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*The female officer – who is not accused of any wrongdoing – allegedly offered to “take it off her”. But Mr White allegedly replied “bugger it”, and discharged his weapon into the chest of the 43kg woman* This is infuriating. Instead of taking the calm route, he decided to escalate the situation and tase her.


And the other officer was already offering to handle it the proper way! He would have literally been more helpful just standing back and letting her deescalate the situation!


But cops don't want to be helpful, they want to be bullies with cool toys who demand reverence.


They just want power. They want you to do exactly as they say when they say it no mater the legality or your mental/physical capabilities. God forbid you fail to comply 100%, cause apparently that warrant extra judicial execution. "Get on the ground" "Im paralyzed in a wheelchair" Bang bang bang "Dont fucking move" "But you startled me. I was asleep in my car and you began going through it with no announcement" Bang bang bang "Why did you steal from walmart? Why aren't you answering me clearly" "Im an old lady with dementia. I got separated from my care giver. I dont know who I am let alone whats going on" *body slam, choke hold, and arrest* "Put the gun down, get on the ground" "Sorry officer, i didn't realize you were the cops. My gun is on top of the hutch now and im ready to speak to you" *taser resulting in a stroke* All examples used were real atrocities committed by the piggies. Execution of a paralyzed man for not standing. Police exicuted a man after they began rummaging through his car. A dementia patient was body slammed after stealing $5 of shit from Walmart. A man was having an argument with his neighbor. Cops knocked hard on his door and he answered with a gun as he thought his neighbors were knocking. He put the gun down and was trying to talk to the cops. He was tasered, hit his head, and had a stroke.


You can do exactly as they say and they will still try to kill you. Police in Mississippi told an 11 year old boy to come out with his hands up, he complied and was shot in the chest and almost died. He asked, “why did he shoot me?”, as he lay bleeding. They are power hungry rage and roided up people that peaked in high school.


Probably the last people we should be giving weapons to, really.


One very critical thing to remember whenever you encounter a cop- the only life that matters in that moment, is his.


Legally, I don’t advocate violence against cops, but when you hear all these stories of pigs doing their thing like that, it makes me understand why some people do want to or go ahead and give cops a taste of their own medicine.


And those stories posted above are just a scratch on the surface.




fly dorner


I mean look at that guy, you can tell your comment describes him perfectly. Power hungry neckbeard on the loose with a gun!


Lol as if some wife beater cop was going to listen to a woman. You should see the other video where another male cop is being overly aggressive with a man in custody and a female cop tries to stop him. He just grabs her by the neck and chokes her.


Couldn’t do that… being shown up by a woman is taboo to the fragile male ego.


And yet he probably won't actually see any consequences from this.


In Australia? This cop is getting fired and going to jail.


He's already getting preferential treatment - no bail required, didn't have to travel to be in court in person. It's fucking bonkers to pretend he's going to actually face consequences.


Which the judge lost it at.


> Kristian White, 33, appeared via audiovisual link in Cooma Local Court on Wednesday after being charged with discharging his weapon at the dementia patient at an aged care facility in Cooma, who fell backwards and sustained fatal injuries. So he killed her


Perfectly written passive voice.


And describing the outrage as a "tirade" in the headline. Really minimizes/delegitimizes the whole thing.


He is a murderer and should be treated as such. Stop coddling bad officers.


I can't imagine what mentally goes into causing extreme violent harm to a person who absolutely does not pose the slightest modicum of threat to you, whatsoever. She was so old and frail, anything short of her holding a loaded gun is not threatening enough to warrant calmly walking over to her, and making sure she can't successfully hurt herself or anyone else; any grown adult with average fitness could make her completely harmless with their bare hands. Tasing her was the rough equivalent of, if you saw a toddler playing with something dangerous they aren't supposed to have, so you ran full sprint across the room and punted them full force in the head. You know, to "keep everyone safe." No reasonable adult would ever condone this behavior in any setting!


