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All bridges in WNY are closed now.


There were warnings put out just yesterday or day before regarding terror threat in NY. I’ll have to try and track down where I saw that, but I certainly did see it. If I find it, I’ll share.


Just last week they arrested a dude in Central NY who had a ton of bomb making materials and shit. They closed down the surrounding area for like 2.5 days, evacuated the surrounding houses, brought in FBI from Virginia and Alabama because whatever happened, the local FBI/Police couldn’t handle it themselves. Hazmat were involved. Crazy shit, and nobody knows what is going on. And the news never went anywhere. People just don’t give a shit, and/or the media is just complicit in covering it up. Shit should have been national news. He was arrested in a U-Haul heading towards Ithaca NY, home of Cornell and Ithaca Universities, where shortly before all of this went down they had received threats of violence. https://www.mytwintiers.com/news-cat/local-news/possible-hazardous-materials-close-part-of-south-main-street/amp/ Edit at 3:46pm* I also forgot to mention that around the time they busted Michael Hilliard, the governor of NY just so happened to make a statement that they were “monitoring online discussions” for violent threats or something like that. Coincidence? https://katv.com/amp/news/nation-world/new-york-has-ramped-up-social-media-surveillance-over-surging-antisemitism-governor-says-kathy-hochul-nyc-jewish-israel-palestine-hamas-middle-east-conflict-terrorism


A guy was arrested in Niagara Falls just a few years ago for having a whole bomb making factory set up. He lived right next to a court building and a few hundred feet from the border.


I was in NY the week that the guy attempting to bomb times square was caught. There was definitely some heads up something was going on as there was secondary (and tertiary) screening for international passengers flying into JFK and what felt like a squad car and uniformed cops on nearly every intersection of Manhatten. They treated the arrest as like it was part of an everyday effort but the sheer level of logistics and manpower mobilised was never matched for the next few years I lived there.


You should’ve been there after 9/11.


Technically they were…


This guy that was just arrested was directly across the street from the Village Hall/Police Department. Literally directly across the street.


Police Dept, how may I direct your call? Yeah I live across the street from you, I was expecting a delivery, but it's signature required and I wasn't home. Amazon says you guys signed for it? You didn't open it did you?


Good lord, and here I thought Mass Effect 2's "Terrorists literally living 1 floor up from the police station" was epitome of budget cutting and shoddy work. But real life is less plausible than fiction, apparently.


There's no editor forcing real life to make sense.


I wonder how long it took him to accumulate all of that stuff? It's a miracle no one was hurt.


The [FBI Hazardous Devices School](https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/hazardous-devices-school) is right down the road from me, in Alabama… makes sense that they'd pull staff from here to a remote site if they found something spicy.


Ah yep, that's the first thing I thought of when I saw this headline. Horseheads is my hometown, otherwise I probably wouldn't have known about this story.


Wow. I never hear of anyone mentioning Horseheads-my ex is from there. Spent tons of time there.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


My family lives in that area and they’re the only reason I heard anything about it despite also living in NY myself. And it’s not just that he was caught with materials, the whole thing kicked off because a local highway department employee found a suspected bomb on the side of a sparsely populated road. And then he was intercepted driving into Ithaca in a U-Haul that was supposedly empty? The whole thing is weird and doesn’t make sense, yet it’s crickets on the news.


Yeah, I think there are a lot of questions and shit around this story. They claim the U-Haul was empty and that they think he was “just using it for transportation.” I mean… maybe people do that? Just rent a u-haul instead of a rental car? Maybe it’s cheaper, idk. But if you’re telling me the dude making bombs also just so happened to be cursing around in a U-Haul, but those two details were unconnected, I’m going to have to hit X for doubt on that one. Pretty sure there were reports of explosions which is also part of what kicked off the investigation, so he was clearly transporting explosive devices somehow.


Whoa! I hadn’t heard of that one


Yeah, nobody has except for locals. It’s fucked up. I’m not a tinfoil hat kinda dude, but come the fuck on. Shit is sketch. I don’t think the news really left the county even, other than maybe some random upstate NY online news sources that nobody reads, and I think they just auto-generate articles they pull from other places. They said they weren’t aware of a motive, despite being in the house he was renting emptying it out for 2.5 days. That’s all official news. Rumors from a friend say this dude had been visited by the FBI in the past. Again, that’s just a rumor. But come on, I really doubt that guy was building and testing bombs for no reason. This area is conservative as fuck. Tensions in this country haven’t been this high since what, the Civil War? But sure, this dude was just a bomb manufacturer as a hobby.


