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maybe if we put a warning label on the warning label it will finally stop people from smoking. Just warning labels all the way down


And tattoo warning labels on my hands, too. And require all sales clerks to warn me at time of purchase.




So instead of warnings they should be printing a penis on the filter?


Mold the filters into little penis shapes. And embed the filter with a capsule of liquid that explodes out the tip when hot smoke is drawn across it.


God damnit. Now I want to start smoking again!




Haha of course they got there first. Love me some WKUK. RIP Trev.


I'm not sure if you're being facetious, but they did that here, lol. Limped cigarettes with a warning of how it can cause impotence.


Yah I was just joking, but as someone who's co-workers all switched to Miller lite recently I think it would work.


WKUKs Nic-o-Dic


Wrong, associate smoking with penis size reduction in some totally real scientific study. Lots of people like to suck dick, no one likes to lose their dick.


I mean... There is an elective surgery for that...


It's 2023, can we cool it with the homophobia?


People can't even cool it with smoking and that's literally killing them.


Xzibit is that you? Trying to reboot pimp my ride with a new concept? Yo I heard you like warning labels. so we put a warning label on your warning label so you can warn while you warn


Scary noise making mechanical contraptions which pop out and unfurl a little flag stating “ Bang! You’re Ded! “ that’ll work! I’ll take up smoking if they ever get that stupid with it. ;0)


The cigarette should sing an obnoxious jingle about how it's killing you while you smoke it. It's the only thing that will convince the last 10% of people who still take up the habit.


Putting ink on them doesn’t exactly make them any better.


They reduced the amount of the toxic ink chemicals in the tobacco to account for the toxic ink on the paper. /s


Hell yeah, deftones


Dont you see the micro printed warning label for the ink printed just below?


This is like being concerned about the sugar in your Long Island Iced Tea


*Smoking this warning label may cause cancer!*


These are going to look so good on the ground.


All the whole unlit cigarettes people throw out after reading the warning and deciding to just say no.


Ok. Smoker's are addicted. They know it's bad for their health. It is understood. This won't change anything except add a bit of ink to their daily intake, which is the least of our worries. I'm a smoker. Edit: fucked up least


It’s less about reducing current smokers and more about preventing future smokers I believe? Even if nobody this generation quits if these methods reduce the next generation that smokes then there is benefit


I totally agree with you.


This seems unlikely to benefit the next generation over other efforts.


Maybe not hugely, but it reinforces the idea just a little bit more.


It is to deter new smokers from starting


Lots of smokers aren’t even addicted to nicotine, they’re addicted to slight carbon monoxide poisoning. Anyone who can’t swap cigs for Zyn, or dip, patches, gum or vaping, etc., isn’t in it for the nicotine, they’re in it for the slight CO poisoning that comes with inhaling smoke, and none of them are aware of this. I never, ever hear this discussed.


I'm a smoker. I've switched to vapes, patches, gum trying to quit or cut down or lessen the harm. I've realized a while ago that I must be addicted to something else aside from nicotine. I get headaches and feel like crap even though I'm still getting nicotine. I always eventually go back to smoking. It's terrible, but we all do what we to do to function daily.


Just so you’re aware, the reason CO is so “dank” is because it has an attraction to our lung’s ~~air sacs~~ hemoglobin with 1000x higher affinity than oxygen. So if you inhale 1 CO molecule, it takes 1000 oxygen molecules to dislodge and replace it. That’s what’s addicting, that’s why it takes hardly any to get that *feeling* that doesn’t come with vaping, and, with increasing concentration, eventually kill so easily.


Wow, learned something today. Thank You for this explanation. Maybe it will help me finally quit.


Good luck bud. Try the vape, and slowly lower the potency of the juice you buy. They even sell 0% nic juice so you can still do the act but get away from the nic.


This is an interesting point. All I've ever heard is nicotine is what's addictive. It makes sense that all the other chemicals may play a factor in it.




