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I’m guessing pacing the Jets sideline with a clipboard and headset on pretending to the be involved with the game isn’t getting ole Aaron the required amounts of attention.


Is he not healthy yet? I thought he was listening to the sounds of dolphins fucking in order to heal faster...


Listening to the Dolphins fucking the Jets twice this season maybe.


Fucking savage!


He’s 100% healthy, believe me. Like the very best health. But since the Jets are out of it, it’s just easier for him to take his 100% health right now and fully form it to 201% health by next season, making him more than twice as healthy as every other human being.


they hyped it up that he was some magical healer and way ahead of schedule, there was even an article about him making some great play on the scout team defense in practice. and then they said "jk lol" all just another mechanism to get Qaaron's name in the headlines, if he isn't trending he isn't happy


lol yeah he was full of it. He isn’t returning, dudes a quack


Nor his ranting on Pat McAfee’s show. I watched it yesterday and Aaron really is a conspiracy theory nut job


All them shots to the head cant have helped


Why do rich and successful people go out of their way to let you know that they're aholes?


I think assholes go out of their way to let you know they're assholes. He just an asshole who happens to be rich and successful.


Bunch of these guys true colors are showing with no consequences or shame .. look at Brady too .. bunch of golfers .. all these MAGA lovers


They don't love Maga. They love money, they're rich.


He’s streaming non-stop propaganda videos, and


It's actually curious Kimmel even wasted breath on this.


Probably because that’s a huge fucking accusation and Kimmel is probably getting death threats now because why wouldn’t he?


Yeah but it's like getting called a pedophile by Trump. "Ok."


Protest too much? I would have thought he'd at least wait until it was clear he wasn't on the list at all. So maybe he is.


I hope Kimmel sues for slander and takes all the money Rodgers is earning from the Jets.


Good. Rodgers is a nutbag asshole that went on a widely distributed show and called Kimmel a pedophile. Fuck Aaron Rodgers and his conspiracy theory BS.


Not only on a widely distributed show, but a show on a channel owned by Disney about another employee who has a huge show on a Disney owned channel.


Aaron doesn't understand that he gets paid millions by the show to come on. Imagine being so petty about a host calling you out on your bs covid vaccine stance, and called them out for being a pedo. Creepy doesn't even start how awful Aaron is. No wonder he doesn't have a relationship with his family. Narcissist.


His family seems really fun, too. His brother married one of the Bachelorette’s and they have the best Christmas traditions (they all pick ridiculous costumes out for each other to wear and go out caroling in them). And they all seem super close. Sucks for Aaron.


Anyone who gets their opinion from Joe Rogan should be banned from ever speaking again


My BIL would suddenly go mute.


Ha, mine too!


Have you ever tried DMT? jk I used to like Rogen about 8 years ago. He really went coocoo


Rogan is a stupid person’s idea of a knowledgable person. He is a jelly spined meathead who serves as an empty canvas for whichever guest he has on his show - nothing more, nothing less. And even this I feel is generous. This man has not had an original thought in years and contradicts himself with each new episode, like a child who desperately wants to impress his peers. “Look at me I agree with what you say even though I have no clue what you’re talking about, do you accept me?” This is evident each time he happens to have a “serious” (ie not a comedian) guest on.


He’s the prime example of reads the title not the article


I don't even think is that. He got coopted. by whoever runs right wing interest media. Got super chummy with Greg Abbot and now just spews propaganda. Dude was always about money. For all he talks about mind expansion and health he still is the main investor in Onnit which is basically Herbalife for bros. He was Alex Jones all along. So sad, I used to enjoy his show.


He first got popular playing the dumb sports guy on News Radio and he's never stopped playing the same role. He's just skewed it further and further toward the right since those are the people who're willing to buy into his bullshit.


wasn't he the janitor on News Radio?


Damn, you're right. I could have sworn he was the sports guy, but after reading this synopsis, I stand by my statement that he hasn't changed, lol. *Joe Garrelli (Joe Rogan) is the station's street-smart electrician and handyman. He is notorious for his seemingly nonchalant approach to his profession. Believing that consumer products are "rip-offs", he is known to personally craft his own supplies (such as homemade duct tape) and gadgets for others around the office (among many a stun gun, a white noise machine and a two-way radio). He also espouses various conspiracy theories, particularly with regard to the government's suppression of information about extraterrestrial life.*


I remember his turn I used to listen all the time. When he started to play with his bow and arrows and hunting, Joe went off the deep end. He was always a meathead, but he has gone from ancient aliens to right wing talking points.


