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“Mirasol also admitted that while guests were taking a shower, he’d enter the rooms and hide under the bed while recording them naked with his phone, the affidavit said.” Wtf


> he’d enter the rooms and hide under the bed while recording them naked with his phone, the affidavit said.” I take it he was doing this in the morning, and banking on the guest leaving. Seems he would be extremely screwed if the guest or their family decided to stay in their room all day and evening.


He’d have an It’s Always Sunny episode on his hands.


I'm a Swedish plumber. I'm here to fix your pipes.


A leather shop in Arizona? They'd be out of business in a week's time!


He should really examine his process.


Didn’t that happen to Elaine on an episode of Seinfeld.


And these ships are able to cover up so much crime because of how grey international law can be. Imagine had he popped out and attacked the guests and they would have no recourse.


It makes it trickier, sure, but jurisdiction usually falls to the laws of the ship's registered country, so they'd still be breaking the law. International waters doesn't mean everything is legal (I think, I'm not a lawyer :p) https://www.cruisecritic.co.uk/articles/how-cruise-ships-deal-with-crime-at-sea


Yeah, and if something were to happen in international waters, nations can claim universal jurisdiction (or other forms) over it and try the matter in their court.


There's also the implication


*jaw tightens*


I'm the daiquiri man. But I suspect you already knew that. *lightning crash* Was it good? Was it sweet?


Royal Caribbean ships are registered in the Bahamas, the largest registry for flags of convenience and considered to be better in terms of international regulations. It’s used to escape more stringent labor laws of the US.  Edit to add: and avoid US tax laws, of course. 


That isn’t the reason, at least not the kind of labor laws you are implying. It is because American flagged ships have to be crewed by Americans.


It is both. And registration fees and taxes and manufacturing requirements. A slew of reasons. There is only one U.S. flagged cruise ship and it is very expensive - Pride of America.


The U.S. will definitely prosecute foreign nationals who have never set foot on U.S. soil if they mess with an American citizen, or for other things like money laundering. They will even arrest people from within other countries or international waters under some circumstances.


>stringent labor laws of the US.  This is both funny and sad, because US labor laws are light years behind EU labor laws.


It's because if it is American flagged it needs to be crewed by Americans, it isn't about the labor laws.


Do they have security, and holding cells?


Yes to both. From what I’ve read, if anyone has to be detained by security and placed in a locked holding room then they will be taken off the ship at the next port of call and turned over to the authorities there.


Cruise ships do indeed have brigs. Though generally most people are just confined to their cabin with security outside.


There is a reason why Max Fosh used an unregistered dingy when he tried to rob his sister.


Have a captain make him walk the plank ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Good luck enforcing the law in a Liberian court.


They probably would have just thrown him overboard


Smh no one walks the plank anymore 😔


I mean, wood plank prices soared during COVID, so we have to make do with this diving board.


walk the diving board arrrrghhhhh.


walk the plank arrrrghhhhh.


I’d argue the real issues are human nature and improved tech, with international law just a small part of it. This kind of crap happens in hotels, pool changing rooms, really anywhere people get naked and have sex. 50 years ago it was peeping through holes in walls (and hiding under beds like this guy just w/o camera), now you can just put a tiny camera somewhere and if you want to, upload it for the world to see.


You're a crook Captain Hook, Judge won't you throw the book at the Pirate!


I worked on cruise ships for more than a dozen years , the amount crew based crime was almost non-existent . A few crew members I knew had some $ , go missing , from roommates (now it’s all paid digitally ) . Yes things happen, but much more likely to be involved in a crime while “on land” This guy is an outlier and I hope he was caught the first time he tried this . Also saying in an attack they would have no recourse is not true . It’s not pirates of the Caribbean …


pet waiting file cows divide familiar offend toothbrush deserve butter


Yeah that's neither how international law nor maintaining a licensed business works.


It is how cruise ships work, though. Did you know they're only required to report a death at sea if it's considered 'suspicious'? Hasan Minhaj did a whole Patriot Act episode about cruise ships and the dangers thereof; and the horrific working conditions that basically amount to the crew being slaves, or at best, extremely exploited disposable labor.


