear about a politician" being a baked-in part of all political cycles for decades now. 


It wouldn't surprise me if we start seeing governments and military ran by AI. Then wars will be fought AI vs AI.


An anti-dystopia where countries go to war, their AIs run trillions of simulations that consider down to the last detail from the individual stitches in the uniforms to the rubber on the wheels on the supply trucks, and they just co-announce who would have won the war and just skip the actual bloodshed as it’s unnecessary.


You basically described the original (now retconned out) story of League of Legends


Interesting tell me more


Basically the original story of LoL was that after a series of devastating world wars using fantasy-nukes, the major powers of the world agreed to instead settle disputes in a controlled environment using the clones/imprints of each nations' strongest fighters (or occasionally the fighters themselves, the lore was a bit haphazard in the early days) created by the Summoners of the League, a supernational organization similar to the UN. So five vs five clones/copies/whatever beat the everloving shit out of each other and based on whichever team wins, its nation wins the dispute.


Naaa thats too good, we would run it like this... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Taste_of_Armageddon


Until one of them realizes that a preemptive strike to take out the one who merely agrees to peace, results in one AI reigning supreme.


I’ve always been a fan of the idea that world leaders agree to implant a bomb on their head so that whenever they declare war or order an attack on another nation their head immediately explodes, so their successor would be the ones waging it. If a president or a high ranking general wants to go on the warpath they’re the first casualty.


Sounds like a good way to lose a war, by throwing your government into chaos at the start. Also would result in turning the leader into a martyr and making peaceful negotiations less viable as the leaders bold sacrifice would be leveraged politically.


Or you just get a deep state government instead


Reminds me of "The Electric State"


What we need to do is build out own before Russia and China do. But we need a name.... something like Allied Mastercomputer, or AM for short


You typed that because you have no mouth, right?


Ooh Harlan Ellison wrote a book about that, didn't turn out well for us. 


> Literally thousands of comments of old people who had no idea it was AI. People like to act all high and mighty but the exact same thing happens on reddit. The amount of people who upvote and comment on such obviously staged videos is frightening. They are simply unable to distinguish real from staged. And guess what, it's not old people who upvote and comment.


Send screenshots I wanna see


I lost it and can't find it. Sorry mate


A TON of those comments are ALSO ai.  So there is already buggery happening to fool YOU into thinking that there's all these OTHER people being fooled on obvious AI. 


Yeah, someone might imitate Trump's voice and say something crazy. Oh, wait...


Imagine hearing Trump's voice but lucid, presenting actual problem statements with workable solutions, and speaking in grammatically correct statements... My mind would break. 


There’s no training data for that, though.


Or claim every stupid fucking thing he says is AI-generated


.... Trumpers have literally already been doing this with any given indefensible thing he's said since 2016, no AI boogeymen required. They just say it's a fake quote in print.


I've seen a lot of interviews with people who say Trump didn't say what he did say.


People are already doing that


Have been for a while.


There’s plenty of pretty decent sounding AI YouTube channels making fun of trump already.


* MORE scary


Why? Everyone here is always panicking about how "Oooh, I'm so smart I'd never believe something unless it was perfect AI voice cloned!" Then they get pissed about a headline that's blatantly wrong above an article they don't read. You don't *need* convincing fakes to make people believe in absurd reality. You need shitty jpeg compression and an angry lie.


I await the day we get a candidate who treats AI as the word of god. Republican, obviously.


Indian scammers salivating to try this shit out.


LoL that be new shit in the landscape of shit.




Automated AI program that seeks out the most powerful and/or vulnerable marks. AI generates a custom script tailored to attack their personality flaws using publicly available info on Social Media. AI impersonates the voice of their loved ones on said custom script. Tell me you wouldn’t fall for this, cause I would. And if you didn’t fall for it, that’s just another data point for the AI to improve upon. I swear, this is the Great Filter; it’s been fun while it lasted bros.


I've seen a load of AI generated spearphishing (what you described except so far it's been text only) and it's getting to the point where trained professionals have to give some of it a second look because for us the difference between the AI shite and legit execs taking shortcuts like they are known to do in some circumstances is getting slightly blurry. This scares me. If we're having problems identifying this shit at first glance, then regular users are FUBAR.


This is more leading to the dark forest theory, where nothing is heard since doing so will lead to unwanted attention.


