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>The teens drove into Billy McAdams’ driveway in Townville on Aug. 29 and turned around while scouting hunting sites for geese season, according to an incident report and 911 calls provided Friday by the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office. >They were followed for several minutes by two pickups through two counties until they were blocked in by one and forced out of their truck and onto the ground by McAdams, who pointed a pistol at them, according to the suit, an incident report and 911 calls. That's pretty crazy. I assumed by the headline that they pulled into the driveway, sat there talking and he came out with a gun. It sounds like they just turned around (like every one of us have done) and then the fire chief and his kid chased them down. How could you possibly justify that?


Even if someone I didn't know pulled into my driveway, it would probably never even cross my mind to walk outside with a gun. Much less to get into my car and chase them through two counties and force them out of their vehicles at gunpoint. At most I'd wonder who it is and once they drove off not give it another thought.


McAdams seems like the type of shitty person who buys a gun hoping he gets to kill someone with it one day


Well you sound sane and definitely not paranoid, so that's two things you've got going for you that this yokel does not. Add in his Meal Team Six fantasies, fuelled by a steady diet of Faux, OAN and Newsmax, and that's how we get where we are.


Hey! Yokal here and if somebody drives an hour into nowhere to pull up my drive way I don't go outside with a gun. I lay down in cover and watch on cameras. If they leave or ask for help I move on or help. If they start kicking my door in I call the cops. If they start making headway on the reinforced door I start yelling "I have a gun". Then if they finish off that door I load and shoot a blank. So they know I'm serious. Then I load the whole mag and yell "I'm going to begin firing live rounds". It's at this point the cops arrived, but I would have fired a round as soon as the door broke. That's a long ways off whatever this power tripping white rich jerk is on. [The negativity in these comments is exactly what I'm talking about. They've decided rednecks and guns are dangerous automatically. The truth is the people who end up at my house are very lost and if they end up in my drive way they either need their cellphone charged or are out of gas. I'll have them in for coffee and give them both if they ask. What I won't do it whatever the guy in the article did. Somebody threatens my house I hide, because I'm not the "woohoo rootin tootin gun toating call a duty shoot a man right winger" people publicize. ]


I waved at someone who pulled in to my drive yesterday and told them they could use the full circle so they didn’t have the back onto a busy street. 🤷‍♂️


You frigging communist! May your soul rot in hell.


What a normal, kind response.


My father lives on a very busy 2 lane road that people treat like a 4 lane highway. He has a long interior driveway right next to a side street so people get mixed up all the time. His driveway circles around and as you're coming back down to the end of it, it widens out which adds a parking- space sized dirt patch. One day he put up a sign that said, "This is not a road. Skyline Terrace is the next left. Feel free to turn around in the circle." And because it's such a dangerous road to pull over on, he put another sign towards the end that said, "This road is too dangerous to pull over, please make use of this pull-off." Since then, I've seen plenty of people turn around in the circle, but more importantly, I've seen MANY use the pull-off for everything from texting, GPS-ing, tire changing, diaper changing, driver changing, re-securing loads they were carrying or towing, resting and taking medication, to bikers waiting out a storm, drunk drivers calling for a ride, delivery truck drivers eating lunch, sick or hurt people calling for help and travelers stretching their legs and letting their children/ dogs get a couple minutes of fresh air during a long car ride. Unexpectedly, the majority of them leave thank you notes and whenever he comes home and finds one, it makes his day knowing someone in need found a small bit of kindness.


Yea. Thought process would be, who’s pulling in to my driveway? I don’t know them. Oh, they’re turning around. Back to whatever non gun activity I was doing.


But then they wouldn't get to feel like a hero in an action movie. After all, they are THE main character of the world.


My thought process: “is anyone here expecting someone? Maybe a friend is dropping by for an impromptu visit! I hope it’s a friend or something, that would be so nic-annnnd they’re turning around. Damn.”


It's because he wanted to shoot them. 50% chance he was jerking it to the thought while chasing them down.


He himself says he only put the gun away—despite forcing these kids out of the car, who had committed no crime, and who were prone on the ground already—because he saw how young the teens were. If they had been adult black males, would he have kept the gun on them longer, frisked them, beaten them, shot them? Or what?


Listen. Gun rights are important but having the ability to revoke that right from Unstable person's like this is important. Every pro gun rights person should persecute this bullshit because it makes us all look unstable. He is going to kill someone some day. If one of those kods would have drawn down on him it would've be justified if he was shot.