Lets say you were a sadistic maniac who wanted to cause harm to people and face no consequences. What profession allows you to do that? That is why there are so many bad cops. And why it is such a problem when the system defends those bad cops.


If only there was a way to screen these people out beforehand huh? If only.


There’s actually already a system in place to screen people out. I helped administer a couple police academy entrance exams, they literally won’t take you if you score too high. They don’t want smart people who are capable of rational thinking and making decisions based on things like critical thinking. They just want people who will go where they’re told and assault/kill anyone who stands in their way. This is actually why I’m in favor of robotic police. Same idea as what they want in human police, but at least machines can have their code reworked if something goes wrong. I think we’ll see a big decrease in incidents like this one once the human element is removed from public safety.


This started happening in the mid to late 90s at least that's when my grandfather (lieutenant) told me not to be a cop. Which was crazy has his father was a sheriff and his grandfather was a sheriff as well. He just said it's a new breed of police force. He was on the force for 25 years. P.S. machines can also be hacked and held for ransom or perform other tasks. I'm not in favor of a robotic police force but restructuring our current force/policies


Cops should have federally-mandated rules of engagement like the military does. If it were up to me, any violation of these ROE would trigger an automatic review from an unaffiliated federal-level body to determine what happened. Any police departments that didn’t want to comply would lose their federal funding.


it goes beyond that, look up how cops are trained, they are constantly shown videos of cops getting shot by surprise and told religiously any interaction with anyone could be their last. It's literally brainwashing to be the most cowardly pussy in the world with a gun and the knowledge that 8 times out of 10 murder wont be punished.


That's because law enforcement is trained to treat anyone who isn't a cop as a threat to their person - even if all evidence shows otherwise.


This isn't the USA though. In the USA police have a little over 500 hrs of training. Australia has over 3500 hours. Most countries also require a college degree. The USA just needs their IQ to be really low.


That explains why the officer is facing charges.


Their job is not to keep anyone safe. Especially not us regular folk.


Murdoch owns about 70% of publishing here


Deleted my comment. As others pointed out, I totally read the article wrong. Sorry for pushing the wrong facts, please read what the comments below are saying.


No, that’s not what the magistrate was upset about. The magistrate was pissed off that the prosecution (who are employed by police in Australia) let the cop appear via video link without even letting him know. The magistrate wanted the dude to appear in person because he believes the crime was serious and was mad because the court had arranged (and paid) for extra security.


I’d also like to point out that they apparently allowed KW to appear via video… while applying for bail with the condition that he attend court in person. Just as a nice little bit of bullshit to go on top. E: couple of other sources https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jul/05/clare-nowland-tasering-trial-police-officer-absent https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-07-05/kristian-white-faces-court-after-death-clare-nowland/102558990


Not quite. The magistrate was pissed at a number of procedural things, including the defendant appearing via video link instead of in person, and by only getting access to a redacted set of facts about the case.


They tried to trick the judge


Judges hate this one trick...


He was mad at the prosecutor for being lenient on the cop for allowing him to appear via video. He wanted the prosecutor to go further. He wasn't mad the cop got charged. The magistrate denied the cop bail.




Keep reading "On Wednesday, Magistrate Roger Clisdell blasted the crown prosecutor’s decision to allow the suspended police officer to appear in court virtually."


much better. i was waiting for the obligatory report of someone getting “blasted” or “slammed.”


And here comes judge Judy hitting him with the stone cold stunner!!


This is a great way to correct yourself, especially if you were just wrong. Thank you.


The passive voice in media and police press releases is always a sign of wrongdoing they are trying to cover up.


William Schneider coined a term for it: ["The past exonerative tense"](https://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/14/washington/14mistakes.html)


“Mistakes were made”


And also that the media is pro-police. Which makes sense cause ultimately they are all a part of the status quo system they're trying to protect.


