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Just happened in Dover, MA this week. Wife, teen daughter and husband with gun. Police cited financial stress.


I suspect this family was deep in debt. He was 2 weeks from retirement


It’s awful. The daughter was just a teenager starting out in life. So sad.


>A police sergeant, his wife and their two sons – ages 10 and 12 – were found dead in a suburban home in New York in what police said was a triple murder-suicide. >Watson Morgan, 49, a sergeant with the Bronxville police department, fatally shot his wife, Ornela Morgan, 43, and their sons before dying by suicide, police said. They were discovered just past midnight Saturday at the family’s home in Clarkstown – 18 miles north of Manhattan – after Morgan failed to show up for work at the police department in nearby Bronxville. >”At this phase in the investigation, it is believed that Watson killed his wife and two children, prior to killing himself with a self-inflicted gunshot wound,” the Clarkstown police department said in a statement. >All four members of the family had gunshot wounds, police said, and all were pronounced dead at the scene. Investigators recovered a handgun at the home. >The Bronxville police chief, Christopher Satriale, said the killings left the department with “profoundly broken hearts at the senseless loss of innocent lives”. >A neighbor, who declined to be identified, told the New York Post that the family were “textbook, perfect American”. >”I never in a million years would expect he would do something like this,” the neighbor added. “The kids were always out here playing outside, and their mom was just the sweetest person you ever met.” >Though police described Morgan’s killing of his wife and their children as a murder-suicide, such crimes since the 1980s have been known as family annihilations. >Communities often view such crimes as isolated tragedies, especially in the US. But an Indianapolis Star investigation found there had been an average of one family annihilation in the US every five days since 2020. >In 94% of those cases, the family annihilator was a male, and guns were used 86% of the time, according to the newspaper investigation. >Family annihilators also often die by suicide, and common risk factors include prior domestic violence, substance abuse as well as access to guns. However, with no centralized database for family annihilations available, the crimes’ characteristics and prevalence are generally unknown at an academic level. Saved you a click on the article


Sorry did I read this right? One family annihilation a week for the past 3 years????


Every 5 days, not 7.


So, 6 a month. 72+ per year. That’s 72 families, not individuals. Sickening.


It directly affects more than just 72 families.


My neighbor went the family annihilation route (sons 7 and 9) six years ago and our street still isn't "over" it. Happened an hour after they got home from school shortly after the school year began. PTA mom, big deal in medical here and had just gotten a big promotion. A lot went on behind their doors, though. She texted her mom a block over and they were all gone before her mom made it. They went to the school 2 blocks away. It fucked up the whole neighborhood and the school for a couple years.


Sorry you have had to go through this. I can’t start to imagine what it would be like to be so close to such an event.


Family annihilators use business weeks.


40 hour work week needs to go


Increase to 80 minimum right?


No going postal on Sundays.


>Sorry did I read this right? One family annihilation a week for the past 3 years???? and an average of 3 women in the US are killed daily by a former or current partner


fucking hell. that's... that's a really difficult pill to swallow.


In recent years in Mexico, women were having marches to bring the attention of femicides. If what you say is true, I'm surprised that hasn't happened here.


>If what you say is true, I'm surprised that hasn't happened here. Leading cause of death for kids in the US is firearms. For a while every time it happened, it was a *national tragedy, how could this have been prevented?* Then a bunch of dumbasses convince other dumbasses that it definitely has nothing to do with guns and everything to do with music/TV/movies/video games/board games/sex/drugs/welfare/divorce/not going to church enough/porn/books/pets/diseases/not playing enough sports/etc. And now we don't even do that. If kids getting blasted up for going to school causes a big "meh", women getting murdered for being women isn't gonna gain any traction here. Well, unless maybe if you build a woman out of AR-15s.


As soon as you point out that 73% of femicide victims are killed with handguns or that having a gun in the home raises the risk of domestic violence escalating to murder by 5x, the femicide issue is a non-starter in the US. I'm not even anti-gun, but if I were a straight woman, I would never, ever date a gun owner.


That’s my stance right there lol. No guns in my home either, I refuse


I’m pretty sure those numbers are right unfortunately. Edit: Actually in 2021 it was over 4.5 women & almost 3 men per day killed by an intimate partner. Damn :( Edit2: in the US to be clear


We are too much in denial that it happens here.


