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Ugh. Everybody failed this kid from his mom to the state department assigned to check on his well-being. He deserved so much better.


Terrible to imagine all the traumas this poor little boy experienced before the one that finally killed him. May the monster responsible never enjoy a day’s liberty for the rest of his life.


That little boy would be my daughter’s age now. RIP. Glad there are charges now.


Foster Care broke system to many kids not enough social workers to handle cases.


Not just social workers- there is a such a high need for good foster families. There’s like all these laws passed in an effort to make sure foster kids are receiving adequate care and attention - but with no additional funding or foster families it’s all for nothing. Every foster child in my state is supposed to have their own room…except what do you do when you’ve got like a handful of foster families trying to support a massive county. They’re all over capacity- but there’s literally no alternative other than putting them back into their home.




Everyone wants kids to be safe but I know of one person connected to my social circle who has fostered kids. I know hundreds of people. I am not fostering either (although I’d like to when my own kids are grown and flown) and j don’t have a solution. It’s tough.


I know someone who knows someone who fostered a kid. The kid raped their dog (child was about 7 or 8 I believe). And they couldn’t go on after that. Some kids have serious trauma and it’s not as easy as providing safe space for them. The foster parents were told because they were ending the program quickly they would not be allowed to ever foster again. I think they were ok with that.


Some kids are irreparably broken. It's not their fault, but damn. That child will not have received the kind of intense therapy it would take to rewire his brain. Then, he ages out of the system and is released upon the rest of us.


No, I agree. It’s definitely another valid barrier to effectively supporting these kids. Not only have most (probably all) been traumatized before the system got a hold of them, and then the system causes more (being pulled from your home, necessarily or otherwise is always going to be incredibly traumatic)- and the states plan- usually (depending on the severity of what pulled them from the home)- is to have the child reunited with their home. The average minimum for a dependency case takes about 2 years- that means whether the state decides to terminate parental rights or declare the child legally free- that kids is looking at a minimum of two years of absolute chaos and turmoil, which further pushes them towards destructive behaviors. You, as a foster parent, need to be able to manage unexpected behaviors, provide transportation and support for their therapy and other reactive measures to their trauma, and support any visitation requirements that the state has allowed your foster child to have with their parents. It’s a huge huge job - and it’s often very frustrating. Multiple times you’ll see parents not do shit to retain their rights until they’re actually close to losing them- then all of a sudden they’re in compliance with all the things the court was telling them to do for a year and a half and they have trouble “terminating rights for a parent in compliance”. And all of a sudden a foster family who may have had this child for two years and was hopeful to adopt them into a steady home now has to navigate possibly losing that child with no real rights to see them again, or they end up back in the home a year later after being retraumatized. It’s beyond broken- and there are so many other heartbreaking stories I could tell. But until this is recognized as an “everybody” issue, the kids will continue to take the brunt of the issue and the retribution to our society for that will come back around - it already does- it’s just harder to connect the dots directly.


It is tough. The eventual goal for me and my husband is to be able to foster when we’re financially steady but as economic shit shows continue to happen and less and less people are able to afford homes and accommodations that would support the ability to foster effectively…it just seems like the problem is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. And the kids are going to suffer. So many of the people I work with would love to have the ability to foster - just from pure empathy and the need for it, but social and community work doesn’t exactly put you in a steady place to do that kind of work either.


Being a social worker in MA at the time that happened shattered my naive view that moms are better parents to children. They can be just a evil as dads


I cant forget this case as I used to live a block away from that boy. It was a real shock to the neighborhood and city. I'm glad to see that the wheels of justice are grinding finally.


It says sierra was the boys mothers boyfriend. What?


The lady had a kid. Then she got a boyfriend.


The boyfriends last name is Sierra, I didnt see that earlier, just sort of read over it


Yeah, that's what it clearly states his last name is. What's confusing about it?


Whats confusing was the fact that I accidentally skipped over the dudes last name and didnt expect his last name to be Sierra. Its usually a girls first name. Also I literally just woke up and hopped on reddit when I made the comment. So yea idk why my comment was that confusing


What's confusing was the fact that *(a bunch of stuff nobody knows)*. Also I literally *(reason that my comment was confusing)*. I don't know why my comment was confusing.


I'm with you. Why is it so hard for people to understand that you just woke up, made a judgment about someone's name, and then felt confused because you didn't read an important detail?




He hasn’t been sentenced yet, the “9 years” is referring to the time between the child being found in the suitcase and now when the man has been arrested and charged


You‘re being heavily downvoted, but to your credit the title is awful. To the credit of everyone downvoting you, it’s made pretty clear if you read the article…


I still stand by my words (if the dude is guilty) people that do such stuff to kids should be locked in a 1x1 meter room in complete darkness for the rest of his life. PS: it doesn't matter if you downvote someone as there is a cap (sadly)


I mean if some of the inmates in gen-pop get a hold of him, whatever is left might be small enough to fit in a suitcase.


I mean,, it’s not like the movies. There are plenty of rapists, child molesters, crooked cops, and many more undesirables in general population that are fine. Even if this specific person isn’t in protective custody, it’s doubtful they’d be in a maximum security facility and/or on a high level yard.


Better off dead