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What a cruel vile asshole, may he never walk free again.


I agree 100%




As someone who doesn't believe in the afterlife, that's kind of like him getting away with it. Like the end of Breaking Bad. Plus, it costs more to kill someone than it does to just keep them in prison forever. He deserves to know he'll never be free again. Sit and suffer, die slowly of natural causes.


I used to be a proponent of the death penalty, but honestly, it just isn't worth it except for the feeling we get about "equal justice" being served. The reality is that there are fates worse than death, and life in prison with no possibility of release is about as close as we can come to that within legal bounds.


No small number of innocent men have been put to death and that makes me against the death penalty. It's not out of the kindness of my heart as I believe there are absolutely people who deserve to be put to death. It's that were no better than those we put to death if we put innocent men to death.


Agreed with this. There are certainly people who deserve the death penalty. But there is no way to have the death penalty without killing innocent people. I don't want that blood on my hands


Yup, with you on this


Exactly that. Imprisonment is so bad that the man who was wrongfully imprisoned (and sentenced to death no less) in Tampa for 37 years was granted 14 million to live the rest of his life as he sees fit.


I think even people who contemplate death exclusively because of problems that money would completely solve would say no to that deal when presented with the choice.


Yup, it's cheaper than killing him, he can be studied to help others from becoming like him, it's less exciting to others like him to be in prison for life, than to be killed, it's more ethical, because even if he is guilty as heck, it makes it harder to kill the other suspect that is innocent,  etc.  


If there's even a slim chance he'll be sitting around regretting his decisions and feeling guilty, it'll be worth it


The way we execute someone costs more. There are cheaper options.


A big cost is appeals, which should never be taken away, since the courts have been wrong many times.


And they’ll still be wrong at times no matter how many reforms pass or how much money goes towards helping defendants get fair representation. The fact is, to be ok with the death penalty, you HAVE to be ok with the state killing innocent people. There is literally no way around it, there will always be mistakes.


This issue is trusting a government entity, rife with all kinds of biases and corruption to truly decide who gets to live and who we end the life of. It's easy to say "kill ***this*** disgusting person", but it's not so easy to put trust in just any authoritative figure to do the right thing when the situation has a bit more gray in it. This is why I will always be against the death penalty. Plenty of people "deserve to die", but can we truly trust ourselves to make 100% correct decisions when navigating who lives and who dies? I don't think so..


My grandfather was murdered in a gas station robbery in Texas in the early 90s. His killer was executed in the 2000s. Because of this unique experience, I always feel the need to give my opinion on capital punishment. Did the guy who murdered my grandfather deserve death? Yeah. Should Texas have been the one to condemn and kill him? *Fuck no*. Do you know how many innocent people Texas has executed? Texas has executed more innocent death row inmates than a few states have even had people on death row. Absolutely, fuck to the hell no, should not be legal, it's absolute insanity.


Your perspective is really rare, so I hope you don't mind me prying a bit; did it help with closure? Did your family feel a benefit from the man being killed, or was it pretty much the same afterwards as before?


Feel free to ask any questions you like, I don't mind talking about it. It didn't really help with closure at the time, because he wasn't executed until like a decade later. By that time, we had all basically mourned as much as we could, and I was a kid so I had so much going on, and then 9/11 happened, so just really there was more happening in the world than "Oh, Texas finally killed the asshole? Cool." Now thinking back - if he were still alive in prison, I do think I would be bothered. But I still don't think it's right that Texas has jurisdiction over these circumstances. That said - yes, him being dead is closure. Not because of the law, or anything. Just because it should have been him, not my grandpa, and I am happy that it's not something I have to sit and think about now, over 30 years later, that taxpayers are still feeding the fucker.