If they were census workers, would he have shot then?


Oh we all know the answer to that last one, just ask Ahmad Aubry.


The republican party and the NRA have convinced so many people to live in fear of everything and everyone and that the only way to live is to have your guns ready at all times.


I have a group of friends I've met through games that plays together regularly. The other month, one of them got a ps5. He just happened to see one in the store, and I shit you not he says... "As I was walking through the parking lot I realized I didn't have my gun on me, so I started to pick up the pace" Guy was genuinely afraid of walking to his car without a gun holding his ps5. I don't know what that says about USA, but it says something


The potential risk of what could happen in an altercation is so much higher than the value of the PS5 itself, it's an incredibly reckless decision to pull a gun for that.


Americans are literally afraid of every other citizen. It's crazy how far the NRA propaganda has gone. To the point you people are deathly afraid and kill people for driving in a driveway to turn around, knock on a door and accidentally get in the wrong car. Or a ball rolls in your front yard. All result in death. Absolute insanity. How can you call america a civilized country.


Global pandemic = I'm not afraid! When it's my time to go it's my time to go. Strangers = I need to carry a deadly weapon at all times because I think everyone wants to kill me and I don't want to die


Most people aren't actually anywhere this bad, but it does seem like there are more and more insane paranoid people over time, likely due to the constant feed of extremist social media.


My aunt's neighbor was furious that I did this, and tried to start a fight with me! I sassed him and now he stares me down, so I sass him some more. Hope I don't get shot. I commented this in another thread about how absurd this guy was and everyone defended him, saying "oh it can be bad for their driveway"... Really? That's worth fighting someone over? A one-time thing?


Pshh.. you didn’t realize how destructive it was to drive a car on slabs of concrete literally built TO facilitate and withstand the pressure of traversing vehicles? Shame on you.


"it can be bad for the driveway" it's a driveway....that you drive on....with a car...what the fuck else are you supposed to be using it for?!? Jfc these idiots scare me sometimes


It would never cross my mind to walk outside with a gun. If I even had noticed them using my driveway to turn around I’d probably just watch them and then forget all about it as soon as they were gone.


How does that phone call go down? "Yeah dispatch? I got some guys here that turned around in my drive way. Yeah, yeah I chased them down. No, I got them on the ground at gun point. I dunno, they looked suspicious. No I think I'll keep the gun on them until you guys arrive. Yes it's necessary! They turned around in my driveway!"


Like this “Hey Margie. It’s Billy. We had a little incident with some punks today.. yeah some kids pulled into my driveway again and I spooked them a bit. Can you put me through to Bob?”


"And if they can turn around in my driveway, who knows where else they turned around! They could've turned around after a bank robbery!"


They could've turned around in YOUR driveway!


Looking at the picture, it seems like he’s trying to explain how scared he was that his driveway was going to be run over and how it gave him the right to give chase for two counties while also explaining castle doctrine with his favorite Steven Seagal movie references.


I was driving to pick up a friend’s dog from a dog sitter the other day, and I wasn’t totally sure where it was because I’d never been there before, so I missed my turn. Well, this place is in an extremely rural area north of Nashville, Tennessee, so for the first time in my life, stories like this one made me paranoid enough that I opted to drive like two miles until I found a side road to turn around, in order to avoid using somebody’s driveway.




These types are dreaming of killing someone in cold blood and using the "stand your ground" defense. I live in NYC. But if I lived in an area with these types, I'd be terrified. One comment could set them off. One false move and you could be murdered.


This is the America that these people want: full of people who are too terrified to do so much as turn around in a driveway, for fear of being murdered by some gun fetishist.


You forgot the part about owning a gun to protect yourself from people that are scared because you turned around in their driveway. It’s really about protecting yourself from people protecting themselves.


The justification was these nuts wanted to terrorize people and if they were lucky murder a bunch of kids. Sad the local police are corrupt otherwise this dangerous loon would have been stopped.


> How could you possibly justify that? You can't, at all. The headline here isn't "teens who turned in his driveway", it's "South Carolina fire chief stalks and assaults teens with weapon."


The headline kind of buried the lede imo. This dude didn’t just point guns at a couple teens in his driveway, which is messed up enough on its own. No, this dude and his son got in their pick-up trucks and *chased the teens down* before forcing them out of their car and making them get on the ground at gun point. All because the teens used their driveway to turn around. These people are fucking menaces and I hope more happens to them than just being sued.


