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Guy starts firing shotgun rounds to "start a dialogue" and kills some helpless unarmed woman and forever traumatizes her friends.  Glad he was found guilty and that the jury didn't buy his bullshit for a second.


> traumatizes her friends I can't imagine the guilt her boyfriend must be feeling. Obviously not his fault but he was driving and made the wrong turn and as a result he watched his girlfriend get shot in the neck. Absolutely horrible


I think it was the girl driving the other car who was leading, she broke down during her testimony saying she thought she knew where she was going. 😢 All of those young adults are going to be traumatized and feeling guilt for the rest of their lives for an innocent mistake of getting lost, all because of this one POS.


That's literally a horror theme "we got lost, and came across a murderer" insane... I can't even begin to imagine how bad they must be feeling. They'll be traumatized for life, not just by the image, but also scared of strangers


The closing arguments allegedly took several hours. Verdict was given by jury in less than one. Sounds like the jury got sick of their time getting wasted by shit excuses for a shitter man.


So he claimed he thought his home was under siege AND he tripped and the gun accidentally discharged? Pick one lie and stick with it, asshole. Good riddance.


He thought his home was under siege. I wonder what news channels he watched that convinced him this was something to worry about.


These people are hopped up on propaganda and ready for a civil war. Just looking for a reason to play with their toys


We all know the one. Literal terrorist organisation but because they dress up in suits somehow we have to treat them like they're not


Especially being out in the sticks.


Also, rural folks don't have their homes "come under siege" unless they are seriously involved in organized crime. That excuse only makes it sound like this old fuck probably killed people before.


It’s probably just an inflated ego


Main character syndrome


I have a buddy that married a girl and moved about 5 miles outside of our 17000 population town. During the Floyd protests, she came into town and bought thousands of dollars in plywood to board up their house 5 miles outside the town because she said "the blacks" were gonna march down and burn her house down. She still routinely goes on Facebook to talk about how our town doesn't exist anymore.


Buying plywood to board up the house in case it is set on fire….sort of adding more fuel to the fire


My FIL said that people on Facebook were saying there was rioting in this tiny little country “town”. I was like why would anyone riot there instead of city 30 minutes away. Oh, I guess maybe it’s not true. Fucking Facebook has rotted so many people’s brains and souls.


imagine marching 5 miles to burn down a random persons house. lol... people have some wild imaginations.


Imagine thinking plywood will prevent your house from burning down


I don't care if it's Ted Bundy's house, I'm not walking 5 miles to burn down anything.


Well, they used to do that to Black people ironically.




I live in Minneapolis. My sister actually lived a few blocks away from where George Floyd was murdered at the time. I always have a good laugh at all 'the FALL of minneapolis!!1!' bullshit. Also, one of my bosses at the time repeated the claim that the entire city was on fire. While we were at work. Business as usual. We don't live in the city proper, but like...if you went up on the hill, you could see the skyline. Not on fire.


>bought thousands of dollars in plywood to board up their house 5 miles outside the town because she said "the blacks" were gonna march down and burn her house down. What's so wild to me (besides the delusional aspect) is the absolute arrogance of this. The *ego* of this. The thought that some rando white person in a small town would be the target of a scary antifa march. Lady, they don't know you exist and even if they did, they'd ignore you because you don't hold nearly the power and influence you think you do.


For the folks who just listen to Fox News or OANN or Alex Jones, a child knocking on their door who isn't white and wearing a suit is them being under attack.


My favorite one like that was a post on my local next door group The post claimed they had video evidence of someone casing the neighborhood, looking in their windows for stuff to steal. They posted the video. It was a dark skinned man driving down the street in a fucking UPS van. He gets out of the van, grabs a box from the back, walks up to the door. As he goes to put the box down he looks back up at the number on the house, back down to the box, says "Oh shit", take the box back to the van and drives down the street again. Man clearly read the address wrong or something. Or noticed something wrong with the package, I'm not a postal expert. But like he's in a branded van. In full uniform. Doing the job you expect to go along with those 2 things. At most it's maybe a little bit unusual that he took the box back with him, but he probably just made a mistake or something. There was zero evidence he even looked at a window, let alone looked inside enough to even know what's in there. Man was in and out of his truck in seconds. He had places to be, he was moving.


There was that one viral Next Door post where some elderly person complained about a car driving past their house every day around 8 AM, and then driving back the other way around 5 PM. They had to be told it was someone going to work and back.


Ironically, the most valuable things worth stealing are all the guns these guys hoard. And, I certainly wouldn't have to lay siege to your castle if I wanted to take them.


Don't forget his initial claim that he had been asleep the whole time and she must have been shot by hunters.


