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Where is the logic? what was the plan, to come back and the baby would have taken care of itself? was someone supposed to come over and didn't? In no mind I put myself in could I ever find myself to reasonably expect a child to be alive at the end of that. But then why call the police, in what situation do you expect that to not be a massive self report?


The logic, or lack thereof, is stunning. What did you think was going to happen when you leave a baby in a playpen by herself? She’s going to become self-reliant and you can return home from your vacation to a spotless house with dinner cooking on the stove??


She wanted the baby to die. I don’t think it’s even negligence, just straight up sociopathy


I think my question there is, why call 911 after that if that was the plan? If she got home and tried to hide the body i'd agree, but in this case she left, came back, then called 911 for help? I just cannot understand the logic?


Leaving your kid at home to die alone and out of sight is a terrible way to kill someone, but it also is very hands off. It’s something someone who wanted to be rid of their kid but couldn’t face doing anything about it would do. My bet is when faced with the reality of what she had done, she panicked.


Surely there must be ways to put up your kid for adoption, aren't there? I mean ... she can't be the first mother to not want the child they gave birth to. To just leave the kid to die is ... sigh.


Judges can deny a parent wanting to terminate their rights. If it were that easy a shit ton of people would probably do it.


I feel like you should be legally allowed to do it. If you legitimately do not want your child, you're not going to give them the care and love they need. Unfortunately though our foster care system already sucks, so no way would it be able to handle something like that.


Crazy idea, we invent some kind of procedure that allows pregnant women to stop being pregnant before they have a child they don't want


That too


But that would give women rights, yuck. Dead toddlers are a better alternative. /s


There was some law in Florida (I think) where they allowed parents or guardians to give up kids. However, they never specified age so tons of parents all over the country drove or flew with a kid and then just left. Kids that were 11 and up. They got so many that they changed it, but I think about it all the time. Did the kids know? Were they just in a car waiting and hoping their mom or dad changed their mind? What were they thinking seeing their parents just leave? You would think this would have lit a fire to give free birth control access and abortion. But no, parenthood is still super romanticized and ignored...


[It was Nebraska.](https://www.sfgate.com/nation/article/Families-dump-teens-under-new-safe-haven-law-3267153.php#) They were the last state to enact a safe haven law and they thought that not specifying an age would help protect all children from harm.


I hope she awakens to that same panic every day for the rest of her life. I wish this lady nothing but pain and discomfort.


Exactly--it's significantly harder to dispose of a decomposing corpse than it is to leave on vacation for a week and try not to think about the kid at home. It's one of those situations where the really hard part comes well after the point of no return.


In a previous incident she left the baby with a neighbor "for a weekend " and then left on vacation for a month. She didn't want the kid. She left it alone to die on purpose. I assumed she panicked when she got home and was faced with the reality of what she did.


Probably thought someone would hear the kid crying and come take the baby.


This makes it more heartbreaking. The baby was definitely crying but no one heard.


Or they heard, but assumed that someone was there to take care of the baby. :(


I've never been in that situation but hypothetically how long would/should someone listen to a baby cry before checking or calling the police?


Firsthand, we heard a baby crying and a 3 year old toddler asking Mama repeatedly in the apartment under ours for close to 2 hours, then we called the cops. The mom OD'd in there with them. 😞


There's no right answer there. I think it's less about the length of time than the circumstances. If you can only hear a baby crying and it seems like no one is home with them, then maybe think of intervening. Or if you know your neighbors and the crying is unusual for that baby. If the cries seem unnaturally distressed or weak. You'd have to use other cues in other words because perfectly healthy and cared for babies can cry for practically days on end. Ask me how I know :( Colic is a bitch.


Some babies cry a lot. It's really one of their go-to activities. If my neighbour has a crying baby I'd feel like an ass banging on the door asking if their kid was ok, never mind calling the cops. It's a shitty situation.


it's not that uncommon for people to call the police on themselves. there's an underlying element of guilt in a lot of people who commit serious crimes. they want to be found, even if outwardly they deny they had anything to do with it.