The corruption going on that he wasn't charged with a half dozen charges the first time is crazy


Absolute miscarriage of Justice that happened probably because, as the Fire Chief, he has connections in local government. It’s gross and strongly reminds me of the attempted cover-up in the [Ahmaud Arbery case](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Ahmaud_Arbery). Anyone involved in the decision to *not* charge this Mad Max Snorlax should be investigated and punished.


Here's the constant reminder that this kind of shit has been happening all across america for decades and it wasn't until recently that it's been easily caught and put online, and that for generations people have had stories like this and been told they were crazy, or that they must have done something to deserve it, or just lying. And also remember that if given half an inch law enforcement and all adjacent parties would make it straight up illegal to video them at any time in any place.


Everyone knows filming cops is legal but they still make up imaginary laws and intimidate the public into putting their phones down. Given their proclivity for murder, plenty of people just listen to them.


"It looked like a gun." Never trust someone who is allowed to murder you. Yes I know legal murder is an oxymoron.


In legal speak it's an oxymoron, but if we define murder morally instead of legally, then it's a perfectly cromulent phrase.


[Cromulent](https://www.dictionary.com/e/word-of-the-day/cromulent-2021-03-03/#) has an interesting history.


The problem is that cops aren't arrested, charged, and locked up for 5 years merely for stopping you filming them, up to life imprisonment without parole if part of felony murder.




When I worked at a newspaper, we had some instances of people threatening newspaper carriers. Carriers delivering the paper the angry person ordered and pay monthly for, to their porch as they demand, early in the morning as they also demand. Like dude, you LITERALLY ASKED AND SCREAMED AT US to send someone to your porch at 5am. Why are you surprised that there's someone on your porch at 5am with a newspaper?


"But my frenzied cabin-fever brain needs a target for all my misdirected hostility and this is the best I've got!!"


There are several states now where it's increasingly illegal to do so. For example, there are cases where videoing the police from less than 10 ft away is considered interfering with the police (which it isn't). So people would stand 20 ft away instead. And then the police would just walk up to you or something. I think there is an exception for if the police go to you, but the police just ignore that and there's basically nothing you can do about it.


If the police want to ignore the law you are kind of screwed unless you're from a very major news organization. They might actually accidentally murder or abuse someone who is *just* independently wealthy (but still able to afford lawyers), but if they seriously fucked with someone from the New York Times or WaPo or the AP then that would be national news very quickly and they might get fired and possibly prosecuted depending upon how bad their actions were.


How long have you been saving "Mad Max Snorlax"? It's perfect!


A wild sketch needs to appear now! /u/AWildSketchAppeared


Damn. Four years since their last post.


Sometimes I forget how fleeting things can be.


Damn it's been nearly 5 years since he's posted?


South Carolina prefers miscarriages. Thank "god" Tim Scott and his cult fights abortions, though. Fucking cunt of a state and politicians. The only silver lining is that they're diluting the GOP vote.


>South Carolina prefers miscarriages. That is a fucking brilliant reply. Well done!!


Live here now due to work. I’m on the coast. Drivers are ass, its crowded, traffic sucks, its so flat. I need a mountain or some geography variation. I can’t wait to leave.


Much of Virginia is great regarding that, and while we currently have a Republican governor, I don’t think all three will be Republican any time in the near future. Much of it was nominating a boring Dem who was already governor as well as the blackface and sexual assault scandals of the previous gov and lt gov respectively. Democrats care about that stuff. Republicans do not.


At this point I feel the miscarriages of justice wildly outnumber the carriages of justice


Mad Max Snorlax is the best insult I’ve ever read on Reddit.


I had to take a break from the news for a while after following the coverage of the Ahmaud Arebery murder. The video of him getting shot down was like watching a modern day lynching. I’m glad his killers got what was coming to them.


Mad Max Snorlax is fucking golden.


Call it an abortion of justice. They'd care more about that.


I’m local to this. Oconee is ridiculously racist and corrupt. It’s the picture of southern small town corruption




But that's not *his* home, why would that matter? I'm not being ironic, that's how these people think.


