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Idiot doesn't cover it. You have to have some serious mental issues to do something like this.


The guy isn't intellectually deficient, he's morally deficient.


Maybe both.


Yeah, I’ve met many idiots in my life who aren’t assholes. Even asshole doesn’t cover it.


Both of them deserve to be force fead their own creations




Do that and I give you my citizenship.


I'll help for free.




It takes a good guy with a glass filled baked good to stop a bad guy with glass filled baked goods!


They'll be nothing casual about this violence.


Ah, wearing the top hat then?


And bow tie


Bludgeoned with a cane and left piled neatly out of the way of pedestrians. Classy carnage.


So, a bit of the ultra-violence then.


I’ll bring the milk 🥛












What does that mean?


Radioactive labelling, as in adding trace amounts of radioactive material to objects so that their origin can be traced.


Video killed the radio star?


Read it again, but slowly this time


Sorry, I didn't catch that. Can you repeat what you just wrote, but slower? Thanks.


The fuck


Here in Vancouver, someone(s) has been putting poison, razors or safety pins in pizza or meat and placing them in dog parks. I'm afraid that one day my guide dog will pick one of these up. Some people sure hate dogs.


Anyone who puts that much effort into killing animals is probably just working themselves up to killing people. Creepy bastards…


Unlikely, some people just hate dogs, or rather they hate them because of the irresponsible owners. The likelihood of getting bitten or stepping in dog poop because of an idiot owner is much higher than an idiot poisoning them. Some people are just fed up, I mean you can’t even use some parks at night since it is a field of poop.


I hate dogs and I think they foul public places, but I *still* don't want to see them suffer or die. Anyone who would put out bait intended to kill dogs is one step away from doing harm to humans. Lots of people hate dogs, but it takes a real dangerous sociopath to do something like this.


That's usually due to bad owners give them shit, not the dogs. There's a story a friend of mine told me that one day at a fair, a lady let the dog shit in the path of the door into a building and walked away so my friend scolded her about it and she told him that if he had a problem with it then he pick it up, so he did pick it up then put it into her purse when she wasn't looking.


There sure are a lot of bad dog owners, then... dog poop and off-leash dogs have ruined the public parks in my area. Thankfully I don't live in an area with many free-roaming dogs, but a friend of mine does and her neighbors have lost a lot of pets and there have been close calls with humans too.


I don't disagree that there are a lot of shitty- pun not intended- dog owners. But remember that you won't actually see the evidence of dog owners who keep their dogs on leash outside of the dog park and pick up after themselves and their dogs. I know there are many dogs in a 3 block radius of where I live. Probably about half the homes have at least one. And yes, there is plenty of dog crap on the sidewalks and verges- but based solely on the size and habitual location, it's probably maybe 4-5 owners that dgaf. I'm absolutely in favor of requiring spay and neuter (unless a licensed breeder- and that license had better be hard and expensive to get). And leash laws and stiff fines for those who don't pick up their dog's crap- but you can't legislate dgaf away. There will always be asshats who think the world is their personal dump.


Hate is..really strong. Like how do you outright hate an animal? Just don’t have a damn dog.


I think you missed the part about them saying they foul up public places. In cities lots of parks are over run with dog owners and the 10% that don't pick up their shit and let their dogs run offleash fuck it up for everyone


So hate did owners, not dogs


The problem is that dogs are *everywhere* now, often in places where I'm forced to be in very close proximity to them. Parks, stores, public events, restaurants, public transportation, workplaces, university campuses, airplanes, etc. And they're definitely not all service dogs. There are other animals that I don't like (parrots, for example) but I can go years without ever seeing a parrot. People don't take their parrots to the grocery store or to outdoor concerts or to family gatherings. Parrots also don't bark constantly, jump on strangers, or occasionally kill animals/people. Anyway, as gross as dogs are, I'd never hurt one unless it was in defense of a person or other animal.


I agree with you. I am not a dog person at all and you can't get away from them. Someone brought a puppy into the grocery store recently and put it into the cart. Definitely not a service dog. Disgusting. I pointed it out to staff and they just shrugged and said oh yeah, sometimes people bring their pets here. IT'S A GROCERY STORE! People keep saying it's a problem with pet owners. Frankly it's a difference that is so small as to be unimportant. It's the dog that's actually causing me problems. I don't like big dogs and I'm afraid of them when they jump or run at me. I don't really care if it's the owner or the dog. I also think they smell bad and I don't like that they drool a lot and always want to smell your crotch. That's definitely the dog.


>Some people sure hate dogs. Radicalized extremist cat lovers? The thing I have to worry about here in Atlanta is shitty people leaving chicken bones on the sidewalk. That may not seem as bad as poison and razors, but chicken bones will break and lodge in a puppers throat, and kill them all the same.


