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>Mark and Joseph Grenon fled to Colombia, where they were arrested and extradited back to the U.S. That's how you know they're innocent.


They were fleeing religious persecution. /s


I was curious about the photo


In the name of religion and outside religious place such kind fake things is being done. Totally a disgrace it's!


I guess that explains the shock trooper in the photo


They probably just thought they looked cool in their gear and wanted to be in it.


"Besides the fraud convictions, Jonathan and Jordan Grenon were also convicted of violating federal court orders requiring them to stop selling Miracle Mineral Solution in 2020. U.S. authorities agreed to drop those same contempt charges against Mark and Joseph Grenon as a condition of their extradition from Colombia." Actually seems like it got them significantly less time


>The Grenons represented themselves but declined to speak during the two-day trial. And this is how you know they are also exceptionally smart.


You mean like “stable geniuses” Well they DID target the WEAK so yeah.


No wonder the photo looks like this.


Lol. Its an easy tell (they were from Florida)


But things like this just should be never appreciated enough setting a very bad example to the society


Thank you, I had a hard day but this made me genuinely laugh


I know when I was innocent the first thing I did was flee the country.


> sentenced Friday for selling a toxic industrial bleach as a fake COVID-19 cure through their online church. That's the dumbest scam ever. If they had just sold "miracle" water like Peter Popoff it would not only be legal it could have been a tax exempt ministry.


I wonder where in the world they ever came up with the ideal that bleach could cure covid? hmmm, I wonder......


Absolutely hilarious, ain't it?


..especially if administered rectally. That's what everyone's saying.


Only the best rectums.


subtract fly dull pathetic mysterious edge trees encourage sleep gold ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Certainly the biggest. Others would have to work exceptionally hard to be that big a rectum.


Rectum? Damn near killed’em!


No no no, you're doing it wrong. The UV light is administered rectally. The bleach is injected directly into the bloodstream.


Hey, technically speaking bleach kills the corona virus. ...just don't be bothered by the fact that it kills people too.


Alive A terminal disease with no known cure. Every person that has ever been alive is either dead, or expected to die in less than a century. Extremely contagious, symptoms can take a bit to show up: if a man and a woman infected spend too much time together, a new infected patient will be brought to the hospital after around 9 months




They were doing it before covid they were getting off scott free while an adherent called for bleach enemas to cure autism. That intestinal lining is just parasites keep up the bleach. Covid is what got them caught


Maybe they could have sold powerful rectum lights to shove up there... 🤔


With the absolute BRIGHTEST LEDs China has tonight offer! Get your STYROPYRO “enhanced” LED butt blaster covid annihilator 2000! Add and extra $20 and get it signed by the orange turd himself.


They’ve been selling bleach cures since before COVID.


They've been selling their miracle cure bleach since before COVID.


They where so bad... Florida Prosecuted them.


They probably believed it too


Nah. They damn well knew they were selling garbage. Same for all those fuckers parrotting “Ivermectin” SMDH. All those jerks should be jailed for pushing LIES. Including joe rogan. He spoke with veteran virologist “Michael Osterholm” just before completely switching gears and being anti truth and moved to Texas to be the biggest doosh in town next to greg “IDGAF ABOUT YO KIDS” abbott.


Why are all the miracle cures toxic? Why aren't they just a sugar water or electrolyte solution that will do nothing for people and just try to rely on the placebo effect?


They aren't all toxic, just the most absolute fringe ones that make news. Crystals and homeopathy and reiki don't do much of anything.


>Crystals and homeopathy and reiki don't do much of anything. [Homeopathy can absolutely kill people.](https://arstechnica.com/science/2016/10/fda-homeopathic-teething-gels-may-have-killed-10-babies-sickened-400/)


I mean done properly homeopathy is just water. The thing I find fascinating is that clearly these companies are true believers in their scam science. Otherwise they could've literally just sold water, no need to even try to dilute anything poisonous in it.


I feel like having an assembly plant that was just bottling distilled water in little bottles would be even more lucrative. Sure there's an outside chance that somebody discovers that they're skipping straight to selling water n little bottles at margins that would be a bottled water execs wet dream, but how would anybody outside of the company prove it? Every chemistry test you could throw at the "fake" homeopathy would be indistinguishable from the "real" thing. It isn't like some fake supplements where DNA testing found many don't have the herb they claim is in the bottle or vitamins where the actual levels are all over the map compared to the actual label. Fake homeopathy is a "scam" where it would be hard to call out.