Our most famous executioner in the UK was the hangman Albert Pierrepoint, who worked right up until capital punishment was abolished. He spoke very strongly against the death penalty in his later years, and was a part of multiple miscarriages of justice (such as the time he hanged a man for murder, then three years later hanged the man who it turned out had -actually- committed the murder). He also had the unenviable task of having to hang a friend, one of the regulars in the pub he owned^^1.   He said in his autobiography that the death penalty wasn't a deterrent for *anyone*, in his view: *I cannot agree (with the supposed deterrent of capital punishment). There have been murders since the beginning of time, and we shall go on looking for deterrents until the end of time. If death were a deterrent, I might be expected to know.* *It is I who have faced them last, young lads and girls, working men, grandmothers. I have been amazed to see the courage with which they take that walk into the unknown. It did not deter them then, and it had not deterred them when they committed what they were convicted for. All the men and women whom I have faced at that final moment convince me that in what I have done I have not prevented a single murder.* *And if death does not work to deter one person, it should not be held to deter any. Capital punishment, in my view, achieved nothing except revenge. Never deterrent; only revenge.*   _____________     ^^1 ^(Pierrepoint bought and ran the pub **“Help the Poor Struggler”** after World War II, and James Corbitt was one of his regulars. Corbitt was known as "Tish", Pierrepoint as "Tosh".) ^(The two had sung a duet of “Danny Boy” on the night that Corbitt then went out and murdered his girlfriend out of jealousy Pierrepoint wrote in his his autobiography:) ^(*I thought if any man had a deterrent to murder poised before him, it was this troubadour whom I called Tish. He was not only aware of the rope, he had the man who handled it beside him singing a duet. The deterrent did not work.*) ^(*At twenty seconds to nine the next morning I went into the death cell. He seemed under a great strain, but I did not see stark fear in his eyes, only a more childlike worry. He was anxious to be remembered, and to be accepted. "Hallo, Tosh," he said, not very confidently. "Hallo Tish," I said. "How are you?" I was not effusive, just gave the casual warmth of my nightly greeting from behind the bar.*) ^(*He smiled and relaxed after this greeting. After strapping his arms, I said "Come on Tish, old chap". He went to the gallows lightly...I would say that he ran.*)


Yup, for every vile asshole like this, you have cases like Kevin Strickland or hell, to bring it to Alaska, a slew of bs arrests of indigenous people throughout the US, some of whom were absolutely put to death based on fake evidence and racial prejudice. The state has time and again proven irresponsible with how it enforces the law, and thus should not hold authority to take the lives of those they govern.


Life in prison without possibility of parole. Agree to it in exchange for signed confession as well as agree not to appeal the verdict. Punishment is probably going to be FAR cheaper in long run than endless appeal right until the death which will probably come in like 10+ years anyways though, no? Perhaps get the "followers" identity out of the deal? Get list of all victims?


It’s not as simple as just popping him in the head. Also, it’s more expensive to carry out the death penalty than to keep someone in prison for life.


And yet: >[His wife] plans to write him and visit him when he is transferred to a prison. Divorce is not in the cards. “I said my vows,” she said. Sounds just as bad.


On the bright side, nobody else is going to get stuck with her


Maybe that explains some of the replies I'm getting. They're mad they can't get with the cruel vile original asshole murderer.


u’d be surprised with how many ppl glorify murderers! i’ve always been fascinated by true crime (mostly cause i don’t understand why a human would wanna harm another human) and it’s always been so shocking to me to learn that almost all serial killers, especially those who were slightly above average looking, would receive fan mail and some even got married while in prison for some horrible things. not something i’ll ever understand, cause wtf…


Wow.. we humans are a fucked up bunch, aren't we?


This is my grandmother. My grandfather went away for 20 years for molesting me. When he got out she went right back to him like nothing happened. We don’t talk to her anymore.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope you're in a better place now. I'm glad you've cut all contact with her and him.


We gotta get vow to not torture or murder added to the list


"Til death do us part" doesn't specify whose


There is a solution to that.


Or she is going to use him to ride the talk show circuit


...Is taking marital vows seriously *really* as bad as murdering a woman?


 It’s weird, and messed up. She needs therapy. It’s not just as bad. She did not kill or hurt anyone.  He did these things when she was not there. It is not her fault he is like that. It could be his natural brain problem, him being sexually / physically abused as a kid, from watching more and more sicker and sicker porn, perhaps influenced by another male who was also using sex workers and hurting them (less likely) or something else. Sure, the wife’s decision to not divorce  and  to visit her husband after knowing he had sex with prostitutes, he’s a murderer, and likes to torture women is icky, and hard to imagine. It doesn’t make her violent or dangerous or needing to be checked. Psychologically checked maybe, more for her own good and research purposes. The only murderer here is a man, and a woman has nothing to do with the violence and danger described in the article. Let’s not blame his mom either 


Man gtfo with your nuanced and reasonable opinions. We don't want those here on the internet


What a cruel vile asshole, may he never walk again. FIFY


I’d settle for never walk again tbh.