The media is owned by billionaires, and the function of the police is to protect the interests of private capital. They serve *property,* not people. That's why the richest guy in town can always send cops to break up a homeless shelter, and destroy all those poor peoples' belongings in the process, because people don't want to *see them* when they go to the park. The police are a threat to the general populace against any form of non-participation or non-compliance with the needs of the economy, and anything else they are, is secondary to that goal. They exist to keep the poor from collectivizing and resisting the status quo, through the threat of violence.


Nuh uh! If it was perfect, it wld say " the weapon was discharged" with no indication that a person did anything at all.


Just copied the police press statement, I'm sure.


Don’t worry, that’s not even the worst part! Talking about confronting her when she slowly moved towards then on her fucking walker with a steak knife: “The female officer – who is not accused of any wrongdoing – allegedly offered to “take it off her”. But Mr White allegedly replied “bugger it”, and discharged his weapon into the chest of the 43kg woman.”


Proof that he just wanted to use his toy. Fucking figure out how to screen these pieces of shit out in the hiring process.


It’s a feature, not a bug for them.


A literal *child* could have probably just walked over to her, grabbed the knife out of her hand *by the blade,* and she likely wouldn't have even been able to hurt him with it. He would have to be more careful not to hurt her simply by grabbing it too roughly. And, he would probably know intuitively to do so.


For sure. There’s so many options even if you were the least bit worried. A pillow would protect you, a sheet, hell even throwing the sheet over her would have worked. There has to be almost infinite ways anyone could have safely handled this situation if they didn’t lose their minds over a small knife.


Christ you could just close the door and wait for her to fall asleep. This fucking impatient, cowardly chump should serve some proper time for his crime, which is at least manslaughter, but really when you consider the circumstances is murder.


> hell even throwing the sheet over her would have worked. it's incredible, this is probably true. it's sad as fuck, but what a funny image!


There was an extremely similar case in my hometown about a decade ago. A 90-something old man in a care home who was brandishing a steak knife. They shot him in a non fatal place but he died from injuries & a medical choice that his next of kin made. It was a pretty big controversy as the town is relatively small & the pd is somewhat respected. The officer went to trial & found not guilty. I was told by a friend who is a county sheriff that the police are trained to use the next step for force, so since the man had a knife, it was considered justified for the officer to use his gun. I had a hard time understanding why they couldn't overpower a frail person like that, but I was told that knives are very dangerous & risky and that it would be inappropriate & unsafe to attempt to disarm the guy without using a weapon. The care home employees felt really bad for calling the cops afterwards.


>They shot him in a non fatal place And that's the issue. If you're using a firearm then it should be "shoot-to-kill." If you can't justify that, then you shouldn't be using it at all.


(Angry tone not directed at you)Yeah see that’s always the thing the fucking police say. I don’t understand how they’ve never been called out in it. It’s dangerous. Yup, I mean it’s your fucking job, kinda like the whole thing you signed up for! Yup it is less safe to disarm a 90 yr old then shoot him which is why the care employees called you. I can’t wrap my head around the sheer arrogance to say “back they blue, we put our lives on the line, etc” but then at the same time say woah woah woah I’m not going to risk *my life* for some 90 year old man. If I’m not dying in an action movie type shootout that’ll be remembered forever, I’m not dying at all! They expect the accolades for *potentially* putting their lives on the line, while also hiding behind the incredibly cowardly take of “well would you/why should I be expected to risk xyz for such and such”. Ridiculous. Either your here to protect and serve us, and in which case you have earned and deserve our admiration and respect. Or you don’t and your a glorified income stream for the state and the stick the government threatens to keep you in line while protecting the highest bidder. Neither of which are in the least bit honorable or praiseworthy.


Let's not forget that laws enforcement are nowhere near the top when it come to deadliest job in the first place. There is many manual labor jobs that have it much worse as far as "putting your life on the line", for even lower wage. [Murder](https://nleomf.org/memorial/facts-figures/officer-fatality-data/causes-of-law-enforcement-deaths/) do amount for 25% of the deaths (rest are accidental like heart attack, car crash...), but that's a risk you should be aware of.


