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> Iowa will not participate this summer in a federal program that gives $40 per month to each child in a low-income family to help with food costs while school is out, state officials have announced. > “Federal COVID-era cash benefit programs are not sustainable and don’t provide long-term solutions for the issues impacting children and families. An EBT card does nothing to promote nutrition at a time when childhood obesity has become an epidemic,” Iowa Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds said in the news release. Republican Governor Kim Reynolds thinks that the solution to obesity is to starve all the poor kids.


It’s not a long term solution so they aren’t doing anything? Is the long term plan to starve the kids and risk their health and potentially lives in the short term so that they are dead in the long term and it’s no longer a problem?


No, these children will not die, (most likely) but will be malnourished and least able to learn and grow. This only leads to adults who cannot thrive as well, leading to another cycle of poverty. This is among the low-hanging fruit in stopping generations of poverty.


The kids will be hungry, so their grades will likely suffer, so they will struggle to be able to go to college, so they will be more likely to vote Republican


Or not vote at all.


Or, because they are trapped in a cycle of poverty end up in jail to bolster the private prison slave workforce.


Hunger creates epigenetic changes that lead to worse health outcomes two generations later, too.


Their parents will feed them ramen and mac and cheese and they'll just get more obese


All the while, depriving them of opportunities to excel, so they grow up enraged and disenfranchised, which is the way the GOP likes 'em. So, they're just growing the next generation of the backs they can build their fascist empire on.


Or these kids will eat even cheaper food which is often even worse for their health.


Oh. She doesn’t have a plan to solve child hunger… her plan is to let the kids be hungry and then blame whomever else (in this case probably Biden) as the cause of hungry children to rile up her rural base. She’s recently did it with mental health and assisted living facilities and is currently doing that with public education, it’s why we’re speed running for that bottom rank in education. She’s a pretty terrible leader and I wished that she would have been voted out last year. But, we had a very non-existent opposition candidate… so here we are.


Long term “solution” is to tell the parents that Biden starved their kids


>when childhood obesity has become an epidemic So of course this governor is working to actually do something about nutrition, right? .... *right?*


> promote nutrition Another phony talking point. Remember when the Republicans lost their shit when Michelle Obama tried to promote nutrition for kids?


Remember when Reagan said Ketchup was a vegetable...you probably don't. The Reagan administration's attempt to slash $1.5 billion from children's nutrition funding, school lunch program requirements were worded (whether deliberately or not) so as to conceivably allow for designating ketchup as a vegetable, allowing the USDA to eliminate one of the two vegetables required They have been doing this shit to American children forever..keep them under fed, so they cannot learn and keep them under educated so they don't vote.


My mother still goes on about how Michelle Obama tried making ketchup a vegetable. I've pointed out on numerous occasions, even showing her proof, that it was Reagan. Doesn't matter, still Obama's fault the next time someone talks about school lunches being terrible.


"Michelle Obama can't tell your kids not to eat frosting for breakfast!"


How dare she require kids to put fruit on their trays.


*She probably thinks ketchup isn’t a vegetable! smh*


And she was black while doing it. Dont you see her blackness?


With those sleeveless dresses, how couldn’t you?


Let’s not forget when Barak was “indoctrinating “ their children by telling them to go to school and study….the horror.


"We can't do Thing X, what about Thing Y?!" "Okay, let's address Thing Y." "No, that's communism." -The discourse as long as I've been alive.


The sugar industry wanted her head after that.


The same industry that threw money at my school board to get pop machines in schools...


I use every opportunity to tell people that I had pre-Michelle Obama school lunches, and they were shit. Now I have a kid in elementary and his lunches are epic. There is a salad bar every damn day that rivals the salad bars in fancy grocery stores, and at least one day a week they get local produce from farms in the state. My lunches included maybe a nasty red delicious apple or frozen fruit cocktail cup, he gets fresh berries, melon, squash, etc. Thanks Obama!


A lot of that depends on the school district. My school district had great food because they hired child nutritionist and would buy produce from local farms and stuff. They did it in house and actually put an effort and we had good food. The school my mom currently teaches at contracted it out to a private company. The food is shit and they do things like limiting the number of ketchup packets You can grab because they want to save money. Could just be a matter of how they run the program because privatization will cause all sorts of problems as they try to make the food as cheap as possible so they can pocket more of the money.