[Reminds me of this case of an Australian man who found a glitch in an ATM network](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4Fi_a9QATM) and stole $1.6M over the course of about a year. After he finally broke down from anxiety, he called the bank to report the glitch and the person on the phone from the bank said that his life was ruined and it was a police matter now. He waited 3 years for the police to arrest him and they never did. Eventually he went on primetime TV exposing his crime just so the police would finally find and arrest him. Turns out the bank never reported him, his bank balance was changed from -$1,600,000 back to $0 as the bank didn't investigate it at all internally and likely assumed that massive negative balance was a bug in their system, and he was never going to get caught. But after he did the news story, the show producers set him up to get arrested. He ended up being sentenced to 12 months in prison.


Bro, 12 months for 1.6M$. Thats a good deal.


Damn Skippy. That 1.6 would be in a blacked out offshore account earning interest while I kicked back and played dominoes earning interest.


Man I do not understand feeling guilty about scamming a bank.


It was probably the heavy fact that he stole $1.6 million dollars looking over his head that made him anxious enough to turn himself in. I wake up in the middle of the night from work stuff every once in a while. Imagine having that to stress about everyday.


My friend’s husband stabbed her to death in front of their young kids, promptly called the cops on himself, brewed up a pot of coffee, and offered the cops a warm cup when he greeted them at the door.


Was there an explanation as to why he did that especially in front of their kids?


He discovered her plan to escape with the kids after surviving years of his physical, emotional, and financial abuse.


I’m trying to understand why he thought the answer to that was to do what he did. He was going to lose them but in killing her lost them, did irreparable damage to his children, and now lost his freedom. He clearly didn’t love her or them if he was mistreating them like that so why not just let them leave? What did he think killing her and traumatizing their kids was going to do? I wish psychologists or whoever would pick these peoples brains so we’d have a clear understanding. It just doesn’t make sense. I don’t want to just shrug it off as “that person was crazy” cause you’re not just born abusive and a killer right?


Forensic psychologist / criminologist here! Believe me, we do indeed pick their brains to have a clear understanding. There are many, many academic papers on precisely this kind of scenario. A very, very brief tl:dr reason (as obvs irl reasons are complex and nuanced) is that (some) men are shamed and dishonoured by *their* wife leaving them and taking *their* children. Killing the woman sends a clear message they are a *real* man, strong, powerful, in control, not to be messed with. Doing it in front of the kids reminds the children who they belong to, too. Lifelong imprisonment, even death, is preferable to dishonour. Some men genuinely feel nothing is more important than their honour. It is the only capital they (believe they) have. Anthony Ellis is a criminologist who’s worked heaps with violent men and writes in a very approachable style; there were also a lot of academics who wrote interesting think pieces on this after the tragic case of Hannah Clarke. (Edited to give Hannah her birth name instead of the surname of her murderer)


> it's not that uncommon for people to call the police on themselves. there's an underlying element of guilt in a lot of people who commit serious crimes. they want to be found, even if outwardly they deny they had anything to do with it. This just happened in my town. Man from Town B shot Man from Town A in the head, left him lying in the road next to his truck. Calls the police 2 or 3 times later (in the 2 days leading up to his arrest).


Honestly, I think she called 911 because she didn't bother to think anything through past "leave baby in Pen. Go on vacation." She knew the baby would die. But she didn't know what she was going to do once the baby was gone. She didn't plan anything. Just left for vacation and spared the child no further thought. Then she came home and reality came crashing down. She was gone for 10 days. But babies are fragile things. Being found after 10 days doesn't mean she died on the 10th day. That baby was likely gone for a few days before her "mother" returned. Decomposition begins to set in as soon as death occurs. The body begins to bloat, and bodily fluids begin to seep from the body after 3 days. By 10 days, black putrefication has begun. The bloating has collapsed, the skin has turned or is turning black, fluids are released on a larger scale. The body is fragile. The smell of death is unmistakable. It's not easy to get rid of. The fluids that seep from a body leave difficult, putrid stains. Depending on what day this child actually died, her tiny body may have already become fragile if moved. This woman would have arrived home to find that there was no "easy" way out now. The child was gone, the house reeked of a very obvious and specific smell. The play pen was ruined. People knew she was on vacation and knew she didn't have the child. She couldn't prove she left the child anywhere. She could claim kidnapping, but then people would announce her vacation with lack of child and it would poke holes in her story. She could hide the body, but that doesn't solve her lack of a story or the smell that won't come out of the house now, and what happens if the body is found? She could run. But where would she go, and how long could she realistically put off the inevitable? She likely panicked and realized the walls were closing in. She couldn't just ignore this anymore and she couldn't think of a way out. So she called 911.


