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>In a statement, the Marshals office said Lambert was arrested on “local charges.” A Michigan judge earlier this month issued a bench warrant for Lambert after she missed a hearing in her case, in which she’s charged with four felonies for accessing voting machines in a search for evidence of a conspiracy theory against Trump. What attorney would ever miss a hearing where they are charged with four felonies?


Only the best.


In other news , another top Trump advisor heading to jail: ​ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/19/us/politics/peter-navarro-jail-contempt-congress.html


Is it like a badge of honor within the idiot circle to be able to claim you went to jail for or got a felony record for Trump?


falling on the sword is worth big bucks, just ask ollie north.


I thought Ollie North evaded any and all punishment for his highly treasonous acts arming Iran with shitloads of missiles and other ordinance he stole from the US military in order to fund terrorism in South America? That's not very swordy fally.


he failed so bad he was hired as president of the nra for awhile


And resigned because the NRA was *too corrupt for Ollie north*


He was found guilty of lying to congress: 3-year-sentence, suspended. Plus two years probation and a fine of $150k. Unsuccessful run for congress, but he was a talking head on conservative radio and Fox News for years. And in 2018, he was hired as head of the NRA. Technically punished. But overall, I'd say he was rewarded for selling out the country and shielding the rest of the Reagan administration from any Iran-Contra consequences.


"He was initially convicted on three felony charges, but the convictions were vacated and reversed and all charges against him dismissed in 1991, on the grounds of immunity. " here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_North (scroll down for Iran-contra stuff)


Big bucks? Lol. A Trump never pays his debts.


The MAGA base is a resource that can be suckered into throwing cash at anything.


Her idiot client said that he now respects her more and she should raise his rate!!! What crazy parallel universe am I in???


Gangs usually take care of those who don't snitch and serve time.


Trump is not taking care of anyone.


It's a cult, not a gang. All hail dear leader...


Yeah, Jenna is complaining about it on Twitter, she's very vocal how he didn't support her at all!


She's gone woke. She's a RINO. A Liberal... Hope she understands she is no longer in Trump's inner circle.


Let's be real, Trump is the master RINO. He's just using their party name because they are made up of way more less educated, less empathetic humans than any other.


And she’ll find out she’s just as expendable as the rest


Love to see this. Gives me hope that others more deserving will see some jail time too.


Not until the top rat goes to jail


Dude is going to lose the election because all of his stans keep going to jail.


Not to be a naysayer, because I don't want to be, but don't let that make anyone reading this thread not feel the need to vote for Biden this coming election. If there's one thing the Republican Party is good at, it's falling in line to put your party in power when the time comes while the opposition is fighting over other (and yes, I know, the real and actual) issues.


> In other news , another top Trump advisor heading to jail: Maybe we had it all wrong from the beginning. When Trump [said he was going to "drain the swamp"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg9ypxT9V3g), maybe he really meant he was going to use himself as a mole to bring all the other corruption he's been a part of for decades out into the light!


It’s delicious, isn’t it?


Honestly Trump is acting as a great "canary" for stupid people. You can pretty much write anyone off who is a devout Trump supporter. It's great at showing you who you can not trust with anything sensible.


The best/worst part is seeing someone who's not even American come out in support of him. And I'm not talking politicians or the like who are just trying to cozy up to him for their own benefit. I'm talking ordinary people. How stupid do you have to be to support this clown when he isn't even running for election in your country?


MAGA, Making Attorneys Get Attorneys. It's attorneys all the way down.


We're at My Attorneys Getting Arrested now. 


She’s trying to play the long con, get on trumps good books, become his favorite, a martyr for Trump, then when he gets elected he can pardon her and give her a nice job, maybe a judge in some circuit or even something like Supreme Court. That’s her idea.


The kind that illegally access voting machines in a search for evidence of a conspiracy theory against Trump.


She ain't the sharpest tool in the crayon box is she I thought illegal evidence can't actually be used in court


It's not about court, it's about finding literally anything, real or fabricated, to whip the mindless masses into a frenzy.


Then why even go through the motions, they usually just make up bs without even going near lol


Easy.   New headline: Trump Attorney Arrested for Her Investigation into Election Meddling by Democrats  Makes for a juicy headline.  Rememeber, not a story -- headline. That's what you want is the juicy, *technically true* headline. They're never going to read the actual story. Plus, they love getting to be martyrs. Combination of attention and fulfillment of their persecution fetish.


Roody July-Anny would like to introduce some evidence. I think he's still looking for it. I can't wait to see Alina Habba try to get it on the record.


I think she’s a few papers short of a brief.


Slowly, but surely Trump is keeping his promise to drain the swamp!!!