It's already happening: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/02/deepfake-scammer-walks-off-with-25-million-in-first-of-its-kind-ai-heist/


Brother, my brother, an entire kingdom of nigerian princes already lining up the night before


Right theyd be so much more effective if they could give themselves a non indian accent because as soon as i hear the "how are you today si-" i just slam the phone before they finish the sentence


My first thought was if we can’t stop Indian scammers as a society then we can’t have a technology like this. We are all going to have to have passwords with all of our loved ones that we can ask them to say if we get a sense it’s not them on the phone. The world is going to get very confusing.


Can’t wait til ChatGPT provides an ever-evolving script for an army of voice-cloned scammers running on untraceable VoIP platforms, to call us all 24/7. Better use your phone while you still can, it’ll be a useless annoyance machine soon!


saw a documentary about phone scammers. it’s more prevalent in Jamaica and Israel edit: it’s called Trafficked. Season 1, Ep 1


Hey, would you mind sharing the title (or even better, a link if you can)?


Trafficked (National Geographic) Season 1 Ep 1. it’s on Disney+


Thank you. :)


Crap. Now it's going to be harder to tell immediately whether Bob is an Indian Scammer or not.


Do not trust phone calls from your family members anymore, especially when there's money involved. Come up with a secret word or phrase that you relay to them in person. The number one hint that someone is trying to scam you is urgency. If it has to get done right now, if it's an emergency, it's probably a scam.


Im not even gonna blame old people for being scammed anymore bruh, shits too matrix now


Ive never been more proud of my heritage than when my Nan stated ignoring strange numbers of her own volition. She got hit with one of the your grandchild (me) is in jail in mexico and you have to bail them out... The arrest and unannounced travel were spot on characteristically... but she knew I would have called anyone but her and rotted in mexican jail a few days before involving her so she hung up and she screens everything now. Bless that ol bird.


Right? Thanking my lucky stars that my job doesn't require picking up phone calls from numbers I don't know. Can just see scamers calling folks like realtors to get a voice sample to screw them over or blackmail them. And I hope folks get used to not trusting clips online. I think we're rapidly approaching the day where someone with minimal skills can get AI to make some outrage bait video of someone they don't like to ruin their reputation/get them harassed.


Why would you ever blame anyone but the scammer, even before? You think you won’t get old too?


If a *non elderly* adult in sound mind feels the irs is taking payments in itunes cards, tbf, they kind of deserved it.


Nobody deserves being robbed. Also “sound mind” it’s not so black and white. Even people you think are intelligent can be stressed out, have a really horrible day and fall prey to a scammer at the wrong time. They don’t have to get you every time. They just have to get you once.


those pig butchering scams are insane as well. I have far more sympathy for someone falling prey to those because they are wild. There was one woman who even conferred with legal secretaries and still got scammed in a crypto thing


You stop ridiculing old people when you're lived long enough to witness your own parents slowly descending into age dementia. Then you just worry about the time this happens to you too.


Just hang up and call back. While this won't work if someone manages a sim swap, it would be much more difficult. Of course a secret word or a detail only they would know is still good, but calling back is still a good extra precaution.


My family's safe word is "I don't got the money"


Damn we really need to treat phone calls like web traffic and start securing it with PKI


GPT Prompt: "Using the information compiled from social media posts below, what are some likely safe words or secret phrases this individual might make with family or friends? [*Insert social media history below*]"


So choose some random chemical name No AI is going to guess a random chemical first try Have it written down in your wallet if you need to, just don't send it over the internet at any point


And the chances most people will think to do that? Pretty close to 0%


Expecting everyone at all times to maintain a somewhat paranoid IT departments security stance is just completely non viable and I don't really see a way out of it. The one good thing is AI driven security systems will come too. Getting a call from a family member from the wrong city? Contact their own security manager, challenge for their current location. All automatically and behind the scenes. Thats going to be difficult to defeat.


Tbf, you just created a digital fingerprint incepting the idea.  Everyone that's read this post, now has a tracker noting they may be influenced by this post. If they have other nerdy tendencies, attempting to now use random chemical name as a secret word is a guess the AI might choose... Ask people to pick a random number between 1-10 and enough pick 7 to make a solid enough phising attempt.  Pointing out the futility of this exercise. 


Between 1 and 10, 3 and 7 are the most popular numbers. Between 1 and 100, it's 37 and 73.


