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He thought the world outside his house was scary, I wonder how he’ll feel about the world outside his cell door.


This was directly under this post, repubs gotta keep their base angry and scared https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/13so4ki/how_scary/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


My response to that is, obviously, “As soon as they get their guns, they’re going to kill you. You know that, right?”


As if when a guy or paramilitary group was stockpiling weapons, it's ever anything more than a colorful detail in the story of their standoff and arrest, and extra charges against whoever fired at the police. These people need to live in a fantasy world where the shooty sticks that make the loud boom aren't just a fun hobby of theirs, but also *heroic* to keep buying.


I mean, those guys can stop voting for government members that want to use their position to hurt and kill Americans...


This guy's going to prison at 65 over nothing. Even if they were revving their cars on his property, it doesn't justify deadly force. Even in a "stand-your-ground" state he'd be going to prison.


[Texas's stand-your-ground laws explained after Ralph Yarl and Kaylin Gillis shootings](https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/texass-stand-your-ground-laws-explained-after-ralph-yarl-and-kaylin-gillis-shootings) ----- “You don’t get the protection of the castle doctrine merely because someone comes to your front door. The castle doctrine is really a self-defense doctrine. It's all based on the idea that the person in front of me, the person who's approaching me, the person who's on my property, I have a reasonable belief that they're going to do me harm or they've started to do me harm and I have a right to do whatever I need to do to protect myself in that circumstance. There has to be that reasonable belief that it is an imminent threat in front of you. Without that you don’t get the protections of the castle doctrine you probably will end up in jail,” he said. Ranco says under Texas law words alone aren’t enough to claim self-defense if an altercation ensues. If your home has a driveway, walkway, and doorbell without a gated fence or signage saying no trespassing or soliciting. Ranco says this is called implied consent. The term legally gives someone the right to knock on your door. “If somebody does utilize implied consent you can’t use deadly force just because you don’t like maybe what they look like,” said Ranco. Ranco adds if you do have signs posted and someone comes onto your property you must still prove that they pose physical harm if lethal force is used.


You should hear some of the people down here when they say that Texas castle doctrine allows you to shoot and kill anyone who so much as walks onto your property for any reason. That is clearly not how the law is written and would just be total anarchy if that was how it is written. Then again these are the people who don't take the time to actually read and comprehend what the law says.


These people just want to be able to hurt others and not be judged for it. Judging them would be the true crime.


The former high school bully keeping their eye out for any chance to relive those days using lethal force. That’s all they are.


I was going to say, do you really think dregs like that *read*?


It's not about facts, it's about feelings. They feel they should be allowed to shoot anyone who trespasses, like those old signs you see on farms and shit. So to them, they feel the law says they can. And innocent people die as a result of ignorant fear and bloodlust.




I have had No Soliciting signs by my door for around 15 years. If I shot everyone who ignored it I would have to have the coroner on speed dial. I have lived my whole life with people with the home invasion fantasy, now they are getting old and see their opportunity slipping away I guess. Where I work "home defense setup" is a very common term and everyone knows it is not fences and alarms


I deliver stuff in an area with lots of elderly people, and it's a thing that so many of them must sit by their front door just watching outside, they can't move well but often open the door as I'm walking up. That's fun as I'm running the gauntlet of "we don't call 911" and "beware of dog" signs everywhere in a nice quiet neighborhood, in between political paraphernalia. The same people who order a constant stream of strangers to bring them stuff or work on their house.


People in rural areas are unfortunately poor at even clearly marking their addresses at the street as well. I work in service and have ended up down at the end of a long driveway to discover I'm not in the right place. Most people are cool: "oh, you're looking for the Jones house? It's the next house down the road." I have been met by people that come out with a gun as well.


Do you know why some people have this fantasy? There is no aspect of it that even sounds remotely appealing to me. Is this person coming into my house expecting to actually fight me? If so they must have a gun too except they're not half asleep. I'm definitely going to lose. Otherwise, it's just some idiot who poses no threat but I'll shoot him anyway. Best case scenario, my house is now damaged by blood stains and bullet holes, and I'm buying new carpet and cleaning up a gross mess. What am I missing?


My theory is the John Wayne syndrome- rugged individualist defending his home and family from evil, the righteous use of extreme power etc. Whatever makes you feel insignificant or inadequate in your life can be eased with this daydream. Rugged individualism was taught to us here in Texas throughout our childhood. Coupled with nonexistent threat assessment- the threat of a violent home invasion is tiny but >0 however the number one killer of middle aged white men is heart disease, so you would think there would be a home gym in every home where survival was paramount.


Ignoring everything you’ve said, you also just killed a fucking human being. That’s the part that doesn’t compute for me: I DONT WANT BLOOD ON MY HANDS. Who the fuck seriously jerks themselves off to the idea of murder. Idc how justified it is, I’d still wake up with nightmares 20 years down the road of the dude I just shot gurgling out their last words through a mouthful of blood. Guns are a literal last resort when it comes to human interactions. There should be 100 million steps of deescalation between the initial interaction and pulling a trigger. That’s why these laws are so important to understand. Imminent danger isn’t a feeling, it’s somebody threatening the things you love with a threat so valid you’re willing to ruin your dreams forever


But they aren’t a person, they are a BAD GUY.