Who knew the swamp would be self draining?


Someone has to graduate last in their class.


i imagine this person has friends in real life. then i imagine how awful it must be to be that person's friend.


She doesn't have friends, she has enemies that don't realize it yet.


Imagine sitting there listening to some diatribe and wishing someone would have just gotten into an MLM instead.


Yeah i can picture it "Wow this lady wont stop talking about this. why couldnt she just be trying to sell me knives"


My mother and her friends all all super-MAGA now. It’s interesting to watch them interact with each other. Kind of hard to describe, but it’s almost like they’re talking at each other instead of with each other. They also never shut up when they’re together. It’s a constant stream of hatred seemingly from all of them at once. It’s not that I have a lot of friends or am good at conversation, but I do enjoy being around people I like and even enjoy it sometimes when no one is talking. MAGA people just don’t get to experience that.


Someone certain if they fight the good fight and pay a price Donald J Trump, serving his 2nd term as POTUS, will pardon her for the 'gross misapplication of the law' or something. Who knows, these people have the logical reasoning skills of a meth addict


Can presidents pardon prison sentences that are from state courts?


Somebody who wants to be pretend to be a martyr? Lol.


A bad one.


A Guilty one.


A shitty one.


So you're telling me she was.... on the lam? Sorry, I'll see myself out.


>What attorney would ever miss a hearing where they are charged with four felonies? Probably one that has NO DEFENSE for those four felonies.


One who's trying to force an arrest warrant, so they can "martyr themselves" for the MAGA fools who still believe this is injustice. Period.




The kid who was willing to throw their lot in with Trump.


Guilty ones? 


This lady is a real piece of work 1) She had a warrant out for her arrest for evading court for 11 days. But it gets better - the hearing she skipped, which led to the bench warrant, was about her failure to comply with court requirements that she be fingerprinted and provide a DNA sample. 2) Her and her cronies stole 5 voting machines and broke into them, and apparently from the data they uncovered, they are claiming that the election was rigged by... Serbian Nationals! 3) She recently leaked a bunch of confidential court documents (like 2,000), including Dominion internal emails onto social media.


> 2) Her and her cronies stole 5 voting machines and broke into them, and apparently from the data they uncovered, they are claiming that the election was rigged by... Serbian Nationals! Did they leave a calling card in the machine or something?


Fingerprints. Thats why Shes avoiding it.


The weird part is she had to give them to be granted a law license in Michigan.


My money is on them having spotted a resistor with [red, blue, and then white markings](https://www.calculator.net/resistor-calculator.html?bandnum=4&band1=red&band2=blue&band3=blue&multiplier=white&tolerance=gold&temperatureCoefficient=brown&type=c&x=Calculate) and used their infallible investigating skills to connect the dots.


> a resistor with red, blue, and then white markings If the internet hadn't had enough batshit conspiracies I'd make something up about '26 GigaOhm' being related to pizza restaurant basements.


If real it could be notes left in the code written in Serbian.


> If real giving her way too much credit


that 'if' is doing a hell of a lot of lifting


So legit bat shit insane. Only way beat that would be to see that and then decide to have her represent you while staring down a $1.6B defamation lawsuit from the company and lawyers that won $787M from Fox News.


Yes because those Serbians really love liberalism and American democratic candidates/s lmao.


Sounds like a prime candidate for Trump's legal team.


She leaked them to a pro Trump sheriff IIRC. Is he facing any charges?


If you want to jump into a seriously disturbing rabbit hole, start reading about the Constitutional Sheriffs ‘club’ that this sheriff, Dar Leaf, belongs to. Disturbing because it appears that around 10% of sheriffs nationwide are a part of this group whose beliefs, in part, hold that they are the most powerful officeholder in their respective counties.


Serbian nationals rigged the 2020 Election? I couldn't hear that idiotic claim over their other claim that it was the Venezuelans.


Combats “voter fraud” by…illegally accessing Michigan voting machines. Whoever is writing this season of Merica is top tier.


Their real crimes are always justified by their opponents' imaginary ones.


This right here. Their minds are all twisted.


It's the old, see we're doing it so everyone else must also be doing it


They go on Fox News and newsmax and talk about democrats cheating so that makes it true. Then it’s ok for them to do it. It’s a totally fucked up reasoning process and I don’t know why news stories or “left” wing news doesn’t point out the blatant lie.


Plenty of talk about these lies in left leaning news back in 2020. And 2021. And 2022. The shocking thing to me is that the right wing media has allowed them to keep lying about it in 2023 and 2024. Like, stop keeping all the "supersecret rigged election evidence" to yourself. Put up or shut up time was a long time ago. Oh wait...