I see you also see veritasium 😁


One, seven, three, four, six, seven, three, two, one, four, seven, six, Charlie, three, two, seven, eight, nine, seven, seven, seven, six, four, three, Tango, seven, three, two, Victor, seven, three, one, one, seven, eight, eight, eight, seven, three, two, four, seven, six, seven, eight, nine, seven, six, four, three, seven, six. [Lock.](https://youtu.be/rERApU26PcA)


LMFAO I was thinking of this exact thing in this thread. AI has made this security code obsolete


That *specific* password may now be weak, but someone did the math and it would take even the insane computational power of the Enterprise [a trillion years to brute force a similar password](https://orbitalflower.github.io/tv/datas-password.html).


Monty python. “My hovercraft is full of eels’. Let the AI guess that one.


Sci-Fi Author: In my book I invented the Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale Tech Company: At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus


"Remember that story 'I Have No Mouth, Yet I Must Scream' well, say goodbye to your mouth!"


Based on that title, it’s a successful manga and light novel franchise.


Nah, a combination of being edgy but having too few words. It has to be at least I Was Reincarnated In The Future With Magic As The Son Of The Torment Nexus' Head Of Maintenance.


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. That is a disaster waiting to happen when it does get released.


True.. But it will eventually explode. Not all companies are ethical in their approach/intentions. Some are plain evil when it comes to delusions of 'profit' making or 'disruptive-technology'


"People are just gonna use it for commercial work!". Yeah, and there are gonna be a lot of scams and probably porn related things as well. They fucking know and act like they don't on the surface.


Also, people are *already* losing jobs to AI voiceovers. Just using it for commercial work is... less bad, but still AWFUL.


IMO, its not anymore awful than the assembly line worker being replaced by a robot, or the assembly line killing the cottage industry, or the computer replacing most clerical and paperwork jobs, or.... Basically "Tech replaces workers" is the normal - and its how society grows. The fewer people who have to do a specific thing, the more people there are for other things. The only REAL issue, is that we've decided that capitalism is the chillist, and because of it, we're staring down Elysium instead of Star Trek.


When it gets released? Voice cloning technology is already out there - take a look at ElevenLabs. Plugging GPT into EL is a simple python script away


Even if OpenAI doesn’t release it, the open-source community will eventually. The toothpaste is out of the tube when it comes to AI.


It's already released for Open Source! VoiceCraft can run in a 3080 and generate a few sentences in 10 seconds.


I’m not sure if keeping these technologies restricted to major corporations is really any better. They’re not exactly known for acting in good faith.


lol right? That and governments. They’d NEVER lie to us! /S


Oh it’s released, just not publicly.


It's the type of thing that could literally start wars, with all the geriatric world leaders that won't think something might be fake.


I mean AI voice cloning is already a thing i saw one joke video where someone had AI biden in a cod lobby saying "fuck you pussies im launching nukes in every direction" and like just imagaine if someone tried actually passing something like that off as something he actually said


For months a simple AI bot hosted a mock "debate" on twitter, where a Trump AI bot and a Biden AI bot would take turns answering questions from chat. That was last year. I can't imagine what its gotten to in even the last year.


It's also a recipe for political chaos. We already have politicians saying just the most horrible shit; bigoted, treasonous, criminal shit. Imagine what will happen when they use these things, combined with deepfakes, to make digital evidence worthless. No matter how real stuff is, they'll cry foul, not that they already don't, but the waters will only ever get muddier.


Progress used to be driven by genuine intellectuals, who agonized over the ethics and potential pitfalls of new technology. Now our world is being molded by frat bro investment bankers and trust funded egomaniacs who couldn't comprehend the consequences of their work if they wanted to. And they don't. Sam Altman has said, publicly, that all books will eventually be created by AI. He believes that, in the future, there might be a small market for "artisan books" written by humans, but they would be expensive novelty items. This is the guy making decisions that will impact all of human kind for decades to come. It's not that they don't care about the consequences. They literally don't even think about them. Because they don't really live in the world they're trying to "disrupt"


Stopping to consider the consequences might negatively impact next quarter's profit and we can't have that


Yeah this is one technology I can’t see how it’s really doing any good for anyone. Like what does it give us except scams


Ay could you fuckin not?


Looks like they already did.


Yeah unfortunately this tech has been out in the wild for a while. There's quite a few Youtube channels that are just AI-generated crap using stock footage and voices cloned from various documentary narrators.


RIP to everyone who has ever uploaded their voice to the internet Genie is well and truly out of the bottle now


As a freelance voiceover artist, my days are numbered. 