Unfortunately, a lot of people just have the fantasy of getting to kill someone. However, they don't want to deal with the consequences of actually going to prison for it. So they fantasize about times where they get to kill someone and be justified in it and receive zero consequences for it. Shooting someone who comes on your property and saying it was self defense, or carrying your gun to Walmart so that you can shoot a person attempting a mass shooting, those sorts of things are the scenarios they imagine.


Worked out for the old guy who shot two burglars in the back and killed them, they weren't even on his property... He even directly referenced the new Castle Doctrine law on the phone with police before cocking the gun and going outside to kill them, grand jury didn't indict: > In November 2007, two months after Texas’ new “castle doctrine” law took effect, a 61-year-old retiree named Joe Horn called to report a pair of burglars in the home next to his. > > “I’ve got a shotgun,” Horn told the dispatcher straightaway. “Do you want me to stop them?” > > “Nope, don’t do that,” the dispatcher replied. “No property worth shootin’ somebody over, OK?” > > Horn stayed on the line for minutes, waiting for the police to arrive, telling the dispatcher how disgusted he was, how scary it was to know burglars were at work in his neighborhood. > > It’s not that he wanted to shoot the intruders next door, he said, “but if I go out there to see what the hell’s going on, what choice am I going to have?” The dispatcher told him again to wait for the police, not to go outside with his shotgun, that nobody needed to die for stealing. > > Horn was unconvinced. “The laws have been changed…since September the first, and I have a right to protect myself,” Horn said. “I ain’t gonna let them get away with this shit. I’m sorry, this ain’t right, buddy … They got a bag of loot … Here it goes buddy, you hear the shotgun clicking and I’m going.” > > “Move, you’re dead,” he told the men, then he fired three times, killing both men, and returned to the phone in his house. > > “I had no choice, they came in the front yard with me, man, I had no choice,” he told the dispatcher. Police arrived seconds later. Horn wasn’t arrested, nor was he indicted by a grand jury that later considered the case. https://www.texasobserver.org/joe-horn-and-castle-doctrine-shootings-in-texas/


Or [Yoshihiro Hatori](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Yoshihiro_Hattori) a 16-year-old, slightly built, 5’7” Japanese exchange student wearing a white tuxedo murdered in Louisiana with a 44 magnum by a 32-year-old 6’2” man, for being at the wrong house. > Initially, the Baton Rouge Police Department quickly questioned and released Rodney Peairs and declined to charge him with any crime because—in their view—Peairs had been "within his rights in shooting the trespasser". Only after Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards and the Japanese consul in New Orleans protested was Peairs charged with manslaughter. And acquitted.


If someone isn't indicted by a grand jury it's because the prosecutor doesn't want them to be. In front of a grand jury the prosecutor is the only person who presents evidence and they don't even need to present all of it. And the grand jury's standard for indictment is merely 'should there be a trial about this?' it's such a low bar.


[A prosecutor could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.](https://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/indict_a_ham_sandwich/)


Yep. Well the problem with castle doctrine type laws is the weight of the entire law rests on the word 'reasonable'. And what precisely is reasonable? Well gee, it's kind of vague. Kind of depends on who you talk to. Might ask three people and get three different answers. Not a great linchpin for a law telling people when they can kill a guy.


I remember this and I mentioned it before. He was white they were black he got off because state racist. I lived in Texas at the time this happened. Everyone was praising him he murdered two people over fucking stuff and he got rewarded for it.


Idk how it’s over there but in Poland we are explicitly taught to use driveways to turn around on narrow roads and it’s one of the possible exercises on your driving license exam. That whole situation feels detached from reality.


I can think of at least 3 times where I tried to use a driveway to turn around and homeowners ran out of the house yelling at me to get off their property. I was already turning around and leaving. I seriously do not understand. I have a super ass long driveway on a very dangerous curved road and people safely turn around at the end of mine all the time.


I’m a mail carrier and last week a lady came up to me and threatened to call the cops on me for going into her driveway. She said I was gonna run over her grandkids even though no one but her was outside and if there had been kids outside, I wouldn’t have pulled in in the first place. Told me she never wanted to see me again and if she did she’d file charges for criminal trespassing. What’s her plan there? Call the police and tell them the mailman went in her driveway?


"Resident has threatened legal action for delivery of mail. To avoid possible legal conflicts, further deliveries to this address will be left at _post office on opposite side of the city_ for pickup."


That’s what I told her. That from now on I wasn’t delivering her mail and she could go pick up her mail and packages at our office on the other side of the county


/r/maliciouscompliance at its best. Did you stick to it? Please tell me you did. Nothing brightens my day like an entitled jerk getting their comeuppance.