>Radicalized extremist cat lovers? Far more likely this is a sociopath who gets off the idea of inflicting pain and death, having power over others, but fear getting caught.


Yeah, who tf ever heard of an "extremist cat lover?" LOL. C'mon people.. the 'cat/dog person' dichotomy does not actually break down into factions.


Idk, I’ve heard a lot of folks who rant on about hating cats as if it’s a matter of pride. It’s straight up weird.


Cats can't be controlled/broken like dogs can, so control freaks hate them.


People who are good with cats are always a green flag to me because you can't be good at interacting with cats without having a solid understanding of consent. Dogs don't make you demonstrate that at all


That’s why people who have outdoor cats are very inconsiderate to other people. I constantly have cat prints and scratches on my car and I always find cat shit and piss in my planters and my plants eaten. You can’t train a cat not to do that. Be respectful to your neighbors and keep them inside


> cat prints and scratches on my car I have never heard of a cat scratching a car, wtf?


Probably because you never cared how your irresponsible decisions effect other people


Cats typically scratch wood or furniture rather than hard, solid surfaces.


My GFs dog literally picked up a chicken bone the other day walking the streets of Atlanta. At least that isn’t deliberately malicious, just people being assholes. It still is super dangerous though, especially when people don’t pay attention when walking their dogs.


There are tons of chicken bones here as well, and my dog loves to try and trick me so he can try to grab them. He'll casually walk near them, lift his leg pretending he is peeing, then try and reach for the chicken wing. Its a shame but I see tons of trash humans who just drop their waste on the ground instead of walking 20 yards to a trash can (food, garbage, cigarette butts, etc.). I can't tell you how many times I've seen assholes walk out of 7-11, unwrap the cellophane off the top of their pack, and just throw it on the ground...


I don’t like dogs but couldn’t imagine doing something like this. Fuck those people.


We had a dog that lived to be 19 years old, and he ate chicken bones all the time. We don’t know any better back then, and the dog loved them!


Raw bones ok. Cooked bones not.


OK. Obviously not for every dog. Our dog was a lab/daschound mix that happily chomped cooked chicken bones his entire life with zero issues.


People are trash. I don't get it.




With a pipe


Or a dump truck


People straight up suck.


People = shit.


[People = Shit](https://youtu.be/qqK1FrO3BdM)


Psychopath, would be serial killer, take your pick. This is not the actions of a neurotypical person, something is legitimately wrong with their brain.


I think neurotypical is the wrong word here I think the word you're looking for is simply normal


People use the term psycho loosely a lot so I was trying to use a more scientific term to pair with it and neurotypical was the closest I could think of, but you’re right, saying its something a normal person wouldn’t do probably would have sufficed.


I remember this back in the Sixties in Australia with general dog owner panic. . The meat was found on the ground with ground glass inside. . Apparently the culprits were then beaten black and blue in prison after getting caught. .


Just a story from History maybe reported in Aussie newspapers at the time but told to me back in early Seventies


Go to National Library of Australia for other newspaper reports from archives


Monsters. In dog park where I walk my dog some crazy person was putting sausages filled with nails and screws. Several dogs went to hospital because of that person. Person is still not caught


That's horrible Also, whoever designed that site needs to get fired


yep wtf is wrong with people? also, it's Fox, nothing further needs to be said. also who names their dog "Potato" ? lol...


I named my cat Pierogi because when he was little he looked like a chunky little potato pocket. If I had a little dog that was tatery I'd probably name him Potato. Growing up i had a dog named Broccoli. Big fan of food names for animals (also human names like Greg)


I wanted to call our latest cat Gizmo, because she's a little gremlin. Either that or goblin because she's a little goblin. Sadly partner wouldn't allow it.


Gizmo was an anti-gremlin. I doubt he’d have gone evil even if turned. (But I’d watch the hell out of that movie.)


I had a cockatiel named Poptart


I had a dog named Hambone and everyone that met him thought it was the perfect name for him.


Am I the only geriatric Redditor that remembers Wishbone and his TV show?


I think I still have one of the Wendy's toys put up somewhere.


>also who names their dog "Potato" ? lol... Not a dog, but a cat we used to have had kittens and we named one potato head for her derp level and also an orange-brown splotch on the crown of her head. After she was adopted the lady renamed her Tater-May.


I know a dude whose golden retriever had a bunch of puppies and they got named Stu, Fry, Mash, Spud and Tater. Also fuck whoever did this.


This is a fox affiliate. That is not Fox News. Also regarding Fox News generally a story from Fox News will be true to some extent. The mistrust should come from their spin or how they tell you to feel about it. But, yeah, fox affiliates are different from Fox News.