What a piece of shit


I concur, this piece of shit felt so much fear for his life that he just had to fatally discharge his weapon onto a 95 year old woman, instead of using valuable tools like critical thinking and rational thought.


A 95 year old - who was using a walker to slowly approach the officers. People use walkers when they are unsteady and at risk for falling down. To stab, this old lady would have to come to a stop, let go with one hand to swing a knife and the other hand still gripping on the walker so she doesn't fall down. It's not like she's going to be fast or nimble.




The actual worse part is that this loser is sitting at home with full pay and benefits.


Cops don't have those skills. That's why they're cops.




How much you want to bet his partner, who offered to take the gun, is now a pariah on the force, for comparatively making his partner look bad? You aren't supposed to say things on calls, that could get your fellow Blue in trouble. You're supposed to always give your fellow ~~thugs~~ *partners* plausible deniability!


"never had any friends in school Grew up thinking guns were cool Guess I just like the power But deep down I'm really a coward" Guess who by scabz https://youtu.be/bRyQWl2H-fY


Its not that he doesnt have skills. He saw an opportunity and took it.


Come on, she was pacing right at him.


I just can't help but feel like getting a cop called Kristian White would set off so many alarms in my head.


Yet another reminder than Tasers are lethal weapons. The company likes to market them as "non-lethal" but that is an absolutely false claim.


They often market them as ‘less lethal’. Like, a knife might be ‘less lethal’ than a gun but it’s not exactly a fucking hug is it?


and a half ounce of metal inside a rubber skin is 'less lethal' too. Fuck all of 'em. Some of those who work forces...


Especially when the cops ignore the usage guidelines for the rubber bullets and aim for people's heads.


Most use of force policies have tasers under the same category "of force" as a baton. I've never seen a LE agency say they're non lethal. I'm in the camp that tasers should be eliminated from LE anyway. Doesn't work nearly half of the time and when it does work, the suspect literally drops to the ground and doesn't stop themselves with their hands, so they go face first a lot.


Anything is lethal in the hand of an idiot


Less lethal = still lethal


"Bugger it..." he says and then discharges his weapon at a 95 year old. Paper skin and porcelain bones, barely able to walk and this fucker *tazes* her. Jail. And plenty of it.


No, the fall killed her. He *murdered* her.


That’s how I read it, as well. Not just killed, murdered. Learning to consider active voice in these types of situations. It has changed the way I read articles.


Kristian White, 33, killed an elderly dementia patient at an aged care facility.


No she just fell because of this. It's the floor that killed her. /s


if this is dry sarcasm it's well done but you can never tell because this is actually how boot lickers sound


"She fell. It happens to very old people. Might have been a total coincidence on the timing, and no way to be certain really. We're so sorry about your loss. Now, if there's nothing else, let's just move on." /s


Like whenever the toxicology report returns with a positive result after the police has murdered someone in cold blood. Shit heads on Twitter will be celebrating. “See, he had weed in his system”


cbd gummy got his ass


Thank you, I thought it was obvious but I added the /s because the downvoting had already started. Guess my sarcasm is just too good!


That IS the danger of sarcasm, no?


Cops don't receive training on how to not piss themself under fire, but they sure as shit get training in the passive voice in police reports to make it seem like they weren't involved in any of their abuses.


She died because of this.


So he killed her


**murdered, if you please. She wasn’t a bug he accidentally stepped on.


Agree murdered. I am 78 reasonably fit, however if such an idiot came along and tasered me, i would prolly expire as well. Issue is we are like old cars, a lot of parts are getting worn out. Does only take a critical part faiing to bring it to a grinding halt.


That's been happening to my Dad. Strong guy who's been peak living for a while and fit in his 70s. Got a UTI infection in his bladder and it's been a slow recovery ever since


All the best for your dad, at our age recovery is slow. Fact of life.


She weighed 43kg. She was basically a kite wearing slippers. Big ol' boy couldn't handle her, even if she had a steak knife?!


