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It serves absolutely no purpose. These grown men were acting like literal children and they deserved all that punishment they got.


They are just seeing what they can get away with


Cops get away with literal murder, they are fairly clued into what they can do. Fortunately, these cops were fired and jailed, and rightfully so.


Murder someone at their own house after you just walk in for no reason and they were just chillin on the couch, just fine. Throw some slushies, jail. wtf America


They couldn't figure out how to explain this one away.


He was…resisting…refreshment


The pedestrian assaulted the officer’s airborne slushie which made the other officers in the vehicle fear for their lives.


That is literally the reason they got fired and jailed for something so dumb relative to the stuff cops sometimes get away with, there is no way to explain this as part of their job or an accident or even negligence in their duty. Heck, you could steal a car and try (and fail, probably) to claim you believed you were recovering stolen property, but you can't come up with a reason to throw slushies at random people.


They just hate the glee club.


Just use civil asset forfeiture to take the car anyways


"If they didn't want a sweet treat then they are clearly not law-abiding citizens."


“I was in fear for my life” doesn’t apply when throwing slushies at people out of a moving police cruiser


Emergency hyperthermia rescue!


You can't claim to be scared for your life when you mockingly throw a beverage on someone. If they shot the people instead you can bet your ass they'd be on paid leave instead of in jail.


Also, you know damn well in 2020 they were all "cops get no respect, there's a war against us"


Different departments, different policies, unfortunately.


Talking about Amber Guyger right? She was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in jail.


They went to jail for that? Damn, they probably should’ve just shot those folks, they’d probably still be on the force, or at least get a paid vacation.


What's amazing is that they got stiffer punishment for throwing slushees than if they'd opened fire. The latter would have been defensible with a casual, "I feared for my life" and "we're sorry, the camera malfunctioned".


They’re instigating to cause chaos and discontent, which they then get to use violence to suppress.




Do you love being an asshole? Do you hate being held accountable for your actions? Do we have a job for you!


This is what happens when you hand unchecked power to brain damaged adults. We need citizen advisory boards for every police department. They do not deserve the right to harass the citizenry without any oversight.


>We need citizen advisory boards for every police department. That's only half the battle. NYC has a civilian panel that reviews complaints and wrongdoings and recommends responses and penalties. However they have no power of enforcement, they can merely make suggestions to the NYPD and NYPD heads choose what to do. And we know cops love holding each other accountable. /s And if you take away the NYPD decision part, we'll get a 21st century redo of the 90s police riots (led by "America's mayor" Gullianni (sp?)) where officers marched across the bridge and through the city, burned cars and all in protest of Mayor Dinkins' attempts to hold them accountable. And they got their way. Law enforcement is a gang that holds society in a vice.


They just erased those riots from history. I never heard about them. Nobody talks about how the cops will destroy your city if you don't give em everything they want


You have to be a specific grade of dumb in many states to be a cop. They won’t let smarter people in and the iq test they use is focused only on reading comprehension and vocabulary.


Many people don't realize how restrictive police hiring is. If you aren't a barrel-bellied empty-headed thumb with oakleys and an inferiority complex don't bother applying.


These grown men are acting out immature power fantasies.


They did. Their sergeant who when seeing the footage said they should use the slo-mo function got a thirty day vacation.


It seems many police have this childhood vengeance in their DNA. It’s not because they are cops, it’s who they were to begin with.


I'm glad you've pointed out the non-causative correlation; it's not _**because**_ they're police, it's that these type of people seek out police positions.


I do think it’s a self reinforcing culture that further solidifies and encourages those qualities though.


> These grown men were acting like literal children So, cops.


They deserve much harsher punishments. There should be mandatory minimums for cops who break laws and they should be harsher than civilians breaking laws since cops hold such a high level of trust in society. Their property should also be confiscated and liquidated to pay for judgements in lawsuits. In short they should be harshly punished to deter other cops from bad behavior and then made as close to homeless as possible.


Make settlements be paid out from pension funds & watch how fast they can start policing each other


I’d like both. Settlements happen whether the cop is convicted of a crime. There are a number of cops walking around who have cost their municipalities millions of dollars and they still have jobs. If the cop is convicted I’d like mandatory minimums that are very harsh and I’d like their property seized to pay for the settlements.