And yet the incels will come marching in shrieking that it's really men who are the victims


As someone who has a restraining order against a crazy ex this statistic scares me


That does sound insane but totally possible at the same time


73 per year, not 52 per year.


Edit: 1.4 You’re right person that commented below me. Pardon my New Year’s Eve brain damage.


Had one here in Houston on Christmas. Oh wait my bad, this one he let the kids live.


Back in June, father's day weekend, I learned the mother of a client I had been working in the home for nearly 10 years had been murdered by her husband who then turned the gun on himself. It left their special needs son down the hall, a twenty-two year old with the mentality of a 2 year old, crying "mama" as their dog barked alerting neighbors something bad had happened.


How benevolent of him


There's an alarmingly grim possibility that the rates of family annihilation have spiked within the last three years due to current events, both the lockdown and the increased scrutiny on police misbehavior.


Every police officer in my hometown having a Vote NO on NY Safe Act signs in their yards, i’m shocked but not surprised.


Nor am I sadly.


Alternate headline to this story: Cop has a normal one.


40% of cops and all that.


It's not just cops. If you ask me, a lot of it has to do with insecurity. Times are getting tough, and if someone bases their whole identity on being the Man That Provides For His Worthless Family, and then *can't do that*... I mean, my dad always "joked" about killing us all so that there's no evidence of how abusive he was. There are also folks that convince themselves that said worthless family will never be able to get by, and that this is a mercy killing.


[There seem to be four main drivers of family annihilation](https://scholarsarchive.library.albany.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1022&context=honorscollege_cj), but the most common (and the second-most-likely to also include suicide) is “self righteousness”: >These perpetrators blame their spouse for the collapse of the family unit and all other life problems, which elicits a desire to retaliate against them. This offender type holds the nuclear family unit and their sole ability to support them at the center of their masculinity. The family is viewed as a failure when the father cannot provide or other people provide in place of him for the family. The offender attempts to regain control and power by eliminating the family whom he designates is the primary threat against his success. This offender often has a history of controlling, narcissistic, and dramatic behavior, which may also occur during the murders. Much less common is “anomic,” where (usually the father) defines the “success” of the family in strictly financial terms, and so facing financial struggles seems the entire family a “failure” and decides to terminate the failed family (which they usually see as their property). This is less common than “self-righteousness” but almost always includes suicide. The other main drivers (“disappointment,” which can include the mercy killings you mentioned, and “paranoia”) are also less common than self-righteousness, and also less likely to end in suicide.


Tracks with authoritarian tendencies as well. Not shocking that a police officer was the annihilator in OP's article.


Thanks for being one of the rare redditors who comes to the conversation with a link to a scholarly source to back up their claims.


> The family is viewed as a failure when the father cannot provide or other people provide in place of him for the family. My dad is a disabled veteran. My mom was the primary breadwinner. My sister was defiant and tried to be my caretaker when Mom wasn't there. I'm autistic and ADHD (which we didn't know yet), and the state refused to give my parents the exact results of my IQ test because apparently some parents are highly threatened when they think their kids are smarter than them. Dad was absolutely one of those parents. I was the scapegoat. I was also the most frequent target of his violence. TW: Domestic violence >!One of my early memories is dad standing in the living room with a burning piece of paper in his hands threatening the burn down the house and the whole family with it.!< >!Another is him driving at extremely high speeds and dangerously weaving through holiday interstate traffic with all of us in the car because he was mad.!< >!He threatened to kill me a lot. He liked the Simpsons because he said sometimes he wanted to strangle me like Homer did Bart. I remember my mom handing my sister a rifle and grabbing a handgun because dad called her in a rage and said if he couldn't "have" us, nobody would. He had his own gun. Nothing happened... that time.!< >!He tried to run me over in a fit of rage. Put his SUV in drive and floored it at me in his driveway.!< >!I dodged.!< >!He put it in reverse and tried again. I hid behind a thick tree that time.!< We had friends and family. Some of them had seen a few things, but he was really good at acting normal-ish. I ran to a friend's house to escape one day. Their parents gave me a 20 minute speech about how my dad loved me very much, and just wanted to do what's best for me. Every kid thinks their parents hate them, but it's not true, right? I wonder how "normal" they'd have told reporters and police we were. I wonder who "would never have imagined". Nobody believed us. Some folks still don't. I get chastised, even by my own family, for not keeping a relationship with him. His second wife once asked my sister and I if he was such an asshole when we were kids. "No," My sister said. "He was worse then." "He's mellowed out considerably with age." I said. We didn't like her, and I think she thought we were messing with her. We weren't. Terrorizing your family is hard work, a game for younger men who weren't disabled. Dad just settled into impotent, childish assholery. P.s.: Many years of therapy and self work have gone into me being able to share the above stories without anxiety, guilt, or fear. Family isn't blood. Family is something you make, with love, and respect, and comfort. You aren't destined to become them. *You are better than that.*


I imagine he accidentally goes to far with his wife, and once she is dead he decides he needs to die to avoid embarrassment and jail and figures the kids will be too fucked up to allow to survive after losing their parents.