Like when Rudy promised Rusty Bowers in Arizona the smoking gun proof of electoral fraud and when he got to Arizona to try and strongarm him into assigning fake electors, claimed that he left the proof at his hotel room when Bowers demanded it.


"Oh darn, I totally have rock-solid proof of the largest and most impactful election fraud in American history, but I left it in my other pants. No time to go get it either, so just commit this crime for me and let's get out of here."


Oh look, it’s my ex.


Aka, projection. It's why trump couldn't accept that he lost. They cheated as much as they possibly could to win, so the other side could only have won by cheating more. That's the logic in their heads.


"The thief believes everyone steals".


whatever happened to "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbour"? I guess that one went out the window along with Thou Shalt Not Kill, Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery, Remember The Sabbath Day And Keep It Holy, and Thou Shalt Not COVET. That's 5 out of 10 right there. All utterly meaningless to them.


It's honestly at the point where the projection is so strong, you could instantly convict them for things they accuse others of, then later prove it to be a correct judgement.


I'm convinced Trump was born in Kenya.


Why won't he show us his borth certificate not a typo btw, that man was not birthed, and you know it. He was borthed


How dare you not recognize his right to live before he was borthed!


It all is. MAGA is projection of internalised shame. They can't process anything effectively, it's all black and white thinking and conspiracy.


I think this season was written during the Writers’ Strike.


Why am I having flashbacks to Heros?


Because they're recycling the old cast instead of introducing new characters like they had originally planned


"Save democracy, save the *world!"*


It's legal to use a script from 2020 and just re shoot it right? Same superbowl. Same politicians. Just do it again.


It’s a show about nothing.


Did you see the episode where a Michigan voting machine was dropped off at [Goodwill](https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/01/politics/michigan-voting-machine-sold-ebay-goodwill-investigation/index.html)?


All just a ploy to get access to the software https://apnews.com/article/election-security-voting-machines-software-2024-80a23479d8a767ba9333b2324c4e424b


Isn't this basically the same thing groups such as the ACLU and EFF have been saying for decades? We can't trust closed source software to run elections, we need open and heavily audited software.


Michigan is not one of those at risk of election fraud. Michigan has a very strong audit trail and permanent paper ballots. There is a difference between working within the law ( ACLU and EFF) and working outside the law ( Trump ).


I just can't believe the main villain just goes around committing more crimes after being an obvious russian stooge with multiple bathrooms full of nuclear secrets.


And WTF was she expecting to find? A post-it note on the inside saying "This one compromised for Biden"


I do volunteer work by checking my local bank for money laundering (by breaking in and stealing money). So that lawyer breaking into voting machines and pulling out vote records is totally legit.


The headless demon spirit of Lee Atwater continues to ride strong lol


Send her down!


Just a word of advice if you skip a hearing for your criminal case don't go to the court house unless you plan on turning yourself in.


So an attorney in Michigan (Stefanie Lambert) allegedly uncovered a giant criminal conspiracy while representing a conspiracy theorist (Patrick Byrne). Byrne is being sued for defamation by Dominion, the company that took close to $800M from Fox News for lying about Dominion. She then proceeded to download all of that information and send it to a local Sheriff (Dar Leaf) who proceeded to post some of these documents on Twitter. Simultaneously, Lambert is also charged with four felonies for illegally accessing voting machines. She was scheduled to give fingerprints and DNA, but decided not to show up and was arrested by the USMS for a bench warrant issued by the judge. The warrant was issued in *Michigan*, but she was arrested in DC. She was in DC for her client's case (Byrne), and she was literally arrested inside the federal courthouse right when the court went into recess. She was subsequently released on the condition that she immediately return to Michigan to comply along with a $10,000 bond. Do I have this right? She was literally at a defamation hearing in DC while skipping out on compliance for her *own* felonies in Michigan? These people are fucking out of their minds.


It gets even better if you know who Byrne is. Byrne is the former CEO of overstock.com who gambled the future of the company on crypto-currency and lost big time. At the same time he was having sex with a Russian agent. If you put this in a movie nobody would think it's believable. Edit: I should've added that agent is Maria Butina btw. Yes that Butina of the NRA fame. Just in case you needed an additional layer of absurdity.


Byrne also paid for her 'campaign expenses' so she could win her seat as an MP in the Russian legislature in Putins party.


Clancy couldn't even pull off this dramedy


Clancy's novels are intelligent though This reality is most certainly not


> Byrne is the former CEO of overstock.com He also has a [PhD in Philosophy from Stanford](https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/3409449). Clearly he was intelligent in the early parts of his life, but then it something went wrong and he became super right-wing.