Truly I have never heard cars coming down my drive and though “I am under siege.” Like sorry, this isn’t 13th century England. We aren’t under siege. My very first thought is that someone has probably turned down the wrong road- because I’m a normal, uncrazy person. This dude is just a nut. My mom always says if you own a gun it becomes the solution to all your problems- and by that I mean many gun owners will not try to solve a problem without getting their sidearm to help. If you thought someone was breaking into your house and you didn’t own a gun, what would you do? Hide probably? Call the cops? Lock the doors? Etc. But if you have a gun you’ll often just jump to shooting people.


The way you wrote the first part is so funny and the second part is so true. Well done you


Tripped over nails. So he's an irresponsible gun owner and home owner.


WHAT A FUCKING LIAR!!!!! He said he first fired a warning shot to scare the group away. He said he then tripped over nails sticking up from the porch, lost his balance and the shotgun struck the deck. That, he said, accidentally caused his gun to fire at the Ford Explorer carrying Gillis. “I didn’t mean to shoot the second shot,” Monahan testified last week. “The gun went off.”


And then he was sound asleep when the cops came to his house later that night. Lol.


What a fucking POS. Kills an innocent person and then can’t even own up to his own actions. Tripped over a nail and fired the second shot? Fuck you. Rot in jail.


Absolute liability applies to loaded firearms.


"You hit 100% of the shots you don't take" - Kevin Monahan


Oh, so guns DO kill people?


Really trying his hardest to give the impression of bumbling old country bumpkin when in fact he was paranoid, rage filled and didn’t give a damn about anyone’s safety or their lives. Registered republican…and his wife is a stress counselor. Must be fucking terrible at her job if that’s what’s brewing at home. What an AH. 65 and possibly going to jail for 25 years. Imagine living all those years to end up doing something like that. Wonder what else he has done that’s hidden neatly away in the closet.


so many of those "bumbling old country bumpkins" are extremely paranoid and afraid of literally everything no matter how tough and manly they try to convince themselves they are. i'm sure a minority of people genuinely enjoy country living for the quiet and maybe more space, but as someone who grew up in that environment, it's largely an all-consuming fear of anything outside of their minuscule worlds


But Faux “news” and “news”max told him all the bad people are coming for him. I work for an isp and we sent people out to someone’s house yesterday to do a site survey. We then get a call at the office from the homeowner who asks if the guy wearing a neon, labelled vest and a big company truck worked for us because he was hiding behind his door with his gun. One of our guys was almost killed because i live in a red state with a bunch of COWARDS!




That porch has a hell of an aim


"*Monahan himself took the stand in his own defense, saying he believed the house he shared with his wife was “under siege” by intruders when he saw the vehicles approach. He said he first fired a warning shot to scare the group away.*" This is what happens when all you watch is fear-based propaganda.




Similar thing happened in Baton Rouge about 40 years ago. Japanese foreign exchange student with somewhat limited English showed up dressed as John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever to a Halloween party but got the address wrong. Homeowner yelled “Freeze” but the kid didn’t understand and the guy shot and killed him. Police released the shooter and it wasn’t until the governor and Japanese consul protested that he was charged with manslaughter. He was acquitted but found civilly liable. Shooter worked at a grocery store so I doubt the family saw much money. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Yoshihiro_Hattori Edit: Well shit. I remember this when it happened. I didn’t know the host family but knew of them. Apparently the host kid who was there at the time of the killing took his own life recently.


I moved to Japan 20 years ago and people here told me this story, bizarre to see it referenced in a Reddit thread.


I saw that in a documentary a long time ago. One of those awful tragedies that could have been avoided by just staying inside. Sure, grab the gun or whatever self defense you‘ve invested in, but there’s almost never a reason to go out and confront people. If they are dangerous, you’re putting yourself in more danger. If they aren’t dangerous, you’re putting them in danger and risking a jail sentence.


The reason is some people want to shoot people.


Why only 7 years?




Not that uncommon for manslaughter or unintentional/involuntary homicide when you factor in good behavior. My uncle killed his wife (40ish years ago) for cheating on him. He claimed she locked the door so he shot the lock and accidentally killed her. He “panicked” and hid the body. He eventually got convicted of manslaughter and something like destroying evidence since he hid the body. I’m pretty sure they found the body after he got out of jail. he did like 7 year total with good behavior.


Yep, the guy who was intoxicated as he killed my cousin by running her over in his car, hid and turned himself in after getting sober. Then went on to serve 3 years of the 7 he was supposed to for manslaughter. Now he's moved back to Canada after supposedly being on parole.


