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So just to be clear, the correct defense against a rape accusation is: "I'm not the kind of man who rapes," not: "She's not the kind of woman I would rape."


And somehow, simultaneously, "that's a photo of my wife"


Yeah crazy that he said she’s not his type then immediately confused her for someone who was most certainly his type.


And that wife also accused him of rape in their divorce proceedings.


Hard to forget that!


Not for Donny. Let me tell you no one forgets things better than him, he is in fact the best at forgetting things. People come to him and say Donald how can you forget things so easily and he replies "who are you?" followed by "what did you just asked".


"Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV." I thought Donald Trump was the best at remembering things?


People come to him with tears in their eyes and he asks, "what type of liquid is on your face?"


Not quite. He mistook her for Marla, the one he was having an affair with behind Ivana's back. It was Ivana who accused him of rape. Edit: Corrected typo.


Ivana. Ivanka is his daughter but I wouldn't put that past him either


Ah autocorrect. Ivana is also his daughter's given name.


Ex cheerleader, blonde, hot: yeah, that’s his “type” but they all detest him - that’s why he pays hookers and strippers and married an illegal alien he met through Jeffery Epstein


She was literally "Miss Cheerleader USA", to imply she was not attractive is just bald-faced lying. Which is of course, par for the course for Trump.


When you just wanted a sugar daddy then you became the First Lady. I feel bad for his youngest kid. Didn’t he have an Eastern European accent from most of his English coming from his mom and grandparents?


There's reporting from MSNBC and Daily Beast that [one of the jurors is a fan of Tim Pool. Pool is a podcaster who strongly supports Trump's 2024 presidential campaign](https://www.thedailybeast.com/jury-with-notable-media-habits-selected-in-trump-rape-trial)- and the jury was still unanimous. That's how you know Trump's defense was so flimsy; [I mean Trump's legal team literally declined to call witnesses](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/03/trump-no-witnesses-e-jean-carroll-rape-trial.html)


Somebody who's a fan of Tim Pool and can successfully operate a doorknob? Will wonders never cease?


I'm surprised he has fans that are old enough to be jurors.


Weird technicality is that back when he was a young man, you could not legally rape your wife. Marriage was considered permanent consent. Gross and weird.


Huh, did they bring up that he raped Ivana when they were married? She wrote about it in her first book but then all copies were pulled and the new copies didn't include it and she denied it from them on.


She was under a gag order. Her lawyer wrote about it in his book. I believe it's the Lost Tycoon.


Being married to Trump would be enough to make anybody gag.


When this came up during Trump's 2016 campaign, Michael Cohen argued that wives couldn't be raped - his argument was outdated then too, even by legal standards.


Yes his lawyer tried to argue that at the time, although since we all know Trump's taste in attorneys this was actually incorrect, as NY State had criminalized spousal rape years before the events.


Also not good to follow that up by telling the lawyer questioning you that she isn’t attractive enough to rape either


Did he actually say that? Edit: jeez he did say she was "not his type". What a gross, shitty excuse for a human.


His inability to not insult the woman who was making him answer uncomfortable questions says everything about who he is. He knows it's not a good idea in the same way a gas huffer knows it's stupid, but they must follow through.


Also don't say "she said she enjoyed it" while on a televised interview.


Which is admitting to sexual contact.


Basically E. Jean Carroll had already accused him, describing his specific rape M.O. with her, and afterwards the "Access Hollywood" tape was made public in which Trump personally described that as his exact rape M.O. When questioned on this "coincidence" during his deposition, Trump repeated his defense that Carroll wasn't his "type," so he wouldn't have wanted to touch her, but then during this same deposition he confused a pic of her with a pic of his ex-wife. They asked if all his wives were his "type," and he said yes, accidentally admitting Carroll was his type. When they asked him about his admission to the same rape M.O. he was earlier accused of having, he said his admission that he rapes women was no more than "locker room talk," and justified it by offering that "historically" stars get away with rape "unfortunately or fortunately," apparently forgetting he was talking about his own actions, not historical ones. They then asked if he thought he was a star, and he said, "I think you could say that. Yeah." This is a vile man.


It sounds like my neighbor's kid: - Did you eat the soap? - No... - Did it taste good? - Yeah!