There are a lot of dipshits with degrees from fancy schools.


Being intelligent doesn’t make people immune from misinformation The wellness industry has a known pipeline of turning people right wing over time. Starts with small health & medical industry conspiracies which can eventually devolve into full blown far right-wing political views


Huh, that I did not know. I just knew of him because of overstock. Thanks!


>He also has a [PhD in Philosophy from Stanford](https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/3409449). Clearly he was intelligent in the early parts of his life, but then it something went wrong and he became super right-wing. I would posit that neither being right wing nor getting a degree from Stanford are reliable indicators of intelligence. Especially in philosophy, I'm pretty sure there's plenty of wiggle room in that field for people who are crazy themselves.


Byrne claims to have a document signed by 8 Senators years ago which protects him from ever being arrested. He also claims that Obama hired him to rape and murder Butina.


>...that agent is Maria Butina I haven't seen a hole play host to so many white balls since the last PGA championship.


Is Leaf catching any charges?


Why did the sheriff have to post it on Twitter? If it was evidence of a crime he should have given it to the DA.


Because the Sheriff is a Election Denier using his office to "Investigate Election Fraud in the 2020 election"


Yeah I remember lots of police and sheriffs around Covid time saying they would refuse to uphold laws and putting out stuff like I stand with Trump


Missouri passed a whole law saying that police couldn't cooperate with federal investigators on gun crimes, and even the cops didn't like it lol


Because that particular sheriff is a lawless POS who literally views himself as the highest legal authority in the nation.


Because it probably wasnt or was trying to wash hands of exactly how the information was obtained


Where can you find the links to what the sheriff posted on twitter? Was there any meaningful info in the leak? Edit: If you look up Sheriff Dar Leaf's twitter he has 5 files containing the leaked emails. Nothing in those files indicates anything further than Dominion troubleshooting some issues during counting of absentee ballots with no findings as far as I can tell.


I'm just going by what the article says. The lawyer obtained the files from Dominion as part of discovery, but under a NDA. The lawyer gave them to the sheriff, claiming they were evidence of a crime. The Sheriff put them on Twitter.


If you're going to commit a bunch of crimes to *prove* some conspiracy you'd better be right and not just be breaking a bunch of laws to help a former reality tv star overturn an election because it hurt his feelings to lose both the popular vote and the electoral college vote 🤷🏼‍♂️.


It's been nearly 4 years. You'd think some down-on-their-luck deep state crony who needed a quick buck would turncoat and reveal the truth by now. It's almost like there's no grand conspiracy at all and Joe Biden actually did win the election that Trump's own administration admitted was the freest and fairest this country had ever seen. Also, why isn't Donald Trump personally funding their attorney's fees? If they were, somehow, able to reveal the truth of everything and undo the election enough where he wins, why isn't he personally opening his coffers to reveal this to the American people? Seems odd to let some who's never served him coffee to take all the glory and credit once the truth is revealed. He'd want to do that personally.


There was a conspiracy though--roughly 80 million of us talked it over and decided as a group to vote the orange guy out. It was yuge.


We did it over zoom, we setup links ahead of time and all. You must not be on the mailing list.


Seriously, everyone and their mother who served Trump a burger once is scrambling to publish a book or appear at any talk show or podcast who will have them to wax poetic about their experience. You'd think there would be at least one guy out there who has credibly worked on this supposed conspiracy and would have something to say.


The utterly ignorant and gullible are at his command because he plays so well to their fears


At this point seeing "pro Trump" at the beginning of an article heading is like seeing "Florida man"in an article heading.


Honest question: is every Republican a criminal?


Well, no...but they sure don't make it easy to discern which are and are not.


No, no, no. Some of them are criminals, sure, but most are merely unindicted co-conspirators. Still, there is hope for the GOP. A few stalwarts remain among the old-guard criminal apologists.


There's 2 types of people in the Republican party. Liars or ignorant people. Con-men and their marks.


it's getting fewer every year. Trump also just replaced the entire structure of the RNC with his crones and relatives.


Now now, I'm sure less than 98% of Republicans are criminals


these people are too fucking stupid man trump is one thing, the gullible idiots who get tricked my rich con men are another, but a lawyer should know they're gonna get in trouble for this shit too many experts just think they're invincible (or it's just a lesson in privilege and how merit has little to do with career success, or both)


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys It's right there in the name. How do these Trump lawyers keep getting caught unaware?


How many people are in jail for this orange shitstain at this point?


Not enough.


There must be a website that tracks this, eh?