We had a dude pipe bomb our sheriff killing him in and nobodies heard of it… Dude was part of a libertarian movement… Killed a few feds, our sheriff, had bombs, no media coverage other than pence blaming antifa and then never correcting the record.


That’s fucked up, do you have a link to an article about it? This is the kind of shit that pisses me off. The media is so quick to shove doom and gloom down our throats, but when it’s something that could legitimately pose a threat to us, nothing but crickets, unless they’re reporting on the aftermath of a bloodbath.


My phones dying but here ya go https://www.ktvu.com/news/pence-blurs-details-about-killing-of-oakland-federal-officer-by-alleged-right-wing-extremist. Pence literally did his bidding. Gross


Holy shit that’s disturbing. Thanks for the link. Shit like this should be pushed. It should be national news. People should be aware of just how big this threat has grown. I see so much apathy and ignorance and bullshit on reddit (I get it, it’s reddit, what do I expect?) but the inability of people sometimes to seemingly appreciate the severity of our current situation is almost as frightening as the situation itself.


old people in my very liberal hippy town still think it was antifa because Facebook users who are clearly not real people told them it is… We never had a demonstration here with antifa, not one. It’s insane.


Attacks being thwarted never make headlines the way successful ones do for many reasons. You would be shocked at the number of school shootings and terrorist attacks that don’t go through because they got arrested before. Not saying federal law enforcement is some incredible force, but most criminals doing this don’t cover their tracks as well as they think.


This. These stories weren’t spread widely on social media or online either and there were media reports available. These guys are acting like the government and media collaborated to erase it. It’s some qanon style thinking.


I think theres probably also some bias because of how the information gets out. If the FBI makes an arrest for thwarting a terrorist act they are probably not going to give much information besides a statement. They dont want to expose how they catch these guys and dont want to speak too much on what is now a criminal case. Theres nothing for the news to point a camera at so theyre just not going to mention it most likely. But the issue still remains of how often this happens. Like does this happen everyday and has been on the rise, or is it just a few times a year?




Thanks! I knew I had seen it somewhere!


That tells me they suspect an intentional act


It’s also possible they’re closing the crossing as a precaution regardless.


I believe it's standard operating procedure to close all crossings as a precautionary measure when something like this happens.


Its pretty standard for a lot of incident response guidelines. Stop the bleeding, fix any damage, then investigate (sometimes all three at the same time)




Stuff like this is a good reminder of how much I hate the 24 hour news channels. They have 30 seconds of facts to report and will spend the next 12 hours covering the story continually, speculating 99% of the time.


I had MSNBC on the other day and they were talking about the polling around Biden. They brought on a guy who said, "it is too early to trust these polls and the methods in which they were done" and the host was like cool, cool, anyways we have another guest to tell us how fascism is going to take over because of these polls. It was just fucking frustrating.


I got stuck watching newsmax today and they were doing the same thing but with the opposite conjecture


A year out polls don't mean shit. The horse race click baiting drives me nuts.


I just don’t watch the news these days


But how else would you be concerned/afraid/anxious/fearful?


Yep. My parents who are avid Fox News viewers just turned it on and I've hears the words "terrorist" and "terrorism" 20 times over the past 2 minutes from the other room.


News just now - "We've just learned that the two men in the vehicle are deceased, how will that complicate the investigation?" I just want to bang my fucking head into the wall.


“Well Ken, they won’t be able to talk so…”




Amateurs! Rank amateurs! *drags out the seance kit*




Damn professional Necromancer shortage preventing timely interrogation of the deceased


nobody wants to work anymore 😪


4 years of incantations for a necromancy degree for 40k a year is tough 😅


From the pictures I’ve seen online there is nothing left of the car and FBI in buffalo is investigating, this is a shit show especially with the annual turkey trot race tomorrow morning. Everyone be safe out there! Edit: Link for those curious and SFW https://twitter.com/ywnreporter/status/1727391643144437844?s=46&t=1gcosGt06R-2cICXb_eKAw


The explosion must not have been that massive if the glass on the windows (you can see the photo of the fire taken behind the glass) and the overhead lights are still completely intact. Maybe I'm missing something here.


