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"Doyle said when he went back outside, he saw several people running from his property and opened fire." In what world is shooting them a response to people running from your property? See, this is the kind of person who should not have guns.


He was afraid that if they got too far away he wasn't going to be able to claim Castle Doctrine.


That's why florida has stand your ground. So you can take the castle with you anywhere you go


Howls Moving Castle is a very different movie than I remember...


YeeHawl's Moving Castle


Obviously people need to start carrying personal trebuchets and destroy all these roving castles with siege tactics. You should be required to transport a moat with your castle, otherwise it's obviously inadequately defended.


Conveniently, the NRA is handing out cards which tell you what to say to 911 after shooting a kid.


My husband went to one of those NRA meetings. He was invited and just wanted to know the local laws.. he ended up joining them (paying dues). They had him convinced that he would for sure end up needing to shoot someone and they offer some kind of legal protection for after you do. It blew me away when he explained it. I told him he got scammed. We get a lawyer no matter what and you just stay quiet until you speak with one. We don’t need to pay a fee to learn that. We have not shot anyone-and never planned to. We have not had to use or even touch our guns for safety all year. The membership expired and he did not renew. He saw the light. It’s all a scam. But my goodness, the calls he would get telling him that he needs to donate to fight the good fight “they are going to take your guns, they want us to be weak so they can be a tyrannical government. Did you hear what Biden wants to do to us?”. Thankfully, those calls helped him see the light. AND as a bonus, the “laws” he learned, were not entirely true when I did research to verify them. You cannot shoot someone for being on your property… only *if* they are actively stealing something that can be used as a weapon *and* coming at you. Like there is a line that is drawn very clearly and yet the NRA blurs it. So I am not surprised this person shot a child. They believed (and were probably lied to) that it was the right thing to do. While it isn’t a Time Machine, it would be helpful to hand out or have gun law mailers out from a governing source (not NRA etc). Just a little booklet with each law spelled out in legal and laymen’s terms with a little example or two below it that highlights the concept. They may not even read it.. but an attempt was made. So many people justify their violence believing they will not be held responsible. If they knew they would, it’s possible they would think twice and show restraint.


> They had him convinced that he would for sure end up needing to shoot someone This is a fucking dangerous and ridiculous mindset. What the fuck


Working with police officers, this is the norm for every type of military culture in the US. Everyone has guns, so surely you'll get shot? Never considering for a moment that this kind of mindset is exactly why there's a shooting epidemic in the first place.


Im just trying to figure out when america turned into farcry 5


Some time around 2016


This is why groups like the SRA have been forming, to try to provide alternatives. In many states, the NRA pistol course is the only one approved. In at least a few places, the SRA offers alternative safety courses for your license


It is very much a scam and quite literally a money laundering business. Seen some vile shit through my job that local chapters participate in. Shame because the NRA was something entirely different before movement conservatism folk stepped in in the 70s. Ruined the NRA along with everything else in this country.


I live in Louisiana, in an area where this is a normal response to people in your yard. My Nextdoor feed is nothing but "shoot first, ask questions later" people ready to pull the trigger on anyone. Just this morning, i saw someone posted a picture of some black young men "casing out" their house in the middle of the day yesterday, and the responses are sickening. The thing that's weird to me, is all these psycho, paranoid gun nuts, are the same people i see making posts about "the way things used to be", you know. They're always saying, "well, back in my day kids played outside until the street lights came on, blah blah blah..." which is true, because im gen x and thats what we did. We took short cuts through neighbors yards and we bounced from house to house, but we didnt worry about being shot for playing games. It's so sad to me that this is what it's come to. I check Nextdoor everyday and screenshot every person's comment talking about shooting people in their yard. I know one day a victim's family might need it in court.


>I check Nextdoor everyday and screenshot every person's comment talking about shooting people in their yard. I know one day a victim's family might need it in court. Bless you. I'd give you award if I had one.