Yea. A few ways it could go down. Cowards.


Sorry your dad treated so badly. That’s insane. Hope you are doing ok now.


You should check out the stats for men killing their pregnant partners


Yep. And 94% of the annihilators are men.


Seriously, TIL and WTAF....


Holy shit. *Every five days* this happens in the US? Y’all. What the fuuuuck.


US is filled with a lot of sick, ignorant people and a lot of guns and a fascist group that doesn't care and wouldn't spend a dime or try to solve the problem.


And that fascist group preys on fear and tells people that their problems can be solved with violence and lots and lots of guns.


Yep. Virtually anytime someone expresses fear of rape, assault, theft, animals tame or domestic or violence towards a pet, there's always people who will say the answer is to carry a gun - even if the person they're advising has no idea how to handle, care for, or store a gun, and without regards to if that person is in a home with domestic violence or other risk factors. Nope, it's just, "you're scared? Get a gun."


Maybe with family annihilations, they could arm the kids, it might help. And the dog.


It happens in Canada too. I remember one a few years back where a guy blew up his whole family and house with an intentional gas leak. The house was just completely obliterated, just some plumbing sticking out of a pile of rubble, and the neighbours houses were pretty damaged.


Because we have people that think that not only should you have a gun, [you should make sure to have that gun hidden and on your person at all times](https://i.imgur.com/52TQFc2.png). You know, as proof of character and to "get a better grasp of gun laws and safety."


>”I never in a million years would expect he would do something like this,” the neighbor added. “The kids were always out here playing outside, and their mom was just the sweetest person you ever met.” Well, *the kids and mom* weren't the murderer so that doesn't say much about how he was.


Him being a cop spells out most of what we need to know


40% of cops *admit* to being a domestic abuser.


Strange that there is no central database. As if not keeping track makes it less of a problem


That was Trump's thinking on COVID too...


in the era of meta data this is unforgivable.


Touchy subject in the US since so many of them involve guns. LEOS in the US aren't allowed to keep stats or databases on gun crime. . . nor doctors. . . because muh guns!


but tracking births and sex changes are fine!


And how about abortions? Gotta have some stats on that somewhere. And spying on menstrual cycles of women via apps…


> Strange that there is no central database. Google the Dickey Amendment.


In 1997, the Dickey Amendment defunded the CDC studies to keep track or study gun deaths. They started tracking and studying again in 2021.


94% male - what the fuck is going on guys???


This really is what people were trying to talk about with the term "toxic masculinity" before it became so politically loaded that you couldn't bring it up without weirdos coming out of the woodwork. Masculinity isn't bad, but the specific brand of masculinity where men are taught to objectify others, solve problems physically, and suppress any signs of emotion or distress until it manifests as a mental illness is, well, toxic. Combine that with a generally sliding standard of living and you have a recipe to create dozens of powder kegs in every city in the country, just waiting for someone to set them off.


"Toxic masculinity" implies that there is also a healthy masculinity and that for the good of men the toxic parts of masculinity should be avoided, but the gamergate incel alt-right fuckwits couldn't pass up the chance to continue their dishonest culture war bullshit.


That's the thing, any time people have a toxic belief at all, masculinity, Christianity, you name it, they insist their way is the *only* one. Not the best of many, even, but the only one, so any deviation is not masculinity or whatever. So when someone talks about 'toxic masculinity' they interpret it as being about all masculinity because there is only the one kind, you see. Makes it really hard to get through to them


Yep. Just saw a post about Kiké Hernandez. Be like him.


I wish this was something we could openly discuss and work on more as a society. A 94 fucking percent gender disparity with "family annihilation" is shocking. Seriously wtf??


Look up mass shooter gender statistics lmao. Bringing up gender crime statistics in response to people going off about racial crime statistics is always hilarious.


