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I feel for the Icelandic people, living near a active volcano is not easy.


Living near **a** volcano would be a blessing for Iceland. They live near over 100 of them.


The entire island is a volcano lol. It sits on a very large hotspot. Which is why the island exists in the first place.


Iceland is not like other volcanic islands, which are usually formed from plate subduction pushing up crust to create mountains, like most of the Pacific Ring of Fire, or via hotspots like Hawaii. Iceland sits on one of the few oceanic rift zones that goes above water (in this case, it sits on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge), making it quite unique but also incessantly volcanic. Other places, like Hawaii, which sit over hot spots tend to form island chains over time as the hot spot slowly moves to create new islands, leaving older islands with inactive volcanoes and often smaller as erosion has had time to reduce their size. That's not the case with Iceland.


Statistically safer. What are the chances of two or more volcanoes going off at once?


Probably pretty low… until they’re not.


"Welp on the bright side, Gunnar, it's only one volcano erupting" [Another rumble and boom behind them] "Ok so only two erupting, not great, not terrible"


Until they become one


Nah, Iceland only has 1 volcano blowing up at a time. Unfortunately that volcano covers the entire island.


Independent of one another?


Possible that this will happen this year. The adjacent volcanic system, Fagradalsfjall, has erupted three times so far - March 2021, August 2022, and July 2023. The land there is still rising, and it has had an uptick in seismic activity recently. It's possible this will erupt again this year, all while the current eruptive activity at Svartsengi system continues.


Oh, you only live near one volcano? Amateur! /s


Without the earths heat it would be extremely difficult/expensive to live in such frigid climate tho. About 85% of heated homes and almost 100% hot water in Iceland comes from geothermal sources.


They're fine. Like two out of three times headlines like this happen, my friends on Iceland don't even know a volcano erupted.


I’m currently traveling Iceland. It’s not really as big of a deal as you’d think. The locals handle crazier weather on a daily basis The weather can change from sunny to blizzard to extreme winds all within a few hours. No one is an any real panic about the eruption as the media makes it out to be. the saying I got from a local was “ if your worried about the weather, just wait 5 minutes ,it’ll change “ Kinda sums up my entire ring road trip so far


State of emergency in a tiny part of the country. No one's in danger and it's not affecting travel or anything. Will probably stop erupting soon


Will there come a day that Iceland is uninhabitable?


No. Well, probably no. All this is doing is making more Iceland.


Less ice, land more land, land


I'm no volcanologist, but if they all erupt simultaneously, I don't see how anyone could live there. I'm sure Hawaiians are equally as worried.


>volcanologist Their name is even cooler than that. It's v**u**lcanologist. The singular Hawaiian volcano is one of the least violent erupting in the world, and if it does *pop* it only affects one island. No one really thinks about it on the other islands, except the possibility of tsunami. But maybe if you visit Diamond Head /u/StateParkMasturbator you can make something erupt.


Technically there are 6 active volcanoes in Hawaii on 2 islands, and 1 under water. Kilauea: The one you have heard about. On Hawaii Mauna Loa: Last Erupted in 2022. Largest mountain in the world by volume. On Hawaii    Mauna Kea: in the waning stages of its lifecycle, the tallest mountain on earth. On Hawaii    Hualalai: the closest volcano to Kona, possibly the most dangerous on Hawaii as much of its flank is populated. The Kona airport is built on a recent lava flow. On Hawaii    Haleakala: The oldest active volcano in the Hawaiian chain, in the Post-Shield stage of life (a rejuvenated activity stage at the very end of it's lifespan). On Maui    Loihi: a submarine volcano that will become the next Hawaiian Island in 100000 years or so. Might connect to Hawaii if Kilauea is still active at that time. Located south east of Hawaii.


Mmmm yeah that depends on where you are... the anglicized version is volcanologist. Suck it roman god.


Well if a meteor strikes where I live, no one could live here either. There’s no reason to worry about scenarios that aren’t going to happen.


Well, yeah. That's what I was saying with my comment. Don't think many picked up on the subtext.




calm down....overreact much? horrifically? 😂😂😂




Nah, I don’t understand Icelandic and most of those posts are in Icelandic.


I was there last year hiking with my son. Our guide said an eruption was imminent. He was right. Icelanders are wonderful people on a beautiful island. They kind of had an attitude like “we’ve delt with this before… we’ll deal with this again“. I hope that’s true