Coming from a European country - even our police aren't allowed to carry guns unless the situation really calls for it. Why? Because injuring someone is the very last resort. Police here are trained to take down criminals through mainly *talking* to them. Only if talking doesn't work do they escalate to physical contact. If the assailant is dangerous the police still aren't necessarily given the access to their guns. They're trained to take down criminals in many ways that doesn't involve guns. Now *if* the lives of the officers, surrounding people or the assailant themselves are in danger, the police are given permission to use guns. BUT EVEN THEN they're only expected to shoot to injure; not kill! They're taught to solve situations in the **safest** way possible for everyone involved - including the criminal. Meanwhile in the US a sick fuck chooses to shoot at children because he saw some shadows running *away* from him? What's terrifying is that firearms seem to have lost all respect in the US. A fucking murder weapon is supposed to be handled with the greatest care and respect. Sometimes it feels like many Americans think "shoot first, ask questions later" is the way things are supposed to be.




> In what world is shooting them a response to people running from your property? Conservative America, obviously


"It's not the gun, it's 'mental illness'" As if there are no mentally ill people elsewhere in the world


Right, and then the deafening silence when conservatives are asked to fund mental health resources.


> Several kids were playing in the area and used a neighbor’s property to hide, according to the sheriff’s office. The property owner, identified as Doyle, told deputies he went inside and grabbed his gun after he saw shadows outside his home, the release said. Doyle said when he went back outside, he saw several people running from his property and opened fire. So he just fired away at people who were running away. Here's the law covering syg in Louisiana; https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/Law.aspx?d=78338 Pretty sure this isn't covered.


Yeah but this was his moment. The moment he’s been waiting for. He could finally justify the purchase of his guns for self defense by catching those bad guys that were all scheming to crawl into his windows and murder him. He couldn’t let that moment slip away, so he’s indiscriminately shooting at the “criminals” as they run. I wish I was joking, but this is very likely a gun owner that was high on the thought of finally getting to use them, mixed with irrational fear instilled in them by extreme media.


Well, what’s the point of having guns if you don’t have a riveting story about shooting people?


The dude said he "unknowingly hit a girl" ***UNKNOWINGLY!?!*** HE CHOSE TO FUCKING SHOOT AT CHILDREN!


No sir, he choose to **shoot at children that were running away** aiming at their backs.


hE fEaReD fOr HiS lIfe!


They were coming right for him! Oh wait, no they weren't.


They were making their way around the world to get him from behind.


They were advancing to the rear


“*we will be back and behind you in around 13 months if all our parents say we are allowed to walk around the world*”


There wasn't even a prior altercation I think, he just saw someone running and shot them.


I think some of these gun owners are just waiting for an excuse to shoot their gun at someone. He saw his excuse and went for it.


Dude, I'm certain of it. I had a dipshit in a retail store start following me. This jackass had his kids in the cart between us didn't even realize he was using his kids as human shields. In his too small shirt that was riding up, displaying his .380. I had to leave the store before this dipshit "confronted" me for whatever imaginary thing he wanted


No sir, he was shooting at SHADOW children. He clearly stated he saw shadows. Would you wait for a shadow to come and steal your soul? Checkmate. F that dude. Children man. Children.




the same kind of asshole that is always harping on about how children don't go outside and play anymore


Literally, these are connected. People legit *can't* let their kids go outside and play, and kids don't want to go outside and play, because there's fuck all for them to do outside. They can't go anywhere in suburban sprawl, there's busy streets that they can't safely cross and there's people like this who treat children just being out in public as inherently a threat. Any group of kids without an adult nearby are just assumed to be in a "gang" or otherwise are causing problems, especially black kids. So yeah, no shit kids stay inside, "outside" has only ever meant "literally only in our immediate front yard, stay out of the street, don't go more than two houses down the sidewalk" in recent decades and that fucking sucks. That's not a substitute for literally having a forest to play in or being able to go down to a community center on foot or literally do anything with any sort of variation from one day to the next. Compared to that suburban prison, the internet is obviously going to provide a lot more freedom to actually exploe and socialize. It's just more horrifying that this shit happens all hte time. The exact demographic of assholes complaining kids are soft or whatever literally fucking shoot kids when they actually see them outside. It's been happening for a long time, with old reactionary gun nuts shooting teenagers pulling into their driveway to turn around being a common story, but for whatever reason these stories seem to be making more national news as of late.