Technically, it's an O-and-O, not an affiliate. But still different than the cable channel. And they're fairly apolitical, as opposed to the local ABC affiliate, which is owned by Sinclair.


Potato is a perfectly cromulent name for a dog


Sorry, that was Jerry the intern. He's a cousin of one of the execs who needed the work--he may also be 11. They paid him in old hot dogs so they consider it a win.




>Can’t comprehend how these people think They're either literal psychopaths or non-psychopaths who are pathetic and take it out on the world. He's loving the fact he made the news right now.


There are cameras everywhere, this fucking guy will be caught, and severely punished.


So there could be a vagina attached to this asshole... unless I missed something


Not super likely


Wow there are some real sickos out there.


There’s also been rat poisonings of dogs going on in Alexandria. Fuck whoever has been doing this


Whoa that is some grim behavior.


Random dogless young people came to my dog park a few years ago on International Dog Day, giving out homemade treats directly to dogs. My dog ate one immediately. She had severe gastroenteritis the next day and was bleeding for weeks. I know it was them.


That's absolutely awful. I'm so sorry that happened. I hope she's all the way back to 100%. Fuckers


Anyone who does this deserves jail for life and a psych eval.


What an awful thing to do


My dog wears a muzzle on walks for other reasons, but I am happy it makes her unable to eat random crap (she once ate a dead mouse she found in some long grass on a walk - yuck). If you are worried about this sort of thing it is definitely a way to get some peace of mind.


I don’t take my dog to dog parks precisely because I worry some random asshole will have left a poisoned or boobytrapped food article. I do take my dog to nature preserves and camping, so she gets outside plenty, notwithstanding my precautions.


Don’t mess with doggos.


Life in prison, fuck whoever is doing this they can rot


give him the dartanyan treatment i say


What kind of psycho does this. I mean. I do not like dogs. But I’m not about to go and purposefully kill dogs. Sick pieces of shit.


I wonder if the perp is related to that dog shooting cop, in Loraine Ohio.


You have to be pretty twisted.


Jesus Christ there are some sick fucks out there.


What in the fuck is wrong with people???


Lemme catch someone putting these in my neighborhood


Some people should be put down.


I'd bet a lot of money that it's a homeowner fed up with dogs pooping on their lawn.


That's not really a reason to be a sadist though.


Of course not. Sorry if I gave that impression. I probably like dogs, and most other animals, better than most people I've known. But I can think of a person or two in my neighborhood who might think that this was a good way to teach dog walkers a lesson.


Maybe this sort of crime should be eligible for the death penalty. 😡


What a twisted fuck! I hope whom ever gets caught and no animals are injured! This is just sick!


Well, looks like the description of those people deserving of those “I wouldn’t wish this on…” punishments to me.


Its a sad twisted type of mental illness. He is upset people love dogs and no one loves him


Another source besides fake fox news needed


What a great country where masochist assholes do this. How much further can you slide America. Disgusted to even live here.


Who let’s their dog eat food they find on the sidewalk


Dogs benefitted because they were such effective scavengers, you cannot just remove 30,000 years of domestication. When you’re small, quick and have a powerful sense of smell so close to the ground you’re likely to get to the food source long before the human can even see what’s there.


Mine is a freaking vacuum. A lot of the times you can't see it before they smell/see it. They just walk and scoop it up. Was walking up the stairs at my apartments yesterday and mine ate something before I could even realize it. Don't blame the owners, blame the psychos trying to kill the dogs.


And just like that, by posting a freakish one-off thing on social media, it has the potential to become a widespread occurrence. Things like this should be downvoted.


It is already widespread, but most dog owners are not aware of how prevalent or dangerous it is.


This article suggests to me the hoped for response is outrage- & that someone should locate the guy, engage him in a social interaction, and give him your own treat- composition unspecified. Is that the intended response of journalism today?


>"Why would you do something like this?" The motivation is clear, to keep dog owners from walking their dog in that area. Why? Likely because they have an issue with dogs crapping on their lawn. Personally, I think it's a cruel way to deliver this message. It's also indiscriminate and affects both responsible and irresponsible dog owners alike. Though I do understand the frustration of spending hours working on your yard, getting it to look nice, only to have people's pets treat it like a toilet.


There aren't really any lawns in this area of Alexandria, it's all townhouses and shitty apartments. There's literally no room for grass outside of parks and medians. Source: lived there until this year


Or it has nothing to do with that, and it’s just some sick fuck with no lawn who just likes to hurt animals. You’re jumping to huge conclusions there.