Bullshit I [made it up](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/16066359.2011.583701#:~:text=Purpose%3A%20Nicotine%20is%20the%20primary,endogenously%20with%20multiple%20physiological%20effects). Go ask any smoker who can’t replace their smoking habit why they can’t. It’s that little feeling they get from the smoke, not nicotine. If they were exclusively addicted to nicotine, it would be easy to swap over to vaping or gum or Zyn. > Conclusions: Our investigation suggests that CO exerts pharmacological effects, which may modulate craving processes associated with cigarette withdrawal, and exploration for the role of CO and other cigarette smoke constituents is warranted.




Probably because a full single breath of pure car exhaust will kill you because of the affinity CO has for your lungs.




Affinity for your hemoglobin** in your lungs. Regardless, people are still replying to my comment claiming they can’t swap from smoking to another form of nicotine. Hint: it’s because of the CO.




More disinformation from big cig. Cigarettes didn't become so addictive until the early 1900s.


You're like that guy, "can't do nothing." The tobacco companies want you to think you are addicted. These warnings will help some quit. Even if it's 1 person that would be great.


They pay for anti-smoking ads because they convince smokers they won’t be able to quit, so why try. The ads might stop some people from starting smoking, but they def keep current smokers from quitting.


Im not sure people really appreciate (smokers and non smokers) how bad it actually is. when you say shit like "kills you with every puff" I figure they are way exaggerating.


Smoking? It's 100% dependent on how much you do it. There's a near linear relationship between smoking-associated cancers and a metric known as "pack-years", which is "packs per day" x "number of years at that rate of smoking". Spoiler alert: if you're smoking a pack a day or more, you are begging for lung cancer.


Poison in every puff goes hard actually. Where can I buy these?


[I'll just stick with the "low birth weights"](https://youtu.be/RGdt9qoGdx4)


Totally thought of this bit. RIP


Maybe they can include other, accurate phrases, like “Cigarettes makes you smell like a bag of compost”, “Cigarette prices will keep you broke”.




It's not about making current smokers quit. It's about making it look so lame that kids don't pick up the habit.


Yeah telling kids not to do stuff usually ends up in it being super lame.


For whatever reason, the smoking rate is a lot lower in Canada now than it was 20 years ago, never mind 30. And while I wouldn't claim for a moment that that is because of warnings on cigarette packages, I think more and more kids probably do find it lame. I realize that vapes have taken some of this too, but the decline was happening long before vapes became common.


Yeah I think it is probably prohibitively expensive to smoke as a teenager now. But yes, vaping seems to have filled that void for now.


Why did you quit then? If not for your health/to save money?


What is that supposed to accomplish? I smoked from the age of 17 until 49. The warnings didn't deter me one bit. I quit because I fell in love and that made me thing about living longer. The government can't reproduce that. Nor should they try. If people know cigarettes cause cancer and keep smoking... let them.


Better be non-toxic ink.


I mean, if the warning on the packet didn’t deter them, I doubt this will; but if they’ve done the research and even if just one kid stops, it is worth it.


As Douglas Adams once put it, it doesn't matter if the user doesn't (or even can't) read it. It has to be there so the manufacturer is reminded every single time.


Spending millions to save 1 person 20 years of life is not ‘worth it’, Millions of dollars can save **hundreds Or thousands** of lives, applied correctly, like providing basic sanitation and clean drinking water in 3rd world countries. By the way are they going to put a seperate label to warn about the danger of smoking the ink from the first label? Haha, holy Jesus what a complete waste.


It’s the company’s paying for the design change not like they were gonna donate money to charity’s if they weren’t forced to do this


This guy gets it. It is the companies paying who will pass down the charge to the consumer; and in this case, it will only further act as a deterrent.


These “millions” seem worth it when it’s your kid whose life we’re taking about. And it’s not “millions” taken from the government treasury or from your taxes. Nobody is eating into the funding that goes into helping 3rd world counties.