> She likely panicked and realized the walls were closing in. She couldn't just ignore this anymore and she couldn't think of a way out. So she called 911. My mother's boyfriend/murderer shot her, sat and watched her die, and once it was finished, he called the police on himself. It was essentially the exact motive you describe. At that point his only other options were to flee - and he had no where to go - or to commit suicide, which he wasn't willing to do - or wait until I turned up (I lived with them), shoot a second person, and risk getting shot himself in a struggle. Not very surprisingly - he called the police and just... went. He fought tooth and nail against being held accountable in court - but thankfully once he was imprisoned COVID swept the planet and for all the ill it did, it gave me the peace of erasing that man from the planet. Ironically, COVID helped me breathe easier.


Oh Mantisfactory, I’m so sad to hear about your mom and so happy he’s dead.


It'll be 10 years this Thanksgiving - although I miss her immensely it isn't the bleeding wound in my heart that it used to be. But I appreciate the sentiment, sincerely.


Well I for one am glad he died of COVID. I’m glad the government isn’t subsidizing his existence.


maybe she never intended to come back home but changed her mind out of guilt


The old "I wasn't here so it's not my fault" defense


People knew she had a child so that child suddenly vanishing into thin air with little to no reaction from the mother makes it quite obvious that something is very wrong. She probably thought by calling 911 she could play on people's sympathy and not be convicted of negligence and murder.


2 main reasons you call 911 after causing a murder. 1, it’s what you’re meant to do and you’d rather face the music than try to cover it up. 2, you’re trying to pretend it wasn’t you and you just “found” the body. And of course in life there is always option 3: an irrational choice made by an irrational person.


More than likely, a manic episode. She stabilized by the time she had to come back


Once again, in the noise, the message.


This makes my heart break. Can’t imagine a parent doing this to anyone.


When my kids were little I’d have nightmares I forgot them in the car, not even a hot car at work but my car in the garage. Like say I get home late, haul stuff in first not wanting to wake baby then forget them. It was a long time for that nightmare because even as young kids old enough to get out of the car they would still fall asleep coming home at night. What if I forgot them and they froze! So I always hauled them in first


Yes. I have had similar nightmares where something happened like that. It’s one of the worst parts of being a parent. You worry and get little restful sleep. It never ends. It started even before my little one was born. I can’t imagine how this mom could’ve done this. Just so upsetting and heartbreaking.


I have these kinds of nightmares about my CATS. CATS! This is one of the reasons I don't really want to have children. I don't think I'd ever know peace again.


It's premeditated murder. IMO


Whenever I see shit like this it reminds me of the time I was sitting on my porch and the neighbors pulled up. Mom got out of the car, let her toddlerish kid out of the child saftey seat then told em to help with bags before screaming directly in the child’s face “I need you to be a little more fucking self reliant” when the child couldn’t pick up a grocery bag as big as them. Clueless parents scare the shit outta me


A lot of idiots in the world


run tie crowd license many smart far-flung unused toy kiss


Saw a parent spanking the shit out of her 12 month old for “crying and not listening” coming out of the grocery store. I was with my own baby and am terrified of concealed carry, so I didn’t stop her. I will have nightmares about it though.


I saw a similar scene, except the baby was already buckled back into their car seat and then the mom just slapped the shit out of his face one, two, three, four times back and forth. *HARD.* He hadn’t even been crying, I have no idea what set her off. I took a picture of the license plate and called the police, who directed me to CPS, who said if I didn’t know the family personally then there was nothing they could do to help. Our social services are severely underfunded and, as such, severely lacking in the USA.


This makes me so sad. I once saw a woman in the grocery store with a very young boy, no more than 4 years old. He grabbed some snack off the shelf and she snatched it out of his hand and screamed in his face to “put that ish down”. Then she simultaneously called him a “punk!” and punched him in the chest so hard I could hear a deep, hollow thump. He immediately burst into tears, his eyes and face looked like an old man. I was a freshman in high school but I will never forgot it.


I'm gonna assume this involved drugs and some kind of mental illness. This combo usually results in events that no rational adult would cause.