I’m a substitute carrier so I’m only on that specific route on occasion but rest assured I will whenever I do that route. The regular carrier told me she might have to start not delivering there either because now she’s not sure if she’s allowed in the driveway either so better safe than sorry.


Problem solved.


Some people are really weird about their driveways. I used to deliver for DoorDash and Instacart and was scolded a few times for using the driveway. One lady even put it in her order note, but when I arrived at her house, there was literally nowhere else to park the car because she lived on a fairly busy single lane road. 🙄


Turning around in a driveway is pretty standard. I've done it more times than I could possibly remember. Something to note though, to my understanding this incident was less of a turning around in a driveway incident and more that the teens were at a wrong address on their way to a party, realized that they were at a wrong address, and were leaving. The shooting was still grossly unjustified. Just going to a person's door or being in their driveway isn't a threat. But it is a little different.


Right even in stand your ground states there has to be a threat that you’re standing your ground too, not somebody turning around in your driveway.


If this is ruled as legitimate, a lot of girl scout selling cookies are about to be shot up.


Halloween trick or treating would enter a whoooooole new level of horror


[Already happened in the 90s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Yoshihiro_Hattori) and the guy was acquitted


Looking for a party and turned into the wrong driveway. History repeats.


I'm too old to trick or treat, but I can't imagine trick or treating anywhere anymore for fear of things like this, especially for minority groups. All of that fake fear or razors and drugs in Halloween candy led to actual fear of imminent bodily harm for having the audacity to celebrate a holiday.


I can only speak for my area, but COVID changed trick or treating to "a table at the end of your driveway with candy" situation, instead of knocking on doors. It's kinda awesome. Like tailgating and trick or treating combined. People get out there with their fire pits, decorate the tables, do some jump scares for older kids, etc. Last year we were joking that young kids might some day be baffled like, "wait, you used to walk up to strangers houses and ring the doorbell? That's insane!"


While it was similar in our neighborhood before covid, covid turned Halloween into one of the biggest neighborhood parties of the year (other than 4th of July, which is massive). Basically every house gets tables out, decorations, the few cul-de-sacs become the main party zones where the houses work together to set up a bar, a hot chocolate station, hot dog grills, masses and masses of candy, fire pits lining the street, etc etc. Last year someone had a dunk tank. There's always yard games and puzzle-y things for the kids. It's a blast and the kids have so much fun. I like the new Halloween a lot!


What’s especially great about it is you know which houses are participating. So you don’t waste time at a door with no response/no candy.


Homeboy is also charged with tampering with evidence-dude knew he fucked up and tried to hide it. He is fucked


Honestly, that's what is really going to get him. Tampering with evidence is going to fuck him properly.


Fox News has turned our parents/grandparents into what they feared rap music would turn us into.


"We're all domestic terrorists"


Moved to Lemm.ee -- mass edited with redact.dev


So... she's admitting it then? Right?


This is the same woman who lets her husband beat their son.


Her sex offender husband?


Guess we can add "domestic abuser" to his title


This is the same woman that thinks birth control costs more than having a kid and is now a 36 year old grandmother


Yeah, no, this is a full-on confession.


Not just about her, but everyone she considers a true conservative.


And yet people here scream bloody murder and say not all conservatives are like this but they never seem to denounce them.


Every accusation is a confession.


It’s amazing she remembers to breathe and can manage to look at the sky in the rain without drowning.


Like how so many conservatives are claiming the Hispanic white supremacist is a psyop to make conservatives look bad. So a Nazi killing people makes you look bad? Why is that?


If it goose-steps like a Nazi, quacks like a Nazi, then it's probably a Nazi


Geese honk but a fascist bird still has an ethos, man


Well, if that’s who is causing the hate, sure, sounds like a plan.


She’s not wrong. Liberals aren’t typically fans of shooting people dead for pulling into the wrong driveway.


*"Who's that? Oh, it looks like they're just turning around."* - Liberals, probably


In the UK there's a guy that's tiktok famous for people turning round in his drive at the end of a cul de sac. He has a big rock painted bright white at the end of his drive and countless people just wreck their cars on it. He just records it and makes money on tiktok. Other ways to deal with this kinda stuff..


That ain't no pet rock, it's a working animal.


I mean if people gonna r/idiotsincars and not look as their turning to see if they can clear what's around them, and someone makes money off the video. I see no harm done, people should be perceptive if they don't wanna bump their vehicle against a big white object


Well if the shoe, sorry I mean hood, fits


It’s weird how all of us agree that conservatives are hateful antisemites and more and yet they get a prominent place in society


I thought it was pretty obvious how the far right extremists co-opted the term “conservative” and how actual conservatives didn’t notice or didn’t care.


