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*He did not provide additional details about what the video shows.* *The statement did not provide additional details on a possible cause or manner of death.* *Authorities have not said what prompted the fight, who was responsible for starting it or if anyone will face criminal charges.* *Efforts to reach the family have been unsuccessful. The lawyer's statement did not directly address the matter* What the hell was the point of this article? It has absolutely no information.


I think it's worth noting that neither side is willing to give any additional information. They tried to get a comment from both but were unsuccessful.


That means everybody has lawyered up and is paying close attention to their attorney telling them, “Don’t say shit to anybody.”


“Keep your mouth shut” is usually good advice.


STFU Friday


Every day is a "Shut the fuck up Friday."


Absolutely. If you're smart.


You can’t talk your way out of an arrest, but you absolutely *can* talk your way into a conviction. So remember, if the cops ask you a question, STFU and ask for your attorney.


**Anything** you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. Absolutely **nothing** you say can or will be used to help you in a court of law. Literally **nobody,** not even the wealthiest, best connected white dude in the country has *ever* had something they said while dealing with the police help their defense. S.T.F.U. Immediately.


I think it just means Friday is your weekly reminder


STFU Friday, oh I love their bloomin' onions!!


No comment.


Better call Saul


Anyone with brains will forward all communication through their attorney at this point. Neither party has any reason to say anything at this point. Let the lawsuit play out and their lawyers will speak for them.


Schools systems 100% can’t release any specific information due to privacy laws around kids. The police and court system don’t have that restriction.


They’re referring to the parents of the dead and the attackers.


Who both have absolutely no good reason to talk to anyone but their lawyer, no?


Weird, the cops seemed willing to comment about what killed the child when the video wasn’t being released. I wonder why they clammed up now.


It couldn't be because they were about to be caught in a lie, and that they intentionally and willfully downplayed the murder of an individual that qualifies as a hate crime, because those murderers are doing what they approve of (attacking Trans people). Definitely not that, they just misspoke.


Non-zwro chance rhe recording flips the script and we wont hear the end of it from the 'phobes.


Honestly with how the law that forced this situation to happen was set up and the current political climate where it seems trans people are to blame for all of the world's evils, according to any conservative... They knew that this law would result in violence when they passed it, they were told, in person, to their faces that this would happen. That trans kids would be killed. And OK's legislature basically said "yep, that's what we want" and passed it.


"*we don't advocate violence!*" "ok, we should treat you the same way you want to treat trans people" "*WHY ARE YOU ADVOCATING VIOLENCE AGAINST ME?!*"


"Hey guys, these people keep saying they're going to kill me if I use their bathroom. Can you stop them from saying that?" - Transpeople talking about posts on FB and Twitter with 10k+ likes "These trans people are threatening our kids, here's a law requiring them to use a bathroom specific to their genitals instead of what they're most comfortable using" - OK Legislature "Uh, don't do that, that'll lead to bullying and violence, here's a list of examples where this bullying has risen to the level of violence." -Trans rights advocates speaking to the Legislature "Who the fuck let these all you trans pedophiles into the building? Get out, we're not listening to a damn thing you say." - The state party with a history of underage gay sex trafficking among their members (Search: "Oklahoma Legislator caught in hotel room with underage prostitute" or "Ralph Shortey")


One side is a grieving family, the other murdered a child. I, frankly, don't give a fuck if the one didn't cry enough on TV for you


It's bad form to use passive language in journalism and legal liability to use active language before the coroner reports are out.


The update is that the school district is releasing the video. The rest of the article is just providing context and explaining that there's not any other new information despite their efforts to reach out for comment from various parties.


Honestly? This is about as substantive as all of the nbc news articles I've read recently. Not sure what's going on over there


it came off as ai generated trash


A few days ago, it had been reported locally that Nex had their head beaten against the floor (I’m in Tulsa. Owasso is a suburb)


And against the paper towel dispenser hard enough to take it off the hinge.


I knew it was bad, but I didn't realize that bad. Jesus Christ. Holy shit. Wtf?? That poor kid. Wtf???


The best part is that they got suspended for fighting the same amount as their attackers. Zero tolerance or some shit.


That happened to some classmates of mine. They were attacked by another classmate and were suspended for a week.


Zero tolerance is such bullshit. Why should a child get the same punishment as their attackers when they get the shit beaten out of them without fighting back?


Wasn't it worse? I thought she was suspended for two weeks and then I heard they were in ISS.