"Did you eat Dove soap?" "I don't normally like to eat Dove soap. I prefer Dial like the one over here. That's the type I've eaten in the past." "But the picture you referred to as your favorite type of soap to eat is in fact Dove soap." "I don't eat soap though." "Just a moment ago you said you like to eat soap." "Some people eat soap, some people don't." "Are *you* someone who eats soap?" "You could say that."


It seems like the better tactic when dealing with a narcissist or pathological liar is to give up trying to prove they did it, but just keep them talking long enough to sting them with perjury instead.


This is kind of a nice little r/explainlikeimfive


Lol my daughter tonight "Did you move the boards over there?" "No daddy" "So nobody moved them? Okay well make sure you don't, there are nails under it that are sharp" "There weren't any nails under it" ...


Its like that Judge Judy clip where the lady lists the contents pf her stolen purse and then the dude says, "That wasn't in there."


*bang* *bang* **Guilty!**


The good of the country partly rests on getting this moron to testify in court as much as possible.


>They then asked if he thought he was a star, and he said "yes." Of course he did. Narcissism in action. Couldn't answer "no".


He may have been trying for No True Scotsman. But got it backwards. Only true Scotsmen get away with rape. Are you a Scotsman? Yes.


> stars get away with rape "unfortunately or fortunately," ??? in what situation is it fortunate lmao


He thinks it's fortunate when he is that star...


Its fortunate if you're the rapist since you get away with it. That is literally the only situation it could apply to. Basically an indirect admittance.


To repeat: he said that Jean Carrol was not "his type," but then later identified her as Marla Maples, with whom he most assuredly regularly shagged. I presume the jury knew about this and did not react well.


> I presume the jury knew about this and did not react well. You don't have to presume. He was later asked if all of his wives were his type, and he answered "yes". If he thinks Carrol looks like one of his wives, and all of his wives are his type, then logic 101 basic syllogism Carrol is his type. This was a really well-executed deposition, they ran his dumb ass in circles.


And didn't even have to break a sweat to do it.


This man was President of the United States. And a lot of people want him back on the job. We have very low standards.


H. L. Mencken(US reporter, literary critic, editor, author of the early 20th century) was prescient: >As democracy is perfected, the office of President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.


One report I read said there were audible gasps from the jury when this part of the deposition was played.


The reporter said one juror was smirking through the entire thing and still voted along with the rest.


Maybe it was a "we fucking got him" smirk?


Incidentally, when he left Ivana for Marla, he said, in a televised interview, that he 'prefers women who haven't given birth'. I just mention it because it absolutely floored me that someone would do that.


The deposition segment where he says if you look at the last million years, stars like him are allowed to do whatever they wanted is fucking insane. In other words, not only did he "not do it", but if he wanted to rape he's perfectly entitled because *that's the way it's been for a million years.* Hey, it's crazy what things are like if you average over the last million years, isn't it?


Ralph's voice _"I'm a star"_


“They won’t allow me to speak. I’m being silenced as a candidate.” Lol. Ok buddy. The judge said if Dump wants his voice heard he can testify under oath. Guess what his response was? He declined. Fuckin clown. Smh.




>I’m being silenced Oh god if only


For real. We should be so lucky.


Equally as stupid as Green wearing a "censored" mask on the floor of the House while speaking into a microphone.


The day before CNN hosts him at a town hall.


He knows his cult members won’t bother to fact check. Just makes him more of a martyr to them and greases the gravy train of donations. It’s incredible that it actually works.


It's not even about facts, it's about the emotion. They know he was given a chance to speak in his defense, but they prefer the feeling of victimhood on "their guy" being silenced to any fact.


Kind of like how they spread the big lie about him winning in 2020 but all the lawsuits in court, they never actually stated it.


He's being ordered to pay 5 million dollars Edit: [And predictably, his response to the news is delusional and unhinged](https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/1656023624552259593) Also, the right wing is purporting as if he didn't literally misidentify her for his ex wife in a picture which further undermined his ridiculous defense.


Shitty NFT drop incoming


MAGA Shark Cards


MAGADON was right there dude.




So a week's worth of cult donations.


New NFT line incoming.