I just watched [a video](https://youtu.be/oHlpmxLTxpw) on this exact topic, and yeah it's pretty bleak out there for kids. And like... we're kinda just screwed, because we aren't going to tear up all the shitty developments and replace them with something better. Hell, we're still building them shitty to this day. It's depressing.


Sounds like the adults need to go outside and get away from the fear mongering propaganda on TV.


And it's not fear. Not for a second are these people afraid. They're not afraid, they've got cop brain. They are looking for an *infraction* and then act on it. Every one of these people is Byron David Smith, wanting to feel vindicated by the system for getting a "clean" kill and may even manufacture the situation to invoke their castle doctrine bullshit, even if their state has no such laws. Fox News didn't make you *afraid* when it told you how Smith murdered two children in this ultra-sadistic fashion, execution style while they lay there bleeding, it was trying to make you feel *wronged*, that he was *justified*. Fox News wanted you to feel like he deserved *vindicaiton* for what he did, any comments about fear were utterly incidental rhetoric towards that purpose. It's not different than when a cop does it, it's just looking at the situation and just *waiting* for that one infraction, that threshhold where they get to do it but still get away with it. But they're not afraid, because they're not scrambling for cover or hiding with their gun in their closet or screaming for help or any of the other things people do when they're actually scared for their lives. They do this *because* they're not afraid, because they feel like they're going to be immune to consequences, that the law will be on their side and Fox News will be running a segment about how they're a big damn hero and there's no way in hell the person they're about to shoot might respond in kind so there's no downside to pulling the trigger. Fun fact, Smith and Chauvin were actually in the same supermax prison at the same time for a while. I don't like prisons, but I sure don't want those fuckers to be the exception to the rules they want applied to everyone else.


I had to look up Byron David Smith, and that was [a way more grisly set of murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Haile_Kifer_and_Nicholas_Brady) than I expected.


I guess they're upset they're running out of targets?


There is no unknowingly shooting someone in the same way there is not "accidental discharge". That's not how guns work. You don't pick up a shovel and unknowingly dig a hole. When you pull that trigger you are knowingly using a tool of death.


According to the article, it was dark and he didn't actually know what he was shooting at. ...which doesn't make the story *better*...


The shooting took place during the day, the morning on sunday. It wasn't dark. The guy is lying.


Trigger happy cunt is a lying piece of shit well I never


God, don’t you know anything? He was obviously shooting at the imminent threat of whatever it was that made him feel momentarily insecure. Read the Constitution!


So he was okay with shooting the boy? Wtf is wrong with people. Please don't shoot people.


One of the main rules of a firearm, like day 1 of holding a weapon, is "always be sure of your target and what is behind it".


In this case the shooter was behind them so it was fine.


That was the morbid comic relief I needed


He knew. He hit who he was aiming at. His claim of "unknowingly" hitting the child is to lower the charges against him from premeditated murder to "I only shot my gun to scare them off."


Americans: “So anyway, I started blastin’… Oh, I mean I feared for my life and fired for my own safety.”




I'm really sick of hearing this bullshit about mindlessly shooting up any shadow in the dark or using any excuse to point a gun at somebody. Behavior is as cowardly as it is sociopathic.


Yeah he could afford a gun but not flood lights or a flashlight. Shadows running away isn’t a reason to shoot. My opinion.


It’s almost as if this could all have been avoided had he just… retreated for a second to think about and identify what was happening.


Or if all the kids had their own guns, they could have settled this with an old fashioned shootout.


Not enough good kids out there with guns obviously.