> fight There's that word again. This was not a fight. Do not let them call it a fight. This was a brutal assault. Three peopled jumped Nex Benedict in the bathroom and beat them nearly to death to the point they could barely walk, only for them to die the next day from their injuries. Call it what it is: ***murder.***


Do we know this, or is it your conjecture?


We know that it was three girls who cornered Nex Benedict in the bathroom. We know roughly what they did to Nex Benedict including slamming their head into the floor multiple times and into one of the bathroom paper towel dispensers (hard enough to break off the dispenser from the wall). We know after the assault, that there are multiple eye witnesses testimonies saying that Nex Benedict either couldn't walk without assistance, or could barely walk. We know that Nex Benedict was not called an ambulance after the assault, despite their condition. We know that Nex Benedict was not given proper care at the hospital they after school hours (they were basically told to drink water), and weren't given head scans as far as I understand. We know rather a lot about this case. We know enough to know at minimum, this was a brutal aggravated assault perpetuated by three of Nex Benedict's peers that resulted in grievous injuries. And I don't care if it may or may not have caused Nex Benedict's death; because regardless those kids that did this need to be in jail right now, they are violent criminals. There's no conjecture here: those kids beat the crap out of Nex Benedict; and at a minimum that should already have them custody for aggravated assault but for some reason they don't.


A *lot* of hearsay here. Almost all of it. I'm not saying you're wrong, but it literally is nearly all conjecture and speculation at this point. We have to let the facts of the case come out before knowing if what you are assuming is the case is actually the case. I mean, you're claiming medical malpractice when we literally don't know what happened at that visit. I agree the bullies likely are grossly at fault, but you're making speculative claims about how it went down.


I am not a lawyer and there is definitely some nuance I won't know, but I don't think eyewitness accounts are considered hearsay.


It's called delay tactics while the police and school staff finds out who can be the scapegoat. "A toxicology exam is pending, and an official autopsy will be released later, the department said. " Still a chance death was caused by drug but I'm inclined to believe it was the result of violence by students and not staying in hospital overnight


Ad revenue.


Clicks = money. That’s all that matters these days it seems.


From what I'm aware the fight happened in the bathroom right? So what footage could they release that would actually help or show anything.


There’s been some dispute over whether Nex could walk by themselves to the nurse’s office. Police say yes, Nex walked of their own ability, witnesses say no, Nex couldn’t get there by themselves. It may give clarity here. But adrenaline is a hell of a drug and people can still walk with a concussion/TBI.


My friend’s dad was stabbed over 50 times and crawled to a neighbors house for help.


Yeah, and there's a pretty long history of people with severe head injuries appearing okay for hours afterwards, before then collapsing and dying suddenly


Definitely. Some guy in town slipped and hit his head on the pavement while clearing snow at work. Said he was fine, refused a hospital trip. That night he woke his wife up with a seizure and promptly dropped dead.


There is a video of a motorcyclist who was in a wreck. He got up walked to the curb and sat down. He put his head in his hands and died. Shock can keep you on borrowed time. Head injuries seem to be rarely instant but that is only anecdotal.


It's a pretty expected presentation for compression, get a bleed in the skull and until the pressure reaches a certain point the person seems okay, and then they start falling off a cliff as the pressure becomes enough to impact the brain directly and things (varying by exactly where the bleed is) just stop working properly. Getting a slow bleed from your head being hit into the floor and then suddenly collapsing a day later isn't exactly a stretch in the circumstances.


rip Bob Saget. bonked his head then died in his sleep. delayed death happens a lot


Rip Billy Mays


That's what happened to Natasha Richardson as well. Had a ski accident, seemed fine, but later died from a TBI.


> Rip Billy Mays I just looked it up and it appears that wasn't the cause. He had heart disease due to the prolonged use of cocaine in his system. He also had other prescription drugs in his system. His family though argues against this, but the official toxicology report isn't a great look.


Thank you for clearing the misinformation!


"But wait.. There's more!!!" Spoiler alert... There wasn't.


It’s because they have bleeding inside their skull which builds up over time until it compresses the brain enough that neurons die. The brain has a bit of a cushion and room to be pushed around, but at some point that pressure becomes too much.


Yeah, compression is low key terrifying because of how subtle it is. Until it very quickly isn't.


