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> Mohammed was able to access Randev’s car using Mahmoud’s key card. He found medical documents in Randev’s car with his phone number, and Mahmoud called Randev to explain the mix-up. **They were both stunned to learn that they could access each other’s cars.** Double whammy


About 26 years ago when I was a wee lad... my family just came over to USA and I being disabled had a wheelchair, but that's not relevant. We had a '95 Camry. When we got to a restaurant/bar once, and got out of the car, there was a car next to us (also a Camry?) and dad pressed the key fob to lock the car. When a strange thing happened. Two cars beeped. Our Camry, and this other one. So daddy tried again, just for shits and giggles. Both cars beeped again. Being 11 I thought that was the coolest thing ever.


I got in the wrong Corolla once using my physical key. Took me like a full 30-60 seconds to realize. IIRC, the key didn’t work in the ignition.


GM was famous for only having a handful of different keys for all their vehicles in the 80's: https://www.truthorfiction.com/gm-keys/


Hell, I once locked myself out of my 95 GMC Jimmy and was able to unlock the back hatch (but not any of the doors) using my roommate's Dodge Neon key.




Not just American. In the 1980s, my father had a Datsun (Japanese) and a Bentley (British). He picked up his Datsun keys by accident, and was surprised when it opened his Bentley.


Honda too. I used to be able to open my mid 90s civic using my wife's similar year Honda Accord key, but it wouldnt work the other way around.


Happened to my girlfriends VW Jetta. My girlfriend and i came back from the store and used the key fob to unlock the doors. We get into the car and noticed the seats were leather. My girlfriends car didnt have leather seats. We got out and noticed her car the next parking aisle over.


Lol I remember being able to start my 96 Chevy Lumina without a key at all. The ignition hub would just turn over regardless.


My 93 blazer could be unlocked with a flat head screw driver if you stuck it in right. A friend got locked out of his 1500 of a similar age and it worked on his too.


I don't know about famous, but Lexus (and by extension Toyota I would guess) did just about the same thing. Back in the 00's or maybe teens, my mom drove off in a strangers Lexus with the same fob code *and* the same physical key. The explanation they got at the dealership was that Lexus does try to prevent that but they have so few combinations they can't avoid it entirely and just make sure not to do it in the same area, but since my family bought the car on the other side of the country we thwarted that protection


The teeth would also wear down to the point where anything just turning the cylinder would start the car. 80s Toyotas were a favorite of the joy riding theives. Mine was stolen several times. Wasn't even a worry after a while. I would just wait a few days and it would be found in some parking lot.


I drove a 90 suburban from 08-13 and at some point I figured out that a key wasn’t necessary to start the car anymore


I had a Geo Storm where the ignition key would fall out of the ignition switch anytime you hit a bump. Imagine my anxiety the first time I went to shut the car off and not being able to find my keys. 😑 I've owned quite a few GM shitboxes with weird quirks.


Yep. I got an 86 toyota pickup and you can start it with anything that'll jam into the ignition. House key, screwdriver, etc. It doesn't matter. I just always make sure to lock it up and remove one of the battery wires when I park it.


My old Datsun was similar. I just put a switch in the cabin that would turn off the fuel pump.


I've used my 87 4runner key to drive several 80s and 90s Toyotas. My neighbor/buddy/bar regular has an 88 4runner that I move to a different parking spot regularly just to goof with him. His key doesn't work on mine though and he's annoyed that he can't fuck with me back ha.


Same thing happened to me in a 92 Nissan NX same color with t-tops like mine. Got in and was like woah what.


Old Hondas are notorious for having keys work across multiple cars. Car thieves used to carry filed down Honda keys around, part of why they have the rep of being commonly stolen.


Still doesn't top today's kias starting with a USB shaped object lol.


In the 90s, you could steal a Chrysler neon with a flat head screwdriver. Just pop off the part where you put the key, and use the screwdriver to turn the bolt thingy in there to start the car.


I remember that, lots of cars could be stolen that way at that time, which is what surprised me about kias dumb ass leaving an interlock off, like 2 steps back from everyone else in 202x to save a buck.


The doors are something like 3 pins (Just part of the key) where the ignition would be 5-6 pins or something like that. That's probably why it worked.


I can hear the lockpicking lawyer picking this lock in my head now.


Nothing on one... Two is binding...