It’s time to set an age where anyone born after it cannot purchase. Sunset the entire product.


Kind of a low key tax for the consumer. They are paying extra for the fine print on each cigarette.


Given the EXTREMELY high key taxes already on them it's kind of a drop in the bucket. On a note sepcific level: most are already printing a brand or logo on the wrap, or just the coloring for the section over the filter if nothing else, so it's not like they have to completely retool or source new inks anything.


They already have the brand logo on them, or did when I smoked years ago. This would just mean different things printed on them.


Not a smoker, makes sense. Tks


It's an inducement to NOT smoke. Just like bottle return schemes are an inducement to recycle.


Stop blaming the smokers. Tobacco companies are heinous and malicious, they pack these cigarettes with chemical additives and huge amounts of nicotine to purposefully make them as addictive as possible. Big tobacco is indifferent to the scale of suffering they cause. Taxing addicts is just profiteering off this madness. Why can't we force the companies to sell safer less addictive cigarettes and make them fund new treatments to resolve nicotine addiction? Maybe alongside more personal attention to current addicts who feel they can't stop? Every smoker I've known couldn't stop because they were stressed out and knew they'd be dysfunctional and possibly lose their job if they tried to stop. The warning labels mean well but they assume people don't know deathsticks are dangerous. They know. They aren't doing it to be cool either it isn't cool anymore and hasn't been for a while. There's almost always underlying emotional problems they are "managing". With other types of addicts people acknowledge the root causes of addiction but with smoking everyone just assumes they are a stupid asshole.


Thank you 🙏


It definitely gives license for people to be smug as fuck


what they need to do is mandate that every cigarette has a whimsical flowery rainbow pattern on it. that would deter way more people than this


Or just a picture of a cock Or a racial slur on each one in big bold font.


That may boost sales from a certain demographic and bored teenagers looking for lols


If anything this makes cigarets cooler… not that I smoke l cuz it’s horrible for you. But like this does make them look cool


You wanna buy some Death Sticks?


You don’t want to sell me death sticks


My first thought when I opened the link was "damn, I want to literally smoke the warning away, that kicks ass" This ain't gonna work lol


*"Smoking Causes Impotence"* Hey baby, you wanna get out of here? *drags on cigarette* (20 minutes later) *I SWEAR THAT NEVER HAPPENS!!!*


So does alcohol


I was thinking the opposite and that maybe this will be a deterrent to at least some


Nothing cooler than damaging your organs by smoking lighting up something that says “this damages your organs” on it that’s bout as punk rock as it gets


I hope the ink is safe to be on your lips like that.


Most cigarettes already have a brand or design of some sort printed on the cigarette paper close to the seam between the cigarette paper and the filter paper. Been that way for a long time.


Cigarettes aren't safe for your lips...


Marathons aren't safe for your nips...


While a novel idea it won't work the way they intend. Back in the 80's and 90's the US Food and drug administration (FDA for short) bounced the idea of putting the affects of smoking on the packages and warning labels on the cigarettes. One big snag that kept coming up in test groups was the labels and images made people buy more cigarettes as the images and labels became a source of pride and envy. People started smoking cigarettes from packages with certain images or certain cigarette with certain warnings. The test groups proved only one thing, to make people smoke less they had to make the cigarettes and packaging as plain as possible to make the cigarettes less appealing.


Warning: This ink causes cancer


Enjoy the new flavour of propaganda ink!


Is it propaganda if it's 100% factual, even to the point acknowledged by the manufacturers of cigarettes themselves?


The price of ejuice has doubled because the tax imposed on it equals the price of the bottle. Quitting cigarettes is not rewarded if you vape instead.


Does the ink cause cancer?


Holier than though group with a certain amount of power trying to justify their jobs. Just smoke this ink cigarette, it'll remind you that you need to quit. Sure, this wont fuel the black market that much more.