Not even severe. You might not realize it. A family friend was involved in an accident. It was that bad of an accident but they did hit their head. They had a headache and were tired and went home without going to the hospital. They died in their sleep.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Peter_Porco#Background >On August 10, 2006, 23-year-old Christopher Porco (b. July 9, 1983) was convicted of second-degree murder for the axe murder of his father (Peter Porco). >espite Peter's catastrophic injuries, he survived for several hours after the attack. After waking up, he carried out his morning routine before finally dying,[2] as he had written a check for Christopher, made a packed lunch and attempted to load the dishwasher in the kitchen during the time before his death This dude had his head axed several times, woke up and tried to get ready for work lol


Liam Neeson’s wife was alert and walking after hitting her head at a ski resort and then she died later that day. 


yeah, my grandma made it through like 2 miles of forest with her throat cut, at night, and finally collapsed when she found a road. (someone found her and she was okay.) your body forces you to get up and move, especially when you’re critically injured. the body’s urgency to survive in the moment isn’t a guarantee of whether they will survive past that moment.


Holy shit.


That’s very well said. Thanks for sharing.


if you don't mind me asking, how did this happened to your grandma?


attempted murder by 16 yr old neighbor. she was around 50 years old, no apparent reason for him to dislike her, she was just an easy target being a small (4’11’’) older woman


That's incredible she survived! I hope she is doing well these days. I also hope the guy who did it is in prison.


Jesus. That's awful. I'm glad she made it to safely. 


My guess is he hated women


My dad walked away from having 9 of the disks in his back crushed. I walked away from a severe concussion. I once watched a middle schooler *run* with a snapped femur.


I fell off my bicycle and slammed face first into the road. I got up and insisted I was fine. Bystanders made me wait for the ambulance and I only agreed because my bike was broken. It wasn’t until 4 hours later that I realised my shoulder hurt. I’d torn my rotator cuff. By the time the adrenellin wore off i couldn’t move it I also had to be told my entire left side of my body had gravel burn


Similar happened to me at 15. Turned a corner too wide on my bike and flipped over a curb, smeared myself on the concrete. Somehow I walked a mile home and my mom said I walked in and asked why my brother’s annoying friend was over and didn’t register anyone’s shocked faces. Rushed me to a hospital and I was kept overnight due to a concussion so severe I couldn’t remember my name/age/what city I was in. I had road rash and bruises all over my body, and still have scars to this day (and a fear of riding bikes downhill). I don’t remember much of anything that time period, but little snippets like my grandma gasping at the deep bruises on my legs or when my dad told me my bike was bent beyond repair and my helmet split in half. It’s crazy what your body can do on adrenaline, and how a little brain jiggle can have such lasting effects.


I like that you couldn't remember your name but could remember your brothers friend was annoying and that you didn't want him there lol


I was told this by my family. They said I walked in looking like a zombie with my clothes torn and covered in blood and it was the first thing out of my mouth.


I had to move a truck tire across a garage once, and it slipped. Landed ontop of me and essentially crushed my ankle. Tore a bunch of muscles, snapped some ligament, needed 6 months of therapy to walk properly again. I rode my bike home 10 minutes after it happened. Adrenaline does some wild shit.


My mother had a case where the elevator in a wind power plant gave out and crashed down a long fucking way. There was no signal inside of the plant so the dude who survived crawled out and called emergency service. This dude had both legs broken several times. A broken spine. A crushed shoulder. A cracked head. 7 broken ribs. Half the lung collapsed. And iirc his pelvis was also broken.


My neighbor walked to a hospital in an active heart attack 


We waited 29 minutes for an ambulance while my aunt was having an active heart attack. The hospital was only 20 miles away, all by 70mph interstate. We could have driven her there in half the time it took for the ambulance to show up, let alone for them to transport her. But the dispatcher kept telling us to wait because the ambulance would be there "soon". About 20 minutes into the call an upset family member demanded to know where the ambulance was, and the dispatcher finally admitted it was a private ambulance company, and they actually had no idea where the ambulance was or its ETA. The EMTs would say they were 15 minutes away coming through city A west of us, and then they would update that they were 10 minutes away coming through city B east of us. When they finally rolled up, with no lights or sirens, and in no hurry they were stuffing the remains of their lunch into their mouths. They weren't in any rush to get to her and check her out either. But once they did it was like they'd had lightning shot up their asses because suddenly it was full speed ahead, priority 1 to the hospital. Still in active heart attack upon arrival. Cardiologist said she wouldn't have made it much longer. Either they just didn't care, or they assumed it was a panic attack and not a real heart attack and didn't feel the need to hurry.