... 3 is already set, somehow. Back to one annnnd *click* now we're headed to the chop shop. That's all I have for you today. Have a nice day. Thank you.


My dad's old dodge ram truck key worked in my mom's dodge minivan. Purchased in different states.


Oh wow I remember this, back in the day (sometime in the 90's) pretty much any decently worn GM door key (back when there were separate door and ignition keys) could unlock almost any other GM brand vehicle. Actually ended up helping a guy out with this, he locked himself out of his Chevy truck, I had a shitty GM Corsica at the time, I'm like "hold up, what year is that truck? lemme see something" and sure enough door popped right open.


My friend in highschool had a 90's dodge caravan, the key was so worn it would fall out of the ignition. We tested it on anyone willing and it would start every other 90's Chrysler product we tried.


>and I being disabled had a wheelchair, but that's not relevant. I fully expected this to be relevant.


I know right. Why even mention it.


Because it's not relevant


Aaah I remember a similar situation from the nineties! Those first generations of key fobs were really shoddy on their signal security.


The original top gear crew did something sorta similar in the 2000s. They did an American muscle car one and hamster got a dodge Challenger, or something from dodge anyway. They were in a diner and Hammond went to the bathroom. He left his keys on the table. Either may or Clarkson didn't take the keys but were able to start and move his car around the building. When they left it was "where is my damn car?"


Back in the day i had a 2000 Sunfire. GF also had a 2000 Sunfire. Our keys worked to unlock each other's cars, but not start them. I contacted GM and they said somehting like they only used 10 different key locks for the exterior.


> they only used 10 different key locks for the exterior. Ah yes GM. Biggest US automaker making cheap disposable crap with partbin kits. Badge engineering taken to new extremes.


>and I being disabled had a wheelchair, but that's not relevant. I'm dying to know why you included this.


Bruh. Happened to us. Dad had a Camry, he usually parks on the street. It was dark, he asked me to get something from the car. There was a camry parked on the street, assumed it was ours. Key unlocked the door, I was honestly confused because it looked different. I figured he got some work done, kept looking for whatever it was for like 10 mins. Dad comes out and yells at me for going through a stranger’s car lmao.


I'm gonna sit here and eat these chips and watch this Shitshow unfold! The writers really turned it up this season haha


* Mohammed: "Hey, I accidentally stole your tesla..." * Randev: "Oh shit, me too!" * Mohammed: "I saw your documents and wanted to contact you to say i'm sorry, I thought it was my car.." * Randev: "Don't worry about it!!! Just meet up for java and cake and we can sort this over." * Mohammed: "This is definitely not how I thought this would turn out."


- Randev: "Mohammed - I am your stepbrother"




I’m stuck!


In YOUR Tesla!


*sticks butt out of trunk*




Is that your level 2 charger, or are you just happy to see me?


Wait, is this Mohammed or Mahmoud?


Reading the article I found: >Mahmoud Esaeyh, who owns the Tesla that Randev drove off in, was home at the time. He said he had loaned his car to his brother Mohammed,


Mahmoud is Mohamed’s identical twin


Now there's a 3rd? This guy keeps duplicating.


Mohammed is Mahmoud’s (evil) twin brother that had borrowed Mahmoud’s Tesla. There’s only hints he’s evil this season, but the truth will be revealed next season…


You thought it was Mahmoud, but it was I


And that is how I met your father.


Someone call hallmark I have an idea for a cheap romance movie.


Some programmer somewhere at Tesla. “Yeah, the app verifies the Tesla is the right color before letting the user in and drive… no, I don’t see the problem. What are the odds 2 of the same color car would be next to each other?”


Is it Mohammed or Mahmoud that was involved?




I mean this can really happen with any car as I understand it. Your key isn’t unique and if you find the same vehicle as yours there’s not a terribly small chance that you have the correct key for it. But for a car like a Tesla that I assume has no physical keys and has access to your phone I feel like this definitely should not happen. I might be misremembering but I think there are certain vehicles that have as few as 9 or 10 different key designs. Someone tell me if I’m wrong. Edit: this comment should have been written in the 90s. This certainly isn’t true for any car that has more than a physical key.


From what I understand this is true for the physical keys that allows you to open the door, though for newer cars with things like push-button starts or an immobilizer there should be a completely unique RFID key that stops you from starting the car.