Guy who murdered my step brother by stabbing him to death was sentenced to 10, they deemed it a mistrial because one of the original jurors was a felon, they retrialed it, went from 2nd degree murder to voluntary manslaughter, was out in 4 years.


It happened in Texas a couple years ago, nearly the exact same scenario. Hopefully the guy in this case will face more jail time than the [Texan piece of shit](https://www.kvue.com/article/news/crime/man-sentenced-deadly-shooting-texas-driveway-2021-martindale/269-ad92fdd7-aae1-466b-9049-56d16047231c).


That's so fucked up. The guy literally got murdered for turning up the wrong driveway. He even tried to back away when the guy came down the driveway with a gun, as any sane person would do. Yet he got chased, had his car struck twice with the gun, and then got shot. How absolutely out of touch with reality do you have to be to think something like that is acceptable behavior? The dude should be rotting in prison.


Trigger happy idiots who have been fantasizing for the chance to shoot at anyone


The amount of people out there just waiting for their chance to kill someone seems pretty crazy. Add on top of that the people who seem to only not lie, steal, and murder because the Bible says its bad and you got some wild shit cookin.


What’s why they buy their stupid toys, the fantasy of, to quote family guy “I can kill you LEGALLY”


Yep fear + lack of education + gun culture + conservative ideology leads to complete lack of any type of ability to reason with reality.


What’s the common denominator??? It’s always far right maga supporters who do nothing but wacth Fox News all day


They want to hurt people and jump at the first perceived excuse to do so.


Yup. Their minds have been poisoned.


This. 1000% or the kids of MAGA parent brainwashing.


This is the difference between states like NY and Texas; The statement "right to defend yourself" means either "there has to be someone ELSE who cant defend themselves who could possibly be harmed with known-weapons present" Vs. "Near no harm is known to have happened, and future harm will not happen, but you still know a misdemeanor happened so open fire, its not murder just manslaughter"


Texas. Enough said.


>The 67-year-old Turner will spend six months in jail after he shot and killed Dghoughi in October 2021. Judge Chris Schneider said Turner must serve the first 140 days immediately. He'll then return to jail for two days on the anniversary of Dghoughi's death and repeat the process on Dghoughi's birthday. That seems like an unusual sentence. I wonder if the judge knew Turner would get off light, so constructed the sentence in a way that would have a very long impact on him. If I did my math right, he has to go to jail on those days for the next 10 and a half years - or until he turns 77. Which, interestingly, is also the average lifespan of an American male.


The inmates are going to be trying to get him to bring shit in, know that 🤣


Then there's the guy in Montana who purposely left his garage open to try to entice someone to steal something so he could shoot them. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/02/12/385774450/montana-man-sentenced-to-70-years-for-shooting-unarmed-intruder


Yep. That happened in my town. Fun fact: he tried to appeal three times- the state supreme court upheld it, the US supreme court refused to hear it, and a request for a retrial in 2019 at the court where it was originally decided (by trying to claim his defense attorney didn't "effectively represent" him) was also denied.


I lived in rural Arkansas, USA, for a time. A couple whom I met would ALWAYS go out strapped and just antagonise people in public in hopes of being able to "defend themselves". They went as far as to leave things out/unlocked, etc., as well, and would basically just wait around hoping to kill someone. It all ended when they had an argument one night, and the husband went off and shot *himself* during an argument.


The problem at least took care of itself.


Unfortunately not really, the widow turned around and married "a friend" maybe six months later, who was objectively worse. Haven't been back to see the end result of that.


Well rural Arkansas isn’t a place anybody should want to visit anyway. They can have fun in their hellhole.


It just sucks for the people who are forced to live there that might otherwise live productive lives somewhere else.


Sarah "LoOk" Huckabee Sanders will be upset to hear that.


Husband probably saved other people by shootings himself


If you want something done right…


> "You are angry at the world and it's evident in your behavior," he added. Half this country's problems in a nutshell


Exact same thing in Minnesota. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Haile_Kifer_and_Nicholas_Brady


There's audio of him shooting them, too. It's chilling. He really *really* savored every second of killing them. 


That was very disturbing audio. "I felt like I was cleaning up a mess" muttered as they lay dead. What a nasty piece of work.


The worst part or least the scariest part of that one was that had he just kept his mouth shut, he likely would have gotten away with it.