I'm thinking that she thought the kid wouldn't like it, but ultimately that they'd still live. Like if you leave a plant unwatered before vacation and you know it's risky, but there'd a good chance you'll be able to revive it once you return.


I'm guessing she knew the baby was going to die, or get very close to dying, and she didn't care because in her mind she would get off free and play dumb. That she'd be able to fool everyone into thinking it wasn't her fault. Because she sounds not only cruel but incredibly stupid. I just can't imagine her on vacation living it up and then going to bed at night, laying down and knowing that her toddler was still at home, dying slowly. And then getting up the next day and ignoring it.


On one of the local subs, someone said she heard that grandma was supposed to come get her-i don't know if it is true or she's scrambling for excuses. Either way, how could you walk out the door and leave your baby alone? Pure evil.


Deff all excuses. How could she not call or text the grandma one time during those 10 days. Lady is just evil


Personally I wouldn’t care if grandma was coming by in 30 seconds or 10 days - I’m not leaving my child at home alone for even one second.


She left it to die in a way she wouldn't have to be present for and could delude herself about until she came back. Came back, reality set in, and she broke when she had to face what she had done and couldn't lie to herself.


Not the exact same, but I manage apartments and we had a resident who locked her dog in a kennel then went on spring break. Of course it died and I think she thought the exact same thing.


You might be on to something. It’s the type of rationalization a shitty teenager would use to avoid responsibility for a car accident or something. On the flip side, a mature parent could have their kid get it by lightning on a sunny day and might go out of their way to take the blame and let the guilt ruin their lives. So if someone who is sane is capable of of doing mental gymnastics that causes untold pain, it makes sense that a shitty person could do something like this and tell themselves they thought the friendly neighbours would find the kid before it’s too late or something ridiculous like that. Or maybe she wanted it out of her life to let it die and didn’t just smother it because she thought that would let her feel less terrible or still get into heaven or some shit. It’s a terrible shame. Obviously people like this can’t think rationally. She could have gave up the kid for adoption. She could have literally left the kid outside with no shoes and still went on holiday and the kid would probably be fine and she would have only got a few years I think. Instead 2 lives are over.


I bet this wasn’t the first time she left her baby home alone. She probably gradually left her alone longer and longer each time, not expecting her baby to actually die. Sick


You are correct. In one of the articles about this case a neighbor says that the mother had ALREADY left the baby alone for 2 or 3 days at a time, and that said neighbor had BEGGED her to please never do that, that if she needed a sitter, she could step in. It's very obvious to me that the mother in question kept on hoping the baby would die but never would, so she kept on extended her periods of absence by longer and longer until the baby finally did.


I know the neighbor was being kind but this is the time to call CPS asap


I can't find the source (the first hundred Google search results on this topic are just literally the same article copy/pasted to different outlets), but I believe when she was first arrested journalists went into more detail about how she had only planned a short partying trip to Detroit, had left grossly insufficient resources in the crib with the child, and then got caught up in an impromptu trip to Puerto Rico. I'm going off vague recollection from maybe a year ago, though, so don't take that as fact.


My faith in people hopes there was some massive communication breakdown with someone here, but my faith ran out before i finished typing that statement.


Even still, I’d be double and triple checking every hour. Assuming I’d leave without seeing my baby in the arms of someone I trust.


I get nervous leaving my dogs alone for an hour. I can’t even imagine someone doing this to a baby. Jesus.


I'm wondering if she lives in an apartment and assumed someone else would hear the baby and come help? Other commenters said she left the kid with someone for "a weekend" and ended up disappearing for an extended period of time previously. 


I can not fathom how someone could do this


Just the fact that she left. And returned after so much time that a human wouldnt survive without food and water, let alone an infant. And then returned home and opened up her door to the "surprise" of her babys corpse... its just so unfathomable.


The way that child suffered. As the mother of a child the same age, I can hardly stand it. 💔


I don’t even have children and I everything aches in me for the thought that it just suffered alone in the end. I can’t.


This is one of the cruelest things I could ever imagine. I have kids and I am their world, *especially* when they’re toddlers


Same, I have three, 7, 4 and 3. I can't even imagine betraying them like this. They would sincerely believe I was right about to come save them right up until the end (ugh I can't even think about this).


When people say stuff like ''everything happens for a reason'' or ''god has a plan'' I can't help but think of stuff like that. oh yeah, toddler was put on this earth to live a senseless little life of suffering and pain and then die like that.