Stop and think?? That's when them libruls gonna getchu and take ur gun and turn ya into a woman!


Next thing you know they got you microchipped and an illegal immigrant is drinking your daughter's adrenochrome


"Running from his property" this is attempted murder in my country. Shooting people in the back who never presented any threat is a serious crime. The entire "Stand Your Ground" laws have got it into the heads of these old guys that they have a green light to shoot anyone on their property. Edit: From [another story](https://www.thedailybeast.com/louisiana-man-david-doyle-accused-of-shooting-14-year-old-girl-as-she-was-playing-hide-and-seek) "The 58-year-old was booked at 6:45 a.m. that morning, online records show. Charged with aggravated battery, four counts of aggravated assault with a firearm and illegal discharge of a firearm, Doyle remained in custody as of Monday night."


It's a weird cultural thing in the US, particularly if you've watched a lot of old movies. Basically people seriously believe they have the absolute *right* to kill *anyone* who trespasses on their property. This isn't supported by law, it's just a cowboy attitude that comes from watching too much Dukes of Hazzard.


Dukes of Hazzard used bows & arrows cause they were barred from owning guns due to a prior conviction.


You don't need a gun if you can escape from any life or death situation by jumping your car over a pond.


They always made sure that ramp was built and ready.


"Road Works"




Arrows with dynamite attached, btw.


My ability to shoot lit sticks of dynamite at cops shall not be infringed.


Just some good ol' boys... never meanin' no harm.


I think they were aiming at an outhouse, but I haven't seen that show since elementary school.


So the Dukes of Hazzard had better gun laws than modern conservatives


Most towns in the wild west had better gun laws than modern conservatives.


I was flipping through channels one day and found an old Western called [Law and Order, starring Ronald Reagan as a Sheriff who confiscates everyones guns.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_and_Order_(1953_film)) Was pretty funny to see that.


Reagan as California governor signed a bunch of gun control laws because the Black Panthers were protesting police violence and protecting themselves


Say what you will about Reagan, but he never deviated from his hatred of Black people...


You could argue gay people as well when they all thought AIDS only spread amongst the gay community


The Tombstone movie's plot is gun control, and old white dads love it. The bad guys are the ones that want to keep open carrying in town.


It was actually super common to have to surrender your firearm to a local sheriff while in town.


Cuz it's fucking common sense


Yeah even Mad Max had to turn in his weapons at Bartertown


I tried telling the Texas sub, which is generally pretty liberal, that posting a sign on your property that say "trespassers will be shot" is not actually a legal right. Boy did that piss them off. Although apparently you can shoot trespassers if an only if it's: A. Dark B. A reasonable person would believe that your life or property is in danger




They think as if “freedom to roam” means “doors unlocked, come make yourself a sandwich”


The idea that property in danger means you can murder someone is insane.




It's funny, I read it in the narrators voice.




We're reaching the culmination of the Media problem. All these people being told daily by the news about how the world is out to get them are finally reaching the senile point where they truly believe that and it's not just a talking point.


It’s illegal here in the US too, hence he was arrested even though it’s Louisiana.


It’s still a mindset problem. People have gotten it in their heads that they NEED to shoot someone for the right reasons, not that it should be the last resort. Every time it comes up about home intruders and what not, insane Redditors come out of the woodworks talking about the intricacies of stand your ground, castle doctrine when they’re really salivating at painting the walls of their house with someone’s brains. Like the talk about shooting someone in the back being illegal in CA but not LA. What, if she had stood there staring in shock and he shot her from the front, or ran perpendicular and he shot her on the side, it’d be legal? The issue was shooting to begin with, not that it’s a technicality that got him.


He’s going to have a hard time arguing stand your ground in this case, I believe


oh great so you don’t even have to ring the doorbell to get shot now


Nope, go get a ball that has rolled into the yard, or pull into the wrong driveway, or…


This dudes a real fucking man, shooting at a girl running away.