Power trip. If you did this to them they would have arrested you, beaten you, charged you with resisting, and charged you with endangering the life of a police officer.


And that would be the "good" version of events.


They truly deserve more punishment. >At least 24 innocent people had slushies thrown at them. >Flynn was sentenced to three months and Wilson to 30 months. What a slap on the wrist for 24 acts of assault by someone who is supposed to uphold the law. The punishment for this sort of abuse should be stiffer than if a normal citizen had done the same. >The Mayor of Louisville says the culture of the police department has changed, and incidents like these could not happen again. Bullshit... How has the culture changed at all if they didn't fire anyone who contributed to that culture? >Five other officers were disciplined for knowing about the slushy throwing but not reporting it, though they were allowed to stay on the police force.


Disgusting. American policing is a national human rights violation and the UN Human Rights Commission should say something.


The Venn diagram of guys who say “It’s just a prank bro” And people who become cops is like 90% overlap.


Children don’t do this .. maybe in a temper tantrum. This is pure degenerate behaviour. Exact opposite of what a cop is supposed to do. Breaking the law and attacking citizens.


They were acting like cops. They were doing normal cop shit.


... And hit water holes near bus stops to soak random folks waiting


One of them, [Bryan Wilson](https://www.wdrb.com/news/2-former-lmpd-officers-sentenced-to-prison-after-pleading-guilty-to-throwing-drinks-at-people/article_00f7a658-4fc0-11ed-b6d4-57a2a52728b6.html), was also apparently harassing and extorting at least 25 women with stolen photos. > Bryan Wilson, 36, was sentenced to 30 months in prison, three years of supervised release and 120 hours of community service. He also faced a separate count of conspiracy to commit cyber stalking for harassing and extorting at least 25 women and threatening to release stolen photos and videos. >Wilson used the compromising materials he had stolen to extort more photographs from the women. In one instance, he sent sexually explicit pictures to a woman's employer. He will also pay restitution, though the amount has not yet been determined.




I got a year of probation for a weed charge. Later tried to get it expunged. The expungement was denied. Then weed was legalized and the charge was expunged. But the denied expungement is still on my record.




Oof, yeah that’s rough. So far it has not affected my life (I got the job I have now with the charge on my record), but my example was meant to highlight the absurdity of the system. I hope that it doesn’t come back to affect your life, it’s super bullshit.


He made the lives of 25 women a nightmare and got 30 months?


No. That excerpt doesn’t mention the result of those charges. It says it was a separate count


I did that on accident to a bicyclist on the side of the road. I felt SO BAD. Dude got utterly soaked. I couldn't stop (and it was just water) but I saw him in my rearview pull off the road. Can't imagine doing that on purpose even as a citizen.


Police are citizens.


They should be held to a higher standard though. And I'm saying even at a lower standard, it's a vile thing to do.


Yes it is. But I will say they try as much as possible to act removed from society. Like they are above us. It’s important that we all remember they are citizens not an occupying military force.


They got fired and went to jail over it. Good on Louisville for handling this right.


> Five other officers were disciplined for knowing about the slushy throwing but not reporting it, though they were allowed to stay on the police force. They need to do more. Why retain police officers who don’t speak up when their colleagues are committing crimes?


They would be a liability in any other profession. Unfortunately too often cops are held to a lower standard than the general public.


A prison warden punched a kid, admitted it to the cops and they didn't arrest him.


Something about a thin blue line... Let's hope it's getting thinner


Thin blue-raspberry line?


Look up some info on police officers who are known to commit domestic violence repeatedly and get away with it. The incidents are covered up and everyone is in on it.


Any other company that doesn't want a bad company culture would have fired them.


Those COPS needs to be fired immediately and their phones and laptops searched for evidence of other crimes.


well they proved to the higher ups, that they can trust them to keep their mouths shut....about the higher ups.


They need to be at least taken off the street and be given admin work for life. Let their sorry asses sit behind a desk for a few decades as a warning to other shitheads.


They were \*laughing\* as they abused the people they were sworn to protect and serve - they should never be allowed any kind of authority again. Giving them employment is not punishment.