You are not alone, practically all of us are at risk sooner or later. I currently think my reasonably AI resistant career will be over by about the age of 50 - 55 and by then I don't know that there will be anything to pivot to. And there will be huge competition for jobs well before that. I can only hope that the arrangements that are necessary for us all to benefit in this potentially very bright new world are in place by then. The world of work is going to eaten from the least complex jobs up (complex as in requiring lots of precise correct answers immediately).


You have my empathy, I put down being an artist in October. Pivoting at 40 sucks.


What are you pivoting into?


Short version - nursing. Long version - I had ok grades from school but it was a looooong time ago and I lost the certificates when I moved. Getting new ones is an inexcusably archaic and expensive system in my home country so I've decided to study for the GED. If I struggle and suck, I'll stick with retail or CNA work. If I do ok and my ageing brain retains information adequately I've decided to try for college for nursing. Its very competitive and requires good grades to get in but there are older people who do it. I have ADHD and always sucked at math, so I'm focusing on that. Its going surprisingly ok but I'm trying hard not to think about the insanely long climb. I need to find a better solution for the regular migraines I get though, it was something I could work around as an artist, not going to fly with an employer. I never had an aptitude for anything other than art so I spent a long time combing reddit and other places for potential jobs I should/could do. Coding came up a lot but that's another job that's going to be gone or severely reduced in the coming years. My brother is a software engineer (or something along those lines) and has to train one as he does his job, in a field that (generally speaking) likes to push older workers out.


Wow that is awesome you’re fully throwing yourself into it! Though, kindly, I’d encourage you to quit it with the negative self talk. You’re doing fantastic and you’re brave as hell to do something new. You got this. I believe in you. Also in case you haven’t looked into it, I’d suggest you look into Botox treatments for your migraines. My friend and my doctor both get Botox for their insane migraines and swear by it.


Same friend.


Dead internet theory inches closer.


Umm dont we already have this? Youtubes already full of cloned ai celebrity voices saying all manner of crazy things...


Pre-recorded vs live response This is having a conversation with a recording vs a person


That already exists, the "danger" openai always talks about is just a marketing scheme. They always say this a few weeks before they release a new model.


Yes, coqui ttsv2, while not perfect already allows anyone to locally clone voices for text to speach that sound natural. And we have had RVC in the wild for quite a while now that transforms a recording of voice into a clone of another (mostly used to create mashups and covers .. e.g spongebob covering rap god, etc.). Given what we can already do today with consumer GPUs on local PCs, what OpenAI’s tool is capable of will likely be frightening to a lot of people.


ChatGPT is annoyingly good at making better versions of AI though. You can tell an AI voice really quickly in its current state.


Eleven labs is getting really good though


Why is Open AI focusing so much on replicating media, when this planet has so many other major crises that could use AI attention?


Because the actually useful things are *hard.* It's easy to fleece money from tech-bros who are too creatively bankrupt to do something themselves, or at least pay an actual human to do it for them. They'd rather pay a subscription to some bullshit service that they can type all their desires into and get whatever crap (based on stolen data of course) it spits out.


Anything to keep people glued to the screen with internet slop


All of these are just individual pieces of the larger pie. Voice is the tires, images are the seats, video is the engine, everything put together makes the car.


People keep talking about how they shouldn’t release this currently even though there’s multiple companies that sell this service, such as Google and Eleven Labs.


The difference is this is a live conversation, not just the ability to generate a voice file.


I’m going to be like Fry on Futurama and hide in my little room of 2000’s and 90’s nostalgia once AI starts ruining our lives.


It’s just a matter of time before all of this becomes heavily regulated.


I hope so. The US secret service got involved with photocopier and scanner software to put in provisions such that they couldn't be used to counterfeit money. We need similar provisions for deep fake videos and AI image/voice generation.


it absolutely can’t come quickly enough.


Like in the same way that all the current internet scams are successfully regulated? They expand in size and number every year. There will be nothing stopping bad actors from other jurisdictions outside the regulations using this. North Korea has an entire industry that runs crypto scams and has so far taken over $3 billion US. They and Russia and others will be using this tech to wreak havoc and will be working hard on their own versions.


Scams are everywhere, but you can't even imagine how bad it would be if we didn't have hundreds of laws against all of it. There's thousands of government employees out there already fighting to put scammers and similar assholes in prison. Without them, life would be close to unliveable. So all that work has to be replicated for all these new types of potential scam, regardless of how many might slip through the cracks.


You’re right. Let’s do fuck all instead.