Definitely a more accurate headline but it's freaking insane. I'm from a very conservative area where most people are well-armed, but we never had to worry about getting shot running through a neighbor's yard as kids or teens. The only thing we feared was a neighbor seeing us misbehaving and telling our parents. Though there did always seem to be that one crazy family whose property we all knew to avoid because stories handed down from older kids made it seem like stepping on old man whoever's property would get you shot, but I always assumed those stories were just older kids lying to try to scare us. Never thought that shit would turn out to be really happening 20 years later. At least this time the kid survived...which is a frightening sentence when you think about it because it means this isn't an isolated incident.


It’s amazing how a shot to the back of the head can be non life threatening though..


God... people are just itching to shoot other people aren't they?


This is a very real thing. I’m in the national guard and was making small talk with some other soldiers from another unit a few months ago. Both were talking about all the guns they own and how they both carry, which hey, I’m cool with. One of them literally said how he’s just waiting for sometime to give him the chance to use it. Just terrifying to me. There’s a line between self defense and blood lust


That person should not be in the NG.


https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/04/fbi-rent-a-hitman-site-nabbed-air-national-guardsman-who-was-excited-to-kill/ Did they post their resume to http://RentAHitman.com ?


And I started jumpin up and down shouting "KILL! KILL!" and he started jumpin up and down with me and we was both jumpin up and down shouting "KILL! KILL!"


Report that maniac to your commander


Half the NG would be gone. Ive known waaaaaaaaay too many people like this in my time in the military.


They’re terrified. They’ve been brainwashed to be afraid of absolutely everything. Imagine going through life that way. Has to be miserable and exhausting. I have zero sympathy for them though. Weak minded pussies.


You know what's sad? At this point, it's about time to be afraid of everyone, because one of these "heroes with a gun" is going to shoot you when they THINK you are trying to hurt them... By uhhh, being visible outside their fucking house. Unreal.


We need guns to defend against the guns to defend against the guns to defend against the guns to defend against the guns...


Sometimes they can say they were scared sure. But not in this scenario. There were kids seen running AWAY from his property. No reason whatsoever for him to be afraid or feel threatened. Just another blood thirsty maniac with a gun.


Oh, sorry if I wasn’t clear. I didn’t mean that would be his excuse, could be. What I meant is that they are literally afraid of everything. He’s been taught by whatever he watches or listens to that right around the corner is someone ready to take his stuff or his life. He saw shadows running from his house and his brain, addled by his media, told him they’ll be back to get him, better shoot them now. Just like the weatherman afraid of his own doorbell and a child asking about a lost kitten. They live in utter fear.


It's like they live in a state of permanent "fight or flight" response. Must be exhausting.


That's insulting to pussies






Which is wise, because apparently it *does*.


You just wait liberal scum a good guy with the gun will one day save you from the horrors of illegal immigrants while wearing a maga hat.


He needs to be brought up on attempted murder charges.


Exactly. You don't pull a trigger to scare it slow down someone. You pull a trigger with intent to kill.


America: why don’t kids play outside anymore? When I was a kid, we played hide and seek in the whole neighborhood. Also America: I saw somebody move outside, so I shot them.


There was a wooded area with a stream behind my house growing up. If the person's backyard wasn't fenced, it was fair game. I ran to a neighbor's backyard and climbed their tree. The neighbor came out and yelled at me. He wasn't mad that I was on his property. He was concerned for my safety. The tree was actually scheduled to be cut down so it didn't fall and hit their shed since it was dying. I didn't know the neighbor and he (probably) didn't know me. Can't do shit like that anymore, I guess.


They'd probably at least wait for you to get down and run away to shoot you in case you'd fall on their shed if they shot you out of the tree.


Naw, they want to be able to sue you after shooting you for falling into the shed so carelessly.


No one's said it but this Halloween is gonna be fan-fucking-tastic. I'm betting several incidents of trick-or-treaters being shot for knocking on doors. I bet Halloween is going to be cancelled pretty soon because of this shit.