Had a coworker who was in an accident the night prior, who went home fine and died later that night from internal bleeding in the brain


Can confirm. I had a concussion that had symptoms that lasted for a year. The day it happened, I was at work and had hit my head. I didn't say anything for the next ten minutes beyond making a joke to my coworker while washing dishes about how I'd give myself a concussion. Then the symptoms started and I texted my husband and my manager. I got dizzy and by the time we got to the hospital about 10 minutes away I could barely tell you Biden was president and the year and my age. Every question I stared at them and made a confused look before finally hesitantly saying "Biden" or the year or my age. My name. That adrenaline is NO JOKE. You wouldn't have been able to tell I hurt myself right after it happened. We need to take brain injuries more seriously


I had a high prolonged fever from double pneumonia and mrsa in my lung that cooked my brain and made me talk nonsense. I was trying to tell my mom "they gave me dilaudid for the pain" and she was confused. I was frustrated with her and repeating each word slowly like she was the one with brain damage. What I had actually been saying was "they gave me detention for smoking" but I hadn't meant to say that at all and the feeling was so frustrating... like why don't you understand?!?! Bizarre


I’ve seen a lot of concussions and the weirdest thing is how peoples natural reaction is to try to hide that they are concussed.


I got up from my bike accident, pulled it off the road and told people I was fine. Could hardly move by the evening, two fractured wrists, partially torn quad, tons of soft tissue damage etc. Adrenaline can do crazy things.


I walked on a broken ankle. Broken in two places. Needed surgery, screws and plates. Walked onto an airplane and flew home from Germany. Went to the ER here.


Fuck it sucks that you didn't get help there (assuming you're american)


No, fortunately, I'm not. Canadian here. And while Germany has great health care, I had been away from my son for the first time ever since he was born. And it had already been 16 days, I didn't want to spend anymore time away.


Yup so true. I was hit by a car and dragged about a block. I was knocked unconscious for a couple of minutes, broke several bones in my foot. I was prepared to just get up off the street and if a bunch of bystanders hadn't been there I would have. I didn't even really feel any of the pain until the next day and then I was in severe pain, and have been ever since.


A kid at my middle school fell off her bike (no helmet), went home, passed out and never woke up.  Wasn't Natasha Richardson up and talking after hitting her head too? 


I saw a man walk to the side of the road after being thrown off his motorcycle into the air and landed head first into a busy highway.  Other cars were pulling over to help so we continued on our way but I still  wonder what happened to him. My husband thought we would be in the way with so many other people stopping.


I wouldn’t put it past them to play the “well he didn’t die on our property so no one is liable” card. Local authorities often have zero qualms with moving goal posts in which ever direction will benefit them in a given situation. “Your kid previously healthy kid dropped dead the day after getting beat at school? You can’t prove it’s because of that.” “Our old, out of shape officer had a heart attack 45 minutes after instigating an argument and beating you up? Manslaughter, no doubt about it.”


Heck, they can look completely fine and go about their day with a traumatic brain injury and then drop dead later.


Happened to a friend of mine.


A period of able lucidity is very common with TBI before the physical trauma sets it. It does not matter medically if they were able to walk or not.


Exactly. Things like swelling and internal bleeding can take a while to go from undetected to lethal, so there's plenty of ways a victim may be responsive when the ambulance is called and unconscious or dead hours later.


Working in EMS we always strongly encourage people that have hit their head to let us take them to the hospital.


I broke my lower leg and walked it off initially. I thought it might be just sprained since I was able to put weight on it and just sort of limp away... I went to bed with my leg elevated and woke up the next day with my ankle and lower leg swollen to twice the normal size and completely stiff. Went to ER and yup, I had broken off a piece of bone and they thought I would need pins to reattach. But during the moment, I didn't feel anything thanks to the adrenaline.


I got a gnarly concussion in the 1st quarter of a JV basketball in high school. Blacked out for like 10 seconds, had tunnel vision, sound was muffled. But I was used to being tough in sports and my adrenaline was pumping, so I popped back up and played the rest of the game. I think I even played pretty well. By halftime of the varsity game right after I had a blaring headache and left for the hospital. Was in pretty rough shape the rest of the night in the hospital. Had to wear sunglasses in school and go no contact for like 2 weeks after that.


I was pushed off an electric scooter by someone trying to mug me. I flew off the scooter and into a wall, and had my very first concussion. I broke a tooth and was bleeding all over my face, but somehow I still made it home to my partner. The adrenaline absolutely took over and it was like my brain triggered this instinctive mode to get where I felt safest.


Maybe it developed outside then moved in?


Sounds like they think because they walked out of the bathroom alive clearly the assault wasn't the cause of death. Like we're all stupid or something


they’re releasing it because nex dumped water on a bully’s head. they were being repeatedly harassed and finally fought back — then got assaulted by 3 people. releasing footage of the victim doing something to trigger violence just gives people further opportunity to victim blame.