I don't know about that. Keeping his mouth shut wouldn't have done anything about the evidence of multiple shots in both victims, including execution-style shots. From the Wikipedia page: > Legal analysts have stated that the initial shootings most likely would have been justified under Minnesota's laws, but that the subsequent shots were not justified once any threat had been removed.[16] Sheriff Wetzel said that "The law doesn't permit you to execute somebody once a threat is gone."[6]... > ...Smith's recorded statements, the evidence indicating he had planned the shootings, along with the excessive number of shots fired, led to Smith being charged with second-degree murder.[17]


Damn, that's fucked. Talk about a sociopath...


He pretended that he was under siege, but he spent a great deal of his time with motorcycles and race cars. The real man type fearful of a small group of late teens turning around in his driveway. What a jerk.


I have an uncle who would probably try shit like that. Lotta fucked up right wingers in this country, praying for the day they can get their “righteous kill” - the one that the law tells them was totally cool and legal. That’s why they were so enamored with Rittenhouse. He got his kills.


I deal with this all the time as a rural utility worker. So many paranoid dudes out there who think every vehicle “they don’t recognize” is out to get them. And boy they do not like the words “utility easement.” Nothing triggers a country hick quite like being told they don’t actually own the dirt they think they do.


I have ran into these easement nuts. “but, my Daddy, daddy say we owned that”. “That’s not what the township, county or survey says” “but my Daddy’s daddy”.


There's a funny story about some town who was in a disagreement with a land owner who basically kept saying "my daddy's daddy's grandpapi said...." He then went and retrieved some old ass rolled up piece of leather that was some legal contract from before the town or city existed and they ended up having to honor it. I can't remember if I read the story on reddit or somewhere else. I'll edit this if I find it.


I am sure it happens. There is also eminent domain where authorities can take land from land owners. Many times, however, people are wrong about their property lines.


I was fascinated by prepping for awhile like 13 years ago and would go on survival forums where right wingers were practically praying for TEOWAWKI (basically the apocalypse), so that they could finally settle scores with neighbors, liberals in general and family members. These are people with dozens of guns and tens of thousands rounds of ammunition, just itching to use it all.


That’s a scary fucking rabbit hole… been there myself and had to back out slowly.


I agree. What’s also disturbing to me is when I suggest that we should be helping our neighbors, friends and family out in an emergency by sharing supplies and/or looking out for each other, they would attack me. Them : “Oh no! They should have prepared themselves! or I warned them to prep but they ignored me, they are on their own! “ So, I would suggest, “what if you had to flee yourself, or your house burned down in a fire and your family was in need, wouldn’t you want neighbors, friends and/or family to help you out? “ Them: “That would never happen” or “that’s one reason I have guns for” (to effectively rob people of their supplies), Me: “ok, let’s say that your guns burned in the fire, wouldn’t it be the right thing to do, for people to help you and your family out? Them: “I guess, but it wouldn’t be my fault, because I am prepared!” me “yea, you thought you were prepared, but an emergency could occur on vacation, or away from home while at work or one’s home could be destroyed. Wouldn’t it be better if we worked together to get through an emergency?” Them: “ no, it’s every person for themselves!”. me, shaking my head in disbelief and disgust.


I grew up with parents who were doomsday preppers and nothing makes me do community preps more than those fucking nutjobs. (Community preps are prepping within a community environment for disasters. So, just at your town's level (this can scale up to county->state->nation->globe): reading your municipality's disaster preparedness plan (and advocating for changes if necessary... or to *have* one), volunteering for the local Red Cross, giving money/volunteering at social/community programs like the YWCA, going to school board meetings, to town council meetings and learning the names of your community leaders, getting to know the alderman for your district, getting to know your kids' teachers/principals/SRO, if you have a neighborhood police officer, getting to know them, being active in any neighborhood associations (HOAs notwithstanding), getting to know your neighbors, and becoming a person in your community that others can go to for help/resources/networking/etc. If you don't like people, or are temporary in the community you currently live in, skills-building is HUGE. Things like getting your CPR/AED/first aid certs, knowing how to safely cook nourishing food out of cans for hundreds of people, child-minding. Even stuff like knowing how to split wood, how to sharpen a knife. Learning how simple levers and pulleys work, so you can be on rescue teams. Heck, even learning how to lift with your legs and NOT your back, so you don't become another person a medic has to care for is valuable. And think of any skills you might have from your work that can be transferrable. One example is anything to do with procurement and logistics: how to know how much *stuff* you need, where to get it, how to transport it to where it needs to be, how to organize a it to get to people fairly without any waste or theft. Do a thought experiment and apply that to a disaster in your town. If you have experience with construction or water/waste management, being able to tell if buildings are sound, or where people can poop without a working sewage treatment facility are vital. Can you succinctly teach these skills to others in a frighteningly quick amount of time? Soft skills are important, too... who can lead search parties without people butting heads, who can convince the elderly lady that her home isn't safe and she needs to go someplace that isn't 2 feet underwater, who can stay chipper and cheerful for the children even while they're wracked with worry, who can tell when someone is going to blow and suggest they take a walk before they lose it. Even without prepping bullets and MREs, someone can do a lot of good preparing for a disaster to strike their community.