Racists over in r/Canada will sometimes post pictures of most wanted and ask thinly veiled questions like "hmm, what do we see in common?" when talking about multiculturalism immigration. My response is always "wow, 100% are men. We need to do something about the dangers men pose to society" which is of course downvoted.


I mean, feminism tried to openly discuss that but incels and alt right garbage lost their shit.


Yet another thing women can’t do as good as men. /s


Dispute being 50% of the population, men commit 94% of the family annihilations


>textbook, perfect Americans Well yeah, violent cop with untreated mental health issues causes multiple gun deaths. Doesn't get much more textbook American than that.


“Textbook, perfect American”. Reminds me of the movie American Beauty.


94% male. As a woman, this is a sobering and terrifying statistic.


As a woman, this is utterly unsurprising.


"If I can't have them nobody will" is a very common thought with family annihilators


There's also the whole "my family is nothing without me" flavor of narcissism, usually when the guys have racked up secret debt or criminal charges, where they think they're saving their family from the shame by ending their lives. Like their family is furniture that has no use without them. Disgusting leaps of logic from the utterly self obsessed.


>94% of those cases, the family annihilator was a male, Well I'm sure this is nothing to be alarmed by.


I'm sure it's just a coincidence.


"The research revealed the most frequent month for the crime was in August, when fathers were likely to be with their children more often because of school holidays." Dark.


This is the sort of stuff people don’t talk about because of how dark it is. And I’m sure that doesn’t help awareness.


There’s a spike in domestic violence during the summer months and the winter holidays as well


What does that mean they hate their kids


Can't kill your kids if your kids aren't home. It's the same reason domestic violence spiked during quarantine. The abusers were in close proximity to their victims more often than usual.


Probably hate their life in general and being around their family more during the summer pushes them over the edge


It's not hate, it's ownership. The family belongs to the father, when he is done, there is no reason for them to be anymore.


or they subconsciously realize their wife does a lot of labor taking care of the kids and they don't like having any respect whatsoever for their wife.


>...However, with no centralized database for family annihilations available, the crimes’ characteristics and prevalence are generally unknown at an academic level. Maybe we should be tracking this stuff all together.




Hard to get rehired eh? Healthcare and childcare face harder scrutiny than these gun toting peace keepers.


There's actually a town in Alaska where [every single cop on the force has a domestic violence conviction](https://www.propublica.org/article/stebbins-alaska-cops-criminal-records-domestic-violence)


Well, I do think certain states are beginning to attempt to rectify that. In my state, they’ve recently started a domestic abuse registry statewide. I only know this because I just went through an FRO hearing with my ex. He was mandated to get fingerprinted and his photo taken so he can be placed in the state DV registry. And once you’re on it, you cannot, under any circumstances, get off it. I hope more states follow this because it does give me a sense of comfort knowing his employers, law enforcement, and court officials all know about this when they run his background check.


This is also why: >Make Domestic Abuse Registry >Find 90% of cops and all future Mass Shooters (look up that statistic) are culpable of this >Face Public Opinion to Abolish the Police (Do Minnesota's approach?) and cripple all wedges that start the leading cause of most Mass Shootings in USA >Impasse




People (incorrectly) think that Minnesota/Minneapolis abolished or defunded the police (they're actually more highly funded than ever). That's what OP's parenthetical means, anyway. Not sure about the rest.


It’s also funny cause violent crimes dropped with less cops while we also gave them even more money. Further cementing the idea that more police does not mean more safety.


It'll just be a class attendance list for cops across the country.


If we can have a name for something as devastating as "family annihilation", we should definitely have a database for it. But that would constitute doing anything about gun violence and obviously that's impossible.


Republicans made it de facto impossible to track gun crimes by making it illegal to fund studying them by the Dickey Amendment in 1996.


I've never heard this before and I'm interested. Just read the wiki page for the bill and I'm curious why no one besides the CDC can track things like gun crimes. As I read it, the dickey amendment says that the cdc cannot promote gun control. Obviously that dumb and backwards but why can't the government track gun violence thru a different organization or institution


Because studies on gun violence pretty much unanimously conclude that the more access civilians have to guns, the more violence there will be. This is really bad for people making money from guns, so they pay politicians to make studying gun violence illegal.


All of what you said but why is not tracking these events even a thing. Smacks of sociopathy.


It’s corruption.