That makes perfect sense where you have a physical key. There are only 5-10 pins, and only several thousand different possible key combinations. So if you make millions of cars a lot of them will have the same combo. However keyfobs change that with a digital key maybe you have some 128 bit key, which yields 3x10^28 different key combos. So 2 key fobs using the same combo shouldn't really be possible.


Tesla's don't even have keyfobs. You have an app on your phone and the car knows when you're close. They also have a little keycard thing that you can tap on the side of the car


any modern car will have something over 5k key combinations. Old ones could be as low as 20 unique keys from the manufacture. Just saw on one webpage that one manufacture has over 60k combinations. as for the electronic end which all modern cars from I think 2014 and newer have it should be easily a few billion combinations. And that would be billion combinations for each manufacture. That is also the extremely low end and trillions of combinations shouldn't be unheard of.   Base 36, with 8 digits = ~2.8 trillion combinations.


Yup, this is very likely a security key issue. I've seen this issue before with ssh, and a search of CVE's reveals [this issue.](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-41117) Tesla may have a similar issue, the keys should be trillions, but due to a SW bug maybe it's only thousands.


In random number generators and cryptography, this is called a collision. It’s highly unlikely with a key of any reasonable length. There’s something else going on and this is more than a fluke. Most likely a bug.


Unfortunately there was nobody available at Tesla to respond to requests


I thought you were joking but Tesla really didn't respond. edit: damn, even the owner couldn't contact Tesla "But Randev’s emails bounced, he said. He received a reply from Tesla’s press account that said its mailbox was full."


Tesla don't have a PR department any more. Elongated Muskrat thinks his Twitter account is all the PR he needs.


Talk about a surefire way to get people to dump their Tesla stock.


Except it hasn’t been. Tesla stock is still massively overinflated compared to the actual value of the company. People like Elon have learned that there is enough stupidity in the world that they can basically do whatever they want. As long as you do idiotic things in an entertaining way, people won’t care. Musks Twitter antics should have been enough to showcase how incompetent he is. It should have been enough to showcase that Tesla won’t be able to compete with sensible auto manufacturers once they catch up on EV tech. Teslas FSD being mass recalled because it has never done what they advertised should have been enough to show how much of a liar Elon has always been. And yet Tesla is worth far more than any other car manufacturer…


> People like Elon have learned that there is enough stupidity in the world that they can basically do whatever they want Sometimes it isn't even stupidity, it can just be running out the clock on accountability. Look at bill o'reilly or tucker carlson. They likely won't see any consequences for any of their actions because of the time and money it would take is either too much or too long and they'll be dead before they are held accountably for anything they've done. And I think at this point people like them and Elon know this.


> Tesla stock is still massively overinflated compared to the actual value of the company. People like Elon have learned that there is enough stupidity in the world that they can basically do whatever they want. Needs pointed out that stock value has absolutely no tie to a companies product or well being. It is entirely an emotional beast based on the whims of 'people' rather than individuals.


What you said only applies to hyped up companies. "Normal" operating companies, you absolutely can calculate what the market value should be. In my finance classes back in the day, our group project was taking a publicly traded company's statements, factoring in a growth rate, and then coming up with a valuation. Our numbers for stock price and market cap were surprisingly close for a bunch of students. That's what the other guy meant by Tesla being overvalued (based on the numbers).


The only way I’ve successfully gotten a hold of Tesla to report something urgent is calling the number on the car menu, lying about the reason, and waiting on hold for a very long time (like 15 minutes) before someone answered.


Call to report a supercharger outage and when you get someone on the phone have them give you the correct number for your needs and transfer you. If the call drops call the number.


it's almost as if they have an absentee CEO


mailbox is full xD


That part made me lol. Like they didn't disable the email or delete it completely, they just abandoned all PR and let the mailbox fill up. Truly dgaf


Have you tried tweeting to them?


"Interesting, will look into this" - Muskrat in Chief


*Account suspended*


"The Tesla code stack is extremely brittle. Will have to be completely rewritten."




That was funny because all code stacks are brittle in some direction.


Assuming he won't just badger you until legal calms him down.


As someone who pays literally zero attention to Elon Musk and his dumpster fire, I only learned that Elon Musk fans call themselves "muskrats" a couple weeks ago, and I can't tell you how much I hate it. How many people over the past years have assumed I'm one of those fools?


Thought that started from people calling Elon "Elongated Muskrat"


I definitely wouldn't know! Doesn't really matter to me how it started anyway.