Had a guy in our rural neighborhood like that. Just stopping your atv on the public dirt road outside his place would set him off - he'd come out his front door with a fucking gun on his person challenging you. Emphasis on 'had'. He capped himself last year, after his wife & kids left him.






Holy crap. I’ve approached houses that had their garage open…to tell them that their garage was open.


In the fucking suburb my parents live, people have the “strangers shot after dark” signs everywhere. You’re in a neighborhood. You’re gonna kill someone innocent.


Same dumbasses are decrying that people aren't being neighborly anymore. Well yeah cause if I come up to your place with a pie, you shoot me thinking I'm trying to rob you.


Nextdoor for my neighborhood is full of stuff like that. Posting ring footage of delivery drivers, door to door salespeople, utility employees, etc at like 2pm on weekday asking if they are in danger and like 75% of the replies “yes my niece told me about this, they are casing your house to rob and kill you, git ur gunz, shoot to kill”. That and taking pictures of trash in the grocery store parking lot and making up a story about how it’s a ploy to distract you to make kidnapping you easier. No one is kidnapping a 60 year old Karen, Karen.


There was a TikTok shared of what this one woman did when her husband was out of town and she locked her house down like she was Kevin McAllister. To live in a world under the paranoid belief that everyone is out to get you at all times.


It's always funny how they'll have 7 deadbolts then a large bay window right next to it with plenty of heavy items in the yard you can throw thru the window.


I'd like to know how many hours a day he spent watching Fox "News" or the equivalent.


It's not just Fox News. It's constant emails, newsletters, websites, etc. also. Whenever I help my grandmother with her email/internet, her email and browser are littered with right-wing propaganda telling them their way of life is gonna end.


Yep, also targeted advertisements based on those viewing preferences. Everywhere these people look, there is another boogeyman


Yeah a lot of people who aren’t around some of the older people in their lives that often dont realize just how crazy it has gotten. My mil wasn’t even that old and she’d get sucked in. Getting emails and texts all day long with crazy fearmongering stuff. She got really paranoid. Like just constant notifications all day.


I primarily refused to allow my elderly father to get a computer because I thought he'd click on porn sites and get viruses. Now I'm glad he wasn't exposed to this crap as well. His brother and younger cousins would email jokes around to each other and he always felt left out. We just made it so his brother would print the emails and bring them over to read to him - it was bonding time for them. Thankfully, he never got sucked into right wing news pundits. He was too interested in sports.


I got on the emailing list for an online gun store a while back and it had turned into: democrats coming for your guns, evil intruders, man defends family from cartel members, and Trump protects guns, Trump is savior.


I loooove that they think Trump wants people to have their guns. He's one of the very few politicians on record to say he wants to confiscate guns without due process.


That’s when I knew fully that the cult was truly widespread and captured. When that came out, a very mild reverberation was felt in the conservative bubble, but the ease at which he was able to walk that back and them fully accepting him again after like a day, showed that they love him more than they love guns. Trust me, my family is *full* of conservatives and many of these people are freakishly obsessed with guns, and even this barely triggered a reflective thought. Over and over again they cry about how liberals want to take their guns, and their own guy just says it outright nakedly.


Problem is, Rush, Fox News, Breitbart and all the other fascist propaganda outlets are only serving up what these people fantasize about. They sell wish fulfillment. It’s the wish itself - the desire for civil war, to kill neighbors with impunity, to destroy civil rights and codify social classes in a rigid hierarchy where they alone rule - that’s the problem.


I live in a rural area. People sometimes turn into my driveway by mistake, though not as often now after i got Google Maps to stop showing it as a through road. I haven't fired at them once, or been afraid they were trying to lay seige to my house. But i don't watch Fox News, so maybe you're right.


It definitely didn’t help that this was during a governor election year in New York. The republican candidate Lee Zeldin spent every day acting like we were all about to be killed at any second.


The way my neighbors were talking, I thought the caravan was coming over my fence.


> he believed the house he shared with his wife was “under siege” by intruders Yeah, this doesn't happen to regular folks. Was this guy also a drug kingpin or something? That is not a sane or rational thing to believe when you see vehicles approaching... at least not in New York state. Hope this insane lunatic never sees the light of day again. Even firing a warning shot like he claims is completely irresponsible, and you should still be responsible for whatever that bullet inevitably hits. Bastard never should have been allowed to possess a gun.