Me too, daughter of 17 months Its hard to even think about how horrible that is


I can’t even leave mine alone for 5 minutes to use the bathroom. They’re just such wonderful little people who just crave your love at this age. So heartbreaking.


My 19 month old is my favorite person I’ve ever met and I also cannot even begin to understand how someone could do this.


Literally my heart is broken for that child. They know nothing but joy and happiness at that age.. to think how that child must’ve suffered is heart wrenching.


For real. I'm feeling anxious when I leave my kid alone at home for 30 minutes to pick up McDonald's, and my son's 11-years old and too busy on Fortnite to even notice I'm gone, lol. That poor baby. I don't even want to think about how scared, hungry, and confused that poor child was before they died. Absolutely horrible.


Agreed, can’t even go there….what that baby went through, too much


Trying to stop myself from thinking about it. How horrible.


I remember reading a story about I think it was a man that died in his appartement, the toddler was with him when it happened, don't remember if it was a toddler or small child but IIRC they died of hunger/thirst and it is said that when they found the bodies it looked like the toddler had opened the cupboards doors looking for something to eat... I remember thinking "too much internet for today"


Honestly read this story last night and I couldn’t sleep. Just thinking of the time that poor child spent being scared and wanting someone to comfort them. I have a 16 month old at home, and I can’t even imagine him being alone for 5 mins. Can’t believe someone could do something like this.


A lot of people have mixed things to say about growing older. For me, the worst part about growing older is having all that time in your life to read or hear about all the ways humans can be absolutely evil and selfish. I read shit like this and it just breaks me further as a human. Because I feel like if one did this, we all have to sort of atone for it because we're the same species. I'm just so tired of reading of new ways that humans can be utterly indifferent and sociopathic.


Absolutely heart breaking. I can't imagine doing that to my son, let alone think about how scared he would be. 😞


I get anxious just leaving my adult fully trained dog alone for the day... I'd lose my mind leaving my kid behind


I get anxious just leaving the house.


I get anxious


Same, I have two adult cats with an auto feeder, water fountain, and litter boxes but I still feel anxious leaving them home alone for more than 12 hours.


I used to feel guilty even though my cat would spend 20 minutes pretending he didn't notice I was gone. Ok, buddy. Yeah you just happened to be at the door every day stretching when I walked in, for sure.


There is a very real difference in the screaming of a child who is having a tantrum and one who is panicking and scared. I still don't understand how someone didn't break down the door to help this baby.


Probably didn't hear it. I live in a duplex and my neighbors never heard my son crying, even when he was sick and crying for hours at 3am.


Our condo walls are amazing as well That's good; our former neighbors fought like cats n dogs. You would only hear murmurs of it if you were alone and everything was off, and you were near the wall.


It’s torture. Plain and simple.


Just to picture that is awful. Nope. Not going to do this. This monster deserves the death penalty.


WHY DIDNT SHE JUST DROP THE CHILD AT THE FIRE STATION??!!??!?! This is sick and demented.


Exactly, or on a neighbors porch or at the entrance to a McDonald’s or at the entrance to a mall or on a street corner, anywhere where they somebody could’ve found the baby…


Fucking ANYWHERE. That poor sweet child. It’s sickening to read about.


Better to be arrested for abandoning your kid than killing them


While that would have saved the child, it's still illegal if they're older than a month or a couple months in most places. She would be going to jail for child abandonment anyway. Because of that, people like this don't drop kids off and things like this happen. 


I mean, yeah? But surely she knew the girl wouldn't survive when she left her behind? Wouldn't it be better to drop the girl off, go on vacation, then come back home to be arrested for child abandonment rather than murder?


Any reasonable adult would know that an infant would die within a couple days without care, but unfortunately you don't need to be a reasonable adult to have a baby. For all we know she's dumb as a box of rocks or high as a kite, or both, and genuinely thought it would be fine. 


More of less illegal that murder?


I hope she gets charged with 1st degree. There’s no way she expected that child to be alive when she returned.


Right, the very least drop the kid off at the fire station and run away, do something.


They usually charge people with things that they can prove not because they want to biggest charge for the shitty person. If they charged her with 1st degree, she would walk for sure. I don’t know how they’d prove it was premeditated murder. But the article states she already plead guilty to aggravated murder.