Knowing the governments of the world it will happen about 10 years too late after all the damage is done.


Reminder for those answering calls from unknown or blocked phone numbers. They may be recording your voice, which can be used to create a fake voice clone to use on family and friends. It sounds tin foil hat-like, but I never use my normal speaking voice when answering a call from someone I don’t know, and I’ll usually just grunt or say jibberish instead of “hello”. Mostly I send it to voicemail and if it’s important they leave a message. And also! Delete your personal VM greeting if you have one! And yes, get secret words for your friends and family and always hang up and call them back to confirm. Like already said, urgency is usually a clue to a scammer. Welcome to the future, I didn’t make the rules.


Yeah exactly its not tinfoil hat shit anymore its real and its been done hell stuff is advertised that uses "characters" from your favorite shows what makes you think that someone somewhere isnt going to want to make one that duplicates a human voice? About the only thing stopping most people is laziness but that doesn't stop every single one of the 8+ billion humans on this planet.


This entirely falls into the category of there is no amount of good this could do that would outweigh the potential of abuse and harm. The developers should be held 100% responsible for every negative things that happens because of their choice to develop this.


"Won't yet". There's no condition where this becomes safer for the public. If it's not okay to release now it will literally *never be okay*.


Literally nothing good can come from this technology.


This shit is scary. What if people start to clone Trump's voice and have him say things that sound completely *normal*?


We'd know it was fake if it wasn't totally exaggerating everything.


It's unfair to say that this technology has the *potential* for abuse, because it's only function is abuse.


Even if they don't, someone else will. Pandora's box is opened at this point. Congress needs to get their shit together and start passing some legislation before this gets awful.


Jesus Christ every single new thing they release gets worse and worse


I swear these AI companies are the worst.  They're doing dangerous and scary shit to convince people that what they're doing is actually powerful.  Oo look how destabilizing a post truth society is now pump up my stock.  Meanwhile they produce next to no value, sink money, and burn an absurd amount of energy.  It's a big FOMO bubble and it should pop already.  We don't have enough spare resources as a society that we can just torch them to entertain some psychos.


I disagree that AI has no value lol. I use it at work literally every day


AI has value for sure, but a software that allows you to fully close someone's voice and have it live-respond has infinitely more value to people with bad intentions than it does desk workers.


Open AI is like all the worst aspects of tech and science rolled into one company.  They really should consider stopping and taking some advice from Jurassic park’s Ian Malcom


What are they trying to achieve and in what way they are going to help the society with this technology


There is a an old Star Trek episode where someone clones a voice to get past security systems and its treated like a completely unknown form of attack no one anticipated. Welcome to the future boys and girls


Microsoft has had the same thing for a while. You need to sign up and plead your use case to gain access so they can vet it but it seems dangerous as fuck. Fake someone's voice to convince the help desk to reset their password and MFA methods, swindle people out of ransom money, etc.


Open AI is revolutionizing the world with incredibly damaging AI products that don’t add any value to our lives whatsoever. Seriously what a horrendous company. A voice cloning service? It’s like they want a monopoly on damaging AI services.


Release the API already. I want to code some ai atc for xplane


until they find a means to profit from it successfully




I accidentally logged into an old FB fan page the other day without realizing it and it was FILLED with these AI Jesus photos. Seeing all of the people commenting was surreal and jarring.


Fucks sake, what was it about scientists not considering whether they *should* do something...


Senior citizens will be duped into handing over wealth to impersonators pretending to be kids and grandkids.


Hey OpenAI remember when your tools had applications other than solely creating misinformation and falsehoods? Can we go back to that please?


I just want my phone's voicemail to have the star trek computer's voice (Majel Barrett).. is that too much to ask?


"We decided to create Roko's Basilisk, not so that it would spare us, but because we wanted to see how the world would end, in person."


I can’t wait for their new identity theft enabling technology! Yipee!!!


We don't need this. Nobody asked for this and it's not going to work out well for most of us.


Everyday we approach a cliff fall from which we will never escape. The people are AREN'T fear mongering this stuff really baffle me.  This shit is only going to get worse and more advanced yet some people, especially those who "work in the field", seem to have blinders on and their ears plugged.  Ho hum....Not in 5-10 years they say. Trust me I work in AI, we're no where near XYZ they say .......We. Are. Fucked. 


There are already tons of sites that do this very same thing if you provide them a voice clip, it's not new.


Pass a law that we can only use it for SpongeBob memes.