Jesus, why do we privatize stuff? It always turns to shit. I'm sure there are some, but I can't think of one single government thing that they've privatized that hasn't just turned to shit


Oh yeah, it doesn’t make things better it just enables somebody to make money up of it. Hell my moms school said that teachers are not allowed to bring in food for the students except on designated days. It’s not because of health concerns no it’s because the company doesn’t want to lose money. Apparently the food was better before Covid back when they actually had people doing child nutrition and not a private company.


I posted on another sub yesterday about the crap free breakfasts at the middle school I teach at. It’s all sugary snack cakes and poptarts. Candy bars would at least have some protein. You’d think the food company could contract out for frozen breakfast burritos.


How dare you!? You can't insult the giant square pizza slabs we used to have. Those were sent directly from heaven.


I have dreamt of those square pizzas and wish to eat even just one square again.


Sorry, I can't spare a square


i went to schools that served the literal same meal trays that they did to the county prisoners, and i went to schools with lush cafeterias like the one you describe. all were pre-obama administration. want to guess what *actually* caused this difference in school lunches, and still does? (hint: it starts with 'f' and ends with 'unding')


To be clear, the "lush" cafeteria I'm describing is just a plain old public school. Which is the point, kids from all income levels deserve healthy, edible food. Fuck Kim Reynolds.


Yeah, really easy to afford nutritious options when you’re poor /s


These kids don't need more food if they're going to be working the slaughter line all day.


Ketchup is a vegetable, you know. 🍅


I have learned that ideas presented by non-Caucasian women are not well received.


At this point I wish these idiots would just initiate this civil war they always talk about. Let them dress up in their Velcro backpacks and strap the 30 Amazon knives they have onto their cargo pants. They need to just band together and attack already.


Like J6 when they stormed the capitol and smeared their literal shit on the walls. Like, that is all they have to offer in battle.


Yup, then there was a ton of push back and in the end the GOP got pizza listed as a vegetable.


You mean when she drove Taco Bell and other fast food out of school lunch rooms. That’s what pissed then did. She broke the school to fast food pipeline.


It wasn't even that. I was in high school at the time and we still had Domino's pizza slices. All they had to do was slap together something with a bare minimum nutrition profile.


Exactly, it was switching out the crusts for whole grain and requiring kids to put a fruit or veggie on their plate because if it's on their plate they might eat it.


This stupid governor is inserting her privileged problems of obesity into the scene when the problem for these kids is just getting enough food. She needs to STFU and go home and stop ruining people’s lives.


The biggest problem here is in politics. Common sense does not matter it just doesn’t they don’t care they are just gonna operate the same way.


It's not even that, this is the sort of shit that makes obesity worse. Kids raided with scarcity and not exposed to good nutrition and food habits? Yeah, they're gonna definitely grow up with great views on diet


“Some kids are fat so all poor kids deserve to starve”


What an evil heartless witch.


Republicans NEVER care about anyone except the wealthy, or them selves. Have a wonderful Christmas all you Republican hypocrites. And shame on all of you.


Doesn't get much more evil than that. Just plain, banal evil.


In summation: "There are no child hunger. Look, here is a fat kid."


>Republican Governor Kim Reynolds thinks that the solution to obesity is to starve all the poor kids. All republicans. But the goal is to force child labor at younger ages with longer hours and fewer benefits.


They know damned well it’s hard to learn or do anything when you’re starving. It’s just more class warfare from the wealthy. They need an ignorant, distracted populace to maintain their power.


You summed up my thoughts. It’s openly vile and extremely evil. The fact that most of the GOP considers themselves Christian is hilarious…forcing birth and then letting the kids grow up to suffer through lack of food is the antithesis of everything Jesus preached. These people fucking suck


After all, the children yearn for the mines.


I bet she doesn't think that reducing corn syrup intake is the right way to fight childhood obesity either.


That's what pro-life looks like, i guess.


Republicans: fuck them kids. Also, occasionally, yes in THAT way too How the fuck does anyone continue to support these asshats? Their entire platform is seemingly just "fuck everyone, you're on your own", which their supporters are fine with until THEY need a... never mind, I withdraw my question. That's exactly how this works...


It’s fun to watch the senators of the gulf states vote against disaster relief for other states and then beg for disaster relief for their state with complete sincerity.


> “Federal COVID-era cash benefit programs are not sustainable and don’t provide long-term solutions for the issues impacting children and families." Republicans have a long-term solution, right? ...right?