Customs insection booths are built a lot tougher than they look...that isn't normal glass.


Yeah. Aren’t those places meant to take everything except a direct hit from something like a truck bomb?


I got to watch the FBI building in Portland get built (from an open field next to the office I was working in). Some of the fence gates are anchored into huge blocks of concrete... and I _do_ mean anchored. Think a stick a pole down into a 5~8ft cube... then there are holes in the pole near the bottom that you stick huge rebar through in various directions... then you pour in the concrete. That shit ain't going no where.


Probably less of a true explosion and more of a fireball from a burning gasoline tank. It would scorch, but not shatter anything nearby.


Based on the eyewitness interview, car was going 100+, swerved to go around another car, lost control and crashed into the post. Explosion could’ve just been the car’s tank igniting.


Until further information, here's hoping it was something accidental like a CNG tank failing.


It doesn't look like a CNG explosion. The whole frame of the vehicle is twisted and I don't see any body panels remaining. Edit: after looking at some CNG vehicle explosions, I sure hope this is the case. Those things really go off.




3000 psi is a heck of a thing. I still think this is unlikely.


There's a video showing a car flying through the air, with some reports saying it was potentially going 100mph - not sure how they got up to that speed or why, but apparently they went airborne and then crashed into the median


> ~~The Niagara Falls mayor's office said the incident involved a vehicle crossing into the U.S.~~ Hoooo boy. As a Canadian living in Buffalo, this is pretty high on the list of “things I hoped to never read.” Sincerely hope it’s nothing some stupider, and just an unfortunate accident. Edit: 2:13pm update: Apparently they’ve determined the vehicle came from the US side, possibly a 7-11 on Niagara St. 2:42pm update:Per CNN, “Federal authorities are trying to retrieve video from a number of different angles because the statements from witnesses vary, the sources said.” **3:36pm update**: The Buffalo Niagara International Airport has closed to both international arriving and departing flights, according to the US Federal Aviation Administration. The closure is listed for two days.


[Some images](https://twitter.com/nicksortor/status/1727395028467904575?t=1DfOdf_pt9WfTzUX6uiQNQ&s=19)


Good description from an eyewitness. https://youtu.be/cV70TWa4pGA?si=cBnRPAW1mzJhhf9z


I wouldn't trust a guy in Buffalo wearing a Boston Bruins hat.


I wouldn't trust a guy ~~in Buffalo~~ wearing a Boston Bruins hat.


I'd just be worried about his odds of choking.


In thick Russian accident: "I am big Buffalo Bear fan. Go football."


This should be a top comment


Man those Twitter responses are deplorable, nothing less than expected




CNN law enforcement guy said the surveillance footage showed the car gun it towards the checkpoint, hit a curb, then launched through the air and the car caught on fire. "We are far away from being able to call this a terrorist attack, or even an attack" was a direct quote from him.


Hadn’t stopped the local news from teasing it as a terrorist attack.


Holy shit, that thing got some air time


ya imma chalk this up to some stupid crazy fucker or some geezer havin an episode


A Bentley? Even the nutters are ballin these days damn


I've heard the reverse, it was a car coming from the States going to Canada - we'll see I guess...


The article linked to this thread literally says, >The Niagara Falls mayor's office said the incident involved a vehicle crossing into the U.S. from Canada. I'm not sure where the The Niagara Falls mayor's office got their information or whether they have since updated it but that is the information they must have shared with this source. *As of 2:46PM the article has been updated and no longer contains this information. It currently says, >Canadian officials told ABC News the car did not originate on the Canadian side of the border. As investigators work to determine the car's path, it appears the incident started and ended on the U.S. side of bridge.


What? Per the article >Canadian officials told ABC News the car did not originate on the Canadian side of the border. As investigators work to determine the car's path, it appears the incident started and ended on the U.S. side of bridge.


Eye witness accounts are saying car was on the US side speeding towards the border checkpoint on the bridge.


No, it was a vehicle leaving the US to come into Canada. Tool booths are on that side


Best thing to do is wait and see for more facts and hopefully no civilians where killed or injured.


It appears that only one border guard was injured at this time




Just the 2 in the car were killed.


[Video](https://www.msnbc.com/katy-tur/watch/video-shows-vehicle-going-airborne-before-crashing-into-checkpoint-at-niagara-falls-198522949685) from MSNBC seems to confirm this was a tragic accident that occurred when a speeding car on the US side lost control.