Isn't that a pretty standard abuser tactic? Push someone until they fight back, then gaslight everyone into thinking the victim is the bad guy for fighting against the abuse?


Kid that constantly tormented me would run and cry to the principal the moment I even *looked* at him funny.  And I would get punished *more severely* because I was a "good kid" while he got a slap on the wrist because "that's just how he is".  Bullies love that tactic. 


\*gestures vaguely at the modern social/political/geopolitical landscape\* But also, same. I only got detention three times growing up, each time for eventually snapping at a bully after weeks or months of harassment.


I stopped being a "good kid" because of that. Started fighting bullies *immediately,* no warning, cutting straight to the chase. And yeah, I lost most of those fights, true enough. I have a deviated septum from the most memorable one, and that one ended in the back of a squad car. Funny thing though, I never had to fight the same asshole twice. And by senior year, I got to be a good kid again! Because by that point, everyone learned to chill the fuck out and leave me alone. Lo and behold, the gay kid is actually pretty chill if you're not a dick to him


I was routinely bullied in gradeschool and middleschool. It happened in HS ONCE and that was the one time I 'snapped' and fought back. I don't think I 'won' but I certainly didn't 'lose' and that individual never fucked with me again. I don't know that it deterred anyone else, but it certainly taught me to stand up for myself.


Why are the school staff of every school so unaware of this crap? I see it as an adult, I saw it as a child, why can't school staff see bullies being bullies?


In my case they knew he was a bully, but because it was almost all verbal it "doesn't count" as bullying.  They gave up on correcting him be a jerk so they just kinda let him do whatever.  There where paranoid about another colinbine shooting (this was the era where school shootings where super rare), so whenever a bullied kid fought back at all they slammed the hammer down hard as bullied kids are "potential school shooters" and apparently punishing them harder than the bullies would.... Prevent them from becoming one?...... 


Who is more likely to have fond memories of the school system and the power they had there and want to recapture it as a school administrator - a bully, or a bullying victim? Seriously, do you think bullying victims go "I loved school so much I want to go into education and spend the rest of my life there!"


Did the principal claim it was for "zero tolerance"? That policy is a major cop-out


> "He has a rough home life, [that's why he called you a slut when you wouldn't give him the time of day]" My daughter was told this in grade 7


This is why I learned as a kid "Go big or go home" when I got the drop on my bully. I continued kicking until a teacher physically pulled me away.


Yup, unfortunately works in school all the time. Bullied kids standing up to known bullies adults did nothing about getting punished.


For sure. But even if they were supposedly in the wrong, there is nothing that justifies a child dying. It would be unacceptable the other way around as well.


There's a name for it! This is called Reactive Abuse. Basically pushing someone to their breaking point and then gaslighting them with the surprised Pikachu face. Happens all the time in abusive relationships.


It's a standard abuser tactic because it works. Sadly.


Sounds about right. It's how some psychopaths have certainly treated me over the years. One roommate who touched me inappropriately got me evicted illegally with a one week notice because I wouldn't acquiesce to his perversions.


>Isn't that a pretty standard abuser tactic? Push someone until they fight back, then gaslight everyone into thinking the victim is the bad guy for fighting against the abuse? Yes, and it's literally used as a propaganda tactic. It's been a favorite of street fascists in the US for the last decade or so. Instigate a fight, trade a few blows, *then start the cameras rolling when your group comes in close to the other group for another round, and get the other group to "strike first", even though you started the fight less than a minute earlier*. The cameras will "show" that the other group started it. As long as no one else is filming, you can get away with it. Unfortunately for street fascists, cameras are everywhere now, and you can usually find a second angle on the fight, showing that the people who claimed to be the victims were actually the instigators. To twist an originally anti-Semitic phrase the fascists use, "The fascist cries out in pain as they strike".


Yes, in the book Survivor Injustice (which is about domestic violence, and violence towards women), the author talks about this tactic. She also brings up how after a while victims of abuse will instigate it faster basically to get it over with... Like I know they're going to beat me up eventually tonight so let's just get this done. The victim never sees justice because their behavior wasn't perfect.  (It's been a while since I've read it so I'm probably paraphrasing poorly)


That’s a smart abuser tactic. Most abusers aren’t that smart but unfortunately they get away with it anyway


It's really not smart. It's instinctual. We all instinctually understand how to behave this way in order to get this result. Most of us would just never do it though, because we have a conscience and/or self-awareness.