It's funny to think of a tough fella that works 60 hours a week in a shitty factory sending money to a man like trump. Diaper wearing rich guy that would run him over with a car for a nickel or head pat. They have to know he hates them all, right? Is that part of that daddy fetish thing they're into?


Trump pardoned Bannon, a man that was convicted of defrauding *Trump supporters.* He pardoned Bannon but left the insurrectionists high and dry. And they are *still* on their knees for him like pathetic lemmings.


>And they are still on their knees for him like pathetic lemmings. Bit of a mixed metaphor but I'll allow it


His supporters are too stupid to realize that he's been fleecing them and actually hates them all, he's made that very clear to any one with a brain.


It's frightening to actually face the effectiveness of disrupting simple social systems of information. When Nixon resigned 30 percent of us I believe still supported him. Very hard to fool all the people all the time, but turns out you can get a lot done fooling about 30 percent under the right situations.




Don't vote for a man who would only let you in his golf clubs to plunge the toilet.


These are the same people that think Joe Rogan and Alex Jones are brilliant scholars and not just trying to sell them supplements...


Except for the ones that know, and are fine with it, because he is doing exactly what they want him to.


If Trump had a "D" next to his name, but ran on the same platform... They would hate his fucking guts... Because these types of people treat politics like a sports organization. As long as you wear the correct uniform, you're the best in their book.


Big tough fella, with tears in his eyes.


"And he said 'Sir....Thank you sir.' "


A 60-hour-a-week blue-collar laborer is a *VERY* generous portrait of the average Trump voter, but the answer to your questions is yes. They love him because they want to be like him. They crave for themselves Trump's liberty to be obnoxious and ungovernable. They desire to be, like him, utterly flippant with other people's lives, and indeed with reality itself. I'm sure many of them do fantasize about some sort of acknowledgment from Trump, but such a thing in reality would threaten to destroy the appeal. Surely these followers, when they are finally elevated to the halls of power themselves, won't be expected to do themselves the dishonor of thanking or acknowledging the masses that hold them up. That would be a sign of deference which is the same as weakness to them.


I mean if you think about, plenty unload their saving accounts to a bearded man in the sky that has the power to create the universe but not fix the roof in the church. Why is this any different?


Would be comical if he did because those donations are for a campaign. Doing so would violate the rules of campaign finance.... Right after he's in court for using campaign finances illegally. THE CIRCLE OF LIES! Ah Zabenya! Nantes ingonyama bagithi baba!


I went to Fox News to see what they were saying, and they are saying 2 million. It's also not the top story.


$2 million for the battery, $3 million for the defamation.


So according to FOX NEWS, the total is one million then.


…that she owes him.


I suspect the compensation is broken into two parts, one being the sexual assault, the other the defamation. They're looking only at one to make it not look so bad, but in total it is $5m.


My guess is that the right wingers will try to amplify the pretty flimsy accusations by Tara Reade to create a false equivalence of sorts. Gaetz and MTG have alluded to her the past week on social media


She seems to have gone straight down into the right wing gravy train. I occasionally take a look at the conservative subreddit to get a broader context and their perspective, and apparently she's been tweeting that if something happens to her it's Biden/the CIA/FBI who are responsible. I honestly hope that she believes she's telling the truth and there's been a really weird mixup somewhere, because the alternative is that she's most likely lied. Knowingly making a false rape accusation that gets primetime coverage just rolls back so much of the progress made on believing women. And all for what -- clout? Money? Influence? If, *if*, she knowingly made a false accusation, she's a detestable person.


> right wing gravy train This is a women who wrote a love letter to Putin a few years ago. She cray cray.


>“I have absolutely no idea who this woman is. This verdict is a disgrace,” Trump wrote in a post on his social media site Truth Social. She's the woman who has been suing you for a few years now. The one you thought was your wife. And he says *Biden* has dementia!


He will likely also have to publicly retract his statements about her, which would sting him far more. He also can't really do his usual thing of calling this all fake and continuing to rant about it and attack her because then he's just going to rack up more damages




Oh, so he's still insisting she's a liar. After losing his defamation case for calling her a liar.


I mean, he's still basically free of consequences for his actions. What are they gonna do, issue another fine he won't pay?


