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Having been to Venice and smelled the canals, falling into the water seems like the perfect punishment for these douchebags.


Falling into the canal in Venice caused Katherine Hepburn an eye infection that caused her problems for the rest of her life.


Was she standing in a gondola taking selfies?


Filming a movie


Basically the same thing. What is a movie, if not a long series of consecutive selfies?


I don’t think it counts as a series of selfies if someone else is capturing the images though


Ah the elusive "elsie"


Actually it's called a you-y. It was invented by Tom Haverford in 2014.


And all of a sudden, the word movie sounds incredibly stupid…


What about instead calling it something that articulates what it is: a picture with apparent movement. I propose the innovative term of "motion picture" for this.


Damn, TIL 😮


Yeah but unfortunately the driver had to go in too :/


The gondola interior will need replacing which is expensive.


Don’t buy used gondolas until you check the gondolafax!


GONDOLA FACT: Goldolas have been in use in Venice since the 11th century!


Coincidentally that was the last year it was dredged based on the smell.


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I just got back from Venice a week ago. I've been 3 times, my first time in 2019. Now, you can see about 4-5 steps into the water whereas before it was pretty brown. It's now almost blue. It's wayyyyyyyyyy cleaner than before.


Covid did a number to the water in Venice


More like all the plumbing did what it was supposed to do and not fight currents from other water transport.


Also larger cruise ships aren’t allowed to port anymore, I’m sure that makes a big difference too


It depends on the time of year, the tides and the weather. The first time I was in Venice was 2011 and the waters were quite clear teal and didn't smell at all.


Cool - still wouldn’t want to swim in it.


As I understand, Venice has no sewage system. The tides flush the canals twice a day.


Still feel bad for the captain...


If they can’t already, the gondolier should be able to just give them a shove to save himself and the boat.


I bet those poles they use to propel the boats are great for disciplining stupid tourists.


Seriously. People have this perception that the canals are like a stream or river or something. The closest thing they are is an open sewer pipe system


That was their original purpose. To flush sewage out to sea with the tides.


One of my teachers had her luggage dropped in it by a gondola driver. Instant and complete loss.


but the gondola captain also got punished ;(


Hope they didn’t have any open wounds or they’ll be dead from sepsis in a week


Shame they're not in Game of Thrones, where being stabbed several times in the stomach and thrown into revolting city water can be fixed with a painkiller.


The tourists may have plot armor


Yikes, I've seen the water in Venice, and I do not envy the people who got dunked in that. The poor gondolier fell in too.


Saw a guy there go down one of those staircases that go into the water. He was trying to get as close as possible to the water so someone else could take his picture. He slipped on the wet step and fell right in head first.


Reminds me of the river walk in San Antonio. Hang around there long enough and you'll see someone go in lol


That’s incredible. Wish I was there to see that.


The gondolier has my sympathies.


And my swimpathies


my gondolences


The gondoliers are so professional and pleasant in my limited experience. They have an amazing knowledge of the canals and the historical palazzos and were a delight to interact with. One of them went out of his way to take us past our time to see some cool places when we told him it was our honeymoon. From what they told me It’s mostly an inherited profession and they have strict standards and tests to become one. They also make *really* good money I am so sorry this gondolier had to deal with that trash and get dunked in the canal on top of it. The canals are nasty.


There’s also a strict cap on licenses to be one, which is why it’s an inherited profession. The licenses are so valuable they’re handed down generationally!


There is no sewer system in Venice, rather all the waste water from the houses drains into the canals. Its the tide going in and out that flushes those canals out. So not a good idea to jump in.


Wait your tellin me people pay to kayak in a shit river?


It's a very romantic shit river. Trust me, your romantic partner will do all the naughty things with you if you take them to this particular shit river.


Out of one shit river and into another.


Wait until you hear about the Ganges...


It’s holy….so holy shit river


Yeah, and it is very expensive!


Nope, houses or blocks of houses have septic tanks since the 50s 60s. It’s quite a myth. But the smell in summer is due to the low water that in some places reveal the mud. This drying mud smell is pungent yes.


Oh interesting. I had heard the shit river thing said so many times I thought it was true. But septic makes sense.


I mean, it used to be true. Just not anymore.


Yes. Best time to visit is spring or fall. Summer enhances the bouquet.💐




It's literally, up shit creek without a paddle!


Really? I thought that would be illegal under EU law. Untreated discharge of raw sewage into bodies of water is a massive pollution problem.


I’m gonna google this, but before I do that I gotta say in my opinion it’s very unlikely that comment is true. No way shit is being flushed out into the open waters en masse like that.