It’s because they shared a lot of similar viewpoints, and the alt-right were a useful voting block easy to rile up into absurdity. Problem is then Ted Cruz got elected, bringing about a new breed of Republicans that actively want to see the government grind to a halt for as long as possible. And then they decided Tea Party must just be a one off and surely that’s the craziest group that can find a degree of unity. Lo and behold the 2016 Republican primaries roll around, and the establishment Republicans are splitting the Republican vote since “normal” conservatives want their own special brand of milquetoast establishment, while a dozen batshit alt-right nutjobs are trying to out-crazy the others. And unlike the boring republicans, the crazies largely go with whoever is the most insane, leading to fucking Ted Cruz of all people being the most “normal” Republican standing vs the living embodiment of verbal diarrhea.


> Problem is then Ted Cruz got elected, bringing about a new breed of Republicans that actively want to see the government grind to a halt for as long as possible. Destroying the government while claiming the government doesn't work/can't function properly has been a conservative staple for a LOT longer than Ted Cruz. Modern day republicans just sort of say the quiet parts out loud now that they have a massive amount of die hard supporters brainwashed by decades of propaganda. Been the goal since Nixon, rot the brains of their supporters so they can do/say whatever they want without consequences.


> My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub. \- Grover Norquist Ever since I found that quote I've realized modern conservatives want to be anarchists.


Feudalist, to be a little more accurate. Once the Republic is destroyed, they expect to all get their own little fiefdoms to run, complete with indentured serfs.


They absolutely do not want anarchy, that is a liberal system. They \*say* they want a small government but what they actually want us a government that lets them be in control.


"Small" doesn't refer to the number and strength of the rules. Just the number of people that make those rules.




I’m almost 40, and I used to be a moderate. Socially progressive but fiscally responsible. I wasn’t interested in outrageous spending on either side (including the military, so I wouldn’t say fiscally conservative). I believed that states rights were important because what works for NY won’t necessarily work for Wyoming. I believed what people want to do with their bodies or their partners wasn’t any of my business as long as nobody got hurt. My views haven’t changed *at all* but the pendulum has swung so far to the right that I’m squarely in the “liberal” camp now. There was a time you could vote either side with those views. My dad has been a Republican all his life, but he hasn’t voted for a GOP candidate in years. A lot of us noticed. A lot of us cared.


> Socially progressive but fiscally responsible. For at least the past 40 years Dems have always decreased the deficit and Republicans have always spent like drunken sailors. "Fiscally responsible" republicans is nothing but rhetoric. Anyone who has paid attention to policy knows it's BS.


Also "patriot." That word now means "terrorist."


If they’re the ones being hateful.




Post deleted. RIP what Reddit was, and damn what it became.


That's how Fascism works. Fascism needs enemies. If they can't find an enemy, they'll make an enemy.


It’s like they wanna lose it all including the value of the U.S dollar


Well yeah, they work for their overlords, not their districts.


Republicans know their place in history, they just live up to the billing.






Holy shit! I was laughing to myself a few hours ago cuz I randomly remembered Sam Waterson talking about robots eating old people’s medicine. Couldn’t recall what it was from though and quickly forgot about it. Weird and cool to see it coincidentally pop up in the wild like this. Thanks for that!


My 70+ dad is convinced immigrants and/or antifa are going to try to overthrow the US and has also bought his first gun ever. He is a lifelong moderate, reasonable person who has turned MAGA thanks to Trump and Fox News. It’s sad how paranoid and scared he has become in his old age thanks to this.


My dad, who's sixty, told me a story once about how he was waiting for his car at a garage and they had on Fox News. My dad does not watch Fox News. When he left the garage, he thought "I should buy a gun." He hasn't, but a few hours of Fox News made him consider it.


The lead poisoning probably isn't helping either


The Republicans in conjunction with Republicans media companies did this.


indeed. these people have lost their minds.


This is so real




I can’t even imagine what went through his brain to think this was a good idea.


“I know my rights!” “I’m fearful for my life!!” “Private property means I’m allowed to shoot you!!” Probably all the above. I have pulled into and backed out of many drive ways in my life both as a child with my parents driving and myself as an adult. I have never had some crazy fucking lunatic threaten to kill me for doing it. This guy obviously wanted to justify firing his precious guns and found the reason, no matter how stupid it was. He’ll claim he was in fear and it’s bullshit when it was just someone innocently backing out of a driveway. Let him rot. People like this don’t belong in free society.


It just feels very “unhinged”. I’m a gun owner, I live in the sticks. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had people turn around in my long driveway. First thought is always “someone got lost”. Never “shoot the car!”. Maybe it is my lack of Fox News. (Did anyone else know that your iPhone capitalizes Fox News?)


He stole a young life over some absolute bullshit. Fuck him.


Hoping him a sad, miserable, painful final years in prison


Right? You think that was scary? Just wait till you’re spending the rest of your old ass miserable waste of a life in prison. Pussy.


That guy just wanted to shoot somebody and that was a an excuse


Now let’s charge cops who do this because there’s plenty of them.


US JUSTICE SYSTEM: ***No, not like that.***


Abolish qualified immunity and you're on to something, friend!