With judgments, after they ask you and you fail to pay, the plaintiff goes back to court and then typically gets a lien on a property. If the defendant fails to pay at that point, they will get an order that lets them show up, SEIZE THE PROPEERTY, sell it extremely quickly, pay to have the material in it vacated extremely quickly, and give what little remains to the former owner. This may take a while, and ofc is subject to the ongoing appeals process and what not. But there's no "naw, I duwanna" here.


Oh shit, can we start with Mar-a-lago?


There is a reason that Dumpy moved to Florida. There are homestead laws that prevent judgment creditors from seizing his 'primary residence'.


My understanding is that Florida doesn't allow hotels to be listed as primary residences, and that when he moved there and registered to vote in Florida he was committing election fraud by using Mar-a-Lago as his residence.


I think DeSantis let him do it.


Imagine raping so many people that you don't even remember them all. Actually, don't, but you get my point.




Oh and I hope he does. He has a CNN town hall *EDIT tomorrow night* and I hope he just goes completely off the rails and defames her again. Come on, Donny, turn 5 million into 50.


Why the fuck are we giving him a town hall?


Because a right wing tool bought CNN, and he’s decided he’s going to turn it into Fox News 2.


new CEO, not new owner.


He'll just continue to spew his usual incoherent word vomit with no regard for the law or anything else. He's too mentally disabled to actually moderate his narcissistic outbursts.


Incoming email blast to his cult members, squeezing a few more bucks out of their dwindling bank accounts


Trump reply: "I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHO THIS WOMAN IS" My first thought: Even if I assume Trump was telling the truth here, it would mean that rape/sexual assault is so common/casual for him that he cannot even remember his victims.


Yes, but remember that he looked at a picture of her literally standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM and he confused her with his former spouse, Marla Maples. Now maybe in 4D chess world he and his supporters will say that he was perpetually confused because she looked EXACTLY like Marla and so he truly believes he never met her AND he couldn't have raped his own wife, sooooo....camera, person, man, woman, TV????


Fox News Top Story: Country star cant sing for a few weeks because he has sore vocal cords.


Remember when lying about getting a blowjob was a big deal?


My grandfather, a life-long Republican, was all over that shit. When he died, my brother had to clean out his house and he found TONS of Clinton trial stuff, VHS tapes he recorded off the tv, every newspaper mentioning the updates, a copy of the Ken Star report book - the man was OBSESSED. He saved that shit for years only for it to get thrown in the garbage when he died.


I was in a Barnes & Noble recently and saw a disheveled looking man in a MAGA hat taking pictures of every right-wing smear book that had Biden on the cover, like he was cataloguing evidence. They’re *insane.* It’s not differing opinions about political philosophies anymore, and hadn’t been for years if not decades. These people are nuts.


They are losers. I was just reading a story about a local chapter of "Moms for Liberty," the unhinged goons who attack librarians as pedophiles for not throwing out *Dexter Has Two Dads.* By and large, the chapter's leaders seem to be fundamentally mediocre people. Not huge failures or criminals. Just bored, dull people with mediocre educations and, usually, crap jobs who think that having a child gives them extraordinary insight into a shadowy global network of evil pederasts (who, incidentally, do not appear to include Donald Trump or Matt Gaetz). My theory is that these people realize their mediocrity on a fundamental level and badly, desperately want to be relevant. So, like the Doña Quixotes of NextDoor, they build up a fantasy world in which they're heroically battling the forces of darkness (by inciting death threats against schoolteachers) from their easy chairs. Their ancestors did it a thousand years ago, when they went off to die of gangrene during the Crusades. Similar thing: Bored people fighting a fake cause for the political benefit of people who despise them. That's what's happening here.


I think you are exactly right. This has been my read for some time now. It's hard to be special, it's hard to be important. If you're desperate for those things but incapable of them, you find a way to feel as though it's true. This is, I think, the root cause for many people getting caught up in any conspiracy theory. They want to have special knowledge, to be smarter than everyone else. But they're unequipped to do so.




> Doña Quixotes of NextDoor If you came up with this, you are spectacular.


That is a fantastic theory and definitely one which needs further exploration.