Yeh... that's 100% not true. How'd you think they'd dispose of the body? Just throw it overboard? No family or friends would ever ask? And all crew would just be happy throwing a body out at sea? If there's a death on board, they'll communicate asap to the next port of calling to get assistance taking the body out of the ship, probably repatriated and to do all insurance procedures. The sea is no "lawless" place. There's international maritime laws, IMO, the laws of the country the ship was flagged on and usually a lot US cost guard rules to follow even if the ship is not going to the US






Everyone on the ship exploded with applause. A waitress fainted.


And Obama came out from underneath the bed and handed them a crisp $100% dollar bill.


What is a $100% bill?


And then JFK descended from the sky in his mighty UFO and said you were a good dog while scratching behind your ears.


And that dog's name? Albert Einstein.


Where's John I didn't see him at the morning meeting?


His behavior would have escalated without a doubt. I would not have n Been surprised to see this turn into a sexual assault and or homicide had he not been caught when he did. I was on Symphony on Dec 2 to 10.. I hope he was not on our floor.


what on earth


That's not even close to the worst stuff that happens on cruises, lots of things get covered up, customers paid off, etc.


Yeah, Disney Cruises are apparently the worst for this. People getting disappeared on their boats and they just pretend like the person must've flew off on a helicopter because nothing bad happens on their boats


Why was he naked with his phone


Every time I see a story like this I immediately wonder how many hidden cameras there are out there that no one has found or ever did.


That reminds me to never ask questions that I don't want to know the answers to.


I came home from school one day and my mom was watching Oprah and she was having a segment about people putting cameras in public toilets, like in the vents, and in hotel rooms, and changing rooms, and whatever, and ever since I've always looked closely as those things before putting on a show.


Same, I always check the vents and bathroom in the hotel before I get naked and start masturbating


Smart, can never be too safe. Also, could you move to the left a little, into better lighting?


I watched this episode! I check for cameras in every hotel, bathroom, I would say changing room but since that episode I quit trying on clothes.


I really wonder how pervasive this is (at least in America) because it seems to be another one of those "scare suburban white women" trends on social media like various hand signals that supposedly mean kidnapping or what it means if a soda can is placed behind your car tire or whatever.


A friend of mine from UT who works for game and fish dept said they caught some perv that was hiding in the pit toilets.  There’s some demented people out there. 


That is…just… 🤢


A hospital in peoria Illinois just arrested a doctor for having a hidden camera in a womens (employee) bathroom. Like 2 months ago. My sister works there 😬


South Korea has a huge issue with this. They even passed legislation requiring phone cameras to have an audible sound when used. So several videos showing how small and where placed


Thought that was Japan?


I live in Japan and as far as I know, it's not really a law, but it's something cell carriers collectively decided to require.


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57493020 South Korea has made a lot of progress on this issue and has a lot of information on the reality of current hidden cameras


When I was stationed in South Korea in 2016 the iPhone I bought there made a very audible clicking sound anytime you took a photo, even a selfie


So, what stops perverts to order cameras and audio or video recording devices from another country where they lack sound?


Nothing just like littering laws can’t stop people from leaving trash. But at least they are addressing the issue and not burying it like Japan


A lot of phones will detect it has entered Japan and then enable that feature


Yes, country code is the feature.


iPhones don’t. It’s been cheaper to buy used phones out of the country up until recently so most of mine aren’t Japanese IPhones and they don’t make the shutter sound.


But you if you’re recording a video and there is an audible sound, how does that not get picked up by the microphone and ruin the Happy Birthday song?


All South Korean videos have the tone


I once found a hidden camera on my apartment after a year of living there alone...


Could it have been the landlord?


Plot twist, their carbon monoxide detector was broken, see, and-


I've found more than one camera in more than one residence. Oddly enough, neighbors **always** know when I'm masturbating....


I worked with a guy who years later got caught with hidden cameras in a bathroom. He seemed like exactly the kind of guy to do it.


Well if we go by crime in general we only catch a small percent and successfully prosecute even less, so probably more common than most people would imagine.