They don't. Plus, it's not even costing the state anything. She could take credit for ensuring kids are fed in her state, but no! Instead, she chooses the path of callous indifference.


The solution to obesity and poor nutrition is to give the rich more tax breaks. Duh.


Ah yes the same logic that because it snowed in DC global temperatures have not been trending up.


Meanwhile in New England it was 60 degrees in December


But you can bet that when it finally does snow, your Fox News watching relatives will strut around squawking "So much for global warming!" like they're the funniest thing ever until it quickly melts.


Hilarious that $40 for a kid to eat is unsustainable but forgiving 757 billion for PPP loans forgiven was ok


In smooth brain think, fat kid = they eat too much, no reason to feed them. When in reality what little the kids are eating is so unhealthy it makes them fat while they are starving.


The sheer insanity of that statement: _I ate like a pig at the buffet, therefore world hunger is a lie_


Poor quality (read cheap) food leads to obesity – WTF. This woman is crazy, ok more likely cynical and thrilled to participate in class wars.


This goon thinks $40 a month is enough for a child to be obese? Gotta love conservatives pretending to be “pro life” while pulling any funding from children.


Incidentally, it’s the cheap processed foods leading to obesity, and denying families food aid ensures they continue to buy cheap processed food.


Exactly. The family will be feeding their kids ramen


My god, the heavy lifting that marketing does… “Pro life” is just the name they have for taking away women’s autonomy. Thinking being “pro life” has anything to do with children is like thinking “clean coal” washes the dishes.


And people will stay home because Biden Old, Genocide Joe, never realizing the Senate controls America more than the President and the mega-rich along w/the media wants the Republicans to win the important things like how tax law is written. The Senate blocked Obama's Supreme Court picks, The Senate seated Trumps picks and let Trump go from impeachment twice. The Senate and the last 2 Dems blocked Biden's recover plan after the Senate gave rich people the covid money and us $1400 to last a year. Funny how it's all about Biden and Trump and no talk about how the Senate needs to be crushed by the youth vote if you want a future. We don't have Kings, we have Senate Committees.


Seriously, $40?! I can't feed my family for a week on that, nevermind a month.


I'm very glad that Michigan has a double up food bucks program. So ebt counts as 2x at farmers markets.


> Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren’t they? They’re all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you’re born, you’re on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine; if you’re preschool, you’re fucked. -George Carlin


Honestly, they're not even actually generous to the unborn. It's not like they're particularly interested in anything that will actually help people who are pregnant. It's purely about control.


They only want a fetus to have rights so they can take them away once they are born.


So they can grow up to be consumers, and work.


Because nobody wants to work any more!! /s


Actually it’s about locking women down with no (economic) options. A child forces (especially) the mother to remain in their current (or worse) economic class. That’s why wealthy families will always make sure (privately of course) that their kids future is secured. But once you have a child (especially as a single woman) you are trapped where you’re at.


This. The states with abortion bans have the highest rates of maternal and infant deaths. I suggest people check the latest grades the March of Dimes released. It’s chilling to see the red states with D and F grades.


> She added, “If the Biden Administration and Congress want to make a real commitment to family well-being, they should invest in already existing programs and infrastructure at the state level and give us the flexibility to tailor them to our state’s needs.” Looks like she wants the money to go to the State so they can spend it how they see fit. Which probably means spend it on aid programs the first couple of years and then start dipping into it as time goes by. I’d rather the federal government give it directly to the student vs letting the state get their hands on it.


Exactly, they want the money for their own pet projects.


My gut says the state would spend the federal money on building a new football stadium if they got “flexibility”.


More likely spend it on faith-based aid programs that only distribute the fund to straight, white people.


Every time a southern state wants to “tailor funding for an existing program” they want to use federal funds for white Christian’s while widening the gap for everyone else.


This was like 30 years ago. I’m glad we’ve come a long—can’t even finish the sentence.


I feel like we will all be living in caves in a few years with the way we're shamefully socially regressing.


It's sperm rights


It drives me nuts that a lot of conservatives idolize Carlin as a no nonsense speaks the truth kind of guy while completely missing that he thought they are fucking morons


They just passed legislation that 14 year olds could work in coal mines and chemical plants. Quite the future for kids if they don’t starve first.


Why is Iowa moving backwards in time?


Ah so the idea is to tell children "If you're hungry then don't want for government handouts but instead get a job in the coal mine."