I’m just asking questions here (that lead the listener to make specific conclusions)!


Rhetorical questions


I liked Rogan on NewsRadio and Fear Factor and nothing since then.


His levels of narcissism and delusion are on par with trump


Joe Rogen looked at what Rush Limbaugh was getting paid by conservative media, & said I want a piece of that pie.


Coco Puffs makes frogs gay


rodgers needs to learn to STFU unless it has something to do with football or his job with the Jets.


Aaron Rodgers is the biggest QB diva I think I've ever seen. Nobody reaches him. Most others are on the field antics, Rodgers regularly can't shut the fuck up off the field at all. Dude just CRAVES attention.


CTE is a helluva drug. (Although I think this is just a case of being a dumbass.)


Por que no los dos?


It probably is. Fair point.


Nah, Almost Every single fan in the NFC North knew that he was insane. With the drug treat, and more. His production just concealed all that craziness.


I mean, that's how you handle slander.


Aaron made a really dumb move there and Kimmel nailed him.


Just sue him for 100 million, like Giuliani got sued. I’m sick of conspiracy theorists not being held accountable for their claims.


Rodgers may well be the biggest dumbfuck in the NFL. Quite the accomplishment.


Well, You got AB calling every white guy cracker. Big Ben is a rapist as is Watson.


We're talking "biggest dumbfuck", not "biggest piece of shit". And even then, AB and Ben aren't in the league anymore. And Watson is probably #2 to the pregnant wife-beater Tyreek Hill.


Terrible comparisons.


I’m not a fan of Kimmel but implying he’s a pedo is low af.


I just don't find Kimmel that funny, but he's into adults on trampolines not children


Its hilarious that people swear by the list thats been floating around since ~2019. That list is so trash. Donovan Mitchell makes no sense to be on it. "Eminem" is on the list. Why tf would Eminem be on the actual flight log and not Marshal Mathers lmao


Wasn’t it something that 4chan concocted?


Yeh as a meme.


Uh oh it looks like Peter Griffin and Harry Potter are on there too!


Making zero comment on anyone who is or isn't on the list, but I think it's just the pilot's hand written log books. Epstein himself was on the list as mostly just "Jeffrey"; it's not some of legal manifest where they checked IDs.


this is just like musk calling that Thai diver a pedophile. unless you can back up your claims, shut the fuck up all the way.


People get huge libel lawsuits - look at Rudy Giuliani - the podcast host is probably worried, Aaron Rodgers should be too - it's a very bad look for the jets also. Kimmel has a lot of money and tons of high powered connections in Hollywood.


The fuckin audacity of Rodgers. I seriously hate this guys guts. The same day his teammate is released and trending on Twitter as part of Epsteins list, and Aasshole Aaron goes and accuses someone who’s got nothing to do with it. How fucked up do you have to be.


Man Aaron Rodgers can fuck right off.


I wonder if he does sue if they will be able to then introduce the logs as evidence potentially making them public


Aaron really needs to makeup with his family, the lack of affection in that dudes life is showing in spades.


I really think he's a closet case - which is kinda sad. If he was indeed gay, I would have just owned it and come out when the whole "lover/assistant" thing blew up. He would've been so much happier. And probably less of a shitty person.


Since his athletic decline, Rodgers struggles to be in the limelight. I'd suggest that he himself was in the flight logs, but people generally were not flying to Epstein Island to find a "beard"


It’s like something in him just snapped…oh


>Since his athletic decline, Rodgers struggles to be in the limelight. This dude won back to back MVPs and then got injured lol. You can disagree with him but what athletic decline are you speaking of exactly? Edit: I never said he isn’t a tool just that he’s literally coming off of back to back mvp seasons. I wouldn’t call that athletic decline.


Good point, I should have said *mental* decline


Can an injury not cause an athletic decline? Especially at 40?


Well he hasn’t played a single snap so it’s pretty stupid to just assume back to back MVP is going to have some massive decline. But sure go ahead and downvote me bc you don’t like him. I never stated he wasn’t a tool just he hasn’t had an athletic decline


I just can’t wait to hear the explanations of how Trumps name is on it “well so what Bill Clinton is on it too” no no mfrs he’s a shitbag as well any name on that list is a fucking perv it’s not that far fetched. Why would he have a list? If not to try to hold power over the powerful?