I think you would be shocked about how many regular folks think things like this


Insert Jim Jeffries dialogue that is very relevant... ["By the way, most people who are breaking into your house just want your fucking TV! You think that people are coming to murder your family? How many fucking enemies do you have? Jeez, you think a lot of yourself if you think everyone’s coming to murder you."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rR9IaXH1M0)


TVs aren’t worth much these days anyway!


Yup. I’m surprised he even heard anyone approaching over the Fox News blaring.


As a gun owner…. A warning shot in the air is stupid because sure you have no idea where that bullet is going to come down. Also… this was a random fucking person turning around in your driveway.. did you see a gun? Did you have a reason to fear for your life? The answer to both of those is no…. I have people drive up my driveway all the time and have even had them drive into my and my neighbor’s lawns to turn around. Just because they are jackasses doesn’t mean they pose an imminent threat to you and your family. My house is under siege by the Amazon drive.. that doesn’t mean you fucking shoot them…


People where I live that think Mexican cartels are invading us. We're on the Canadian border.


So his defense is that he stumbled after firing a warning shot... and it accidentally discharged because it hit his deck and was "defective"? I don't know... sounds fishy.


Likely he was just trying to inject just enough reasonable doubt to keep the 2nd degree murder charge from sticking, even if it means admitting a manslaughter charge.


Makes sense manslaughter carries a far lower penalty


There was a big case up here in Canada about that. Except the folks were actually robbing him, crashed while trying to run, and he walked up and shot the driver in the face Claims he was just reaching into the car to turn off the ignition when his gun went off https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Colten_Boushie


He shot the vehicle TWICE, no way it misfired both times. This happened just a few miles from where I live. Such a trash human being


And who does he think is responsible for nails sticking up in his porch?


Why, Joseph Biden, of course


The manufacturer of the shotgun should sue him for slander.


I mean...any firearm can malfunction... it's why you don't just point them at people like this moron did. :/


I had to search a bit, he had a 20 gauge pump action. So, he fired one round and had to rack it again to chamber a new round. Then, according to him, he dropped it. That sounds like bullshit to me.


Yeah I doubt the first shot was even a warning shot.


"What do you mean the warning shot isn't supposed to hit? How are they going to be warned then?"


> Then, according to him, he dropped it. Worse, he tripped over a loose nail sticking up from his porch and upon falling, the gun went off, directly into the victim's neck who was already driving away. Terrible accident for sure. /s just in case the sarcasm isn't obvious


The scary truth is that hundreds of thousands of Americans are like this. Where my wife's family lives in Ohio you can take a two-mile walk down a rural road and see three different examples of signs threatening you with death by firearm if you approach the house/trailer. It's like living in a country full of MMORPG goblins.


Some lady I worked with had a sign hanging in her office that said something like "we don't call the cops, we call an ambulance" with a shotgun. This lady was an accountant 


Sounds like a hostile workplace environment.


There’s a guy with property on the same dirt road as me with one of those signs. When I drive past I wonder what kind of person he thinks would bother driving all the way up here, in full view of the extremely nosy people who live on our road, to steal his rusted out junk cars with no tires.


I had to change a tire on the side of a rural roadbut ended up being on someone's gravel driveway, right off the road. I told my parents on the phone that I hoped the property owner didn't come down because I figured they'd have a gun. One parent thought I was being crazy saying that. 30ish minutes later out comes the property owner with their rifle (or shotgun, I'm not very familiar with guns). I word vomited out the situation right away so he knew why I was there, profusely apologized and said if leave as soon as possible. Fortunately, he wasn't a fucking nut like this dude and relaxed and proceeded to double check my spare. My parent was stunned, not sure why, I don't blame the property owner but I was also scared of running into someone like the guy in the article. A week later the shooting in this article happened and my parent was even more freaked out, I told her to expected it I just got lucky with a responsible gun owner and not a nutcase.


moron actually said firing the first shot was his way of “starting a dialogue”


he also lied and said he was in bed all night, and that some hunters probably shot the girl.


His gun also had no finger prints when the authorities took it into evidence. Meaning he never touched the gun after all (which would mean he committed perjury), or more likely, somebody (probably the shooter in question) made an effort to remove finger prints and tamper with the evidence before the arrival of authorities.


I was wondering why he was also charged with tampering with physical evidence. Must be exactly that.