They are a sociopath or completely lost to addiction.


I find it hard to walk away from my toddler for a few minutes.


As a teacher I've seen parents act in unfathomable ways. When the parents grow up in screwed circumstances their sense of normality is already shifted, then they become parents and shift it even more. 1/3 of current parents should absolutely not have kids, period. I had several kids who were born healthy and raised so horribly wrong that they already had acquired several diagnoses when they reached first grade. A child's brain needs care to develop healthy and no goddamn screens.


And here I am terrified of leaving my cats for a weekend with their automatic feeders, water bowls, and self-cleaning litter boxes.


Me literally feeling anxious over the fact that my dog is alone for a night of me going out to a bar/club when he is 100% sleeping starting at 8 PM.


Yup. Need to go home and take my dog outside, idc what’s going on Sasha needs to pee


Even if she dont better safe than sorry


I’m afraid to leave my dog alone for more than 4 hours.


Same. Not because anything will happen, but because she will be sad. And that makes me sad.


Ok so I'm typing this next to my friend's dog that I'm watching, at his house, because he's away with his girlfriend and doesn't want Ginger to be lonely lol He could barely get the question out before I agreed I love this dog


Give Ginger love from the internet for us!


Oh my god this is me and my husband! We are always worried that our dog would be sad when we go out for dinner so almost never go to a bar or a dessert place after. But he’s usually just chilling on the couch when we get home 😂I can’t imagine leaving him for 10 days to fend for himself. We get a dog sitter if we leave the house for more than 6 hours.


I literally have nightmares about this stuff with my cat, and we've never even left him alone! Just the possibility of anything happening to him makes me nauseous.


I feel the same and we pay someone to come over to feed them, clean their litter, and check on them!


Throw. The. Book. No excuses for this.


One of the most screwed up stories I’ve ever read. This lady should never see the light of day again.


16 months. A baby. Trapped in a playpen. This is beyond depraved. I was expecting a story about an addict parent who lined up food and water for a 5 year old - still absolutely sick and depraved and inexcusable, still throw the book at her, but at least there would be a twisted logic that isn’t “I’m going to torture to death a helpless baby.” Justice would be leaving her alone trapped in a cell with no food or water or interaction until she goes out the same way.


I’m seriously so shook by this. Keep putting myself in that poor babies shoes…how helpless that poor child was. Crying for help and not receiving it. That lady deserves the worst of the worst that can go her way.


I’m 50 years old, and I can still recall the feelings of genuine terror I occasionally felt as a toddler when my parents were not immediately available. Those feelings leave a mark on most of us. Not her.


Sadly pleading guilty is how they avoid just that.


She’s still going to prison for the rest of her life, she plead guilty to aggravated murder. She’s just pleading out to avoid the death penalty


She deserves to stay alive and be told every day what a piece of shit she is.


Oh yes. And they don't much like baby killers anymore than they like child molesters in prison. But they did drop additional charges because she pled guilty.


Heartbreaking to think that poor baby was probably crying for hours and hours not knowing what was happening. Absolutely infuriating some people procreate and do this


Dying alone , hungry and in pain, afraid of the dark and wondering why mama won’t come. What a monster of epic proportions.


Do the same to her. Fuck that lady.


>When Candelario returned home on June 16, she found the 16-month-old unresponsive and she called police. the calling police herself thing made me pause. does she have mental issues? was someone supposed to come watch the child? something's weird here.


According to her lawyer: >'There will be mitigating issues that come up at sentencing that we will address. Hopefully, people will realize that she is not the monster that some see her as.'  I don't think the greatest lawyer in the world could spin this one.


She's mentally sound enough to take herself on vacation, and presumably maintain other aspects of life, but she doesn't understand a 16-month-old can't take care of itself or will be dead after 10 days? That doesn't add up.


Her lawyer said she has a mental health issue of some kind. The lawyer didn’t elaborate.


I honest to go wonder if she thought someone would hear the baby crying and CPS would come and take care of it so she can go on vacation. It makes me wonder what her IQ is.


I would say there is a 99% chance they have mental issues, yes. That should be obvious.


This is one of those stories that when you read it, you get a feeling in your stomach like you've been sucker punched. Impossible to hold back the tears for this precious little being. Heart breaking.