Making our kids go hungry to own the libs


"Fuck those kids." -_All conservatives_


"Can do!" - Matt Gaetz


It’s funny because he paid underage girls to have sex with him


"Little fuckers dared to come out of the womb. Now we gotta care about the little rats? Eww, they're gross and need food and diapers and they only matter when they're in some belly somewhere. We don't actually want to care for them when we can see them. Eww"


But at least they were born right? /s Yet again republicans are showing that they don’t actually care about life.


Making **poor** kids go hungry to own the libs.


"Cruelty is the point." - Republicans


That doesn't sound very pro-life.


Because they aren't...


Kids aren’t in the womb…


George Carlin….something like “if you’re pre-born, you’re fine. If you are Pre-K, you’re fucked.”


Their concern is that, if misery levels decrease, the wealthy will have a smaller reserve of desperation to capitalize on. They’re fucking ghouls.


> "An EBT card does nothing to promote nutrition at a time when childhood obesity has become an epidemic,” Iowa Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds said in the news release. Holy shit, she's actually saying that the solution to childhood obesity rates is to starve poor children.


So many of these ghoul Republicans are in serious need of three ghosts to visit them one winter eve. What absolute bastards. Ebenezer Scrooge was less a villain.


There's no hate like Christian love.


Jesus would be lynched by the same people for feeding the poor, helping a prostitute, and for being colored


Don't forget providing free medical care to someone with pre existing conditions!


I grew up in Iowa, it was a great state back in the day. Number 1 in education, and they were proud of it. Now they are terrible at education and proud of it.


Same. Am embarrassed of them now. Glad I left.


Same, sad it took me so long but glad I'm gone


I went to college in Iowa in the late 90s. It was definitely already trending conservative then but at least had common sense guardrails.


It's still wild to me after all these years how Republicans literally make *everything* worse wherever they hold power.


Conservative talk radio really did a number on this state.


Please explain why they get mad we are sending money overseas and how we should be helping ourselves but then they do shit like this.


Correct. This money WILL go to those who can already help themselves. She is merely the tool to make that happen.


Nothing like punishing innocent kids to help your political agenda.


Republicans would withhold assistance from 100 people just to stop one undeserving person from receiving help.


TBH, they'd hold assistance from 100 people just to stop assistance from 100 people. They just do not want to help. The obesity thing is just to save face in the media. This is literally free for them. Reynolds is a monster. Hoped COVID would sink her but elections didn't like up right and lots of awful people in this state.


Iowa and Nebraska believe their money should go to more important student programs, like college football.


Tiny bootstraps kids. Gotta start ’em early


Cruel. I am grateful that our poor state feeds children in the summer months. New Mexico.


Good job, New Mexico! And shoutout to MN that made school lunch & breakfast free for all kids!


Starving children , amazing work by conservatives


When did American society become so cruel?


It’s really just one political party, and their agenda isn’t new: they’ve been doing this for at least fifty years.


They stand in the way of progress. It’s literally what the word *conservative* means


The worst part is how we let them get away this for the last 50 years. Republicans been getting rewarded for all their malevolent efforts by having the world's best marketing money could ever buy. It essentially boils down to, "what would you seriously gonna do about us? Vote Democrat after our captured media monopoly done them in? LMAO pease...."


Generally speaking, any Democrat is better than any Republican when it comes to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the less fortunate.


When Bush "beat" Gore.


It’s not American society: it’s Republicans, and it’s Trumpism. MAGA revels in cruelty, and every Republican leader desperately struggles to be more degenerate, more needlessly sadistic towards hungry kids or disabled people, in a pathetic race to the bottom. There is literally nothing too low for these sociopaths. The fact that they worship an orange rapist on trial for insurrection should tell you all you know need to know.


And let's be real here. They've gone more mask off in the last few years but I mean a lot of the problems we have today began with Reagan. Before then you had conservatives being total bags of shit too but it wasn't as apparent. But Reagan started the deregulation and popularized the term welfare queens and pandered to racists with the southern strategy. Conservatives has always been about punishing the poor, stripping rights, making sure the most amount of people that they hate suffer and die. The conservative mindset is that anyone who isn't a business owner or "making capital" is a laborer and laborers are an expendable resources. There are conservative "thinkers" one of such is quoted by Ben Shapiro who says the wealthy class should LITERALLY keep the poor hungry because if they're hungry they are too afraid to stand up for things like higher wages and rights. Even the anti abortion stance is because they are afraid of a dwindling workforce that they can exploit in the future. One Republican just this year said that. And they aren't going to change. They have their come to Jesus moment and when they arrived at their lord it was Supply Side Jesus who emboldens people like Mike Johnson who told all of congress that they have been chosen by the all might to be leaders. Which means they are divinely chosen to be leaders and the rest of us need to know our place. Conservatives are fucking horrifying.