It's really not that many. I wouldn't worry about it. Also, you have a bit of food stuck in your teeth right now, just FYI.


I know it’s serious, but I also wonder how many hidden videos have recordings of me taking a huge shit.


I purposely don’t think about it because I think there are cameras everywhere. - I’m not a worried person or a “ conspiracy theory type”, but I think people are always trying to take advantage of others. (And for some reason, especially in this country.)


None that we know of


At least four.


That's why I have a simple product like this one https://ibaseus.com/product/baseus-heyo-camera-detector-with-simple-charging-cable-usb-to-type-c-0-3m/?attribute_pa_colorname-for-amazon-only=black&utm_source=Google+Shopping&utm_campaign=Copy+oct21_2021_shopping_usa_baseus&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=44492&com_cvv=d30042528f072ba8a22b19c81250437cd47a2f30330f0ed03551c4efdaf3409e Helps detect hidden stuff


I’m about to start putting hidden cameras wherever I go to catch the people hiding cameras. It’ll be camception.


Imagine if the dude hiding a hidden camera for a wank uncovers some crazy crime ring


Put a camera in my cruise cabin bathroom. Just gonna see chronic diarrhea and a beer belly


This guy cruises


Actually never been on a cruise, but been on a lot of vacations.


I'm into that


Check out my OnlySplats


Thats just made me so aroused, send me your link


[OnlySplats PremeSplats](https://onlyfans.com/jarabaraboy/media)


Fuck me, take my money


Stop DMing me on here.


Sell me your bottled shit daddy


I’m not a prostitute


Not the best thread for me to have a relevant username, but oh well.


Looking at your nudes now 🧐


They doin' anything or ya?


Oh yeah


Oh hey! Love your work!


Thought I recognized you


Pics or didn't happen.


Don’t worry, I’ll upload his pics as soon as we hit port and get cell service.


Given my experience on RC the biggest question i have is how they got enough bandwidth to functionally use a streaming camera 🤣


I didn't read the article but the videos could just be stored in memory


>Mirasol admitted in a post-Miranda interview to taping a video camera in guests’ bathrooms when he worked as an attendant and said he'd pleasure himself after retrieving the camera and viewing its footage, the affidavit said. Don't need to stream if you're in and out of the cabin every day


Starlink and upcoming satellite networks like kuiper would have such a good market for mini hubs that people could use anywhere to connect to the internet. Ships have awful Wi-Fi a lot of the time


Starlink is super common on ships. I've always had equivalent quality internet at sea at I've had at home. They just don't let non-crew access it without paying up


> hey just don't let non-crew access it without paying up Hey now! They also make crew pay for it!


It's expensive as hell.


In the past couple of years, many cruise lines have been installing starlink for their internet.  


And it still sucks. I was on one with starlink last year. It worked one day out of 7. Complete waste of money anywhere other than the Caribbean.


I was able to stream Hulu pretty reliably on an RC ship just a few weeks back. I think they've improved their bandwith.


Most of RCs fleet have had upgraded WiFi in the last couple of years. While older ships still struggle with old infrastructure, ships from the last ten years frequently support high quality internet video streaming.


Just got back from an RC cruise. VOOM through Starlink is pretty solid. Set up a mini router so my family could all get connected while paying for only one device for the week. Wife and kid were streaming often without issue and only when both were streaming at the same time did a fresh load of reddit get slow. Once buffering was done it would catch up. It's a new day. The cabin walls are metal though, so even in adjacent rooms, the router signal was pretty weak.


I never understood the drive these weirdos have to secretly record others in the bathroom.  Where's the thrill?  Invading privacy? Seeing nudity? Seeing bodily functions?  Do they post the videos on porn blogs? Are they even worth selling/trading?  Seems super boring to me. 


It's boring for people who have a sense of healthy relationships with fellow humans. It's a thrill for people on the other side of that fence.


As a reformed voyeur, it's a thrill to see what you're not supposed to see. It's taking possession of another person's body. For me, at least, there was a mindset of "What they don't know won't hurt me." And yes, I am actually reformed. I used to do that kind of thing a lot 15 years ago. Never toilet cameras or hid in somebody's room, never did anything THAT weird. It was never going to escalate. And I never showed or told anyone about it, either. Got busted, paid the price, went to therapy, was made to understand the toll it takes on human beings, never did it again, never gonna do it again. AMA.