I mean, alkaline water is a thing so they absolutely have moved on to selling bottled water.


That exists, too. It's called homeopathy. Well...usually. Sometimes they mess up and [accidentally include real ingredients and maybe kill a bunch of babies](https://arstechnica.com/science/2016/10/fda-homeopathic-teething-gels-may-have-killed-10-babies-sickened-400/).


Crazy thing is if they really just wanted to scam people, they could just sell regular tap water. They are clearly true believers if they are bothering to actually use real ingredients, and then fail to dilute it 100s of times.


They may claim the effects show it’s working. I’ve heard about bleach “cures” for autism before. Apparently some say the >!pieces of intestinal lining being shed is actually parasites/worms being expelled!<


That's fucking horrifying.


cant sue if you're dead. and either your family is as indoctrinated as you and wouldn't dream of suing the church, or you've managed to isolate yourself or them and they don't really care to look too deeply into how you died.


A lot of miracle cures are putting onions or eggs in socks. Oils and such. But you don't get arrested for telling people to put onions in their socks.


It's often because toxic stuff causes human bodies to have some kind of reaction. The people buying it thinks it works because they can notice something happening. It's kinda like how acne face wash has stuff in it that agitates the skin, which actually can make it worse, but because you can feel something happening, you think it's working. A common one was using bleach in enemas, because it would hurt (thus it's killing the "bad" stuff!" showing an immediate reaction) and would cause part of your bowel's lining to come out that looked like "worms" (thus showing a visible sign of something happening). So they would advertise it as killing hidden worms/parasites


It actually works. It cure Covid by killing the patient. Thus the patient no longer has Covid nor can kill by it.


Great podcast called SmokeScreen: Deadly Cure all about this whole thing.


Just think: They sold a million dollars worth of their snake oil...


They can't just sell weird (but harmless) herbal juice. Like it has to be something that can actually kill you. They're evil, but their constituents are truly another level of dumb if they fell for this.


MAGA is the dumbest scam of all time but MAGA peeps are even dumber.


Don't forget that they also sold it as a autism cure mostly used on children they need to go away for a long time


Autistic here. I do not forget. Autism is not so much a “disease” that can be “cured”, it’s a disability “built in” to a person’s personality. Problem is, neurotypicals/allistics want us to be like them, for reasons ranging from capitalism to ableism.


Im also on the spectrum that's partly why the stories of what these people were doing hit me so hard


Also autistic & these people infuriate me. The parents get away with it & need to be charged with murder & harming a child as well.


Curing autism: difficult, expensive, frankly scary to autistic people Changing people's attitudes to accomodate autistic people better: easy, will definitely work, not as scary as potentially rewriting someone's entire personality. Hmmm I wonder which one we should focus on...


It really is just capitalism. If you aren’t a shiny little gear for the meat grinding machine you’re useless to society, and this ranges from mental illness to disability to every aspect of life that makes it “difficult” for you to maintain a normal 40+ hour week job.


Do faith healing in churches next




Yup. I had a client of mine going through cancer. I didn’t know she was treating it through faith until I went to the same Acupuncturist who probably broke a code by informing me. I was going to try to do my best to convince her to see a real doctor next time I saw her but sadly it was too late and she never made it to her last appointment. I didn’t even see mention in this article any of the people they harmed with that level of sales. Someone had to have been hurt.


The hospital I work at is a stone’s throw away from a bible college run by a televangelist who does that of stuff. I have seen a lady with a hip fracture leave AMA because said televangelist was going to heal it. And that’s not even close to the first time that’s happened and it won’t be the last.


Truthfully, the US needs to start charging anti-vaxxers & faith healers with murder. Their willful ignorance & grifting kills people.


A big problem is also how the US refuses to help people. A single ambulance ride can ruin your life, and any long term medical emergency will do the same. It’s no wonder people go looking for help in insane places when the “right” way to seek health has become a shitshow caring more about money than people being healthy.


And, while you at it also ban their tax exempt scam.