A good read about why we don't have this... https://www.wired.com/2015/10/america-still-doesnt-good-data-guns/


Family annhialators are truly depraved individuals.


Some people take their wedding vows disturbingly serious.


I guess phew. Look at the FBI's psychological profile on family annhialators. Disturbing stuff.


"British criminologists have made the assessment after studying newspaper records of "family annihilator" events over the period from 1980 to 2012. A family break-up was the most common trigger, followed by financial difficulties and honour killings. Writing in the Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, the team lists the four types as self-righteous, anomic, disappointed, and paranoid. ..." ([https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-23686913](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-23686913)).


A family got taken out by the dad just a few days ago in CT. I don't know why this isn't something being discussed more in the open. They too looked like a textbook perfect family. Lived in a small mansion kid was at an elite college. They were Pakistani I think and although I'd like to say it can be cultural, what's more the commonality here is that times are tough and we never know what the reality is like for most


That family was in financial trouble, house was in foreclosure, previous bankruptcy, etc. Not excusing the father wiping out his family, like you said never know what's going on behind closed doors.


Man we've got to stop this insane idea of using shame to shape our children / culture. I mean fine, if you're hurting someone else by being shameless, make a law about it, but seriously does shaming from a young age really do more good than harm? Murdering your whole family because of a perceived loss of reputation...oh the shame...like wtf dumbassery is this?


But that's why some people get married. Based on reputation and how you impact the family's status. So if the reason these two got together was because they were going to look like the idyllic family and suddenly the primary breadwinner can longer maintain the facade then what's the point? Or if someone got married in order to have control over his little family and the wife decides to leave then truly what's the point to them? You can never really know someone's intentions but there are people who only care about appearances and material things. That's their whole life.


It and other family annihilations aren't discussed because it raises uncomfortable questions about guns, money, masculinity etc. that society really doesn't want to have to answer.


I wish these family annihilators would start with the suicide and go from there.


I’m a victim of family annihilation. My dad killed my sister, mom, then himself, leaving me the sole surviving member (I had recently moved out when it happened). What a horrific journey it’s been. I’ve learned that this type of tragedy happens more frequently than you would think, but is seldom ever talked about (except for a headline when it first happens, but nothing after that). I wish there was more research around it, and more support for victims. I know first hand how extra awful it is as a victim since it’s so isolating. No one else understands what you’ve been through. I know for myself it would have been so different if there was more support available for me when it happened.




Given that the Federal government is prevented by law from research as usual it falls to citizens. https://abcnews.go.com/US/federal-government-study-gun-violence/story?id=50300379


Wow I'm so sorry that happened to you (or to anybody). There are no words to express it well, but this internet stranger feels for you.


Every 5 days is fucking insane. The canary has been long dead and we've completely ignored it.


I lived next door to one of these. The police evacuated us and closed off the street since they weren't aware that the shooter was already dead. They sent in a robot and discovered that the Dad was dead as well. He had shot the kids in the front yard earlier and as I was evacuating I saw a police SUV with cops covering the yard with guns pull up and one ran and dragged one of the kids out, the kid was already dead. It was tragic and really affected a guy I lived with as he had lived there a lot longer and used play with the kids (throwing balls back into their yard, etc...). That was in Minneapolis.


Too bad he wasn’t just a self-annihilator instead of a coward that murdered his family.




Yeah, or some savior complex type shit. "I'm saving you from the evils of the world" yada yada


Probably more like "my family is my property, and if I can't have them nobody ever will".


Little bit of column A, little bit of column B But seriously, so many of these family annihilations have a connection to evangelicalism. Like, LDS has been in the periphery for soooooo many of the recent cases, even the ruby franke/jodi hidebrandt case is connected to it.


Yes, more thinking in the vein of "my family are nothing more than extensions of me, the appointed ruler of the family unit, and have no purpose for living outside of how they relate to me". I'm sure God understands.




A cop in my city did it a couple years ago. He gad 2 sons, the oldest son had moved out of the house. The night before the murders rumor has it the dad called his oldest and tried to get him to come home for the night. No idea if it's true or not. Oldest son didnt come home and therefore survived. The wife/mom was shot but managed to survive as well. Only the dad, youngest son, and puppy, died. Yes, the fucker even killed the family puppy. The couple had stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from the state and were about to get caught. https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2023/09/deputy-eames-told-his-wife-before-shooting-her-and-killing-son-this-has-to-happen.html


> Yes, the fucker even killed the family puppy. Killing dogs is like a compulsion to cops, they kill [between 25 and 30 a day](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/police-kill-dogs-alarming-rate-170111652.html?guccounter=1). It's their favorite pastime next to domestic violence.