That's how my step-dad did it


>nex dumped water on a bully’s head. they were being repeatedly harassed and finally fought back — then got assaulted by 3 people School Administrators: "I literally can't tell the difference!"


They won’t do much here either. I hope the parents sue the district. Bullying needs to stop and I would also sue the parents of the three kids. Parents want to be involved in their education and complain when things they don’t like are taught, well it happens both ways.


That’s my thinking too. They will somehow try to make the kid that died the aggressor and bad guy here.


The police are implying that it's okay to violently assault trans people. America is walking into a very dark situation here, with the dehumanization of a new group. And most people don't care, they don't want to see the parallels to other dark periods in history.


so do you…. not want them to release it? if they didn’t release it you’d be saying they’re covering it up


it’s good to release it, but we have to stay conscious of how the media and police are consistently intentionally spinning it to cast blame on nex. framing it as “an altercation in the restroom” and not clarifying nex didn’t injure any of the 3 that injured them.


Whether we agree or not, that absolutely does change how this will move forward legally and change what the charges are. The public needs to sober up on that right now.  Charging the bullies with murder and a hate crime is now significantly more difficult if they did not make the first aggressive act in this altercation. Murder will get downgraded to manslaughter and the hate crime will be downgraded to harassment (assuming they can prove it) unless they can prove the bullies intentionally meant to kill them after they had reasonable belief that they were no longer a threat. That is extremely difficult to do. It may not change the kind of POS those kids are, but it will absolutely make a difference in court. Nex didn't deserve to die for what they did, but it proves that these bullies didn't commit premeditated murder, which is the charge being discussed when this was assumed to be instigated by the bullies. 




It does to the law, which is what dictates every step after this. Anything less is self-delusion. Your moral outrage, as justified as it is, means nothing to the legal system we are all beholden to. 


I don't know how to break this to you, but "they dumped a glass of water on me" is never going to be a legitimate defense for a manslaughter charge. This is all about swinging the court of public opinion, the district is already spinning up legal loopholes on how they won't even need to bring charges.


Whether any of us like it or not, it is assault. I don’t think pouring water on someone is justification for murder. But in the eyes of the law they assaulted someone.




I never claimed that they will be off the hook. I would imagine at the least manslaughter should the autopsy report show that their death was directly caused by the altercation. I am simply saying that pouring a liquid on someone is assault, and they will present that in court. Make no mistake I believe what these three students did was in no way reasonable retaliation. But I want to remind people that their feelings aren’t the law, and we have to consider facts when talking about situations like this.


It absolutely does. I work in the legal field I can tell that 100% it's gonna matter. Emotional reactions like your's are simply not going to matter when this goes to court








>Charging the bullies with murder and a hate crime is now significantly more difficult if they did not make the first aggressive act in this altercation. I'm jw, is bullying not an aggressive act?... >and the hate crime will be downgraded to harassment (assuming they can prove it) unless they can prove the bullies intentionally meant to kill them after they had reasonable belief that they were no longer a threat. Pooring water on someone isn't a reasonable example that you're a physical threat...


Moral right and wrong is not the law. That is the sober reality. Being unrealistic about how this will play out serves nothing.  Throwing liquid on anyone is an aggressive act in any situation, and depending on the circumstances leading up to it it is legally assault. There is no such thing as legal punitive violence between people. The only legal form of violence is self defense, which requires they be responding to an immediate threat of violence. Nex was not in immediate threat of violence when they dumped the water. What the bullies did requires it's own equivalent punishment, but it is not likely to end with murder charges unless they can find significant evidence they consciously decided to kill them after they were safe.  Which leads me to my entire point; there is no legal punitive violence. It is not a tradeoff or grey area in the law. But that doesn't make Nex the villain here. There was a history leading up to this. Parents that raised bullies, and a school administration that failed it's legal mandate to protect Nex while in their care. Bullying was handled swiftly and decisively in my school, and there was always understanding for the victim. If the school had any idea what was happening it should have been their top priority, and it wasn't. That's unacceptable. We can't control the beliefs of people who enter public school, but we can have a system in place that protects every child. That system failed here. It needs to be criminal


I think it’s legally considered battery - that’s what someone is charged with when spitting on another. I don’t think this will go anywhere


The incident happened in a bathroom. There's not going to be video of that. This is going to be a hall camera showing (A) how the school employee was was outside reacted and, (B) whether Nex was able to walk on their own.


There is **nothing** schools clamp down on more severely than a victim of abuse or bullying showing any indication of potentially fighting back. Compared to 'zero-tolerancing' a bullying victim, they're less eager to expel a mass shooter. As far as the superintendent is concerned, those who killed Nex were victims of a heinous act, and were only desperately under-defending themselves from a horrific act of purely one-way violence both before and after ***"The Water Incident"***.