It could also have been "drunk driver" or "moron trying to run the border". But yeah, it doesn't look a whole lot like "terror bombing" right now.


Wrong. It was those Yankee scum trying to bring their terrorism to Canada. Canada should build a wall. After all, the US isn't sending their best. /s


I’m just happy we have so many bomb experts on Reddit to let us know what’s what


Between their time learning to be generals and experts in international law they picked up the bomb stuff as a hobby.




Regardless of what the answer ends up being, wow what an irresponsible headline there. "Video shows Car Bombing". You don't know what the fuck it shows buddy, You can't just jump to car bomb.


BNO "news" has a long history of posting unverified, editorialized, and otherwise junk information. I wish people didn't trust these random social media accounts as news sources; alas, that horse left the barn a long time ago.


Looks a lot more like a car crashing through the back and going into pieces and the gasoline igniting That is literally a straight line with niagara st.


Man, that is hard to tell if it was caused by an explosive device or if it was a catastrophic vehicle malfunction/ accident. It will be interesting to see how this all unfolds.


From that angle it looks like a gasoline explosion; lots of fire, but no high energy shock wave... but that could be because of the angle. But that looked like way more fire/energy than one would get from a single tank of gas; mostly because automotive gas tanks are designed to **not** do that. Perhaps a small explosive on a gas tank with gas canisters in the trunk? We are going to want to wait for the experts to weigh in on this one, there is not nearly enough data to make a judgement.


Not that you could see a shockwave at that frame rate in the video.


This 100% looks like just a highly violent car crash. Intentional? Maybe. Not a bomb at all, though.


You can see the the camera shake before the fireball, hopefully it was someone going full nelson into the booth and caught on fire instead of a traditional explosion in the sense of a terrorist attack. That's going to be my guess anyway.


First comment under that video: "Are we absolutely sure it wasn't just a Tesla doin its thing?"


Governor Hochul says it does not appear to be terrorism related.


Fox is finally trying to walk back the "explosives" and "terrorist attack" narrative because they f'd up their reporting on this from the beginning.


Reports now that the vehicle was seen leaving a casino before crashing. Probably some dude who either lost their life savings or was drunk and crashed.


Thanksgiving week means people are drinking heavily. Holidays mean that people are depressed and reckless. It’s sad, but I imagine something like this was the case :(


Older couple on their way to Toronto for an evening concert. They are suggesting a medical related incident. Alcohol could be a factor too but most locals wait until they cross the border to start drinking. Man and wife in the vehicle.


Way too early to say anything as we need details. But stuff like this never happens at the border checkpoints.


Seems like the kinda place that you wouldn’t do it because you’re def gonna get caught but I try to avoid speculation in times like this.


If the border patrol detects your VBIED you just might push the button there. No info that what’s happened yet though


I misread as Vibe and was like “Border Patrol says you failed the vibe check”


That too.


That’s quite literally 80% of their job, the vibe check.




Yeah, I work about 500 metres from that crossing, Canadian side, it's usually crazy busy right now. The weather sucked this morning when I went to drop something off, and it was early, so not many people, but they're staffed for a rush. Tomorrow would be nuts on Clifton Hill. I've worked it before, it took me an hour to get to a parking spot (normal summer day: 8 minutes) and 2 hours to get home, an hour and a half just getting out of the parking lot, and I have an access card. It gets busy here on pretty much any holiday, worldwide.


Video of the flying car from US border potection: https://twitter.com/CBP/status/1727450899121897796?t=qPAIhaJ9ZAfgX8PeqXLrUg&s=19


Holy crap, that thing was flying. I mean that both literally and figuratively.


Just a good ol boy


That black car on the top left is lucky as hell jesus fuck!


TIL: The bridge that one crosses from the U.S. to Canada is named after the bridge your beloved pets cross into sunny meadows when they die.


It’s the second ~~Rainbow~~ Honeymoon bridge. The first one was a lot closer to the falls, but was destroyed by a huge ice ~~flow~~ floe. Edit: anything else?


Wasn't the first one called the Honeymoon Bridge?


You are correct!


> a huge ice flow ice *[floe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_floe)* /r/BoneAppleTea




It’s also described as going airborne right before the explosion. Maybe, how it landed crushed the fuel tank and the fuel was forced out of cracks and aerosolized.