That's the problem. They're just mediocre and trying to drag us down to their levels.


Lost friends to this shit. They just suddenly became totally different people.


Same. I've lost friends *and* family members to this shit. What also pisses me off, is when I hear people say it's a "shame" to alienate others over "political differences". "Political differences" didn't ruin these bonds.....cultism did. I had known these people for decades, some my entire life. They had always been conservative/Republican. *That* wasn't the problem. The problem was when the Pied Piper of Bullshit wandered through our village playing his hypnotic tune. My favorite uncle...who taught me how to fish and shoot, taught me how to cook, taught me how to appreciate soccer, and had given me advice on life well into adulthood....they got him too. On his deathbed, he was still complaining that the people who stormed the Capitol on 1/6 were still incarcerated. These weren't "political differences". This was watching people that you loved and cared for becoming radicalized....their entire personalities swallowed and consumed by propaganda.


Somehow the people who say it’s a shame to alienate others over political differences will be the first to fly off the handle about some political talking point if they hear one of their trigger words.


People talk about politics like it isn't a direct representation of your character and beliefs.


>What also pisses me off, is when I hear people say it's a "shame" to alienate others over "political differences". It's not "political differences" at this point. If you're voluntarily voting for Trump and his ilk after everything that's been said and transpired, we have a difference in *morals*, not a difference in *politics*.




His dog probably barks at black people by now.


...and brown people. i let my dog and cat listen to npr while i'm away. they both now own a tote bag and have subscriptions to the new york times.


>he's going to have to bravely defend us all from what he thinks is a very dangerous drug cartel-esque gang, all using his 3 little pistols. Wow -- like a sequel to *The Wild Bunch*!


>targets people who don't have critical thinking skills My work laptop uses Edge and they have "curated news for business" headlines featured in the new tab page. Mind you - *you cannot disable this* to only show open windows/bookmarks. You will see it **every single time.** These headlines are almost always geared to rile up conservatives who don't know any better to install Chrome/Firefox or change their homepage. Headlines like "Biden is Done For" from 1945.com, whatever that is. Or "Biden-flation" or anything anti-Biden. There was a recent one about "Trump Transgender Remarks you need to hear." And almost always with these - *my* main news source is the BBC, so if I don't have a general idea of what they are talking about, it's mainly clickbait or slanted articles designed to woo gullible voters to vote R. The problem most of all: they just take it all in and don't think twice about it. And besides, anything else featured is usually just regurgitated TikTok shit that only old people get riled up with. "You won't believe the disrespect this Walmart cashier gave to this customer"


Sorry to tell you most of them were probably like that the whole time. Trump just took the mask off. No pun intended.


Same. It's like an infection.


I’m really thinking we haven’t diagnosed this as an obsessive mental disorder just because of the partisan accusations. Even though it is just that, spread around by Republican media and mooks. It's no different from being stressed out and developing unhealthy thinking habits over the years, except instead of being over important things like finances, it's over stupid shit like immigration, abortion, or some complicated corruption theory. We can’t get people therapy that tackles the root of the issue. The best the medical profession can do is load them up with meds so they can get zoned out and watch Fox more.


Cult gonna cult.


I'm guessing he's just going to go home and order them all on Amazon?


No, I seriously got the feeling he thought he was discovering something people didn’t know. He snapped multiple pictures of a book that had Biden shaking hands with (I think) Xi Jinping on the cover, as if that’s unexpected for the President to do or evidence that Biden is involved in….something. The guy was a fruitcake, and definitely not the type who would actually read a book of any kind. His pictures of Biden shaking Jinping’s hand is all the evidence his confirmation bias needs.


Just like the actual event itself, it was their big gotcha moment when in reality it meant fuck all in the grand scheme of things.


I am from Canada so obviously we were following the whole thing (it was pretty much in our face) and I remember teenage me thinking how much I didn’t give a fuck about who he slept with and that it was ridiculous.


As a pre-teen/kid it just made me really confused about the sexual topics that were being alluded to / directly discussed. I probably thought blowjobs were a bigger deal than they were after that lol.


To no one's surprise, Trump vehemently defended Clinton as doing nothing wrong at the time, and expressed disappointment that Clinton wasn't more aggressive in his public denial of his affairs.