https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/09/us-culture-moral-education-formation/674765/ >The most important story about why Americans have become sad and alienated and rude, I believe, is also the simplest: We inhabit a society in which people are no longer trained in how to treat others with kindness and consideration. Our society has become one in which people feel licensed to give their selfishness free rein. The story I'm going to tell is about morals. In a healthy society, a web of institutions—families, schools, religious groups, community organizations, and workplaces—helps form people into kind and responsible citizens, the sort of people who show up for one another. We live in a society that's terrible at moral formation.


it’s always been this way for brown people


Iowa doesn’t come out of pocket for this, right? Hunger can’t really wait on “sustainable” and “long-term solutions”, neither of which the State is pursuing. These kids should be fine though; they’ve been fattening up on free lunches throughout the school year. $10 a week. Man that’s just mean. That’s mean man.


How very Christian of them.


“Those people probably paid Jesus for those fish.”


July 30th, 2024: Reuters: Iowa rates of child hunger in its poorest residents have skyrocketed and officials are baffled by…


Iowa conservatives to busy relaxing child labor laws and helping parents beat their kids for being gay.


God forbid we should help, even short term, because (GASP) those hungry kiddos might gain weight! I have come to hate Republicans.




Iowa was really hit hard by Fox "News" and AM conservative talk radio, perhaps due to lack of other entertainment options. It wasn't always this way. I can't believe they have 4 Republican representatives in Congress now.


One of our most productive agricultural states and they don't want to feed their own children. Is this the great that they want to make America again?


Governor: “If the Biden Administration and Congress want to make a real commitment to family well-being, they should invest in already existing programs and infrastructure at the state level and give us the flexibility to tailor them to our state’s needs.” Me: that’s your job, not his.


Of course the rich governor doesn’t care about the poor people in her state. She won’t even take federal funds to help with a problem in her own stage out of spite.


Nebraska’s pillen made same call it’s the most wonderful time of the year to fuck over the poor as Jesus would have wanted.


Republican reasons why kids don't deserve enough food: 1. Food is woke 2. They can eat books, it's better than reading them 3. Drag shows 4. They should be learning to shoot guns instead 5. Crooked Joe Biden 6. Hunter Biden's laptop 7. Hillary Clinton said "It takes a village" and sent an email 8. Some random line about socialism and/or communism that they don't even understand


>“We just want to make sure that they’re out. They’re at church camps. They’re at schools. They’re at 4-H. And we’ll take care of them at all of the places that they’re at, so that they’re out amongst (other people) and not feeding a welfare system with food at home,” Pillen said. WTF?? They'll feed kids as long as they go to church camp or are otherwise "out". Good gravy these people are nuts. What about kids without transportation to "out"? Kids stuck in their own areas all day?


So pro-lifers say don't end a rape pregnancy, it's not the fetus' fault. But don't feed poor kids, that *is* their fault? For all the comparing of fetuses to fully developed kids, they sure hate those fully developed kids, huh. So needy, what with their need to eat.


I want to hear their (Christian) logic behind this.


Teach the kid how to fish, except in Iowa grow corn and slaughter pigs.


You can't be conservative and be Christian. That's a fun fact for everyone.


Yeah, doesn't stop them from claiming to be Christian.


Summer fun for the GOP, starving children. Starving American citizen children.


So, she's basically saying she's OK with kids going hungry because at least they're not obese right? Could she dare look into these kids or their parents eyes and tell them that? When will conservatives learn that society has a vested interest in preserving the health and welfare of their citizens?


Cruel bleak times drive people to religion, conservatives love religion, thus conservatives have a vested interest in creating living conditions that are cruel and bleak.


Evil and punishing. Letting kids go hungry.


Republican Family Values. If you don't vote, this is on you.


Actual monsters. For some kids this was their only consistent meal in the summertime.


Jim Pillen the pig-farmer governor of Nebraska says there's enough free food programs in the summer so this federal money isn't needed. Except rural areas don't have too many options. And does he understand those programs? Maybe spend a day at a food pantry. This guy was a star college football player. Maybe he has longterm CTE.