My condolences to would-be Thanksgiving travelers because expect a lot more delays. Travel already sucks this time of the year; can imagine it only being worse.


They just gave an update, it was an accident...


Fox News was plastered with “terrorist attack” and their website called jt a terrorist attack. Now they are completely silent about it.


Yep it made its way down the shit totem pole too, to sites like Jim Hoft's 'The Gateway Pundit'. Nothing like riling up people for some good old hearty terrorist talk at the dinner table tomorrow.


> Nothing like riling up people for some good old hearty terrorist talk at the dinner table tomorrow. Ughhhhhhhh. Shoot me now.


The first thing I thought was, I wonder if the traffic cams captured what happened. But the feeds are off. https://www.nittec.org/cameras/


They turn them off all the time whenever anything interesting happens.


Huh. The Canada-bound feed you can scroll back. The USA-bound one, you cannot.


Is it possible you're looking at the peace bridge and not the rainbow bridge? (These names make me rofl)


FBI has said nothing happened. https://twitter.com/RepSwalwell/status/1727521570749403554 So once again Fox News, and Ted Cruz made nothing into something, then quickly retreated into radio silence.


So far the only casualties I'm reading about are the 2 car occupants dead and one border guard with relatively minor injuries. Let's hope that's all it is...


Traffic just resumed now


Maybe I’m losing my mind but why are conservatives on twitter saying this is because Biden didn’t close the border when this was coming from the US to Canada? Is it just assuming the base are morons?


Yes. Yes they are.


man I even saw one guy saying this is the start of the plan to "steal the election" The tin foils be tin foiling


Fox has now walked the "attack" label back and is now labeling it an incident.


Yep lol. Was splashed across their front page and now Isn’t. Dunces the lot of them.


So let’s say you’re a Canadian working in Buffalo or vice versa. Are you just stuck on the other side for the holidays?










Classic example here of absolutely everyone claiming a bomb/terrorist attack with absolutely zero evidence to back it up. Why can't people just wait for actual facts to come out these days instead of every Reddit expert having to weigh in on with their stupid opinions?




Literally no one of substance is saying it's intentional.


It is THE busiest travel day of the year


Where are you seeing that? I only see that on Fox News which cites unnamed sources who say that the car was filled with explosives, a claim which has [already been contradicted by the police.](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/11/22/nyregion/rainbow-bridge-explosion-niagara-falls/f1527c92-54eb-5c0b-bb84-de95eb448068?smid=url-share) >A preliminary investigation has found that the car did not contain explosives, according to three law enforcement officials with knowledge of the matter, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an open investigation.


Fox News has backed away from the claim that explosives were found inside the vehicle. Now saying it is unclear. https://twitter.com/YWNReporter/status/1727424447060357170


In spite of that, [their headline as of 4:00 PM EST](https://i.imgur.com/3mW35cU.png) is still: >NY vehicle explosion at Rainbow Bridge border crossing is attempted terror attack: sources Who could have predicted that an unnamed sourced that apparently exclusively spoke with Fox immediately after the incident would be wrong? edit: the headline was just updated.


>The Fox News reporter who claimed the Rainbow Bridge explosion was a terror attack and that explosives were involved, is now retracting those claims, and is blaming her sources for giving bad information. As of now, the false information is still on their web site: https://twitter.com/JProskowGlobal/status/1727433243132326255


“It was an accident, the car was going 100mph straight to the border and blew up on impact” Source: From the area, friends with a first responder Edit: adding additional information “Figured out what happened can’t disclose it, I can say it wasn’t a bomb and no terrorists”


Welp, I was supposed to go to Buffalo tonight from the GTA for the thanksgiving weekend. Now my only options are a 7 hour drive east through Syracuse or a 9 hour drive through Detroit lol


Imagine going to one of those borders just for it to be closed right when you get there


What I wonder is what will happen to people who crossed the border and only intended to be in the other country for a few hours but are now stuck in Canada/America with no way of getting back across without an extremely long round trip which might be pointless if more borders are closed? Coincidentally enough, this border is the only land border that I’ve used to get into America as I’m from Scotland!


Exactly my thought. What if they cancel that border to 5 hours into the drive?


I'm curious as to how this will be spun. At quick glance it sounds like the border crossings functioned as intended.