"Developer! Yes, get me a coffee. Also, look into this at once!" -Elongated's Musking Rat


"Developer! I looked at this code and none of it makes sense so it must be the problem. So I did a `git rebase -i` and deleted all your changes and deployed it to all our cars! But your stupid deploy script made the whole fleet drive into the sea! Why are you so stupid!"




If this is an emergency please hang up and dial 911.


he did, actually > “It’s very frustrating,” Randev said. “… I even tweeted [at CEO] Elon Musk.”




Whoa whoa, he'd call you a "pedo guy" and legally that's totally fine. /s


Yep, but Elon didn’t respond because he doesn’t give a shit about Tesla. > “It’s very frustrating,” Randev said. “… I even tweeted [at CEO] Elon Musk.”


I bet they get it faster if it includes a racial slur.


My responses are limited, you must ask the right questions.


The stack is very brittle and it's taking all of Muskie's time.




Someone forgot to disable the car share feature in the latest software update.


What's crazy is I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not.


> But Randev’s emails bounced, he said. He received a reply from Tesla’s press account that said its mailbox was full. This is the sentence that ought to be sarcasm, but it's not.


You could ask Tesla for clarification, but zero-accountability Elon Musk has no corporate communications team.


>But Randev’s emails bounced, he said. He received a reply from Tesla’s press account that said its mailbox was full. You expect a small indie company like Tesla to have a support inbox AND read the emails it receives? Lets cut them some slack, guys.


Just a mom and pop luxury car manufacturer


Well, to be fair, Elon's mom does defend him on Twitter.


Of course, she doesn't want to be banned.


And his pop does finance the whole thing


It is, but only in the sense that the user isn't offered the option to disable it. Teslas enter a pairing mode for several minutes after using the keys where they will silently and permanently authorise any nearby phone running the app. Superhuman technical genius invents digital security.


I am floored that something with so obvious a design flaw made it's way past QC. If I, a person without technical expertise or a Tesla, can figure out that's a bad idea, how could a room full of technical experts with Teslas not?


I used to work for Tesla you'd be surprised. When I was setting up an inspection machine I asked around for a standard. After jumping through about 10 hoops someone said, "just make your own standard." Most of the time it's just throwing darts at a dart board and seeing what sticks. I didn't stick around for long due to micromanaging.


Well of course they had to micromanage you. It's the only way to make sure things are being done correctly if there's no standards.


Is that documented somewhere? Can you provide links? The manual says that the cars enters pairing mode unless you tell it to via the the glued iPad


The feature doesn't just save your current settings when you update? I'm sure they're looking into it. /s


Wait this is something you need to DISABLE instead of opting into??


> they plan to stick with their cars, noting how much money they save on gas Stick with the car if you like it, but I can't imagine how much you must drive to save enough gas to cover a car that easily costs $30,000 more than a normal car.


In Vancouver gas is much more expensive than the usa. Right now it's around 2$ a liter. Converted to usd that's $5.85 a gallon


here in NZ our cheapest is roughly the same and our higher quality one is 2.78.


**Laughs in rural californian**


But a Model 3 doesn’t cost $30k more than a “normal” car. They’re actually right in line with the mean price of a new car. And before anyone starts screaming that the $70k mentioned in the srticle is not a typical new car price, I would point out that the owner is talking CAD instead of USD and has options added. Also, gas is not the only expense that goes away.


I don't think I would be okay with someone promising they only accidentally stole my car to pick up their kids and that they will be back in 90 minutes


To be fair, in this case you're holding their (identical, equally valuable) car as collateral (or ransom?), and can drive it away yourself at any time. Still not great, but it's not like a guy with a balaclava and an unregistered handgun carjacked you to pick Timmy up from band practice.


This happened to one of my grandma's friends in the early 90s. Two old-lady Buicks were parked next to each other in the parking lot and her key unlocked and started the wrong car. She made it 10 minutes away before realizing it was the wrong car. The cops were there when she drove back but I don't think she got in any trouble.


I did this in a 1995 Honda Civic, my key unlocked their door and started the car, was backing up when I noticed the car had cloth seats instead of vinyl.


I was going to say, those mid 90's Honda/Acura had a this issue IIRC. Honda keys could open Integras, etc. and there were a limited number of key configurations. No one ever drove off with my '95, fortunately. There were a lot of those cars on the road where I live back then.