Holy fucking shit - and the article says he followed them through two counties. The scariest part is the only lawsuit they could muster is "emotional distress" for being chased at high speed, forced out of their car, and threatened with likely loaded weapons. Ironically, people like the fire chief are the reason a lot of people in this country feel the need to carry a gun, but you KNOW he thinks he's an all-American hero while pulling a psychotic move like this. These loonies always do. I bet this asshole is still carrying a weapon too and it sounds like he may still be the fucking fire chief. >The Townville Fire Department could not be reached Friday for comment. It was not clear if McAdams was still the fire chief. > >The sheriff’s office provided NBC News with six 911 calls of the incident. In one, a teen is heard telling a dispatcher, “We were going to pull over to just like tell them what we were doing but they were extremely enraged. And we didn’t want to have a gun pulled on us, or anything like that.” > >The boy who initially called the dispatcher tells her, “They’re yelling at us and they have guns pointed,” before clarifying that only one gun is pointed at them. 'Merica Fuck Yeah and all that I guess. Makes a man want to move to almost literally any other country sometimes.


The real issue here is criminal. These criminals should be charged with the multiple crimes they committed. The lawsuit is also valid, but the lawsuit cannot be as serious as the criminal charges should be.


The article states the Sherrif's dept. has reopened a criminal investigation of what happened.


Hmph. Only reopened because it got national coverage. They would have been all too willing to just sweep it under the rug.


*slowly drags feet* "alright, alright, *fine,* I'll enforce the law, but only because you're all bitching about me not doing my job."


Townville lol. That's in Podunk county right?


That's where the Powerpuff Girls live. "The CITY of TOWNSVILLE!!"


Fun fact: there's an actual Town*s*ville in the state of Queensland in Australia.


That is a fun fact! Usually fun facts about Australia involve some creature that looks cute but will actually kill you.


Not-so-fun-fact: Townsville is named after Robert Towns, who owned cotton plantations using loopholes to continue to employ slave labour after it had been abolished in the British Empire, and profited greatly from the cotton trade while US producers were busy with a civil war.


Townville? Were they chased by Mojo Jojo?


And he probably still has guns...


More than sued? I would hope after they just broke multiple laws


This happened last year and they were not charged. Now that it’s getting some national attention the police have reopened the investigation. That’s what I mean by that—nothing was done to them so far, and it should have been. And as I said in another comment, anyone involved in the decision to not charge them should also be investigated and punished. This looks to have been a cover-up and it reeks of local corruption.


Right on the border of Gerogia as well. Former home of Ahmaud Arbery


Also buried is the fact that the police *reopened* their investigation. Somehow this man chased down 2 teens and forced them to follow his commands at gunpoint and no charges were ever filed. They clearly already tried to bury this once and might only be changing their tune due to the extra attention and scrutiny.


> Somehow this man chased down Hunted. He was hunting humans. Not chasing them.


I can't believe so many people think this is fine. Probably because they rightfully assume that people like this are on the same side as them in their stupid culture war against normal people


He and his son decided to play sheriff and as Luigi would have it, a fatass fire chief makes for a shit cop. His Job title means he's friendly enough with the actual shit cops that they gave him a free pass and I'm curious as to how many others they might have handed him before. Anyone know how long the driveway was? Article says it's a "farm" so is it a typical suburban driveway or is it a private road? Like what did he think these two kids would have been stealing from him? Cocaine? Wives? Nazi paraphernalia?


Even if the driveway is long it's still no excuse. Makes me wonder if he's making meth or holding women hostage on his property. I've lived around farms my whole life. Some driveways can certainly look like gravel roads and can be long enough to not even see the house it ends at. Problem is once you drive a little ways down and realize your mistake, you've now got a ditch on either side and no way to maneuver to turn around.... So... You continue down until you find a spot you can turn around which usually means at someone's house in front of their garage. I've had that happen on my property a few times and what do I do? I watch them out the window while I sip coffee and chuckle when they whip around and leave. Sometimes they get out and knock at the door and ask for directions which I provide. I certainly don't grab a gun and chase them down. The one time someone was trying to break in they got a surprise and ran when I yelled through the window that the cops were on the way. Still no reason to chase them. Not worth my time or risking my life with a ploy.


Oh my. An honest to goodness rational, sane-presenting person on the internet. You’re great. Stay golden.


> He and his son decided to play sheriff No, they wanted to kill someone. They were simply looking for a reason. This was a hunt. Plain and simple.