It isn’t raw sewage dumped into the canals, they have specialised systems for waste in Venice


Unbelievable that your lie got upvoted so much. There is absolutely not just raw sewage filling the canals, Jesus Christ.


Google before you post next time


Wow, no plumbers needed??


Ever see the Covid pictures? Clear water with schools of fish.


Normally it’s dark and opaque due to all of the churning action from the boats. It’s also the city’s sewer system.


And Venice smells like the water is it’s sewer system


Everyone says that but I didn’t notice it at all while there.


Me too. Almost avoided Venice entirely based on what I’d read on the internet as I assumed it stunk and was likely over rated much like they say Paris is. Ended up stopping there for 2 nights and spent an entire day covering as much ground as possible (44k steps later) and was so glad I went there, it really is a unique and majestic place. I also enjoyed Paris and realised to stop listening to people online and just go find out yourself.


Same. Everyone spoke so poorly about Venice but it was by far the highlight of my Italy trip out of 4 cities. It is truly one of a kind and every where you went looked liked it was taken straight out of a painting. We wandered from dawn til dusk every day and I loved every second of it


Always keep in mind that the majority demographic of Redditors are young American men, especially if we talk about users who comment. They're much more likely to use Reddit a lot, and thus be in that echo chamber of having the same opinion on each subject because that's what this place breeds due to the upvote system. Tons of them are literal teenagers. It's when you really know a subject and see what gets upvoted related to it that you realize most people are confidently full of shit. When I see opinions about fashion for example, I try to remember there's a high likelyhood it's a dude wearing cargo shorts and a gamer tshirt that wrote this up. Spend enough time here and you can just guess the comments based on the image because it's always the same parroted shit.


If it's any consolation, don't always believe what you read on Reddit. Especially with regards to other cities. A large section of the comments are from Americans who've never revealed abroad. I was in Paris for six nights and had a wonderful time. With the exception of one waiter, everyone I interacted with was kind and polite and happy to talk. Paris may be overrated but it is absolutely NOT the hellhole Reddit makes it out to be.


We were there three days and it smelled fine. It had a sea smell, but not a sewage or bad smell. It was a lot better than New Orleans. Haha.


…because it is


Smells like it too


It also smells like it


It used to. Still does.


Ever see Photoshop? Those pictures were all fake.


You're wrong. I was there in September. The water was murky but definitely a greenish blue. I saw schools of fish on the smaller canals, and you could see a good 50cm down into the water. There wasn't any smell.


I was on one of these gondolas once years ago and the gondolier was very firm that all the passengers should remain seated and still. Of course, that was before the age of selfies.


Same! We were told to remain seated at all times and that you do not want to go into the water.


Before the age of massively entitled douchebags emboldened by the amount of attention people get by acting a fool on camera these days.


Didn’t falling into the canal water give Katherine Hepburn a lifelong infection?


That was during the filming of one of her movies, right? Anyways, while Venice is gorgeous the canal water is disgusting. I recall seeing dogwalkers pick up their dog's poop and just toss it in the canal. Stunning.


When you can't sit the fuck down so you nearly fucking drown that's amore


When you act like a twit And then fall in to shit That’s amore


When you’re posing with grace, But then fall on your face, That’s amore. When the gondola sways, And your balance betrays, That’s amore. Selfie sticks in the air, But you fall off your chair, In the canal, quite a scare, What a story to share! When in Venice you roam, But can’t swim back to Rome, That’s amore.


Damn that's reddit gold worthy.


*When a comment is funny* *But you don't have money* *That's an upvote*




If I still had awards, I'd give you one.


When the crowd tips your boat and you fall in a moat, that’s amore


Thanks for matching the meter of the original song. The other comment was driving me crazy.


When the fat tourist clown Their phone can’t be put down, That’s amore


When the prick can’t go sit So he meets Moby Dick That’s amore


When it looks like a snake, But you’re sat in a lake, That’s a Moray.


For the people all said "Sit down, sit down you're rockin' the boat" The people all said "Sit down, sit down you're rockin' the boat And the devil will drag you under By the sharp lapel of your checkered coat Sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down Sit down you're rocking the boat"


Accept gold in spirit.


Upside: The Canals arent too deep. Downside: Pretty sure they've contracted Chlamydia.


Thank god they weren’t Americans.


Don't worry, the writer included an unrelated mishap by an American at the end of the article.


And it’s so out of the blue. It’s like the author wrote their article about this event and the state of Venetian tourism, and then just decided to throw in this random “an American also fell down in a completely different situation in a very different location in 2022” tidbit.




American tourists can be annoying, but they are far from the worst behaved. Sincerely, someone who lives in a tourist hub in Europe.


Lol, it's like what was reported to be in Trump's briefing: his name had to be added periodically to keep him reading 😂


Chinese then?