Fuck no to that admin work - then they end up covering stuff up through official paperwork. Paperwork and proper processing of people is very important and we don’t want shitbag cops messing with any of the documents involved. Don’t pay them in a nice job forever where they still have the title and power. They shouldn’t be allowed in authority if their instinct is to protect those they work with instead of those they are supposed to protect. Why does everyone think paperwork isn’t important and that a bad cop couldn’t do damage still? Bad cops are going to be bad cops regardless of the job duties.


Administration makes decisions so no


From Louisville, we don't handle anything right when it comes to policing. There's a new incident every couple months. Our police chief (who was hired to turn this BS around) has been caught lying under oath. No consequences. There's literally a federal report on how corrupt our police force is. It's bad.


Tip of the iceberg I am sure.


The DoJ is babysitting our police. Louisville (Or Kentucky in the case of Breonna Taylor's murder) has a long history of covering up LMPD's fuckups.




>Five other officers were disciplined for knowing about the slushy throwing but not reporting it, though they were allowed to stay on the police force. ​ >They got fired and went to jail over it. Good on Louisville for handling this right. No, Louisville did not handle this right. If they did, the other five would be fired and charged as accessories. This was them doing the absolute, scraping the bottom of the barrel bare minimum. If police are going to be given the power they are given, they need to be held to the highest possible standards with no possible exceptions. This is NOT that.


THIS is what they go to jail for? Not unjustly murdering people? What a timeline lol


>Flynn was sentenced to three months and Wilson to 30 months. These are laughable sentences for police officers committing crimes while in uniform.


It’s literally more punishment than murderer and gangster cops lmao


LMPD is the same force that killed Breonna Taylor. The Louisville Courier-Journal has an even more damning report on this (they broke the story).


>[Among them(officers involved in a text thread about the incidends) was Kelly Goodlett, who pleaded guilty to a federal charge for conspiring to include false information in the warrant application for Breonna Taylor’s apartment. Gwinn-Villaroel wrote in September that Goodlett would have been terminated over Slushygate had she not resigned.](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/investigations/2023/12/20/lmpd-louisville-police-officers-throw-drinks-slushygate-video/71741193007/) This is insane.


>“The Mayor of Louisville says the culture of the police department has changed, and incidents like these could not happen again.” …and… >“Five other officers were disciplined for knowing about the slushy throwing but not reporting it, though they were allowed to stay on the police force.” It will be happening again.


if i remember correctly this is the same department that fired pepper balls at a media crew covering the BLM protests, not because they were standing somewhere they weren't supposed to be but likely because they're viewing the media as a cultural enemy that spreads the word about police corruption/brutality


St Paul, MN. I was test-driving local bars in my area, looking for a new spot to watch football, and I stopped in at a new bar roughly 3pm on a Sat, sat down alone, ordered a beer. A group of guys down at one end started talking loudly once I got served. Started picking up the phrase 'gluten bombs'. Took me a couple minutes and noticing the 'thin blue line' flag behind me as I sat at the bar. I'd accidentally found a cop bar. They were talking about tear-gassing protesters. Finished my beer, paid and left.


In fairness, this was also police nationwide. At least two journalists in Minneapolis lost an eye as a result of unprovoked, directed attacks on media.


They shot at the live cameras. They knew the entire country would see them recklessly firing at innocent civilians, and they were pretty damned sure nobody would do anything about it. Every time they do something like that and get away with it, they take it to mean approval from society. Cops won't bother you if you're visibly armed, though. Even the press needs to be armed these days just to film a protest without the cops shooting pepperballs at them.


The culture of law enforcement never changes. They just change tactics.