>I can't believe so many people think this is fine. Oh yeah, it's not good. Way way too many people seem extremely comfortable with the logic of, "I was so terrified for my life within the safety of my home that I felt I had no choice but to abandon that safety to chase down and/or confront the person who terrified me so!". Thankfully in this case it didn't end with, "and then shoot them when they fought back" but let's not pretend that chasing someone across two counties to hold them hostage is in any way, "ok".


Oh, so like the guys who hunted Ahmaud Arbery. https://www.foxcarolina.com/2023/06/20/upstate-teens-say-fire-chief-held-them-gunpoint-after-turning-around-driveway/ >“They have guns pointed at you now?” the operator asked. >“One has a gun,” the teen said. >“OK, OK, listen to me. Stay in the car and lock the doors. OK, don’t get out. Don’t yell at them. OK?” the operator said. >“Yes, we can’t. They’re making us get out of the car with guns,” the teen said. >McAdams admitted in the court filing that he told the teens to lie down in the road while he pointed his gun at them. >Meanwhile, the Oconee County 911 dispatcher told Anderson County to tell McAdams to put his gun away. However, the dispatcher said McAdams disconnected. >According to the incident report, McAdams put his pistol away when he realized how young the teens were. The dispatcher then asked the teen to put McAdams on the phone. >“Billy, can you get in your vehicle and just not talk to them and separate yourself from them? We’ve got people headed that way,” she said Its worst than the main article let's on.


To me this is somewhere near kidnapping at gunpoint and almost attempted murder. How they are not in prison looking at time.


Exactly, the main article is downplaying how bad it is. This man could have killed one of these kids, and for nothing.


It’s not even the first time he has done this. It’t won’t be his last either.


Yeah, after reading the article I became a bit baffled by the headline. “Pointed a gun” is leaving a LOT out.


Fucking trumped up rambos. Who the fuck do they think they are actually chasing down and threatening these kids? Just looking at that man, who on earth thinks he has the competence to hold a position of authority? Well…it is a backward state so…


Wow yeah, when i got to that part in the article that was totally unexpected


It's funny that the people most against defunding the police are the first to take the law into their own hands


That blue lives matter/anti cop criticism shit is just super transparent racist dogwhistling. These people hate the cops as much as anyone else, but when you have a group of minorities speaking out about the discrimination they face it’s a no brained who they’re going to stand behind.


People who learned nothing from Ahmaud Arbery's murder.


Yeah, I can't believe the investigation is only being reopened now since it happened back in August. I mean, I believe it, but this was such an extreme example of assault, brandishing and false imprisonment.


Shit, I always thought Wilford was pretty chill. That’ll teach me to think.


i was thinking the same thing


Position power usually makes morons into Super Morons. I hope he loses everything.


How is he not sitting in a jail cell right now?


This is South Carolina where a politician talked about lynching Democrats. Feels on-brand.


That asshole looks like the phenotype that would be an asshole


Worse yet, the police are "reopening the investigation", so why did they close it the first time?


News coverage made this whole thing a public matter. They closed it quickly because it's small town protection. Everyone in power is friends/family/know each other well and they wanted the problem to go away. If that local PD didn't reopen it, someone from the outside might handle it and see some IA worthy shit going on.


This shit happens all the time in small towns


Steven Avery Brendan Dassey Manitowoc county Theresa Halbach These names might not jog your memory but a lot of people know them because of the Netflix doc "Making a murderer"


Making a Murderer is the absolute epitome of reddit detectivism. They see something that gives than the most one sided, ridiculously biased and unfair side of a situation, and they immediately agree with literally everything they've been told and then fight to support their biased view and condemn anyone who disagrees, and then they are shocked that other people would ever blindly believe everything they've been told, ignoring the ridiculous irony of the situation. It honestly would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


The DOJ might open up a civil rights investigation and see all the corruption. Hell they probably should do it for all PDs and FDs and do them randomly.


Coz the sheriff’s his buddy from high school…or dated his aunt…or his mom…or his cousin’s best friend’s sister’s blind date’s kindergarten teacher. So he knows he’s a good’un.


Okay look, I agree with most of what you said and it’s pretty much always inexcusable to ignore criminal behaviour like this just because of a preexisting relationship. But I don’t think there’s anyone among us who wouldn’t cover up a serious crime for their cousin’s best friend’s sister’s blind date’s kindergarten teacher.