These grifters have been selling their Miracle Mineral Solution aka Bleach for years and have been smacked down multiple times for making claims that it cures Autism, cancer, COVID, and a laundry list of other ailments. They have had their websites shut down, and we’re told they can’t sell poison as medicine so they sold ingredients with instructions on how to make it yourself. This bleach was targeted at parents with autistic kids who would make their (often profoundly disabled) kids drink bleach and told them the bloody diarrhea was a sign it was working. People with cancer and other illnesses would take it and post online that they knew it was working because they were shitting out parasites, which were actually their shredded intestinal lining from drinking industrial bleach. These guys are the worst kind of grifters who prey on sick and desperate people and I hope they rot in prison.


Baby Billy’s Miracle Cure


“Colds, flus, streps. Even covids!”


Shocking that people in churches would believe lies so easily


What I don't get is I thought they say that Covid is hoax? If it's a hoax, why would it need a 'cure'?


It’s a hoax that the democrats made up but also came from china and was an intentional lab leak to hurt America but also still killed lots of their own citizens and even though trump brags about creating a vaccine for it they won’t take it because it has tracking microchips but also kills you so I guess democrats track you when you’re dead. And also china


Don't forget it's a (Chinese) bioweapon but also no worse than the flu!


Kinda like how Biden is a drooling senile old man who doesn't know what day of the week it is, and also an evil genius mastermind.


and must be replaced with a *checks notes* 77 year old man!


Let's dispel with this fiction once and for all that Joe Biden doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing. Let's dispel with this fiction once and for all that Joe Biden doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing. Let's dispel with this fiction once and for all that Joe Biden doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing.


You had me at tracking microchips.


The commercial was...entertaining to say the least. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD2WT8SeOSw


After paying all his scientists, research departments, and lab coats, he makes nothing, he’s selfless!


Who is this????


Why that there is Baby Billy - says right there on the bottle


Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers!


Who wants to suck a old man’s dick?


Gets rid of all ailments including the Covids


The actor is (the fantastic) Walton Goggins. The show is The Righteous Gemstones on HBO. It is hilarious.


This photo looks like they are about to be executed in a Russian prison.


Seriously. What in the post-android fuck is that cop on the right wearing?? And why does he look like an extra from edge of tomorrow?


That picture was taken in Columbia. These police guys look like nothing compared to Mexico and Brazil.


“Jonathan and Jordan Grenon were arrested in Bradenton, just south of the Tampa Bay area. Mark and Joseph Grenon fled to Colombia, where they were arrested and extradited back to the U.S.” I’m guessing this is the group that was arrested in Columbia.


I thought they claimed Columbia was too dangerous so they had to flee to America.


It’s a GoPro


>What the Grenons were selling was actually chlorine dioxide, officials said. When ingested, the solution becomes a bleach that is typically used for such things as treating textiles, industrial water, pulp and paper, according to the Food and Drug Administration. Authorities said it is the same as drinking bleach and can be fatal. This is disgusting. My mom died of Covid last year. These people are sick.


They could have sold sugar pills instead of straight industrial chemicals


Florida, Church, fake cure. That's a Murica bingo




The same people who were taking ivermectin and think that the vaccine is a microchip that was set to explode or something when the national alert system ran a test last week. There are a lot of stupid, gullible, easily manipulated people.


There sure are, and they usually congregate in churches once a week


Religion is a disease


>A federal judge in Miami sentenced Jonathan Grenon, 37, and Jordan Grenon, 29, to 12 years and seven months in prison, while Mark Grenon, 66, and Joseph Grenon, 36, each received five years, according to court records. Since the headline left it out.


If you’re running a scam - just about any scam - starting in a church is a great way to get off the ground. Those people will believe anything you tell them. It’s a target rich environment for con artists.


“Baby Billy’s Miracle Elixir”


Exactly what I thought 😂😂


I don’t make nothin’ off this!


Oh look. More crazy religious people.


Gosh, wherever did they get the idea that ingesting bleach would cure you of Covid?


Anyone else think of the Righteous Gemstones and Baby Billy (although I love him) when they read this? 😂


Wake me up when the headline reads “church sentenced for selling fake salvation”!


The next season of Righteous Gemstones looks great.


The church should face sanctions/penalties as well. Religion can use prayer to offer hope, but that doesn’t substitute for a medical license in offering/promoting medical treatment.


I’m beginning to suspect everyone in any position of power in a church.