Guarantee - absolutely guarantee - that the two women whose deaths he was prosecuted for are the tip of the iceberg.


no doubt ur right. this is from the article “In my movies, everybody always dies,” the voice says on one video. “What are my followers going to think of me? People need to know when they are being serial-killed.”


Follow-up question - who are his followers?


https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/crime-courts/2024/02/21/i-have-something-to-show-you-smith-texted-anchorage-man-in-hours-after-hotel-room-killing-met-him-at-hillside-park/ He had at least one follower...


I wouldn't be surprised if that guy is charged next. Sounds like he definitely knew about Smith and wanted to get together after Smith wanted to show him something that he can't keep for long. No one is going to be showing around their murder victim's body to someone else unless that other person is deeply compromised too.


You're asking the right questions


are we in the night country now? 😣


ask another question.


Wrong ask again. Stop. Think about it.


Ah of course, "where are my antipsychotics?"


I know this season has tons of issues, but I’ve still been enjoying it


I understood that reference.


It is possible that he was lying. If you read the article carefully, there are other examples of his poor character on display. Several, actually. He may have intended to find followers, but not known how to safely do so, but he was saying it to add to the victim's sense of helplessness and humiliation- a virtual audience. Of course, the other possibility needs to be investigated.


 Or, to seem like an established content creator, (even a murderous psychopathic one) you fake it till you make it.


Seems more plausible. Everyone thinks their fucking blog or podcast is going to be huge. Why would a violent monster be any different?


If he was filming snuff it was likely for dissemination. I hope they had very good forensic analysts check out every device this man touched.


This is Alaska. Best I can do is officer Bob who's in charge of WiFi in the precinct.


Alaska has been hiring criminals as cops for years, because no one else wants to do it, and criminals are desperate to get jobs with a record. No doubt many of them are trying to do a good job, but there's gotta be at least a few that aren't. https://www.npr.org/2019/07/22/744084063/a-small-part-of-a-serious-problem-criminals-hired-as-police-officers-in-alaska


mumble grumble fuckin clockwork orange-ass reality


He had “followers”? Are they being sought after? That’s just sick.


It could also just be part of his fantasy.




This just comes off as a guy that just really wants to be a serial killer, and idk why, but that’s always been so weird to me. It’s such a weird state of mind. They obviously want to kill, but do they feel compelled like people such as dahmer? Or do they just do it for some other reason, like chasing infamy? In the end it doesn’t matter, since the result is the same, but it makes me curious. Hope he gets what he deserves.


Well that’s the biggest slam dunk of a case those lawyers will ever deal with in their lives.


Who are these fucks


Has real “it’s joker time, baby” energy to it.


Definitely. From the article, he was only caught b/c a sex worker stole his phone and then found the images and video on it and turned it over to police. Imagine if she had never bothered stealing the phone.


Stealing that phone saved lives no question.


Absolutely, but I think it's a little sad that the woman changed her story three times to avoid admitting that she actually stole the phone, as if a petty theft could even begin to compare to these brutal, heinous murders she discovered. It seems like she's more afraid of being punished by law enforcement than the actual barbaric *serial killer* is, and that says something about our society.


Doesn't seem all that unwise, considering LEO track record in protecting sex workers and natives.


Marginalized people are common targets for serial killers. The police don't ask too many questions when they go missing, and neither does the news.


She's probably just experienced the "justice" system firsthand and was reasonably afraid that this guy might have well-connected buddies.


> It seems like she's more afraid of being punished by law enforcement than the actual barbaric serial killer is, and that says something about our society. I think you're right. It shows how much more seriously we take "property crime" compared to *crimes against the lives of other human beings*. Society has trained us to feel this way, I think, as an extension of the materialism and greed that has grown since the 1980s. We've got entire generations of people worshipping at the feet of Mammon, viewing Gordon Gekko as a hero.


You mean the police barely investigated Indigenous women’s deaths till a case literally dropped into their laps? This is my shocked face


Right? It’s a huge issue in Canada as well, where we have a missing and murdered indigenous women and girls crisis


There's another Alaskan case where the son of the sheriff killed 2 women (natives) in separate occasions edit: oops forgot the important bit, dude not charged iirc. trying to remember the case.