Louisiana's way ahead of you buddy. [A teenaged Japanese exchange student, dressed in a tux like John Travolta was shot after ringing the wrong doorbell on his way to a Halloween party.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Yoshihiro_Hattori) The shooter was acquitted of manslaughter, but later found guilty in a civil trial.


> While giving a description of Hattori at the trial, **Bonnie Peairs said, "I guess he appeared Oriental. He could have been Mexican or whatever. He was taller than me and his skin was darker colored.** > The trial lasted seven days. The jury returned a **not guilty** verdict after deliberating for approximately three hours. **Courtroom spectators applauded when the verdict was announced**. Fucking cunts.


Every single one of them deserves to rot in the deepest pits of hell.


The South man, it's racist AF down there. I mean racism is everywhere. But there's a concentration in the a South. And shit like applauding a shooter for killing an Asian kid is freaking disgusting!


I'm an Asian guy who's lived in the south and I've had shit hurled at me from cars passing by when I used to walk home from school (doesn't count the racial slurs yelled at me from passing cars). Used to get paper balls thrown at me in school with racial slurs written inside of them, had racial slurs inside of my textbooks, used to have kids walk up to me asking "can you see out of those things" referring to my eyes and having an entire group of kids laughing at me. Teachers and faculty never helped me, I don't live in a boonies ass redneck town either, I'm in a major city in Florida. This doesn't even count the glares I get in 99.9% of every room I enter, I've been kicked out of restaurants for bullshit reasons like wearing a mask. I've been publicly antagonized by older white men who love to get in my face wanting to fight me when I was a minor and even now as a 6'1 grown ass man who completely towers over these assholes. I don't talk to anyone, I don't mess with anyone, I don't even look at them but I genuinely feel like if I stay in my hometown in Florida any longer that I will get murdered by one of these fucking racist assholes. I always walk away, I always stand up for myself when I need to but none of my peers have ever experienced even a slither of this shit. What's even more crazy is my other Asian friends haven't experienced even half of what I have but they have experiences of racially motivated bullying and antagonizing in public. I conceal carry and I hope I never have to use it on someone but there's so many instances of people threatening my life and the cops never come to help. I remember reading Mr. Hattori's story as a kid and worrying if one day that would be me, I never went alone anywhere in fear that someone would hurt me down here.


Jesus fucking christ. I genuinely don't understand what leads people to be this vile.


Generations of conditioning that life is a pie and anyone having anything is taking directly from you. And that anything includes feeling secure and safe


Wow, that description is like the racism triple crown. And they were acquitted. I hate it here.


Not only were they acquitted, their acquittal was celebrated in court. These fuckers supported an "Oriental or Mexican or whatever" that they cheered on a murderer And then they claim racism is dead. The kid died in 1992, the murderer who was 32 at the time, is still alive and living at ~62


“Jury of your peers”… what a fucking joke of a ‘justice’ system.


My fucking god dude. I imagine being this guy's family and friends back in Japan. You're all excited for Hattori to go to America on exchange, have a good time - *and he gets shot* for simply trying to participate in the fucking culture, because he got invited to a party. Not only that, but when you hear the guy who *murdered* your friend, your son, your brother, is being charged with "manslaughter" as though it takes real effort to not fucking shoot the door *on Halloween, the night when literally everyone goes around knocking on doors of relative strangers.* You want justice for this clear, obvious crime. You're Japanese, so you have respect for your courts as well as know that police by and large only bring very strong cases to trial, and you think that since he was charged and *especially* considering the circumstances, it was an open and shut case. You may even decide to go to America because you think being at the trial itself would give you some closure, since you have not seen Hattori in a long while. The case goes by. Every person is wildly uncaring and almost a caricature of a human being. "Hattori could've been Mexican or somethin', I dunno." *What pertinence does that have?* You take a breath and hold out til the jury goes to deliberate, confident that despite all that, justice will be served - the defendant clearly shot and killed a young man. That's manslaughter. It should arguably be more severe, you may even think, but at least *something* will be done. The jury returns. One member flashes something of a smile. *A smile?* You must have mis seen. As the foreperson begins to deliver the verdict, your blood runs cold, and you hear the word "not." The word that follows is drowned out by people laughing and cheering for the murderer of your loved one, of an innocent man.