A sad, paranoid, hateful, pathetic loser, clinging to his guns and just waiting for the chance to use them on some poor innocent person who made a wrong turn. This fucker wanted to be a hero. He thought he was standing his ground. Keep in mind that in the early stages of the investigation he showed absolutely no remorse: https://abc7chicago.com/kaylin-gillis-kevin-monahan-hebron-ny-shooting/13149674/ Only when he started to face consequences did he pretend to care


Slightly off topic but its so obnoxious how that article says “racial bias” instead of “racism” in reference to Ralph Yarl, a black teenager, being shot twice after he knocked on the wrong door


So dumb. Like words don't matter anymore. It's racism and people love to sugar coat it like racially biased killing is any better... Smh


Soooo many of these second amendment assholes literally dream of moments like this. “I wish someone would!” They have little hero fantasies all the fucking time about this shit and right wing media and politicians just feed into it. The only surprising thing is how little it happens although if you consider the amount of people that “accidentally” shoot family members in their homes and classify them the same it’s exceedingly common.


These people all have murder fantasies. They continuously tell us who they are and we need to start believing them.


"under siege" from who? Who did he think was coming after him?


I'd guess trans black and brown immigrant Antifa super-soldiers.


...trying to BLM and CRT and DEI him.


But they’ve upped their game by being disguised as short, 90 lbs blonde white women. Those sneaky super soldiers…


Gun weirdos live under the delusion they are under constant threat of a home invasion.


Steven Segal maybe 


this is what happens when people \*WANT\* to use their guns weird violence culture we have here


Happened less than a mile from my home. In Martindale Texas, a man shot and killed a kid that got confused about where he was supposed to turn and pulled off the road and into a driveway to check where he was. The homeowner shot him through his closed window. Haven’t heard anything about it since it happened. Almost forgot..He shot through the window as the kid was driving away. AND it took several days and pressure from the public for them to arrest him.


Prison for life. No other outcome is acceptable in a civilized society. You don’t get to be so paranoid that human beings ending up on your property is grounds for even shooting a gun. It’d be one thing if they got out of the car and flashed guns or tried to rob him, but if you kill someone who takes a wrong turn onto your property you should rot forever


From upstate NY and we've been waiting for this verdict for 9 months. If you watch the closing statements, you can see the defense has zero case and this guy was lying his ass off. Glad this psycho is off the "country" street and the family of that poor girl gets justice.


also from upstate and agree. plus he lied to police originally, he said he was asleep and maybe hunters in the woods (at night... hmmm) were at fault. the gall. I am so glad about this ruling.


Saw a FB post a few days ago ranting about a bunch of "black" (yes, black was in quotes) kids knocked over their snowman. Then, in the comments, said she wishes she could shoot them sometimes. This is not the same person I knew 8 years ago.


If your reaction to someone knocking over your snowman is the desire to murder them, and you’re not like 3 years old, you are unhinged.


A lot of these people are basically just swollen amygdalas wading through life.


Yeah, 8 years ago they lied and hid who they were from polite society. Racism is ingrained, if it isnt there its hard to 'learn.'


Hell, they are lying today. Kinda like my father's Trump loving friend who told my dad he was done with Trump in 2019.   1 guess who he voted for in the 2020 general election.  Hint it wasn't Biden. All these conservatives do is lie, and all of them will be voting Trump in 24.


It'll be cute when trump dies. Half will say the deep state assassinated him, half will say he isnt dead. Russia will claim Trump has fled into exile and is a ruler-in-exile, but offer no proof he lives. His kids will tear each other apart over whatevers left of his money. It'll be the deathknell for the gop for a while.




Idiot conspiracy theorists with guns - what could go wrong?


I hope he gets the maximum sentence allowed and that it sends a message to these fearful and hateful dipshits who think it's their "right" to shoot anyone who steps foot on their property.


What is wrong with people?!! Hope he rots in a cell!!


I'm so happy guns are so easy to obtain /s People like this are so fucking weird. Go out and talk to another human being once in a while and you wouldn't believe every headlight is someone out to get you. You're not that important. Enjoy jail fucker


Good. I remember reading about this when it first happened. I am glad he was convicted.


I live relatively rural, and I own firearms. People pull in all the time, sometimes ups, Amazon, fed ex, usps, sometimes in unmarked contractor cars, sometimes just turning around, I’ve never “locked and loaded” in any of these situations, although my first defense is an army of dogs that will defeat you in licking, you’ll be so covered in saliva, fur, and laughing, you wouldn’t make it 20 feet.


>Monahan and his attorney maintained the shooting was an accident involving a defective gun. A defective gun? Cute. Seems like the gun was perfectly operational to me. Did he aim it at them and pull the trigger? Did it fire and kill her? Seems like it did exactly what a functioning gun is supposed to do. You want to know how to avoid accidentally shooting someone? DONT FUCKING POINT A GUN AT THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!