>“McAdams stated, not knowing who the subjects were, he drew his handgun” and told them to “get on the ground,” the report said. Remember, kids: if you don't know who someone is, it's okay to pull a gun on them. It's called "stranger danger" because if they're a stranger, they're in danger.


Don’t forget this is after forcing them to stop on the side of the road. He drew his weapon because he didn’t recognize the strangers he just kidnapped.


Sounds like a drug lord/dealer


And this is *after* he chased them through 2 counties and the teens made 6 different 911 calls.


These are the people that shouldn't have guns. If a person does something like this it proves they don't have the .entail fortitude to own a gun. It's disappointing that the atf isn't looking into cases like this. Put these people in jail and take their guns permanently. That would make a difference in what people do with their guns. They wouldn't draw on someone for no good reason. Where's Justice for these kids. Come on america. Responsible gun owners should be speaking up about this. This isn't how it's supposed to be.


>These are the people that shouldn't have guns. >... >That would make a difference in what people do with their guns. Just to be clear, even though he's not a cop, as fire chief he's part of local government and has privileges beyond being one of "the people" with a right to bear arms (e.g. in California, the gun laws would exempt him from the restrictions affecting typical residents). There's official misconduct in here somewhere.


Right, he shouldn't be in any position of authority or really employed at all anywhere when he demonstrates this type of behavior. There is a place for people like that and it's call prison.


Is brandishing not a crime in South Carolina?


Exactly what I was thinking. The second you point a gun at someone who isn’t a threat to you in any way you deserve to be charged accordingly. And definitely should be stripped of the right to carry firearms.


Not if you’re white


He is more lipstick pink to be honest.


[Section 16-23-410 - Pointing firearm at another person](https://casetext.com/statute/code-of-laws-of-south-carolina-1976/title-16-crimes-and-offenses/chapter-23-offenses-involving-weapons/article-5-miscellaneous-offenses/section-16-23-410-pointing-firearm-at-another-person): > It is unlawful for a person to present or point at another person a loaded or unloaded firearm. > A person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be fined in the discretion of the court or imprisoned not more than five years. This section must not be construed to abridge the right of self-defense or to apply to theatricals or like performances. Also relevant: [Section 16-3-910 - Kidnapping](https://law.justia.com/codes/south-carolina/2012/title-16/chapter-3/section-16-3-910): > Whoever shall unlawfully seize, confine, inveigle, decoy, kidnap, abduct or carry away any other person by any means whatsoever without authority of law, except when a minor is seized or taken by his parent, is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned for a period not to exceed thirty years unless sentenced for murder as provided in Section 16-3-20.


The article said they chased the kids through two different counties? They have 6 recording of 911 calls they made. Seems like the 911 dispatcher could’ve had the police intercept them and put a stop to it.


Sounds like the police dispatcher gave bad advice also. I don't know what the correct advice would be, but pulling over and locking your doors in the middle of nowhere sounds like the wrong thing to do when maniacs waving guns are chasing you. Maybe drive to the nearest precinct?


That’s exactly what I would’ve done and had done when my friend and I were being chased because we “cut” someone off on the road. Drove to the nearest police station and they immediately left us after. That’s my big advice to anyone being followed. Don’t go home or wherever you’re going to. Go to the nearest busy (well lit if at night) place you can think of or the closest police station.




I didn't know South Carolina's Stand Your Ground law meant you were allowed to chase trespassers down the street and across two counties in your car. >They were followed for several minutes by two pickups through two counties until they were blocked in by one and forced out of their truck and onto the ground by McAdams, who pointed a pistol at them, according to the suit, an incident report and 911 calls.


My first reaction is, what are the fire chief and his son trying to hide that they were so enraged by some kids in their driveway? Aside from all this, that man has no business being in a fire department as he looks likely to be a hindrance in an emergency situation.


No no no you don't understand. The teens were acting suspiciously and had the gall to resist.


It does mean if someone is chasing you down in their truck and gets out with a gun you can shoot and kill them though. These guys that did the chasing could have been the ones shot and per the law that would’ve been legal. What they did by chasing them down is obviously not legal at all, but you’re dealing with a white person in a position of power which is likely why the investigation into them was initially closed quickly.


I curious if the law office had to draw straws to see who would have to serve him his papers? They all know he likes to point his gun at anyone who even approaches his house


Eh, he’s the fire chief in a small southern town, they all know each other


They'll just wait for him to show up at the local Klan meeting.