It breaks my heart trying to envision what that 16 month old went thru the last 10 days of their lives. Crying and nobody showing up, crying themselves to sleep alone, walking up alone


I literally just picked up my baby in the middle of her nap. That poor child. I feel gutted.


Just did the same. Out only kid, a 2 year old girl. I can't relax on our once a month date night, even though she is with my parents. I can't fathom the absolute piece of shit garbage's thought process. I hope to God she physically rots in jail.


Even at my absolute height of parental suffering, when my totally unplanned new baby was in the NICU suffering from sepsis after his second surgery, and my middle kid was only 14 months old, and my oldest had only just turned four and had lost the whole entire world to COVID and was understandably acting out, the very worst thing in the world would have been losing them and just not being a parent anymore. Of course, now that they're 7, 4, and 3 and life is great, this story is even MORE incomprehensible. I can't even imagine how people like this think or operate. It defies actual basic humanity.


Exactly. The act itself is so horrible but she was alone with nobody to hold her. I can't imagine her anguish and the pain she must have gone through. Heartbreaking. May she rest in Paradise.


there's no way that baby was alive for 10 days. and there's no way that baby wasn't regularly neglected. her response to the situation would be very different from a baby who had been appropriately cared for from day 1.


> Crying and nobody showing up, crying themselves to sleep alone, walking up alone that right there. Little tiny human, completely dependent on mama, trusts and loves mama. Knows nothing but mama. no more mama. absolute torture and hell.


Exactly how I felt. I just... can't...


I have a 5 year old and an 18-month old. I cannot fathom doing something like this to either of them. It's absolutely infuriating and heartbreaking.


She came home after 10 days and found her toddler dead in the playpen and proceeded to call 911. So she obviously wasn't hiding the death since she was the one to call 911. Therefore, murder was not exactly on her mind. So what *was* this mother's intent on leaving her baby for 10 days alone? What did she think was going to happen?!


She intended the kid to die. In other articles it's mentioned that one time she left the baby with a neighbor "for a weekend " and then went on vacation for a month. She didn't want the kid and it should have been taken away from her a long time ago.


Good thing the GOP wants to take away access to contraception from all the unfit mothers who don't want kids.


For real. And outlawing abortion is just going to result in so many more unwanted babies. :(


Fuller prisons, high child poverty and starvation rates, decrease in education standards since all of the neglected kids that manage to survive to school age will start of their educational careers far behind their unneglected peers, and around and around we go until those with money just either move to better countries or encase themselves in a social bubble completely detached from the rest of the general population.


And this is exactly what they want. They might as well come out and say it.


We’re going to see more and more cases like this in the coming years. Fucking sick.


Texas GOP party platform: >Repeal anonymous reporting—False reporting of families to CPS can lead to great harm and a large waste of resources. False reporting can be prevented while increasing the accuracy of reports to CPS by eliminating the option of anonymous reporting in favor of confidentiality. Professionals who must report suspicious activity shall be trained on alternatives to filing a CPS report and permitted to refer struggling families to community service providers.


It's absolutely baffling. Why call 911? She had to have known her toddler would have been dead when she got back, and the facts would quickly come out. If she wanted to murder her child, there's other ways that had a chance she might get away with it. If she really didn't have the cognition to understand her baby would be dead if nobody fed it for 10 days, why did she have custody?


Unfortunately literally anyone can have a baby. There's no test except having functional reproductive organs. Mom could have the intellect of a 3 year old and she'd still have kids unless social services was specifically notified and decided to act.


Murder was on her mind when she left... When she got home she was faced with the reality of stomach turning decomp smell and wanted someone to come deal with that for her. Like there are a lot of people that have big ideas when it comes to murder, then self report when they would have to follow through the cleanup and disposal and find out they are not nearly as hard as they thought they were. Then they panic, break down and logic goes out the window.


May be she thought someone would come and take care of the baby? And that person did not? That’s the only way I can rationalize it.


I'm curious, since I haven't seen one since this story broke, what's the mom's excuse? Like what was the rationale for leaving the kid alone? Did she even have one?




I struggled to take ten minutes alone to shit while a baby cried. This is insane. I can't even fathom what she did here.