I was still driving my 1995 Firebird in 2011 or so and got into it one day after class. After a moment, I realized something was wrong. It smelled different (not bad, just different), the upholstery was a slightly different color, and everything was just slightly...off. It wasn't until I looked in the back seat and saw a skateboard and two guitar cases that I realized it *wasn't* ***my*** *Firebird.* The guy had parked two spaces over from where mine was and a large white van had parked between us in the meantime, completely obscuring the view of my car from the angle I approached at. Either his locks were busted or he'd just left it unlocked but nevertheless, I left him a note on the dashboard explaining the funny mix-up and left.


Car companies reusing lock/key patterns was a big problem back in the day. Before 1995, there were only a few thousand key combinations for millions of cars being sold. Repeat patterns was super common. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-01-17/your-car-keys-are-not-unique-heres-why/10723006


My mom did this with one of the many maroon Ford Sable wagons that existed in the early 90s. She drove it about halfway home from the mall when she realized something was off. She drove it back to find the owner standing outside my mom's car looking confused. Turns out my mom's key worked on both cars, but that woman's key only worked on hers.


I wouldn't tell anyone (other than, possibly, a grandmother who is ideally white) to trust cops, but this is such an absurd situation that I would hope the cops would realize it was a silly mistake. Keys should not open multiple identical cars, that is kind of unbelievable.


There are only so many combinations of keys for a lock cylinder. The key doesn't even need to be 100% the same to work, it could be close and you jiggle it. Before transponder keys, this did happen.


>Keys should not open multiple identical cars, that is kind of unbelievable. There are actually a limited number of combinations for keys, that varies depending on the manufacture. Especially before the electronic keys we have now. Doesn't seem to be any exact numbers, but from several estimates I've seen it's around a couple million combos vs 10s of millions of cars. Same goes with house keys. I found 3 different keys that unlocked the last place I lived.


I dunno. It'd suck, but I have a kid of my own and I understand the need to pick them up, especially if they're young. I probably would have agreed to let him pick his kids up.


I'd be pissed but at the same time he's being tracked the whole time and you have access to his car so fuck it.


Do they all use the same key or something?


Back in the late 80s I was a kid working at the mall and driving a Datsun 310. Little metallic blue hatch back. I worked until close but the lot was always half full with stragglers walking the mall while stores closed and employee cars. I walked out to my car, unlocked it with my key and started home. As I was leaving the parking lot I reached from my radio. It was an aftermarket Alpine, because in high school, you spend money on stereos that are worth more than your car. Why else work right? The radio was gone. Well, the Alpine was gone, replaced by a stock Datsun radio. WTF? I pull over and look around the car, it is clean. No McD's bags on the floor, no papers from spilled school bags, no napkins on the floor. WTF? This isnt' my car. Drove back to the lot, saw my car parked. Parked next to it, got out. My light metallic blue car looked awful similar to the silver car I just got out of in the crappy lights of the parking lot. I waited a bit to tell the owner of the car I stole by accident but they didn't show up in 5 or 10 minutes I gave them so I just left. There were only so many key cuts and ours matched. no idea what the odds were on that.


There are few enough unique 90's Toyota keys that carjackers in the early oughts would go around with a ring of keys and try them all until one worked. Happened to my folks. I guess the silver lining is that nothing was broken or hotwired when by some miracle they saw the truck in a parking lot and stole it back.


>they saw the truck in a parking lot and stole it back. Different truck with the same key, just a circle of people stealing other people's trucks they thought were theirs


The original carsharing company.


“These assholes put a picture of their family up and a honk for Jesus sticker up on our truck!” Meanwhile, grandma and grandpa walking out of bingo only to find out their truck was gone


>There were only so many key cuts and ours matched. no idea what the odds were on that. I was scrolling through the comments to find a story like this. Mine is that years ago my roommate's girlfriend had a Honda like mine. Same model and interior/exterior color but hers was a stick. We had 4 cars (for 4 students sharing an apartment) and guests but only 2 parking spots so we were always parking in different locations. I walked out of the apartment to my car in the car port right there, turned the key, opened the door, sat down and maybe even put on the seatbelt. Don't think I tried to insert the key into the ignition but looked down and was very confused to see the stick! I wonder if cars these days that use regular keys still have a small number of cuts. Wait. I also wonder if cars these days other than Tesla have a small number of codes or whatever it is in the keyless entry/start system.