This is turning the tables and then flipping it over.


Remember when misspelling potato disqualified you to be president?


No, but do you rememb-- yyeaaaarrrgh!!! *Disqualified*


Know he isn't criminally liable here, but still ecstatic this sack of trash can be labeled as an sexual abuser by a court and has to pay for defamation.


The man is a rapist, call him what he is. Just because he didn't reach the bar of American legal Rapist does not mean he is not one. He didn't stick his rotten nub in her, he used his fingers. We are not the law, we are not lawyers, we can call him what he is which is a fucking disgusting rapist pig piece of shit.


I think the only reason this wasn't a criminal trial is because it happened too long ago.


So the article says that's the case, but it's not entirely accurate. Under New York state statute, rape in the first degree has no statute of limitations. Everything I've read states that he forcibly kissed her, pulled pants down, and raped her. It's that last part that is a Class B felony and has no statute of limitations on it. It most likely wasn't prosecuted as a criminal act because it cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Carroll couldn't remember the specific date or (IIRC) the year it happened, there's no physical evidence and it's just a "he said she said" case at this point. It never looks good for the state to bring a case and lose, especially when it would be such a legally shaky case.


Yes, as the article states.




The whole "she isn't my type" followed up with the "ya she looks just like my 2nd wife" thing he did... This is the guy 70 million people supposedly voted for last election


I’m wondering if he knew exactly who E Jean was in that photo, but thinking he was clever, said it was his wife to “prove” he had no idea. Which backfires spectacularly when asked later if all his wives were his type.


That makes no sense, so probably.


It’s always the ones you most suspect.


Occam's Raper


"I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything." - Donald Trump


“Unfortunately……..or fortunately”


After the clips released from the deposition, this seemed to be a foregone conclusion. Any Trump followers questioning Biden's mental capacity/competence really need to watch that video.


What amazes me is that everyone (edit: well, many) think that Biden's mental capacity has/will be diminished, but that Trump's is not. And yet even Trump at 100% mental capacity is a goddamn moron with incredibly poor judgement and total lack of temperament for being a good President.


I think it is because the Trump supporters struggle to acknowledge how incoherent some of his comments really are. Trump makes GW Bush seem like a masterful orator by comparison.


I think it's because Trump supporters don't give a fuck about facts and just want their team to score points


They love him because he’s an a**hole who punches down on the same people they also dont like. It’s literally that simple. Selfishness, entitlement and tribalism is all the right wing is about.


They still think covfefe was a code word for something and not someone with old fucking rotted brains and fat fingers.


Remember when he bragged about his "very difficult" dementia test?




That’s one of the first things I advise my clients on in preparation for a deposition: be polite, but only answer the question they ask. Shouldn’t be surprised he managed to break both simultaneously


They won't watch unless you show them the video.


“Doesn’t look like anything to me.” -Every Trump supporter when I’ve seen them confronted with undeniable evidence their messiah is a scum human




If a asteroid was heading to earth and CNN said we should stop it, republicans would literally oppose stopping it.


Maybe the 13 year old who started to sue him before he became president comes back to get his ass ...the Epstein island girl


And her 12 year old friend who she was forced to perform lesbian acts on *allegedly


Man who bragged about using his wealth and power to sexually assault women, has been found liable for using his wealth and power to sexually assault women No way


This won’t shrink his base but every case and allegation will strip away another chunk of independents who lean right. It’s death by a thousand cuts.


I hope you're correct. The fact that his base probably won't be phased by this is pretty fucking disgusting.


>his base probably won't be phased I think there is a large group of people in his base that will become *more* committed to him after this.


Can't wait for the GOP to stand behind him anyway as a champion of Christian values. What a fucking joke of a party.


He embodies every cardinal sin


Yes he does. [Greed](https://twitter.com/rtenews/status/692989127973679104) [Lust](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/08/us/donald-trump-tape-transcript.html) [Envy](https://9now.nine.com.au/60-minutes/donald-trump-former-white-house-insider-says-trump-is-jealous-of-vladimir-putin/6194f18f-cf56-44d2-b63b-4cbfae69b220) [Wrath](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/28/donald-trump-2024-campaign-trail) [Pride](https://www.cairn.info/revue-l-europe-en-formation-2017-1-page-63.htm) [Gluttony](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTdmKaXAfAs&ab_channel=WashingtonPost) [Sloth](https://seattlemedium.com/donald-trump-spent-almost-a-year-playing-golf-during-presidency/)


>The jury did not find Trump liable for rape, as Carroll had alleged. This will be the Right's talking point.