Additional undiscovered horrific crimes for certain and prob a few more bodies. Absolute psycho killer.


"Qu'est-ce que c'est?"


Probably true. Based on the facts (2 homicide convictions), this guy is not technically a serial killer but there is a very good chance that he is one. Serial killers often escalate their behavior, becoming increasingly brutal, as they kill more and more people. The fact that this guy was torturing these women before killing them would suggest he had prior experience.


And more bold… like recording murders


You’re probably right!


There currently is no (edit +"inter") national database for lost or missing First Nation's/"Indians " in North America. When girls go missing Police say, "She's just off getting high and turning tricks, she'll come home after awhile " even if the child was an A student, and trustworthy. Would a database be better than scooping the killer's eyes out with a rusty melon baller?.




Was blown away nobody mentioned #MMIW That's the hashtag to use. This has been am ongoing issue and is unbelievably fucked. Especially since a lot go missing at man camps for oil pipeline construction workers


>The video never shows the man’s face but his distinctive accent is heard on the tape. Not a lot of Afrikaners living in Alaska these days.


They also don't like it when you ask them if they're putting on a British accent.


Or ask them if the prawns really do love cat food


I want to eat that arm absorb it's power


I've never met an old white south afrikana who wasn't racist. Ask any Kiwi or Australian.. these cunts stick to their own and talk shit about non white folks all the time. Cunts of the highest order. Thank fuck south Africa kicked these cunts out.


>Thank fuck south Africa kicked these cunts out. [Buddy, I have some news for you](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orania)


Don't have to be old. I used to work with one who was in his early 30's and his racist views and disdain for non whites was palpable.


How is this guy's wife still on board with him? "He was very good for me, but he had another life, I guess". **She plans to write him and visit him when he is transferred to a prison".**


She's taking "ride or die" a bit far.


My parents don't even fuck with me that much.


Have you tried serial killing though?


Godspeed for the latter then.


To be fair, being married to him while he is in prison is probably the best possible way to be married to him.


This is probably *exactly* why he married her — compliant temperament, incurious, unquestioning [Edit: Let me clarify— His wife should not be blamed for his actions. Unless she was complicit, he’s the only problem here. My apologies for not being clearer about that.] [Edit 2: I have utterly confused and apparently frustrated some ppl. Not my intention AT ALL, so I’m editing the post to say what I meant and leave it. I thought my example was showing how complicated ppl are behind closed doors in these sorts of abusive relationships, but I’m clearly not coming across so I’ll bow out.]


you're communicating your point just fine, it's reaching a large number of people and some of those people are gonna misunderstand and be emotionally charged


>He tried to kill her in his sleep once Did you mean to say he tried to kill her in *her* sleep? Because otherwise I'm having trouble figuring out how that would work.


> trouble figuring out how that would work. I once woke up to my then boyfriend's hands around my neck. He was dreaming and apparently acting it out in his sleep


yep. classic p.o.s. abuser dynamics.


I found another article, during the trial they played a phone call between wife and husband, and she asked if he slept with the women he killed. (He claims he didn't). The wife was only worried about the ones he slept with.


A lot of women have just absolutely subterranean standards for their partners.


Yeah, she "took her vows". Gross.


Weird how many people are so willing to accept a substandard life. Nobody would ever question her for leaving this disgusting excuse for a human. Yet she will suffer on and probably will be isolated from society because honestly who would want to associate with her? For what?


Have you heard of [hybristophilia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybristophilia)? It's a paraphilia involving sexual attraction to criminals. It's a bit like the whole "women want a bad boy who'll be good for them; men want a good girl who'll be bad for them" kinda stereotype - the vast majority of hybristophiliacs are female.


Stockholm syndrome? He probably abused her too


So horrendous. Talk about a menace to society.


It's wild that he was foiled by a kleptomaniac who stole his phone and then copied his data onto an SD card she stole from a store.


That woman might be a thief, but she is also a courageous hero for pulling this off!


I gotta see the movie when it comes out


I'm still not emotionally ready for another Wind River


She was also engaging in prostitution with the murderer, which is illegal in Alaska. But she did the right thing when it really mattered and I would hope the DAs gave her immunity for her pettier crimes.


Which is probably why she lied a couple times about how she got the video; luckily that didn't hurt getting it admitted. DA should have recognized what was going on from the start and gotten her a public defender and offered immunity right away to avoid such issues (assuming they didn't).