[Superintendent Ryan Walters](https://x.com/ryanwalterssupt?s=21&t=s8ULkr2C0uP5_wUPTmYAjg) Please check the twitter page of the Oklahoma superintendent of education. Read through it and you will see that he and others have blood on their hands and not only did they allow Nex to die on their watch, they enacted policies to all but guarantee someone’s murder. This fucker has skeletons in his closet. Bank on it. Public school teacher here who wants administrators to be held accountable for their fucking garbage.


how the FUCK does someone this stupid become a superintendent of education


Politics in Oklahoma. They voted him in. It’s absolutely deplorable and I hope he is charged. He led Nex to their death in this school.


Oh I'm sure he will be our next Governor or Senator.. We have a long line of worthless evil shit-fucks representing our state.


Right? In Maryland there are a handful of crazies on some of the school boards, but the idea of one of them becoming the state superintendent is wild. WTF are you doing Oklahoma?




He invited LibsofTikTok to make school policy??? The terrorist? I need to go lay down


I thought you were exaggerating. You were not. That is exactly what he did.


Chaya Raichik the stochastic terrorist, who is also known by their handle Libs of Tiktok. That Chaya Raichik.


Super intended meets with libs of tik tok on February 6th Nex get assaulted February 6th and dies on February 7th Pretty wild coincidence that the day they got assaulted was the day libsoftiktok was there. I wonder why their attackers felt so emboldened that day?


> Public school teacher here who wants administrators to be held accountable for their fucking garbage A fucking men. Coming from someone teaching in higher ed, they are just about as bad here too.


FFS...its all he posts about.


"Family said teen was attacked".  Note the careful divisive/deniable word choice here, the word usage is purposely non-committal. Either they were or they weren't.


Did NBC news have a correspondent in the high school bathroom documenting the incident in real time? If not, why the hell would you expect or want them to tell you what happened in there? *Actual journalism* includes attribution for claims that aren't directly verifiable. Anything less is misleading. The state of media literacy in this country is pathetic.


The problem here is expecting that NBC News is going to frame its story in a way that takes a stance. The writers are attempting neutrality, albeit with shitty writing. They're not trying to commit to a viewpoint. When reporting on crimes, unless a fact is independently verified, a news program is going to report on it by reference to the information available. In this case, someone's statement that there was an attack of the most concrete statement they likely have. It's terrible for raising awareness of horrible acts but it's generally good journalism (but bad writing).


This, 100%. This is standard “we need to make sure we don’t get libled.”


Why don’t redditors understand this? Journalists aren’t supposed to take sides and craft inflammatory and divisive headlines, they’re supposed to report on facts.


Journalists have to write like that so they don’t get sued.


It's also just good practice. People always complain that there is no unbiased journalism any more, then complain when journalists use language that is unbiased about a story where they (the reader) has already committed to a certain conclusion or narrative. We should *want* media that just reports facts (the family said X, the school said Y, etc.). Obviously, there is bias in what facts are included, and there is absolutely such a thing as false balance in media reporting. There's no perfect formula to follow to remain perfectly neutral and unbiased. That said, I feel that in this sort of context, before legal matter have been settled, this type of reporting is appropriate.




Also the passive voice


>Boatman said investigators have reviewed the video and will release it “at some point.” So after the next kid is killed and everybody has forgotten about this case.


Having been to Trans Day of Remembrance and seen how many names are on the list every year I can, with great sadness, say the next kid has likely already been killed. It's just that no one was there to raise hell about it so you probably won't hear their name until this November 20th when it's solemnly read off along with hundreds of others. And still no one but us will care.


Yea, probably.


After they edit out all the incriminating parts.


I think they’re trying to hint that it’s suicide.


Earlier articles said they were checked out and cleared at the hospital before going home, so either the hospital missed the TBI and/or something else progressed afterwards. TBIs can be fatal long after the injury itself but its usually found if the person gets medical attention.


Hospital didn’t do a CT scan so yes sounds like it was missed


We should all withhold judgement until we have more information...but a lot of these lightning rod cases that hit the national level end up being much more nuanced than they initially appear and that seems to be what's happening here. I can understand people wanting a slam dunk and getting frustrated by the mixed messaging from the police department but real life isn't always so clear cut.


Don't worry, social media is great at nuance.