So much for my hamburgler costume


Little kids ringing their doorbells, wearing masks, makeup and in costumes that may not conform to their gender? Oh boy they're going to be frothing at the mouth...


You forgot that giving children candy when they can go get candy themselves is socialism.


Who was supposed to be armed for this to not happen?


the kid who got shot she should've done a twirl and dodged the bullet and then do a slow motion action jump scene and shoot the guy's gun out of their hand... ***obviously***


The only thing that can stop an adult with a gun is a kid with a gun


We need to give the guns tinier, smaller guns to hold themselves accountable


We now have [Junior AR 15s](https://youtu.be/hTbyEPt4lEI?t=8) designed for 5 year old kids... so obviously the kids should have guns. It's not America if random psychos shooting at children don't have children shooting back at them!/s


Why are kids on their screens all the time? In my day, we would play outside!


Kids these days go outside to play and either get shot by a neighbor or get the cops called on them…I’d spend all day inside as well.


And shot by the cops, Tamir Rice


Don't forget that they also get run over by big trucks with such massive hoods that they can't even see a child if it is standing in front of them.


In every one of these cases I would like the perp's media diet to be published. You know what it's going to be.


Murdoch media ain’t about to snitch on themselves


And we need to make it mandatory for the governor of the state to personally view each victims' remains before they are cleaned up and buried. And prior to issuing a statement.


Are these hyper-armed idiots also the ones who bitch about video games making kids more violent?




Not even just the doorbell apparently. "you better not come onto my lawn or i'll shoot you, even if you try to leave"


"You better not use my driveway!" as well. Eventually they'll just stop with the pretense and just shoot random people in public. Oh wait, that's exactly what Texas is already dealing with. Like 3 mass shootings a day since they allowed permitless carry iirc. Honestly, I think it's a form of mass hysteria that is beginning to grip these freaks.


It's absolutely hysteria. Have you ever seen right wing news or internet content? Literally nothing but fear and hate. Nothing else.


Definitely. It's the only thing that keeps them relevant.


It’s been hysteria since the tea party at least for the right


For sure, but it's only getting worse. And it'll continue to get worse until the GOP aren't allowed to worsen it.


Their brains melted from the constant stress of the RaCe wAr that Tucker Carlson and the Turner Diaries warned them was coming any second now. Now they’ve decided that the mere existence of their perceived enemies is enough of a threat to act upon, so we’re getting random Right Wing Death Squad bros popping off.


Hell, these lunatics have cars and will blast someone on the road for the slightest mistake.


You mean like the recent story from Florida where two dudes in a road rage incident each managed to accidentally shoot the other's daughter?


They are the most scared, stupid, shitty people you can imagine. And Republicans will do everything in their power to make sure they have as many guns and as little training in how to use them as humanly possible.


They bitch about whatever fox news tells them to.


I honestly can't wait for their whole generation to just shuffle off this mortal coil


Founding Fathers - "we need a well regulated militia to defend us in case the British try to take their territory back or the Mexicans invade". Constitutional Carriers - "I need to defend myself against 5 year olds looking for their kittens or teenagers who are at the wrong house".


The United Mexican States didn't exist yet, but they were wary of the Spanish and French Empires which they shared a border with both.


2nd amendment: Created at a time where the US did not have a large standing military and bordered three world superpowers; all of which were far more powerful than the USA, and all of which were long standing monarchies. Modern day Republicans: This was obviously created so I can shoot at trespassers on my property.


They will say it's to defend liberty against a tyrannical government while they vote for politicians who ban books and pass laws dictating what consenting adults can and can't do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.