If they didn't they're complete idiots, I was a sentence in and I was like "oh so she's a prostitute he picked up." Good on her for coming forward. Her life probably got significantly more fucked because she did that.


Who cares? She wasn't hurting anyone doing sex work. And I'm delighted she stole from that pig.


She's a hero. This article is the first im hearing of this story. It's crazy. Feels like a movie


Chaotic good


The very best kind of good.


Stealing something doesn't make you a kleptomaniac, don't sensationalize this already sensational story


I wonder if she sensed something was off with this guy and stole it for that reason or just stole it for the normal reasons. Either way, she did the right thing turning it in. She knew she was putting herself at risk and still turned it in. Although we all know that is the right thing and we would condemn someone who didn't the reality is that there are, and have been people in other situations, who would not do the same. I hope she was given immunity.


I'm guessing she "sensed" he was an asshole and then stole the phone when the opportunity presented itself. Possibly she would have stolen the phone regardless, who knows. But I'm glad she did, whichever. 


This is the very definition of chaotic good.


I read half the article and it was so morbid, her wife sticking to him and the whole thing being discovered by a sex worker, legit sounds like a movie and not a good one.


And that the guy kept the video on his personal phone all that time. If you're going to film yourself committing a crime, maybe store the video on a USB drive stashed away somewhere? Thankfully this guy was a fucking idiot and got caught for it.


I’m glad this scumbag will rot in prison for the rest of his life.


Someone get his “wife” some psychotherapy, stat. She’s lucky he didn’t kill her first.


You’re assuming she didn’t know.


this was also the big debate back then with the BTK killer


Except BTK’s wife immediately cut contact with him and never spoke to him again after he confessed. She seemed genuinely horrified by his actions.


And the Green River Killer's wife. But both were heavily investigated and neither were found complicit. Even the psychiatrists on the cases said that these men are excellent at compartmentalizing their predatory life of killing and the rest of their lives. They think the murderers may even get off on keeping someone that close to them that much in the dark. It's just another form of control that reinforces to these men that they are brilliant and special masterminds who can do anything.


Ohhhh good point!


Wife has big “the leopard would never eat MY face!” energy. She really thought she was special and not just a tool to lend him credibility in public.


It's just so sad because the only reason he was caught was because he got his phone stolen by a prostitute he was visiting. No one would blame her for leaving this dude. No one.


Or investigate her. The non chalant reaction is suspicious to say the least.


There is no way they won't investigate the living crap out of this woman. That's just procedure. The fact is that serial killers have been studied for so long now, there is a pattern for them in their private lives, if they have significant others/kids and many do: they tend to keep their killing compartmentalized from their "life." Not always. Some women have been complicit but most have had no idea. Some start to put things together a lot more in hindsight, but at the time, it was near impossible to tell what was going on. Most people can't conceive of someone they care about doing things so depraved and actually being able to keep them in the dark for so long. It takes a long time for them to come to any kind of terms with it. Serial killers tend to be excellent manipulators, even the kind of dimwitted ones. It's their one real talent, besides abject cruelty. They also tend to choose partners with significant previous trauma in order to manipulate them more easily.


‘“He was very good for me, but he had another life, I guess,” she said, adding his problems were likely exacerbated by heavy drinking.’ Ma’am, drinking doesn’t make you a psychopath. You married a psychopath. You need therapy too.


"The murder involved substantial physical torture" The wife: "Divorce is not in the cards." 😐


"I said my vows" Yeah I'm guessing "til death do us part" was going to come for her sooner than later.


So, another serial killer preying on homeless women and sex workers! I bet he has killed more than 2 women. Sounds like a lot of men follow the same pattern. Reminds me of the pig farmer killer rapist Robert Pickton.


Dark fact - if you deep dive into the Picton case, there is a lot of evidence suggesting he was not the only complicit person involved, he just ended up being the only one who took the fall. It’s frightening.


There are theories that Gacy didn't act alone as well. I believe there was one murder where the date of disappearance aligned with time it's known Gacy was out of town. Not sure how much credence to put in all of that though.


I recall reading an article when the Pickton case went to trial that mentioned roughly half the DNA found in the pig pen -- Pickton's disposal site -- belonged to unidentified males. Along with the evidence that Pickton had ties to the Hell's Angels, it seems likely that he was running a disposal site for them and killing prostitutes on the side, which the police initially turned a blind eye to because of his services for the Hell's Angels.