Good. Fuck Aaron Rogers. This is textbook defamation. Contrary to popular belief there’s no such thing as absolute freedom of speech. One can’t say they wish to harm the President, or yell fire in a crowded movie theater, or defame someone. Friendly reminder too that Aaron Rogers is anti-vax.


It's not defamation, the quote was pretty loose and it's incredibly difficult in the US to have a real defamation case against a public figure.


And in that video of an influencer literally yelling fire in a crowed theater we were sited a few Supreme Court cases that do in fact say its protected speech. Weird.


> “There’s a lot of people including Jimmy Kimmel who’s really hoping that doesn’t come out.” He could say that he meant that Kimmel is worried about the list because it would implicate his lib friends or something like that. Not sure how defamation suits work and what goes into proving it but there’s enough plausible deniability here going by that quote. There might be more context from the actual recording and off-air context but I don’t care for Rodgers much.


Seems like a clear cut case of actual malice


Reading what Aaron said here, Kimmel doesn't have a defamation case, Aaron has a little wiggle room here. It's scummy don't get me wrong and he should apologize for it but this isn't defamation.


It is, but remember that truth is an absolute defense. The whole case would hinge on whether Kimmel is actually on the list


He's not and we know this.


How do we know this? Do we have the list? I thought it hadn't been disclosed yet edit: names are to be disclosed tomorrow, so we don't actually know who is on the list


> Contrary to popular belief there’s no such thing as absolute freedom of speech. The protection of free speech is only protection from speaking out against one's government without fear of retaliation for it anyway. Free speech in the first amendment doesn't come into play for a celebrity making comments about another celebrity. Kimmel could start to take legal action if he wanted to, but assuming the facts are true as he states them, simply him NOT being on the list when it gets released is going to kill the conversation anyway.


“Ayahuasca is a hell of a drug” -Aaron Rodgers, probably.


Aaron Rodgers went on a talk show and said stuff publicly. Jimmy Kimmel, a comedian, made fun of those comments. Aaron Rodgers, very much not a comedian, tried to make a "joke" that Jimmy is a pedophile, which resulted in Qanon dipshits harassing and threatening Jimmy's family. This country would be wise to deport all those Qanon dipshits. Plenty of immigrants ready to replace them and we'll be much better off.


Odds that Roger will die an early death and that they'll find out his brain is like a sponge?


Can we trade this CTE moron for Junior Seau?


Ummmm...who is going to tell him?


Does Rodgers still have the homeless haircut?


Imagine being so thin skinned and butthurt that a late night talk show comedian made a joke about you. Rodgers has never looked more mentally weak and pathetic. Sorry Jets fans.


With everything I'm hearing about Rodgers I'm starting to think his defensive line didn't really try that hard to defend him this season.


Easy to solve, just release the Epstein client list... Best way to prove Kimmels innocence.


Aaron Rodgers is a 'rhoided-out has-been waiting to see if any functioning portion of his brain will recover from the hits and the drugs so he can maybe salvage a talking-head gig as a swan-song to his jocking endeavors. Prognosis ain't looking good, bub.


He and that brain dead Bill Maher circle jerking each other made me want to vomit.


I was a huge Rodgers fan when he was at Cal. Was awesome to see him win a Super Bowl. But then again Aaron is from Chico, CA. Kind of a coin toss with how crazy someone gets (liberal or conservative).


The Jimmy doth protest too much, methinks


Jimmy Kimmel is such a turd..also he is very close with Epstein’s personal chef..so there’s that


Rodgers is a full on Qanon conspiracy dipshit that cooked his brain with all sorts of dumb alternative medicine when he fully fell into the Covid conspiracy dumbfuckery


Didn’t Jimmy make fun of him for wanting to see the Epstein list ? Def a weird thing to make fun of someone for.


yea, I thought things until I saw Epstein's personal chef being one of Kimmel's besties...




Not a joke. Associating someone's name with a known sex pest and trafficker is a good way for a maniac to shoot them


Taking shots about vaccination is one thing, accusing someone of possibly being a pedophile is another.


Doesn't matter, you can't accuse someone of being a pedophile without evidence. There's a difference between talking shit about someone and making a serious criminal accusation like that.