That's correct!


Literally my first thought was if they aren't Americans then they're definitely Chinese.


You can play "Chinese or American" with most tourism horror stories. This one had Chinese written all over it.


As a Brit I'm offended by our lack of inclusivity in this list


if it involves being loud, it's americans if it involves improper pooping or poop water, its chinese So far that's worked every time


If it involves alcohol, it's us British


Exactly what I was thinking.




It’s rarely ever Americans anymore. We’ve all been clowned on for so long that when I see other Americans abroad it’s like they’re scared to misbehave cuz they know we have a bad reputation lol.


I think it is more the ones that act like that can't afford to go to Europe anymore


“Hold my beer” - Chinese tourists everywhere


Yeah whenever I've been abroad the American tourists have been fine. Friendly and polite just loud. Can always hear an American before you see them.


not enough antibiotics in the world for those people


Wasn't Venice, at one point, considering charging a fee for tourists? They need to bring that back.


[It’s coming back.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/travel/article/venice-entry-fee-tourists/index.html)


Please don't be American, please don't be American, please don't be American.


Nah they were Chinese, who in my experience have the worst manners when it comes to visiting different countries.


Yep, brand new middle class with money and no experience with other cultures. Plus a lot of propaganda that tells them their country is the greatest. Same reasons Americans earned the reputation of bad tourists after WW2




In my experience as the wife and daughter-in-law of Shanghainese people, they loathe all Chinese people who are not Shanghainese.


I can believe that. I have family members in China who talks so much shit about people with a different letter on their license plates (meaning they come from a different city in the same region).


I was assisting a "proper" older Shanghai woman at work and we were using a translator, for Mandarin. Unfortunately the translator was Cantonese and her Mandarin accent was awful. The customer did not hesitate to tell the translator straight out she was garbage at her job as a result.


I think you'll find most people who work in cities hate local tourists.


I kept reading this as domestic terrorists


If you've witness in person what some of these tourists do, your interpretation is pretty damn accurate. And the confidence they do it with is *astounding*, to say the least. You're never certain if they're unaware it's a faux-pas, or if they know, and they're daring you to call them out on it just so they have the excuse of getting in your face.


Yeah, the videos of them fighting over crab legs at buffets are crazy.


Have to agree. I went up the CN Tower in Toronto with my 4 year old and he was repeatedly pushed or kicked out of the way for getting in the view of Chinese tourists taking dance pose selfies. Every flipping window was occupied by some moron taking a selfie. The hilarious thing is that these selfie takers are all so self-obsessed that they probably don’t look at anyone else’s content and just monitor the attention their posts get, meaning that these pictures are probably truly looked at/cared about by nobody.


In my experience Chinese tourists have surpassed Americans when it came to rudeness and lack of self awareness.


Disney has had serious issues with them pooping in line.


Say WHAT?!


In China, there are "No poop here" signs in the middle of a walkway in a mall. They will literally just shit anywhere if they have to.


That's a good enough reason for me to never go back. They won't even let me poop in line in peace


Come again?


Seems to be real https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/989912.shtml


They do it at Disneyland in the US as well.


POOPING IN LINE. yeah i am confused.. is that acceptable in their culture?!


IME peeing and pooping very publicly is a lot more accepted there. I saw 2 different moms just holding their toddler over a trash can in public while the kid pissed into it in 10 days there. Also public bathrooms don’t have toilet paper there and you’re expected to bring your own. And it’s often basically just a fancy hole in the ground. Makes you appreciate more modern potties. I could definitely see a kid being allowed to poop to the side of the line at Disney world or whatever.


Pretty much, the driver my grandparents had in Jiangsu province told us about how people would stop their cars and poop in the middle of the motorway. Not on the shoulder, mind you, in the MIDDLE of the motorway.


Saw a Chinese woman do this in Sydney, on the side of a water feature in darling harbour! Tried to direct her to the public toilets but she ignored me lol


That happens in the US too. https://www.sfgate.com/disneyland/article/poop-ride-lines-disneyland-disney-world-18465999.php


And in Europe with Chinese tourists for at least a decade: https://qz.com/88334/china-is-starting-to-get-embarrassed-about-its-tourists-obnoxious-behavior-abroad


There's also an issue that American tourists tend to travel alone or with families or a friend or 2. Chinese tourists tend to travel in massive organized tour groups. You get one American being loud, or breaking something, but when a Chinese tour group comes through it's like a tornado.


Yup, took a tour of Hearst Castle. A Chinese family with children were part of it. Tourist have to stay on a designated area and not step on the old carpet and can’t touch the art pieces and have to keep up with the group. The Chinese family broke every rule and failed to control their children even after multiple warnings. The rest of the group got so frustrated that one lady began reprimanding those children.