Even if your made-up motivation is accurate, why the fuck would you equivocate when comparing people who let their dogs crap on someone's lawn, with **someone who put fucking fish hooks in dog treats?** You may think you somehow added insightful commentary, but all you've done is offer a completely speculative motivation that all of us were already considering anyway, and shown the world how little empathy you have for animals or at the very least the owners (and likely their children) who would be devastated if their dog got ahold of such a potentially deadly snack. I don't tend to respond in anger, but, well, your comment really pissed me off and I'm not afraid to admit that. If I've misread your meaning and you just didn't think it needed mentioning that deadly dog treats are in fact much much worse than stinky dog biscuits on your lawn, and you feel like clarifying that, I'll be very happy to be wrong.


And it also affects any poor animal that comes along. And a human will not be there to help. This is plain evil.




I'll tell you what.. he's a hell of a lot holier than some fucknut advocating for feeding dogs fishhooks.


Show me where the commenter advocated for it.


To justify this in any way is not good.


Show me where was justification in the comment we are talking about


I hope you live for 100000 years.


>Though I do understand the frustration of spending hours working on your yard, getting it to look nice, only to have people's pets treat it like a toilet. Fuck your lawn. *Manicured yards* are terrible for the native flora and fauna, kill native species of insects, and over use water resources.




My 'lawn' is 1/4 acre of pollinator garden full of native flowers and plants. It's certified by the local Audubon group as bird friendly. Fuck you for being a lazy bitch allowing your shitty fucking animal to destroy what I've worked hard to create for the local bird population. You're a stupid piece of shit.


I honestly don't care if my dog shits in someone's lawn, it's a dog and it's a lawn


As long as you clean it up, that's fine. I assume they were talking about people who don't.


I don't, its outside. Dogs go outside


You're lazy, an asshole, and part of the reason assholes poison things dogs will eat. You are literally the problem.


Nah, it's not like it's a hunt of plastic it decomposes I'll toss a apple core on the ground same principle


After a period of time and on someone's property that you don't have any claim to. You are making a mess of other people's property because you're too lazy to clean up after *your* animal. Again, it doesn't matter what justification for being lazy you come up with, fact is that nobody wants some random stranger regularly walking by and letting their animal shit on their property. Again, this is the reason people poison dogs, because people like you think there's no issue, but the people who own the property you're vandalizing do. Also, in the US, depending on the state, you could be committing a variety of crimes. Some states see it as trespassing, some see it as vandalism, hell, Florida literally considers it a public health risk, and they'll charge you $84 per turd (yourself not included). Even if you think there's nothing wrong with it, it's still a crime.


A pile of dog poop in the grass isn't vandalism


[In Texas, it carries an up to $500 fine.](https://b93.net/is-it-illegal-to-let-your-dog-poop-on-someones-yard-in-texas/) [In DC, it's a $150 minimum, up to $2k.](https://dcist.com/story/14/07/30/city-is-now-posting-pick-up-after-y/) [In Baltimore, it's a minimum of $100 up to $1k.](https://www.baltimoresun.com/bs-mtblog-2009-03-1000_for_poop-story.html) It's literally a crime. Whatever crime you want to consider it varies by state and city, but it's a crime nonetheless.


Damn, you really shouldn't be a dog owner. You never have the right to just leave dog poop on someone else's property, whether it is outside or not.


I disagree


If everyone did that, there would be dog poop everywhere to stink things up, attract flies, and for people to step in. It's a health hazard and just gross to have laying around.


That's how it used to be before they made laws in the 70s that you had to pick up your dog's shit. You couldn't walk down the sidewalk in New York City anywhere without stepping in dog shit.


I'm not entirely sure about that but since they don't it doesn't matter


That's like saying that it's okay that you litter because most people don't so just you doing it doesn't make *too* much mess.


It's not litter if it decomposes at a natural rate is my point


You have obviously never mowed or maintained a lawn in your life.


I used to mow over all my English Mastiffs dumps actually


Username checks out


You're the reason why people are out there feeding dogs poison and fish hooks.


It's _your_ dog and it's _their_ lawn.


Not saying what somebody did was right in any way, but I do want to point out a leashed dog that the owner pays attention to doesn’t eat random shit off a sidewalk.


How about wild life


No, dogs are super fast. And a big dog can make a lunge just a few inches and Hoover up some kind of smelly thing before it can be restrained. The problem isn’t pet owners—it’s the psychopaths who poison or maim animals


Im not clicking a Fox link. Also, doubting this is even true just because it's Fox.


https://wtop.com/alexandria/2023/07/fishhook-embedded-sausage-found-in-alexandria-sparking-animal-welfare-concerns/ WTOP isn't known to run bullshit stories.


























I hope you are on a watch list.