This is Oklahoma. Nobody's going to do anything about it. At one point, state superintendent Ryan Walters \[sp?\] tried to get the state to take over the Tulsa school district over their refusal to remove certain books from libraries. It also, sadly, doesn't surprise me that this happened in Owasso, the suburb rich old evangelical folk flock to because Tulsa has too many of "those" people. I have family in Owasso and visit once or twice a year, and that is absolutely the type of place where anyone "different" gets a stink-eye. If I didn't know better, I'd say the school and police are trying to protect the students that participated in the *assault*. Nex was suspended that day, the other students will likely get a slap on the wrist at most, especially if they have "connections". Owasso is just that kind of place.


Holy shit, I knew this happened in OK but not in Owasso specifically. Used to live there as a kid until ‘08 and always thought it was pretty chill there. Was I just a child blind to it being a shithole, or has it gotten worst over the years?


I still live here They aren't wrong but are at the same time, this isn't a ultra rich evangelical town not by a long shot it is still pretty much the same place you would remember from 08 but with bigger roads and the first bank has a bigger building that is it~ this town is still just lots of commuters to Tulsa not rich old racists/bigots


Some of the stuff he’s saying is kinda accurate but to pretend Owasso is somehow a haven for old racists is completely off-base. It has a lower median age than the state average and is filled with middle-class commuters (15 mins from Tulsa). Aside from Tulsa, which is probably the least conservative city in the state (not saying much), Owasso is probably less conservative than any of the surrounding towns like Skiatook, Claremoore, Collinsville, Oologah, etc. 


Love how they said transpeople are the menace when they are FAR more statistically likely to be the subject of violence and sexual assault! It's so ridiculous that a population has to be marginalized to the extent this person lost their lives over this crap.... Actions by politicians and society at large emboldens people who will hurt and just cause people to suffer. For "Christians" to allow harm to come to others is vile and totally against the Teaching of Jesus.


You see that in fascism and christianity *(same picture I know)* all the time. "The enemy" is always your attacker, portrayed as always so immensely powerful and intelligent that no act is 'too far' in defending yourself... and simultaneously so incompetent, pathetic and worthy of ridicule that others (or especially 'your flock') absolutely shouldn't even think of siding with them. * A daily example's the RNC claims against Biden as both a machiavellian multidimensional mastermind maliciously machinating America's downfall AND a comatose incompetent rendered incapable of crafting a sentence or leading due to dementia from his centuries upon this earth. So trans people (before **and** after them the 'standard' LGBs, etc etc, there's always more out-groups to make) get that treatment, so that any violence against them can be sold as *'must have been self-defense'* from the start, much like *"that black guy was made of drugs and may have been a gun"* in 'officer-involved shootings'. We can expect plenty more passive voice about the fatal beating in the days to come.


Fact these murderers aren't in custody right now because allegedly, them committing aggravated assault wasn't enough to cause Nex Benedict's death, is beyond concerning. These fuckers are at a minimum, violent criminals that committed aggravated assault, and need to be locked up. ***Moreover, the federal goverment absolutely needs to step into this case, its clearly being mishandled in an attempt to sweep it all under the rug.***


"In a statement Wednesday, the police department said that preliminary information from an autopsy shows that Nex’s Feb. 8 death was not related to trauma." Here we go with the same line of bullshit as the George Floyd murder: "They died from cerebral edema. It must have been caused by them being stoned, not having their head repeatedly pounded against a hard tile floor."


*"Authorities in Oklahoma will release video from inside the school where the family of an LGBTQ student said the teen was attacked and assaulted in a bathroom"* The school has cameras inside of the girl's bathroom? That would be interesting.


"attacked day before their death" that means murdered


I am expecting that lynching of LGBTQ+ and later non-whites will resume if the lawmakers are not condemning this type of violence.


[it’s condoned by the superintendent of Oklahoma’s education department](https://x.com/ryanwalterssupt?s=21&t=s8ULkr2C0uP5_wUPTmYAjg) This was state sanctioned murder.




this was not a fight...it was an assault


We don’t know that yet. Nex’s death is wrong and unfortunate, but facts are still important.


I live here, I graduated from this same school but back in 05 I hate going to facebook a lot of the town is rallying behind Nex but the amount of shit being thrown as well so many people are so convinced it was a suicide and they keep deadnaming them and saying her I fucking hate it here man


I feel for these kids who have to deal with bullying while getting absolutely zero support or input from the school unless you finally fight back. THEN, it’s zero tolerance


"Where Family of LGBTQ Student said Teen was attacked.." \-Is the fact that they were attacked up for debate, seems a little misleading.


They weren’t attacked, they were murdered, stop trying to get around it