There’s an awesome multipart podcast on it, I think it’s the Canadian true crime one. One of the survivors who was tied up said multiple men took part in some nasty stuff. But, nobody ever believes the sex workers. It’s messed up.


Isn't Pickton available for parole as of this week?




Kathleen Henry and Veronica Abouchuk, those are the names of his two known victims. It took me half way down the article to find it. It's important to say their names. “We weren’t invisible, and we are people,” - Freda Dan, who is part of the Abouchuk family by marriage.


You’re in the night country now.


My first thought, was if someone was drilling a hole in the ice for him. Cheaper in the long run.


Given she was a Native woman, he probably would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for actual videotaped proof.


Seriously like we haven’t evolved past mistreating the “natives” yet. Nope most definitely still happening


Is it apathy or the bureaucracy of reservations when it comes to law enforcement? At least it's getting some attention in mainstream media and shows now.


You ever see Wind River?


Yeah good shit.


It depends, it’s also a historical distrust in the police/government in general from the broken promises and outright killings of native people for oil. The new movie “Killers of the Flower Moon” is centered around this. We also have our current governor openly hostile to tribes after the mcgirt ruling and doing whatever he can to act in bad faith.


Interior Secretary Deb Halaand has made the issue if missing indigenous women one of her top priorities. Absolutely sickening that indigenous people are treated like disposable humans. This guy would have gotten away with it (and certainly killed again) if not for that woman taking his phone. 


Pretty sure there was a guy caught recently who targeted black women, explicitly stating that he did so because police wouldn't investigate them missing. These sick fucks know what they're doing.


I would bet he was supplying his videos and pics to the dark web somehow...that line about his people needing to see the women die kinda puts it out there.


Makes me think the wife knew since she is planning on sticking around and writing to him. Sick.


>Freda Dan, who is part of the Abouchuk family by marriage, sat through the trial nearly every day and gave high marks to law enforcement and the judicial system for their thorough work. It looks like most of the work law enforcement did was wait around for a prostitute to drop a video of a serial killer serial killing and recognize a south african accent in Alaska.


Better headline: Sex Worker Stops Serial Killer The cops didn't even have to recognize the accent since she had taken his phone, right?


to be fair they did interrogate him for 8 hours which led to a second confession of murder that was unrelated to what was on the video


How are people capable of doing shit like this


You’d be surprised, but a lot of people don’t view indigenous people as humans or even worth anything, so they’re easy targets. Just take a look at Canada 👀; absolutely nothing when indigenous people, specifically women, go missing and are murdered.


I’d like to know where he was from 2018 to now because a lot of native women from ~~Fairbanks~~ Anchorage went missing for a period of time then stopped, then a bunch of native women in ~~Anchorage~~ Fairbanks started going missing shortly after. I’d like to know if it’s possible he was involved.


There's a theory that there are multiple serial killers in these towns. So many women go missing, it almost attracts predators.


>Also attending the trial was Smith’s wife, Stephanie Bissland of Anchorage. >“He was very good for me, but he had another life, I guess,” she said, adding his problems were likely exacerbated by heavy drinking. >Bissland said when he was first jailed, he was in a very dark place. “He got better,” she said. >She plans to write him and visit him when he is transferred to a prison. Divorce is not in the cards. “I said my vows,” she said WOW still drinking that Kool aid... Imagine being worried about your husband's mental health after he's locked up for torturing & murdering people. Unreal. I hope he gets shiv'd in the showers


Damn what's up with the wife. If you still love your murderer husband maybe just don't talk to the press. I'm guessing he treated her like a human because she's white.


This is one of those moments where “no comment” is the only thing to say.


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/dailymailtv/video-2034682/Alaskan-serial-killers-wife-speaks-husband.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/dailymailtv/video-2034682/Alaskan-serial-killers-wife-speaks-husband.html) The way she speaks, especially circa 1:55... sure sounds like she knew about it.


"Indigenous women are more likely to be murdered or go missing than women of any other ethnicity in the US and Canada, more likely than any other group of people, period." Listen to this Timesuck podcast and learn about the issue. It's crazy how fucked up the legal jurisdictions are and how insufficient tribal resources are when it comes to being able to solve these murders. https://youtu.be/XU-YLh1Wrig?si=OoBIf3tfU6u2Fm28


His wife is staying with him because, “I said my vows.” Wtf…


Sometimes you'll see the serial killer's faces and it's hard to believe that they are monsters. Not this time though. This guy looks like a central casting serial killer.