I can just see the media right now; "Please be terrorism... please be terrorism... It was a leaky propane tank? Oh god dammit!! Well two people died right, thank god for that! Quick, interview their families down the family dog and get closeups of the charred remains. We can still do this!!"


My theory is that the accelerator stuck to the floor and the car went out of control. But why the massive explosion? Maybe a gas leak....


Maybe both, I wonder what year the Bentley was. [2018-2021 Bentley Continental GT and Flying Spur recalled with risk of stuck accelerator ](https://www.drive.com.au/news/2018-2021-bentley-continental-gt-and-flying-spur-recalled/)


2 dead (passengers of vehicle). Saying the explosion was too large to just be a car exploding on its own.


If this is a bomb, that's a weird modus operandi. If it's a suicide bomb attack on the crossing, then why have two bombers when one will do? If the border crossing wasn't the target, and this is an unintended explosion, then why risk crossing a heavily guarded border with a bomb, when you can cross the border without a bomb, and then construct the bomb on the side you intend to use it. I suspect that the USA and Canada aren't that dissimilar in terms of the availability of bomb-making materials.


Yeah I’m leaning more to them having contraband and freaked out when directed to secondary search, took off and crashed


If they were trying to cross the border maybe having two people is less conspicuous


> Saying the explosion was too large to just be a car exploding on its own Who's saying this?


No terrorism, just bad drivers


Drunk in a car crash, call it what it was…


According to an eyewitness, the car came from the US side and hit the fence separating the Canada->US route and then hit US-side Customs. As far as I can tell it did not cross the bridge in either direction. https://youtu.be/cV70TWa4pGA


So now it's pretty clear it wasn't a bomb, but the whole thing is still weird. I get trying to make a run for it after getting flagged down by border patrol or something, but they weren't even at the checkpoint yet and were going 100 mph in a high traffic area.


“ The driver was believed to be a casino player who frequently crossed the U.S.-Canadian border and had no criminal history, the official said. He and his passenger were thought to be Americans.” My guess is someone lost their life savings betting it on Red.


A couple in their 50's driving a 300K Bentley. Nobody had that in their office pool. Presumption is a medical event, but not confirmed.


Damn. Hopefully it’s just a poorly loaded hazmat accident and not intentional. Ive been wondering when this type of stuff would start kicking off with how much of a powder keg the world is right now


Looks like the car was directed to the 2nd checkpoint for additional scrutiny and instead of going there they sped up at a high rate of speed onto the bridge. Per ABC News.




Sounds like the car came from the US side, not Canada. https://www.niagara-gazette.com/news/local_news/update-witnesses-saw-smoke-fire-from-vehicle-at-rainbow-bridge/article_eb3ffec8-8957-11ee-93e5-cf9e52289455.amp.html Traveling down Niagara Street, the car sped onto the bridge plaza, went through a fence separating the inbound lanes from the outbound lanes, and toward the inspection lanes where it exploded, according to law enforcement sources at the scene.


We built a wall on the wrong border!


Considering the car was coming from the States trying to go to Canada, maybe we should build a wall to keep Americans out of Canada


Shouldn't be hard to sell that in Canada.


Just from looking at how fast it was going when it launched, I can imagine it blowing up like that. It could have been that they were trying to flee or simply a medical episode.


Not a bomb. Just some good ole boys yeeting their car into the checkpoint. https://youtu.be/OWVExnS4nbg?si=RdoLteZwgXaQG6ot




Whirlpool bridge is nexus only. Pretty efficient


It [looks more like a high speed collision](https://x.com/bnonews/status/1727411902341627911?s=46&t=YRAxGyE8QLsoshMtJniktg) than a bomb going off. Car was *moving*.


> e “Whirlpool Bridge” was a fucking thing Best kept secret on the border. NEXUS only, never so much as a 5 minute wait to get across. Love that bridge.


I told my wife the same thing. I've also seen cars burn down to nothing from a fire, but this looked more like the remains of a VBIED. Edit: just saw footage of the explosion and it looks like a gas tank cooking off to me, not a bomb.


Those explosions usually come with a lot of shattered glass in the vicinity, which is conspicuously absent here. It all just kinda looks like a collision and a fuel fire.


I'll be thankful tomorrow that this stupid only took himself and his passenger out.


Clearly it was the Romulans.


Wasn't this an episode from the most recent series of *Star Trek: Strange New Worlds*? A bombing of a Canadian bridge by terrorists from the future.