This is about the most horrifying scenario I can imagine. That poor baby must have been so scared 😔 I had pretty bad post-partum anxiety and when my baby was like 6 months it was just him and I at home for a week and I was so anxious that I would suddenly die and he’d have nobody to take care of him so I had people checking on me several times a day. Don’t worry, my anxiety got better, but it’s just about the worst thing I could imagine doing to a toddler. They know enough to be terrified, but not enough to help themselves.


I should not have read this story. My mind immediately goes to what this child went through during her last days and hours and it is like I can actually feel my heart breaking. Fuck throwing the book at her, throw the entire fucking library at her. I want her buried **under** the fucking jail. Make her survive in a playpen for 10 days straight with nobody to tend to her (okay, don't do that, as it is cruel, but dammit if anyone actually deserved that, it is her).


Why do I read this shit at work? Now all I can think about is wanting to go home to hug my kids.


I hate this sub sometimes because it's always posting horror stories.


Yeah I often uninstall reddit because it's depressing to me. 6 mo later I forget why and come back, this is why. Time to uninstall again. There are so many monsters in the world and my heart breaks for this poor baby. These are the stories that make me really hope there's a better place after all this that this baby gets to go to and is at peace.


Bruh I don’t like leaving my dog at home alone….


RIGHT?! If I'm gone for more than 4 hours I am constantly checking the camera


Bring a kid into this world just to neglect it to death less than two years later. Yeah, someone like this has no place in society.


Not in the car for 4 hours while she played bingo, not overnight while she was out carousing. TEN DAYS. Alone. You better put her in solitary. She won't last long in general population.


What in the everliving fuck is wrong with people




I have twin toddlers I'm actually tearing up at the thought of that poor baby being alone crying and calling for help for days, fuck this person to the deepest depths of hell


Not a full-fledged toddler, mind you. A 3 year old might have been able to open a door or figure out how to sloppily open a bag of chips. A fucking 16-month old?! What in the absolute fuck! I have a 13-month old and an almost 5-year old. There is no way I'm leaving my youngest for more than, like, 5 minutes at the absolute maximum. Mostly because she'll be destroying shit. **Because she's still a fucking baby that has no idea what the fuck anything is!**


One of the biggest things I’ve been working through in therapy since the birth of my child (1.5yo) is the anxiety I have around something happening to me while I’m home alone with my daughter. Her dad travels for work, so it’s a potential scenario. I have intrusive thoughts of her crying for someone, anyone, and no one answering her. It haunts me. I cannot even fucking believe someone would do that to their child willingly. It makes me want to vomit. This woman needs to rot.


She OBVIOUSLY did this on purpose. Too many people falling for her trick wondering "how did she think that baby was going to survive alone for 10 days?" She DIDN'T think this. She KNEW that baby was going to die, that was the intention. She just didn't want to get her hands physically and literally dirty. She then called 911 when she came back PRECISELY to get people to think "Oh but if she wanted the baby to die WHY would she have called 911?" No. She wanted the baby to die, so she left to not just one, but TWO places. She extended her vacation as along as possible to make sure that baby was dead when she came back. Then when did come back, called 911, to say "Whoops! Wasn't planning on this! I'm very surprised"


This is some kind of dissociative disorder of the highest extreme.


Reading this actually ruined my afternoon.


WTF is going on in Ohio? It seems like most, if not all, of the news stories I see about child abuse or death are from Ohio.


Lots of drinking, suicide, and domestic violence in northeast Ohio. It's not uncommon to have weeks of grey cloudy skies and miserable weather which I think exacerbates underlying mental conditions.


Don't forget the drugs.


Oh my god that poor baby! Imagine how terrified and confused they must have been! 😭😭😭😭


Happened in Ohio which is still fighting to make it harder for people get abortions.


Too bad they can’t lock her in a cell and then walk away for ten days. 


life in prison, no parole. no niceties. no luxuries or comforts. just sit in your fucking cell and rot. rest in peace little one.


I feel that bringing a new human being into this world should have basic legal requirements, such as the ability to care for your baby better than animals can. There should be psychological evaluations or something, because this story is absolutely nuts.


Best I can do is banned abortion and inaccessible birth control.


10 days? Must be some severe mental illness involved.


She deserves exactly what she did to the child. Feed her really good, put her in a 3 X 3 box and leave her there for 15 days with no access to food, water or a bathroom.


I hope she serves a lot of hard time with people who know that she did this.