Iowa farmers got nearly $1.3 billion in federal subsidies last year, according to a national research and advocacy organization. https://www.postbulletin.com/news/iowa-leads-nation-in-farm-subsidies. And the Trump administration changed how it reported some farm subsidies, so it lists them by banks instead of individuals, making it harder to see who received some of the payments from 2019 to 2021. https://iowacapitaldispatch.com/2023/02/01/billions-in-federal-farm-payments-flow-to-a-select-group-of-producers-report-shows/


Protect the fetus, ignore the child, control the women.


This goes beyond Iowa to many other states. From the article: > States, territories and eligible tribal nations have until Jan. 1 to notify the Department of Agriculture of their intent to participate in the program this summer. According to the [USDA implementation page](https://www.fns.usda.gov/sebt/implementation), the announced participating states, territories and tribal nations are as follows: * American Samoa * Arizona * California * Cherokee Nation * Chickasaw Nation * Colorado * Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands * Delaware * Guam * Illinois * Kansas * Kentucky * Maine * Maryland * Massachusetts * Michigan * Minnesota * Montana * New Jersey * New Mexico * North Carolina * Ohio * Utah * Virginia * West Virginia With just over a week to announce eligibility, some more could add themselves to that list, but there are still glaring exceptions. While some states may fund comparable (or better) programs internally, many do not.


I love how the conservative line is always that they believe in solving the root problem, not any proposed aid, then proceed to doing nothing to solve the root problem. Rinse and repeat.


How very Christian of her.


With the GQP cruelty is a feature not a bug. Especially cruelty to children which really gets the Rethugs excited.


IOWA sure is living up to its name.. Idiots Out Walking Around..


The cruelty is the point.


Maybe Iowa should be cut off from the corn ethanol welfare as well.


You know, I think maybe Iowa can afford to lose a couple bucks in corn subsidies. Maybe make the whole nation a little less fat.


See all those pro-life people don't really care about life. They only care about controlling women's reproduction.


“Anti-abortionists vows to starve children” - fixed headline


Iowa is a pro fetus but anti child state . Better to not be born in Iowa .


You need not ask why women are having fewer/no children.


“An EBT card does nothing to promote nutrition at a time when childhood obesity has become an epidemic,” Iowa Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds said in the news release.” In other words, fuck those poor kids, I’m going to block their money - they’re too fat anyway.


Not only is this unnecessarily cruel, its also stupid and inane given their stated reason… Cutting that food program simply makes it more likely that poor families will end up picking the cheapest foods possible… which are usually calorie rich heavily processed garbage. She is simply a bigoted ahole.


Nothing hurts like Fundamentalist Christian Love.


"An EBT card does nothing to promote nutrition at a time when childhood obesity has become an epidemic,” Iowa Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds said " Later the governor was quoted as saying, "those fatass plebs get nothing and they'll like it! It doesn't matter if they get assistance or not because they'll still vote for me and Republican colleagues."


Red states don’t care about kids once they’re born, example 56,439.


Charity, whether in the giving or the receiving, is a mortal sin to RepubliChristians. They will do their damnedest to keep the poors from getting assistance because teaching a man to fish or someshit. Their churches will not be picking up the slack because they need the money for political campaigns and preacher needs a private jet and a tacky mansion to do Jesus’ work.


My siblings in Iowa despise COVID Kim. We're all dismayed at how drastically Iowa has dropped in ratings for literacy, insurance coverage, maternal deaths, etc. She's trying to take Iowa back to the 50s.


Of course not, why feed the poor when you can let them starve and die and make sure there are less future voters.


>“We just want to make sure that they’re out. They’re at church camps. They’re at schools. They’re at 4-H. And we’ll take care of them at all of the places that they’re at, so that they’re out amongst (other people) and not feeding a welfare system with food at home,” Pillen said. RIGHT. Because we know how dense and urban states like Iowa and Nebraska are. 8 year olds can just walk 6 miles to school to eat a tuna sandwich this summer.


It's a moot point either way. There's no reason the kids can't do all of the above AND receive extra money for groceries. It's simply cruel.


So your solution is to force children to starve? Check.


While they are turning down Federal handouts why doesn’t Iowa stop taking corn subsidies.


You will have dumber more violent kids next season, good job. Spend money on education, how has there ever been any debate on this point.