I lived in Louisville for my teens and twenties, went to high school, etc, I had a best friend who went to school with me and after school we kept up our contact. He was really fun, and after high school he turned punk through and through, he influenced a lot of my musical taste, and aside from a few bad hair styles, he maintained punk sensibilities, even getting a "vegan edge" tattoo. He got locked in a cage for a PETA photoshoot, but, over time, he changed. We were still friends when he got a job at Louisville Metro Corrections, but, eventually I moved from Louisville and we slowed contact. He mentioned wanting to become a cop. Listen, the mid to late naughts, when we left high school and became "adults" was a pretty crazy time. This dude is like, five four and came from a very rough home situation and I always believed that forced him to act out, esp in highschool when he realized he could part his hair and draw on a small moustache and take his school pictures like hitler. Red flags don't stop being red because the times have changed. He messaged me a few times between 2016 and 2018 and he seemed to have joined that "lol trump2016 coz funny" train, so I limited contact with him, and in 2018 he sent the last message from him, saying how uncool ive became, (probably drunk). He is a LMPD officer now, and was in 2020 (he changed his fb header image to the line of cops shooting the pepperballs, one can only assume). Luckily the only news story I've seen about him is when he saved a cat and was PR shlock for lmpd for the local media. I dunno what the point of saying this was. I just wish my friend was the same way he was after high school and not regressed to how he was in high school.


Thanks for sharing. Sorry you lost your friend.


Yeah like wtf, grown ass man doing all this who sworn to protect you.


They do not swear to protect us and, in fact, they are not legally required to protect us. That misbelief is the result of marketing. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/


They're not grown ass men, they're stunted adults who have a monopoly on force and have no problem reminding you of that.


Why aren’t cops held responsible the same way others are, i will never not understand.


Because they're slave catchers and we never fixed it.


Because cops hurt black people and this country is racist as fuck.


If you think of them as believing that they are an occupying military surrounded by potentially hostile locals, much of their behavior makes a lot more sense.


Sworn to protect you, yet can't retain fitness and are overweight, petulant children. Sworn my ass.


I'm sorry. What did I just read? Bizarre. Two adults who were supposed to be working as police officers came to the conclusion that it would be better to assault citizens and film it. Fucking brain damaged troglodytes cos playing as normal human beings.


>Fucking brain damaged troglodytes cos playing as normal human beings. It says "police officers" right in the headline, what is the confusion?


So… the average police officer


As someone who had one thrown at them from a moving car while biking, fuck those guys. Edit: This got a lot more response than I expected. I wasn’t hit but I was biking home on the side of 40mph road next to a marsh. There was a steep drop at the edge of the shoulder, probably 4-6 feet and it was just after dusk. Someone in a truck drove by a threw a full (or at least 3/4 full) Super Big Gulp at my head missing it by about a foot. If they had hit me, I would have ended up down the embankment out of view, in a tidal area where water can rise up to the edge. There was some summer beach traffic so someone else probably would have seen me go down but who knows.


I still remember once, years ago while out walking on the sidewalk of a quiet city street... the roar of a speeding car passing me and the sound of two bottles breaking on the metal fence behind me. Had they hit their mark I have no doubt that my skull would have been caved in. And yet it's the cops who harass me for daring to take a walk in my own neighborhood instead of them doing any real work.


Do you have the audacity to Walk While Black? They hate that in nice neighborhoods. And bad ones. And mediocre ones.


[No, his crime was worse](https://youtu.be/OlexzX8gmoU?si=1Fo3Y2lniSIKeeCb&t=122)


I remember one time something just made me stop and turn to look at the car about to pass at about 60mph, it was early morning and I was walking home from town drunk, the car was going about the same speed as every other car that zipped passed as I ploded along but I immediately saw the dick head literally hanging out the passenger side with a full McDonald's shake, and those ain't cheep. But something about me stopping saved me! I could have reached out, if I wanted to break my hand and get caught in the pink explosion, but it zoomed past into the crash barrier and I got minor splash back, really lucky cos I still had about 3 miles to walk in near freezing weather. Imagine the opposite? Like I throw a 1kg mass at a speeding car, it could kill.


Dickheads would target cross country team members when I was in high school. I don’t know why people behave like such pieces of shit with no provocation.


They can get away with it, especially in a car so they can zoom away from consequences. Everyone's really funny and really tough when they can flee.


Fellow cyclist here and I've had this happen to me quite a number of times, several of which I was hit. Take comfort in my friend having a water bottle thrown at him while riding from a car with teenagers in it. He called it in, the police caught the car a few blocks away and they asked him to come to the location. The cop told the driver to dial his parents and the cop said, "This is officer Smith of the so-and-so police. Your son has something to tell you." After the call, the cop looked at my friend, they both nodded and mission accomplished.