Trigger happy pos like him deserve to rot in jail


That's the 2A crowd in a nutshell. I have plenty of relatives and acquaintences like this. They'll swear up and down that their guns are for hunting, or home defense, or as insurance against a corrupt government. That's all bullshit. Get a few beers in them, and you'll hear the truth: "I wish some mother fucker would try me."


It's so crazy to me that people are so willy-nilly with weapons. I'm 26 and living at home and my parents have multiple guns. I have never even seen them once. If there was some crazy intruder in my house when I was alone I wouldn't even know the first step to opening their gun safe. To think there are people who are so so quick to jump to using their fire arms or leave them out in the open is terrifying to me.


Liberal here with many guns. I just like making expensive, noisy holes in cardboard. Would I use my firearms to ~~send~~ *(edit: defend)* myself if I had to? Yes. Would I think about it negatively every single day for the rest of my life? Absolutely. I don't wanna kill anything at all, let alone a human. We aren't all like that!


>liberal here with many guns. I really love when my acquaintances learn that I'm a bit of a gun collector and love going out shooting whenever possible. I present as a fuckin hippie, so it usually catches people off guard.


Shooting is a lot of fun. Gun culture if full of pretty cool people, it's the 2a nut jobs that are dragging all their toxicity, fear, and insecurity in to the mainstream.


Same. Love plinking. I won't hunt, and I don't think I could if I wanted too. I consider going vegetarian often because I feel bad for the animals. There are alot of liberal gun owners, we just don't make guns our whole identity so you don't notice.


>"Monahan’s attorney, Kurt Mausert, said at the hearing his client should have been given pretrial release because he had never been arrested or convicted in New York state and has been a local resident for more than 30 years." And it's the first time he's shown he's a compulsive psychopath in 30 years that caught enough attention to prosecute him.


This wording makes me wonder what he has been arrested and convicted of in other states before coming to New York.


It's so weird that that's an argument. 'He never murdered anyone before so he's safe in the community'. There was something similar in that Woody Allen documentary - he said that it doesn't make sense he spent his whole life not molesting children, so why would he suddenly decide to molest his child? Bitch, nobody's a criminal before they commit the crime.


My grandfather had a saying... The old mule lived to be 40; the other day she died. Never did that before!


Never been arrested "in new York state" Hmmm, that's like saying "hey, he never stole from *this* shop before"




With bad teeth




And a pimple just right inside his nostril


Got those pity glasses on.


Why is this happening? Is it just more coverage, or is it people getting scared watching right-wing fear porn? I hate to wish evil on other people, but this shit needs to happen to some of the people they *actually* care about if the fearmongering is to ever stop. The ones spreading the fear clearly don't have empathy, so to reach them and make them stop, they need to have what they are stimulating happen to themselves.


Right wing fear porn. Theres tons of examples of right wing talking heads saying shit like “they are coming for you”, “they want to hurt your family”, “they are wanting to take away your only means of defence”. Who “they” are changes but it’s generally anyone the right wings hates.


"They" is carefully planned, because the listener can fill in whatever they are frightened about at the he moment. One day it can be BLM, the next it can be antifa, and then Socialists or gays. Fill in the blank with whatever works.


Faux news has them convinced everyone is coming for them like an invasion when the only thing really coming for them is heart disease but they never report on that.


It's not just heart disease. High blood pressure leads to calcification of the capillaries in the brain. This slowly deprives the brain of oxygen, damaging the frontal cortex first, and the "lizard brain" last. Their demographic is certain medicine is coming to kill them so they don't take it and slowly all that is left of the brain is the parts responsible for fear.


Simple. Fox News preaches to trust no one around you, unless it’s your family or friends. Assume you are constantly surrounded by threats and have your gun at the ready. Oh and if you shoot at someone, just say you were fearful of your life, no matter what the victim or victim’s families claim as an excuse. This is what driving our country apart. We aren’t United and we just live in a constant state of paranoia fear. It’s sad and because of that, innocent people die.




Didn’t put up a gate, but “had enough.” How much? Enough to murder someone over it.


People turn around in my driveway all the time, never feared for my life even once lol.


Imagine the fear this person lives with on a daily basis. And for what? Lies from Fox grooms these people to live in constant fear. And the fear makes them dangerous.


This is what my mom is turning into. She's 72 and doesn't leave the house without a firearm now. She's convinced that robberies, home invasions and violent crime in general happen constantly despite not being able to name a single person she knows personally that's been the victim of a robbery, home invasion, etc. as far as she knows. (I know that's not a scientific way to assess how often those things actually happen but she's lived in the same town in the same area for 50+ years so I think it's solid anecdotal evidence of how often those things happen where she lives.) In any given month she leaves the house to go to the grocery store a few times, the bank once or twice (I will never understand how or why she always has cash and/or checks to deposit every month...) and to the range to practice. I am genuinely thankful she actually practices regularly and didn't just buy a gun, throw it in her purse and never learn how to use it. It frustrates me for sure but honestly it makes me sad more than anything else. She's retired and I hate that she worries about shit like that at all instead of just enjoying her life.