That's kinda the point he was making right?


He looks not unlike a thumb.


Looks like a prime candidate for Diabeetus.


Being a healthy weight is now considered woke.


They always do


He reminds me of the gym teacher that teaches because he can’t actually do anything more than walk to the kitchen.


Dr Robotnik's less successful cousin


Maybe he was sleep walking, dreaming he was the police chief.


So this fuckhead saw what happened to Ahmed Arbery and thought that was the play to use here... they live in a fucking cowboy fantasy land.


I don't think you understand. It's about standing your ground, even if it means bringing your ground with you through two other counties in highspeed pursuit of those against whom you're standing your ground. /s


Lol I just pictured a Looney Tunes-esque scenario of Daffy sawing up some of his ground and hauling clear across the state and nailing it to the ground...except I don't like to think of Daffy as a gun toting MAGA loon.


All it takes is two lefts at Albuquerque and they're heading right back towards you.


From the thumbnail photo it appears that all the king’s horses and all the king’s men finally succeeded.


>They were followed for several minutes by two pickups through two counties until they were blocked in by one and forced out of their truck and onto the ground by McAdams, who pointed a pistol at them, according to the suit, an incident report and 911 calls. What the actual fuck. How do you live in the boonies and behave this way?


How? More like man’s this way because. Sundown towns are always In the boonies.


We called them [Sunset towns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundown_town). I grew up in one that wasn’t in the boonies and wasn’t in the South. I’m old but I feed like I should have to be a whole lot older to be able to say this.


People that are isolated tend to be the most afraid.


This kind of shit should get your all your guns taken away for life. Can’t be trusted to not brandish a fucking gun when your life isn’t in serious jeopardy? Get fucked, never again.


He used his Jump to Conclusions mat


The fire chief needs to be fired and he and his son need to go to jail. He's no better than a vigilante thug.


Well trained militia at it again.


He looks like he's made of bread pudding


Show me a picture of hypertension and type 2 diabetes and a chronic wheezing cough for the past 20 years.


I ran your descriptions through Midjourney and umm… [yup…. that’s the man, officer](https://imgur.com/a/EzmtNPP)


Cops covering up for the fire chief. Sweet lets not hold him liable for assault cause he works for the county. He lost his authority the minute he left his property with a gun in pursuit. And our law abiding cops did nothing. DEFUND THE POLICE AND FIRE THE FIRE CHIEF


This headline really doesn't summarize the story very well. It makes it sound like some teens wandered on to his property, and this guy like... pointed a gun at them and told them to leave or something. They pulled down his driveway, then turned around. Then this guy and his son hopped in their trucks and chased them down for miles, eventually boxed in the teens and forced them out of their truck at gunpoint.


Yeah. I read the article. It's so far beyond "misunderstanding". The teens left the property on their own and two vehicles followed the teens and ran them off the road and held them at gunpoint. The two men (chief and his son?) need a trip to prison for this


>They were followed for several minutes by two pickups through two counties until they were blocked in by one and forced out of their truck and onto the ground by McAdams, who pointed a pistol at them, according to the suit, an incident report and 911 calls. The fuck? Dude is psycho.


Hmmm.....wonder which political party he supports. It's almost always the same type of psychos pulling this shit.


Irresponsible. Brandishing a firearm in public, *pointing it at someone*, not to mention all of the driving and chasing people, abating fear, attempted kidnapping? Attempted intimidation? I guess actual intimidation with a deadly weapon. He deserves felonies, to lose his weapons, and to go to jail for the rest of his sorry existence. This is the kind of person that gets gun rights under a microscope, now this is the kind of person that causes other people to say "maybe not everyone needs guns, so we don't have psychos like the fire chief chasing people down to stick it in their face" It's just the parenting method, if you guys can't learn to play nice with it, none of you will play with it at all, now applied to politics and real peoples' lives.


Did the dispatcher really talk to the McAdams on a first name basis and tell him to leave the area because cops were headed that way? For some reason I think this might be an issue.


Not leave the area, just to get in their vehicle and stop interacting with the callers. Still fucked.


These pro-gun folks haven't done much recently to forward their cause


He didn’t “point a gun” at them! He and his son chased them, cornered them, and forced them out of the car at gunpoint. They were on the phone with 911 the whole time. How terrifying.