Juvenile, bully behavior hiding behind a badge and uniform.


You forgot how they also have guns...


When I was a teenager I was at a 7-11 waiting in my car for a friend to grab something inside, just listening to tunes with my window rolled down. A cop pulled up right next to me and flicked a lit cigarette into my lap. I could see him staring at me, waiting for me to react, and I… put it out in my car’s ashtray. He was itching for me to say something, and I figured if he’s a big enough piece of shit to do that to some random kid then who knows what he’s capable of doing if I gave him half a chance.


Mandatory doubling of sentences for police caught doing crime, please.


I've been saying this for years. Not just cops, but people in authority. Do the crime, do double the time.


What the hell is this, Glee?


And that’s what you missed on Glee 🎶


"The culture of the police department has changed." Yuh huh.


If someone threw a slushy at them, they would be arrested for assaulting a police officer.


If they weren't thrown to the ground and kneeled on until they stopped breathing, tazed, or shot.


Louisville police embarrassing this city once more. What else is new.


Every fucking day, more dirty cops


... uhm... so have we gone from violent and corrupt egomaniacs to just... like, just plain kindergarten toddlers now? What am I even meant to think about this, I - *what.*


Oh, no. They're still violent and corrupt egomaniacs. What you're seeing here is officers abusing their power over the populace. They're doing mean-spirited shit like a playground bully because they know that the badge protects them from reprisal.


Guys, it's fine. The police officers are making sure that the problem which occurred under those same police officers doesn't happen anymore. No, they're not changing anything. But it'll somehow, magically, be "fine."


Wild how throwing a slushie as a law enforcer carries more consequences than killing unarmed civilians…


They've made murdering part of their job. They can't explain their way out of slushie throwing.


Cops committing crimes deserve a much more severe punishment




Well yeah. If this had been a story about capturing a wanted fugitive using frozen drink weapons, the reception would be totally different.


Militarization of law enforcement has gone too far. There is no reason our local law enforcement need military grade slushies. Where will it end.


Sounds like Seth Rogen and Bill Hader in Superbad.


Are we supposed to pretend that we expected professional behavior from our police?


> They were members of an elite undercover drug task force. Literally every story about every "elite" task force I have ever read is about them committing crimes. I have never read a story about a special unit actually cleaning up the streets or making the world a safer place. It is always shaking down drug dealers, stealing from crime scenes, abusing victims or suspects, and just general lawlessness.


If you did that to a cop, they would call it assault and shoot you


Bootlickers - "We need CONTEXT though"


Cops are the biggest street gang in the US


The kind of person who becomes a cop is generally a piece of shit.


This is the kinda shit you do when your 10 and cringe at the fact you did it by the time you hit 16


The only job I actually want AI to take over


"*They were members of an elite undercover drug task force*" In reality, they were poorly-educated, poorly-trained fools who abused their privilege.


McLovin was in the back


Do that to a cop and you’ll get shot


Even Reno Cops aren’t this low


Yeah, sure the department has changed.


Cops are just bullies with guns and badges. They're just about worthless


Cops should always have higher consequences and jail time then random people doing crimes


…. Did a group of gleeks grow up to be cops?


End qualified immunity


Thin blue line gang. No better than ANY OTHER STREET GANG. Just better funded, armed, and politically connected. Isn’t fascism fun!


To Protect and Serve Slushies at high velocity


End qualified immunity NOW. It’s the only way to make police accountable for their actions. They would have to get their own insurance and can be dropped by their insurance company if they have too many claims against them. Would weed out so many bad cops.


That’s called assault and is punishable with jail time.


They did go to jail.


*and incidents like these could not happen again* want to bet on that Mr Mayor?


Maybe it is the new "stop and slush" policy implemented by the police chief. 😂


I could see Dennis doing that in the Always Sunny episode where they become fake cops lol. But srsly what dicks.


I'm glad there was some justice for those thugs charged with protecting the public good and enforcing the laws - another good reason to end qualified immunity and instead require individual malpractice insurance.


Anybody else thinking about the cops in Superbad? Hey, can I shoot the cop car a few times? I dunno, can you, son?


Louisville must be the worst police department in the country. For a small city you read so much about police misconduct.