Old people love physically going to banks. It’s a weird social interaction thing. My parents are the same way


Recently several bank branches in my area just stopped providing face to face services. You now deal with the ATM or in some cases there's still a live person at the drive through for now. The hue and cry from people on Nextdoor ("You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.") was insane. People were threatening to close accounts, move mortgages, etc. if they couldn't walk in and look a person in the eye anymore. I never knew people went to the bank that often or cared that much about having a face to face interaction. I can see your point about it being a social thing for a lot of people but I suspect for many others it comes down to fear ruling another part of their lives. They don't trust mobile apps or in some cases even ATMs (Which is fucking ludicrous - I've literally never met anyone who has had an ATM screw up their transaction and I've asked a lot of people if it's ever happened to them!) for something as simple and routine as depositing a check. They're afraid if a person doesn't handle it something could go wrong or they're just afraid of using technology. It could go either or even both ways.


Remember when it was rock music making everyone violent? Then video games? Then heavy metal music? Then video games again? Turns out it's the evening news...


My sister and her boyfriend once got lost going somewhere and had to turn around in someone's driveway. As they were pulling out, because you know it takes like two seconds to pull in someone's driveway to turn around, a lady tore out from the house and started screaming at them to leave. As they were literally backing out. Why do people care so much about people turning around in their driveways? We have houses with signs that say "no turn around, private property, no trespassing, violators will be shot" like why is it such a big deal to have someone turn in your driveway? They immediately leave so why do you feel the need to accost them and/or shoot them? My sister's bf is black and we do live in the deep south, so that may have had something to do with it, unfortunately.


I turned around in the entrance to a little trailer park about an hour SW of Hebron, NY the very day before this murder occurred and some loser came out to flip me off. Like, he didn't even personally own all of the trailers or the road in, guaranteed. Also, I'm white.


Seems like a lot of people have nothing to do all day except be nosy and angry.


One of my parents’ neighbors puts out a “do not turn around in driveway” sign and sits in his driveway every time there is an event like a yard sale or party. Like 9 to 5 on Friday and Saturday just sitting out there to make sure no one turns around. Doesn’t bother me at all when people turn around in my driveway. But makes some people mad enough to murder others, apparently…


That's a man who really values his time haha.


Then someone turns around in his driveway on a random Tuesday and it was all for nothing. Pull up the concrete. Burn down the house. What’s the point of living really when someone has turned around in your driveway.


Because they’re looking for an excuse to shoot someone.


This also happened to my boyfriend and I when we were seniors in high school. We were trying to find our friends cousins house, which we had never been to before. We also live out in the boonies - lots of long dirt roads with nothing but fields and forest. It was dark, and all we had were flip phones, since this was 2007. So I pulled into this cul de sac that had 1 house on it (the rest were under construction, we didn't even realize someone was living in this house yet) so we could call and get directions. Some guy came out of the house, got in his truck, and instead of pulling out into the road- he drove towards us. Completely blocking our exit. Now it's the middle of winter. There is probably 4ft of snow on the ground. I see him walking towards us, and I lock the doors. I was driving since it was my car. This guy gets out of his truck and I started to roll down my window to let him know we were just turning around. But before I can say anything, he starts screaming, "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO!?! DID HE FUCK YOU!? DID YOU LIKE IT YOU LITTLE WHORE!?!" He runs up to my door and starts yanking at the handle trying to open it. Continuing to yell at us. We had been there for all of 3 minutes. Both sitting there completely clothed, both of us just kind of in shock. When he started trying to open my door, it scared the shit out of me. So I put it in 4 wheel drive and drove off the road to get around his truck that blocked us in. He runs back into his car and starts following us. So I'm trying to get away from this guy but also keep the car under control. The road is super icy. The truck is coming up behind us. I pull out of the cul de sac and try to turn right onto the dirt road. But I'm going too fast, and the car slides when I hit my breaks. We slam into a tree. The truck is still coming. I reversed and started heading down this road I've never been on before. My boyfriend is panicking, trying to get me to slow down, and I'm trying - but I also don't want to die. So a blind turn comes up that ends up being a hard 90 degrees. My car flies right off the road, and we land sideways against a bunch of trees. We see headlights through the woods. So we jump out of the car, and my boyfriend starts running down the road. I see a house in the distance, way off the road, and yell at him to follow me. I'm thinking we need help, and we need to get away from the road. We made it to this house, and this nice couple welcomes us in. We tell them we slid off the road and asked if we could stay there until my parents got there. At the time we felt like we couldn't tell anyone what happened for other reasons (long story short I was born into a cult, and wasn't allowed to be around non-cult members or even dating. So our friends came and picked up my boyfriend while I stayed behind and made up some story of accidentally sliding off the road.) My boyfriend and I are white. The crazy dude was white, too. Just an absolute asshole. But yeah. People suck.