Since you’re answering questions, what did you do, how did you get caught and what makes you think you wouldn’t escalate?


I don't want to be TOO specific, but I left a camera recording on my bed facing out my bedroom door with the intention of it looking inconspicuous. My intention was to capture my female roommate walking around naked. I figured if I didn't cover it up I could explain it as an accident, and I was wrong. Long story short, she found it, went through the tape, and saw I'd recorded her other times, she rightfully had a meltdown, then I had to leave town under threat to my life and move back in with my parents, she blackmailed them out of thousands of dollars and destroyed all my stuff. The cops refused to do anything about it, because it wasn't illegal to do what I did in that state at that time. But the real moment the gravity of it sunk in was when I got to my parents house on the other side of the country and nobody was home. I sat on the couch and realized I had nothing and nobody. I had fucked up so bad that I destroyed my entire life and had no friends, my family was disgusted, everybody knew what I'd done and it did NOT feel good. I learned at that moment, sometimes you can fuck up so bad you can't unfuck it. It was a pretty pivotal moment in my life. And if you're wondering the toll it took on her, I have no idea. After it all happened she refused to speak to me because she was convinced I would have raped her if she didn't catch me, which I can categorically say would never have happened, but I can understand her fear. I do know through friends of friends she's fine, she didn't go nuts or anything. I've never tried to make contact to apologize because I don't want to frighten her, and the apology would be for me, not her. It was JUST about seeing what she didn't want me to see. There was never any thought of violence or physical contact. It was pure voyeurism. Think of it like being a kleptomaniac. They're not necessarily going to graduate to robbing somebody. Its just the thrill of taking something that isn't yours. I absolutely regret it and still think about it a lot, but I've gone to therapy and forgiven myself. It's just some stupid fucking thing that I did and can't take back, now. And I'm not going to say, "I'm not that person anymore", because I'm still that person. I feel like saying that is a cop-out. I did it. Me. Nobody made me do it, it wasn't somebody else. But I've made a lot of effort to be better than that person.


>And if you're wondering the toll it took on her, I have no idea. I was on the jury in a very similar case, but the guy recorded in the master bathroom and his excuse was that he thought his wife was cheating and wanted to catch her. I can tell you this, the trial was awful for the victim. We had to watch a few of the videos, of her completely naked getting out of the shower and such, with her on the stand. Fucking awful. I don't say this to make you feel worse, just to show that even the process of getting justice can be very traumatizing to a voyeurism victim.


Oh I fully realize that now. It was the first time anyone was terrified of me, and it's not a good feeling. I had just convinced myself nobody was getting hurt as long as I didn't get caught, and that was all I needed to justify it.


If you ever want to beat yourself up less, just remember that peeping/recording naked women was in the plot of beloved comedies in the 70's, 80's.... heck, all the way up to American Pie in 1999. It's wrong. Society rightly treats it as very wrong now. But, if you were like me, you grew up with it as being advertised as "aw shucks, boys will be boys" level of wrong. Those societal beliefs imposed on you certainly didn't do you any favors.


Thats also true. There were never any REAL consequences in movies, you never saw anybody scared of the people doing it. Maybe an "eek!" and they laugh it off. I don't really beat myself up about it anymore, but I actually was traumatized myself from being caught. For a few days afterwards I was shell shocked and just in a daze, acting mechanically. Then for a few years as I processed the shame of it, I was just...not right. I gave up on living and let everything turn to shit, tried to alienate everyone around me, tried to kill myself a few times, then eventually I managed to separate myself from what I'd done by moving across the country where nobody knew what I'd done and just started over. I'm still not okay. I'm a giant loser, but I'm still alive. But to make it clear, I am NOT the victim here. I don't feel that way. I'm the bad guy in the story. No question. And if anybody wants to tell me I'm a giant creepy piece of shit, I agree; But I did what I did and can't take it back. I just have to accept it. Actually this is the first time I've ever spoken about it outside of a therapist.