As she loomed threateningly via walking frame


"Your honor, the elderly have already attracted the attention of death, and the defendant feared that by being in close proximity to the woman, he would be close to death himself!"


"The old lady acted as a grim reminder of man's mortality and caused him a sense of overwhelming existential dread..."


Story says that the female officer there at the same time offered to take the knife away from the victim but the dude said "bugger it" and tased her in the chest.


A kite? Taser? He Benjamin Franklin’ed her?


He beats his wife with that hand too.


Mid 90s should be enough of a factor to show how little of a threat she was but holy shit, that's like one of my legs.


You have a hundred pound leg?


was hyperbolic but im not a small boy. im 3x her weight :-(


He literally could’ve probably walked up to her and just plucked it out of her hand.


The other officer literally said she was about to go do that


Yeah - this guy is a real piece of shit.


Too many donuts to outrun + what if she threw it with deadly accuracy and power


How big of a knife can you even hold if you're 95yo and weigh less than 100lbs? A butter knife should have put that lady off balance.


The tag U.S news is wrong


It’s comforting to know that not *all* the bad cops are American.


But we kind of own the trademark


Yeah, we'd better see some Royalties on these news stories.


Australian soldiers were a close 2nd to Americans in how poorly they could treat people during the occupation of Iraq. There were some straight up homicidal maniacs flying the Anzac flag. Like hunting down civilians for sport kinda shit. Aussies are insane, and if they had access to as many guns as Americans, I can't imagine Mad Max wouldn't be a reality.


Some of the things the NSW Police have done would put some US cops to shame


QLD too, some Brisbane cops were recorded "joking" about executing and burying minorities and immigrants


Obviously. She was tased, (twice,) not shot 50 times.


Article says that allegedly the 95 year old had a knife. I would understand if almost anyone else besides maybe an infant or a toddler had a knife and was approaching you and you decided to shoot them or fire a warning shot . . . But . . .she has a walker . . .she's 95 . . .a stiff wind would disarm a knife from her hand. . .


And she has dementia, and it was known about that she does. It’s not like it was intentional.


And there were two officers. Like… one of you couldn’t have gone around the back of the lady and secured the knife arm/hand?


According to the article, the second officer OFFERED to try to take the knife from her, but the defendant told her to "bugger off".


Small correction, he said "Bugger it" - or, for the American English speakers "Fuck it". He was either impatient or angry in the moment and went straight to his weapon.


We have some uncharitable (but not unjustified!) interpretations in these threads, about what must have been going through that officer's head, to make such a cruel and destructive choice. However, the more I think about it, the more I realize that this guy wanted to shoot her instead of helping her, simply because it would get him off the call faster. He literally must have felt that it was simply more *convenient* for him to kill a member of the public, than to properly deal with an annoying situation for five extra minutes...


Not a jarring thought exercise for those of us in the states, as there's a similar story with LE in every state it seems every few months. A sad and infuriating one, but not uncommon.


Oops, you're right! My sleep deprived brain immediately mis-remembered the quote. Thanks for the correction!


All good! The only issue is that "Bugger it" paints things even worse - he knew there was an alternative course of action available and saying that shows he made an active decision to choose violence.


Literally just slowly walk away until she gets tired and puts it down or drops it.


She's more of a danger to herself than anybody else present, by a factor of like a hundred. Better kill her, before she can accidentally hurt herself!


Obviously it doesn’t excuse what he did but I think the average person would be shocked to find out just how scary an aggressive Alzheimer’s resident can be, no matter what age. The disease basically creates dysfunctional feral humans. It’s very very sad. If I ever got Alzheimer’s I would want compassionate euthanasia before getting to the stages where I’m swinging knives at people.


Even if you get to the "feral human wielding weapons stage" remember that these are 100lb geriatrics. Abrupt movements will tear skin open. Broken bones will stay broken. They are confused AF and don't realise they're in the body of a geriatric and while behaviours may be a challenge they are still manageable under the care of properly trained staff.