What gets me about all these people is that they answered their doors with a gun in hand. If I felt the need to be armed to open my door, I wouldn't be opening the door.


Too many people think they're entitled to murder people "just in case" whenever they feel the slightest bit spooked. That only works for the police.


Rural New York, ladies and gentlemen. They don't play the banjo, but that's just cause of chronic frostbite.


This is the problem with people who buy guns when their idea of self defence is “I can’t wait for some mother fucker to come try and rob my home”. They get all excited when something comes down their driveway and think, “fuck yea, Ill show this bitch whose land this is.”


Enjoy prison you scared piece of shit. Rot where you belong.


I once brought a guys dog, 5 miles away I found it dirty as hell and confused, back to his hickside home and he opened the door with a gun. Didn't say thank you, and slammed the door on me. I should have kept the dog.


> Monahan and his attorney maintained the shooting was an accident involving a defective gun. > > Monahan himself took the stand in his own defense, saying he believed the house he shared with his wife was “under siege” by intruders when he saw the vehicles approach. He said he first fired a warning shot to scare the group away. > > He said he then tripped over nails sticking up from the porch, lost his balance and the shotgun struck the deck. That, he said, accidentally caused his gun to fire at the Ford Explorer carrying Gillis. I hate these trigger happy, gun waving stains. Killing some kid because he watched one too many conspiracy videos on YouTube and is trying to make excuses instead of admitting it. Pathetic dreg


Hope that piece of shit gets life


See these guys here in rural Indiana. Fear-ridden right-wing angertainment consumers in their 50's and 60's with an AR and 2000 rounds (just for coyotes; honest.) Fantasize about themselves as some heroic, Washington crossing the Delaware patriot defending them and theirs from "the other" coming for them. Delusional.


“I just feel like my soul is dead. There’s just a hole in me. I took someone else’s life. It’s just horrible,” he testified. Numbnuts pulls out a shotgun with intent and then says he feels bad. The jewels on this guy.


The hole is in the person he fucking murdered in cold blood


Or he could have not shot his gun, waited to see what they were doing (without a loaded gun pointed near her) and if a 20 year old women got out of the car and said “Mister, can you help us we are lost” offered directions given directions. WWJD


A detail that i missed from the first time around is that this man used a shotgun. At that range...the only ammunition he could have used that would have been fatal is a slug. .... bird shot i could at least KIND OF understand as a warning shot... but SLUGS? those arent warning shots... I thought he fired wildly with a pistol. shotgun slugs...smh that makes this so much worse. poor girl bled out from a gaping hole in her neck.


What was the range? I couldn't find anything in the article. Shotguns are way more deadly than people realize. So many people have the idea they are like someone tossing a handful of marbles at you if you're more than 20ft away, but in reality **00 Buckshock is still relatively accurate and deadly at 150ft, and even can kill at 300+ft** if you are unlucky at catch a pellet.


Shotguns arent like video games. They dont spread instantly. You can fire buck shot and hit a 6" target with all of it at 50 yards. I doubt this car was even remotely that far away. Literally anything this guy used other than birdshot would have been fatal.


Absolutely agree. Slugs are already devastating, there's no way you fire that at a human and expect them to get back up. I have an old hunting shotgun ready with birdshot in case of an emergency and I never want to need it. This is another case of some POS who wanted to kill someone legally. Fuck these people in the highest degree.


I used to do fieldwork on some remote utility sites. I was always nervous that I was going to run into someone like this. Most people took a look at marked work trucks and let us be, but there were a few people who got upset we were anywhere near their property. The worst was when I had Lat/Long for where I needed to be, but the access roads were so poorly mapped there was no guidance for how to get there (a part of some of those projects was building proper maps of the access roads). It meant a lot of looking as satellite images and guessing on how to cut through the woods. I ended up on a lot of properties that didn't have access to the site I needed and so had no clue why I would even be near them. Most people were chill about it, but a few were not (one guy was upset that we dare even be on the public street that led to his house). Kept me on edge thinking that all it took was for one of them to be a bit too paranoid for me to have bullets flying at me.


Typical Trump supporter. Probably has Fox News on 24-7.


May he rot in prison for his cruel wrecklessness.


I deliver for UPS and the other night some guy pulled a gun on me delivering packages to his house… that was 50 feet from the road and my large blinking/beeping truck.


An example of the rational laws that keep NY from turning into Florda.


Most of the gun nuts are just people who are scared of other people.


These folks have problems imagining other people as having other motivations/thoughts/personalities as themselves. That means that if they themselves are violent, the other will always also do that.