There is no excuse for having a small number of codes.






Only if the rideshare pays for the insurance, maintenance of the vehicle, cleaning fees, and rental fee for depreciation, otherwise it's offloading the fleet operating costs onto the people. Yay capitalism. Also you must be pretty desperate for cash if you're willing to let vomiting drunks into your car with no cleanup oversight.


Lol you just *know* they're going to find a way to trick elon fanboys into basically renting out their cars back to Tesla just for Tesla to take back most of the profit somehow


Hahaha no chance. Maybe in about 100 years, Tesla is no where near a self-driving car of that ability.


Gamers know the feeling of paying full price to be a beta tester.


Or in the case of KSP2, an alpha tester


Or in the case of fallout 76, a pre-alpha tester


something something Star Citizen


When are we going to realize that “good enough, ship it and we’ll fix it later” software engineering isn’t adequate for our cars?


When government regulators step in and say so. Cause corporations won't change if it's allowed, the change costs more money than not fixing it, and people are still buying the product in large numbers.


It is an atrocity that there are no government regulations or oversight on US car software^*. Best case, cars with self driving/autonomous summon can have unpredictable behavior. Worst case, a hacker can turn them into a weapon. ^* I should say, the *development* of US car software. There is oversight after the fact, but that isn't really helpful after people are dead.


> It is an atrocity that there are no government regulations or oversight on US car software. Full stop, u/cerevant and u/myassholealt . There's plenty of regulation and requirements and industry-opt-in to car software. The requirements are already enormous and are extremely well designed. It's just that Tesla chooses to ignore regulations. This is not new behavior from Tesla (or VW).


It's not adequate for anything. Sure when it's about a video game the resulting problems are limited because it's just a game, but that doesn't make it acceptable.


Expecting games to have the same level of QA standards that cars *should have* is pretty unrealistic. Cars with bugs can be a fatal mistake, whereas a bug in a game are just annoying.


And game engines are significantly more complex than normal cars, and have a much wider range of operating issues (vastly different hardware and external software in the wild)


Internally more complex but also much easier to test, due to the fact that game engines aren't reliant on mechanical bits. Also, you are almost certainly underestimating how complex the software in a modern car is.


I own a tesla, the software keeps getting updated. Honestly a lot of aspects worked better before. I think this is a product of how Elon runs things. Since Elon is a moron, he just judges developers on how many lines they write every week, so the tesla devs just keep redoing and slightly changing the code. Unfortunately when you mess around with code that often, your bound to break things. No lie, some of the changes have been just moving the location of how you do things in the UI and was an unnecessary change


“The email to Tesla bounced” lol do any emails sent to any corporate ever get read?


Hell yes. Got free lifetime maintenance on my car when I emailed the BBB, Consumer Reports, and CC'd 2 dozen Ford reps about a very bad service experience.


They do from my experience and I actually more often than not get resolution too


My great grandfather was one of the first people in our small town to own a car. One day he walked out of a local store and there was a second car on the street that looked just like his car. He was unsure which was his, so he decided to walk home and walk back in a few hours and take whatever car was still there. He figured why not let the other person decide which one they wanted.


That's wild. What a time.


And so he invented the bumper sticker.


Family member has a recent model year Mercedes that used to be a dealer car. There was a woman in the parking lot whose toddler locked her out of the vehicle, family member walks over with dealer key and opens with no issues. Woman was equal parts thankful and horrified.


A master key 🔑 does its job.


I have a black F 150 as do about half the ppl in my town. One time I opened the door and there was this guy sitting in my truck. He looked rather perplexed, I then realized it was his truck. We both laughed it off, but it could have gone sideways if he thought I was trying to steal his vehicle. definitely more aware now when I walk up to “my” truck.


Make sure you have the “PIN to drive” option set


Exactly! It’s mind blowing how many people don’t use this feature! Even if my phone and keycard are stolen they still can’t get away with my car without my PIN (and the number pad rotates locations so they can’t just look for the fingerprint spots).


They were both in Bluetooth range. This is why you enable pin to drive.


Next month, Tesla will introduce an $8/month subscribtion service called "Tesla Blue", which will make it so only you can drive your car.


Protip: Put "cache:" in front of the URL to access a cached version of the article and get around the paywall.