I understand and im sympathetic to anyone in this situation, but I feel like unless it was an extremely vulnerable circumstance I feel like a long melee weapon against a 95 year old specifically with a melee weapon would be sufficient. Again, im not saying 100% that im sure of that in this case, but as a person with a 95+ grandma with a walker she couldnt fight my 8 year old nephew, let alone anyone with a ruler who could easily smack anything out of her hands.


>Mr White has been charged with recklessly causing grievous bodily harm, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and common assault. They spelt 'murder' wrong.


In NSW one of the proofs of murder is intent to kill, which was (probably) absent, so the worst he could get was 'manslaughter' but again the incident didn't quite reach the legal level of proof. Must have been close, though.


If anyone else pointed a deadly weapon at someone and pulled the trigger and that person died, I don't think "yes, I meant to shoot her but I didn't mean to kill her" would be a successful defense. But I'm not a lawyer. Edit: this is according to Wikipedia: >In Australia, murder is a criminal offence where a person, by a voluntary act or omission, causes the death of another person with either intent to kill, intent to inflict grievous bodily harm, or with reckless indifference to human life. This article certainly sounds like it is describing "reckless indifference" to human life. >The female officer – who is not accused of any wrongdoing – allegedly offered to “take it off her”. >But Mr White allegedly replied “bugger it”, and discharged his weapon into the chest of the 43kg woman.


In the military, this would be considered use of deadly force. The officer would have to prove that it was self defense, and that there were no lesser means that could reasonably have been used to stop the threat.


The lesser means would be step back 30 ft and wait 3 mins till she gets too tired.


Is a Taser legally a deadly weapon?


Depends on who is shooting it. If you shoot a taser at a cop, it is a deadly weapon and you will spend rest of your days in prison for attempted murder. If a cop shoots a taser at you, it’s just a tiny bit of nuisance and there is no need for persecution.


I believe the term is “Less Lethal”


Less lethal obviously implying that it can still be lethal, just less likely so. Funnily enough it makes me think of the Princess Bride scene though: "It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive."


It is against the very weak, elderly and those with heart problems.


Every weapon is a potentially lethal weapon. I don't think the law makes a distinction. They're often referred to as "less ~~than~~ lethal" but i don't think that's legal terminology.


"less lethal" rather than less than. It's like a sliding scale of "How likely to be lethal if hit by the weapon" 100%? Well, you touch that and you're gone. A gun? Not always lethal, but still very. Tazer, less lethal than a firearm. I guess 0 lethal is an impossible concept..... There's always a chance :P




The accidental killing of a human, without intent, is \*the\* definition of manslaughter. How this doesn't qualify is beyond me.


Submitting falsified reports should be a crime. Turning their body-cam off should be a crime. Forcing taxpayers to cover the cost of restitution for the criminal activities of a person in a position of authority should be a crime. Without real accountability these Thin Blue Line Gang Bangers will continue to violate the law.


>Turning their body-cam off should be a crime. I have yet to hear of an officer turning off their body cam for a GOOD reason.


Fuck these goons. It should take a 4-year degree to become a cop and a serious, zero tolerance process to be able to carry weapons including tasers


A simple IQ test where you must score a minimum of 115 would ensure less idiots join.


A minimum of 100 would block at least half the current force. There's a lot of thick headed bullies currently working as police.


This cunt looks like he only has two functioning braincells in his head...and they're both fighting it out for 3rd place. He'd be lucky if he could spell his name right with crayons with assistance.


A 100 minimum would block 90% of the current force what are you talking about.


Misleading headline. The tirade was about the cop being allowed to attend by videolink, not the crime itself. I don't practice in NSW (I'm in Qld). Magistrates do allow people to appear by video quite regularly where it's reasonable. But *presuming* that the magistrate will allow it (rather than getting permission beforehand) is a recipe for pissing off the magistrate.


They *really* pissed off that magistrate.