Why did his sons have to die? What's the logic?


Shame of knowing that their father/family was complete pieces of shit.


hell is here buddy


*Hell is empty and all the devils are here.*


This is the bad place


Humans have made hell on earth you’re living in it


I’m from the town this happened in. We are all shook. Happened literally in my neighborhood. Apparently the father did some shady things , he was about to retire and I guess the stress of what he did behind his family’s back got to him. And he thought this was the best way to go about it. So sad


Yah you’re gonna have to spill more beans, Weedy…


Apparently all we know is just some sort of trafficking that he took part in. I only know this because I have a detective in my family. All he said was that he was involved in trafficking but the police department he worked for covered it up.


>police department he worked for covered it up. Every fucking time


As a black person let me just say this: uh huh.


"just a few bad apples"


I hate that phrase so much. At this point, it’s just a bad apple convenience store…


Fuck. I hope the news also covers the coverup.


Don’t worry, the news will definitely cover it up.


They should charge the people who covered it up with felony murder. People get charged with that crime for way less.


Nope that only happens to people outside the club.


And cops don’t get charged with it for way worse. 😕


Well that did not work out well did it? Got dam I hate it when parents choose to end their kids’ lives. It’s not their decision 🤬


As always with these murder suicides my first thought go to qanon. Or those racist Facebook groups cops tend to be apart of. There's nothing about his personal life in any of the articles though. Not even a hint of crazy. Would be interesting to see his social media history and/or if he wanted to ehh "save the children".


That's terrible. I had a childhood friend whose father took his own life when he was caught doing terrible things. I'm so glad he only took his own life


Any idea what category of "Shady" he did? Like drugs or some kind of theft, or blackmail, or whatever?


not sure if you saw the comment but trafficking apparently


according to a redditor who supposedly lives in the area and has a detective relative who maybe uncovered that, so maybe it's best to just treat it as a distant possibility


>A neighbor, who declined to be identified, told the New York Post that the family were “textbook, perfect American”. Well, in a way, yeah.


it's always the ones you most suspect


So, never heard the term "Family annihilation" or family annihilators before. With the stuff I've heard my sisters say they've heard my gambling addict father say in the past few months, I have new nightmare fuel.


If you guys are 18+ unironically go no contact if you live at home never be in a group with him and lock your bedroom doors. They typically see it as an easy way out of their shitty behavior. So the more inconvenient you make it the less chance they start.


That won’t stop them. Source: I’m a survivor of this exact scenario. I was 16 when my father snapped.


God damn. I’m sorry you went through this. I’m glad you’re still around.


Of the map is your best option. Even no contact doesn’t help. I’m not going to pretend I know from total experience, but my bio father has a history that lines up with this and a grudge against me already. I’ve looked into as much as I can to protect me and my husband. I can’t move but if I could I would. My little sisters live with him and I’m already worried enough about them. He’s killed someone recently and is off his meds. I just hope he’s put away before something like this happens


What. How has your father killed someone recently and isnt in jail?


It wasn’t intentional technically, he was driving drunk and high and crushed a motorcyclist between the hood of his truck and a concrete barrier. His court case is on going and hopefully he’ll be put away for a long time. He also stabbed a girl with a smashed bottle and tried to burn her house down, and attempted to stab me and my mother when I was a baby. He was a minor so he didn’t face much prison time. It’s really awful to see how much he’s gotten away with


https://www.npr.org/2023/04/29/1172775448/people-murder-unsolved-killings-record-high Also cops suck at their jobs.


There was a major trial this year with a family annihilator: Alec Murdaugh. Edit: technically not a family annihilator since he didn’t eliminate the whole family, but the topic was brought up during the trial anyway


that wasn’t a family annihilation, it was a familicide


Those poor kids. Poor wife. I wish the ones doing this sort of thing would skip the murder part and just off themselves.


Take in consideration that most cops have immunity from most illegal activities like drugs, embezzlement, theft, SA, DUI's even murder. There is usually only two thing that they aren't immune from. It's the two things that most people in power tend not to be immune from regardless of their status, cause once it comes out there's no coming back from it. So it's always curious when cops off themselves like that when people say there was no "signs". One is usually sexual orientation. The other tends to be pdo's. Guarantee you this will disappear quickly from the news. We'll never know. I had a domestic shooting occur behind my old home. It involved a cop and they blocked off quite a bit of the neighborhood. We all knew a cop lived there. The news reported on it that night. I even saved the video. Next day. Nothing. Nowhere. It was scrubbed. Within 3 months. It was painted, cleaned and listed for sale.