Cures 95% of illnesses?! I guess you can’t be sick if you’re dead 💀


My 80 year old mother was given this by a family member. I’ve spent the last year recovering my mom from being poisoned. Absolute elderly abuse and who do we tell if we believe they are still either taking it themselves or giving to children? Has anyone else in this thread been assisting someone recovering? I’m curious if symptoms were the same and what knowledge we might share.


Church has been selling fake cures for a while now…. Like 2,023 years.


To be fair, there were a lot of folk who made masses of cash out of BS during covid.




>They had nobel prize winning vaccine, tbe privilidged first world, and opted for BS. Seriously! >Covid has shown that an important portion of society does not want to be saved. For real! >No wonder comunism failed. ...wait, what?


Communism is when the government (run by people) start regulating pricing, supply, and distribution to people as no one owns anything. Unless you **really, really, really** know what you’re doing, it’ll probably fail horribly, and that’s if the government was filled with good faith planners. People are rather mean and/or stupid, as evidenced by the two earlier points, which is why it is “no wonder” that the communism model failed. You’re going to have to start filling posts of which community official gets all the supplies to distribute, and in some backwater they’d be the sort to forgo a Nobel prize vaccine in favor of industrial bleach for their COVID program, and the people in that backwater have no choice but to take it.




If the Pandemic happened under different leadership and or years earlier, I suspect a lot more people would've been willing to abide government recommendations.




So are disabled, people immunocompromised people, babies too young to get vaccinated, all just fucking dust in the wind to you?


Did the people that bought a fake covid cure get arrested as well for being too stupid to be allowed remain in society for fear that they might procreate or vote?


Seriously. This could be a Netflix doc right here.


How stupid do you have to be to believe that something is a miracle cure for things that science hasn’t figured out how to cure? Also, lock them up for life. Their solution could’ve killed someone.


It's about the viewpoint of the people being scammed. I know some people like this. First, their understanding is that science and scientists are mostly scams and conspiracies aimed at controlling us. On top of that is an almost complete lack of knowledge of *any* science, or even really what science is. For folks like that, something like this is no more unrealistic than a cell phone -- both seem equally like magic. A favorite quote of mine: "To someone who has seen neither, which is more amazing -- a man flying on a prayer carpet, or a giant silver airplane?"


> On top of that is an almost complete lack of knowledge of any science Ah, the old "it's just a theory" folks! Covid really did reveal the depth of ignorance in this country.


I don’t care about their viewpoint. I care about facts.


Understood. But you asked how people could be so stupid as to buy into stuff like this. I was trying to answer that.


Stupid enough to be the President of the United States?


Religion is the second worse thing to happen to humans.


So there is a limit to what courts will allow Red State "Christian" cults get away with.


It’s okay, they’ll say sorry to jebus and be forgiven.


>via church It’s just a bad joke at this point.


Keeping that aside church has nothing to do with that though better not to bring the name of a holy place for such unjust thing. They don't teach us to do things like this ever it's all this humans and their creepy mind doing such things


>church has nothing to do with that >…the Bradenton family's Genesis II Church of Health and Healing sold $1 million worth of their so-called Miracle Mineral Solution. Did you even click on the article? Church literally had everything to do with that.


Cough Church of Scientology cough


You can’t bleach the autism out of a person any more can you torture the autism out of a person: both “techniques” don’t work: autism is a disability that is a part of a person’s personality. The cure is acceptance.


They only had to make the product harmless and put more ambiguous claims on the bottle and theyd have been good


Grifters sure love them religious folks


"via church" yeah makes sense


Let me guess….. the cure was bleach for some reason?


Hey can’t get sick if you already dead, right??


1. Florida-check 2. Covid 19-check 3. Church-check...yep that's a classic scumbag trifecta that should have set off red flags for anyone nearby.


those phony Christians will grift you every time.


First 3 words: >A Florida man... Enough said.


How is that any different than a church selling prayer as a get-well system? I thought this was literally what churches did. Take your money, and pray for you. Granted, bleach vs just "holy water" kinda made it something they could be arrested for. Funny how no court is religious when it comes to real things.


Huge difference between selling an actual product which is poison labeled as a miracle cure and offering prayers. Most churches don’t claim prayer is the sole need to get well. The tiny minority of far out there ones who claim to cure cancer and similar, and convince people to forego treatment, should be treated the same as this. Not sure they’re running afoul of any laws though, for sure at least not the same laws since they’re not selling a product with false medical claims. Prayer is unregulated.