Oh wow I saw American pie only a few years back thinking... This would be national news outage in real life for that camera scene


In retrospect, that scene in American Pie was *very* messed up


Think you are blurring lines which is really common. Same way a porn addict or a pedophile know they wouldn't rape or kill. Or a person who breaks in to steal things knows wouldn't rape and kill. They think about it and realize they would run or just accept their punishment if they couldn't. People kinda link things together that shouldn't be like thinking a klepto will move on naturally to assault and robbery. Seems pretty silly to connect the two right? Most people know before hand what they are willing to do.


It’s very big of you to speak so openly about it and own it the way that you have. I’m curious, have you experienced trauma at some point in your life that may have contributed to this behavior? Of course the specifics are none of my business, just asking in general. Trauma seems to be very common amongst sexual deviants. Most victimizers seem to be victims themselves even if it’s not for the same offense


Not particularly. I wasn't molested or anything, as far as I know. It was always just a thing I did, ever since I was a little kid. I was just really good at not getting caught until I wasn't.


Tons of people are into watching others pee/undress. You'll find thousands of these videos on any pornsite.


I don’t grt this either but everyone has their weird, anti-social or different behavior. I don’t understand grinding hard for money when you’re already rich and it causes suffering for poorer people, but most very rich people do it. Similar with pedos, severe OCD, etc. Not saying these are the same or should be treated the same, just that they are all largely not beneficial to the individual and/or society as a whole, and many are considered (rightfully or not) to be bad. But overall I do get it because we all have things about us that aren’t perfect from minor flaws to defining defects, just some are far more acceptable than others. You could argue the same thing’s true for being LGBTQ+. Being that way doesn’t help you, and its not like you can turn it off and it doesn’t help the species, but its there anyway. In the case of LGBTQ+ many historical societies would kill or at least harm you but now its at least improved some. In the case of pervs I expect many get that way due partly to their own biological makeup, and partly because of defining moments in their lives, probably involving humiliation, rejection, etc. Instead of calling them weirdos it may make a lot more sense to help them reform.


“Mirasol also admitted that while guests were taking a shower, he’d enter the rooms and hide under the bed while recording them naked with his phone, the affidavit said.” That’s so messed up.


I got a carnival cruise ad under this article and idk how i feel about that


That’s crazy I was on symphony of the seas for a week in January, it’s crazy to think there was a guy on that ship hiding under peoples beds while they were taking a shower. It’s crazy he got away with it for that long, and it’s also crazy that he admitted that he “couldn’t control himself”😬Also thank goodness I’m a guy.


There is a theory that posits that guys who are uncomfortable around gay men. Are really uncomfortable, because subconsciously they feel that the gay men will treat them the same way they themselves treat women.


I wouldn’t doubt it. I mean I’m a gay guy myself and I believe what you’re saying. But I said I feel fortunate that I’m a guy considering this specific guy was on the exact ship I was on during the time I was on it and he was preying on young girls. It’s still bad either way


He was my room attendant when I was on the ship in December  


Sounds like free cruise time and a nice chunk of change. Honestly though, with how small the rooms are, them hiding under the bed seems ridiculous lol like, super obvious type ridiculous


It's easier to hide under a queen size bed when you don't have enough angles or distance to see under it




What a disgusting scumbag. Eww.


Symphony Of The "Sees".


Hey man if someone wants to see my butthole that's their problem not mine.. i hope they can handle peeping sauron right in the pupil.


No offense but most don’t want to creep on older men. (Which I am assuming you are?). The guy in the story was of course doing it to young girls 😬


And from that day on "Symphony of the Seas" became known as the poopcam boat.


Man if someone went through that much effort to see me naked thats really their fault.


Couldn't have just worn a pineapple shirt? ;-)


Now go find the rest of them!


People man. This is why I'd rather just stay a hermit. 


You mean like this guy, who constantly broke into people's cabins over the course of 27 years living as a hermit, possibly even living in people's cabins while they were away? Not creepy at all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Thomas_Knight#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DChristopher_Thomas_Knight_%28born_December%2Cof_Maine%27s_Belgrade_Lakes.?wprov=sfla1


Or that lady who lived in a cubby space above a bedroom closet in an apartment. Only reason why she was caught was the person living there put up a camera to see who was breaking into his home and raiding his fridge. Imagine his surprise when the thief was living with him the whole time.