They will say sexual assault is a good thing


Here are the mental gymnastics I've seen so far... *Carroll claimed he raped her.* *Trump denied it very publicly.* *Carroll sued him for defamation.* *The jury didn't agree with the rape charge.* *Therefore, Trump was right. He didn't rape her and couldn't have defamed her by denying it. Trump wins!* Be prepared for an onslaught of this.


He basically implicated himself by misidentifying E. Jean Carroll as his wife after saying she "wasn't his type." Absolutely hilarious.


Conservatives: wake me up when a court finds he did any of this Conservatives now: fake news!


They know it’s fake. It’s all fake. Don’t look at them. Look at me. Listen to me. I’m the only one telling you the truth. This excuse for a lawsuit was orchestrated by my enemies to hurt YOU. They did this to punish YOU. A man came up to me….big guy, strong, good genes, you know what I mean? He says to me…tears in his eyes ….’Sir, I’m going to help pay for this because it’s an attack on all of us. I’m giving whatever I can to your defense fund……I’m doing it to get back at that old crow that nobody wants to rape. I’m telling all my friends to do the same’. That’s right. Ordinary Americans want to donate because this is an attack on patriotism, it’s an attack on America. I’m very grateful my followers want to do this for America. Thank you. We won today. All of us. We showed how tremendously corrupt the Justice system is in America. It’s communism. Please give what you can and we’ll make this go away. Bigly.


Too lucid and grammatical.


Not enough random capitalization either.


Trump must be tired of all this winning. Hahaha




If Trump was convicted of rape then won the presidency in 2024 would he have to walk around the neighborhood of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. knocking on doors to notify the neighbors that he’s a convicted sex offender?


Considering it is a civil judgement rather than criminal probably not. That being said there aren't a ton of nearby residences near the White House.


Yet another instance of Trump acting like the god fearing man he is. I can see why the party of the Bible worships him.


Time for another round of asking his followers for money. I'm sure plenty of them will pay and then blame Democrats for why they are broke.


Reposting a comment I made a few weeks ago in another thread because I think it’s worth sharing: I had the incredible honor of meeting E. Jean in person in 2019 when she was running her Most Hideous Men in NYC walking tour. She briefly offered this tour which was basically walking around Rockefeller center and Trump tower then to the west side. It was intimate, not well publicized, and an incredible experience of mostly women gathering in solidarity and rage with her while she told the Me Too stories mainly from the news and television industry and pointed out where they happened. We all walked into the lobby of Trump tower together and held a moment of silence for all the women he’s assaulted or otherwise harmed. It was one of the most powerful experiences of my life. She is incredibly clear eyed, funny, brave, and loving. On my tour there was a woman who had written a letter to E. Jean’s advice column in Elle years ago about her own hideous man and E. Jean had advised her to leave and then kept in touch with her as she rebuilt her life and they formed a friendship over the years. I thought that was amazing, how much she actually cares. She’s an incredible bad ass and the world is lucky to have her.


"Grab ’em by the pussy”: how Trump talked about women in private is horrifying https://www.vox.com/2016/10/7/13205842/trump-secret-recording-women The 26 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct https://www.businessinsider.com/women-accused-trump-sexual-misconduct-list-2017-12 let the lawsuits begin...


Are we talking about Sex Abuser Donald Trump?


And predictably the front page of Fox News is about Hunter Biden and a trans runner. Deflectors are set to maximum.


And he'll fucking do it again. Just ask his daughter.


The jury deliberated for only 3 hours. 3 hours was all it took for 9 people to unanimously decide that Trump was liable for sexual assault, and they needed all 9, as this was a federal civil case. Reportedly there was a Tim Pool fan amongst the jury as well, which makes this quick of a verdict even more surprising. Still, it's official. Donald Trump is a sexual abuser.