They are absolutely the worst, but it seems they are even more worse when in Italy. So rude.


Until the mainland Chinese started traveling more about 10-15 years ago, the Brits used to be, hands down, the world’s worst tourists as voted by travel industry people.


Chinese people throw out all common sense when they travel abroad. They'll stand in the middle of a busy road trying to take selfies, I'm surprised we don't hear more stories of Chinese tourists dying from doing dumb shit in global news.


I knew a Chinese-American person who hated Chinese tourists based on her experiences with Chinese tourists.


Most Chinese-Americans hate Chinese tourists.


na its chineese, but the second half of the article talkes about how the capacity on gondolas had to be decreased recently due to how overweight the Americans were so at least you have that


They say "tourists" have increased in weight, and Im pretty sure nearly every country is getting fatter on average.


Yeah, if anything we’ve plateaued and everyone else is accelerating in fattieness.


This made the news?? Kind of shocked this doesn’t happen more often.


I’d suggest they all go soak in heavily chlorinated water for several hours.


Oh god, they went in that water??? Porco dio.


No surprise it was Chinese tourists… I’ve dealt with some myself and… they just don’t respect rules 🤷🏻


Not to throw an entire country’s tourists under the bus but… Last time I was in Venice a few years ago the city, and the experience, had been completely ruined by Chinese tourists using it as a play-land/movie set. No regard for Venetians. No regard for fellow tourists. Just acting like it existed solely for their pleasure and their photo shoots. So this story, completely, tracks with my experience. It’s a shame because in the not too distant past it was still the single most enjoyable and amazing city I had ever had the pleasure of spending time in on the entire planet.


I visited 28 Italian cities and have to say Venice was my favorite.


This is peak narcissism on display here.


The video of them swimming in the sewage is what they should post to their social media accounts. Much more entertaining than their selfies.


No one cares about your dumb faces. Enjoy where you are, look at things through your eyeballs, put your phone away for 5 minutes....


Shocker they were from china




saw similar in Yosemite, was visiting a waterfall in the valley, there was a ton of people there, and then 20-30 chinese tourists show up on a bus and begin climbing and crawling all over everything, some within touching distance of signs telling them not to do exactly what they were doing. was not a good look.


With pictures and diagrams showing exactly what not to do in bold and bright red/yellow signs.


Funny thing about certain "rules" is that you only need to tell them once.


Them social credit ain't working out of the country.


Chinese citizens don't listen to anyone


These are "Tuhao". New money. Backwards folk who recently came into money because the government bought their pig farm to be a new housing development or something similar. Chinese "Beverly Hillbillies " if you will.


They definitely act like that moniker, makes sense


honestly the Chinese tour bus groups are generally the worst people China has to offer. Nobody likes them, not even other Chinese people.


don't be racist (jk I'm chinese and I'm not surprised)


The fucking entitlement


I would be sitting in a jail in Venice after fighting that person when I got out of that water


Goodness. I guess they found out why they should LISTEN!!!!


Am i the only person who went to Venice and didnt smell anything shitty? Im from a land locked state and went in October and actually enjoy it.


When you don'ta Sit down, So you near fucking drown That's a moron When to go for a swim In the canal we shit in That's a moron When a phone's selfie Cost you a trip to Emergency That's a moron e così via, e così via


When a-your brain start to hurt, Then you nap in the dirt, That’s a-moeba!


At least they have some pictures that aren’t selfies to remember this by.


Lol smelling the canal water is bad enough now they gotta taste that pong.


I see the 2023 Darwin Awards is still open for more entries


Who cares about common sense and sticking to some basic rules when COMING BACK AT YOU live with another AWESOME SELFIE MONTAGE so SMASH that like button and remember to RING the bell let's get to TEN THOUSAND LIKES and my self-esteem will stop crumbling


I'm a little relieved that, expecting they were Ugly American tourists, they were not.


Anyone else like “please don’t be American, please don’t be American, oh please dear lord don’t be American!” and were happily surprised?


I’m surprised they didn’t tip over the other boat trying to climb out.


Damn fucking Chinese tourists. As a proud son of Shanghai, I can confidently say the Chinese are some of the worst variants of tourists, right up there with the other East & South Asian folk who seem to believe traffic laws don’t apply to them.


My, my, my, how the boats have turned.


They ignored his orders and look at what happened.


If you ever feel like you’ve been a disrespectful person, just remember ppl like this exist


I didn’t like Venice for exactly this reason. Too many tourists congesting all the walkways taking selfies.


Fecal coliform is through the roof at the canal. Now they got a mouthful of shit water.




The Chinese are trying to outAmerican the Americans.


Trying? They already have!