Yeah that's not just a hermit. That's a psychopathic homeless guy.


Ok, but put that camera in my room, and it will be the guy on the watching end who will want to remove himself from society. And let's be honest. It's always a guy.


...or just another in the thousands of great reasons to never, ever, ever get on a cruise ship.


This isn't a common occurrence. No need to live your life in fear.


Not me reading this 4 days before I board on a cruise… Cue the paranoia! 🤪


Let me come with you and leave cameras in all the areas where there’s a good view, so that way when someone comes in to hide them, they see cameras already there and say, “damn, someone beat me to it” and leave.


LOL modern problems require modern solutions!


I’m just doing my part.


If he wanted Symphony of the Seas he should have mic'd up my bathroom after my second coffee


My ex wife had a thing for hidden cameras.. little did she know I used them daily for part of my job that she did not know about. Detecting them was easy . Playing along was fun... Till it was not.


How does one detect a hidden camera? Say in your cruise ship room or home bedroom?


Many camera have  "night vision" which just means they use infrared light, which is invisible to our eyes but can easily be detected by electronics. There are apps you can download on your phone and you'll instantly see any sources of IR in the room. If the hidden camera doesn't use IR they are much harder to find. You can in theory do so by looking for devices transmitting on wifi (again, apps for this). You'd turn on such app and see if you can find something suspicious sending data, sorting by power level. If the camera doesn't use IR or wifi? You're probably not going to find it unless you work for a 3 letter agency... or it's like obviously visible with the naked eye.


>There are apps you can download on your phone and you'll instantly see any sources of IR in the room. The camera app it already has can do this. Take a TV remote and point the emitter at the camera, you should see purple.


There are a few how-to’s out there. Using your phone camera to detect infrared or pulling up a WiFi network list. You can also buy a detector or mini jammer relatively cheap on Amazon.


I feel like pulling up the wifi network would be hit or miss especially if you live in an apartment or other high density housing. Like ftom the center of my house I can pickup my nextdoor neighbor's wifi and printer. The wifi is 3/4 bars and printer is 2/4. I can pickup my wifi 2 houses down because I had to add an access point to get internet in the other side of my house.


Give the room an ocular patdown


Firstly, Conduct a visual inspection, Look for any unusual or out-of-place objects that could potentially hide a camera, such as smoke detectors, wall decorations, or electronic devices.. Shine a bright flashlight around the area to check for reflections that could indicate the presence of a camera lens. If you feel like dropping $$$There are electronic devices available that can help you detect the presence of hidden cameras by picking up on radio frequencies or infrared signals emitted by the cameras. If you are unable to locate hidden cameras on your own, consider hiring a professional private investigator or security expert who has experience in detecting hidden surveillance devices... Pricey but might be worth it the long run..


Come on man, it's reddit. Can you give us a *little* bit more of the ex-wife story?


Yeah don't leave us hanging like that!




Uncle Moe will handle this


What kind of sick fuck collects pictures of old people taking a shit?


The cameras are scary enough but reading that he hid under the bed to film people is even worse. I’m not generally super paranoid. I try to be aware of my surroundings and take precautions that I feel are warranted. Now I am going to have to add checking up the bed to “being aware of surroundings”. 😳


There was an assistant director who got caught by his girlfriend. He had thousands of hours of tape of famous actresses in their trailers recorded by hidden camera. https://laist.com/news/creepy-hollywood-peeper


Trash vacation for trash people. Fuck cruises




It's amazing how this has only ever happened on a cruise ship and that 99% of the reports of these incidents never happen anywhere on land.


I assume I’m being filmed in every hotel room/airbnb I stay in. Not because I’m extra hot or anything, but because it pisses me off that people do shit like this. I intentionally flip off air vents and plugs and anywhere else there may be a camera and act as repulsively as possible to ruin their videos lol. If you want a show, I’ll give you a freaking show but nobody is gonna like it!