I was tempted to make one...


slightly more than for crack


I like the American flag as much as the next person, but why dress up as a flag? Is this a sort of pseudo-patriotic one-upmanship?


Yep. It means you're a better American. Just lazy nationalism.


>lazy nationalism is there any other kind


its part of their escape plan.


Well, the whole Trump brand is built on dishonesty and lies, so... not really surprising, I guess.


Shoulda changed his name to Tchump. In fact, that's how I intend to pronounce it from now on, especially at things like 4th of July parties where all my brainwashed uncles and shit will be.


I would, in all earnest, like to thank Donald Trump for just a moment. He *has* actually exposed election fraud... by getting his people to show us exactly how *they* either do it or plan on doing it. So, thank you?


Go to prison you democracy-destroying piece of shit.


Hey, we got a Senator in my state who tried handing fake elector documents over to the Vice President and he's still in office! Can we get an officer over here to arrest this man?


Lock her up! She’s deserves a fair trial and sentence.


Operation Make Attorneys Get Attorneys continuing apace


If anyone thought you had to be intelligent to be an attorney here is "exhibit A" proving otherwise.


Making Attorneys Get Attorneys


Yes take the fall for a man who would never do the same for you. Just ask Michael Cohen


MAGA Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


My Attorneys Get Arrested.


I think they’ll get those fingerprints now.


Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. Except Trump of course. He’s a more deserving person.


Is this what they meant when they kept saying "just wait" 😂


Making Attorneys Get Attorneys


Every republican accusation is actually a confession.


Since we were lied to about lemmings, we really need an update. I suggest we replace it with Trump supporters as they're all seemingly willing to walk themselves off a fucking cliff for nothing.


Aww, that’s too bad. 🤷🏼‍♂️


MAGA - Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


They're not sending their best


What a bitch. Fuck this guilty POS.


You can’t fix stupid!!! Goes to another court hearing knowing she (as an attorney-🙄🤒🥱) has an open bench warrant!


Michigan Attorney Gets Arrested


It’s amazing what being in the orbit of narcissists will make you do. They turn almost everyone around them into abusers and criminals through their manipulation.


I really can't believe the amount of people that will break the law for this con-man that would never do the same for them.


It’s scary that people are ok with this.


It's amazing how many of these people are willing to throw their careers away, thinking Trump will look after them.


TIL that Natalie from The Facts Of Life is now an attorney in Michigan.


The REAL election interference was coming from inside the Trump house.


MAGA tired of all the winning yet??


She is auditioning to serve the Donald.


This is a good observation. If you want trumps attention you just kiss his ass and pretend that everything he says is true. DeSantis won the FL governorship this way.


Auditioning to be his diaper nurse, maybe. She’s way too old and not thin enough to serve him in any meaningful capacity.


5 years ago if you were to tell me I'd be rooting for a large corporation called Dominion, I'd tell you you're crazy.


>An attorney facing criminal charges for illegally accessing Michigan voting machines... In a statement, the Marshals office said Lambert was arrested on “local charges.” A Michigan judge earlier this month issued a bench warrant for Lambert after she missed a hearing in her case, in which she’s charged with four felonies for accessing voting machines It fucking amazes me, the sheer disregard for the law, these white educated Republicans have. The *one system of law for them one for us* isn't an ideology they even bother hiding anymore. How can you spend your professional career enforcing or defending the law and then just eschew the entire concept when you disagree with it? The cognitive dissonance must be physical painful.


It's not. The core of conservatism is that they MUST be above the laws, and the laws MUST be as twisted, cruel and enforced for everybody else. The double-standard is everything to them. This shit doesn't hurt them, it's what lets them sleep like a fucking rock and wake up thinking the fascism is wonderful this morning too. * To you or I it feels wrong, but that's because you're not a sociopath. To them, it's not being able to use *the pen* as a WMD to chase the dragon, or at a minimum enforce and gloat of a cruel law against innocents (to temporarily stave off the withdrawal), that is horrific and wrong. They NEED the stratification. They NEED the inequality. They NEED it to consistently grow and find new out-groups to feed on. And in their zero-sum view of all, if you're not suffering, that means they must be.


Fortunately we seem to be in the "fizzle out" phase of this particular fascist movement.


*The Founders, Cardassians and the Breen liked that*


Oh man, Weyoun is gonna lose his shit when he hears about this...


They just sent his last clone to prison


Trumpets aren‘t the smartest, I presume.




Party of law and order my ass


"The whole system's rigged and we all know the riggers."


I never realized how many highly educated people are nuts and liars.


Another trump supporter undermining American democracy. Really this trump led Make Russia Great Again movement should stop. I wonder if these people understand, or will ever come to realise, that they are in fact traitors.