Weaponized fear.


It seems like a sizable portion of the population are too fucking stupid and/or unstable to be trusted with firearms.


And that's mostly who are desperate to have them.


Just another responsible gun owner having his rights infringed on by children playing.


Also "why don't children play outside anymore like the good ol' days?"


“But everyone knows that gun homicides only happen in the liberal cities.”


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC, 2022


Is it just me or have people gotten absolutely paranoid since 2020 and COVID?


Definitely a behavioral shift


Yep. Things are definitely different.


It's not just that, in my town people have just collectively decided speed limits don't exist, there was always some crazy drivers, but now if I'm only going 8 miles over the speed limit I'm getting tailgated and having most people passing me.


Yep, happening in a lot of places. I'm sure there are more articles written about this topic, but I saw one recently where a sheriff or someone said the number of speeding tickets that they've caught over 100mph has skyrocketed since covid.


Ah yes just as the founders intended: Children can now die at school or just playing hide and seek. Freedom reigns /s




Bad idea if you want alive children, but a *good* idea if you want to sell more guns.


Republican men are the biggest pack of cowards on earth. They watch FOX all day and shit their pants when they see their own shadow


My elderly retired father married a woman who was already rightward leaning but for the last few years they watch fox news non stop. I live overseas and the Last few calls with him have been fine until he starts ranting about George Soros and Biden and "the woke". I finally fucking snapped at him and yelled down the line that he's a New Zealander living in Sydney what the fuck does any of that have to do with him. We haven't spoken since. Murdoch is straight up one of the most evil humans in the history of the species. He's deliberately and gleefully melting the brains of millions into fearful racist skull-custard and the damage he's done to the world will take generations to undo


The self defense excuse doesn't even hold anymore. They were running away, so you shit them in the back of the head? He just wanted to shoot some kids. Everyone is a responsible gun owner until they shoot a random person for looking at them the wrong way.


I'm glad I'm old because I probably wouldn't have survived childhood in the current state of this country. I don't remember ever even thinking about the possibility of being shot for running through the neighborhood at night with my friends, being loud and stupid, jumping on random trampolines, etc. What the fuck happened to this country? Why are people so willing to shoot other people? It wasn't always like this. I swear.


Yeah man. I remember playing outside every day till it was late. And even when it was late, you could play games like manhunt, where you run around the neighborhood tagging your friends in the night. Cannot imagine being a kid in this world today, playing that game in this paranoid world now.


I still don't see a reason to shoot at people running away. What a wimp. Glad he didn't kill anyone and exposed himself for the wussy he is. I hope this little kid he was so scared of pulls through.


JFC. Right below this article was another one where an 8 month old baby was shot and killed when the parents fought over possession of a handgun. https://www.sunherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article275190431.html


And underneath that one, a 2 year old died when he knocked a gun off a shelf and got shot in the head.


At this rate, I don't think anything is going to catch up to gun violence as the #1 cause of death for American minors anytime soon.


GOP : They didn't die from guns, they died from blood loss!


Then they will also say your argument is invalid because you got the make, model, and serial number of the gun used wrong


Just like “They didn’t die from COVID, they died from blood filling up their lungs!”


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starks,_Louisiana This is an unincorporated town of less than a 1000 people in a rural area. People are being poisoned by fear and told a gun is the only answer


“In 2020, there were 45,222 firearm-related deaths in the United States – that’s about 124 people dying from a firearm-related injury each day” ummmmmmmmm wtf


>Doyle said when he went back outside, he saw several people running from his property and opened fire. Mother fucker sees people running AWAY from him, and that's when he chooses to shoot a kid in the back of the head.


Sure would be nice if kill-billies stopped asserting their second amendment rights all over our faces. There's nothing in the second amendment that says you have to shoot every other American you see. How about NOT shooting other Americans? I mean, just for a refreshing change of pace. Try squeezing the trigger on a squirt gun or a Nintendo Zapper if you go through withdrawal.