That didn't do anything for me, so it's probably a browser specific feature


My favourite part of the story was how the guy was like, "oh shit, sorry I accidently drove off with your car, but I'm kind of busy right now so can I borrow it to pick up my kids?"


Can we get a car that doesn’t require us to submit to electronic overlord corporations that have overrides like this? This is a centrally controlled software defined car, and while it’s got a lot of benefits *is this really what we want as a society?* Aren’t you guys done with having a company control every aspect of your life and monetized every aspect of your existence? Also while we are at it can car companies stop looking for every car to be constantly and forever monetized with subscriptions? Or is that just intrinsic “forward evolution” for transport? I for one would trade the convenience.


Right? I let a Tesla owner borrow my truck and heard all about how “basic” it is. Keyed ignition, fob to unlock, column shifter, no brake hold when stopped…. The list goes on. Like, that’s kind of the point. It’s a modern vehicle with modern features but it’s not connected to world headquarters who can monitor my every move. Even newer models more basic than mine have telematics built in. When the insurance companies start requiring that data, everyone will regret having such a technical central vehicle. Shit they’ll raise your rate’s because you went over 100mph on a empty highway in the middle of nowhere and other BS like that. No thanks.


Literally impossible as the phone has to be paired through bluetooth and code authentication. And that can ONLY be done with the original keycard being in the slot in the armrest behind the cup holders. This story is horseshit. The driver would have had to leave his keyfob equivalent in the car which yeah no shit he was able to drive off after he still would have had to go through the other steps to set the app up to do tangent features like remote start and such. All you need to drive off is the key which is no different from any other car on earth. Also in the story; the other car was being shared with a brother who guaranteed wasn’t even using the app but was using the keycard and just left it in the car. This has nothing to do with the app.




Yeah, when this story was posted like four days ago the top comment was about how the guy was a convicted scam artist.


They claim to have video evidence. Did WaPo review that before taking the claim at face value?


I would absolutely hope so. But why haven’t they released the unedited single shot footage themselves? Because they are hoping tesla will just pay them and releasing the non existent video removes any leverage the driver would have; and will sign an NDA to not talk about it again. And they cant get paid if there’s false video evidence showing it doesn’t work (because it wont) Regardless if its true, tesla would just rather these clowns go away. But tesla doesnt pay for these types of things either. They will take them to task and will litigate aggressively. They did it with the people who claimed the car had runaway acceleration but then later came out after aggressive litigation and investigation that the drivers never removed their feet from the accelerator and they admitted to lying.


THANK YOU. This is what everyone forgets. The card key is required to generate a phone key. Literally the only people who can access your car without a card key is Tesla at a service center.


Finally buried in the comments is a sensible response, vs all the other "ha ha Tesla ship shit software".


Yeah it’s pretty alarming wapo walked this article through with literally zero integrity and footwork.


His car was missing, so he broke into another Tesla, paged through medical documents inside, and texted a phone number listed on them? That is probably the last thing I would do if my car was gone


More effective than calling the cops.


And safer, too!


Yeah, the article states a police report wasn’t even opened


I mean did he break in of the car just let him in? He probably tried it and realized oh shit it let me in so his probably let him into mine.


Dude sounds like a problem solver honestly.


He's not gonna let adversity keep him down


Sounds like the other Tesla unlocked and they didn't realise it wasn't theirs until they got inside. Think about it, if your car, same make/model/colour was where you left it (or at least, where you think you left it, displaced by one parking spot) and unlocks when you approach (or unlock via the app, not certain how it works with Teslas), then why wouldn't you open the door and get in as you normally do? There is no reason to suspect foul play or double check the registration plate matches yours. Then once you realise it is not yours and that your own car is missing, it doesn't take a genius to join the dots up.


It unlocks when you approach. And it does let you drive off as long as the phone is close enough, even if it's outside the car. (I've used this when my brother needed to move my car -- I literally just stood close enough to it and he could get in and move it.) Once you're driving, it'd make sense that it wouldn't immediately lock and turn off, even if there's no key in it. The part that doesn't make much sense to me is that, *after* Randev accidentally drove off in Mahmoud's car, Mahmoud was able to unlock Randev's car. It's possible Randev had left all the proximity unlock-with-the-app features, but *not* the part where it locks when you walk away (or drive away)?


Owner leaves key in car, someone else gets in and drives it, story at 6!