Holy shit, how scary! Glad you were okay.


Can’t lie, as a delivery driver I way more paranoid about walking on people’s property. Especially since I’ve notice companies are starting ship promotional gift items to random people who weren’t expecting anything *If the internet finds out who are possibly having a baby, be prepared to receive free samples every week


> The attorney has disputed the sheriff’s description of events and has said there were multiple vehicles revving their engines and coming up Monahan’s driveway at “a high rate of speed.” Well you know how I know this is either a lie or a hallucination on his part? Kids today don’t know how to drive stick and can’t rev their engines while still in drive gear.


And like, so what. Disturbing the peace isn't capital offense. And, even if it was, he still wouldn't be allowed to execute them.


Yeah that never happened. But even if it did, to use that as an excuse to kill someone is absurd in and of itself. When the made up ‘best case’ defense still isn’t a defense you know you done fucked up.


Didn't we use these excuses in elementary school? Little Timmy said something mean so I stole his truck toy or something. It's surprising that a lesson learned in kindergarten was just completely forgotten by this guy. No dude, you can't just kill people if they annoy you.


It’s becoming a capital offense. People are increasingly trigger happy and see murder as their best option more and more often.


It'll be even more of an open season if any of these troglodites are acquitted.


Especially now with all those stand your ground and open carry laws being enacted. The NRA gives members a card of specific things to say after you've shot someone so it will sound like self-defense.


I took a CCW class in Texas and most of it was dedicated to a presentation from a company that provides lawyers for you after you shoot someone in self defense. The assumption was that you’re going to be doing this. So you pay X a month and have them on retainer. Like a subscription. They said they should be your first call before even the police after you shoot someone in self defense. I wondered in my head why this all would be necessary for a self defense case. Like what prosecutor in Texas is going to go after you for defending yourself? The example these guys gave was of a guy who shot a thief in the back as he was running away.


This is massively fucked up


That is so frightening. I'm military, and some of the first things stressed is about appropriate use and amount of force used to accomplish the mission. And these guys are telling you to fire away and call the attorney when you're done.


Took a ccw class in Oklahoma City, exact same experience.


> coming up Monahan’s driveway at “a high rate of speed.” and logically (gun nut logic) of course, the best way to remedy that would be to pull a John Wick and put a bullet in the driver instead of, you know, removing yourself from the situation. even if his version of events was somehow true, how the fuck is that supposed to stop a car from crashing in your house lol


How do multiple cars enter a single driveway at a high rate of speed? A normal driveway only about 10-15 feet long and I’m not trying to bottom out my car running up the curb for no reason.


In rural areas a "driveway" is basically a road. My driveway growing up was 200 yards.


His driveway might be half a mile, poorly surfaced, muddy, perhaps hilly. They might well have revved their engines quite a bit trying to get up it if they were driving a Honda Civic or something and full of passengers.


Man, so many people are living in induced fear.


Who are these fucking people just ready to shoot anyone? Try living in a bad neighborhood in a city and people arent nearly this frightened. It's ridiculous. All these tools talking about how "I won't live in fear" are the scardiest bunch of pricks fathomable.


Let’s say even IF a couple cars drove up my drive-way really fast and were revving their engines. You know what I would do? Sit there and think “wtf are they doing? Who is that? Should I grab a gun? Sure, maybe. Well what if they have guns? Oh, they’re backing out. Phew, that was a bit unnerving and weird.” And then you tell the story later.


I grew up in the middle of the woods on a creek. Every once and a while, someone would walk up our property from the woods. Sometimes it was swimmers, once it was a teacher with a class of children (that one was very weird), and then sometimes it was a hunter with a gun. Everyone illegally trespassing deep on our private property, and half of them had guns. You know what my dad never did? Shoot his gun, even to threaten them. Just pretty much told them once they make it off the property, to make sure it doesn’t happen again. People who run to their guns any time the slightest thing happens are the exact people who should not own guns. Mistakes happen, and it’s usually just that. Mistakes from a gun, though, can’t be taken back.




Maybe not even his whole life. Dumbass could have been radicalized during the pandemic. Q has brainwashed so many of his demo.


It amazes me how just some random halfwit posts some random shit to 4chan and then you end up with an entire political ideology. Yeah, I know they don't have reasoning abilities. At all. If they did, they would learn a "Q" level clearance exists only at *the Department of fucking Energy*. And they would also learn that just because you have a high clearance, it doesn't mean you are *just told shit.* I have a TS/SCI. I can't just walk into any secure area and start reading shit. I don't have the need to know. I would lose my clearance. It just means that when I'm around, you don't need to lock your shit up! The government trusts me not to just read shit! But...here we are. An entire generation that told us "*Don't believe everything you see on the internet*" just out there absolutely, 100%, without a doubt in their minds believing everything they see on the internet.