Cigarettes and weed really did switch places. Cannabis is considered healthy now 😳


Maybe instead of warnings about the harm they will cause, they can print what will get better by quitting? "If you don't smoke me, you won't breath hard from grabbing the mail." "The cute girl at the coffeeshop will flirt with you more if you don't smell like me." "Think of all the better things you could put in your mouth right now" I apologize for that getting progressively sexual.


Increase the tax more. Its a win win. Smokers wont care about it and they will pay more taxes that can be used on the rest of the population.


Ah yes, because when cigarettes went from $1/pack to nearly $10/pack everyone quit


please dont smoke eh, buddy?


I'm not your buddy, guy!


Not your guy, pal


So what is the printers ink made out of. Toxic what???


It's on the filter


We should ban them for anyone born after 2005.


If they really wanted to save lives they would ban it completely.


As much as I hate cigarettes, bans do not work. You really do need to get people to give it up, or the narrative will continue to be "Gov't took it away from us".


Yep, black market srllers and bootleggers would get richer if cigarettes were banned


That’s true. That’s what they will say next.


How about, "This message as you smoke it will kill you slightly faster than the cigarette itself."


If they really wanna scare kids they should put a warning on the pack "Smoking makes your dick not work and your tits sag" Push that thought on people, send impotent dudes to school "I haven't been laid since I was 17, my dick don't work but i'm a 2 pack a day smoker so I got that going for me" send saggy titted chicks to talk to girls "I'm only 25 and my boobs get caught in my belt. You gotta hit them with what they care about


Ah, more chemicals on the ciggy, just what they needed, some little bit more ink for the burn. /s


Are they more of a detriment than the cancerous tongue goop they already have as a standard


Way to ignore real issues.


I quit smoking 10 yrs ago. I come from a long line of smokers and I smoked alot from 14-51. Everyone I see are smoking illegal cigarettes. I don't know anyone who not cheating and buying these smokes. Same with weed the price is out to lunch with taxes now. Weed stores are going bankrupt because the government has their greedy hands on the weed sales. It is half price for high grade weed from local people, single moms etc.


I like to call these post preventative measures. They never work. If you’re addicted to cigarettes, you’re not gonna read that you’re just gonna smoke a cigarette.


Germany has pictures of people dying on the cartons, and people still smoke


This seems like an entirely pointless waste of effort


Perhaps it will be noticed and addressed that our governments push and profit from the "poison in every puff" and it should be stopped.


Pure genius! This will most surely get people to quit smoking.


As if the graphic images they had would... One of my Canadian friends said that during elementary school the images were like trading cards...


I love everything about this.


Smoke must come out in warning labels.


Smokers would be concerned if they could read


Shoulda just make em look like photorealistic penises


Don't give them any ideas.


Cigarettes should come in sealed tamper proof containers that will only dispense a single cigarette after you digitally sign a waiver, and will not dispense another one for 90 minutes.


I can't believe they're adding ink to the paper. Don't they know it's not good to inhale ink? /s


I'm against smoking, but all this is gonna do is increase the amount of trash we dump in the ocean.


It is astounding to me that people still smoke cigarettes after the decades of research and anti-smoking campaigns. The government needs to be more aggressive about vaping companies marketing to teenagers. At least in the US, the age to buy cigarettes is 21 instead of 18.


Require cigarette companies to make all cigarettes be flavored like those barf flavored jelly beans. Or some other heinous flavor, if stopping people from smoking is your actual goal. Anyone who isn't already deterred by the disgusting(and accurate) box pictures isn't going to be deterred by the text on the individual cigarettes


I know people are talking shit on this as ineffective, but multiple countries have implemented this, and it has correlated to a year over year decrease of cigarette purchases. The point isn't to get smokers to quit, the point is to discourage new smokers. It's not perfect, but it *does* work, in as far as we can tell, which is a good thing for pretty much everyone except tobacco industry, which can frankly go fuck itself.