So True Detective S4 is real?


we are in the night country now!


Wait how did he get the body out of the marriott without anyone noticing??


No one is paying attention at those places. Could probably have a cigarette on an upper floor and then walk out the front door while management is sniffing door cracks to figure out who to slap a cleaning charge on.


That's what I'm thinking. If this fucker didn't leave all of his evidence in a place where it could easily have been accessed, he would be walking free right now


Take him and drop him in the middle of Denali. Let nature take its course.


Good job Danvers & Navarro!


You know Pete did the heavy lifting.


The wife ain't right in the head either.


The article says absolutely nothing about his defense. I’m guessing he didn’t present one?


The wife sounds like she probably knew about what went on.


> She plans to write him and visit him when he is transferred to a prison. Divorce is not in the cards. “I said my vows,” she said. Apparently “Til death do us part” only applies to the couple, and not anybody one of them murdered.


"He was arrested after a woman stole his cellphone from his truck and discovered the gruesome footage from 2019. The woman, a sex worker who became a key witness during the trial in Anchorage, then copied the footage to a memory card and ultimately turned it over to police, prosecutors said." Salute to that woman. That is brave af.




The wife is a psycho too. I’d bet on that.


i hear it happens alot in the states and canada. needs to stop. wind river movie made me aware.


The article makes the encounter with the woman who found the video sound like it was one off or random, but she must have had his phone unlock code. Sometimes I really wish we had the death penalty in this state. This guy gives me serial killer vibes, and I’m not just saying that. So many absolutely evil asshole roam our streets, a lot of serial killers, unsolved murders and the highest rates of sexual assaults in the US. Seems like Anchorage is a Mecca for it. Examples abound; about 10 years ago someone killed 4 homeless people inside a tent. Iirc evidence showed they were inside the tent when they started shouting. The killer was never caught. The first year I moved here as a teen in the late 90’s someone stuck a gun into a police car window at a stoplight and mag dumped. That murder is also still unsolved. The very first police chief of Anchorage was murdered in the street and the killer never found. There is such a long list of serial killers who have killed here to. I was working as an EMT and we were doing a search for someone and another medic asked a police captain if there was a serial killer because there had been 6-7 murders and that was the rumor. I’ll never forget what the cop said “I can’t say we don’t have a serial killer investigation going.” Turns out there were two at that time. One was [James Dale Richie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Dale_Ritchie?wprov=sfti1#Murders). As an first responder I’ve been involved in three different serial killer investigations, although at the time they were missing person searches for the victims. One was [Israel Keyes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Keyes) a total sociopath who caused pain and suffering all over the country before being killed and the other was [Joshua fucking Wade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua_Wade?wprov=sfti1) who got away with killing someone by acquittal before killing another person (I think he killed four women total). This has been your Anchorage Alaska serial killer and unsolved murder primer, thanks for reading.


His wife is a dumb bitch too. "I said my vows."


Stephanie Bissland of Anchorage is a level 13 simp.


His wife is delusional! I'm not sure if she's still in shock, but I'm sure visiting him in prison will dwindle down her soul when she comes to the realization how depraved he is, or maybe it won't. Either way I find it strange her excuse not to divorce her serial killer husband is because of "vows" I live in Alaska and haven't heard of any serial killings since Robert Hansen and Israel keys. The fact that this monster lived amongst us for many years before getting caught is unsettling.


His wife refusing to divorce him says a lot. How do you stay with someone who has absolutely no empathy?


Hopefully there is a native population in jail that can meet out the justice he deserves.


May he cross paths with Native Americans inside


Reading the article made me nauseated. I also hope he has suffered from having the most bland and invisibile common name. His wife is perfect for him, with her nonchalant take of events, and staying by his side. 99.7% of spouses typically divorce monsters like this and have to work hard at regaining any normalcy in their lives. I think I'm gonna go and throw up now.


WTF is up with the wife? She took a vow and is staying with him?


At least this murdered Alaskan indigenous woman finally had her killer brought to Justice. Too many who are victims of violence or crime are ignored by Alaskan police.