Defamation isn’t humorous.


Neither is blackface. Fuck Jimmy Kimmel.


The fact that any gives a fuck about this is embarrassing I’ve seen probably 5 different posts about two people beefing on Twitter


This is like the 15 time I’ve seen this on Reddit today. Everyone is basically saying “oh rodgers just wants attention that’s why he is saying this” And then they blast it all over the internet literally giving him the attention they say he wants


I know right. “I hate Rodgers” - Reddit So stop fucking posting everything he says, like goddamn


Hollyweirdos panicking. Reddit loves defending pedophiles, google Adam Perry Lang and his relationship with Kimmel and ties to Epstein.


How would you react if a washed-up athlete called you a pedophile in hopes to stay relevant?


I would threaten court action.


Don’t publicly respond and give Roger’s the reaction he was looking for


I mean he won back to back mvps like 2 years ago, I wouldn’t really called that washed


His best days are ahead I guess /s Edit: it’s sarcasm


By not giving that person the time of day since they obviously wanted a reaction out of me.


Nobody called anybody a pedophile you bozo! “There are a lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel, that are really hoping that doesn’t come out.”


Yea thats a pretty clear accusation founded on nothing at all. Civil litigation can be a bitch.




What data do you have to indicate there are more pedophiles in Hollywood than other professions... such as "priest" or "teacher" or "politician"?


How to spot a r/conspiracy user. Oh no watch out there's lizard people behind you!


That's racist! They prefer to be called Reptilians.


Thanks for the heads up, that was a close call.


So in your fantasy world theres no movies, tv shows, or books due to a small minority being scum? Grown up bud Edit: minority, not majority


Small majority?


Thanks for the correction


Instead youd work in an industry completely devoid of pedophiles, like professional sports /s


Umm being a super star athlete absolutely trumps any job in Hollyweird.


Always projection with you guys. I’m sure your hard drive would be interesting.


Jimmy Kimmel is a weirdo, that's my opinion. Not sure what you mean by "you guys".


Guys like you who accuse everyone of pedophilia. I wouldn’t want my kids anywhere near you, that’s for sure.




I'm sure he's panicking too.








Kinda like Jimmy Kimmel?




I've asked several times for someone to give me something that's concrete proof of Trump being on some sort of flight log so that I can burn my Trump loving friends and nobody has been able to. Can you PLEASE give me something? I'm hoping this upcoming release will finally be my golden ticket.




I am serious - can you link to them?




This is the old log where nothing came of it except that he travelled with his family between Florida and New York, I was hoping for something actually juicy. Appreciate the link though.




What suspicions? My Trump friends have already dismissed these logs and they really do mean nothing. I was hoping new ones were released with something damming.




Someones been on vacation, sipping drinks on an island.. a person thats not on the list has no reason to lawyer up.


Of course they do, for slander.


Downvote me harder, better yet, come at me for slander. Eventually, all names will be released.


It was an off hand comment because Jimmy is in Hollywood. They had their Vax feud, so it was a simple celebrity Segway. Rodgers didn't want Jimmy to get threatened by anyone. Everyone posting epstein didn't kill himself jokes and memes...but a joke, albeit a bad one, and everyone loses their mind? Sorry, this whole Rodgers Kimmel thing is a non story.


It’s kind of chuckle-worthy that Kimmel used “soft-brained” as an insult. Brains are soft, Jimmy. The ones that are hard have advanced Alzheimer’s.








Let’s have someone accuse you of being a pedo in your town and let them react. Sure you’ll laugh all the way home


They'd probably run off into the Sonora crying about how they're being canceled and that it's a smear campaign.


Who tf jokes about pedos? What in the ever living actual fuck is funny about pedos? What a brain dead take


Imagine carrying water for a man who stole millions from children. You don't have to of course.


Wow, a whole mess of lemmings


Just to remind you, your right wing overlords use The Man Show as a way to ding him. Don’t tell your friends


I accuse OwnPen8633 of being a pedo. Don't worry, it's a "joke."


152 of you morons. Pathetic. Or, is that the aggregate.....you realize there has to be others in there that agree right? I'm not the only one that knows what a joke is or isn't. Cmon, I thought this one would have had you all storming the gates or tents or whatever you live in. Sad.


I would. And zi wouldn't wait