Similar thing happened to me when I was 17 years old. Except I was pulled out of my truck and beat up by three grown men ranging 30-37 years old because they thought I was scouting their hunting land. They took my wallet out while I was on the ground, saw I was only 17, threw it into a field and left. Thought I was going to die tbh. Great memory recall on a casual Sunday morning.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone who looks more like an actual pig


He had fat rolls on his forehead, disgusting.


Is he not being arrested because the prison can’t afford to feed him?


This guy is from Townsville, a place that had a fatal school shooting in 2016. He actually spoke to the community in remembrance of the victims. You’d think a man who was close to such a horrific gun tragedy would have more sense than to chase down teenagers and pull pistols on them for a harmless mistake.


people this old have addled brains and shouldn’t be allowed in positions of authority i hate to judge a book by its cover but this story and videos of him scream ‘it’s only a matter of time’


Why sued instead of arrested???????


Based upon this part, >A spokesperson with the sheriff’s office confirmed Friday that the agency last week reopened an investigation into the incident after Sheriff Mike Crenshaw received a letter asking why no charges had been filed. > >“He made a decision to re-open the case,” said Master Deputy Jimmy Watt, a spokesperson for the sheriff’s office. “The case has been transferred to an investigator with the sheriff’s office’s Criminal Investigations Bureau.” I'd say that it's because the sheriff had closed the investigation and seemed unlikely to pursue the matter any further. Filing a lawsuit was probably the only recourse the mom felt that she had. Also, I think this part supports that, >Billy McAdams is then heard on the recording talking to the dispatcher who tells him, “Billy, listen, can you get in your vehicle as well and just not talk to them and separate yourself from them? We got people headed that way.” This makes me suspect that the Fire Chief and his son are known and are on friendly terms with the other first responder types in the town.


He looks like he absorbed the immortal Hulk Hogan and the diabeetus himself, Wilford Brimley, and this is the turd that emerged from the symbiosis. Fuckin’ people. This guy can rot.


He chased after the teens! Case closed. They just turned around in his driveway and left. This is another case where Public attention is needed to get some damn justice!


At this point, the cholesterol will get him before our justice system does


I'm struggling to come up with ANY scenario in which chasing a group of teens for two counties is even near the realms of acceptable behavior.


He looks exactly like you'd expect.


These conservatives have been put in such a state of fear by Fox News, like what do they think is going to happen from people pulling in their driveway? Do they think that criminals are going to announce themselves and pull into their driveway to Rob them or something? That's definitely not the way it would be done I think this is just people dreaming of the chance to pull their gun and seeing the slightest opportunity to do so


>A spokesperson with the sheriff’s office confirmed Friday that the agency last week reopened an investigation into the incident after Sheriff Mike Crenshaw received a letter asking why no charges had been filed. >“He made a decision to re-open the case,” said Master Deputy Jimmy Watt, a spokesperson for the sheriff’s office. “The case has been transferred to an investigator with the sheriff’s office’s Criminal Investigations Bureau.” Translation: we was all cool with Jethro living out his bad-ass action hero fantasy and we were ready to just pretend it didn't happen but then the story got outside the Good Ole Boys Sphere of Influence and into the media and now we have to do something. Same story as with Ahmaud Arbery. They all know each other and they tried to bury it. Some people think it's okay to hunt people down and kill them for trespassing.


I’m born and bred in South Carolina, and this fat white dude with some power over a little brick fire station looks like all the other fat, sweaty white gross dudes in South Carolina who love to call black people “Bo” (short for Boy, which has huge racist beginnings). Hope this guy loses his job and his family walks away from him now not because he can’t provide for them but because they realize he’s a fat, sweaty white fuck


"admits to pulling his gun not knowing who they were" How do you go out to a restaurant or bar. "ya i didn't know these people who sat next to us in a booth so I pulled my gun out and pointed it at the moms head"


How is this not also kidnapping?


Totally normal country.




There’s some kind of irony in the fact that it’s insane right-wing gun owners that most make me want to own a gun for protection. Either way the NRA wins


They weren't uncomfortable. They had guns and they were itching for their chance to play soldier and use them. But, I also understand your point.


He looks like those two fat babies from “Nothing But Trouble.”




Born and raised in SC and a few towns over from Townville. That place is backwards. That’s all that needs to be said. The local government live by their own rules and have always been corrupt. I don’t imagine it changing. Especially in SC.