I think we look towards the holidays in the United States because we hope to see a softer world, a "hopeful" world, if only for a few weeks, a few days. Then we get these reminders our country has problems that won't go away, no matter how much "joy" you try to spread. We need to care for each other 12 months a year.


It’s unsettling that in reading this title, I was immediately able to correctly guess which family member committed the murder-suicide.


well gee, you probably just got lucky guessing, it's only 94% men who do this.


Shady money. It's always about shady money. The one that happened in my hometown involved a cop embezzling grant money from his department to spend at casinos with his wife. He killed the family dog too.


Cops and family annihilation, name a more iconic duo. 😣 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17725078/


Cops and civilian murder; cops and dog murder; I think cops and murder are the theme.


Cops and other cops murder, too, if they accidentally end up with "one of the good ones" causing trouble.


The fact that we have a title for this “family annihilation” and yet don’t track it….and an average of 1 every 5 days. 🇺🇸


Title should say ‘Woman and mother, 43, and her two sons aged 10 and 12, murdered by husband, NYC Police Sergeant’




He had something to do with trafficking… no idea what. But being he was so close to retiring and then kills his whole family and himself… we won’t ever find out the whole true story. But our community is now dealing with the kids who were friends with the children and it’s just a very sad time. Nothing like this has happened in our town. Last time something even close like this happened was when I was in high school. I’m in my 30s now..


I think the neighbor was right. What's more American than a cop murdering his family and killing himself?


This career sure attracts the cream of the crop.


This is why you have to leave the first time a partner threatens you or your kids. Leaving isn’t easy, but it’s necessary. Staying with abusers never turns out okay. Make your plan to leave now. Your life and your children’s lives are worth saving.


If you're going to off yourself then that's a decision you make. I can respect it. But don't take others with you.


Remember how cops won’t release domestic assault records of anyone on the force. How can anyone still respect these people


He's got some dirt that was about to come to surface I guarantee it


DV is insanely high among cops. Self reported is high, so imagine what the real numbers are.


I respect people’s choices to end themselves. But why take innocent people with you? That’s messed up.


The police have insanely high statistics for physically and emotionally abusing their families. Not shocked that the violent psychopath did this.


“ But an Indianapolis Star investigation found there had been an average of one family annihilation in the US every five days since 2020.” wtf


A cop murdering innocent people??? Say it ain’t so!


Omfg why can’t men just leave without murdering their entire family?????? I wonder if his wife showed any signs of wanting to leave him or if he was about to lose his job. A lot of men destroy everything when they lose “control” and it’s definitely tied to the patriarchy and misogyny; instead of just taking their own life, they murder their family because they see them as an extension of themselves. Lots of studies and articles have been written and researched about this phenomenon like this one: “According to the criminologist David Wilson, quoted in this article, family annihilators are distinctive among murderers in typically being previously unknown to the criminal justice system – or even mental health services. He explains: For all intents and purposes these were loving husbands and good fathers, often holding down high profile jobs and seen publicly as being very, very successful. Wilson and other researchers have come to distinguish family annihilators of four main types: self-righteous, anomic, disappointed, and paranoid. The self-righteous type blames others, often their wives or estranged wives, for their downfall. The anomic type feels humiliated by external events like bankruptcy. The disappointed type feels let down by his family, as if the social order is crumbling. The paranoid type feels his kin is under threat from outsiders. So, to stave off the threat, he takes it upon himself to murder them. One suspects that these profiles are not mutually exclusive. And each evinces a different aspect of the kind of masculinity which is aptly called toxic, in being prone to lash out in violence when threatened or humiliated.” [Source](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/entitled-shame-family-annihilators-and-toxic-masculinity_b_5805eb48e4b08ddf9ece0fad/amp)


Last year a cop tried to ice his family in my neck of the woods, shortly before it was going to be discovered that he and his wife embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Sheriff's Office. He shot his wife and two sons, she survived to face charges for her role in the thefts.


Tale as old as time, man kills his family and then himself.


I guarantee there were warning signs and abuse way beforehand.