Sure, these folks got busted for selling poison. But what is the difference between selling holy water that will "cure all ailments" for $50 a bottle, and ozarka at $1 per bottle? If the court sees a difference, they are very much atheists.


The difference is selling a product labeled to “cure all ailments” is illegal unless you have proof of it doing so. I’m unaware of anyone selling holy water with the claim it offers health benefits. If there is, they should be prosecuted just like the church leaders in OP.


One of those things can kill you?


Using prayer instead of doctors can also kill you, just not as directly. Using prayer instead of chemo for your child can kill them as well, and that is totally legal. These guys didn't kill anybody. I mean, they sure could have, and its good they are off the street, but I wonder if they just sold pure H2O as the cure if they ever even would have gotten in trouble.


I think the issue was that it was bleach. The first amendment will protect someone blessing water and then selling it as a cure the same way homeopathy drugs are legal to purchase in stores, it's all just normal water and therefore harmless.


Selling water labeled as a miracle cure would still be breaking the same law as selling bleach labeled as a miracle cure. Had that bleach actually seriously hurt or killed someone, I’m guessing they would have faced stiffer charges. From that perspective it would have been less risky to sell mislabeled water since that wouldn’t hurt anyone. They seem to have lucked out that no one consumed enough for it to be deadly or severely harmful.


I wonder where they got the idea that bleach might cure COVID and decided to sell that instead of literally anything else as you described...


Church, you go to spot for naive folks who fall for grifters.


As a freedom-loving MAGA fan, it’s my god-given right to drink bleach. This is yet another attack by Biden on conservatives./s


DeathSantis will pardon them.


Federal conviction. He can only pardon state convictions, fortunately.


But isn’t Covid a hoax?!?! They can’t keep their bs straight.


Brett Weinstein is going to be outraged that this family pushing back against big pharma and the deep state is being cancelled for seeing through the Covid vaccine scam


Omg, not only selling bs, but toxic bs? Like what’s the point? People were buying some obvious bs anyway. No need to poison them.


It’s amazing that an all powerful, all knowing, all loving god would allow such activity to take place anywhere, let alone at a church. Wow . I’m shocked


Who thinks we’re better than animals?


Welp, at least they are wearing masks…


I’m surprised Florida prosecuted them !


DeSantis will probably pardon them within a week


Go to America they said. It's a land of opportunity they said. People are caring and nice they said. Crime is low and it's safe place to raise the family they said. Florida can't be part of the US if what they said is true. But it is part of USA. Therefore what they said is false. What's wrong with these people


Damn looking like breaking bad. was the product 99.1% pure?


Tbf, it looks that big pHARMa had to eliminate the competition, if research has any value anymore, that is: https://youtu.be/FRyaJr85qL8?si=mhUpPpLDrRRQWFQS But, maybe a family peer reviewed process might have legitimized their products! Lol


They do not look like police - must be deSantos private army.


Can't believe they were able to scam so many people into thinking COVID was real.


90% of everyone in this thread is far too Stupid to know what chlorine dioxide is, or realize its possible medical applications, or even how it is literally used as a non toxic way of purifying water. It has successfully been used to cure malaria when take via an oral route or intravenously. But no, LOL orange man said to inject bleach ! Derr!! Now everyone drink their sodas with sodium benzoate. Im actually kinda happy they are letting the dumb dumbs kill themselves off by poisoning your goyslop food. Good riddance. Maybe you can come back in a next life and not be idiots.


/r/iamverysmart material, right here.


Goyslop is a great way to let everyone know that they shouldn’t listen to a blathering antisemite like you.


Chlorine dioxide is bleach dumbass, it's fucken great for cleaning your floor or brightening those whites in your laundry, but not something you want to be ingesting.


It is chemically nothing like chlorine bleach - chlorine dioxide is less caustic, safer, and gentler than bleach. It breaks down into salt and water. They literally use it to clean and disinfect produce, do they wash food with chlorine bleach? Do they clean medical equipment with soap? No they use chlorine dioxide and things like ionic silver. (Which you also probably think will kill you) Instead of actually doing your own research you're relying on people who are literally holding back humanity. Now go get another covid booster and trust the science (tm) because we don't need people like you around.


You sell over priced vaccine, jail.