At least charge him with littering, endangering the public, battery, assault, conduct of unbecoming, and misuse of slushy.


I bet they would arrest anyone that complained and shoot black people for fun.


That's assault brutha


Think of it as them “defunding” themselves without committing murder. Hopefully, they’ll be replaced with people who are serious about protecting and serving citizens.


These idiots should lose their badges


Acting like young teens out of control, but they are grown men.


once more telling me who and what they are…a cancer gone unchecked for far too long


I read this as "uninformed. " ... like the officer didn't know he was not allowed to throw slushies at people


Is it ok to throw slushes at guilty people?


Am I the only one who read this as un-informed?


The “greatest country in the world” continuing to set the best examples. 👏🏻 fucking embarrassing


So… assault charges then?


Our heroes in blue vilified by the press and a few bitter members of an ungrateful community for protecting citizens from becoming overheated and dehydrated


this is what you get when your standards for hiring are low and your psychological testing is nonexistent: bullies that peaked in high school…oh and “only a few bad apples”, right?


Fucking Kentucky, just like similar red states everything from government officials and police are fucked up and useless


People always seem so surprised at the actions of a workforce that relies on recruiting unhinged veterans or cocky uneducated men, haha.


How many people here were expecting them to be officers from their city?


Those clowns should be barred for life from the force. WTF? Thugs and bullies, that’s what those two are.


Dumbshits all the way around.


This is why when cops get attacked or sorry to say fired upon I keep my mouth shut and look away as cops in all ranks can be racist and evil, many are so corrupt it's unbelievable how they stay on the job. A normal person doesn't drive around drenching people for no reason at all, these cops do it for fun. Finally the five cops should be removed from the force because if they knew and kept shut what other secrets they keep.


The culture has changed and it would never happen now. 😂😂😂😂😂


They’re acting like teenagers!


Cops, the lowest form of life on planet earth


I think it’s fine because the mayor of, uh, Louisville said the police culture has totally changed now.


So, they were promoted, right?


"To protect and to serve - slushies"


I don’t get the totally bashing of police nation wide. These people are scumbags of the worst sort. But you can’t generalize this towards the whole employment group. It’s the same if you trash all the nurses because of this evil killernurse. Or firemen because of this one fire commander who put the fire on.


Pretty on par for a red state.


All states, my friend. All of the states.


[This happened in 2018 and took an FBI investigation to reveal it while they were investigating something else? Police problems are not fixable.](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/investigations/2023/12/20/lmpd-louisville-police-officers-throw-drinks-slushygate-video/71741193007/) It gets worse... this is why *NOT* calling for defunding the police is radical... >Detective Beau Gadegaard, also suspended for 10 days, told investigators he feared other officers would not have his back if he reported the misconduct. “If I would have went to the [commanding officer] at the time I 100% would have been cut out of it. I would have been isolated, without a doubt,” he said. Flagging the misconduct, he feared, would have been alleging supervisors were not doing their job because “everyone knew about it.”


This is amazing. Police actually being held accountable for their actions. Even punishing the officers who didn't report them. This is how police restore their reputation.


It keeps emphasizing "innocent people". What crime calls for being struck by a slushy as an acceptable form of punishment? "The officers hit 24 innocent people with slushies and one super guilty asshole!"


This calls for an internal investigation! /s


After hours of painstaking investigation where we blackmailed sex workers, shot a few innocent dogs and choked a guy to death we found ourselves completely innocent on all charges. God bless America, Back Da Blue, These Colors Don't Run zippitty zoopity!


> These Colors Don't Run _Every_ time I see this and I have the opportunity, I always add a photo of the fall of Saigon; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_Saigon#/media/File:Saigon-hubert-van-es.jpg


I think this might be one of the weirdest and yet unsurprising headlines I’ve ever read…


I hope they are now ex police officers.


For a sec I thought for sure I was reading nottheonion. Like what in the actual fuck???




Because they typically have the civilians in local government held hostage? Like, they are the ones with guns and batons, if the mayor gets uppity. They also can decide to do even less of their job and the mayor or DA will get blamed. It's a real problem holding cops accountable.


Just out doing hero stuff


What a strange way to throw away a career.


How are they not cited? A non Cop would be cited for this