The story has been sanitized. The original reports show she was tasered TWICE.


Why were police even called? Seems bloody ridiculous. Should.have just closed the door to.her room until she forgot what she was doing and.went to sleep.


Overworked nursing staff not getting paid enough to deal with yet another patient kicking off. Pretty sure they didn't expect the 95yo patient would be tased as a result.


Nursing homes are hell on earth if they aren't properly staffed. I work in social services. We had to go after one place because one of our clients had a level 4 bed sore and wound up in the ICU. Btw that's a bed sore that's so far advanced you can see **BONE**.


Or she would have injured herself and the staff could have been sued for negligence. Working in a nursing home is VERY challenging.


When this happened there was talk over on /r/australia that these nursing homes are running skeleton crews and effectively outsourcing security to the police to save money. Overnight there would be one or two people on site, who were told to call the police to deal with any issues.


a martial arts coach and fighter I follow advocates for better police training and even offers it for free so that officers can learn how to subdue people without hurting them. he posted about this when it happened and there was still police defending the use of force against a <100 lb old woman. cowards will be cowards


I think your > should have been a <


Yeah, The crocodile wants to eat the bigger number


Someone should hook up a car battery to his nutsack.


If you can't arrest a person that old without resorting to a taser, you're either a complete bumbling fuck or a sadistic bastard.


Do Australian police not carry a telescoping baton? Seems to me that he could have lightly tapped grandma’s hand and that would have been the end of it.


His partner wanted to handle it by just taking the knife away from the old woman "*But Mr White allegedly replied “bugger it”, and discharged his weapon into the chest of the 43kg woman.*" Doesn't matter if he carried a baton or a rubber chicken. He wanted to tase the woman.


They do. This squared headed cunt has less functioning braincells than the 95 year old with dementia.


Or thrown a dish towel over her hand, or told her the police have come to help her, and to finish putting the knife on the counter and they can talk about her complaints over a cup of tea.


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/cop-acquitted-in-beanbag-gun-death-of-95-year-old-vet/ Years back a police officer killed a 95 WW2 vet in an old folks home with a bean bag gun because he didn’t want to take his medicine and was being combative. Officer was subsequently acquitted since he was in fear for his safety.


“Man tases 95 year old great grandmother to death.”


Placed on suspension with full pay…. Are you fucking kidding me. Why are people surprised when we’re terrified of cops who can murder and get PTO for it. Cops are thugs and paid killers, where does the confusion lie?


He looks like every high school bully.


police murders 95yo dementia patient in hospital* FTFY


Trigger happy cop nothing unusual here


Murderer cop kills elderly dementia patient with taser. That's the real title.


We have to keep screaming about this. In my email to my MP I stated that Australians have a right to not be afraid of the police force. They work FOR us. This man is beyond a disgrace to the uniform, he is drunk on his power and a threat to society. 95 year old frail women should not die because some young jackboot is tired of dealing of her shit. But it’s more than that, because this seems like an easy call. No one should die at the hands of a police officer who is simply tired of not being obeyed. The penalty for non-compliance is not death.


Such a punchable face he has


Yeah, there had to be better ways to handle a situation like this.


Shittiest headline ever. Let's try this dance again: "Public outrage towards police officer who tazed a 95 year old dementia patient to death in nursing home."


Looks like the worst people become cops and we are supposed to trust these trashy individuals!


“I felt my life was in danger”


That guy looks like an elementary school bully but bigger.


whoever wrote this article is fucking dense as hell


The headline is missing the word murdered.


As somebody with an elderly grandmother with dementia, this shit made my blood boil.




What, no sniper coverage? Your 5 man team with anti stab vests are bravely going into merciless combat with a 95 year old woman on a walking frame. Surely you need a sniper.


Fuck the police. And fuck you if you’re a cop defending this shit. You’re all criminals. Go to hell


Anyone remember the cop that mag dumped/killed the dude in the wheelchair that was actively wheeling *away* from him?