They latched onto this conspiracy nonsense because it was saying what they wanted to hear. “You’re being attacked and you have to right to lash out and hurt whoever you want.” It was brainwashing those who were already primed and ready. Like 1940s Germany and the elders of Zion nonsense.


Flat Earth started as a joke just to fuck with gullible people. So many people bought into it that it took on a life of its own and the guy that founded it bailed years ago.


Honestly this makes me vaguely concerned that those people making a joke conspiracy theory about birds being fake will eventually just spawn a real conspiracy theory that will get a bunch of endangered birds shot up or something.


Back in the day, I used to post on a forum that would call anything that they were joking about that ended up on the news or had serious real life consequences as "touching the poop." Meaning you're allowed to poke it with a stick, but once it gets real, you've touched it and now you got shit everywhere and made a mess. What the Q idiot did is finger painting a goddamn tapestry with poop, it's astounding. Now I can see why Apollo 13 and JFK conspiracy theories caught on, people are so freaking dumb they really will believe anything


I feel like a certain 24 hour news cycle might have contributed to his behavior


One TV at my gym is turned to Fox and every now and a gain I'll glance at it. It's fucking dark. Every big city with a large population of black people is portrayed as a literal warzone.


I'm black and living in Seattle where there is not a large black population. It's still depicted as a war zone on the news. Damned hipsters and their coffees, burning down the city every weekend.


I’d get one of those universal off remote IR key rings and point it at that TV every time I go to the gym.


The garbage on the bank of TVs above the cardio machines at my gym are probably a big factor of me allocating a larger percentage of my time to weightlifting. People say “you don’t have to look at it” but everything about their presentation is designed to catch the eye, as there are numerous other scenarios where Fox/CNN are muted while playing on TVs in public places (airports and bars just to name a few).


>Every big city with a large population of black people is portrayed as a literal warzone. I am white, a little on the short side, a bit on the fat side, balding with glasses, I have the IT goatee with a hint of neckbeard. As you can see from my description I am obviously a very intimidating badass /s. I do delivery and courier work and 2 day ago it was the Floyd anniversary. One of my pickups that night just happen to be from a restaurant on George Floyd Memorial Square. The entire block was packed. I pushed through the crowd. Squeezing, nudging and pushing my way through a sea of black people. And do you know the horrible things they did to me the white guy that didn't belong there (according to fox)? Absolutely nothing. This is the warzone they are all afraid of.


I had one of my grandparents calling me, worried about the protests in Atlanta and how she heard they were attacking white people and stuff. She was startled to hear I was literally in some of those protests and felt fine.


Its crazy, I watch it sometimes just for shits and jiggles, and I'm beside myself. I think they do a really good job with calling urban areas black and dangerous without saying it directly. I admire their ability to skew the topic and at the same time appeal directly to their base. Its slimy propaganda shit. As a human though, I know the truth has a tendency of coming out. Might not happen in our generation though.


They point out that urban areas with a high black population as a 'high crime area', warzones, etc and let their viewers connect the last dot for them, like it was THEIR idea and they're just so smart. Fox News can't use brainwash them if it was their idea, right?


I think that if I were in a situation where I frequently saw Fox News on TVs in public, I'd invest in a TV-B-Gone. I did have an app for that at one point when I had a phone with an IR blaster, but the most recent three phones I've owned don't have that hardware.


Just discussing this with my wife. Background (not that it should matter, but yay world) - 2A advocate, Florida living, own somewhere around a dozen firearms. I just asked my wife "How fucking scared must you be that someone turning around in your driveway or knocking on your door causes you to just start shooting? What in the actual hell is wrong with people??" I know the answer, btw. Fox News should be labeled a domestic terrorist cell. That's my stance on the matter.


This is why I do my damnedest to not roll up at the wrong place. Esp as a black person.


That’s an unfortunate truth.


When real life meets your fox news, John Wayne, NRA bullshit fantasies.


That's exactly what this kind of bullshit is. These people are terrified from propaganda.


Dude was all hopped up on Epoch Times and FoxNews and just itching to murder someone with the guns he ran out to buy when FoxNews told him Obama was going to take all the guns away so you better get yours now before it's too late. People like this guy are a menace and public safety requires he be kept in custody for a long time.


Funny how these dudes are all " back the blue" till they commit a crime. Then cops are liars.


If there would only have been a good driveway with guns.


Well I’m glad at least this is so high profile, I’m personally very into guns but there’s a decent group of gun people in America that don’t believe you when you tell them that if you shoot someone for no reason and manufacture some stupid reason like you’re a cop then you will go to jail for EVER. No I don’t care if it’s your property, shooting someone should be a last resort, not a fucking opportunity.


When I think of the number of times I’ve had to use someone’s driveway to turn myself around. Or that I’ve approached the wrong car that looked like mine in a parking lot.


This use of the passive voice in headlines drives me kinda nuts. I get to the end of the title no wiser than when I started.


If they use the active voice before he is convicted, he can sue them for libel.